February 5 1014 THE *' L E S H E 11 1 Ji ADVANCE TH ,f Icsljertcw Au iiulisliendcnt new|a|>-i, |.i:lilU!ieil every Tn.ir.-.Uy at tl.'' c.tliii-, CollmgvKMxi Street, IflMherton. Subscription |>iic $1 perauiiiiii], wli-'ii imiil iiiadvtiicr ;-*I..M wlu-ii not HO paid AiivvrtUiiix rate* on Application. Circulation I.'IOO wrekly. XV H. Thurton. Editor FlesKerton* Methodist Church ii, pantor- Fell. .">, l'rayr I Rev. James TiiuiscUy evening. M"< Mi(5 at 8 o'c'.ock. Si. ).!). Feb. - m ...i a. m. The Pastor will preach. At the rlose.qunrter ly . .:iiiiimr .11 s.-jvicv iil be liulil 7 p. m The Pii-stor will apeak to y.'iiu.; li.l f- p-irticularly . Epwurth l.r t.;u- MM. i.l iy even'nx. "-"<' P. M., will be in charge of thu Literary Department. Bap t ist C hurch R. C. Kerr. Pastor. Sunday School 10 a. m , Service 11 a. m. A Peculiar Situation At County Council Mi. Wm. Hrct'se, Reeve of the villiage o: Chatswc-rlh, is warden of the county of Urcy for the year l!U4, having defeat, el hi.s only I'i'.'iipiit for Iho honor*, Ri'evo \\ iil: mi (.'a'der cif Durlum, by 2*2 votes to 10. Tliero was cnly one other H 'ii.H .-.-, lU-cve John Miller of the town- .ship of Kuphrasia, itnd he withdrew be- i.-i>- i lir voting begun. That Ward Bri-eso will till the position with ability und tlirewdneis there can be no doubt in view of the record he mad:* as finance minister ! tho county during tbe year 1U1II. Every one of the .>!' members was on band when tbe roll was called by the clerk t 2 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon. Thu Krat business w<ts naturally the se- lection of a waideu for tbe county. Then Thieves at Durham 1. 1. Ii! liiiL-i- i- I gents made i-n-u i L - cnce known i:i Mi-lv.il nul A t'o'-t t'.rra : store lint Kridiy niglit whii they en- tered the building and s'olo smiio whii- koy. l.ntr.ii, was -u r,-,-fii ly ih.i.'i- through a window on Mill street nhtre [ the glum was broken and tho fmnm litter reinnved. A ke*g containing a -mil 1 quantity of li.| mr, kept for medicinal pnritosen, wan taken, and also a few boxes of chnculatits, of which the contents were eaten and the boxes left 011 thu II or. Nothing i-Ui' has been H.IS-H- '. This is not the first occasion this year where lha light fingered gunliy have laki n cluncet of tha law. A week r s > ai;o a farmer living nrar town hut his hen house entered and the rootts rubbed of half their biids. About Ihe beginning of the nion'Ii .-i south end res- ident of the town had placed a new par- lor stove in a house where ha intended ELECTRIC RAILWAY MOVING On Tliur&diy last * representative of tt<e hydro-electric rsiUuy from Uuclph, Mr. Buck of London, mlled on some of the ImiinesH men of the town with a view Ij getting Home idea of the advan- tage* fur the railway at this point, ind left Friday morning with a promise lo return shortly. He has been engaged in making a preliminary inspection f the |ir|N>sed route, more espec'aUy en this trip with a view to getting a suitable route from MeafcrJ to Owen itoutut. This he claiiua to have found up ;he v.V ley nf the Big Held tiver, and imc-ting he('. P. R. at Uockford. This route woull not t--ii :i Waller's Fulls. The r -iitf an planned c 'me* north fioin Guelpli by way of Arthur, crossing the centre of Proton two miles eas of Hope- Niilt, then I y Siiugcen Junction and Fletliertun north lo Kimbcrleey and llenthcote and by way of Thornbury {if that town wanti ii) t,. Colliiiwood, nd Meaford to Owen Sound. Theie are ~ alternati roulea proposed, however, which might materially alter thing*. One it crossing Ospiey to Collingwood Ly way of the