Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Jan 1914, p. 8

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.iff' January 29 1914 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE BUSINESSCARDS Of H. WitlGHT. TKLVOHD & McDUNALD " llarriitur, SoHoitom, &c. < Mil. i.-.. Grey A Hrm-a Block, Owon Sound. Standard Hank Block, Flesherton, (Saturday*). W.ll. Wrigbt, W. I'. 'iVIfonl J-., J. 0. UcbouaW, U U. .B. _ A SOCIETIES O U W meet* ou tbe lai Monday in each tuontb, ill tbeir lodge room Claytoo'i ball KteihertOD, at 8 p.m. M. W., W. J. Bellamy ; KIT.. G. H. Uunsbaw; Fin., K. J, Hproule. Visiting bretbranluvltod PUIN'CK AUTHUK LODGE, No. XH3.A.K.& A M. meets In the Uaionicball. Arm -trout's lilock.Flesliertou, every Friday on or before tlie full mocii lltrb Buiith, \V. M.; Cliaa.Muosuaw, riocratary. pOVJBTyi.KKHERTON, 99S, I. 0. F. meet* In v Clayton's block the last \Y edneadav rvv-.ir.i; eacb month. Vinitinp Foreotem heartily Icome'C. K., G. Bellamy ; B. B., G, CuirLn; D. See., W. Buskin. Ploasu pay duet to Fin. Sec. before tbe first ay of tbu mouth. PHO8EN FHIEXOS Flcsherton Council v Chosen Friends meets in Clayton's hall flrat and third Wednesday of each mouth 8 p. m Pay asen8uients to tho Ke<-order ou or bufore tee first day of each month. Chief Councillor T. Blakelev: Kecorder W. H. Buut. RUDD MATHE'.VB. _-. auctioneer for tho county of (.rey, Gooc 1 service at reasonable rates. mdo at Tbe Advance, o 09 Markdale, Licensee) ;rey. Go Dates can bo MEDICAL D K U C I- A 8 Ont, Physician, Surgeon et Office and residence-Peter St., Flesherton f P OTTEWELL. I Veterinary Surgeon graduate of Ontario Veterinary College renidence second door south went.oi fc.*ry street. This street runs south Presbyterian Church. THE PASSPORT AND TRAVEL. DENTISTRY Dr. E. C. MURRAY L. D. B., denUI surgeon bono, Rradiiate of Torouto Uuivoreity and Bcyal I'ollrKB o< Dental 8urReon of Ontario. Gu a4mUloMtar*d for t6tb extraction Ollice at residence, Torouto Btiuet. FleaUerton LEGAL I UCAB, IIANEY & " Bolicitor*.eto.-I. B. Lucas, h. C.; W. K Kanvy, K. C. ;\V. I). Henry, H. A. OUicfn Toronto. S06-9 Traders Bank Blrtp., phono main 141-2; Markdale Lucas Block, Phone 2 A. HraucU ottice at Duudalk open every Baturday BUSINESS CARDS ' CULLOUGH A YOUNG Backer* Markdale eoeral banking business . Money loaned reaionable rale* Call on UH. D. Mi.-PHAIL, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Orey. Terms moderate aud ti acilou guaranteed. Tlie arrangements . I lates of sales can be made a*, THK ADVANUK Dee. Kciidence and P.O., Ceylon, Telephone inunction. Dec. tffj. \yM. KA1TTINU. Licensed Auctioneer 1 * tbe counties fot of Urey and Hiuicoe. Farm and Htock sales a specialty. Turms aioderate. satisfaction guarantied. Arrange- ments for dale* may be made at the Advsuce . Hi. c-. or Central telephone ottice Feversliain or by addressing me at Faversbaui, Ont. Pure Bred Holstein Bull LhaiiKcliiiK Prince Joe llii-il by Chan^elinK I'.uiin lioy exit of Tidy Abbekerk I'rincesH .1 i-n-|iliiu,-. The grentest butter making strain known. Tenii of Hcrvicu t'.' fur {{radi'H, 8*> fur puri- bred. ( ; K< >. M< M )IIK TCHI8LETT. I'.i-'u. -!!. Ceylon. Commissioner In II, I'. J . ConTevancer, deeds, ijiort^areH, leases, wills eto. carefully drawn up oilectious m*il . charges reasonable. Also roceries, Hour, feed etc, kept lu stock, Trices iftfat Small Farm For Sale Part Lot '{, con. 4, Eupluikxm, brick- faced cottage, fr<imo btrn with IxiHcmont ; <<iiiall orchard, cherrieff, )ilums, |,'ili-s and xmall fruit. Lnt Oli HI., I i ri .!i-nli;iN SI-.I-.