Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Jan 1914, p. 5

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January 29 1914 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE SIANDARD BANK OF CANADA Quarterly Dividend Notice, No. 93 Notice is hereby given that a Dividend at the rate of THIRTEEN Per Cent. Per Annum upon the Capital Stock of this Bank has this day been declared for the quarter ending 31st January, 1914, and that the same will be payable at the Head Office in this city and at its Branches on and after Monday, the 2nd Day of February, 1914, to shareholders of record of 23rd January, 1914. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders will be held at the Head Office of the Bank in Toronto on Wednesday, the 18th of February next, at 12 o'clock noon. By order of the Bard. GEO. P. SCHOLFIELD, _ General Manager. Toronto, 16th December. 1913. is? C. P. R. Time Table. The pulili.i and high school pupils hive been indulging in a weekly hockey tussle. Last week it was a tie. On Monday even- P ' N h ' ' n<? th public 8clloo l kiddies punctured lT.ll a.'in. '' the high 8on o1 g al five lime while the Trains leave Flesherton Station as follows : Going South 7.43 a. m. , 4.17p.m. 9.12 P . m . I ^y of tne U PP" halls of learning only The mails are closed at Flesherton at j "hoved the puck through once. Now ollows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and i the cockerels have a whole week in which 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south' ao ' to crow. 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south' _ mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g! Last W1 "ter tlesherton hockey boys | beat Markdale three straight games. _ .^ ,^___ _ _ ^^^ _ _ _ . jkj.. w j ntel . Markdale has beaten our ! team the two games played. The last j game was 5 to 2 but the Markoale club I gave out in their paper last week that it VICINITY CHIPS Mr. Hodgson of Owen Sound waa a visitor t W. W . Trimble's over Sunday. Miss Long of Honey wood is visiting , was 8 to 2. It seems that the club to the north of us can neither play straight, clein hockey or tell the straight plain with Mrs. R. Moore. Miss Erhel Cornfield of Kimberley is visiting Miss Oddessa Wilier. Mr. A. S. Thurston left on Friday for Toronto, en route to Winnipeg. Miss Jesse McAulcy, who has been spendioK a month with her parents here, j and Mf8 7 W . Moo7e will give papers on soup making and Mrs. W. J. Lever and Mrs. E. Wickens will talk on "Our duty to our neighbors." Everybody welcome. Refreshments served at close of meeting. At the annual meeting of the Agricul- ruth. It is to be hoped that the Flesherton boys will cut out the spirae with that club. Such exhibitions are not inspiring, to say the least. The Woman 1 * Institute will meet in the high ichool on Wednesday, Feb. 4, at 2. 30 p. m., when Mr*. W. J. Bellamy returned to the West last week. Mr. Thomaa Fisher, late uf Idaho, has moved his family tn the Baptist parson- age in town. Reeves McTaviah and McKenzie are attending county council in Owen Sound this week. Gteat quantities of timber, wood and farm products are being brought in these days. Miss Elsie Gardiner of Heathcote is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. J. T. Best, Saugeen Juction. Mr. Chas. Stewart has purchased the W. G. Pickell fiiim in the suburbs. W. H. Dodson, who kept hotel at Rocklyn some years ago, died at Buffalo on the Kith inst. Mr. Dodson was en- gaged in the insurance business in the Bison city. The Presbyterian Guild entertained turttl Soceiety held last weak the financial statement was not presontad complete and it was held over for consideration! but it was shown that the society was con- siderably behind in its finances and an effort will be made to get the deficiency wiped out. The following officers we. e appointed