Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Feb 1914, p. 2

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THE PARCELS POST SYSTEM Provincial Boundaries Zones Local Rates Will Ap- ply for Twenty fliles From Each Post Office A 4eapatah from Ottawa ayf A memo 2\nlnfn( 0> -- n:<I working of uw pan*)* pout 7ln bM been . wd by Ho.. 1, IV Pnlr. Puttinatr Oueral. It <K7I "Aft*j- ootia'drins- carefully evurr ph*a of th* parcel* poat qiiHon, the poiniMUr-tnerl ha doldl to adopt the on ijtlem In flihif parcel pott ratri on account of the frs.it area ovtr which distribution hac to !> mad* In Caoada and Lh i-omparattvalj span* population of the rvomln'.on. If a flat rat* r- fliod thai would not nudl too areai a Inn to the deoart- V*nt In carrying parcels from one end f th* Dominion to the other, or evn from th* oentr* province* to til* exlr*m Ml to w**t, th rate would bo too high (or comparative'? *hor( dialaneei or *Ten b*tw*n point* within tb* aame prwinoa, aixl th* only j>r. : : . i plan appeared to b* tii ton* avmtftui. -i <! r which th* ratei ' graduate! awordlnc to the dlatanc* parcel will hAr in b* carried. Provincial B*undr.tl "On aoeooBt of th* tcoffraph'.ral pil- lion of th* provlrww of Canada and their cliif approximately th* Mtme )*> whn th* three Maritime province* are eonciJer- ed aa on* It .i* found 'h'. Ui* proTinclal boundaries would b the moat convenient to adopt a* the 1 :n.: of th* *>ne. and onrjuapl Uie i.it.w wr* 8i*d by pro v.nre*. Th! maktt the *ywtem a rery .it ; f one, much *ii*r to follow than the tone yMm b <<! upon mlleae sjoni. 'The 8r*t or local rate I* AT* rnt for th* In', pound and one cent for each ad- ditional pound or fraction thereof, up to t: 'IT pound*, and two cent* for each aub- njurnt pound up ( eleven pound*) within a radiu* of twenty ncllei from Ui place of nailing, irrespective of provincial Liundtrle* Th* li to |tvt local m*r- hanta an advantar* witbin their own ifirhbnrhood and 'i-> firmer* and r*r- diir* wfco tan uie .hi- mall* for *end- It.f product to tlielr local market at a law rate. \ parnel of II pound* can be Mnt It mile* for t cent* * iKiund. and th'.* ahould f!i* th* farmer* a doclded advantage in ni'trkrtiut etr anil other perishable mat- IT It wIM alec live a decided advaniaf to the oountry merchant over th depri nifntaJ *tora The farmer can *nnd out .- -*r In p*rc*l* up to 11 pound* to hi* ciixtociMini at I ornti a pound while) If the Mroe food* wer ordered from a depart- mental at/ire*. The former can aend out rern mar* rhau V> mile* dl*t*vnt. It would ro*t about ( rerun a pound for poatafe OF LEG1SLATUBE. Attorney-General to Take Charge, Aa Snnior of Council. A despatch from Toronto says : The Ontario Legislature) will be called together on Wednesday, February 18th, instead of on Feb- ruary 17th, at originally intimated. Th official announcement was inad by tha Government on \V<xl n*sday. Lant year the Uous open- ed nearly two weeks earlier. Al- though no official intimation has been given conorning the leader- ship of t)i Houae, it ia taken for grant.