^HI> To t'ro-.s Kmntlrrs. The passport will disappear as a condition of international travel only with the coming of the millennium. It would bt- easier to drive a camel through tho eye of a needle than to smuggle a foreigner into Itussia with- out a passport. Whether be cross the Czar's frontier from the sea, by the gateway of Batoum, or by land, where the Nord Express runs through Wlrballen, the traveler will be called upon to stand and deliver his pass- port almoft before he has filled bis lungs with Russian air. U is a case of passport nrst and customs after, for if the traveler's credentials are not in order his luggage need not he opened. It might be thought that in- spection at the former would sutflce; but there Is another examination to undergo at Tlflls or St. Petersburg, as the case may be; and, Indeed, dur- ing a stay of some weeks in the capi- tal the document is usually retained by tho manager of '.be hotel, and must in- endorsed again by the police before the holder leaves the country. The one redeeming feature of this otherwise Irritating surveillance Is that K costs nothing, since the Rus- sian authorities undertake all the ne- cessary formalities without enacting so much as a rouble for their trouble. It is the fashion to resent, as well as ridicule, this attitude of the Tus- slan police; but tourists who are im- patient of such scrutiny are free to stay away, and the methods of Mus- covy are, after all, not more prying or Impertinent than those of Mont- real. The Canadian immigration bu- reau demands from each arrival an assurance that he is not an Anarchist, a polygamist, cripple, or hereditary Imbecile. It Insists on knowing whe- ther he has paid his own passage. It asks questions about his parents and grandparents, and in fact displays an inquistlveness of which Russian offi- cials would never dream. The trouble in Turkey, where the ordinary passport of other countries is replaced by the taskere, is, on the other hand, that of continual petty exactions of a few plasters here and a few piasters then 1 , not only (in the days of Abd-ul-Haruld) on entering, but actually on leaving the country as well. Nowadays, however, this rule of inspecting the teskere of anyone quitting Ottoman territory, which were merely an excuse for a last backsheesh, has wisely been done away with. The object of the passport has al- t'Ti-d during the past two centuries. The "license to travel" of Elizabeth- an times represented In effect an export duty on tourists, and was in- sisted on In tbe hope of discouraging foreign travel, which the authorities regarded, in post-reformation days, as subversive of Protestantism and likely also to undermine the patrio- tic sentiment of English youth. Ed- ward VI. and Elizabeth both gave letters, which may virtually be re- garded as passports, to commercial adventurers trading In Russia and Persia. Nowadays, on the other hand, passport Is simply a certificate of citizenship, In which the foreign sec- retary for the time being calls upon all those "whom It may concern" to pass the bearer "freely, without let or hindrance," and to afford all ne- cpssardy assistance and protection. The modern passport is a coldly Ira- personal and official document, with none of the glamor of these old let- frorn prince*; but something analogous to them survived until re- cently In Morocco, where the grand vizier used to give his sign manual to favored travelers In the atlas or other wild regions of the Sbereeflan mplre, whereby they were sure of the assistance cf country kald* and of Immunity from attack or Impost- lon. The priceless letter used to cost nothing beyond thanks at an audi- nce and tbe only obligations which It entailed on the bolder was .hat he should at his own expense ncludf a couple of Moorish soldier* n his rrtlnue. The armory of these warriors was'jomewhal obsolete, but hey were handy men In pitching a ent or lighting a camp lire and were generally worth more than their very modest ke<>p and wage. RADFORD'S BUFFALO. recount, hut instead :>f Joint' lh : s an not seem as if there is much possibi !ity irely by the < uai.tity of luiuid parattin Kxplortr'H Sprclmeii Nt.w On View In a Capital. Harry V. KacUord, the Arctic plorer, who with bis ompanion, Ueo. Street cf Ottawa, has been murdered by Ksqulmos, killed tbe largest wood buffalo known In June of 1910 m tbe trip which proved to be bis last. He told