Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Jan 1914, p. 1

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SUtonnce. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' VOL 33 No. -2* Flesh.erton, Ont., Thursday January 29 1914 W. H THCSSTON I.DITOR aud 1'hO Kimberley Budget Mr. W. S. bishop has <|uite a number of teams drawing lumber to M.irkdalc . present. Mr. Thomas Thornlmry of Feversham was a caller in our burg on Monday last. The members of Kimberley L. 0. L No. 1.340 held an oyster supper on Fn- day evening last. After a sumptuous feed of oysters and other eittibles, a lengthy programme was render. d consisting of itpeeches, mnsic etc. Among those who took part in ihe oratorical feait were the following : Robert Lawrence, Jas. R. F*wcett, J. M. Davis, Mr. Leslie, prin- cipal of our public scheol; Wm. Sloan, Taylor, Abercroiubie, Worthy Master; and otheri!. The musical part of the programme was furnished by Leal talent, including the following : Mr. Jas. Walk- er, Edward Sloan and Howard Smith, also Miss Myrtle Camaok, Nellie Burritt aud Miss A. Williams of Eugenia. Rev. Mr. Colley acted as chairman and gave a tine address on Orangeism. The rev. gentleman it so rernaikably witty that we almost thought he was from the "ould 8xT'. The Meeting closed by sinking the national anthem. Mr. .hi". Reid, who has been visiting friends in S'ayner for some time, return- ed home on Saturday last. Mr. Albert Latter of I'nion cccupie the pulpit in the Methodist church on Sunday morning t.nt. Messrs. Wilmer and Leslie Louglieed and sister, Laura, of Clarksburg, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Juo. F.iwcJtt of the "Traveller's Home, " recently. Mr. Ashley Met '.ilium of Duncan vis- itnl at Mr. Donald Wallace's one dy last week. Mr. Mi.Vu.-iy t' Dundalk visi'ed at Mr. Geo. Hutchiusuu'* a few days n- cenlly . Mr. Jas. R. Fawcett took the topic in the Epworth League on Sunday evening last. Mr. aud Mrs. Geo. Stewart of \Vey- burn, Sask., are visiting with the Utter' s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Smith, at present. Mr. Johnston of Owen Sound, organ- tor far tike C. Q. F., is on a business trip to our burg. . Ceylon Mr. Roy Piper has returned to To- ronto to resume duties. Mr. Chan. Chisletr, Mrs. T. Chislctt and Master John McMillan visited Glen- elg and South line fiiends Saturday. Our burg had an exciting time on Sat- urlay about noon, when smoke was seen to gush out from underneath the roof of Mr. James Had ley's hotel. Men woik- ing in the yard gave the alarm. The 6re was discovered to be in the attic. Just how it started no one knows. Had it not been for the quick res[>oDse of neigh h ii s the building would no doubt have been doomed. Miss Lilly Muir returned Saturday from a three months' visit i;h Hanover friends. Mrs. Johnston visited her cousin, Mr. S. Hemphill, the past week. Mis* Maggie Ferguson returned to To- routo Wednesday after spending a mouth at the parental home. Miss Bella McKenzie, who has for several raoiiths been visiting her sister, nesr Eugenia, returned home last week. Miss O'Melia of Collingwood is visit- ing her brother here. By Special invitation Bible study, con- ducted by Rev. Mr. Kerr, was held at the home of Mr. J. Lynets on Stone's line Thursday evening, when a number from here attended. Feversham Items The ro.vJs are again in good condition. Mr. Graham aud daughter of Saskat- chewan visited ;it George Whiteoak's laht week. Mies Douglas of Mclmyrc visited with her grandfather, Mr. Jehu Doui'lan, for a week. Miss Stewart of Mai>le Valley spent Sunday with her friend, Pearl \Vhireoak. Miss Haiinnell of Singhanipton and Mis* Scott of Mclntyre spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Uammel. Mr. Sam Murphy, our barber, has uioved to the Canadian side of the village and will be at home lo these needing his services in Mrs. Linley's shvp on Vic- toria street east. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Julian of Fletli- uiton visited friends in this neighbor- hood. Mrs. George Julian is slowly recover- ing Ironi a severe illncSH. Mrs. John Buckingham has had a se- vere spell uf illness. Dr. R-szelt >f Maxwell is in attendance and we hope to hear of her speedy recovery. J. It. Lush is recovering from a severe illiie.sa. The annual meeting of the Osprey Farmers Milliu^ Co. wn held in the Or- ange hall IMI Tuesday, .Ian. _' >. Messrs. George Hairtoo, George Rus8 und Geo. Elliott wev<! elected directors for the c .nun! >!!. and wilh Geo. Allister us secretary the company will be able <> swear " by George " for the coming year. Mr. Harold Spotford has yum; to Coll- ngwoud business College for the winter. Miss Itrunkard, our ,.<. U:MI.U...I school teacher, !ris a coinnicrcial cl is> in the school on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings of each week. We think he youn-4 people of the vicinity w..uld 1 i well to uLc advantage oF this. Fevershau I'nion Sabbuth School hnld heir annual concert in the Presbyterian church in this village on Thursday tven- na l;nt A good programme was given. Proceeds fll.-'.Y Hydro Engineers Are En Route The Globe of Thursday I<iat says : rlydro- electric engineers an- making a jreliminary survey for a radial lino from Juelph to Owen Mound. Thi.s i<t the hinl railway enterprise lluit the Hydro itticials bavo investigated. Tlie report >n the Toronto to pott Perry line has ilready been completed and sent to the Municipalities. The estimates are pract- cally ready for a line in Hur^u county. nj the Guelph-Owcn Sound line will be ushi'il on a stage where those interested ill know (he inherent merits of the pi <> Face* Bigamy Charge Owen Sound, Jan. 23. Fiodlmy Me Kish, who i wanted in Toronto uu a ehftrge of bigamy, was arrested her* yes- terday by Provincial Inspector Reyburn, and will be taken to the city to-morrow. The tint mirriage was solemnised here eight years sgo, and shortly afterwards McNish and hit wife moved to Toronto, where Mr*. McNish and one child ttill fetid*. According to the police MoNiah de eerted hie life about * year ago. Ruing to Frt William, where he is alleged to have none through second marriage) with a jonng woman naoaed Sarah Thompson of that place. Following this marriage IfeNieh *d his wife caac her* and he obtained a position with a, local manti fact m ing oniccrn. Walkerton The Walkcrtou- Foriuos.-4-Teesivater stage, which h.ts been a moving picture ou the landscape here for the past thirty rears, will vanish from the scenery after March 1st, and will be succeeded by the es showy, but more modern vehicle, the rural mail curt . Mr. John P. Klempp fot over thirty years proprietor of the Royal Hotel, died re about four o'clock on Thursday afternoon, after a few days' illness of Bright'* disease . The late Mr. Klempp was the pioneer hotel-keeper of Walker- LOII, and at his death was probably the longest in continuous service of any hotel man in Bruce. Klijah Wabiguna of the Saugeen Re- serve waa Irought to the Wilkerlon jail on Friday last to seire ten days for re- taining his SOD, who was an inmate of the Indui-sti iil School at Munsey, where he had been committed for stealing. The youth, it seems, came home to spend the Christmas holidays, and the father failed to send him beck again to the institution. WalVerton Telescope. Eugenia Paragraphs Mr. Graham's sawmill it rushing busi- ness these days. Mr. nd Mrs. Joseph Ftnwick and children, aud Mrs. Heury Fen wick of Flesherton, were the gusats of Jfrs. Joe Williams on Sunday. Mr. and Mr?. Chas. Mur..ih:iw of Flesherton were guests at the Eugenia House recently. The W. I. will meet at the home of the president, Mrs. L. Latimer, the first Wednesday of the month. All are wel- come. Miss G. Smith has returned to the city after spending her vacation w th her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. J. Walker of Kimbeiley were the guests of Mr. Fred Wickens. Mi-M. Weber and friend of Mark- dale were the gue.-ts of Mr. and Mrs. F. Weber recently. Miss Alice Williams spent the past week with friends at Kimberley. She assisted at the Orange banquet Friday evening. Mi* Pearl Cairns of Ceylou s|>ent the week end with her uncle here. Messrs. John Cairns, Dean and Hosell ittteiided an at home ami b.in.