-d that Hon. J. J. Foy, at senior member of the Executive Council, in the absence of Bir James Whitney, will direct th business. JAPAN'S NEW ISLAND. Three Milm Kimt Ih Sonth of Iwnjlma Island. A devpiatrh from Tokio avy* : A new volcanic island, five miles in cirourafereiioe Hnd one thousand feet in height, hm appeared three miles east by south of Iwojitna Is- land, one of the Roniu group. ANOTHKR WRECK. What's the I - when ThoreN an 1 ;i-v May Out. Along with tluj tea and coffee n;il.:t has grown the (irr-vaU'tit <lii case- nervous pixjat ration. Tlie, following letter showa the way out of the. trouble: 'Five years ago 1 was a great coffee drinker, and from its use I I>ecam0 ao nervous I could scarcely flit-op at all nights. My condition grew worse and worse until finally Uie physician I consulted declared my troubles were due to coffee. (Tea h just as injurious because it conlaini caffeine, tho sarao drug found in coffee.) ''[{tit l><-.ing so wedded to the bev- erage 1 did not see how I could do wiihout it, especially at breakfast, as that rneaJ cecim-d incomplete without coffee. ''On a visit, my friends deprived rive of ooffe* to prove that it was harmful. At the end of about eight days I wai lens nervous but the craving for coffee wns intense, BO I went back to the old habit as soon as I got home and th/o old sleepless night* cam* near making a wreck of m. "I heard of Poslum and d&rided to try it. I did nut likt* it at first, bemuse, at I aftfi wards discover- ed, it wa Dot in ill.- properly. T found, howerer, that, when made. HfN-r directions on tho package, it was delicious. "It Lad a soothing effect on my nerves aud none of the bad eff<vtR that coffee had, so I ba<lc I'M A. II to ooffes and have used only I'os- tuin since. The most wonderful account of tho benefit to be> d- rud from Poslum could not ex- ceed my own experience. " Name given by Canadian I', linn Co., Windsor, Out. Write for a copy of "The Road to Wellvillc." I'ostum IHIW conies in two forms; Itv .'Him Poatnm nniHl In- well boiled Instant Ponlum - 1 a nolublr powder. A te>aapnonftil dissulves quickly in a cup of hot water anrl, nli cream and cngar, makes a. de licioti* beverage limtantly. (!ro cers ^cll both kind*. ' TI ~<- a Roasnii-' f.ir Puslnm. 'The neit rate la flied for the prorinee In -which an article le poatd. For the flnt pound i)i>- rato le 10 cent, and eaoh additional pound 4 cento. Tho ooit of bandlinf a oi>-pouiid paroel la approxi- mately the eame a that of Z or 1 pound*, and fonem)untly It woe neoeoaarr to fix a -nlnlmuoi rat for the flmt poand con- (Idoraiilj liirher than the arrrave rate for the additional pounds Included in Uie wig-!u of a paroel. Methtd It Simple. "For an idj.i.-cnt province the rate of 10 ceiita for the first pound will apply. but for each additional pound an extra harge of t centi will hi iinpoeed, makinic the rate 10 cent* for the firgt pound ana ( cent* f<>r each auberquent pound. Beyond the province adjoining 1 the one In which a parcel it mailed, an additional 2 cent* a pound will be Impoaed for each prorlnce that hae to be uroted to the dntluallon of the parcel, up to a maximum charge of IS cvii'.n a pound. "The method of flndlnc the rate on any paroel . eitrrmrly aioipie. Kate i-ai-'l- wlll be funii!h<xl to all poitmleri and for dlttxlbulion to the pub)!c. there bring a separate ourd for e;ich province. Oil th: card la riven the amount of pontnze charreablr on any parcel up to a w-i/'it of II POUII& within the province In which a parcel in poated and to all other pro- vinciw u( lh Dominion. "When a parcel IK mailed thn Doit.mac- tir fm troin lh addrrai th province to wh!-Ji It hai to be carried, ami a Rla.ne at thU rard eh.