Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Apr 1914, p. 2

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The Wedding Eve ; Or, Married to a Pairy._ iinllnutJ). "! iMi.\rTi:i. vii. if "I would il-i anything to please Whnt do i<"i want me to do?" "You told me." I si-Id, trving to spi-ai xi ill, a line blending of the indicia] and - tho f.at. ritnl. anil t" forget the blood Of I M I.II.:.M 1-tv.eTity rlotins In my vi-lns "that i "iir mother was u lady, ami that )<ni would like to be nno. loo. 1 I -t,,ppe.l to consldi-r how 1 should 11. .lie in'. idi.n sound attractive to bet. 1 tilth clasped both her small hands on tin should, r nnd watched my fucc. ..u'wniiiK dellgltt clearly shown In her shii'.lTi 1 ; eyes and parted. Mnillnp lips. i In on," she whispered softly. "Will, dear." I Mild "you would not llk win n >i.u ate oldi-r. to feel ut a dis- Bdranlace before other ladles. You would lll.e t" spcuk correct KiiBllsh. and to play llnise daiii'i 1 tunes you like so much 'i.:nl to sins the songs you ad- i, . , and understand something of the l.iiple win. wiote them, and perhaps to i-p.-iA a little French and Ut-nimn, ami nndi istaiiil how to manage a house, und lo n-e nM.-r cooketi and needlework. I yru going to ti-uch me all these ' yourself?" - I own I was considerably startled by i,e'ik'th* suggestion. Hut before 1 OOUW she hud broken Into a torrent of Her f::ce fell, mid .she shook her head mphntlcally. "I shouldi. t Li..- that!" she murmured. "Hut. of course. I'd clo It for you. Any- thing rise"" "Well." I said, racking my brains to remember -Altai the girls of my own <jii*-s really did know how to do, "then (litre would lie spelling and h tutor y and LI- r .>:. . and perhaps a Itltle drawing hint painting, and Home poetry, reading. Mill ami lawn- tennis, und riding, and i.M tlH'se things as well. And, of course. ballroom ilan ing." That Is the only part I lite the si.und of." she said gravely. "And are "Because, though I'm not good at Ifaiiili.g. I will try KI> hnrd to please you. I know you 'lll like me better when ban- made me a lady and I'd learn any- thing so us lou would like me better, dear, dear Mr. Hervey." She slipped her arm round my neck and gave me a half-childish hug of af- fectlcn. Then she sprang to her feet, and executed a little pas seul of sheer joyousness on the tirm tand .lust in trout of me. In the middle site slowed, and hung her head in sudden _ iiltenl re- membrance. "Poor father!" Khe faltered. "I'd clean 1 forgotten all about him. Hut when I heard you tell M i'. NoKes yesterday as 1 hould iilwaiH have a friend In you. and you would look ufti-r me In future. I was so delighted 1 could have scream- | oil for Joy. First. I thought you'd ' make a dancer of me. und so I'd eurn my NaDru Co Laxatives for re especially good children because they pleasant to take, gentle in action, lo not irritate the Unvcls nor develop a need for continual or increased t'.oscs. age. a bos, tt your Druggist's. National Dru ni Oimkl Co. of Canada. Limited. ANYONE living, but now you ray I'm to be edu- cated and made u lady of. and that I'm not to go on the stage, why. I'm so hap- ii" 1 can't pretend to be sorry about father. lierause. you see. If he hadn't died, you wouldn't have offered to do all thci-e thlngH for me." She knelt down In front of me In the sand. The sea an and rapid movement had brought a bright carmine to her cheeks. She had taken off her black straw bat. and her yellow curls were blowing loosely out around her face and 1. 