A MOTHER'S DUTY TO HER DAUGHTER Is to Board Her Health by Keeping Her Blood Supply Pure. Anxious mothers who see their daughters fail in strength, become pale and languid, can be certain that the cause of their anxiety is the condition of the growing girl's blood. At no tim in her life does a girl stand in greater need of pure, red blood and the strength which it alone can give her, than when she is developing into woman- hood. It is then that anaemia rapid- ly develops and the growing girl finds herself in declining health. If your daughter complains of feel- ing constantly tired, if her appetite Is fickle, if she 13 breathless from slight exertion, or if her heart pal- pitates violently on going upstairs, it is a certain sign that her blood Is failing to meet the demands upon it, because it is thin and watery. It is at such times that Dr. Wil- liams' Pick Pills for Pale People are worth their weight in gold to tired anaemic girls. They actually make the new, red blood, that brings brightness to the eye, the bloom of health to the checks, and strength and activity to the whole body. The following is an instance f their value to young girls : Miss Hilda Pearl Snowe, Harrington, N.8., gradually drooped under an attack of anaemia. At first she was pale and listless, suffering from occasional headaches, but as the trouble progressed, a severe cough also attacked her, and her friends feared she was in the grip of consumption. Almost from the outset ake was being treated medi- cally, but with no apparent bene- fit. At a critical stage in her ill- ness Miss Snowe wisely decided that she would give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial. After taking them for some time there was a noticeable improvement in her case, and the Pills were gladly con- tinued until she was fully restored to health. Miss Snowe is to-day as healthy and rugged as any girl could wish to be, and her friends believe that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills saved her life. These Pills not only cure anaemia, but all troubles due to poor blood and weak nerves. Sold by all medi- cine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A NEW CLYDE RECORD. Astonishing Figures In Shipbuilding for 1913. As a shipbuilding centre the Clyde still leads the world. In the year Just ended It haa far surpassed all Us previous records of tonnage and horse power. Tha year 1912 was the best ever then known on the Clyde, but the year 1913 shows an Increase of nearly 20 per cent on the work of the previous twelve months, says the Glasgow Herald. The figures ere astonishing. The Clyde yards have launched 374 vessels with a tonnage of 764,784 and an indicated horse power of 1,117,490. Our twenty miles of river have produced more than a third of the whole new tonnage of the world In that year. There are a few yards in England and Germany j boxes I was again examined by the trace of diabetes had disappeared." This is the statement of Mr. Da- vid Heon, well known and highly Doctor Said He Had Diabetes Dodd's Kidney Pills Cleared Out Every Trace of It. That's Why Mr. David Heon, of Njrolot Co., (.m-h.r. Is Rpoom- mcnding the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy To His Neigh- bors. St. Wenceslas, Nioolet Co., Que., Jan. 26 (Special). "I started to take Dodd's Kidney Pills because the doctor told me I "was threatened with diabetes. After taking ten number of large and busy yards than are to be found in any other part of the world. The Clyde alone builds more ships than Germany, and prob-' respected here, and he is only one ably twice aa many ships, reckoned o f many in this neighborhood who great Canadian Kidney rem- BURNING AMD (TCJPZEMA t)n Hands and Arms, Broke Out in Fin* Rash, Had to Give Up Work. Could Not Rest. