Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Jan 1914, p. 3

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Household sugar and fill the diah with alter- nate layers of. berries and sugar until you have used a pound of sugar. Cover the dish closely and bake for about an hour in a moderately hot oven. Worth Knowing. If a clothesline is boiled before it is used it will not Stretch. ^ Enamel ware which has become discolored can be easily scoured with vinegar. For the ironing board try a pad made of old newspapers under the ironing sheet. Wood alcohol will take vaseline :them VSMT '' f t ItflCTl I'TT I3JTEBNATIONAL LESSON, JASUABY 4. a few minutes in the alcohol. Cranberry in Jelly Forms. The newest thing in cranberries Is cranberry jelly made solid and tiff and cut in little blocks. Thai ia not very new, birt then, styles do not change in cranberries, as they change in skirta and bodices, and doubtless the good old cran- berry is good enough in the good old ways. If you wish to serve cranberry jelly in blocks you must make a , rich, solid jelly" that will hold its der. shape. Pour it while hot hi a flat, i p ac k glass or china in hay which _ rov square dish-a dripping pan if it is i s slightly damp. This will prevent { enameled, for cranberries should the articles from slipping about. never come in contact with tin as If a sugary coat is desired on meringue pi over the top I. ."in I. Jeans and tho Children. Mark 9. 3(M1 ; 10. 13-1. Golden Text, 1 Pet. 5.5. Chapter 9. Verses 30-32. Following the trans- figuration and the subsequent heal- ing of the lunatic boy (Mark 9. 1- 26), Jesus aga n went f jr t h with his the acid in them affects the tin. Have the jelly 1% or two inches thick, and when it ia cold and very into the oven. Lamp chimneys disciples from . ! the region of C'aesarea Phi.ippi of vinegar put (Mark 8 27) at the foofc of Mount m which nv?at is flermon and about thirty mi.es make it ileliciously ten- , rtorthea-st of the Sea of Gali'ee j Passing southward through the aaliles, the scene uf recent public ministry and great popularly, he avoided as far as possible the crowd.d high- j and public thoroughfares in | that he might be alone with i -r , sift nuwdered put :nsed m his disciples, to whom at this criti- cal turning point of his ministry /rpoi for" i^lfv' that i : *"T,*' "'rt ","" ?"" ^*"* u he had man y th.ngs to say concern- " *_fi p ?,'l Je "? : tha A : ! and finally polished with tissue pa- ing its J ^KU purpose hard enough to block: \Vash thor- per will shine beautiful!}. ougnly a quart of sound cranber- ; M bamboo lurniture is inclined to ries, rejecting any that show a soft crac k, mix together equal- parts of and j Son of man Refsrring to himself i spot ad beW careful to remove a '^-f g , > , , in the ^m.liar Mess anic phrase oc- j ipot,, aa D.mg careiui to remove au I in3e ed oil and turpentine and rub ,,,...; ; n ar 7 n t stems. Put them in a porcelain or it on the furniture with a s.ft rag. h a b!v w ?, L deeper ,M of granite saucepan with half a cup- 1 ""--- fut of hot water and a heaping cup- ful of granulated sugar. Cook bably with the deeper thought \\hen making garments for a t a- hi , reprogentat i ve humanity in zaar it is a good idea to roll the mind? Jesus ^^ QUt ^ hig j dh . I Our London Letter Wedding Rmgi for t(w FOOT. e' -- or tne LuUMUi BourU ot Uus?dia.ae. l a meftin ot too board lam. week Uia er to ooatintu a ra.