\ "TEUTB BEFORE FAVOR." " PRIflCIPLEb NOT MEN.' VOI 33 No 37 Flesherton, Ont., Thursday April 9, 1914 W. H THCRSTON * f :- \ -1 t Will Take Up Experimental Work In Kimberley Valley Tlie Kimberley valley will shortly be favored with one of favn demonstration orchards to be establishi-d in the Prov- ince of Ontario by the Agricultural De- partment. The orchard will be leased for a term of probably t. n years. As a result of this intended taking over of an orchard under lease, the coun- ty agricultural department will not take i.]i any orchard there for demonstration tmrpuses this year. The plan is not yet fully completed, but The Advance has been informed that Mr. P. W. Hodaettt, head of the fruit blanch of the Depart- ment of Agriculture, is arianging to leaie n orchard iu the Kimberley Valley for a term of years with which to conduct ex- perimental work. It n not expected, however, that this lease will be made until next year, for the good and uttic:- ent reason that funds ar* not av.-iilable ' go ahead with it this season. This is in line with the experimental work being done at various points throughout the province, and it will be one of five orchards in the province so leued fur experimetitiil woik. One or two of these are aheady secured, and th Kituberley valley is positively booked for one (.f the five, but the lease, as we have said, will r.ot likely be made until next ye-ir, neither his the location been decided on, but it will not be difficult to get a good orchaid in that district for tho purpose required, where s.> many Hue or- chards already exist. The Kiiuoerley alley has raited peaches, mulberries, tender grapes, sugar cane snd other semi- tropical products and will ceruinly be a wod field in which to experiment, and the Department will make no mistake in inaugurating experiment; there. Jfo official announcement hs yet been made covering the above unnwuncemeot. Our information came by underground wirelenti and may be thoroughly relied upon. Walkerton Hubert Tail of Cargill, wb> found Kuilty by Magistrate Leggatt of Windsor of attempting to bring a wommi into Canada for immoral purposes, was tined $6 r i, including costs, on Wednesday of last week, with the option of 3M days in jil. Tail said he had no funds and would have to goto jail. The sight of su.e hotel Wardens f tg- gering oil the street on Sunday suggests tho need of some further amenaHient t the Liquor License Act. An outsider who get* full would probably be appre- hended and made reveal the xousca of hupply, but MI hotel bonrder can plead lhat toe ipuivkwHid ike tantfltfoot on Sat- urday ud lapped it up on Sunday, and get awy with it on the ground that he ii.-it ln-i bought it on the Sabbath nor carried it off the premises to drink. What do you know about that ( There is a UH*P ble in tke lieeooe fence some- where that should be. pa'ched up. The law never intended that, hotel boarders nhuuld pull <tt a Sunday drunk, but since H le^l method has been discovered, the hiiidle by which it is worked might be removed and the Sabbath jag eliminated from tho scenery. Fulfilling the letter but breaking the spirit of the law may KIV:II a clever ruxe, but a booze veiiidoris sure weaving a rope for his own hanging who will furnish tho dope for the Sab- bath day street wobble. Times- Herald. [ It K not the License Act rhat re- quites " amendments," but rather the people of Walkerton themselves who need re-soulin ; let them pass local optiou id the abuse mentioned will be easily handled Ed. Advance ] Mr. Wilmer Walker of Bowling Greeu received a very severe burn on Monday night and lies in a rather critical condi- tion, although there is such improve- ment as to give hope for recovery. Mr?. Walker was busy sewing by lamplight when the lamp jiggled uff the machine, r stand and breaking mi the floor start- ed a blz". Taking her apron she at- temp 1 ed to beat out the Hames, but in- stead her clothes took lire, the poor woman receiving terrible burns on her lower limbs, one arm, her neck nnd fe. The burns on iier arm and hands seemed the worst, tho skin just falling aff. A (kiiitur WA< on the scene sluit'y and ren- dered medical axiUUnce He has hopes t.iv recovery if compile*'- i"ns do not eet iu- Grand Valley Star. Feversham Items Mr. J. C. Tenmuit, C.O.F. organizer >f Owen Sound, has been in this neigh- Kimberley Budget Wodehouse Doings We were much umueed it the Fever-' S F'<J ' hesitatii-g whethei to remain iham correspondent last week, who in- ' Peniia.iei.Hy with us ,,r not, but it car.