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Curd, Lombard?. Ont. " I had been suffering for two year* with < on my bonds and At flrs* my hand broke oat in a nnsl nafa with a burning an4 (itching that was hard jto bear. The itchiuj /and burning were so bad I had to scratch till my hands and arms bled and were so acre I could no* stand to put them la water. I also had to Sire np my work. Them It spread all over my anna. I could not rest at nljht as tie bed clothesi would Irritate the eruption erury time I would, stir or move my hands. trial but th-ry tolled to euro mo. Then I saw the advertisement m the paper about Cuticura Soap and Ointment to I sent fof that the Clyde's great Industry has, t in the year now closing, become ! greater still. The yards have built i It is cures such as this that have every kind of vessel, from H.M.S. ' given Dodd's Kidney Pills their Tiger down to a destroyer, from the ' repu tation. They are now known' "P''l I began ouae them with very Cunard Aquitanla. largest of British . * Atl.nH.. + n, P=_, fi^ Utti * 1Uth ' but * w unwise I found vessels, down to whole fleets of the Atlantic to the Pacific as dredgers and launches, and customers th remedy that never fails to cure have come from every part of the kidney disease, no matter where or world. It is, however, Important to in what form it is found, note that a third of the vessels ! Dodd's Kidney Pills are no c ure- launched, representing 70 per cent, of &n j^ simply cure diseased the tonnage, were screw steamers, and , -, !_ ... that most of these are cargo tramps, kidneys. The reason they cure the unpretentious carriers of the bulk backache, dropsy, rheumatism, of the world's commerce. The Clyde neuralgia, diabetes, urinary trou- proflts much by Its numerous orders , bles and Bright's Disease is that for-warshlps, but these, after all, form I a n of t h ese are either diseases of only a small part of the Clyde's work. th t4J n< _._ or ___ ~, use< i bv dis Our shipbuilders depend mainly on ' n f^ or are caused by di. the commercial shipowners, and the , ordered kidneys failing to do their Industry Is solidly based on the re- work, quirements of trade, not of war. There Is nothing abnormal in the year's output. Though H Is by far the larg- est yet recorded it represents the AT BALMORAL. Old Highland Customs Are Still Kept Up. At Balmoral, the beloved Highland ' home of Queen Victoria, the present King always enjoys seeing his tenant- ry and dependents happy, and en- courages the keeping up of all old Highland customs, such as the torch- light dance of the keepers and ghillies, when the stags are brought home after a good day's stalking. Weirdly pic- turesque these dances are, held in front of the Castle, with the hills and woods and figures of the men fitfully lit up by the light of the blazing pine j torches. When Royalty is in residence at i Balmoral on Hallowe'en the old cus- | tarns pertaining to that day are al- i ways fully carried out. Bonfires blaze | ou many of the hills, and lighted I torches are borne round the bounds I of the various farms and homesteads I to keep off the evil spirits supposed to be let loose on Hallowe'en. The effect is extremely pretty, when, from some ! elevated point of view, numbers of i these torches can be see_ flitting about I the valley, while the flres are burning [Clark's Porks Beans "I Mod two treatment, firing each a fair i on t h e heights. After these ancient Higheit grade !eans kept who! retaining Flavored with delicious w OAWSON. Ninety Colborn* sirt.t. Toronto. TF TOC WANT TO BCT OB cumulative efforts of the two gener- ations of enterprise, skill, and hard have made the Clyde WHITES POOR PEARL DIVERS. Six Tried in Australia Died or Were Paralyzed. Efforts have recently been made to employ white men as pearl divers off the coast of Australia, and legislation for the purpose has been adopted, In order to more fully open that indus- try to Europeans. But it now appears that the experi- ment has been by no means satlsfac- 1 tory. A very Interesting statement on j this subject has recently been made | by Captain Talboys, who has had wide experience of pearling on the Aus- tralian coast. He says emphatically thm white divers are an Impossibility. ' He had hoped that the white man would have proved a successful diver, but he says that after a very lengthy experiment, the Idea had been aban- doned. The divers, six or eight of them, who were brought to Australia by the master pearlers from Stebj, Oorman and Co. and Kenkle and Co., sub- marine engineers, about two years go, were all either dead or paralyzed. In