1. nic lei ~. It wax difficult to look at hei v, i ni.ni Ms-sing tUat little curied rose-red mouth which sfmled up ut me t-o Inittingly. Hut I had schooled my- I self to a certain line of conduct with re- 1 giird to my little ward, and I was re- ' solved not to be tempted out of It. "One thing I fun't promise you." I said, with matter-of-fact cheerfulness, "and that Is to Instruct you myself. Hut 1 will certainly come and see you while \ mi are at school." "At school!" Her face Cell, and her under-lip trem- bled In undisguised dismay. ' "Some nice finishing school f will ) find for you." I xvcnt on persuasively. I "where every one will be most kind to : you. and no one will scold you: where ..ion win haie girlx of your own age to make friends wfth." "I don't want them." she cried, sud- denly bin.- Into tears. "1 only want you!" A pang shot through my heart us I saw I. er eildtni grief. "l.ililh. dear." I was beginning, when she slipped forward tov. urd me. si ill on i her knees, and caught tin- hand. "I'on t send me to ICbool, Mr. llervey; pleiiM- lion i semi me." she pleaded pas- sionately. "I knuxv what school Is. and 1 bale It. Keep me with you! I know you have a studio In London. Well. It must until Ousting and cleaning, and i.i.r plotbei must want mending, too. F.imrtiincs. and j on must have a nervant I ti do It. 1 don't want to be a lady any I more, because If I am made a lady. I see It will mean being put away Into one of ihose dreadful schnoN. und sneereil at i' nd looked ilowii upon and bothered und wi'i-rleil in learn things, und kept In so I can't see the sea and sky or lou. Thiil's the worst part <ih! Mr llervey. don't send inn away from vou! I'd ra- ther li your Keri.'inl. to wait on you. lh:.ll be HIM litiest I. nil In K'](,lallll! I can I.. ok a lot older h* a long print frock with my hair twis'ed up. l.i t me lust w.'P out your studio und watch '.on paint, i nl\ let me be iiiili you. and I doii't i ai e how hard I work. For I loir ion. Air. lleriey. nnd I shall b" miner able if you pcnil me aiiav. You are so kind iind so handsome, an I 11.11 hnv been so find lo me. And think how 1 shall amuse you. learning new dances t< lea;., inn ulille you pluv the piano. And wlim lou'ie Imtv and don't want to be bothered, inn doii'l know how iiulcl I can UIU-P. I'll never nlvc you a LI) of trouble If .mil mu l,-i me st. iv u it It you!" She was linlillnir my linn. I tight be- t iii-en both hers and looking up al me Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater, Had a wife and couldn't keep her. Better food in vain they sought, Till Crown Brand Syrup Peter bought. Now they eat it all the time Think it great and say it's fine! Crown Brand Corn Syrup This pure food costs so little and goes so far that its merits should be known in every house- hold. Spread it on bread when the kiddies want a Apiece." Serve it with pancakes and fritters. Use it to sweeten puddings, pastry and cakes. 1[ Most delicious taffy and candies can be made with Crown Brand Corn Syrup. ^T Our Free Recipe Book tells of *"^ numerous economies its use will effect in the kitchen. Send for ' a copy. Address Montreal Office. /' v The Canada Starch Co. Limited Manufacturers of The Edwardsburgh Brands PETER'S PUMPKIN PIE 1 Pint Milk. 3 Cups Strained and Dried Pumpkin. 1 Cup Sugar. 1 Cup Crown Brand Syrup. 3 Eggs (beaten scpur- otely). One half salt spoon Salt 1 Tablespoon each Gin- ger and Cinnamon. Beat all together until thoroughly mixed, and bake with under crusts onlv. with big teni-H Dithering In her grout bine evi in..- n dcu-nvinph In dlHtrcHH. with -the ineomlng tide, from bl.-h the mi- i 'had lifted, making a background for her flushed fare and floating Inilr. I am proud of my Heir-control. IIH a rule, hut 1 own 1 hud to look out to Men. and not Int ai..