>wn him. without makini .ny oalculticD. what the IK>UIKI- wiu atls el Rattt. Th flnt rate te flvr cento for the li pound and on <-iu for ea li additional pound or fraction tbrreof up to four poundii. and two cenn for ecli nboe- quont puund up to 11 pnuiuUt. wnh.n a radiua of H inlfoa from the place of mail- ing. Irrrepectlve of provincial boundariea. The neit rate l> fixed for the province to where the article* k poated. The firit pound U to be ten cent* and each addi- tional pound four oenu. For an adjacent province the rate of ten ci;i:t for Uw flmt pound will apr. but for rach additional pound on ritru charge of two oeoti will be irnrxoed. mak- inr the rale ten cent* for the 1'ivt pound arid "i cento for each enbee<iuiit pound R*yond the provlnoe adjoining the one In which a parcel la mailed, an additionxl two oenti a pound will be Impoaed for uch province that boa to be croaced to the deetlnition of thn paroel. up to a maximum of 11 ceuu a pound. WHY KEEP ON COUGHING ? Hera It i Itmed; That Will Slop It Do you rmliw the) danger itt a ne|ectfd cough? Then why don't you get rid of It? Yes, you can .shake it off, even though it hai stuck to you for a loug time, if you go about It right. Keep out in the fresh air as much oa you can, build up your strength with plenty of wholesome food, and take Na-Dre-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and Chlorodyn*. This reliable household remedy has broken up thousands of hacking, per- sistent coughs, whirh were just as troublesome as yours, and what it has done forsotnanyothers itwilldo for you. Na-Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and Chlorodyue contains absolutely no harmful drugs, and so can be given s.ilr'.y to children, as well as adults, i Your physician or druggist can confirm this statement, for we are ready to send tiirm on request a complete list of al! the ingredieutfl. I Put up in 250. and 500. bottles by the) National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada. Limited. 317 COLLISION AT SEA. Nineteen Passengers and 22 of Ihr Crew Drowned. A despatch from Norfolk, Virgin ia, say* : The most shocking tra- gedy in the history of the Atlantic coastwise trade was enacted ofi Hog Island, 60 miles north-east of Cape Charles, Va., in the early hours of Friday. Nineteen paasr.n gers and 22 members of the crew of the 4,700-ton passenger ship Mon- roe, of the Old Dominion Steam- ship Company, lost their lives wh-T, the Monroe was rammed in the dense sea fog by the steamer Nan- tticket, of the Merchants and Min- ers Transportation Company. The Monroe, rent from her stern clear to her engine-room, filled and sank within ten minutes of the collision. PRICES OF FARM PiTJUClS tiromt mom THI LIADINO TR.IOI CINTRIS Of AMERICA, ei Cattle, Cram, Cheet* an* Ola> 'ri<u<* at Homi ans Abr*a reJiuiff. Toronto. Feb. I. Flour Ontario wheat Sour. 90 per cent.. I! 55 to U M. iealx>rd. and at 11.55. Toronto. Uanilobaa Kirat patents. In jute baca, |5.40; do., aecondn. M.90; etronf bakera , la jute h.i. l< 7U 11 an I toba wheat -Bay porla, No. 1 Northern, M 1-Zc. and No. 2. 94 1 >; track. Ooderlob All rail. No. 1 NorUirrn, ai.Ol; .No. 2. n 1 le. Ontario wlieat Prli of No. ! are IT to We. ouUlde, and 91 to Uo oa track. To- ronto. Out* No. 2 Ontario oati. 35c. ontilde. and at M to Jl 1-Ju on track. Toronto. W>tern Canada oate. 40 l-2o for No. t, and at }9u for No. 2. Hay porla. Barley M to 5V. oute:d. Corn New No. J American. 7> . all rail, Toronto. &7 No 2 at M to Me. onUide. Buckwheat No. t at 7] to 75c. outeide. Bran Manitoba bran, 12250 a ton. In bci. Turunto froight. tthorw. 124 to 124.50. Toronto. . Country Produce. Butter Cholre dairy, 15 to 24c; Inferior, M to Elr; farmer*' aeparator urlnoi, 14 to 26r : creamery print*, 50 to 3 '..- KilUU. 