view of the further facts alleged, there appears to be no scope for white pearl divers In Australian waters. For, as the result of a year's diving, says Captain Talboys, the best returns of the white divers did not exceed a ton, while the average yield of an Asiatic's work was between four and five tons. Besides the Asiatic worked tor $10 to $15 per month, plus a commission on the shell raised, while the white man received $70 per month, with a similar commission, in addition to which the cost of keep for the white man was about three times that ex- pended on the Asiatic. work which what it is. Trying Htm Out. Quite recently an old friend of the Browns went to see them at their new country home. As he ap- proached the house a large dog ran out to the gate and began barking at him through the fenc. As he hesitated about opening the gate, Brown's wife came to the door and exclaimed: ''How do you do! Come right in. Don't mind the dog. ' "But won't be bite?" exclaimed the friend, not anxious to meet the canine without some assurance of his personal safety. "That's just what I want to find out," exclaimed Mrs. Brown. ''I just bought him this morning." SAFE AND SURE FOR LITTLE ONES Baby's Own Tablets are a safe and sure medicine for little ones. Playing by System. "They teach the children to play by rule now." "Yes, a kid has t< have a cook book to make a mud pie." TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggiste refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. ROVE 9 signature in ou each box. 2oc. than the Tory first. I washed my in warm water with Cuticura Soap and dried them witb a soft doth, then I put, tit* Cuticursw Ootmant on and bandaged them whh soft doth. I wed two boxes of tha CuUctB* Otatmsnt with the Curie-urn oap and used thorn steady for two month** and they estirely cared me." (Signed) lirs. Helenas. McCall. May 17. 1013. A stngto cake of Caticura Soap and box of Cntfcum Ointment are often sufficient when all else has fatted. Sold by druggists and dealer* everywhere. Liberal sample of each mailed free, with 83-p. Skin Book. Address post-cart Potass- Drug & Chem. Corp., Dept. D. Boston. U. 8. A. ceremonies a servant3' ball Is held. , A Frult- Btork Ormi at which the Royalties present mingle write H. W. Damon, freely with their humble ruests, and Colborne St.. Toronto, a substantial supper brings the fes- tivities to a close. SELL A or Dairy Firm. Brampton. or 9t Proved by the Proprietor. Stranger (in a strange restaur- ant) "Look here, waiter, I can't eat this stuff. Take it back and j bring me something decent." Waiter "Sorrv, but that's the best we can do. ' Stranger "It is, eh? I'll show you. Where's the proprietor!" Waiter "Gone out to lunch." N. W. OAWSON Colborns SI.. Torsrl.. AUTOMOBILES ON THE FARM. Conservation. "Oh. Ethel, why don't your finger bowl 1 !" you use "What's the use o' waatin' this good jam, mother, when I can lick my fingers t" Try Murlne Eye Remedy A Necessity on a Farm of Several Hundred Acres. Besides making itself indispensable to the Canadian farmer's pleasure, the automobile Is playing an Intensely practical part In his work. A bus- iness farmer, owning several hundred acres, says that the only way by which a large farm may be successfully "Xcmline" Euds Stiff Vk, Lumbago NEWSPAPERS FOB SALE. WE HAVE SEVERAL GOOD SEWS- paper properties for Bale In On- tario towns at right prices. Apply qu:ckly a subscription renewa' time is jnet open. Ing-. Wilson Publishing Company. 75 Went Adelaide Street. Toronto. NURSERY STOCK. . J5 Varietiew. Frei- i'a!.iluf. ft Son. Groreoend. Ontario. S. HASPBEHBIE8. . Ir TY McConuea MISCtLLANtOUS. CA.NCER TUMORS. LUMPS. ETC.. Internal and external, cared wlifc. oat pain by onr home treatment, writ* m bitforo too !nt. Dr B'lltnao Hdlcal fV> I.lTnirt ronins^rOAd. Ot!t- WANTED. LADLE* TO DO and light sewing at home, Any Curable Muscular or Pain is Instantly Relieved by Nerviline. or epare time: good pay: work eent any dteuiot: t-harfes prepaid. Send it amp for particular)). National Manufacturing . . . Company. Montreal. Joint i _^_^__^___ GET TRIAL BOTTLE TO-DAY. You don't have to wait all day to _ a . . . 