for 1914. Hon. President, Ge... Mitchell: President, Chas. Stewart, re-elected; first Vice President, Alfred Harrison; second Vice President, Fred Brown. Secretary, W. Buskin; Treas- urer, if. G. Karstedt. Board of Direc- tors Win. Patton, F. G. Kirstedt, L. Fiiher, R. Allen, J. R Fawcett, W. H. Bunt, D. McTaviiih, Fred Mathewsou, , W. H. Thurstoii, G. Proctor, S. Shnnk, the Hii>li School students at an enjoyable : , ,, . . ! Go. Cairns, A. Harrison. The date of socnu evening in the church one night l;ut week. The Portlaw postottice will be closed up at the end of the present- week. The rural routes have destroyed its useful- ness. Rev. Mr. Huilburt, at one time Bap- j P ec P ll! - Several thin S s conspired tnt minister in Flesherton, is calling on | ulllke the attendance small, one of the old friends heie. I chief be ' D K the weather. The program Mr*. Joseph Thompson and little son, \ 8 ood one ' comprising piano solos Roy. of Rock Milk, have gone to spend j and duet8 ' violin music by our aUays a short time with her sister, Mrs. Brad- appreciated Miss Hulse, and humorous selections by Mr. Perrm of Toronto. This latter gentleman bas never been heard here before. For those who like nonsense and an avalanche of good joke*, Mr. Pert in probably filled the bill. Mrs. Blackburn and Mrs. Ti-iml >! ren- dered a beautiful duet which was much appreciated, as w:is also a solo by Miss Irene Wilson- We understand the pro- show was set for Tuesday and Wednes- day, Oct. G and 7. The Agricultural Society concert in the hi!.'h school on Wednesday evening last w.s patronized by only about 100 to ley, iu Toronto. Born at 44 Geoffrey street, Toronto, on Monday, Jan. 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wardrobe, daughter. At a joint meeting of the trustees and i|uarterly to:ird i>f the Methodist church last week a committee of three was ap- pointed to engage officers for tin- church choir, also Barold Mitchell, Fred K .1 - stedt, jr., Clifford Blakeley and Roy Mc- Auley were appointed ushers to care for both morning and evening services. ceeds came within several dollars of meeting the requirements. There was an innovation in the ; Methodist church Sund.iy evening when M, ,'.. Rocklyncircuit th e choir was composed entirely of young men, and the address was directed es- pecially to hockey players. The tsxt was from 2nd Timothy, 2-3 : "Thou will preach in the Methodist church on Sunday morning next. Rev. Mr. Dud- geon goes to the Rocklyn circuit to hold quarterly service morning and afternoon , therefore endure hardness as n sjood of that day, but will be in his own pulpit | soldier (lf Jesus christ The pastor here in the evening. I said during bis discourse that ho Jwas in Mr. George Watson of Flesherlou has purchased the waterpower at Pricev ille favor of .ill manly games but only of a clean game. He inferred thai a visiting from A. D. McLevd and the Uud in j tenm here last week hail indu'ged in connection therewith, including the ' some disreputable tactics, and he waa proud of the Flosherton boys for the manner iu which they submitted to these things rather than emulate them. The pond. Mr. Watson expects to build a tasb and door factory in the near future. The sum paid was $14.000. The new t'u in will be Wai son & Son, Mr. Elrnt; 1 ' , sermon was timely and appropriate, ani Watson going in with his father. . At the Presbyterian Church on Sunday afternoon an innovation in the regular lervice took place by the installation of officers of the Sabbath School and Young Peoples Guild as plunned for the whole i continued. full of the wisdom that experience brings. A quintette of male voices took the place of the usual mixed choir. A ten minute song servicn before the r.