- borhood for some time . recruiting for j u | sol j i,, sonie vcr y nag ty rein irks re | not ^ e ' ar distant, f" 1 ' oul ' numerous Court Feversham No. 534. On Friday | g . mlin; , Dr Spl . oulei our wor(lly member ' s P lin S ousstei-a are with us again. ir Kast (Jrey. If lie had an atom </ The cold snap of the past few days grey matter he would know that tha ' will renew the sap run ngain. A few of Speaker is not allowed to interfere in our citizens are engaged making the de- any mutters outside of his duties ig ! KoiiHW, but not to a very great extent. Speaker. This attack was unwarranted, Tlut sugaring off ! Oh, may it bo soon ! as Dr. Sproule is oue of the cleanetl Miss Annia Cameron of Toronto is politicians in Canada. If the Feversham visiting with Mi. and Mis. Jou. Jherry cor. was as small in stature aa he was in for a couple of weeks, principle he could dance the tango on the j Mr Juhn pj c k er jng i., s i,, w i, re covei- heail of a pin and have room for the band ing from ,,;, K ^ nt s .. vel . e illue , 8 betides. Nobody will take him very old gentleman , s night last a number were initiated into the mysteries i>f Canadian Forestry, after which about 25 Foresters and their ladies sat down to a sumptuous supper at the Temperance Hotel, with Br<>. Tennant ably filling the chair at the head of the table, and may h s shadow never grow less. A couple of hours were spent aft ev supper in soc.al chat, music and songs Bro. Win. Kaitling rendering several ii. his .1 - .1 il good style, being encored aeain and again, to which he very courteously replied. Of course Will knows that in this world there's n tlnnu like cheek. Mr. Tennant being called upon riMpond- i'd with a very well defined u'.k i>n Cana- dian Forestry. The younger people of the gathering then tripped the light fan- tastic tue until the wee stna' hour?, all having spent an enj"yable social evening. We understand that Mrs. John Buck- ingham, who haft been on the sick list for some time, is recovering uicely in the Colliiixwoud hoapiU 1 , li--n- the went about a month ^o. Mr. Thomas Dand of Eiiuontun.Alia.. is visiting at his parental home and re- newing old acquaintance iirouml here. Mr. Dand went to the West about five <>r six years a^o and li.-i> made good. The weather still keeps c^ld and b;K:k- ward. No great runs of sap yet, tlwn;li sume of imr farmers are g'>in.{ into the syrup nuking extensively, Mr. George Short having 1500 trees ta|>jjj. We liave I>L'I-II rainpling gome <rf Mr. Albert Heron's of Maxwell and cm recommend intending purchaser* to cnQl on him ut his f.ic'..ry on the 4th line. We are ii. formed by MT Win. Ped- weli's foreman, Mr. Jaa. dim, that M. Hawkins of the tenth line drew iu an elm tree to lhat sawmill having thiee thous- and five hundred anil tteven'y feel in it. Some elm, wasn t it Mr. tli-ii. Julian Ii id a breakdown in his sawmill 1 i-,t week and had to take the saw nmidrtl to the foundry at on Saturday last. DUB can We welcome Mr. Robert Beacon and siiiter, Miss Lizzie, to our midst. They have moved into Mr. H. Kerr's new res- idence near the lake. Mrs. M. L. Kt". r, accompanied by our teacher. Miss EL Levee, visited the for- ini'i - uncle, Mr. iwibert Stevenson, at Mclntyre, S.n IMM.I\ nnd Sunday. Miss Barbara McKoiiziu offers many thanks to her friends and neighbor* for their kindness durki;.; her long and severe illnesH with iweumoui*. Mr. Frank Michel of Red Wing visited at Mr. <eo. Proctor's. We are sorry to report little Miss Lilian Jaiue ill wiih inflammatory rheu- matism. We hope she may soon be able to resume her studies again. detective Cully saysheyni moonstruck one night recently. Never mind, fully, it is not s bad as getting KMUtruek. MIKS Kna McKen/.ia is ill with irr ppe. Mi - .lii-.rj.li Kuake U.' <! ir . "in in thas community jeceutly. Mi** Alice U<wlina of Egypt is e*ii;ag- ed working at Mr. John MrK-ii -i. -. Nearly Buried in Quicksand Oil Saturday evening, Dick, tlie yuu.i^ S--11 of Mr. .iiul