17 W) ::*, Horace prinU, tl to 2Se: il<de, 16 to 26 |.2o. Kgg* C'ie lota of new-laid. 40c per doi- rn : atoraire, aelr<<-t. 36 tu ]8<-, and n..iuj. >2 to 34c ner doaen. Cbeme Sew . I ,, ,..-. 141-2 to 14iio for Urve, and 15o for twine. Bean* Hand-picked, 12.20 to 12.25 per bunhi'l; prlniM. 1110. Honey Kitracted, In tin*, 11 to I!o per Ib. for No. 1; <>nmb, U to IJ.I5 per doien for No. I. and 12.40 to 12.00 for No. 1 Poultry Fowl. 12 to lie per Ib.: chick- ">. 16 to IS.', ducki, U lo 15c; feeae, 14 to 1.1. turkeyi. 19 to !V, Potatoea Ontario. We per ba. on track. and Delaware! at 80 to 8Sc. on track. In cur . Provisions. Bacon - Long clear, 15 t/o lie per Hi. In raae loUl Pork Hhort cut, $28.M); do., ^a. 124.50. IUm Mtxlium to light. 11 to 18 l-2c; heavy. 17 U) 17 t-2c : rolli. 15 tx> 15 1-2.-; breakfast bacon. II to Wo; '.. < '... 22 to 24c. urd -Tierces. 14 l-4c; tubi. 14 l-2c; pall*. 14 3-4o. THE (JEWS iS A PAHH \ HAIT.MNKS FROM ALL OTEB Till CI.ORK IN A M;TSIIELL. Can.ida. (he Kniplrr and (he World lu t. ;:) Before Your Err* I'anndn. Middlesex county council may de- cide on an industrial farm. The Nyberg Auto Co. will locate at Berlin and employ 200 hands. Fenian Uaid bounties paid total $1,585.600, being 58 per cent, above estimates. The Federal Government's adver- ; tiding and printing bill for the past year was more than $1.400,000. Owing to the campaign that has bren carried on by a lady Dominion customs officer against smuggling, the stores of Port Huron, Mich., have decided to sfnp adverting in the tSarnia papers until the special officer goes to other points. It is reported that the majority of the municipalities of Quebec and of its representatives in Parlia- ment, as well as the Chambers of Commerce and labor unions, are giving their support to the Cham j br of Commerce of Montreal in its demand for the immediate con- struction of the Georgian Bay Ca- nal. MIXING CENTRE BLRXED. 1'n \ ril M Inland, Hritittb Columbia, Short of Provisiona. A despatch from Vancouver Rays: Vananda. the busy mining centre of Tuxeda Island, was swept by a dis- astrous fire on Tuesday night, and a lack of provisions in the camp will mean that some temporal suf- fering must exist until a boat ar- rives from Vancouver with a fresh supply. The flames broke out in Deighton's store, and within a short time the conflagration had ppread and consumed the general store, post-office, telegraph offices aid Customs, as well as Kirkness' i drug store and pool-room. Dyna- i mite, was used effectively on the , Miners' Union Hall to keep the ' flames from spreading to the hotel. Very little wan sa\e<l from the path of the flame*. Great Britain. London's strike of coal porters has collapsed. The London Times announces that Sir Lionel Carden, Hrilih Minister to Mexico, will shortly re- turn to England on leave to report to tho Government upon tlif out- look in Mexico. I'niled State*. An antidote for bi-"c"iiToride of mercury poisoning is said to havo l>e<ri discovered by a Chicago phy- Gen. Villa has repealed his pledges of loyalty to Gon. C'arran- /a, head of the Mexican rebels Haled Hy auil Straw. Bli hny- No. 1 quoted it $14.50 to 115 ton, on track h -..; No. 2 quoted at til to $U.f>n. and mitmt at |12 U> 11250. Ball traw C'x lolj, $8 JO to $875, on track, Toronto. Winnipeg- Grain. Wimiir*f, Feb. 3. Tush: Wheat, No t Nort.lirn. M6*i; No. 2 Nort.hrrn. 84 7-dc; No. S Northrn, 82 ?*: No. 4. 77 14o; No. t. 70 1-Zoi No. . U 1-So; No. t w|-tvJ eoeds. 81 1-Joj No. 2 rej<rt<d oreOn, M l-3o; , No. 1 rJ>ol<l !. In. 77 12o; No. 1 mnutty. II l-2c; No. t mniittT. 