-t,.. u inanrarated Oy her ico-Jier of " rlnge in c n^a n th/rtfl wnen required. u "^ ">*r--:a < r. are *r..j a^o Jo must possess and cherish the child- like spirit if they are t-o remain in the kingdom of God. COLD STOKAGK IN A MINE. Makes Ice (a Summer- Warm Stor- age Haa Opposite Effect. It is evident that in the Winter the column of air over the pit is cooler and heavier than that in the rock passages. Therefore it forces its way down into the shaft and up through the rock starta ; it chills the rocks to A great depth and stores up a vast amount of '"cold." As the warm weather comes on the ' *hi<- "to air over the mine becomes heated and rises, and the cold, heavy air j w tho ta.uu>n' <ii~ thfa'af^rea'. flows out of the passages to replace j _ it. This cold current freezes any ' T " ilap '" H '" c "< ' "" surface water that flows over the edges, and maintains a freezing ir,"r t u ' temperature as long as the supply pupnJauoo,'; whic of frost in the hiil lasts. Afterth.it snemwrwi. 1 "''* the circulation of air ceases and _ A Jnie U being drawn up for th th*. ir-P molr Board of AjnciUture by which K ' hoped ; to rwtorR the pig one* inora to tnc \ Encouraged by rumors of sliver * """ "*" "nUaman tht payi deposits, two prospectors who were ft '1w p i to M t op i,a-,Q faoto*rto in working near Sweden Valley, un- jj-.j^'' 1 f mi t. uy districts, somewhat on to* covered thin layers of ice at the iars-iy lhnufcbijf gfwcs.-.T' "dMa foot cf a steep hill. Here they sunk '&!," 'w^are ou-^n n Ta9 P 0110 * 1 a shaft to the depth of 12 feet and rcikc tii.-ae factories "pcw^e* wiu ach c ** e " ^^ eom " * r ' WOIMO * at something like 56 ctntj : -a eo dear that an it to DO made to inureaee tola "pla lion .,.!, iiw fajen ^ slmol| Cug.^od aa can be r- By Paquin Bertholle, Paris. rul ot granulated sugar. Look BC rans that are left- into a little - , them in a double boiler rather than bun and faTon them S the ^|i!^S^ n ^% l ifl STtS' Model f "* broadcloth with over the dirpi-.h hpnh Thpn rnK . Iar enjoyed will not long , , , , ., over the direct heat. Then rub m ent. them through a sieve and mould in the flat pan | pot7~FiTf with" A good, old-fashioned rule for the gon^ kind of amount of sugar needed for cran- 1 COTer tight 1 berry jelly is this : "Put in all the ' j et it come to a ^i sugar you can afford to use and ^ ea8 ,, ^ wash then add another cupful." And | A gocd method of cleaning black continue and that in its stead per- J Fm S L7i? y J?l " + ean " secuti n a <l death awaited him. put in 'Understood not the saying As yet the understood little concern- j Id water, powder and ' broad belt nda velvet collar. RATS SPREAD LEPROSY. I in ' he true nature . . 1 It O ^* ** 4X - c*V^^ %^i ,.v,hiitug aj ibV~^& with very tart berries the allowance j et is to first \, TUsh it {ree f rom of sugar given above might need to dust, then apply a little will make &nd Kingdom that his prophecy of apparent failure and defeat wad to them incomprehensible. Yet the mission ' Forty Million d 960.000,000 Darn- age Annually. ' . , ^ . . , t8 m th<? be increased. Jelly to Keep. Cranberry jelly can now be bought in the stores" like any other sort of jelly, put up in small glass jars. It can be made at home, too, in such a way that it will keep for two months. So when cranberries are cheap it would be a good plan to make a store of cran- berry jelly and pack it away in jars for future use. This is the recipe to follow ia by means of a brush, then ish seriousness of his manner words overawed them and with chamois. Care should be taken not to break the jet. PURE AIR AND IMPURE. Not So Bad to Breiitho