the story to H. A. Tremayne, then au Inspector of the fur trade dis- tricts for the Hudson B ly Co. Mr. Trernayne described the affair while in Winnipeg recently. I met Kadford at Fort McMurray, on tbe Athabasca river, in June, 1910 and he told mo the story of tbe hill- Ing of tills huge beast," says Mr. Tre- mayne. Then .e quotes Kadford as saying: "Desiring to obtain a large speci- men of the wood buffalo, I applied, v. iiii at Edmonton, I. the Albcrtan Government for a permit to kill one. This obtained, I traveled by boat to Fort Smith, on the Great Slave River, In 1909, and remained In that vicin- ity, pursuing my scientific Investiga- tions, until recently (June, 1910). One afternoon wo came upon tbe spoor of a band of twelve animals, among the tracks of which was one of unusual size. Indicating that its author *ras a very larte animal. We tracked tbe band for about two miles, when it was found to have divided. eight of the animals going south and application was made for an injunction to icotrnin tin: Municipal Council from currying out tbe by-law. It is suppoKed (hut thi.s was done at the btthcst of the liquor inU rests to keep the matter open until the end of thu present Jieonse year. The time for lodging an upplicatisn for recount expired on Monday night, .iml one day's gracu WBS given to make guru that this had not been done. The local license inspector has been notified by Hun. W. J. Hanna to see Unit all sale of liquor must ccaxe when the bars closei last night. In explaining his action, Hon. W. .) 1 1 n. i, i made tbe following statemen last night : "In accordance with an understanding arrived at last fall license holders and between the liquoi the license depart the remaining four (Including large one) traveling northwest. the V'e again took up tbe trail miles, to a point where for three a further separation had taken place, and the owner of the large hoofa had gone on accompanied by only one female. I succeeded in t avellng on with sil- ence and circumspection for about half a mill', when tbe trail led to a small clearing, in the middle of whlcb stood, perfectly still, an enormous bull buffalo and a cow. "Tbe moment was a agonizing one for me, but by a supreme effort I in' ni, that should local option carry in VI ea ford in January, 1914, the license! in Meaford would be forthwith thereafter discontinued, the department has given notice to the liqunr license holders to discontinue the sale of all intoxicating liquors under the terms of tbe liquor license act on and after Thursday, Jan. twenty-second." According to a message from Meaford la.st evening, the hotelkeepers of that town were only notified by License [nspector Matthew Beckett ni about 8 o'clock that they had only three hours more in which to do Im.iiness over the bar. Inspector Beckett received word himself from the License Department in the afternoon, and Jrove "over to Mea- ford from Owen Sound. Everything was quiet in the hotels controlled myself, dropped on one! between 8 o'clock and the closing hour, knee, and, aiming carefully at InejKotifioalioo to clo* had been expected heart region, fired. l- ' u ~ *-" ' --n. move. I fired frightful bellow, be fell on his and lay struggling. Still fearful that the Injuries inflicted might not be vital and that the prize might yet escape me, 1 fired three more shots, after which the beast lay quite still. "I had the carcass tak.n to Fort .