7 1-Zo; No. 1 nniitly, 77 1 to: No. 1 r*d Winter, tt S-Br; No. t rd ! Winter, 8474o; No. J red Winter. B278c. Oatt. No. t C.W.. Ml*-; No J (I W., 32o: let.r No. 1 feed, J2 l-4; No. 1 fe|. Jl J-4o; No. t feed, Jin Barlojr. No. V 41 IV; No 4. 40 I-*;: ivjented, S8 I Zc; f<>l. 38o. Flat. No. 1 N.W.O. $1.27 1-4; No. 2 C. W., It 24 1-4; No. 3 C.W , $1.11 1 1 United StfUoi Markttl RKIl ClN(i OLTIMT. Ponnsjlvaaia Coal Minc5 Arc Shut- ling Dunn. A despatch from Philitdelphia says: Hecanso of the unusually | mild wc.ither, some of the anthra- cite coal producing companies are greatly reducing their output. The Reading Company's collieries, em- ploying 30,000 men, closed down on Wednesday night for the remainder of the week. On Thursday tho col- lieries of the Susqiiehanna Coal Company, a Pennsylvania Railway corporation, suspended operations until Monday. Miners say they cannot, recall such long continued mild weather at this season of the year. CONSTABLK KL1D SKM'H.M KD. <;4>tx Seven Yt-ars for Allowing Prl- MHII r | . Feb. 3 Wln-at. 8911 tn 19 1 4r; July, M 3-4 to 90 7-8o akd. Ch No. 1 hard. 3^ to 91 54o; No. 1 Northern. 88 II to 90J-8a: No. i Northern. 151-1 to 879*' Horn, No. J rellow, 58 to 58 l-4o. Porn. No. I yellow, M to tg t-c. Oatn, No. S whit*. l 1-2 to 86 3-4c. Duluth, Feb. 8. -Wheat, No. 1 hard. IDc; No. 1 Northern, lie: No. t North- i>rn, 8o; Mtiy, 90 to 40 1-lc; July, l l-8o. LrnMad, raBh, H.ftO 1-1; May. 11.63 1-1; July. it. 86 1-1. LIT* Biocii Market*. Toronto, Feb. 8. Cattle Good but- chers, || to 11.11: medium, $7 to (7.80: common, II to $(.25; oholi-e rown, |0.(o to $I7C; KI...,I. |6 to 16.96; medium. 16.60 to 16. 7G: Koinmnn. ti ;." riittirR and nunnrri. |.1.!S to }7: clioloe bull*. }T to 17. !t; good. $1 to Ig.Bft; common, 15 to $3.76. 8tP.-k*vii and rendera R(r. choice. $7 to 17. SS; (nod, 16.60 t" $<: llchl, 1.1 60 to ?:,;.', mtlkera and iprlnrarf. up to $<fl Hlifrp and lamhe l.ljht ewe*. $f,.R to |8.7; havv, II to ll.ll; Sprjiir luinhs, |K.IO to IJ.6| biifkN. J.I In I;: i.n. with 76c off.' HIM - {9.16 to 10.40, r,-,i nnd watered; Ik HO to >. f.o.b. : | 2F. In 19.60 otr cara. Calvei-- Good vral. f- ... to 111; common, |( to Ifc.fiO Mniilrpul. Feb. $.- Trlme beevka. 7 1-4 to I I '.V. medium, I l-t to T 1-Ic; :oin- innii. 4 to li I ;. inlliii cow*, i $4(1 to I7R rrli; rUe. 4 1-3 to 7o; nh>ep, alioiil 5 !':<. lanibn. Hbnut t. hn(*, Liquid foidi Mixtures Can't Cure Bronchitis But the Healing Fumes of Catarrh ozone. Which are Breathed to the Furthest Recesses of the Bronchial Tubes, Bring Quick Relief and Sure Cure. Every sufferer from coughs, colds, bronchitis and all throat and chest aliments needs a soothing, healing medicine which goes direct to the breathing organs In the chest and lungs, attacks the trouble at the source, disperses the germs of dis- ease, aud cures the ailment thorough- ly. And this medicine U "Catarrh- ozone." The germ-killing bul-amlr vapor mixes with the breath, descends through the throat, down the bron- chial tube*, and finally reaches the deepeat air cells lu tbe lungs. All parts r!" soothed with rich, pure, medicinal essences, whereas with a syrup the/ affected parts could not be reached, and harm would result through benumbing the stomach with drugs. "I hive been a chronic sufferer from Catarrh In the nose and throat for over eight years. I think I have spent four hundred dollars trying to get relief. I have spent but six dol- lars on Catarrhozone, and have been completely cured, and, In fact, have been well for some time. Ca- tanhozone Is the only medicine I have been