Mrs. Herman Smith, had a narrow escape from ! i-m ; biiticd in ijuick sand aud i>nly dy tho prompt ac- tion of rescuers, foituimtely near by. was the little fellow aaved fruin i horrible death. In compa"y with hitf ynunger brother, Harold, Dick, who is about six ycai.s old, was going up the sand hill on the 4th line, when the boys spied a h<up I) in.,' in the sand a short distance up the hank from tin? side of ths street. Dick left the rond j and started to i:rt the hoop when ho felt j himself sinking in the Kind and despite frantic efforts to free himself cpuld not gel out. Some little girls who were IMSKJH- saw the boy's d mger and hemd his cries for help and van f"i assistance . When tha rescuers arriveil they found hmi buried to the waist an 1 fast sinking futthor. | With ll p >8ible speed they proceeded j to free the li'lle fellow, but the tatk pmv- j ed iiM ay one HS the treacherous .sand : made it very diffcult to get near, and i tome- tuno elapsed b- f >ro llxe boy could i, rcued froiii his dangeroui Heaford Express. Tne very feeble. _ _ Betlinj seriously, us straws show which way the Hl , haa been a v . , y hard w , u . king m , n in wind blows. 'Nuff sed. the eilr , y p . oneer daySi and is ,,,,. i(1 his We are sorry to report Mrs. Charles ' seventy-fourth year. \Ve tmst ihe" warm Wickens on the sick list, she having got ', spring days will restore him to better a nasty fall while gathering eggs on lu-alth. Saturday. Another landmark was wiped off the Mr. George Cornfield had a very sue- , mup <m Wednesday, the Krt ,,f Apri', wood bee one day last week. ' B , wn um llO8tllffici! mat uken ilwity _ snd There were seven s.ws on the job and ev M u Dow ell ; (>yiu ., ,, 18 aaily mM Georgo sys the way the logs ft-11 L" i e f, , tm .j r llira i \ MI _ Mr. Morwo d pieces wasn't slow will still continue his general store busi- MisH Marion Fawcett, wli ) has bceu j nemf j n iiie old Wodehouse sund. vising frieudi in Clarksburg, returned ()iu . mM ^^ M) . Ual . V( ... , )as home on Friday last. I d()ne exception;l , y wel , c I1Kiderinil the Mahtt-r Hadden HutchiDKon U going , bad state of the roads. into fur farming, he having purchased a ,.,. , \ r , The BMpCta League had an mtore.st- hne piur of riccoona from Mr. Woods of . . . . ing meetmt; tbi.s week on the subject. British Authors. A pleasant and enjoy- Itj evening was spent by all present MIS. Wilson returned to her homo the Tth line, Euphrasia. One of them | however, managed tt> chew a hole in 'In t'lpofllm box where he hud them en-; cluscd and took to the tall limber. after I Ueaverdnle on Monday Rev. Mr. G-wley, occu- th -t ^^ u it|| Mf pied the pulpit in the Methodist church p- L , on Sunday evening List. The reviral , , . , .. . , ; Mr. .J. W. \\iley ha pure hasud an lervicrs have been postponed indebiutely ,. . , , | , up-lo-dnie iilniii'i'jriipli M the DMBRIN owm to the bad condition uf the roads. Mr. uud Mi-. CiM.s. Hugg.ird of of himself and his estimable wife. It is sid to be the real thing and speaks imi:h ClarksSirir visited with the latter'* par- j ,. , , I more distinctly than any heard in tlu-se cuts, Mr. and Mrs. John Fiiwcntt of thd Traveller's Home. pans before. M-s. John Ward has been ill the past lUilitf Wriglit of Fleshert.n was a f ew day;^ but K we arc pleased to siy, caller in .JUT burg on Monday. <omewlit belter. Master* LaVerne and Ian Carruthers ' .Miss Ntncy Wiley entertained a fe of Wodehouse visited friends in our vil- friends at a <|iiiltiiig bee on Thuisi'.-iy ligi- tine day lust eelt. ' afternoon last. Mr. Aithur WalteiH visiti-l friends in M us Ella Mi-AitJmr, who is attending Maikilalu on r-'rid'iy. Normal schod in Toronto, arrived on Mr. P.ert Graham cf Eugenia visited Wedi.es lay to spend Rvstor vacation at Kimberley friends on Monday. the parental home. Mr. Thomas Londry of <Juiet Valley visited with Mi. (Jen. Hutcliinson, re- cently. Mr. Win. Lewis of Duncan visited wi'h his Brother, Thomas, on Monday. Mr*. Samuel Mcl'luiiic h raiting with ,'*<" & " ull<1 M*t couplo ,, Ceylon Mrs. (Ur.) Hu'mes and lit-le daughter frieuds ill Clarksburg. Mclntyre Winter i.s s-ill with us. The frost i all j j king is re'iictant in givi. g in to the weet, > U'urling and MIHS Kiln, wtrr with her parent.", Mr. and Mr*. T. t'liis- lett, Mr. Frank Collinson left Thursday Ust for .S:ik*t< n. Mr. Fred McClocklin, Hols'cin, Mr. W. T; t.urn.