Foul Air, Says English Physiologist. Fresh air fiends will get little support for their propaganda in .. *11 UU'f/VM .11 V|.'CbgUU\Jk* making cranberry jelly to keep : j the view3 of p ro f efifi or Iveonard Bniely cover four quarts of care- J Hill an Eng!isll pbvsiolorirt. He fully washed cranberries with wa- ; maintains that bad air is not so ter Tut them m a porcelain ke tie badj aft<?r a! , He MVs it if and stew Uiein slowly until they , , quibo slowly soft. Then rub they them an erroneous idea that the air of close, crowded rooms is contami- , . r w*w mm i x. * >. TT u t % t w ma 19 v 1 - 1 iittiiiii thr-agh a coarse sieve. Measure ; nated b th(? exhalatk>na o{ human *u. .. - . impovcrish(;d of oxv cranberries and to each pint al- beinirs low two cupfuls of granulated ugar. Put the cranberry back over the lire, let it boil, and add the Tl . , the h f ea ln a ak us ft? not sugar. When a little of the mixture s " 3 "* will jelly when it is dropped on a ; the Iack of ox - v * en or the sur P lus <-old plate, remove it from the fire) 5 und pour it into sterilized j tumblers. Cover with paraffine. Pudding und Pie. In England , the cranberry is not used for jelly. . *? raako u ^ Breathe deeply aim vcn- Instead it is used for tarte. The \ || 1] J te ourjungs - English also concoct abeverasei* of carbonic acid in the nir, '. '' ing to tho professor. The only ef- fect of au excess of carbonic acid to be very poisonous is from cranberry juice that is very refreshing. Here is a recipe for a cranberry As for in a close room. it is never diminished by more than one per cent., for tho cracks, crannir.s ami pores of the walls al- tart or pie, a favorite dish on this wavs suffice to let fresh air in." side of the Atlantic, as well as in : However that may be and a lay- England. Line a deep pie plate with man should hoitute to dispute a ' Isles annually destroy merchandise J of the value of $0.000,000. Dr. W. i Allen Daley, medical r alth of- were afraid to ask him to explain i " m,-, rP fnllv hi, mo^nino- i ficer of Bootle, England, m a recent Vi v a u.i iv iU UC*4J-*UB* I . r > it ' l 11 33-37. Disputed one with another | 1SSU of P ubllc 9 e * lth ca! . ia . atwn - The human side of the disciples 1 ' 1 , 011 to tho , P erul f lo , us activities o found a peculiar rock, which t.ev . believed contained s::ver. Some of I( '"' 1 i" --an be produpixt this was assayed and found rake- 2?S ^^S less. But near the bottom of the return. A--<v>rdlng to th* d. w:r:?:io nhaft thpv 'nnH an , , go<xl level o f j>i' grar.ug on the clcr and looking ' which cajne a cold draft. The fol- , * lowing spring someone found a ; quantity of ice in the mine, but; supposed it had zathered durinjr t^e Another advance in applying wlreleat " '''janh.T to mininr.to tin- perils of tfl _ F ">"""" uniform.' Ha.. wir.iM. winter in<i h-ui" tint- vet nio'rc.1 winter ana naa Ba. However, as the warm weather a<l- . . g ea ha< been taken by one of tne I'.v* iperi.unir in tho Nortli Sea. X vanced the ice actually increased. %&* l * -S'tt'So'.STllSr L ^,e? and by the midd-e of July ths w.'i. .- "'V}* of the shaft we .-.ated with v,e r.^5; 5^*i* Jfe?^' fil'S-^ SS a foot thick. As winter came &n * "'i*sw UwtaKanorH. Thw-e ws6 ho in . i_ i t* -T , OODUBMII conimuuimtion wi* li t hf Btit^on- the ice began to disappear until tne jrv ,..