|iiet at Meafoid Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Proctoi of Kim- berley visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weber recently. Mr. aud Mrs. Funster are visitiui; ti'e former's parents iu Waterloo. The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid intend holding a house social at the home of Mrs. Hiiiry Williams on Mon., Feb. -. Got Hu Deserts liirrie, Jan. 'JO. Judge Vance impottd sentence nf twenty-three month* in the Central Piiaon upon George Aldenonof Liul* for criminal suuU upon Miss Halei of Liele at t'hriilmss. Overtaking the girl on the road Alder*c got out uf his cutter, thew her on the ground, and at- tacked her. He was frightened away by Harvey Brown, a private detective from ToroDto.wli : happened to drive that way. AMenon ii a wMowtv with three unall children. The Grey County Council The County Council which met on l.iniriry '_'7th is ovule up as follows: Artemesia T. R. McKenzie, Reeve. lieiitinck George Brown, reeve ; Wm. Lunney, Jeputy reeve. (.Yllingwood John McLeniiiii. reeve: Alex. McCuIman. deputy reeve. Dt-rViy Jus, C. Smith, reeve. Kgremont John McArthur. neve. Euplirasia John T. Miller. 1. 1 \ o ; !,i^. Murray, deputy reeve. <ilenelx---Tlui8. Nichi>l, wove. Holland A. G. i '!ii-li'ilm. reeve -I v~. Mc.Xvuy, deputy reeve. Keppel John Johnston, reeve. Normiiuby R. J. Slnel. teeve ; Chas. Holm, deputy reeve. Osprey John Thomson, reeve : Irwin Morns. MI, deputy reeve. Proton---Jo$etjli Goodfellow, reeve. S.ir.-iwA .l..slnm L.irter, reeve. St. Vincent Jas. A. Lemon, reeve. Sullivitti Thos. P. HaUou, reeve : Harry Carson, depu f y reeve. SydeuhamJohn Campbell, ree/e ; Jas. L. H..J ii. deputy teeve. OwenScinid Dr. John A. Hesney, reuve ; Kllias Lemnn, Is deputy reeve . John Legate, -ml depuiy iceve ; U. B. Miller, 3nl deputy reeve. Meiford- -Wm. H. Sin'.", reeve. Durham Wm. Calder, reeve. Thornbury Uubert Bes' , reeve. Chatsworth Wm. Breesc, reeve. Dundalk John Sinclair, reevr, Marlcdale R. W. F.unis, reeve. Hinover Jas. S. Wilson, reeve. Neuiladt D. Lippert, reeve. Shallow Lake A. K. Cordin<<1y. reeve. Flesherton Daniel McTavinh, reeve. Eighth Line Osprey Lively weather at time of writing. Mrs. W. H. O'Brien has returned from Collingwood. W* are sorry to report Mre. Will Mof- fat on the sick list. We hope to soon h*r of her recovery. Miss Pearl Field of Maxwell spent the weel end with Miss Tvlly Spofford. Mr. Kin el of Dundalk p?nt a few days in this vicinity recent'y. We un- j dvrstand Mr. Farrel has completed his work on Mr. George Madden 's house. In Bush By Falling Tree Mr. Robert Brown, a young man liv ing a mile and a quarter north of Flesher- ton, brother of Councillor Fred Brown, was so M-Ttuusly injured by a falling tree on Thursday last tlut he die J the follow- ing afternoon after remaining un- conscious from the time of the accident. The young man was working in the buah with Mr. Bert Douglas of the west buck line. They were felling a iree winch had i's top broken and resting again.st another tree. When the tree began to fall Mr. Brown ran, but wiih a tree situated as this one it was impossible to tell what it wuuld do anil the young man rau directly iu line of tbe falling tree, which struck him aud crushtd him to the ground. He* wn taken I Mr. Douglas' home aud dieters summoned, but they decided that nothing ruuki be done. The injuiy to the ukull appeared to b bligh', but. the doctors thought the b-~c of the brain wat affected. The yuct; man remained delirium until Friday afteruoou, when he passed aay. The deceased wai a very <(uitt, retiring young man of j-ood charac cr, and waa about .Uyeais of iii>e. He lived with hia brother and siater, Mr. Fr, d .stul Mi> Bella Brown, a mile and a i|iur:cr north of Fleshertun. Their parents died some yiars ago. Much *ynipaihy is ex- pressed for the sorrowing brother aud .-i^ter. A sad feature of the case was 'hat the yuii_' man was shortly 10 be married. The funeral took place Monday afur- noon to Orange Valley cemetery under the auspices of tl.e Orange order, of which deceased was a memt/er. Many Moral tributes attested to the sympathy of friends ai.d the popul;irily of the yun^ in.in who W4s so early and so -uddenly called away. The funeral on Mouday w-is probably one of the largest ever hell in the district. The Moral olferingt were very beauti ful, be-ina composed of a wreath from ;L. O. L No. &M. a sickle from the I'res byteiian church, an anchor and other dowers from neighbors. L. O. L. S.'