TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCJPLEb NOT MEN. ?OL 33 Ho. 24 Flesb.erton, Ont., Thursday January 1 1914 W. H. THDRSTON ED1T )R and 1'KOP Nominations Held Acclamation in Ocprey Con* testa in Artemesia, Osprey and Flesherton ARTEMESIA TOWNSHIP FOB REEVE T. R. McKenziv, nominated by H. Williams and W. 6. Jamieson. W. J. Caswell, liy John Pedlar and L. McArthur. FOR Corsciixoiw Alex Cameron, by A. F. Pedliir aud lieury Williams. John I. Graham, by Henry Williams and Edward Baker. Fred Brown, by J. A. Lever and E. Bitker. Jonathou Latimer, liy Robert Fisher und R. E. Goui-ley. Charles Moore, l>y John Pedlar ami L. Me Arthur. Wm. Aldcorn, by L. McMuxter and T. Taylor. .)uiu<-> Yaum:, by Joseph Watson aud Alfred Harrison. 'Retired. A. D. McLeod, by D. McLeod and R. Ifest. Retired. The i.. II-- held here on Monday were the quietest we liave seen in many a year. Contrary to usual procedure, there was absolutely no electrical display whatever. Mr. McKenzie Ls opposed this year by Mr. W. J. Ciwwell fm- the Reevetihip. The afternoon meeting w:is presided over by Mr. CLiude EkiuN. Mr. Me* / Kt-ii/u- reviewed his work of the year iu - county council ami on cuun'y and town- ship bridges. There was an entire ab- sence of criticism fur the work hi- had done. Mr. Ciiswell followed and went over his work us commissioner. Neither was there any criticism of his work. In case uf defeat he was still prepared to be Mr. M cKenzie's go>d friend. The old councillors followed, each giv- ini; an account of his stewardship. Mr. McLeod, for liuineK4 reasons, was un- able to be a candidate. Mr. James , one of the new names meatlOMd ahjo begged to IK; excused. Mr. Moon- is a young man living near Inistiogue, anil is well and favorably known as one of our bright young farmers, and would make an acquisition to the Council. He wiis not present, aud at time of writing it is not known if he w>ll remain in the field. FLKSUBKTOX VILLAGE For Reeve 1*. Fisher, by H. Wilson and Wm. ' Reid ; D. McTaviih, by M. Wilson and Thos. Blakeley. For Councillors Mark Wilson, T A. Bliikeley, I. A. Fisher, John Xuhn. W. Buskin. The new canhidateK later resigned and the old Council has been returned. For School Trimtees- Win. Pavis.Wm. Stewart, S. Shunk. The* 1 were declar- ed elected. OSPREY B^. ACCLAMATION Reeve John Thomson. Dep. Reeve 1 r win Morrison. Councillors J. R. Muirhead, W H Guy, Joseph Henderson. EUPHRASIA Keerc Kllis and Miller : Pep. Reeve, Davis, Murray, Hutchinson. Councillors H. V. Gaudin, Joseph Manarey, Krskine, D. Binna. James Mat;ill, of Brampton, has in- stalled a wireless system on the grounds surrounding hi) residence. The system is powerful enough to communicate with the Cape Cod station and other distant points. The young son of Mr. M,tgill has been loiig interested in wireless tel- egraphy and the system was installed foi hia use. A tower on top of the house provided a capital sta'tou as it is aeventy- tive feet aVqve the ground. A large wild cat was trapped in a swamp on Mrs. Robert Thompson's farm on the 16th concession of Muryboio township, near Ouelph, on Wednesday, December 17, bo John Bishop. The eat measured 4!) inches From tip to tip. It ii thought the big fellow was the author nt considerable havoc which has been wroujht in i he neighborhood recently to turkey, ducks and hen roosts. Leader. Sir Mackenzie BjeU, K.C.M.C, - ' - bia'ed hit UOih birthday nt Be the midst of numerous relaij an 1 near. Victoria Corners A very enjoyable time WM spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Moore, when the annual* gathering of children and grandchildren wm celebrat- ed at the old home on the Oweu Sound giavel road on Christmas day. One of the most remarkable features of thia gathering is that Mr. and Mrs. Moore, although they have given a number of these gatherings, have never attended the funeral of one of their descendants, thus remaining on* unbroken family circle of six children and their partners, as well as twenty grandchildren, all of whom were present at the gathering, since