*..,[. and ttiern wherr-asou-j. r-,. pit was free from the summer pro- ' n chart at the nhir. nation. , , ' liJUit'on to the c<m <*Di*-aee uil iU duct. This phenomenon ed each year. S repeat- in. :i;i to owner* in k'li'W.ag Lhe more- injenw '> :he f.ee-.a and the r'ata of th : will t. of vulaabie nso In The shaft IS about 1 feet :n d a.ne- larnmonin* a;d for the boa-.a in vjn ot i:hcrt-> there hre lj.--u ani'.ou* aro whenever a tearcJi bont hu at the foot of a Steep hill. In the retvirned Kithoui new* of the floet a-nd winter it is comparatively dry and is reflected in the fact that the i ' he "and free from ice. The temperature hi- Further. ireie* . . ' rthe ca n b Tor <-,-.mmun!ction wtii body parasite the ! side is the same as rhat'of the out- . Si r a " Tin ta * TOSl ** . ! in- . k- -J AU L11S_ *H-. I LIJ.^11.' 111V I . I . J W * serious words of their Master were \ tte fv ** 1 * n ? t ^ de f r i r niuch ; side air In the spring the water soon forgotten, and as they nro- ! valuable goods in warehouses and , from melting snow ceeded with him along the their minds were again filled with visions of the coming glory of the Kingdom which their Master was _ -_ ..ion shipboard, .but as carriers of down the sides of the pit is frozen t- ,t ___ _ ii_ _ * _ 11 _ .'_!__ rr ; until ; disease they are recognized as a constant menace to health. The Cheops flea, which lives on ifcil"l%*-.'W.. TVUAI.U LU*.*1 4fc<0l.d " J\3 T I* 1- I 1 a to establish, and with questions ^li^!*"/**;^^ ^l. "i'l.*"!' concerning their relative position r ami rank in that Kingdom. Jesus doubtless noted the earnest and.' perhaps heated discussion which ! ^^tf^umans^acd experts^ re- they carried on among themselves in the form of small icicles, freezing process continues. b r , *- . , . . . v July the Sides of the shaft are 'ld "irr.ry. covered with ice a foot or more in _ on English rats, are large- thickness. lu the early fa'l the held responsible for the spread ! process stops, and the ice gradual- bubonic plague. Both of these ly melts. 0an Inga's Epigrams. Dr Inge. Dean of St. Paa!'J. London, in. ir; uiiirew on 'Libers: tdu-:i.ion." at !:.:'. I'ollege. liampatrad. :ild -.he *i^mm.i' -on syfeT.'Ui bad d*>no nior*. ;^nn Anything . The ~Tnmory. wben mo^t ro tact*. T, ttl* ' hat increase, m the run of a ifttle apart f^m him, but he said flea l s correspond almo: nothing until they reached -Caper- 1 w ' th the nsm S outbreak cf the naum, on the northern shore of P' a 8 ue - Galilee, and a natural stopping point in their longer journey southward. Here, however, in the Up to 172S, says Dr. Daley, the rat of India was dominant in Eng- land. About that year i: was driv- vnt.ia?. ro ci. 8ft .- a xroiit deal /.f \rh-i The sides o* the mine are laborlotuly teamed. T! a-r>-.i - . in which ther P are &'& ?^%S.riSl numerous crevices that extend - ire. *** and up into the hill ; the rock *tra- ,'^j;, r ta are rather sharply inclined. A JJJJ^ er draft of cold air, at some phi ."~"t " strong enough to extinaruish a candle, issues from these fissure .n the summer time. The temperature vcn In" u n.>- true thu: t&a a subtle *>.mn!ty en out by the larger and fiercer j of the pit durinsr tho last summer it of BOMB. Spirits Are Losing Favor. , ':." < t\T* riven in tlin hlcii forn>l"K tnv x^tpen-.h nbi>--.. :.i .-r MatJeliw ol -.; K>ngd. <~ l and still intent on teaching them houses anj alon & the Liverpool wa- the true spirit and nature of his ' ron ' : - . Kingdom, he gathers the twelve; One serious problem in the fight about him in a closer circle and in Bnst bubonic plague is t fact Begin at $500 and Rises ,. tho Ita- tio !i>50 a Year. To enter the service of the short, epigrammatic sentence that annuals associating with the * ra> * att " t and " a " v thfi 8am " sets forth the fundamental prin- ciple of bis Kingdom. Took a little child . . . iu his arms By way of illustration and carry the nius; fleas. In California much money has nominated by a director, be pound* per l)en<! '* u ."