1UUUU11L Utl > TT IIP nail. sKM '* VW managed is to travel over It continu- . h k , nk QUt of a stiff Qeck if ally see that the men are doing the r 5 ub Qn Nervlline And you don - t need right work, and do less of _lt himself. ; d complaimn g about lum . By persistent touring of the farm its fe * more You fan nlb sud , needs are recognized by him and no : h) 6 quickly with Xervt Infol ivunf formal* tvbd cAaa Ma (or,- * . .. intelligent farmer who sees his crops line. It's the grandest liniment, the - , - .. . UUO. ItO IUC KlLUU*SOl MiiJ^ ** i. ti*"- from day tc day can fall to Improve uickest to peD .etrate. the speediest to the methods of cultivation Between!^ muscu , P ar paia of any kind. January 1st and July 1st about 1,000, Q lwe nty-five cent trial bottle of I automobile licenses were Issued in | British Columbia. In Saskatchewan. Nerviline will cure any attack of lum- 1 bago or lame back. This has been | If you have Red, Weak, Ev- byes) or Granulated Evsiids. Doesn't Smart SootBes Eye Pali to July llth, about 1.730 had been ^ d tnousand times just as it , issued. As automobi.es are sold ^ as i n t i, e case of Mrs. E. J. Grayden. ! strictly on a cash basis these figures indicate, first, that tie automobile is DO YOLR.8TOiKI.\<i8 8HRLNK fr*~m waBbins; and hurt rouf Do the uii.ldrsn compluin? The IDEAL STOCKINa STRETCHERS make old ttockinsji f~l and wear like new. rel:ere tirvd ft--:, sa M car re and save darn- .:. Two . -. adult and child. rene. iOc. a u.i:r bj mail. I. E. YORK A CO.. Wit.rford. Onl. to bed with necessary part of house. I have used it for twenty odd ., thic Usa for Moving Picture*. One of the good uses for moving picture films Is for recording historic events. Not long ayo the King of RoumanJa organized the production of from financial stringency. family remedy more and more every If of the chad i that t ferlng ' Farms are commanding higher prices. ^^^^ C ure7q7lckiy.' If the railroads are opening up new earache . toothache, cold on the territory, and millions of acres are ; h Nerviline Is always being brought under cultivation. These , s ^ ndbv . Mv Uusbaud once cured enormous changes, combined with f fr f htful auaok of lum . good crops, have brought a feeling of bv KarTn .^ and for a hundred The olose Intimacies of cM age >cem te consist in eemparlnsj gouts an* rhs -mat'i , , a film of no less than 3.000 yards in : f^urity and many farmers ^a [ ailmen ^ ^*t turn up in a large fam . length. thia being a reproduction of ! lowi " g , tnelr mi. f A i A A\- ivug.u, Lii-a ufiug a rtruruuucuua 01 ' . , ... , . , They never fail to regulate the the Roumanlan-Russo-Turklsh war , Purchasing automobiles for the farm. ^ examples by .. NerviHne is b , far lne best thing bowels, sweeten the stomach and cure all the minor ills of babyhood. Concerning them Mrs. Duncan Joy, Vancouver, B.C., writes : "I al- ways keep Baby's Own Tablets in the house and give them to my little one whenever needed, as I think them the safest and surest remedy a mother can give her children." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. Girinc Her Away. ''Uncle, we want you to give the which determined the Independence of order to carry this out, the army lent L The '"*" who wa * . * niV man In ,,!,.., i I Here* I. Hiking ruor oays it, waen t men in uniform, with arms and ^ ; wsg h . nkin a bout. but wsg lh . nkine a bout. N.-,.,i- ' baggage, led by officers. Another case less to say h' wife bought him Putnam s Is that of the Italian Government, 'Torn Kxtractor and hid tho rasor-Tery which is collecting all the n.ms taken i J^,_ b U9 . Pl >| n i? m >_i im? ' 1 '" :4 h u >* : during the war In Tripoli. In Eng- land the same thing Is done for the films of the king's coronation events. llnard't Liniment Curt* Colds, Etc. Study Economy. The depletion of the family Income !s due to many errors in food economy. v try It, 2ic at all dealer*. *- With a Will. He wooed the maiden with a will And won her, though quite old; For in the will he wooed her with He left her all his gold. PILES CURED IN I TO H OAVS to have about you." Always. Somebody is always fooling the Because of lack of judgment excessive oiNTMKN- quantities of food are often prepared, in. Blind. Bleedma; or