Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Feb 1914, p. 1

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Stitoonc. "TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR." _ PRINCIPLED N03L MEN. VOL 3:] No. 30 Fleahierton, Out., Thursday Februarj- 12 1914 County L. O. L. Kust Fob. The County Orange Lodge for (in-y met in Dundalk on Tuesday, 3, .unl appointed the followin O.W.M., W. A. Wilson. 0. D.. This. Scott. 0. Chap., Gco. Walker. C. Treas., H. H. Corbelt. C. Fin. Sec., Ceo. H. CaJrns. <;'. Tre.w., W. Ooodfellow. C. L,, K. Han im. C. D. of C.. Charles Moore. $o. Com., W. Masters of Dinti icti and W. M. of the County Lodge. A county celebration will be held in Markdale on July lit next. About 115 members from all over tho county were present. Railway Men Sentenced Bra,cebrid|(e, Feb. 8. Three men who bad been in the employ f the C..P.R. running; a frieght train between Muskoks Station and Carlier weru before .1 ud_;c Kahaffy for trial last week here on a oharge of stealing goods out of cars. G. H. Walford, the conductor, was convict- ed, the eridence showing that he had in his possesiou a quantity of goods which be knew to be stolen. He was sentenc- ed to *ix month* with hard labor. Al- beit .1. D tvis * brakeman, pleadud guilty and ww sentenced 10 eight months with hard labor. Clarence I .udgalt*, bruke- nun, was let go on suspended sentence. Tht can were opened uii December 17 and December :tO. Robert Wright, fat-uter, of Axhgrovt, wan killed, and the Misses Mildred and P*ii Bessey were seriously injured, the forMtr powibly fatally, in a lerel <TUM- ioj accident in a snowstorm nrar K-. iiitv Kimberley Budget February is cer'.uniy e /miog in g"od and stormy. Mr. and Mrs. Charles ('iraham, who have been visiting friends in Toronto, tetnrned home une day !ait week. ' Mr. Joseph MeCull >uuh of Markdale ' visited with hxa aiater, Mrs. T. Reid. recently. Miss Delia Aborciornbie, teacher at McMurchy's ichool, UuUhtgwood town- ' chip, spent S.-it urci.iy and Sunday at the parental home. The cold 'weather linn uo terrors tor Major McCtung of ilie valley road north. . I'lvpry day you can see William perched n top of 4 big load of pine !os en route Tor Biahop'i iiiill. . Mr. Jobn Cairni< of Engeiiiit wan a caller in our burg on- day litst week. The C. O. F. concert which was held ' in i be town hall here on Friday evening last was a success, financially and other- wiae. Miss Lewis of Tcronto is a high , i. lass entertainer and one of the best we , ever had the pleasure of hearing. Her election* were well chosen, well run- tiered and of a good moral tone. We beepeak for the young lady a brilliant future. The fcllowim? took part in the program : Male quartette - Alex. Cr- tutherr, Jacob Williams, John Cairn* uod Robert Dean, all of Eugenui ; Mrs. J. Williams was accompanist ; violin mil- aic by Geo. Knott of Thornbury and E. Donnelly of Wodehoune ; Mi Hazel Knott of Epping Rii m a solo, beautifully rendered, Mrs. A. K. Myles aceouipau- ist. The program WIN excellent through - cat. The total proceeds of the evening > amounted t<> over fifty dol'ars. The pa*.' or. Rev. Mr. Colley, occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church on Sunday nioining and preached an excel- lent lermcn. Mri. B. A. Carrutliers, vied president of the Women'* Institute fur Uantre Grey, vitited Mill Creek Branch last \reek owing tu the continued illness of the President, Mr*. Buchanan of Raven- na. Misses Fanny and Betthi 8"ul of Dun- can viited friends in this vicinity recent- 'y. Mr. ThoH. Wickens of Vandeleur is visiting friends in our burg. Though in his ninetieth year, Mr. Wicken.s is still hale and hearty ;md walks with the elas- tic step of a ten year old . Mrs. J. B. Soul of Duncan spent the past week visiting friends in thin vicinity. Miss M. Moore of Uocklyu is visiting with her friend, Miss Pearl Lawrence, at present. Wodehouse' Doings Wintry weather*. Sawliijr drawing is still in order. Mr. John Hutchinson from near St. Mary*, rvntwed acquaintances in this neighborhood the past week. Rev. Mr. Dudgeon of Flesbert >n t..ok charge of the tacrameniul service in Now England church on Sunday aftrnnnii, week, Hev. Mr. Cawley taking Mr. lud- eeoni' work ;ti Fleeherton. Mi-- \ . i ;. Lanktree has returned home from Mnrkdale, where she has siu-m the past two in. >.i Mis with Rv. and M - Wallnce. A j<il!y Itmil of our young people joui n- cyedto Muikdaleon Friday, where they spent the aftirnoon skating on '< rink there. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilcock of Ue- v;in:i, Sak.. who are spending three mouths with Ontario friends. .! tlie guests of Mr. J. Buskin and family. "Green-Hill,'' the past week. Born - On Wednesday, Januut.v -, Mi. ami Mi-, s ,mn. -I Wile}, jr. , > daughter. Mrs. Neeley of Vandeleur visited hr sibter. Mi*. William Wiley, during the week. Mr. O"rd'-n Wiley and the Mives Kv* and E!ia Buskin spent the week end with friends a 1 . Flesherlon. Mrs. Sam Thompson is visiting t'n.'inls in Toronto. Mrs. John Wjley of Maxwell i.- <|.en 1- ing a week with her son, 8am, hrn- Mies May Linktree left M n.l.iy to spend some time with her aunt. iln-. Greenaway. near Rocklyn. Mr. :ini Mrs. Jas. Cheriy p*n< Sun- day with the former')* mother > 'lurks- bun;. Mr. Kd^ar Donnelly rontribu'o 1 violin music at t,!ie Forester's concert at Kimber- ley "ii Thursday evening and ;<!s<> .1 Vandeleur Women's Institute .'HI.VI! vii Friday evening last week. Walkerton A young school- tsacher fin;.* near n is Herving a thiily iiaj>.' se.ii- tence in the Walkerton jail, ho having been oinmiUed to the cells on a ih.ir^c of indecently assaulting one of the young girls in his school. Anthony Meyer, aged 7-' yonis, a ditcher and drain digger jf Ay-ui, wa. found dead on the roadside utnler bis cutter, hie had been in \Vnll>er'on dm- ing the day, and left here at night. Appar- ently to drive to Hnover. That was ihe last seen of him until he w i* uiscn - ered sMiictime later by parties dnvnig ont of u.wn lying face downwards in the snow nt the side of the road, with the upturned cutter resting ou his h.idy. His horse was also found U ' "it its back fancied up in tho harness. .\i it wa.s '. .1: n, il iliat 'lii> deceased was sub- ject 'ii weak spells. Coroner Poriei-, who was summoned, concluded from tin einoi- ination <>f the remains that Mover had suix'tinibed to heart failure, and was probably dead before tho horse wandi-rod off the road and upset the cutter. lliuinp out the head olf a chicktm "lie evening List week, Mr. Wai. \\ober. hostler, at the Queen's Hotel here, throw the bird into the snow and proceeded to lop i lie head off another fowl. Carrving the two headless birds into the .hud, whue ho left them over night, he was startled on opening the door the follow- ing inniuing to 6nd the lirst chick thai had 1' -i . iu bead doing a lively turkey trot on the Moor, Calling thu parties who IM i teen him shed their heads tho nighi before, he had them exniniiie ilie liei: .iiiil vidw the movinir picture that they might bear wi-nem when he sprang the tale about town. The snow it seems had 1 1 own the clotted blood ou tin: end of i lit- neck, and prevented (lie life- stream 1 1, no further oozing out. The windpipe w*& doinp itu work, and left to itself the .M, ly thing tha hen n.-.-.i- .i t/o fear n:i.< a thaw that would sur> ilie ii>c moving at the end of neck. Bur a lot of hungry boarders had to bo fed and the licmlsujan was obliged to take biddy to the Mock the second time. - Times. Card of Thanks W wish to express our thinks to fti.<:,d mid neinhboiK for theii m,ii ( ii and many *cte of kiiirlneso dif :IKJ .,m- et k-eiVkvMtient. Mrs. !S. Ro iba H, S,, Pupils . Eugenia Paragraphs Entertain All roads led to the liiyh school on Thursday ni K lit of last week, and the numlu'i of people who responded to the invitation of the pupili, to attend their "At Home" was an inspiration to the young people and to all who took part in the programme. Between three and four hundred uncles, aunts, cousins and their friends lilltd the lare auditorium Intruded for lust wouk The social on Monday evcnihi,' at Mr. Uenry Williams was well attended. Proceeds amounted to 111. 