February 5 1914 THfc FLESHERTON ADVANCE B THE THE business man who has 1 customers in various parts of Canada or elsewhere will find the services of this bank of invaluable assistance in collect- ing drafts, etc. TORONTO FLESHERTON BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL, BOB Branch** .bo mt Dorium ud llmr'ntm C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station as Mi.--! Maud Richardson gave a tea 1 u-t Wednesday to her Art pupils. The charge laid by Dr . Perry, medical health officer of Mt. Forest, against Th >>. Flah: if uf Arthur townahip, for eggs unfit for food to a town uier- tried by Messri. J. J. Cook Clarke, J. P.'s, was decided Trains follows : Going South Going North 7.43 a. m. 11.41 a.m. 4.17 p.m. 9.12p. m. The mails are closed at Flesherton ao ' cnw ,t ollows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon uiail south as 3.40 o'clocic. For morning train south I on Saturday, after the opinion of the mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g- ' County Crown Attorney had been obttin- ^ ' ed on the evidence. Flaliiff waa fined to. This with over $7 costs was paid by de- fendant under protest, he intending to I sue in Division Court for the price of the - I eggi. This latter suit came up on Tue*- m j M . , l Fthl I day- but was postponed to March. Misses Gladys, Marjory and ttnel ! " , . ... . - , \i _i. Appeal his alto wen m:ul to the Dudgeon visited young friends m Mark- en in length. by one foot in width or dep- th. But parceli will be accepted up to three f, et an inches in length, provided th.it combined length and girth do Dot exceed six feet. A parcels post packet may te injured within Cnada up to an nnount of 825, or the actual value of the contents when lead than that amount upon payment of a fee of fire cents in pottage stamp*, and op to |50 on a payment of ten centa. Any postonlce in Saskatchewan or Maritime Provinces 1 Ib 12; 2 Us 20; 3 Ibs 28; 4 Ib* 36; 5 Ibs 44: Ibs 52; 7 Ibs 65; 8 Ibs 68; 9 Its 78; 10 Ibs 84; 11 tb* 92. Any postofficd in Alberta- 1 Ib 12: 2 Ibs 24: 31ba 34; 4 Ihs 44; 5 Ibs 54; tf Ibs 6t>; 711*74; 8 Ibs **; 9 Ib* 94: 10 Ibe 11.04; 11 lb f 1.14. Any poatnnice in Crituh Columbia-- 1 Ib 12; 2 Ibe 24; 3 Ibs 3C ; 4 Ibs 48; 5 Iba 60; 6 Ibs 72; 7 Ibs W; S Ibs 96; 9 '.be 1.08 1> Iba fl.20; lllbsfl.32. VICINITY CHIPS A pathetic case incidental to the in uf local option in Albemarle town- ship is the fact thit the only hotel which thereby loses its license is kept by Mrs Bryai, aged 72, a widow, whose husband died 16 months ago and who has to sup- port a s >u, atted 40, who has been blind from childhood. dale last week end. r lhe Feb. meeting of the W. I. has been postponed until Wednesday of next week. The February mettini of Artemesia Council has been postponed until Mon- day of neit week . We are eorry to report Mr. William Flynn being laid up with pleurisy, bat hope to hear soou of his recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Scott of Elora attended the funeral of the late Mr. Canto. Mrs. Scott remained a few dayt. The Presbyterian Ladies Aid of Mai- well will hold a tea and concert on the evening of Thursday, Feb. 12. For par- ticulars see bills. Kimberley C. O. F. will held a grand concert Thursday (to-day) evening for which good Ulent bas been engaged. See larye bills for full particulars. It was f 1400, not *14000,that Mr. Wat- ion paid for the McLeod sawmill proper- ty at Priceville. Funny what a differ eoce one little cypher wi'l make. The Literary Society of Flesherton High School will be at home to their friends of Flesherton and Arternesia, Thursday evening, Feb. 5, from 7 to 11 p. m. in the High SchooL Mr. Henry Holman has *>ld his fine farm, 100 acres, 4th line of Artemesia, to Mr. Thomas Philips of Cwprey. Mr. Holman does not give up possession un- til next November. A credit auction sale "f farm stock, household goods, etc., will be held on Tuesday. Feb. 10, on lot 10, con. 9. Oa- prey, the property of James and CatUar ine Burns. See large bUla for particul- ars. The farm will be offered for rent if not rented before day of sale. Mr. Colley, a young ruan who is at present supplying the Rocalyn circuii, occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church Sunday morning and preached an excellent sermon. He bida fair to be a very successful preacher. The County Council last weekappoint- froin the magistrates' decision. Confed- erate. After a long aud painful illness of can- cer of the stomiicb Mr. James Cargo passed away at his bume here nn Thurs- day afternoon last, at the age of 51 years. He leaves behind a wife and live children-- two sons aud three daughters, the eldest of whom is 18 years of <tge. Mr. Cargo waa bora in Artemesia tovnthip, son of the late Wm. Cargo. He leaves one brother. Will, on the old homestead, &nd a aister, Mrs. Leonard Sc_>lt of El- ora. The funeral took place to Flesher- ton cemetery on Saturday afternoon. The deceased gentleman was a hard- wotking, industrious cit:z-n until disease laid ita band on him, and was highly es- teemed by all. The family hare the .