Pretty River YlU>y. Colliovwocd appcirs to he anxious for this route nd J iu potaibilitiea will be looked into before a report ii nude. A hunch of surveyors are now on the r ul working north from Guelph. The scheme worked out liy the Hydro Commission in on just as linn a basis ait was the light and power scheme. They do not go into any railway building (hat is niit likely to pny. They will build, <|uip and run the railway if the munici- palities reqneit them to do 10. On the other hand the munici- palities muat lie responsible for thu bonds But auk youraelf, in the conim Kgii.n lik - ly tu go into any tcheine of (his kin'l with the remotest idra that tho rontl would ever become a burden In tho muni- c.p.ilitn-- ' It ia not at nil likely. One failure of lbi kind would moan a bwly blow to the i ', ,11111111*1.111' > n .-fuliii- in tbe way of railway building. II." Owen Sound papers are doing their level boat to pull the proposed line away from the original route AN 1 switch it over lo the went side of ilia county. Owen Sound does titt wish tn aeu Cl- linjjwood nerved with the lino, but this part of the county does not nee through (hi; Mine ff -color glumex. Wo want con- nection with Collingwood, und want it bally, and now that the government Ims decided to give Collingwood n terminal letor we want it, and lha railway wantH it, more than ever. This county is well enough nupplivd with rnilwoy connections to Owen Round with two steam line*, but Cullmtjwo'.d- well, that t>wn is sidetracked altogether too much for the benefit of llrn district and of tho (own itself. There is one blessed thing about this hydro acheuie, and that is that it cannot Ii sw.tched heie and there at the I.. In -t of political captains, who havo no juris- diction over it and no voice in H-. loca- tion. It will be built where it will pay beit, and in its location the political fceelers and political 'organs may ihout .m.ii- in trying to pull it way without success. Were it titherwise the uiefulncsn of lha hydro ci mmissioi; would have beun strangled in ii infancy. Wild Cats Plentiful Qo. Beamish captured a wild eat in it (rap Saturday out In Melanctlum. In an Miili'mr to bring tho nninisl to town lire it strangled rtso.it . Eruie ludl. nf Melincthon, got a wild cat in a trap that he hnd HU*. for mink. Tt got away with the trap and u neiuhlxir Nhol it (nine later in H I. in,. Thu trap WAR lo the owner. Another cut wan trn|i|iud !), Kun on MmiiUjr nn<l he IMS it aliv in box. A commercial traveller bought r fr.iin linn HIK! h will -liipit to in i few ilnys. II -i i ' it was tli.it ii stiange Mtuntiou aroto. Four of the members u . r found lo be wi'hout their certificates owing, it is said, to an oversight of their raspective muircipal clerks. Those noiitlemeu were M. ; - W. H. Sina of Meaford, J. C. Smith of Derby, U. J. Shiel of Nor- mm!,} and C. Holm a!so of Noimanby. Without their certificates these gtnllc- ni. -n mil.- not suppos-'d to vote. Ibis cn-aled a suit of deadlock, aud it was <)s, rt-y, on Tuesday, February solved in a manner pru'uUy un : <|ue in tho following articles, mini ly: tho mm iN of this county council. Kuough of the members withdrew from tin cham- ber to leave less than H in .nun iu iheir places and therrfore it was impohjihlu ft r thu election of a warden to proceed, and an adjournment was made until Wednoi- to move. Two dys bi'or when tram- f.ininjj his household effects to his new abode hn discovered that the heater bad mysteriously disappeared. Uevie*. AUCTION SALE of farm stock and impli ments. The I'ndcrs'jjned has been instructed to sell by public auction on lot lll.cuM. '>. 