Protruding PU bride away. . ,--, . . "Very well. I'll announce to the ,and then too much food Is eaten or ' 14 gathered assembly that she's thirty- tnrown awav - More often to much four druniet. will refund inony if PAZO disappointed. HNTMKNT fails to cure any oae of ttch- 1 c.,. v , < ,fk;nir i public and making money at it. There is always somebody who is predicting an unusually severe win- ter. Something is always about to be done to reduce the cost of living. There is always somebody who will perform the ceremony when an eighteen-year-old-boy wanta to get married. Somebody is always trying to get something for nothing and being per oat. pore Su'phurt 1 -! by a few other ingre- dients .uit ae pore and h-aith- fill. Von can use It eafelT *n4 profitably > an ANT1SKVT1O. Try it on that ooid tore, or any other core you may hare. Leading Price, 50 cen; a bottle. For sale by .T'.! drugs; so. If your dmgx'.t doe* not <-arrr it remit rt'.itot BCT- PHI R PRO I/ 1 ^T*5. 1. 1M1FKIX 151 Bay street. Toronto, and M>nd us Y name. f ' SULPHUR PRODUCTS \\l rue NEW WAV "Licks the Bucket Clean" Bktchford's Calf Meal New Milk at half too Co* Me. two.' Th pnhliaher of tha beat Farmer'n pa- food Is eaten, and an extra amount The man who i-s always boasting of work Is put upon the already over- of his smartness or greatness never burdened digestive apparatus, and a mentions his unpopularity, whole train of disease results. Many kitchen stoves are better fed than the family, because the housewife does not understand the principles of cooking economically. A needless per in the Maritime Province* in -rlting j amount of fuel is used by not planning Mlnsrd'* Llnlmsnt Cure* Diphtheria. Mystery Cleared l"p. S'he walked in and banged a hunk Something is always interfering with our plans to save money. Many a poor tune is played on a good horn. It. takes a brave man to do a mean thing in the open. to us etau Paw Kuowa r.\i-r> iliine. Willie "Paw, where do forest fires start?" Paw "In mountain ranges, my on." Death Nearly ClaM New Brunswick Lady Was Restored to Her Anxious Fam- ily When Hope Had Gone. St. John, N.B., Dec. 15th. At one time It was feared that Mrs. J. Grant, f 3 White St., would succumb to th deadly ravages of advanced kidney trouble. "My first attacks of back- che and kidney trouble began years go. For six years that dull gnawing pain has been present. When I ex- erted myselt H was terribly Intensified. It 1 caught cold the palu was unen- durable. I used most everything, but nothing g*ve that certain grateful re- lief- that came from V>r Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. In- Itead of being bowed down with palu, tonlay I am strong, enjoy splendid appetite, sleep soundly. Lost proper- ties have been Instilled Into my blood --cheeks are rosy with color, and I thank that day that I heard of so grand a medicine as Dr. Hamilton's Pills." Every woman should iu those pills regularly because good health pay*, and It's good, vigorous health that comes to all whp Use Dr. Hamilton's Mandrake and Butternut Pills. Pointed Paragraphs. It's easier to boast than make good. People who drift with the tide make a poor landing. One idea of a free thinker Is a man who isn't married. Encourage kindness even if you have to practice ou yourself. When poverty comes in at the win- dow it Is getaway day for love. Don't expect the world to laugh with you if you are laughing at the world. If the front parlor Is clean a girl Is apt to think the whole house is all ; right. A married man always says he Is j glad of U but he seldom attemps to | prove it. If men had the gift of second sight ! there would be fewer cases of love at first. On their wedding day a man will ' rr: .'