**\vered her. . her pleading eyeff. an I /A -ARE WASHABLE- THERE is no home decoration more pleasingly simple than walls of plain, soft color tints. And there is no wall covering more sanitary than the washable, durable "Neu-Tone" Flat Paint. "NEU-TONE" is the modern finish for halls, stairways, bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens or in fact, for any Plastered Wall, Ceiling, Burlap, Wood or Metal Surface. "NEU-TONE" is easy to apply, as it takes care of itself works well under the brush flats perfectly without a trace of laps or brush marks producing a subdued flat finish of a soft velvety effect and with great depth of tone that is pleasing and restful to the eye. "NEU-TONE" is also most economical because it gives you walls that are easily cleaned. When a "NEU-TONE" Wall becomes soiled, a sponge or soft cloth and lukewarm water, will remove dirt and finger marks and renew the soft velvety appearance of this finish. Write for our beautiful book, "Harmony In Ncu-Tone", one of the most elaborate books on home decoration ever issued free for the asking. The Martin-Senour Co. Limited MONTREAL. Smell i-itltlf/ thin imill tkn tap Fresh, sweet violets the first thingyouthink of when you smell this soap. As soon as you use it you will uVliyht in the sweet elusive per- fume that is loft clinging to your face, your hands and hair, and in the softening, whitening effect of the ulycerine on your skin. Get a cake today. Jergeixs | VIOLET Glycerirve So&p lOcaeaka. S cakes for ZSc For salt by Canadian drNfffi'ift from coast to simpl* ,^n,l . >m,. t.. the Aiulraw i Cu. l.ul. 6 Shcrhruoke Mirrt. IViih. Onuikx thut kindly, well-meaning old gossip. | the doctor from Sandhythe. had asked me. and which I hud not been able to ' iiUMM-r. There would be. of course, ccr- i tain overstocked and iiiidern:ild o-c:ill- ' oil "genteel" occupation* open to u half-J i educated woman of vagabond patent-j | age. wurd to a man eleven year* her [MaiOr. Hut 1 could not tin. I It In ni\' j heart to mention unv of these, and no I ' only stared at I. tilth In affected Kur- i pi !- and united hei 'what Kite meant. I lei answer wa only loo explicit. "1 mean." hn *ald wUtlullv. ' Mhull I ' nei> you every day after that'.' If 1 work ver'y very hard, and put up with the hateful life, and leurn tin.- horrid books. ; and grow all Htlff in. I prim and young ' ladylike shall I h- ulwavs with you af- t.'i that?" I threw away the clgurette I was lighting, und. rising to m> feet. I helm-. I her In Hue. too. from where he knelt | staring at me In that altogether bewil- dering way. Then 1 took her little hands In uite of mine. and. laving the otm! mi It. tried In be more fathrrlv than ever. "S'on don't nii'liTstaiid. dear." I saiil. "that In the world I cume Irom VOIIIIK gentlemen <!> not ask VMIIHK l.idi.-x to Ktay In the houMe and sweep out the Minli i or do anything absurd of ih it sort. Tliev Ju.it se tin-in sometimes at tea or dinner at other pt*oplt*'M hoimen. or thev m.'et them at balls or parlies, or at the theatre, or In the park. It Is on- ly married people who see each other every d.iv She suddenly disengaged her Imnds. and stretched them up round mv neck. "Vou are very fond of me. aren't > mi'."' she Afiked. very serlouslv. "of course, you'll have never done so much for me If you hadn't hern. P-ut vou ure. aren't you?" "(if course 1 nm fond of you. dear." "Well, then." he asked triumphantly, her face radiant with smiles again. "when I am educated, why don't you marry me'.'" SUGAR AS YOU LIKE IT FINE Grain Sugar To have every grata alike, lice of dota at Irft.cnch one chui.r ritra Granulated White pure cane ugar, ftt the St. Lawrence In bais. with red tag -loo Ib*., a IMI.U'TKK VIII. wa she H lie us PAINT & VARN/SHtS 28 "Silly child!" I Bald. "Of what pos- sible line would you b an a servant at your age. and with your small experi- ence of household work? If you really wunt to please mi-, you will stay hen 1 like a good girl, with Mrn. Nokes. while I go up to town and try to nnd out vour eriinilfatln