-ymprhy of citizens in general. The funeral was conducted under the auspices of the C. O F., the deceased gentleman be'tig a member of Vandeleur lodge. Card of Thanks The undersigned deaires to thank the frienda and neighbor* of the late Frank Moore of Proton for their many kind- nesses and attention during his late illness. -CHAS. MOCRE. Notice To Creditors In the matter of the estate of Frank Moore, late of the Township of Proton, in the County of Grey, Farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant t< i the Revised Statutes of Outario 1897 j Chapter 139, that all the creditors and others havinj claimi against the estate o the above named Frank Moore, wh< died on or about the 26th day o December, A. D. 191>>, are required on or before the second day of March A. D. 1914, to tend by post prepaid or deliver to Charles M' ore. Markdal Poet Office, or to Herbert Moatgomery 110 Pendrith sneer, Toronto Poe Office, the Executors of the Us W'ill and Testament of the said Frank Moore, deceased, their Chris tian and surnames, addresses and de crietions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities (i any) held by them. And further take notice that after auch last mentioned date the sail executors will proceed to distribute the sets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, naving regard only to the claims of which they ahali then have notice, and that the said executors will not he liable for the said seta or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. HERBERT MONTGOMERY, CHARLES MOORE, Executors. Dated the 29th day of January, 1914. Mrs. Henry Wood Mis 1 Henry Wood passed tway to her long rest here <>n Monday evening after au illness extending over fourteen months. Mrs. Wood was born in Strat- ford fifty years ago. She waa a woman of kindly disposition and a staunch mem- ber of the Presbyterian church. Tbe fuoenl took place to Flesherton ceme- tery on Wednesday. She leaves a sor- rowing husband to mourn, but no family. DIED Bradley In Toronto, on Saturday, Jan. 31,19U,Un.Minoie C.Bradley aged 31 years, 5 months. The funeral took o f hr uiother.Mrs. Roy, Rock to galem burial ground. Mrg 3^,^ was ooly 33 yeaf , o( ed the following trmtees fr Fleiherton [ pl4ce on Monday, February 3i>. from the hig School. T. Henry three years, J. McMillan two years, and Dr. Otwwell one year. A grant of f300 was given the agricultural departmeut , 1200 for ex- hibits at Toronto and $100 at Guelph. The Advance has still over BOO sub- acription reciepta that it would like to sell at the earlie** convenience at 91 each. TheMs little alips of paper entitle The Advance for twelve in life should be called away so early, aad just when the greatest joy of life had come to her, happy motherhood. Her first-born, a lovely baby boy, is only a few days old. Early ,iu life she found Christ a her SaAiour, and as a girl was Odds and Ends > ARTICLES FOR SALE For Sale On pure bred bull, ten months old, a Broadbooks ; al*o one brown hone rive yeais old, by Percy performer. Cm be seen oa lot 13, ci>o. 9. Osprey, Eugenia P.O. 'Phone in house.- G. H. Burk. For Sale Berlin barley for seed. A new strain of the six rowed variety. 91-00 per bushel. Apply to Lewis Fish- er. Fleoherton. For Sale Cheap young driving mar?, about 950 pounds, or would exchange for good driving hone about 1100 pounds.- Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesh- erton. Jan. 22 Two Jack Screws to rent. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. A few choice R. I. Red s.c. cockerels for sale good enough for show birds. W. H, T hurst on. Flesherton. school . a large you to receive months. How about securing one / faithful worker in the Sabbath Master Preston Beattie, a pupil of tbejshe was known and beloved by hyh schocl here,returued Us week from circle of friends. ke Toronto general hospital, where he underwent a rather serious operation on his nose and throat. Preston is pop- j uUr amonx the young people aud all are Tlw pn^i p^t w iu be inaugurated in pleased to know that the operation was j Cin4( fc w j tral , a fo w dlkjs> Tne successful. I applying to Ontario are : Within a 20- The high school trustees have found it j mile radius, 1 Ib., 5, aud Ic more for The New Parcel Post Legal Blanks For Sale R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sale cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills aud all other legal blanks. Any requiring such will find it to their inter- est to give him a call. necessary to add considerable more seat- in^accoiniuodatUntothe-Bchool. An extra low of seata has been added in form 1, and several more desks to form 3. There are now 62 pupila on the roll. Witt very little more growth it will be necessary to add a third teacher in order 10 attain full efficiency. Mr. W. J. Henderson of town showed each Ib., up to 4 Ibs., after which 2c ex- tra per Ib. up to 11 Ibs. Outside the 30- uile limit oue pound U ten cents, and 4c extra pei Ib. up to 11 Iba. The maximum charge on any parcel will oot exceed ne cent an oubce. Dur- ing the organiiatioo period coveriug the of February. March and April, The Advance several grown by him, which two inches in length. an additional fee of five cants to stalks of rhubarb j paid in postage stamps, will be measured twenty This is a strong proof of the mildness of the winter if you do not understand how it was grown, but proof of this kind is deceptive, as the on each parcel mailed for local be pre- charged delivery in places wher* the letter carrier system is in operation. This same plan was followed in the United States at the inauguration <>f the pie plant was grown in the cellar. The i S y>tin there, in order to pieveut the root* were dug and frozen Usl fall, then ! department being swamped. During placed in bo.tes in the cellar, and now ; those first three months a'so, for the Mr. Henderson revels iu the luxury of same reasou, no packet will be accepted rhubarb sauce, which at this season of h,r transmission by panvl post weighm* the year U not to be sniffed, at as a m re i h-n aix pounds. After that date change frcm apple sauce and canned the maximum will be oleven pound*. The limit of six of a parcel i* ) iucti For sale cheap and on easy ti-Ttus, Lot 13, tvn. 11, Ifeprey, 110 acres. This is a first class farm and in a good slate of cultivation. Good bank b.iru &nd new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton. MISCELLANEOUS Notice -As I have purchased the mill privilege frvru A. D. McLeod, Pricevillr, intending customers are invited to leave their logs ou null property, and I will be prepared to saw the same about mid- summer. Geo. A. Watson. teZtt^T;-3z&&&<&&&^^ HILL BROS., HARKDALE. I aiu prepared to cut shingle* and lumber or custom wrrk. I will cut shingles and take shingle timber for my par. 1 will allow highest price for shingle timber, according to quality. Anyone putting in timber will put it together and put his nama nn it, as I won't ln in the yard. I ga\e good satisfaction to thus* who bought shingles from me. I am cving i > run it myself this year and 1 think I can give bei'er satisfaction. Yours truly, EDWARD SAUUENT. Ceylon p. o. Wanted large second band box best- ing stove, must he cheap and on reason- ably good condition.-- Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesh ert on. Jsn.22 JouUl take in a number of cattle f*>r ihe wintet mouth*. Apply at the Ad vance Ortic*. $.000 priv<<ti fund* to loan on farm ge security v lowest rates of in Apply R. J. Sproule, Fleeherton >; Just Eight Days More To Get Winter Supplies At a Big Saving We have added many more lines at Big Discounts off regular prices. Rubbers Our stock of Heavy and Light Rubbers is still large all sizes. LOT NO 1 Men's Light Rubbers, bst quality; regular 81.00 lineup dear 33 LOT NO 2 Women's Light Rubbers, high and low heel; reg. ooc i 75c to clear 48 LOT NO 8 Women's Overshoes, all sizes: reg. 82.UO and $2.10 clearing price S1.-J9 LOT NO 4 Veil's one buckle Overshoe ;reg$l. 73, clearing price $1,29 LOT NO 5 Men's Low Snag Proof Bockle or lace. teg. $2.25 to 12.75; clearing price ..$1.89 LOT NO 6 Boy a' Buckle and Lace Heavy Gam Rubbers, rtg.Sl. 40 to $1 .75;clearing price $1.15 LOT NO 7 Men's Leather Top Rubbers; 7 in. Top, regular *3.00 for S2.39 9 in. Top. regular $3.50, for $2.69 12 in. Top, regular 4.25, for $3.39 16 in. Top. regular $5.00 for $4.25 Men's Underwear In this lot ther are over a hundred Garments; a clean up in aor odd lines; reg. 68c to i 1.25 value: clearing price _ .48 Women's Coats We have a few good coats left in sizes 32, 34 and 36. these Coats are good vala? at $5.00. Clearing price 9g GROCERY Department Special, Granulated Sugar, per cwt :.