^nhu service has been inaugurated and will be church at tho last meeting of General Asaeuioly. The installation was conduct- ed by the pastor and was impressive and interesting. It is intended that in this Radley's hotel at Ceylon had an ex- ceedingly narrow escape from destruc- tion by fire on Saturday forenoon last. The tire started in an unused attic room way thase important departments of the ; which contained odds and ends. When churches work shall be more deeply im- discovered about 10 a. m. it was burning Murder and Suicide Near Orangeville Special to The Advance. Orangeville, Jan. 26. A terrible tiag- edy occurred about twelve miles west of this town, on the old Fergus road, about 10 o'clock thtf forenoon, when a young m. in named Edward Simpson, who had recently returned home from tho West, phot and killed his father and n- other and attempted to slmot his sister, who escaped. This afternoon Chief of Police Marshall, Thomas Dawson and Dr. Henry went out to arrest the murderer but on arrival at the house found that the young man had turned the weapon on himself and bad been dead for some time. A jury was empanelled and after viewing the remains of the old couple found thst they had come to their death by shooting, at llie hands of the son, while laboring under temporary iesaoity. The tragecy has cast a pall r>f horror over the whole community. Tom Whaller ofShelburne has n hen that hatched out five chickens a week .,<>. He set six eggs in his cotton-front hen house, and,uonsidering that it was 32 be- low zero last week, be thinks this is a record. Mary Dolan, who wis sentenced to Kingston Penitentiary for life for the muideriug uf her infant child near Hawkestone iu the spring of 1910, has been released after serving a little over three years. General breakdown ia the reason for the granting of her freedom. The DoUn case created a sensation in Simcoe couuty following the finding of the infant's body iu a suitcase floating in the Narrows at Atherley. The git' confessed, and her paramour, one Mc- Nulty, an hotelkeeper naar Orillia, was involved and also sentenced aa an accom- plice. Farm For Rent or Sale. Lot 9 and 10, N.D R., Artemeeia, 100 acres, about 80 cleared, frame barn and stables, small orchard, 2i miles from two itations. For particulars apply to MRS. A. R. McLEOD March 1 Ceylon P. 0. Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE For Sale Berlin barley for seed. A new strain of tho six rowed variety. $1.00 per bushel. Apply to Lewis Fieh- er, Flenherton. For Sale Cheap young driving mire, about l )50 pounds, or would exchange for good driving horse about 1100 pounds. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesh- orton. Jan. -2 Two Jack Screws to rent. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. A few choice R. I. Ro.l s.c. cockerels for sale good enough for show birds. W. H, Thurstoii, Flosherton. Legal Blanks For Sale R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for s<ile cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and all other lo^il blanks. Any requiring such will find it to their inter- est to give him a call. For sale cheap and on easy ti i in.-. Lot 13, con. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is a b'rst class farm and in a good state of cultivation. Good Lank barn &nd new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton. LOST AND FOUND Sum of money found at Ceylon, quire at C.P. U. station. In- pressed upon the congregation*. briskly, and it took a bucket brigade At a party held * Mr. George Best's, about an hour and a half to subdue the Toronto and Sydenham road, Thursday ' flames. The fire ia supposed to have ningt of last week a large number of ' started spontaneously in a huudle of rat's, young people were present and had an ; The damage is estimated at some $400. enjoyable evening. When the hour ar- j The building was recently covered with rived for their departure a small contin- a patent rooting, this no