none live more than three miles from the old home. The decorations partook of complete circles, representing an unbroken family. It has been re- marked thab for so larpe a number of qrandchildien there is not one with a de- fect, but all are a bright, merry lot of youngsters. The large four -storey cake at tapper was lighted with twenty can- dles, one for each grandchild. During the program in the afternoon, rendered by the children, the father was presented with a nice morris chair arid the mother a couch, from the child ran. Mrs. Hugh VVarnei visited at Caistor- ville for Christmas. Mrs. D Savigny of Uwen Sound vis- ited her. brother, Mr. oreorge Muore, fur Christmas. Mrs. Wm. Puttou U home agaiu and we are pleased to see her looking so well. Mr. Thomas Bulmer and Mrs. Bulmer, Mr. Thomas Clayton and Mr. and Mrs. Stiiiclwn of FlcshertoD ate their Christ - uiiis dinnei with Mr. W. Heard. Mr. V. Miners aud two daughters, Violet and Marion, and niece, Miss Vio- let 'Stevens, spent Christinas at Tilsoti- burg aud London. Feversham Items Christinas passed off < imeily here. Visitors here for the holiday were: Mr. and Mrs. John Stoutenburx and babe, of Collingwood, at MrxJBBtex. Djudion's ; Wm. Buckingham and daughter, uf Swift Current, Susk , at John Buckingham's . Mr. and Miss Winters of Maple, and Josiah Hudson and wife of B*, at Geo. Julians ; Mr. and Mrs. 11. Horton aud of Toronto, at R. J. Colnuetti's ; Mrs. Walter Alexander of Toronto, at H.Alex andtr's ; May \Vhiteoak of Toronto a,t Ceo. Whiteoak's ; Pearl Barber of C..11- ingwoud, at Joseph Barber.s. Ed Au thistle of Aurora spent a few days with friends around here recently. Guy Kaiting of Calgary, Aha., is visit- ing with his brother here. Thus. Coin-on spent the week end in Collingwood. Mrs. \Vm. Keitou and children of Markdale are visiting with her cousin, Mn. Hugh Fenwick. Mr. Geo. Brackenbury spent tbe holi- day with friends in Wiugham. Miss Liz/.ie Hudson of Thornbury is visiting her mother here. No election in >sprey, as last year's couucil was ill returned by acclamation. Will Perigo of Ki> klielil is visiting with his uncle, 1. fl. Perigo. Mtss R*u Buskin of Fleshertou spent Christmas with her fiiend, Miss l.yU Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Perigo gave a Christmas party to a number of their friends on Christmas Day. Ceylon Mr. ( 'has. Jones of Sudbury is visiting his sitter, Mn. James Lynoss, on Stone's Line, Mr. J. W. Cushuie, Toronto, is a visitor at R. Cook's. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, McMulleu, Messrs. Gordou, Fred. Stanley, Austin and Miss Yen McMullen of Toiontn, spent Christmas with their parents. Mr. and Mrs E. Adams of-25-spent the holiday at Mr. J. Adam's. Miss Maud Hemphill, Toronto, Mr. D. and Mis B. McKnnzie, Fevevshum, Mr. H. and Muses Fanny and Bdith Homphill, 4th line, were visitors at Mr. S. lleinphiU's. Christinas day. Mr. Frank Collinson and sister, Syble, of Saskatoon, are home for the winter months. Mrs. A. Kendrick ami Miss Mary McMullen. Lynburst, are visitors at Mr. W. NeMu!!n'. rlr. Patui-4i)n, MtsseB Zilla and McLeod, Toronto, aie visitors over the holidays at D. McLeod's. Mr. A. Palligter and family, Maxnell, and Mr. G. Guy of th West, were Christinas visitors at Jas. Radley's. Miss Robertson, Dundalk, is a visitor at Wm. Wilcock's. Mr. Stanley Mu'r, Hanover, is spend- ing a couple of weeks with his mother. Mr. Norman McLeod and Misses Kate and Bell McLeod, Toronto, viiited their mother over Christmas. Mr. Koiden, Helen Gib&on, and Miss Mabel Firness. Toronto, were visitor* at Mr. J. Gibson's. Miss Effie Chialett, Toronto, visited her parents this week. Mr. and Mrs. Rand entertained a number of the little folks on Wednesday evening. Mr. S. Hemphill also enter- tained his Sabbath school class on Tues- day evening. All report a good time. Mrs. Muir and daughter, Grace, apeiit over Sunday with Dundalk 'deads. Roy Piper aod friend, Mr. Parker, Toronto, are visitors at 8Jr. H. Piper's. Mr. White nt DuudalA is spending a couple of weeks with bis son heie. Mrs. Dr. Kolinv. anil little daughter, J< n are visitors' at Mr. T. Chislett's. ' Mr. and Mrs. Campbell and Mr. D. Fergu*on, Caledon, were visitors at Mr. J. Mair's. Mr. R. McGill left Wednesday even- ing for Toronto to attend the funeral of his sister-in-law, Mrs. D. McGill, which took place Thursday. Interment at King. Mr.