$1.50 Comfort Soap 7 for .....-" A good Pink Salmon 2 for 25 Canned Goods, Corn Peas.Tomatoes and Plums, 3 for 25. Corn Starch 4 for .... 25 Currants 4 foa 25. Raisin, 4 for ' .. 25 Special Clearing In Women's Underwear We have 23 dozen Women'* Underwear in Good Weight, Wool Garments in Natural, black. Bed, and White: reg. 75c an 85c a Garment, Special Clearing Price ..... .... 48 Visit our Hardware Department. For Snaps :n TINWARE and URANITE \VAKE Granite Pie Plates, leg. 12i for 7 Tin Dippers, each 5c. Tin Pie Plates, reg. 5c, at Granite Tea Kettles, reg. 1.25 for 89 lin Cups, each 5c. Bake pans reg 25c for l5c In fact anything yon want in Hardware we have it at Money Saving Prices. HILLBROS, - MARKDALE <* l B 1 f i t. a ii W. L. W R I G H II FLESHERTON Great Reductions in Prices For a Limited time, Only. Sot a dollar's worth of old or Shop Worn Goods in the stoie. Everything New and I'p-To-Date. 1 aoTgoing to clear out the balance of our Winter Gci us 1 1 r > < I < u n ikm ( n fcr ouiSprn wtcck. which it now coming in. Just call aud see the goods at the prices we are tooling. We know you will uot be disappointed. L-VlieV Bedroom Slippers, reg. 90c for. ....... . .79e RUBBERS Men's Cobalts, 12 inche*, reg. $4.oO for 13.! Men's Sudburv. 7 inches, reg. $3.50 for $2.1*? Men's Forest Kin* re*. $3 25 for W.8U Men's Rosewood reg. |3.00 for bO Men's Huron, 3 eye reg. $2 25 for . Boys' Huron, 3 eye reg. $2.00 for II Buys' Huron, 3 eye reg f 1.75 for $1^ Men's Kelt Socks, reg. $1.CO for S9c Men's Arctic Shoes, eg. $1.UO for *: w oen's Claret Slippers, rest $1-35 for 11.29 M .: - Leather Mitts at Reduced Prices. Big Reductions in Ladies', Gents and Children's Sweaters, Woolen Caps and Mitts. All the Latest Novehie* in Gent's Fuinishiogs Fancy Shuts, Collars, Ties, etc. Lajies' Furs. Uantles, etc., at greatly Reduced Price*. We have a few ends of Dress Goods which we are selling otf. Men's Black Cloth Coat with fur collar, res reg 122. 30 for. W&Ofl Men's Fur Coat, Silka Bear, rg $26.25 for..$21.0' Good value in Cloth Coats, reg $16 50 for. . . .*J3-23 \ tew BoyV Coats left at. reg $$.50 for $t \ few Boys' Coats left at, rex $> To for *> 40 A number of Boys' iwo piece suits go ng at a reduction. Five Roses Flour Purity Flour Royal Household Shorta Bran R.IWd l>ats, Rolled Whea> Selected R.-MSIUS, Currw's, Fresh Trout tks: Grade Auunon i it. . SPECIALS Canned Tomatoes Canned Corn Canned Peas Tomato Catsup Pork \nd Beans " Canned Salmon Sardines Corn Meal Best Granulated Sugar Cranberries IN GROCERIES ^HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PRODUCE: * IT YOU can enter any day at the V 'h* T e NEW BARBER SHOP The undersigned has opened a barber j hop in the brick block over the po-st- ; ..ffico, where I will be prepared to me<;t as many of my friends aa cau make it conveoieat to call. Give me a call when you want a hair cut or shave. Kaiors honed. CHAS. HOY, - PWp.fi. J^S,' ! ^Si. Our Clubbing List Tenders Seated tender* marked, "Tenders for School " will be received by the under -ittued up to 6 p. m., February 20*b, . '.'U, for building a school in S. S. Ko. .';;< t-v. Building is to be either n>- or brick. Plans and spec fictions . ay be sen at undersigned's place i>f -sulence. >vh con., Oeprey. Lowest or uy under ut neco-warily accepted. y ordor WM. L.VWLEU. R. K. v>. 1, Eugeniv SfO.-Twas.. Public School B.>ard, S S. No. 5, position. J> Xt Succeesful Yean. M Larg Staflf of Specialista. Mindviju.tl instruction. MltifonnAttoii free. Jff C. A. FLEMING, F. G- D FLEMING OWEN SOUND - C. A., k Principal. Secretary.! ONTARIO The following prices are for strictly paid in advance subscriptionsouly. We no accounts with other papers. Flesh *r ton Advance f I 00 Youths Companion 2 00 Toronto World, daily 3 00 Toronto Daily News 1 50 Weekly Globe ... 90 Mail-Empire. 75 Family Herald ft Star 90 Toronto Star 1 50 Farmer Sun 90 Farmers Advocate 1 oO Weekly Witoeee 90 Saturday Night 3 00 Home Journal ........... 90 Poultry News S Poultry Review 40 Rod and Gun magaxine 90 Notice We have received instructions fr 'an Durhtm Furniture Co. to purchase lac* for them At their au 1. Ceylon. Also to ins(<ect and measure Mme. Ft r pricv etc. apply to G. or F. Collinson, Ceyloo