00. We are pleased to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hawkins into our neighbor- hood. Mr. Jake Williams lost a valuable cow .f Toronto in last. Mr. Stanley Mo to its fullest capacity, and all listened lo | visiting his uncle Mr. K. Morgan of this a really excellent program provided by ' P' ace - the Literary Club, presided over by the Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Williams President, Mr. Well. Whittakei', who of Paris, on Jan. '.ilst, 1914, a daughter. made quite an ideal chairman. Some of | Mr. R. Fog of Toronto it the gne*,t of the special features of the evening were j Mrs. R Park a character song by several boys, entitled, M r. C. GraluUn andGc,, William. GirK a song and dunce by half a do* | ||RVe retulm ,, frum lh( , ci , en young Udie. solo by Miss Irene Wil- son, a viohn solo by our accomplished), violini-st, Mies Clara Hulsc, a base solo ! ^ 8 ' by Mr. Herb. Sullivan, a trio by Messrs. | H. Sullivan, Frank Duncan, and C. Bel- 1 ''- R " '" " ' ht! S ' ck lisl lllete> Intended for Las' Week Mr. Wesley Coney has returned from la:ny,and piano duets by Misses Minerva { the city. and Valeria Station! and Misses Maud xt.. Boyd and Rita Buskin. Short speeches were delivered by the following gentlemen : Mr.John Boland, chairman of the hih school board;!'. R. Mo.Kenzie, Reeve of Artemesia ; J.I. Mr. Win. Slewurt. of Fli.sh'.-rlon wus tho guo6t of liis f-i.ster, hero, the past. week. Mrs. Uolinos of th's place is in pm>r health anaemia. Mr. R Haney ha.s lirer, laid up with Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Officr- 30 10th n. east, Owen Sound At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd j Thursday each month from 8 to a 12am Dund<ilk,lst Wednesday of each mouth : And Choppiiig~Mfiis I am now prepared to do chopping every day in the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Bring along your grists. Our sasli and door factory is ;ilw:iys at your disposal for anything you want in our lineplaning, mutching, etc. Floor inc. sash and doorx, and all house fur- nishings supplied promptly and at leas- onab!e ra<s. Get estimates. T. Blakeley, Prop. - ' r W. A. Armstrong, N V V Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT Graham, councillor, the local cleray and an attack of pleurisy. others. The speeches were all eulogistic of school and touching stuff. Mr. Me- Mullen .said that in conversation with the inspector of hit-h schools the latter had informed him tint Artemesiu high school was one of tho best in the provin- ce. Mr. J. I (J rah jin :-ive some whole- some advice to tho pupils. Ho said the i school was well .-,.,,, ,,,,.,. n,,d when any- 1 Quite u number from hero altundrd the Foresters Conceit in KimborJoy. Messrs. ArniKtioug, William, anil Graham of Toronto are visiting friend* here. Mm. Henry Fcnwick is tlie <uest <( Mrs. Joe. Williams. Mr.-. Hillock of M.i\ v. . is visiting thin<; more was required all the board with Mr. and Mis. McMasUi htid to do was ask for it. Mr. John Cairns bad his anklu A solo by Mks Kuinia WhitUker is worthy of lli.-i n pashing mention, as tliis younv; lady is developing .1 voice that is worth careful ivrtiinnu. It is a strong, bone broken while playing hockey in on Friday evening. The hour of service conducted by the pastor, Rev. McVioar, is *al>luh inor. sweet and true soprano with wonderful j ning, at 11 o'clock : alwo in thu evening ran go for one . young. Miss Emma is i by [lev. Win. Dinwoodiu at 7 o'clock, always henrd with pleasure and has im- ' They will bo glad to welcome you to proved very much during the pst /ear. | cither neivice. Afier the progfaii, * choice luncheon' Young People's Guild on Weo'nesdiix with coffee w;is served by the boys and evenings, girls, and all depart ed fouling thot they had accomplished a double purpose- enjoyed an evening uf unadulteralod pleasure themselves, and by their pro g! ence made it cleui to the pupil attend- j iug that a keen intoivst is taken by the We are sorry to report that Mr. J.. public in tht-ir wolfaie, thus inspirii.g Walaon, Jr., is on the sick list, thorn to even giea'.T future effort. While Mr. W. J. Blackburn and Mr. These high tehnol At Homes are be-|C. McKeohniu wore working on tli for- coming looked np'in as oiioof the import- ' mer's new house they sustainel Saugeen Junction ant events of ilia year and there are few who CHII do MO thai, do not, make an eii'ort to be present. They have been enjoyable injuries. The aflpflbld on which tliuy were workiuu. gave way, and let them drop a distance of shout eighteen feet . . in the past, and this one was even ahead Mr. Blackburn sulf'ois a scveru fracture of tli M< that have gone before. j of the ankle, and Mi . McKccbnie severe | bruises, but bnth ire doing as well as can be expected under thu skillful cue of Dr. Lnno. Mrs. Jim Parks aril Mis.s Kllu IJUir have returned lo their homo in < >.