able to find that would not only give temporary relief, but will always cure permanently. Yours sin- cerely (Signed). WI1.L.IAM RAQAN, Brockville. Ont " For absolute, permanent cure use Catarrhoxone. Two months' outfit costs $1.00; smaller size, f.'v , at all deulers. or The Catarrhozone Com P. in. Uuffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada ( HINr'.SK BANDITS. Virtually Burned the Entire City of Liuan C'bow. A despatch from Shanghai, China, says: A force of 2,000 pan- dits on Thursday sacked and burn- ed virtually the entire city of Liuan Chow, in Ngan-Hwei Province. \V. Entwhistle, of the China Inland Mission, with his wife and children, succeeded in escaping to Luchow- I'n. but the Catholic missionaries are still in the lootel city, and it is believed they have not been In- jurcd. The briganda apparently are connected with the bands com- manded by "White Wolf," who have for a considerable time been ravaging the eastern part of Honan I'niviiice. A despatch from Winnipeg gays : Kx-('onfttable Kobcrl J. Reid, one of Krafchenko's guards, and self- i confessed participant in ttu> plot' which effected Krafchenko's escape, I appeared before Sir Hugh John j Macdonald, police magistrate, on' ThurKlny morning, and waa nn- tenced to seven years in the peni- tentiary. Why present an old appear- ance before your time f ly ualrt* LU B Y S HAIR RCSTORKR Your Gr*y Htir can be re- stored to its Natural Color. TNOUItHBf N*TI UttHFITTtD T ITI US* At all Druajclt Oo. slot. Wanted. Wanted. Twelv* well -educated, c<'iiM'ientious voting women as pupil nuiKi'K ia C'ity Hospital, Cleveland, to fill vacancies caused by gradua- tion. Unusual variety of expori- frtop. New Nurses' Home soon to be completed. Finest contagious disease building in the State. Chil- dren's Ward and Maternity De- partment. Two months' Visiting Nurses' work. Monthly allowance from IIMK- of acceptance. Address Miss l''re<lerika K. Qaiser, Princi- pal. TWIIM'Y (iVI'Slr.S IMHSONKD. Ate Ment Inlmtl. <l to Catfli MolvoH In Northern Spain. A despatch received at Madrid on Saturday from the Town of Becerrea, in Lugo Province, any* that 20 gypsies have died in horri- ble agony as the result of eating poisoned meat which was intended fur wolvvs that infest the district. READ THE LABEL THt PROTECTION Of THC C0*r 6UMER THE INGREDIENTS ARE PLAINLY PRINTED ON THC LABEL IT 18 THl ONLY WELL-KNOWN MEDIUM- PBICtD BAKING POWDER MADE IN CANADA THAT DOES NOT CONTAIN ALUM AND WHICH HAS ALL THE INGREDIENTS PLAINLY STATED ON THE LABEL. MAGIC BAKING POWDER CONTAINS NO ALUM ALUM IS SOMETIMES REFERRED TO AS SUL- PHATE OF ALUMINA OR SODIC ALUMINIC SULPHATE. THE PUBLIC SHOULD NOT TE MISLED BY THESE TECHNICAL NAMES. E. W. GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED WINNIPEG TORONTO. OHT. MONTREAL THE FEDERAL ESTIMATES; ^^^^ * Grand Total for the Year 1914-15, as Tabled in the .' House on Thursday, is $190,735,176 A despatch from Ottawa says: A reduction of almost $12,000.000 as compared with the expenditures authorized for last year is the con- spicuous feature of the main esti- mates for the fiscal year 1914-15 which were tabled in th House on Thursday evening. The grand total is $190,735,176.42, as compared with *202, 656,166. 