.iiy agree to gratify his wife's j smallest wish. Hesldea, the smaller the wish the easier It Is to gr&tlfy. ' *m I I 1 I' 11 11 I V/L L UTT 1 aO UB*m W^ UW* yilMsVUUIA . , . , , Jthe meals so as to cook the greatest of yellow substance on the counter, number of dishes during the time 'This," she announced sarcastical- ly, "is the soap that does the wash- in' itself. It's the soap that makes washin' a pleasure ; it's the soap that-' "That ain't soap, ma'am," inter- rupted the grocer, AS he took the substance in his hand and examined it. "Your little girl was hero yes- terday for a half pound of <-hecse and half a pound of soap. That's the cheese." "The cheese!" exclaimed the wo- man. "Then that accounts for the other thing. Why, I lay awake the nhole night wondering what made tho AVelsh rabbit we nad taste so queer." like M IN ARII s LINIMENT. It hse been that much fuel is needed for some mi unfailing remody in our household particular work. ever aince I can remember, and !i.i- out- lived doiens of would-be competitors and imitatort." He Was Lucky. "Did your husband have any luck on his hunting trip?" "Splendid! Didn't you hear!'' "No, what was it?" 'He got back alive." HACKING COUGH OF TWO . MONTHS STANDING Cured by Na-Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and Chlorodyno You know how hard it is to get rid of a cough that has hung ou for even two weeks, let alone two months. So you will appreciate what Na-Dru-Co Syrup of Linsceu, Licorice and Chlorodyne did for Mr. Patrick Hollaud, of Bast Baltic, P. K. I. He says : "I suffered from a hacking cough for over two months. I tried several reme- dies, but they failed to cure me. At last I tried Na-Dru-Co Syrup of I.inseed. Licorice and Chlorodyne, and got such relief that I tried more, and after using three bottles was absolutely cured." The unique, scientific combination of three such reliable remedies make* Na- Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and Chlorodyne the best preparation that that has ever been offered for all sorts of coi Js and coughs. Get a 26c or 60c You wffl find relief in Zam-Bok I It eases the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeding and brings ease. Perseverance, with Zam. Buk, means cure. Why not prove Hij. 7 AH Dmeytttt and Starc*- * * MKto* am -BUK 100 pounds makes 100 gallons of Perfect Milk Substitute. Send for pamphlet "How to Rsix Cal're* Ch-ply and SoccMsfully Without Milk.* At yaor Ditltn tr STEELE, BK1GGS CO., Toronto, Ont., Canada. "Do you find people generally pretty civil ?" asked a life insurauca agent of a debt collector. "Oh, yet, indeed. ' answered the latter: "they nearly always ask me to call again." Mlnard'i Liniment Cur.s Carget In Cows. Some people are done out of their money, and other are dunned. Beurflctal to Both "I had a long walk Yesterday. laid Boreman, as he collapsed into * **~\**' Bll j m * n> > * k i Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada. "Take another, old man,' ug Limited. , gested Busyman, "it'll do us both I T_ food." 'ED. 7. 1SSI'E5-'U Flowers, Fruit and 9unsh!n* in January and nlway*. nre to bo found in California, the Ideal intrrins; place, reached com- forlnhlv and conveniently by the Chio.ifO. t'mon 'Poiflo and North Western Line, moat direct route*. . surrounding* of the compartment, club and observation p.r- lor. or more moderate-priced and home- like Tourist csr. Three uplendld traliut dailr The Overland Limited, fastest train to s.iii Frunfifvo: Th Los Angeles Dm- tted. three dy to the Mafio City of the Land uf Sunshine, via Salt Livke City: an<l the Bsn Francisco Limited. The Orerland Route offers: Bsfety- -Speed Hcenery and unexcelled dining car service- teet It. HMO*. Illustrated matter and full partic- ulars on application. B. H. Bennett. Qo- eral Acent. 44 Toni* Street. Toronto. Ontario. Perhaps It Was. Angeline- ''I wonder if I hall ever catch Edwin flirting?" Mabel "I always thought tha* was how you did catch him, dear." Minard Llnlmsnt Curt. OliUmpsjr. BOTEL TRAYMORE ON THE OCEA.N FRONT. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. A mafniflcent ten-itory. ".re-proof addition is just beinf completed. mkins; this famous hostelry ths newest and mont up-to-date of Atlantic City Hotels. A new tenure is the unusual sise of the bed rooms. aTerafius; 19 feel nquare. E*err room command* an ocean view, bath altavhed with 'a and fr>-h water. Chevaltla** in eery nhamber. Trmpersture reulted by Thermo>ld', the latet development in stenro heatlns;. Telephone in every room. Golf rliUeces. Capacity MO. Write (or illustrated booklet. CHARLES O. MARQUETTE, TRAYMORE HOTEL COMPANY. Manaser. 0. I WNITI, rsls*nt.