-h,iwn. \\c are glad to report that Mr. U.Wil cock is recovering nicely. The rVicevil'c mail K. K. JS'o. .'!, has Miss Ceylon ovi-r Sunday with Wilson spent e.-hui ton trionds. I Mr. and Airs. Tlu.s. \\ilcock, who have) been spending pa.<t : wo months hero with , friends, leave tins weok for Toronto, | where ihoy will remain for a couple of , mucn dlllioul| y '" delivmng the mail, 'is it is niter absent despite the line of this winter. A number frum here at'e.ndod the ;it- home in the high school i>n Thursday evening last. All roport a good time. Mrs. T. Fisher of ITlcahorton \isited her broiher, Mr. \V. 1'lacklmi -11.011 Mm- o'ay of this week. weeks before leaving f m - their home in Re:;ni.-i. Mr. .1. \\ . t'iishnie,Toi.nito,is a visitor at It. Cook's. Mr. R. t.tes, Dnudalk, in spending a weok with friends here. Mi. A. I'urdy i.s again on the sick lis', but wo hope for H speedy recovery. Miss VVyni*- is viiiting tlie Misses Hemphilla. here the past week." The Ontario <;ov,-rninent has finally Mr. 8. Hemphill and Mi* Maud paid ??**** %? > th '* P*"^ DunJalkf,ic.uci,avisi, ,|,e HIM ,-f the '" Sl btSW " "' ;lk " lk1 -' 1 '""P"l 9 ory for all wee j { men earning a living by driving motor cars lo (nun an examination before being permitted lo continue in their vocation. The Black Knot Scourge Tbnfcu1tai0ns.*aa based mi those, in ' force in the Old Country, and 17 i|iies- Gnllingwood Township Council at its lions must be answered !>y thone, apply- first meeting for l:U4, iiistiucte-1 the ass- ing for liceiises. The applicant must essor lo leave a notice at each house, noli- also have a photograph taktn and forward tying the owner t hiit :\n inspector of fruit! two copies to the Provincial Secretary ' would o*ll sonit'iiine later in die season, Department. With Ilie |hoti)rgli he and if any black knot was found on the mu4t si nd n personal description, iviny !A Sign of Spring! Your clover and timothy seed has arrived. (All No. 1 Gov, Standard.) Note - Not just Gov. tested. All seeds must grade No. 1 , 2 or 3, at the Flesherton j Grocery W. BUSKIN, Flesherton. Clearing Out Balance ol Men's Heavy Rubbers 'S :J eyelet Kuhbers, r-eg. 2.10 clearing !j<1.7( Men'.s Lout her Top Rub- bers reg, $2.50 elcariii^ at ....$1.M) Bal. ol Hoys' at reduced Prices. Girl's Overstock- ings with Kubbers, clt-ai- in b ' at $1 (10 Custom Work and Repair- ing as usual, Trunks, Telescopes and Suit Cases. Thos. Clayton premises, it would be romoved at the H net's u-ist mill made charge in his Be, color, heigh', weight, eoloi of hair nd eycu. After all this haa been dune taxes. This by-law ww made rt thu re- . and the examination snccosfully pnssad, quent of the Clarksburg Board of Trade, the liei'e will be i<ntod. The (iovern- and is absolutely DeceMiry, otherwise the cherry trees will all be dstroyf<l. Some yo.iis ago t.hn plum indusli-y worth thousands t<- the farmers of thi* district, Ijtoly to be received by black knot. aim an inspector was appoint- ed whose wo k save] ilie tre-.',irhile those in surrounding imimcipalitie!>, where no law was enforced, were killed. ment has selected '-'7 points HI which to hold the osamintioiiK :tud they include prtctwally all im|wriHnt ceiitiu.t through- ' out tha pn>vince. About :,S(H) clinntt'eun will be aB'euted. Lord -Str,ktlietjna'K esinto is ent iui.it rd t 931. 500,000. Tbo dentil dut CM totol about Jo,lXl,iXK>. Lady Strnt boons. , hi* daughter, will o..,i,t,n)l ?'20,000,(M)I). Just Arrived . . . Fine Stock of New Over- coats, New Suitings. When in town leave your order lor your Winter Suit with J. Bowler,iHE TAILOR tench Cleaning done every Saturday. Get your old clothes renovated. BUSKIN BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT. 1 ii J

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