10, I ill 4. Horse 8 years old, mart) supposed lo br in foal to Kentucky Sam, .'" \.-.ns old, Hi-.- 5 years old, bred by Wildfire, driving horse 4 years old, cow 10 years old sii|.p sed to be in calf, cow 9 years old supposed to I .- in calf, _ C.IWK 7 jears old supiHMied U> be in calf, 3 heifers 3 day, by which time it w*i hopsd that J'cw " 1<l RUPI*"**! t<> be in calf, pure , . , ,, , bred hi or.h.irn bull, 18 months old, 4 ihe four members would huvo their cet- iiiiritc- - which proved to b the case. Just h-'ii the clerk was reading over ;.....! spring calves, '.' store liigs, 1 Frost and Wood binder, sow .m. I 7 pWH fiH it cut, nearly new, cultiviitor with sued box, ManHey-Harri, suetl-drill, 10 the iwmr s of those win. were prescnt.and not , niiy nl i ct . ,ii sc . harrow, L' spring tooth all of horn had cards, Mr. ('alder raised bill ro\vs, 4 single plows, scuffler, gitn; a p -int with respect to the mileage to be plow, 2 fets iron hnrrows, htet-1 lam piid t, each of th. members. He said n-Her, [*ir bobsloig'-s wagon ami tx,x, i. in fiirin trucks, stock nu-k, hay rack, if he were to get mileage only on the r(H , t ,, u i 1Mjri cut' ing box, 1200-11. weigl actuul dibtai.ce frnui Durham to Uwon scales, faiiniiig mill, road cart, 4 Ma Sound ho would le entitled to L8 miles, ht-avy team harness, S wts sinjjlo har while a. a nutter of fact he had been "^,r. g.-nl horn, collars ,ms greoi , cart, 2 sots doubletrees, '2 neexyokM, ! obluidti.Uke a round-alout trip and Bfollu i MMl r, s ronelit. plunk, a .pin liad gi.nc T>4 miles in all. The <|uestion tity of sprnco luinlicr, log IHUII, civuii cf whether ta pay him. aid incidentally w|mratiir, churn, washing machiuo, tlu other members of the council, for tho chest, cisterii pump, gr.ndstotie, 4 kit chen titbK-s, OttpboMtL rockinu clmir, r\ distance actually travelled or for the ac- ht ,, vei 10 kiU-hen chairs, a quantity of iu il distance, WHS left over for Ihe fin- dishes, i! trunkn, 2 bedstotds, Wush ance commitire to m k,- a ruling. stands, a niimlwr of ijuilLs, somu rag car- ' pets, rugs, forks, scythed, etc. The following wero th* chairmen of ( Far|n wju , H . (lffi>re( , f))r runt( 0| , day the dilferi'iit committeeii as chosen by of sale, if not rented bc-fon- that date, the cuni'iiiiiee which had been named by ! Sale to comineiico at 1 o'clock p. m. the striki- g committee : sharp. Fhunce-A. E. r-..ii....i. Kk.n,. I Termv-*U "unn o! t5 and under.cash; Like. Road and Bridges iiianby. County Property- -James A. Lemon, St. Vincent. Kducatinu W. H. Sing, Meaford Printing H. Best, Thornbury. Communications and Memorialt -E, Lemon. Owt*n Sound. Housa of Refuge John Legate, Owen Sound. Warden's Commiitee- Dr. J. A. Her- sbey, Owen Sound. It. J. I will be given on approved joint Shiel, Nor- ' I" ' ' ''"' -" '"'^l 11 off for cash in liuil of notes. Jas. and Cuthiriuu Burrs, |iroprietors, Wm. Hailing, auctioneer. Annual Meeting Grey and Bruce Insurance Company Not ea is hereby givon, pursutnt to ' Section 127 of the Ontario Insurancn \.-i,l'.>l-.tln' the Annunl Gcnernl M-t- ' ing of ilu- (irey and Hrnce Mututl Fire Insurance Company will be I, .-I, I in Mi ler's Hall, in the Town of Hanover, on The county bnard of agriculture asked I Saturd.y.tlu* 21st d.y of Fobruary.lftU, for the HIIIII of 9300 to enable them to take up tho work ->f preptrint; for and pkciiiK . xlnliiis.il tbe county of Grey nt the Ontario uutunm ahtiw and nliu for the purpose ..f ofTurini< pi-i/on tr the boat stock from the county at thu Guelph fat Hock slinw. Attached (o thu petition for inord money were communication)! from II. t'. IiiiM, tha county agricultural representative, dealing with tho work done latit year with t hu granl given by the county. A couple of putitioiiK >vert> received from poultry asiociatiuim asking for grants of money to enable ihoui to put on their annual exhibitioim. Jauit'H McLauchlan <f Owon Hound resigned from tli.