69 last year. Of this total $146,786,124.42 is on consoli- dated account and $43,949,050 is chargeable to capital. The largest decrease, that of $3,703,702.49, is under the head of public works chargeable to income. There is a decrease of $150,000 in the, Naval JService appropriations, another of $138,750 under railways and canals (income), 8114,214.10 under miscel- laneous, and a decrease of $71,9Ci under inilitia. ,* Large Increase*. The- largest increases are $1,- 266.500 under agriculture, $1.911,- 840.75 under post-office, $250,958.22 in provincial subsidies, $383,550 under immigration, $405,533.33 un- der trade and commerce, $745,570 under railways, $584,041.57 in civil government and $1,738,013.32 on account of public debt, including sinking fund. During the fiscal year ending March 31 last the total authorized expenditure was $184,196,317, but of this amount nearly $40.000,000 was left unexpended. During the year which closes March Ul next the expenditures on large- national undertakings and in connection with investments has been very heavy. In the Agriculture Department the detailed votes include. : $770,000 for experimental farms, an increase of $11C,000; for the enforcement of the Instructive Insect Act, $30,- 000 ; development of dairy and fruit industries, $225,000; cold storage encouragement, $200,000; health of animals, $500,000; administration of Meat and Canned TFood Act, % $240,000; development of the live stock industry, 9400,000, an in- * crease of $200,000. Under the Agricultural Instruo- tion Act the provincial votes are : . Ontario SiSO.WS.sa . Quebec 187,409.18 Nova Scotia 61,144.45* New Brunswick 49,407. -JO . Prince Edward Island . 27,832.81 . British Columbia 52,799.38 Manitoba 58,075.45 Saskatchewan 61,152.31 ' Alberta 51,310.41 Veterinary colleges 20,000.00 . Total $800,000.00 The Railway Department esti- mates include : New terminal* at Halifax, $2,500,000; wharfs and docks, Halifax, 8160.000; installa- tion of block and telephone sys- tems, $164,000; new car ferry and dock at Port Milgrace, $458,000; new rolling stock, $1,000,000; east-i era extension in Halifax County.) $850,000. For th Hudson Bay Railway terminals and elevators, the vote ial $4,500,000; for the National Trans- continental, $8,000,000; Quebec; Bridge, $3,000.000; Wetland Canal, $4,000,000; Lachine Canal improve- ment?, $215,000; Trent Canal, $1,-, 000,000. Public Works estimates include the following capital expenditures for the continuance of works al~ ready ia progress on harbors and rivers: Toronto harbor, $1,000,000; French River improvements, $500,- 000: St. John harbor, $3,000,000, and a million each for works at) Victoria, Vancouver, Quebec and. Port Arthur and Fort William. Public buildings votes are largely for the smaller clas structures, and practically all re-votes for the continuance of works already in progress. MAGAZINE EXPLODED. Italian Soldiers Killed and Serious- ly Wounded. A despatch from Genoa, Italy, says>: A powder magazine of tho nearby fortifications exploded on Wednesday. Five soldiers and one civilian were killed and nine othr Trere seriously wounded. . Hamilton Police Commissioners granted increases of pay to the force. 7% INVESTMENT High CI.H.S. Profit-Sharing Bond*. Serles-SlOO, SS OO. looo INVBSTaTEXT may be withdrawn any time after one year .^"v 4 ? If* notl o<- Bu!ne at back of these Bonds eatab- lihcd 28 year*. Send for special fulder and full pax-lloular*. NATIONAL SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED CONFEDERATION LIFE BUILDING TORONTO, CANADA E Camphor Ic chapped bands and lips, similar irritation of the skin. has soothing, emollient prop* itself. women in particular find a comfort It saves the effects of wind and cold* door' men Camphor m the unpl BROUGH MFO. CO. - v

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