--i5;i::on ot ten. compared ' : : 5.3 i>mm<ta in 1898. Only 06 ;>ouiid *^? <*nifpc '* .^inatiriu-d. an<l Vi'ir. .io '.IIP ficir,. 'i:i i) 7 u^ll'ld. ai'd ,M '.Wl. 08 ;. Iia* riion trn-n !8 ixiunrt^ t in t.)i<> n\m- rer.oil. Meai h-^ b," r"l of Unrtn.ited, *-*j * **j ^-' * .1,^. ... i . Stew three cupfuls of scientist-it can hardly be denied to make it very clear that their , ^i d ."' * Mtrovinir th.' ' good moral char.nt.-ter. pass a ij-viJi- ."."J!" 1 ,* ; n 1 ' ul - - ani1 '"" !"r r ' r !25 - 5 "> xesiruj ing me . )10: !( year the COMamnUoa w till s<iuirrel. In England the ' V 111 ? ' not Compel itive) examma::. n noundn. Tha hem.mni)Dpslon t wa and be between eicliteen and rich paste. cranberries with a cupful and n that pure outdoor air tastes and million bushel; la , half of sugar, and when they are smells much better than the air in * bender put them through a sievo or even a ventilated room. One may else stir with a wooden spoon until be as wholesome a* the othor. as all the cranberry skins are broken, far as its constituents are concorn- Pour this mixture into the pastry ed, but most folks will prefer air shell. Roll out some paste and cut that has not been breathed in and it into six strips ha'.f an inch wide out too often. lu tho popular mind, ' and tho length of the pie pan's dii- if not in scientific fact, headaches and drows'ness aro ated with impure air. and the heavenly Fath-r. whom it - was the purpose of his life to reveal had leprous nodules-the unto them. The remaining versos of chapter evidence of leprosy. In'Corea ' of the bank's Dr. T. Ischiwara found five out aWi * *>** 11 * *' J * * V^ ^/*^.*' l_t ** IT* l oont-imip th^ diriisviiiin of TPSH seven hundred rats infect-ed. Lx- meter. Out another strip bi and dremiaeei arc close!*; associ- >- - ' *_i .enough to reach around the pan. Arrange three strips one way of tho pie and three strips across them to form diamond:*. Arrange the seventh strip around the edge of the pie, over the others. Beat iii egg and dilute it with a little milk. Wash the strips .of crust with this egg wash and bake the pio in quick oven until the crust is brown. Tli is is an unusual pudding. To make it prepare a pint of rich bis- cuit dough and shape it in' a ring little smaller than a YOUTHFUL GERMAN PAIRS. Bride* And Grooms of 15; Widowers of 16 and 17. A 'recent publication of the Imperial of Statistics "In Germany. with his disciples concerning mility (9. 38-50). Chapter 10. amples of leprosy infected rats have '" 1 " WOMAN'S HUGE FARM. t.-.h i!u:r :,>. and ;; w rarw unirat1.iv* to figures furnished by one to .-<> i .vi pas.. ,>. ,W,H.SH t dinner; tho nvcrotrn *-'" Ln<> olhcr li.i!:d. tii'iro woraon have "p* t,-ken to scriouB and of:,.n C.-:T ciga- at the- end Ot tPll VOirs is ?!.- mie Mnokinu the:r tas'o for csndics and 060. At fifteen y,.r 'it is *1.300. J" l^T^'^rr 1 ^- Miln twenty years 9l.3r>. thirty years ; been found "in New Caledonia, Le ' 91.W: after that the senior clerks j Boeuf and Solomon. j P a to 92 - 130 - 1 T he ^ a tl 8 P e ' | The ease with which leprosy slips olal Iwstsjnurnberm.H: about 100. are Th Former English Journalist hief gives some interesting particulars i '" l ^ L ' present less>n as further il concerning the age of parties who : lustrating the attitude of Jesus to- contracted marriage during tbe year [ ward children, which thought ha 1910. The youugest bridegroom was been chosen bv the comniiuee pre ou y 13 years old; but of youths, a year | nar i n! r tl,,> onrKn* nf B Mi,li*. M kh. Has Acre Ranch In Alberta. 