- .Brent of was -i visitor at >fr. (!. Collinson ' over Sunday. " Mr. and MIS. S. Rand and farrily six-lit Christinas with Shelburne friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Wright aud family are visiting Toronto friends this week. PACKING COMPANY GOES UNDER The CollingwrooJ Packing Co. has suc- cumbed. to adverse circumstances and is now in the hands of a receiver. Speak- ii ir of the reson* it thisaa-'i^iiincnr the the Bulletin sayi: This news has been wlnd'y unexpected by tlioae iu the know, but, the regret thar it bus t iken place will be i;ent)ral among the people of Collingwood. The Packing Co. was for iiidny years one ( f the large industries of the town. It was oranizcd iu the early nineties and by persistent etfort ou the pint of the man- nge-iienl succeeded in securing a wide connection and a large patronage. Time brought changes in the course of trade and unfortunately, that which this company enjoyed was cut oil, through no fault of theirs, but owing only to the new conditions. The foreign market was captured by producers cfuser to hand while the home market was already crowded. What nwy be fhe nu'cmnc of the pres- ent proceeding is difficult t>> foreiee. tt may mean reorzanizatioo, or ihr plant being purchased by others and opcratud. Toronto Line North The old year's gone. Let him go; lie was feeble old and white. The rich new year is here, again, So young, so pure, so bright. Mr. Goo. Council of Toronto and son, Willie, of Portlww, visited at MrK. Geo. Swan ton 's. Mi-. 1 - Klva Lever ha.s been engaged as teacher for the coming year in Duncan Lake School. A uumber of the young people of fh s vicinity have become members of the church. May more follow in their F.xvsteps. Miss Wright and Mi. Will GoMbawk of Flesherton visited at Mr. Tbos. Lever's on Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Burnett of town spent Christmas at Councillor Brown's. LaGiippe is prevalent. Mr. and Mrs. John Love of Toronto are visiting with the Swanton families, during the holidays. Miss Mary Prit chard of Markdale and cousin, Mr. James McKeuzic, of the Wct, visited the former's sister, Mrs. Robt. Richardson, recently. Mr. Robt. Richardson Ins leturucd home from Toronto. 'lllf II (.fill 1 Ul VU(.'< t A prosperous New Year with all Rood cheer to y Editor :iud the many venders of the advance, is the wish of your correspondent. Eugenia Paragraphs Held over U.-i week Mr. \Visley Armstrong is home from the West on a visit with bis mother here. Mrs. J. Latimer and daughter. Pearl, are visiting friends in Walter'* Falla. Eugenia L. O. L. held their annual meeting, December 10th, and elected the following officers for the ensuing year. W. M. Alex.Carruthers ; D. M. R.D. McMuIhm ; Chap. Henry Weber ; Rec. Secy Stanley Campbell ; F. Secy. Garnet Magee ; Treasurer Duncan Wil'iams ; D. and C. Joseph Sherwood ; 1st Com. Jos. Williams, Geo. Meldrum, John Parson and J. E. Williamr, They also decided to have their annual at home in their hall. Eugenia. Good music is being secured, aud expect a good time. This Week's Budget The Sunday School entertainment at thi- Methodist church, Eugenia, Fiiday evening, was the most successful for years. Our Reeve, Mr. Thoa McKenzie being chairman, opened Itlie programme with a few appropriate remaiks. The recitations by the children were well rendered and showed they had be>n thoroughly trained. Tlie dialogues deserve special mention as rLey reliecuid great credit on all taking part therein. The recitation by Rev. Mr. Dinwoodiu was enchored and responded to. '!'