doubt had much ; to do with keeping the the from being fanned from the outside. The whole South end of root was on Bre in.vilo. (ent of the crowd considered a little jaunt around tho farm would add great- ly to the evening's pleasure mid landed back at the stilting point. When day- Mis. .Itihiv McLean, a pioneer settler d.'uvnod over tho horizon tlu-y *ero ; Cape Breton, died at Uuelph *l the Uncled safely at home. Com. : ni; of U>- years. MISCELLANEOUS Notice- -As I have purchased the mill privilege from A. D. McLeod, Priceville, intending customers me invited to leave their logs m mill property, and I will ! prepared to saw tho same about mid- summer. Geo. A. Watson. I am prepared to cut shingles and lumber or custom work. I will cut shingles and take shingle timber for my pay- I will allow highest price for shinglo limber, according to qualify. Anyone putting in timber will put it together mid put his name on it, as I won't be in the yard. I gate good satisfaction to those who bought shingles from me. I am icoing t, > run it myself this year and I think I can give boiler satisfaction. Yours truly, EDWARD SAUGKNT. Ceylon p. o. Wanted large second hand box heat- ing stove, must be cheap n .1 on reason- ably pood condition. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flosherton. Jsn.22 Could take in a number of cattle for the wintut months. Apply at the Ad- vance Ottice. $2000 private funds to loan on farm mortgage security at lowest rates of in- terest. Apply R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. mm TXr.^;:*:^^^^^ HILL BROS., flARKDALE. Just Eight Days More To Get Winter Supplies At a Big Saving We have added many more lines at Big Discounts off regular prices. Rubbers Our stock of Heavy and Light Rubbers is still large all sizes. j LOT NO 1 Men's Light Rubbers, best quality; regular 81.00 lines to clear 33 LOT NO 2 Women's Light Rubbers, high and low heel; reg. 600 & 75c to clear 48 LOT NO 8 Women's Overshoes, all sizes; reg. 82.00 and $2.10 clearing price $1.29 LOT NO 4 Men's one buckle Overshoe;reg$1.75 clearing price $1,29 LOT NO 5 Men's Low Snag Proof Buckle or lace, reg. $2.25 to 82.75; clearing price ..$1.89 LOT NO 6 Boys' Buckle and Lace Heavy Gum Eubbers,rtg.$l.-10 to $1.75;clearing price 81.15 LOT NO 7 Men's Leather Top Rubbers; 7 in. Top, regular $3.00 for.... $2.39 9 in. Top, regular $3 . 50, for $2.69 12 in, Top, regular 4.25. for ,....$3.39 16 in. Top, regular $5.00 for $4.25 Men's Underwear In this lot ther are over a hundred Garments; a clean-up in our odd lines; reg. 68c to $1.25 value; clearing price .48 Women's Coats We Lave a few good coats left in sizes 32, 34 and 86, these Coats are good value at $5.00. Clearing price 98 GROCERY Department S P<^ Granulated Sugar, per cwt $4.50 Comfort Soap 7 for 25 A good Pink Salmon 2 for 25 Canned Goods, Corn Peas.TomatoeB and ' Plums, 3 for 25. Corn Starch 4 for .... 25 Currants 4 foa 25. Raisin, 4 for ; 25 Special Clearing In Women's Underwear We Lave 25 dozen Women's Underwear in Good Weight, Wool Garments in Natural, Black, Red, and White; reg. 75c an 85c a Garment, Special Clearing Price .... 48 Visit our Hardware Department For Snaps in TINWARE and GKAMTEWARE Granite Pie Plates, leg. 12^ for 7 Tin Dippers, each. 5c. Tin Pie Platea, reg. oc, at 8 forSc Granite Tea Kettles, reg. $1.25 for 89 lin Cups, each 5c. Bake pans, reg 25c for 15c In fact anything you want in Hardware we have it at Money Saving Prices. HILL BROS, - MARKDALE 1 I! Carefully Corrected Eaob Week Wheat ................... 85 to 85 Oats ...................... 33 to C3 PBRS ................ 1 12 to 1 12 Barley .................. 55 to 55 Hay ................ 12 00 to 12 00 Butter ......... ......... 22 'c 28 Eags, fresh ............. 32 i 32 IV'tiUoeepet bag ........... 75 to 75 Geese .................... 12 to 13 Ducks .......... ..... 