Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Apr 1914, p. 1

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ii If i* SUtoottte "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PBlA 7 CIPLEb NOT- MEN.' 701 33 No. :38 Flesherton, Ont., Thursday April 16, 1914 W. H TECRSTON aud !! O , B. Power Co. Will Get Release lieeve McKenzte, Oleric Bellamy, Councillor Alex. Camen-n and their so- licitor, Mr. Henry, we* iu Toronto on Wednesday of last week interviewing the Georgian Bay Power C. to see if some- thing could not be save<l for the town- ship out of the change of proprietorship in the Eugenia faHs ponur. The meeting with the secretary of the company, their solicitor and the presi- dent, Mr. Hogg, took p'ace at the office of the Hydro-Electric Commission in the Confederation Life building, and occu- pied moat of Wednesday. The utfairj of the company were laid bare to the dele- gation, and to say the least were not ery satisfactory. The company had liabilities to the extent of $140,000, this including a mortgage of $-0,000 to one tin . As the sale to the Commission is i r less thato half the indebtedness or $00,000, it means t fter the mort- gage is paid off there will remain but $40,000 left to reimburse the bon J hold- ers, representing about 28 or 30 per cent, of their investment. Eugenia was not u money-maker for the bondholders. Although the township will receive nothing more than this year's taxes and what has already been paid, the officials figutc that the township will be consid- erably in pocket . Previous to taking hold of the development the property involved was assessed at about J5000. For four years past, according to the agieement, tho p.openy has been as- *fhsed at 340,000. There has been a delay of several month* by the Commission in taking up the option, awaiting a clearance from the township of tho covenant; entered into by the The Georgian Bay Pwwer Co. This clearance, it is claimed, had never been asked for by the company and the township council was unaware that it was necessary '> give such a document. As a result of the delegation's visit to Toronto lha Georgian Bay Power Co. have agreed pay the taxes on the l-H; 1 . uuscssmeiit amounting to 'ibout 9> r >40. and clearance papers will be supplied them immediately upon payment of that amount. The matter was discussed at a epoe'al meeting uf the Council on Saturday .i'lil the above otter accepted. Maxwell Miss Osborue is to be congratulated on the tine display of urtistically shaped hats shown at her millinery opetiinu Friday tnd Saturday of last wi>ek. Come one, come all, and purchase your Easter cranium . Mr. and Mr-". Edwaid Linley ami Mr. and Mrs. Hurry LinVy hive Uken their departure to their future homes in the West W j"ui in wishing them success in their oew abode. The l*div of St. M ir> ' church take thin opportunity of expressing their regret that, through Home misunderstanding, they did not know that Mrs. Linley intended to leave until the following week, as they were preparing M Kpeud a sociable evening at her former home, and to contribute some light token of their appreciation of hei long standing services MS choir leader. Mr. Will l!uy, jr., Ims returned i the west after spending the winter will his parents hnv. W ar<i glad to report that Cyrus Kielc is recovering, under the care of Dr. K i>ll, from a severe attack of pneumonia. Miss Lillian Ue.ttty \ mini in our burg a few days Ust week. Mr. Wilton Field returned from Mea f (Til wl ifii' he !' - been attending high tc'tnol. Osprey Mr. A S"inbT_;i.'i claim* ho can saw 70 cotd* of wood a day with his night horsepower Renfrew gasoline engine which is well patronized iu this neigh bo 'hood. Mi--. M inn i' Morrinon of Toronto i spending Easter holiday* with her pur .nt i on th'3 pavel. Mr. Heorge Spencer will soon be leav ing this part < f Osprey foi Michigan much to the regrot of friends in thi neighborhood. Much to the i far.