-ml f: by horse sleigh and, having procured the scales, found that it tipped the beam at 2,250 pounds, eas- ily a world's recoil." The sequel is thus related by Mr Tremayne: "In reaching Smith's Landing wit'- the carcass Kadford was arrejted by the sergeant In charge of a Royal Northwest Mounted Police detach- ment for 'killing a Buffalo without authority.' Kadford produced his i r mil, which had been signed by the Minister of Agriculture for the Pro- vince of Alberta. The sergeant ex- the sudden order of last night casiontd no surprise. The liquor now <-n thtir hands will go buck to the brewers ivnd distillers from whom it was bought on the understanding that what. over renamed on Imnd when the burs were closed would be Uken back. Chalmer's Church Annual Meeting The annual uieutiiij; <>f Chuliner's churJi In-Ill on the evening <>f the 15th list, was a very plfitsant and harmonious one, presided over by tho Mr. MVicr. plained that the animal had been kill ed in the unorganized district known months aijo nn-1 under as the Northwest Territories, whlchj ..... Is under the jurisdiction of the Dom- 8 inlon. not tbe Albertan Government. and that the permit was therefore of no value. However, there Lad evl- den'ly been n misunderstanding, and Radford could not leave the vicinity even bad be want M to (650 miles c' snow and let- lay betveen Smith's I. .iii.lm:- and !:> nearest railway lice, at Kdmonton) so tbe sergeant releas ed him ponding Instruction, sent a inducted about ln in the Rev. nine con- oontajni 44 ucrcs. will buy it. Apply WM. SL(AN KinilK-rley p. o. to Boar for Service i white Yorkshire Hoar fnr isrvioe tfTbinfl, :iril rau W T. A H. K., Artsumria Triu *'.'' It. WAM.S-H. H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. 4140 A line of Ready-Made Which we put alterations shatye, if required. Clothing in free of UepIS BULL FOR SERVICE Registered HoUteiu Hull, Koradyke I'li-terije Clothilde, Nu. 14780, whiutu dam, Tri/.in's Cluthilde Pietertje '-'nd.No. 2UH8, fat* produced over 80 Ib*. milk per day. Term*- Grade cow* 91 .00, pure bred ow 93. All cowa not returned will be charged. Al*o regiatered Yorkahire hoar, AN .14081 .Term. II. HKNRY HOLM .(> Lot 40, Con. 4, Artemeiia, Portlaw P 8mrtf FARM FOR SALP Spring Greek K-trm, lot 40, Con. 4, Ai-temnim, containing 100 acre*, 90 acre* eleared nd in good utate of cultivation, balance good hardwood buh. Oood frame barn and uement concrete houi> Spring creel running acrnw corner of farm, aho good well under cover. Ci- twn* at barn and houne. Kra| MKJ| de lireiy. Apply to -H. HOLMAN, Maxwell P.O. Very I'ntldy. The Rreal baseball player'* wife had never seen a game, but he finally persuaded her to view one In which he was to play. He was doing his best, of course. One strike had been called on him, and. as usual In base- ball anecdoteii, two men were out and the bases full. Our hero was feather- Ing bis strength for the swat he wan going to give thf hall. And tho ball came. He knew It was bin as the ball started, and with a mighty crack he lifted It Into spare. Dropping hi* bat, he sped for nrst. anil ere the roar of applauie burst out a slight woman In the grand stand ros and called: "Will, come back here and put that bat where It belongs!" l In- Sneezing Prayer. The Mimum of following a sneeze with a prayer goes *o far back Into the past It I* next to Impossible to *ay when It actually began. According to Strada tbe custom originated among tbe Assyrians, who, through au opin- ion of the danger that attended It, after tbe act of sneezing made a abort prayer to tbe gods. Tbe Roman* af- ter ineeaing cried out, "Jupiter, help me!" Tbe custom I* mentioned by Homer, the early Jewlih writer* and others, and la found among many sav- age tribe*. It WM m- OHM "What'* tbe baby rrylng for new?" aiked tbe bead of tbe house from tbe depth of his paper. "He want* bis own way." answer- ed tbe mother. And with bis mind on the latest tork quotations hubby replied: "Well. If It's his, why don't you let him have U?" report on the case to his commis- sioner. "The verdict received some months later wns that 'In vlow of tbe general misunderstanding no tine need be Ira- posed, but Hi" hide of tho buffalo must be confiscated and turned ovcf to the Department of Agriculture al Edmonton.' Tho skin was, therefore, taken away from Kadford and Is now to IK> seen mounted In the Govern- ment ii'iiNm. of the Albertan capl- lal." IVi-isi. iiH-iil. Drlde of Soim> Moiitbs My tem- per* you lay are trying. He At time*. "I would not have you worn out with them. If you cared to be re- leased from " "Oh, no; not at all; not a minute. I don't feel *o even wben I am crois. I'm no ninety day volunteer. 