- M-hniil board on whirh h aervud for yei UN rupruitentHtive of the county council. Thu recoil of thu iran- agt>r of thu houHe of rt'fugu gave HORIO interrating faetx uiul figures in connrc- tion with t IMS inHtitulion. The expendi- tura for the y-iir W.IM found lo bo uliout I'li'lii thouHiuul dollar;). The receipts weru found to bu well up to the.staucUrd. Twenty-eight inmntoH had gained HUmm- aion during tho year. Five inmutes had died und twelve had betn dittcharged. Owen Huund wan found to havu contrib- uted nevuii to the lulal of 28 admisaion>. The aveiage number of mmatea ul pres- ent in the institution wad .'Mi. The coun- cil waa also united on by a representa- tive of Ihe board of the Priceville con- tinuation Hchool with regard to a grant that I hoy had not KOI, and about which they wmhi-il gome tnli|htenmeiit. Among the appointment* made by tho county council were tho.se of high vohool trustees and auditoiN. Tho auditor*, Geu. D. Fleming itnd Walter HnRtio.weru re-appointed. Tho council heard tho ad- on-.-.fi of O. llinnie, aenrntary of iho county board of ngriculture, who told i hrm whit the b.niii had dnno with tint grant given thorn by the council last \i-u, and a-sking lli.it (hoy imtke it ihrce hundrnd dollar;* thiH yt'nr. Hu promittid tlmt a bettor dinpUy of (irey county products at iho full c-xhitiitinii At Toronto i bun that which hud titki-ii prigus there last your. -Times. at 2.3J o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of receiving tho Audiiorit' Sttte ment, tho rlrction of Director* aud trans action of other H. H. MILLER, Secretary. I Un.'V.-r. January 30, I'.M 4. HEREFORD BULL FOR SERVICE The undertignrd have pure bred Hereford bull fir serviua on lot 1"1, 3rd ir'.T.S It., ArtemcMii. Term* 93 fur pure buils, $1. .o for i:ul,'-. All cows s"i vi-il must bo naid -T. & J. WATSON. I mm 14 F. H. W. HICKL1NG FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Overcoats Reduced 20 Pen Cent This Week To move out the balance of our Overcoat stock quickly we offer a reduction of 20 per cent from our Regular prices which we marked in plain figures. The Garments are All new and Include Overcoats with shawl collars Overcoats wkh belts Overcoats with Convertible collars Overcoats with velvet collars Overcoats with fur collars All Sizes From 32 to 44 ALL THE NEW SEASON'S CLOTHS ARE REPRE- SENTED IN THE LOT. BILL FOR SERVICE The thoroughbred shorthorn bull Field Mar'.lMll >B1 wl " ^ ( or Rerviceonl.it 170, T. S. R. Atteme.ia. Term* 91. . STINSON.Prop. Do You Ever Sleep? If you tlo you will be wise toi pay attention. I am at the present time waking a Specialty of Iron Beds. Tbe original of the picture given at the head of this advertiscmentjwill only cost you $5.00 5.00 $5.00 Get something nice aud comfortable on which to lay your weary head. Of course we have other beds at other prices, all equally low in price Sanitary Beds such as everybody wautd. Springs and Mattresses to fit all In- Is. Examine our stock any- way, before purchasing your sleep inducers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. YOU ARE THROWING MONEY AWM< every day you continue to skim the cretim f rom your milk by using the old gravity setting method ! *4top You can't get all the butter fat and if you don't get all the butter fat, you are not getting all the profit there ia in Get a Dairymaid Cream Harvester; try it for a month, and it will save you both time and money. 