! choruses by thu school and a'o by the choir, were wt-11 received by *I1. The male quartette and tiio were Heartily applauded. The solos by Ernest Morgan and Rev. Dinwocdie were heartily encored. The speech by Rev. Dudgeon was also very much i-nj.'yrd by all. The Rev. Mr. McVicar wa* called md ex- pressed his appreciation, for tbe honor conferred, but owing to the late-ness of the hour, declined to make a speech. At the close uf the program Santa Clans appeared on the suenu and distributed the presents fioui a beautiful and well laden tree. After singing the National Anthem the cniiyregution dispersed. Pruceedx about ?:!4 Visitors who came from variout parts to visit their friends at the glad season : Mr. and Mrs. Juhr. Walker and daugh- ter, Peirl, of Inglewood : Mr. Dave Arm- stiong a. id frienJ, of Tor..u o ; Wesley gVr'jistrong of Uegma, Mr. aud Mr*. Bert Magee of >gema, &$!< . Lorrie Munsh tw of Alhcton, Mr. Marshall and 3/iss Char- ters .ad friend, of >/eaf'>rd . Bert. Ura- n. mi of Vancouver, Afiss -Ifary J/cLich- lan of Ceylon, .Vis Virgic 3/c.Vullen, J/rs. Pooley and children, \V. Campbell ami wife, C. Graham, Walton Wil!iaiut>. Wesley Cooey, Charles jinith, Geoig>na Smith, 3/aria Cojey,. John H. Jaoiiu-son, Toronto ; .Uiss Johnston of Georgetown; Miss Parliament of. Paisley ; Mr. Uretou and Mr. Taylor, of Meafoi.l. Married \l the pais'iintge, Maxwell, by Rev. Phi mister, on Dec. .:'* Miss Myrtle Parli%ment, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Parliament, to Mr. Garnelt Magee, son of Mr. .lames Magoe. They took their honeymoon trip to Buffalo and Toronto. Thty will be home on Tuesday, Dec. 30, when a reception will be held at the home i.f the bride s parents. We congratulate the youiu couple. s they arc both highly esteemed in thin commu- nity. Afay they enjuy a long and happy journey through life. Another hippy event took place at the hjinc of Mr. Robert Campbell on i 'In ist iins day, when over sixty of their friends and neighbors joined together to celebrate with them the :tt)th anniver- sary of their wedding, and many beau tiful and costly presents were given. Mr. Jacob Williams, brother of jfn. Camp- bell, addressed the family previous to- the presentation of a dinner set, .silvei- ware. etc. Mr. and Mis. Campbell- re- plied tittiiigly and expressed their plot- sure at having all enjoy the anniversary with thiin. Music was given by Mess.-s. McDonald and Williams and all heeled and toed until the small hours of the morning. The annu-il meeting of the W. 1. \\ill be held the first Wednecday of the new year at the home of Mrs. Geo. Lawler. Visitors welcome. Tbe travelling library is now in the hand* of the secreuiy. Anyone wishing for good reading may use these books in their turn for three months, A. T. Haipor, of Albion, met with a teveie accident. He was feoding a cut- ting box and got too close- to the knives, The euds of the four fingers of the left hand were severed. OR. BUiRT 5pcclclUt in du. m, , of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office-30 10th st. cast, Owen Sound At the Revere house, Markdnle, 2nd Thursday each month j-om 8 to a 12a.m Dundilk.lst Wednesday of each month.. J Flesherton Planing And Chopping Mills I am now prepared to do chopping every day in the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Brinx along your grists . Our sash and door factory is always at your disposal for anything you w*nt in our line planing, matching, ere! Floor ing, saih and doors, and all house fur- nishings supplied promptly and at leaa- onable rates. Get estimates. T. Blakeley, Prop. Feblo 13 ly e welry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplied. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, om\ A Merry Christmas -AND- A Happy New To All Our Customers -. W. BUSKIN, Flesherton. LJttneo&Q&mpe^ Now Is The Time To Leave your Leather Tops to get Rubber Bottoms sewed on. Custom Work and Re- pairing as usual, Agent for Dominion Express Money Orders Thos. Clayton ,*+ t Just Arrived . . . Fine Stock of New Over- coats, New Suitings. When in town leave your order for your WinterASuit with \ J. Bowler OR French Cleaning done every your old clothes renova BUSKIN BLOCK, FLESHERT