1 en- listed for the war." jjo of the Duplrx which ihcro had Very encouraging reports we-o pre- sented from the various organizitiun* in the church including the W. M. S. and Mission Bitnd organized al>ut seven inontha ago. Tho sefuion reported *J8 new members ndilvd to >.he church, nuking tho total on the loll iv-s. Seven baptisms were aj. ininiitcrnl. An Adult Bible Class htul been orennized, !<> a Home Depart- ment, und visitation of tbe confutation by the elder* m m , : for. The Treasurer's report noti-J the adoption six months Kn\vl.,|if SysU'-n by been H marked increase in the an i rut revv.iue and also in the contributions to Missions, exceeding iiny former yesr. All litiliilitirs for the yi -u were met and t !:>'.. n, , of rush remained on Imnd in -h department as follows : current |15ti.0:i ; minse account s'.ij .,7 , I i.h, > Aid, general account 9120. Ml; organ fund 9:W> 00 ; Snbbath School fll'.Ml ; he < 'ml, I $_:;. .Vi ; Mission Band $;;:::: The W.H. S. gave i, Missiona $40. 00, Sunday Si-1,, ,1 910 00, I ,!,,- Aid 93.UO, Envelope contributions fll'><Hi. c,>l- lections 913.48, total [9185.48. In the election of ofticera J. L. Mc- Who is the oldest man in the Do- inlniim '. The t-.wi. of Txhridge claims! Mulle "' l> - McTavish and M. Ferguson t > have him in Michael O'Neil, who will were re elected tru*tcc; T. M. Bannon. b lOo years old on Jan. 17, and tho residents :>re justly proud of their cen- t 'iiarian, who hm just seen a hundred summer* come and go and looks tiiv JTIin old able to walk around Motherly Admonition. "Now, Anne, bow often bav* I told you always to call your eye* down when you *.ra In the street? It rn*,ke* a good Impreulon, and, bealde*, you sometime* And a pocketbook- that wy." In. ii. GoM Mid Water. Iron I* seven tlm* a* be*vjr M water, bulk for bulk, and fold nine- teen time* a* gentleman is with a fttep Hill and tarriaite that would put t shame many a man of sixty ye*r* of age, and does all his own work. After tho snow fall on Saturlay he was out shovelling snow. Toronto World. G. H. Cairns and W. R, Simmons woie re-elected on the Board of manager* ; Joseph Blackburn Wits re-ele<-lcd Sec'y- and Nn. Itlackburn, organist and though he will xurvife another hundred l |O ' r leader ; O. H. Cairn* and Chat. tt'id fie. IThe old aentlemaii ia still Stewart auditors. The ladies served re- freshmentsat the clone ami * pleasant Meaford Goes Dry Toronto, Jan. 22- -Meaford i* dty this m. >i nun: By an order of W. J. Hanna, Proviacial Secretary, the :ule of n'quor in the three hole'* must he discontinued from now until April 30 n*vt, when tbe license year end* and Ion) option will be in force. Tins tituatiou has arisen out of the They Will Need $20,000 The county council it in ivision this week at Owen Sound. Commenting on county mattei* in general the Time* say*: Almost on* half of the personnel of tbe council will be dim-rent from that of last year. A 'so the county council it mailer thin in 191,'! by (wo member*, due to a couple of the townships having 'lien local option conteat in Meifurd in when the by-law was defeated a reference taken to the ratepayers al Thin is in addition to limiliar the municipal election* (hit y*r. The certain bridge* which have vot* wa* held two weeks sgo, and re- sulted 4(M fur to :;i agtidst local option. Under th* liquor liotnse law two weeki i* allowed to either id for dn%nding a s-u-i.il time was spent. of the uouucil doing anything but going ahead and ifHuing the debenture* to meet the requirement*. From the imnner in which tlio expenditure of Grey has gnne up liy leaps and bounds in the post few yesrs ii is apparent that careful over- sight of every cent of expense i.s necess- ary and that there ia room for economy. Miny lu-ln vr that too much money ia ex- pended on the oversight of the county work. County councillors drawing mile- age