-. Ebordalc, Mr. .). visit jn at bdmy siuiies of Maiden Spiing. Wood lews are th-^ i>rder cf the day. Mr. Jamei McClo L klin's tlie past week. Mrs. J. McMillan returned to Kuclpli Mis. M:try McL.an of :!i N iili Lit*. ' ou SaUird.iy to resume hei studies after who has been sick lati Iy, IN improving i weeks, vacation with her parents here, nicely. Mr. Ch.v Chislett. Durhitni, spent Sorry to report lhat Mrs. Robert Stev- ; over Sunday at the parental home. Lit- enson is will under medical treatment, tie Miss \Vhil taker arcom|ninied him to Hope to he ;*ble to report nioro favour- ably S'lOU. Mr. I'. G. Gray is having a boo haul- ! family left, Mondny for thi-ir new h.in e ing wond fruiii A ' impbeU's bush this at Moosej ir. wheie Mr. McCl.)cklin h: week. secim-d a uood position. Their manj Owing t.. the weather the Ladies Aid friends rogret, (heir ri-nmval, but hojj was uimlile to niuct last w?i-k. IL |ins(|i itied til Wednesday, fi'.h inst Mr. Alex. McAnhur's, gravt-1 load. we.-k moving his f .mily int-i the building (ilad to see Mr. J. Evatih in our midst vacated by Mr. McClocklin, mi.l will rui More anon l '' ou ' c ' i * ;r busiiiebs. VVe welcome Mr. and Mi>. Stuart to our bur Horn to Mr. ,nid Mis. Alex. 5icKae in March '.>[. ii iic lier grindprcnt< here. Mi. and t/lat. .las. Mi-C .Vilin and *'' ' our ''" '" '"-' lhl '''' at Mr (Jeo. S'uirt of Kleslu-rlon atratn. More anon. Mr. A. Mclntyre tetiorts a very pleas- ' ant trip to Ottawa. Mr. Alex. McLean intends moving on tu Mr. M. Mclutyre's farm soon. Services in the t'rcsbyteriuu church Miis K1U Gillchrist who has been vis in ^ M ii i>'i L] ' fiieiids returiiett lioine on were continued here on Sundiy evening. , Saturday. Mr. Mercer is still un.-ible to n'tend to i pastoral duties A younif man from ! Not taw i supplied. He give a very nice dsciourse. Dundalk H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. ALSO-- A line of Ready-Made Clothing Which wo p ut Mr. Goo. Meiherel bought, a cniload N-l caKvs in Tjromo and sold them to thd farmers of this locality la.st week. A fox hound belonging to Mr. Thos. F. l."rkli irt tt.-is killed by the train a Htle south uf the village on Saturday. The dog was a firtt class hunter and was valued af $50. alterations in if renuired. The Vill'age Council held their regular | monthly meutiiij n Monday niglit. The on . f Const:ib!e LJemphill -.s -ind accej.tid. W. J. Scrimir.- ger, lately nievod to tho vilhgu from H,,^,.;,,^ wag 8plll)ill , e( i tl> tho v , lOHtl ,, free of pusiiinii at a salary of $W prr month. Ileruld Isep 12 DR. BUJRT Specialist In dlccue* of the Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat Office-30 10th t. et, Owen Sound At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd 'hursday each month from 8 to a 12a.rn Jii!nl-ilk,l.st Wednesday of each month . Jewelry Flesherton Planing And Chopping Mills I am now prepared to do chopping ! every day in the week except Sundays! and every week in the year. Bring along your grists . I Our sash and door factory is always at four disposal for anything you w<nt in mrline pinning, in^tching, etc. Floor ne, sain and door.", and all house fur- lishings supplied promptly and at leas- mable ratus, (Jet eKiini.ttei. T. Blakeley, Prop. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT !A Sign of Spring! *. See our display of seeds Not how cheap, but how good Fivt> ROM- Flour 1'urity Hour Eclipse Flour Low -jt-iKie Hour 1'iistry Flour Bran Wheat chop .Shorts Molasses Me;il Mixe<l chop Meal Oil Cake- thing you want in feed or seed at the Flesherton Grocery W. BUSKIN, Flesherton. ; x^x^t^r^v^ GET YOUR REPAIRING FOR SPRING DONE BE- FORE THE RUSH AND SLUSH COMES ON ALSO A NICE ASSORT- MENT OF TRUNKS AND SUIT CASES FOR SALE AT REASONABLE PRI- CES. **:*: j Thos Clayton. New Suitings FOR SPRING We arc showing nearly 500 different lines of suitings for spring wear. Many of them are exclusive designs and cannot be obtained elsewhere Come in and have a good look, even if you do not buy just now. It is great to see all these new lines. Prices start as low as $16.00 S. J. BOWLER THE RELIABLE TAILOR i ^