640 A Homely Virtue. Mrs. Hai:ior Jackson i* probably the most romarkablo woman fanner in tb there are several appointments Dominion of Canada. She Is. handling ranging from $7,500 to $3.500. a square mile of lund in the Red Deer Agents of brunches receive up to district of Alberta, which !.s devoted older, 16 were aud oue was porcelain kettk. Buttor this kettle! Marrla8es at 17 - ypar8 of ago were it A pint of berries and muc h more numerous, for there were 63 youths married at this age, of whom cupful of sugar. Put the ring of dough over this one was u widower. At the age of 18, .-vud add another pint of berries, on | marriage Is by no means an excep- top of tho dough, and another cup- tional condition for 511 young men of ful of sugar. Pour a cupful of wa- ter in the centre of the ring. Cover the kettle closely and stew the contents gontly for 90 minutes. Then turn it out on a hot dish. Serve hot with sugar and cream. Btiked Cranberries. Many per on* prefer a thick cranberry sauce 18 were married, six wore widowers and one was even divorced. As for the young women in Germany, the youngest brides are. ulso aged 15. Sixty-four girls of that ago were married In 1910; while thera were 539 married women of l(f years, of whom 12 were widows and one di- vorced. From the same report we derive tho follo\viug figures concern- in paring the outline of studies as the central thought on which empha- sis should be placed in this lesson | Persist- =it plodding. U is all right to Bringing unto him little children tart . , the f ^erprise with T i i i- i i flourish of trumpets, but t u Jesus is again on the public high- trumpet very far a great that docs not it. loiii.-iiii Turiiis Torch. Various are the wars in which year, and in Pocpmber took over 30 people and p'ncpd them on the land she is now farmitiR in Alberta. . a ' She had no previous luiowledfte of ren to him that he minht touch ways a stretch of bard road in any table. ' It hns been discovered. has p } &et . A lhv ^ p eo p] e on ]l(?r f ^ them and give them his benediction bit worth while adventuring, no matter however, that its uses do not end and is now prepared to conduct the and blessing. His disciples. re . f what kind it Is. Nothing is ..v..!- all as an eatafci*. In large factories, 'place for farming. Shots her own j.* L- j :- i brass bunds and bunners. Unlllaiu'v . n .j ? .x,,,. tfo *^. niriTu* iMr-^ftn* ^ .i.j * *i n\\ i ' uriivo iiiw LUiiun iu^; IJKUH.-? wv to crnnberry jelly The sanie rulo lng the numbcr of centenarians . i lollowed as that for the jelly, but Germany; 15 men were over 100 years the berries are not strained. In- ] old, 12 of whom were widowers, two tead, they re mashed with a old bachelors and one married with a woodfcn spoon until the skins aroi wlfe Btln living. At the same time all broken. They can then be cool- j "?