and u big day's pay for the inspection vapours in the permanent gases, and U further affected by tha temperature con- ditions in the well, the gasoline content of the oil, and ilu- intimatcncss of con- tact between the oil and gas. Such ra- pid expansion nf gas from a. casing head l;us been known to occur us to cause a heavy condensation of vapours at the point of egress. The above c< moderations Miggest that the pofsibility (if manufacturing gasoline of work of which in many cases they have fr " m the n tural !?" which <1CT:ura in little practical or expert knowledge. such enormous quantities in Alberta, ia a Whether it is a system th.,t could l> im- miltler welt wwth y of i"''st'3-^ion. proved or not is a moot question | iut ! There would u.iJcubledly be a kree mar- something ought to be -iven consider- ket f '"' the <IS )1; " e P'^uced, and after its extraction i ! ic residu.-il g;n would be rich in methane and ethane and have a heatin value. ul j 011 Gasolene From Alberta A few months ago a "white oil" was struck in an oil well at Black Diamond, near Okotoks, Alberta. It consisted largely of gasoline of such purity that it his been successfully used in its raw state for driving an automobile. At higher horizon in this well, a flow of 2,000,000 cubic feet of gas per day was obtained. There are two hundred p'ants in the I'nited SriUes making gosolinc from nat- Flestsierton. Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give ntire Satisfaction LAl'XDKV Basket closes Monday night, delivery Friday evening. CLEANING and DYEING- We are agents for Parker's Dye Works Clothes- cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. ural gas. The yield is determined 1" TFISHFR PROPRIETOR i: n HARDWARE I A car of salt in barrels, sacks and packages to arrive thi.s week. Rock salts, fine salts, dairy and table 5 and 10 c. sacks. What about fixing up your vehicles for spring. Shenvin Williams carriage paints and top dress- ing make buggies look as good as new. Shelf and heavy hardware Coal-oil L'Oc. this week. Frank W. Duncan FLKSHEI^TON, ONT. II Pattison& Go's Stock Taking Sale Kri'iu MOW til tho enn of January for the purpose of reducing uur stock of Hun] ware, tirocttrles. Boots and Shoes and clearinK out all , ,1,1s and ends in the Dry (>nods Department. INVESTIGATE ! ! ALL I.ADIKS', MKX'S, AND BOYS' WINTER SOLD AT COST. COATS TO BE SOI ND HAKIJ.V1NS IN REMNANTS OF EVERY DJSSCHIPTIOX. KKDLCED I'RK'KS IN HOCKEY BOOTS AND SKATKS SAME CTT i'RICESIN THK GROCERY DEPARTMENT AS OUR NEW YEAR SALE. :MI PAIRS MKVS. LADIES' AND BOYS' BOOTS AND SHOES, 10 PER JKNT, OFF. MEN'S, LADIES' AND BOYS' CNDERWEAR, 10 PERCENT. OFF. MEN S AND BOYS' CAPS 15 and LTic. PRICES ON LKiHT AND HEAVY RUBBERS LOWER THAN EVER FIND OUT I)I>*K this coirespoml with the HUtcments made about th nigh cot of living. the one tbouMi.d voter* re- iuiitn to their ancding u deputy reevo n addition to the reeve. The m.vn who mve fallen below the requirement were 1I3, by a St. Vincent which now M- nl Egrtmont townbip*t one representative in- fraction of on* vote. An appeal wai Uken before Mr. Ju*lice Kelly, who tet i)i whole matter aide in a content judgement under which tbe liceniei should continue to be in force, aid a and dollaia to be acquired through the itead of two. The chief item eta to come before the council Of llllHLM- will l.e by-law to provide a um of lweuty-thou!i- Mua of debenture to cover the coot of IHIOU built. of debenture* i amount tat year Ivr the imp purpose. Practically the whole ount lu* been expended and it doe* Flesherton Tin Shot I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelwaro and Agatware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Ea vet roughing. Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipeh'tting, including pump work. installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces Furnaces. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON m ONTARIO.

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