4* 1 '" It gets all the butter fat from the milk, and it will save enough to pay for itself in less than a year. - Call and let us explain why it is to your advantage to use a Cream Harvester and the Dairymaid in particular. Thid machine has many advantages which other machines do not have. You want the best Cream Separator there U on the market, and you will get it if you come to us and buy the Dairymaid. "^ ^- ^ * If you are not ready to buy, call anyway, and we will at least spend a pleasant half hour together. S. HempHiU Agent, Ceylon, " Looking backl see I never saw before." This is the exclamation of satisfied customers. We have tilted successfully stubborn cases that others have failed in. Satisfaction guaranteed. Consultation free. W, A. Armstrong:. R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent lor the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Lin* of Farm Implement*. Wagons, Buggio*, Cut ten*, Slcigh, and Gasoliiie Engine*, Melotto Cresm Separatorn, Italcnr Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittings always oh hand. Beatty Bros', of Fergus, Darn Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable fitiinus. Cookshuit and Frost & Wood Repairs always nu hand. Wararoom Wellington Street. Fmrsbam, - Ontario. Winter Term from Januaty 5ih nt COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE Ailnnd this big, 8ucce*.oful School of business trninir.g and lut us In IP you into something worth liilr l-'i . .- cnf.nlogue on rcijuest. Mn -i i- nuy time. T. E. Hawkins. Principal Colliiig\vod, Ontario. liara I Good Salesman Wanted ! For every town and district where we are not represented. Fruits are bringing high prices, and Nursery St<-ck is in demand. Make big money this Fll and Winter by taking an agency. Experience not itecetKiuy. Free equip- ment. Kiclusive territory. Highest C-immisaior.s- paid. Writ* for full particulars. Stone & Wellington F o n t h i 1 1 Nurseries TORONTO, - - ONT 1 March 14 Tamworths for Sale Both tex uw>r! v ready for breadinp. Prices tight for quick sU>. ii i .1 '. W. RU.->8. Uaiwalt P. O. Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office and Residence- 468. 9th St. East, Owen Sound, O'lt. Hours 9 to 12 .VIM , 1.80 to 4.30 p.m. to B p.m. Other houis by appointment. Bull for Service Thoroughbred American bred llere ford bull lor service on lot 151. 2nd W. T. and S. H., Artemoeia. Terms f 1.00 cash. -JOHN ADAMS, Prop. ANADIAN PACIFIC IMPORTANT CHANGES IN TRAIN SERVICE Train No. 7, formerly letviug Toronto 2.30 p. m., arriving Winnipeg 8 a. m, hs been temporarily withdrawn Tram No. s, formerly leaving Winni- peg 1.30 p.m , ftrriviug Toronto 9 . m , has boon temporarily withdrawn. Train No. 27 h8 bern resumed between Toronto and Sudbury, Imviog Toronto 8.45 p. m. daily, arming Sud- bury 5.55 a.m. Train No. 28 lias oeon resumed be- tween Sudbuiy and Toronto, leaving Sudbury 10.45 p.m. dai'y, arriviug Toronto 8 a.m. Standard Sleeping Can Toronto to Su.ll.iiry and Toronto to Sault Ste. Mario are carried on train No. 87, these oar* returning on train No. 28. FOR WINNIPEG A VANCOUVER Leave Toronto 10.20 p. in. Daily. Compartment Lib-ary Observation Cr, Standard Sleeping Cars Toronto to Winnipeg ind Toronto to Vancouver, T.uiisi Sleeping Car*, Dining Car, Firs: Coaches, I'olonUt Cars. Paitioulats from I'auadlan I'tolflo Agtnttor writ* M. Q. MfUVHY, r,r,\. C.V.Ky., Toronto.