-t of the Sorubeixers Mr. II. H. West * ill soon bo lenvintt ( fulfil his contract wit'i Mr. C. Thompsoi ..f the grave!. Heathcote Intended for Last Week. Mr. William Bovair of Collingwoocl pent Sunday at his parental home hefe. Misi Florence Huichinsoft of Thorn- ury is vis. tin- with her ' sister Mrs. 'rank Dooks. We are pleased to report that Mr. Ilarence Cruickshank is improving after K serioun hurt. The Rural Mail route has commenced etween Kiiuherley and Heathcote. It ertainly will be convenient fur the eople living at a distance from the nst office. We are pleased to see Mr. Swannell ut again. Mr. Albert Webb has resumed hi s utiea at Meaford brick yar J. Miss Elsie Dales has returned to her ome at Redwing after visiting with riends in Henthcote and Thorubury. Mis. Johns has returned home, after isiting with ft lends in Collingwood. Rev. M'. Young intends holding ser- ice in ih-t Au^lic.in- church on Friday veiling next, at 7 o'elurk p. m., also on Sister Sunday he will preach .1 herinon n the resurrection. Mr. Georte Tuck called on friends in ieathctite this week. We welcome Mr? George Booth to our illage u^ain. Mr. Lome Armstrong who "has been isiiing with friends in this vicinity the ast few weeks returned to his home in Tottenham on Tuesday. This Week's Items Heathcote Methodist Sundiy school was largely attended Easter Sunday morning. Mr. \Vm. Miller of Thornbury uldressed the school. The church was beautifully decorated with Easter Mowers. There w famine in lUathcofe in )OU-M to rent. Some new dwellings should be built the coming season to neet the deui.uid. Mr. Wes Fiddls is employed for the summer with Mr. John Vickers. Miss Irene Gardner U visiting with jer nister, Florence, I Fever sham Items Toronto Line North hot air fruni the Kimber'cy correspond ont ? His stature must have been very large before he (>oc rid of that. We hope lie got ease right away, for, poor fellow, he must have been in awful pain. We had heard of place tint is warmer than this now we are convinced there is such a place, having heard fruni the propri- etor. Aud if we are mistaken, and he is one of the smart boys that we heard so much about, his father ought to appoint his funeral soon and have the corpse ready. He is a lot too smau to live iu thi* wcrld. If his stature now corres- ponds with his brains he ia not knee height to a grasshopper, for he was be- hind the door when brains were given out and did not get any. We did not Maple syri-p making is the ruder of ; the d.iy here. Mrs. Win. Davis is visiting her daugh- ters in Toronto. Miss Delia Magee of Vaudek'ur is spending a ftW dy.s with her cousin, i Mrs. Will Swanton. i Mr. Fred Muthewson and duugh'er, ' Miss Olive, spout E-istei holidays with 1 f lie nds nt Toronto and Newmaiket. Miss Lulitik Beattie has been on the sick list for a few days. f Miss Elva Lever, teacher at Duncan. , ia spending the Easter holidays at her | parental home he:c. Mr. Robert Richardson and son, Har- i old, visited Vandeleur f.iends recently. Mrs. Wright and sou, Lloyd, :uid 5pecUIJfl in dis.as.s of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office-30 10th st. east, Owen Sound .At the Rovere house, M;u-k-!ale, 2nd Thursday ench month from 8 to a 12a IB Dundtlk.lst Weduesday of each mouth.. Jewelry intimate in any way that we ever ex- pected Dr. Sproule to overstep the limit* j U1B wll - h Mr ' " nd Mrs ' Ch rlca Stl ' Wiirt ' of hi office as Speaker of the H.-use,nd ! We <' wtry t-> report Miss Bui In we hope the good Dr. may continue to Brown ou the .sick li'. Hope to soon be the cieau politician this hot-air shooter lleal ' (jf llur lecovery. cliims him to lie now, though reiuemlier the time when Dr. Sproule hiiDself hnd a dirKcult task before hi n persuading hU conatituents that his ac- tion was of such a type when a certain I. ill cauie before the House and 1m vote gav* a helping hand to get it paased. Mr. Thus. Peri^o of Echo Bay spent Sunduy with his parentb in this village. Miss M -ic Whiteoak of Toronto spent we well [ Mr. Fred Yorku of Orange Valley with his bii/./.