. (W, of which deceased wai ,-i member, has fomardvd the follow- ing letter oi condolence: Ceylon, Jan. 'J6, 15)14 To Mr. Fred Brown mid sister: We.the officers ud members if L.O.L. No. 8K5, do hereby convey to you our heartfelt sympathy in the l<s of your brother, Robert Brown, who has been so suddenly called a ay. VYe as officers and members will <ni.--- his genial <|ii.V ity very much, ami we pray that Godwho ii a tower of strength, may guide and strengthen you and your sister. Belle, in this your h-iur of trial and sorrow. Signed on behalf of the J.mlge- Fred Wright, W. M. ; Geo. Cairns, R. S. Duntroon Child Scalded Sarah, the live-yai-o!d daughter of Mr. William Chestnut, of the tenth line, Notlawasaga, was badly scalded at her home mi Wednesday last. The little girl was standing on the oven dooi and in some way slipped off. In falling she grasped the tea ketlle which was tilled with Uiilins water, spilling its contents ever her body aud scalding herself badly on the face and over the body. Medical assistance was hastily summoned and everything possible done to relieve her sufferings. Hopes are now entertained ] of her recovery, but ii will be some time 1 before she will again be well. IXR. BXJRT Specialist in dlBcm*c.i of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat OHic-30 lOh i. a?:, Own Sou nd At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd Thursday ench month from 8 to a 12a.ni Duiuhlk,lst Wednesday of each month . Jewelry Fleshcrton Planing And Chopping Mills I im now prepared t.. do chopping every day iii the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Bring alon" your grists. Our sash and door factory is always at your disposal for anything you want in pur line planing, matching, etc. Floor ins, saeh and doors, and all house fur- nishings supplied promptly and at reas- onable rates. Cet esum.ttes. T. Blakelev, Prop. Febl.-. 1:1 l 1 A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler tLESHERTON, - ONT A Bruce township farmer wat complain- ing a few week* ago about how much it cost him to pay bis taxes in 1913. "Why it does not cost as much as it did ten year* ag",'' SiU 'l * neighbor. "This year I can pay my taxes with nne (tear. Ten years ago it would have taken thtee steer*." Shot Black Fox j Wyoming, Ont., Jan. UK A valuable female bUck fox, the property of T. L i Barrowman and son, of this village, was ' sh.it near Alviston l>y a couple of buy*. ! who had no idea of Ihe value of the ' animal. The fnx was said to be worth i $5,000, and a reward of |200 had been | offered ly the owners for its recovery. It had been missing since ?Mt fall. Killed at Collingwood Collingwood, Jan. 26. This morning Arch. Kennedy, an elderly resident, was run or by a runaway teem of horses while crossing a lane aod suffered sucl injuries as to cuute bis death half an him later. One leg waa broken and hit skull was cniahed in. The deceased w* 03 yean of aqe and had lived in Colling wood for many years. He is survived by two sons and two daughter*. No Special Sale Here .... Our prices are always just right 50 is our goods. Flour $-"'.00 per bbl. Fiesh Fish oc per Ik J.">c Baking powMcrs for l~>e. Wooden I'ails lOc each Candies from 10c to 70c per Hi. Your money batk if you are not satisfied at the Flesherton Grocery ^f V W. BUSKIN, Flesherton. L of Men's Heavy Rubbers N'6 :> eyelet Bobbers, reg. '2.10 elearini: #1.70 Men's Lrarher Top Rub- bers reg. *'J..")O clearing at ....$1/.M> Bal. i>f Boys' at reduced Prices. Girl's Overstock- ings with Rubbers, clear- ing at $1 00 Custom Work and Repair- ing as usual, Trunks, Telescopes and Suit Cases. Thos. Clayton Just Arrived ... Pine Stock of New Over- coats, New Suitings. When in town leave your order for your Winter Suit with J. BowleiyrHE TAILOR rench Cleaning done every Saturday. Get your old clothe* renovated. BUSKIN BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT.

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