15 .0 15 Fowl ...................... 11 to 13 Chickens ..................... 13 to 10 Turseys ................... 18 to 21 = W. L. WRIGHT FLESHERTON Great Reductions in Prices For a Limited time, Only. Sot a dollar's worth of old cr Shop Worn Goods in the stoio. Everything New and I'p-To-Date. I am^oing to clear out the balance of our Winter Ui c i!s : I .- n !> it- n rki K i n f< i <'UiS|ii\|iitoli ck. which is now coming in. Jus-t call aud see the "ods at the prices we urn quoting. We know y.u will not be disappointed. Ladies' B. drnom Slippers, reg. We for 79 ^ omen's Claret. Slippers, res; 81.35 for ,13.98 ..?->. us //I. for. RUBBERS Men'* Cobalts, 12 inche?, reg. 84..">d Men's Sudbury, 7 inches, ren. $3.50 for. . Men's Forest King re.:. $3 L'5 for Men's Rosewood reg. $3.00 for K-WJ Men's Huron, 3 eye reg. 82. '.'5 for *!. Boys' Huron, 3 eye reg. S-'.OO for 81 <> Boys' Huron, 3 eye reg^l-75 for . - - - - I^B 81-7.>for Men's b'elt Socks, reg. $U'0 for Men's Arctic Shoes, leg. 81.00 for Men's Leather Mitts nt Reduced Prices. Biy EtednstioiM in Ladies', Gents and Children's Sweaters. Woolen Onps and Mitts. All the Lutest Novelties in Gent's Fuinish<- Fancy Shut-, Collars, Ties, fto. Ladies' Furs. Mantles, etc., at greatly Rtductd. Prices. We have a few ends of Dress GooJs wlrch we are selling off. 822.50 818.00 .813.00 Men's Black Cloth Coat with fur collar, reg Men's' FurCwtY China Dog, reg 22.50 f,.r. Men's Fur Coat, Silka Bear, r-is *2t..2.. tor. .821.00 Good value in Cloth Coats, reg 81(5 50 for. . . .813.2J A few Boys' Coats left at, reg 88.50 for 8<i M) A few Bovs' Coats left af, reg 80 75 for 8u.40 A number of Boys' '" " : ""- "" f i wo piece reduction. suits u oiiig at a Five Roses Flour. Purity 'Flour Royal Household Shorts Br.-\n Rolled Oat* Rolled WluM- Selected Raisins CuiT.-in's Fu-sh Trout l'i -'. ('<rnt'e Aim-ricui SPECIALS IN GROCERIES Canned Tomatoes Canned Corn Canned Psas Tomato Catsup Pork Mid Beans Cixni'oi Salmon Sardines. Corn Meat Best Granulated Sugar Cranberries ' HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PRODUCE: nr MWV^ NEW BARBER SHOP: The undersigned hiw opened a barber i shop in the brick block over the post- 1 tffico, where I will be prepared to meet | as many of my friends as can make it convenient to call. Give me a call when you want a hair cut or shave. Razors honed. CHAS. HOY, - Tenders Sealed tenders marked, "Tenders for School " will be received by the under- signed up to C p. m., February 2'Hh, ! 914, for building a school in S. S. No. .">, Osprey. Building is to be either tune or Drick. Plans and specifij'iliuii.s nay be saen at undersigned's place of : osidence, 8th con., Osprey. Lowest or ny tender not necessarily accepted. I'.y order WM. LAWLKR, R. 1?. No. 1, Eugenia, Soc.-Treas., Public School Board, S, 8. No. 5, Osprey . IT ^ou cnn enter any day at tho OWEN SOUND, ONT., Every graduate guaranteed a position. 33 Successful Years. Large Stuff of Specialists. I instruction. W ^Information free. & Jig C. A. FLEMING. F. C. A., J> Principal. ;8?G- D FLEMING Seorolary. '^ OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO^ Our Clubbing List The following prices aro for strictly paid in advance subscriptionsouly. We have no accounts with other papers. Flesherton Advance S I 00 Youths Companion 2 00 Toronto World, daily 3 00 Toronto Daily News 1 50 Weekly Globe 90 Mail-Empire 75 Family Herald & Scar 90 Toronto Star 1 50 Farmer Sun .. 90 Farmers Advooata 1 50 Weekly Wit, lle e 90 Saturday Niht 3 00 Homo Journal 90 Poultry News 26 Poultry Review 40 Rod and (Inn mnytiziiio 90 Notice i We have received instructions from iDurtrim Furniture Co. to j.nii-chase logs ,for ihoin :it their mill, Ceylon. Also to jinspect and measure snme. For price" 'etc. apply co G. or F. Colliusou, Ceylon

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