-saw, is .1 jm- a ru>hing hu.sitieiuj in this locality. Mr. Lyall Malhewsou of Murkdde is at present working for Uis uncle, Fred. Mi's. Thos. Sled entertained the ladies of this line to two quiliiiu-boos lately. Mrs. Thos. Lever has received word that her uncle, Mr. Win. Clarke, is \oiy ill at present, at. the home of his .l..-.u!i p - of Toronto, for a the holidays at hr parental home in this j er> Ht Clinton. Hia many friends are village, returning to the city Monday. j 8,, rry to hear thi-i as he used to bo rosi- (Kir ;ch<iolteachcr, Mms McFarUnd ' dent in this part. aud Miss Brunkard, spent the Easter j Mr. Fred Mathewson of Bin Head holidays at their homes at I hMiigeville , Mi n s visited friends in this vicinity. and Fergus. Mr. T. B. r-Viigod of Eeli-i Bay -.[...lit Mr J. J. Kaitting and s..n, Uuy. we tbd h,,!id a y with hi sister, MM. A. on a business trip to Toronto and Ham- stc w^i t ikon last week. Mf w .,, Co|l|(W ,, e Hnd ^, i9 , Lila Sam Sandei-son w on the sick list. | A i exw ,ar of Feversh.un visited with the Dr. Rofzcll of Maxwell paid the < x ui-en latter'.s lunt, Mrs. A. Stewart. City a viait lait week. Mr Harold Lever drove over to Dun- Mr. Harry (iuy of Maxwell, who is can Friday Ust. Uis -i.-ii-r r-iurncJ studying medicine in Toronto, and spent home with him. the holidays at home, returned to tho! \Villiheyouiu man who sent in his order ovr the phone fi-r a pair vis- Mr. Will am L*ng of Meaford is ting with Mr. Carman Ktrr. We are pleased to hear that Mrs. .I"s. I'amplin is improving. Mi<is Dynientof tho public school w holidaying at br home in Hamilton and Mis* Lewis at Clinton. Mis. John G. Yickers i visiting with friends at .Niaitara. Mr. Alex. Reekie of Toronto, formerly >f HiMih. ;< . spent Eister vacation wiih his parents here. Mr. Itussel Thompson of Owen Sound liuxiness college is home for holidays. The Hetithcote publif Hclwol held a concert on the lt day of school which wax well attended ud all report an en yaiilf time. Mi8 M. McDonald of Lucknow is visiting with her sister, Mrs.(Dr.)McKoe. Honor Rolls Report of S. S. Xu. .'!, Arteraesia. for March. CUss 4 R. Caswell, K Be.iitli.im, Clarence Orr, Willie Irwin. Class ;!Sr. Rhoda Host and Willio t)n, (eiiul 1 CUss 3 Jr. Mildred Shr| , Susio C.iard. Class 2 Sr. Fred lrin, Mildred Cas- woll. ClaK2 Jr. Tdu Breen. Adele "George Irwin. First cla Primal j Mildtvil Mi.ore, Breen, Gordon - Marg*rt Mot.)re. Wesley White. M. WILSON, Teacher. S. S. No. 7, Euphr.isin 4th L. Coruheld. G. Risk, M. Coin tield, H Rogeis, G Rogers. 3rd- Irene Beckett, (r Knot"-, F Whyte, H Dule. 2nd K Gilray, A Knott, H McCon nell, K Uisk. IstSr 1. Gilray, S CluRHton, N Fetch. 1st Jr.- S Beckett, Hoy RiHk,K IVtck. Primer N Knott, H McConnell, W Cluustiin, CRisk, 8 HA! no*. Present every i'. iy H McConnell, E Gilrnv, W Clugslon, Herschell HeCon- nell, S Clujmton. A Ktio't, S Beckett, U K>iger, IU.y Risk, S 1 1 ,>n,-.-, G Uisk G Kn..tt. city on Monday. The cold weather of the past " week nij;*. of stock- |>:ease cll on or send to the v ung checked tho run of sap and thi> lull wheat is getting lirowo looking uuh the hard Frog's at night. lady for them. Ceylon Hatherton A number of farmers are nuking maple j syrup, .lihough not a wry good ye*r for] it. Mr. RoWrt Arnott, who Inis IHICII ill, is able to be around again. We are pleaKed to kuow that Mr. Cy , Fields i< on the mend after a very eri- ou illness. Hathert >n I'nion S S. will be reopen- ed the fust Sunday in May. Mr. Kd. Fawctftr. Ileathcolf, visited; with liis sister, Mrs Down, a short time Annie Wright is spending the h .lull j - at hor parental h.iiue, Swintou ' Park. A Prayer meeting was held one night last week at the home of Mr. John Ai null, conducted by Rev. N. Willi-uns. Dundalk. Messrs. Charlie and Walter K >ss, and Mr. CumTou, Toronto, are guests of the former's brother, Mr. Albert Ro&s. Mr. and Mrs. At well and .i iu,!r.