* re wer f 4S w me>n over 100 years ^t , 11 j;.i. '"- ' wUom 42 were widows, four ed in a mould or in the dish in which they are to be 8*rved. Persons who do not like the ber- bld mald8 and two marrle(1 with hus . bands yct allvc The result of tho figures seems fair- than the men. riea a sweat as it is necessary to ly plain, lu Germauy, at least, wo- avake them if they are to be jellied j men marry earlier and live longer prefer them m.ui> into oauce. as mis need not be so gwet as tho Jelly. A good way to make cranberries Peat Fire 200 Yearn Old. On a luuely foil on the border of into sauce ia to h*ke them. Wash ! Cumberland and Northumberland, Eng- a quarto! firm, ripe berries, drain | 1 ud - jj"" '" ho 8e n which a fli-e them and put a layer of thon, in the '^^ % *? gRSft S bottom of a baking dish. Oover cupled by W illiam Goodfellow and it with layer of granulated ( has been In the family for MO years. garding this as an unwarranted in- , terruption i'i his discourse and con- ' u _ vcrsation v.ith the grown-ups who very much more than either of'them. wore anxioils to hear him, rebuked See that you do uot despise it. those who thus interfered with hU work. was moved with i Jesus nation Their inconsiderate, and \ perhaps even rough, treatment of| the offending parents aroused the Lore of the Hand. unarmed then have been treasured through i Wns. Wheu an oath is takon It is crushed in a livdraulic and. of course. t ( i a much smaller managing director, and has nothing ; >ki:i are thrown nw.-iv utter ail the 5' 1P h ." spd hl>r V^oplc in tents lu tbe !pul| and juice has ben extra ;,,! T l "<> has all the I r necessary buildings erected and hr I for t;*e in soup, paste, oat-sup, etc-. ( , a[l . y produe,., ,, r(> alrpadv b< ,,, " Careful investigation in Nsplm a&d OH thp market, hi oth-r' \\>i-ds. her Parma has revealed tli- f.-v.-t t'nt Wg farm is a poing concern, and It is j the seeds and skin < t" th." t.^"at.i >'< >'i < 1 f yf.-u-oid. i. 8 I.^." i are as valuable as the fruit itself. * An excellent burning: oil has been 1 Paris i'i;is s^l.iiiKi fr a Day. psinstaking s'.uistician lias os- that tijis of oue k ; ad and Pun e-ib- c" * ~|ifi oun .' 11.1 i int'u. utr u n ii ui ii i r v i mi indignation of Jesus and prompted kisses the hand of a woman he ex- KKwfaclWl From the src i- ThP'e. > ,\ him to speak, doubtless with some I presses hisi submission. This is also withthe <kins. are tlvrouuMy dried i ;,,.;,,,, warmth, the words which sim-e ' the Idea when kissing the hands of ; in tlie sun. Tho seed* in-c thru ;Ulol i ier ,, a ;j ' ' i..: . 'bl.,00 \1-1,.,,. o.. ^ol. Iu ,..!..,., I. !., ' .-_l.-.l . I. ..I ! .... Ufl * . .-.nfl a-'rance^ in ter's zeal upon the eacredness or hta bi e98tnR wit h the thumb aud first child me. j ftn< j second Bngers. the three symbol!*- To such belongeth the kingdom (fatf the Holy Trinity , The wedding | of God Tle revised rendering of ( ring I* placad upon th third fingor ; the text make* clear the relation- 1 ' { he woman's hand to show thai, j N--I I In Uiliiifi I ml. ship of little children to the church ' and the Kingdom. Tho thought of verse 15 is additional and supple- mentary- rather than explanatory of what- precedes. Adults also Trinity, leaf an I dumb honor. t'-c s whose income ii largely do- rived {rom tins source, amount to |-U,eoo, or nearly 2cem> per capit*. of population. In the prminr-i-, II..W-\PI-, it is calculated thnt tliid many poople, notably of l.ntiu and j wi!I I'ite y.-n." Semitic races, what talk with their I ''Oh. w<:," said Robbie; nan." Little Rpbtue w;is pull ^'-. uiil when his aunt sa''d : j expenditure amounts t <.ily about V.-u mun'u'i it.- that. Bobbio : he i one-half cent a person a iu., . Tli j Htrnnd total of oil the ih-s given in j France is placed at t*l, W.'yH> v { d n'- liite at this end." jyeur. I ',

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