-i spent few days nith the latter's sister, Mra.John Arnott, previous to their re- moval to the West. Misses Viva and Winnie Scilley and Minnie Winters, are home from Fli-sher- ton High School for the holidays. W\' are pleased to know Mr. Cleorae Young is rapidly recovciing, after a ser- ious illni'ss. Mrs. R. Winters who has been viMtin her daughters in Port Arthur for ill pi--' year, lias returned home. Josppli H inii.i. a fiirmei' of Kinrois, Ki.-'i-r week Flesherton Planing And Chopping Mills I am now prepared to do chopping ! every day iu the week except Sumlays ' and every week in the year. Bring along ' your grists. < lur Siiah iuiH door factory is always at I our JiH(>osal for anything you w^nt in iir line planing, matchiuc, etc. Floor i. r , sash and doors, and all house fur- lishings supplied promptly and at less- ; nable rates, Get estimates. T. Blakele , Prop. ""13 ly Mr. John Omelia pent with Tm out 1 1 ftiend'. MUti Myrtle Heinplull !>.< ret:irned home from Dundalk where she hn.s -prni the past ti weeks. Mr. Sum, an.l Miss ERio Chislett, Tor- i> it.-, are viitiiing their p\rental home. Mr. Rodeu, Mis-t Helen Gibson ami Miss Mable. Fornes, Toronto, spent Eas- ter holidays at Mr. Ui' son's. Mr. Stanley Muir and Mr. Driniic. Hanover, vii'eil the former's not her lief. Mr. Will Serge-iut. who is on the G.T. R , wiih headijuarteis at Port. H<>pe, spent .1 fi'w days at the parental home, leaving luesday t visit To onto friends. Mr. .1. W. Cimhnie. Toronto, is a vis- itor at R. Cook's Miss U. Culenimt. Offeii S >und. is vis- it ing her friend, Miss Ness* Collinson. Mr. <!<o ge Yirr, Durham, w%s in town Thursday la.it. Miss Bell McLeod, Toronto, spent Kast'T with hi'i- nni'her here. Mrs. Rntl'. Shelbiirne, spent ( <.\ Friilay with hr mm here. Mr. Ale^. Mcl.eod who has |iMt two months wiih his mother heie U-fr Monday for the West. Mr. Chas. Stuart, teacher at Eml) < spent Good Friday with his brother here Mi<s Kther Bennett is visiting Mark dula ti ii'ii..!-- The Durham Furniture Co. has now on a full staff of men who ire !>n-y cu t ing out their stock of lugs. I Victoria Corners A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, el)15 Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT ! A Sign of Spring! See our display o f seed Not how chap, but how good Kivt 1 Rose Flour Pnrity Hour Kclipse Flour Low iini'le Hour Pastry Flour Wheat chop Molasses Meal Linseed Meal "Bran Shorts Oil C'ake Any thing you want in feed or seed at the Flesherton Grocery W. BUSKIN, Flesherton. GET YOUR REPAIRING FOR SPRING DONE BE- FORE THE RUSH AND SLUSH COMES ON ALSO A NICE ASSORT- MENT OF TRUNKS AND SUIT CASES FOR SALE AT REASONABLE PRI- CES. Thos Clayton. Mrs. Harkness aud son of GaisLor- ville spent EasU'r with the former's daughter, Mrs. Hugh Warner. Mr. ami Mrs. Nelson Miners and whilo repairing a windmill, got his cloth , ingcau-fht inthe machinery, but hld | fcily left these partsUst week, Mr on to post while his eljthes were torn from his boJy. Dr. H. 0. Elliott, Cobounr, formerly Miner for the West, Mrs. Miuer and cbildreu cear Tilsoubnrg. We un- derstand Mrs. Miuer does not iutend to join Mr. Miner unt.il fall. of Creemoro.was hot t hy a younij man, W e arc glad to report the very fa- J4 years of ige, named Win. Banford. , vorable improvement in Mr. Walter Chief Ruse, who was on tho o|>|>*it si-lo , AchesOti's condition. of the street , rushod cris aud eix.ed , Miss Cbrissy Moore of Hawkestonc Banford srm just as ho tired the wepon. i j ? visiting her uncle, Mr. Geo. Moore . Th shot ws deflected and eirered the- School is dosed for Easter holidays. si(ltj " r<l11 '- We learn tliat Mr. J. Wright of Fred. Thompson. .potiimtor t Wo<id-l Prjton Statiun lias lo.igbt back the I ford uoar Owen. !>ouiiJ died sudJen'y HS I brick yard which he sold to Mr. Teacher. I tho result of a chill. Irwin a couple of years asjo. New Suitings FORSPRINd We arc showing nearly 500 different lines of suitings for spring wear. Many of them are exclusive designs and cannot be obtained elsewhere Come in and have a good look, even if you do not buy just now. It is great to see all these new lines. Prices start as low as $16.00 S.J. BOWLER THE RELIABLE TAILOR I

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