r, Mr. I'liti h.inl. tin c I. I;M man." "My grandfather! Why do vou want to find him?" "I want to nnd yon a home with him. clear, while yon are finishing your edu- cation." "Hut he linn hardly ever heard of mo. and 1 have never seen him. And he was v cry, very angry with nii'thcr for run- ning awav with father Suppose* he won't have me ' 'i lien [ must nnd you Borne other linmo for your holidays " Won't >ou even have me with you, then?" "Of course not," I answered. laugh- Ing. "I am a bachelor, l.lllth. living all by myself. I don't keep H hourdtng- Hchnol of yonng ladles under mv roof." .She was silent for a few minutes, ns If reflecting. Thru she asked suddenly: "How long will It take to what you call finish my education?" "Hy the time you are eighteen." I said, still In the same hall -bantering torV. "1 shall expect to llnd you u high- ly' accomplfshad young lady." 1 Klghteen! Two whole years! And will >ou come ami tr.s.e me away from school whrn I am c'ghtcen?" "I Niippiise so." "And what will lev ome of me then?" This was lunt the uuestloii which The iiueMton she had asked mo again one I cmild not answer I Why would I not nmrrv her. as put It. when she was- educated i I could not frame MTODttOUl I that I did not sufficiently core for her. Already I cherished for this little un- taught '!. nine n pHFslon which, al- though still to somn extent Ideal and romantic, partook already of th char- acter of that love, which comes to a man once In his I lie and once only the, love which by some Is called folly and Infatuation, but which m:ik*s of out- lives on earth a heaven or u hell. \M to her humble birth anil vagabond training, her obvious lack ot all higher morality, her Unconventional ideas, and the difference between our relative so- cial positions for all these things I i ii.-il nothing at all. At that moment, as- I looked into her lliinid bluo eves. and as I beheld my pout's Ideal standing there before me. constraining me with gentle- careMues fo ncetnt the frsnk and Innocent offering of her b>\e and life, t would have given my soul to lie able to accept her offer and to nay: "Yes: stay Ht school until you have gained the sur- face polish the world esteeins so highb : 1 will see you constantly to encourage MEDIUM Grain In the ba|< of St. Lawrence "Medium Grain" blue tag* - every grain Iflcbolcrst granulated vir it , about site of a scrd pearl, every one pure catie sugar. COARSE Grain Many people prefer the coarser g.:iin The St. I.uwrrnce <;rcii Tag assures every grain adlstiuct ciyital, each about the size of a small diamond, and almost as biigbt, but quickly melted Into pure swretaes*. Yrur uroeer's wholesaler has th eaact style fou want grain, qttalitv aad quantity all guar- qttalitv aa anteed by SI. Uwreitee Sugar Iftlnerla J. Hsatrttl. \i>ii to work hard for mv sake. And K nipmber always that you wre mine. anJ that In n very vhorl time I shall v. K. you away and make vou my adored wife." That wan the Impiilxr. panloi)Atrlv Ironic, which xurgrd up within me ;it her word* and touch, and no man but a villain. lo\lng hei . could have felt othoi'- wtse. (To-be coi'tinued.) Pown With Kr'ntinirntalisftt. Firsf Winter Sfx>rt (l<Hiki'ig at v magnificent view yf the Alps): "Not Lad. that..." Second Winter Sport : '.'Yes, it'n all visjit ; but y<ni nredn't rav about it like a bally poet." Why doesn't she ttke NA-DRU-CO Headache Wafers They slop a headtohe promptly, yet do not contain any of tha dangerous drugs common In headache tablets. Ask you Druggist about them. 25c. a box. NATIONAL Dnuo AN* CHCHICAI Co. or CANADA. LIMITTB. 123 For f^lOTCIUIDC'D PInkHyo. Ei>lzootio. ShlppliiB IV I O I IVIP'C.r* Fever and Catarrhal Fever. Sure cure and po^itlT.- prfvontlT*. no matter how liortei at anj ag* are infwted or "exposed." l.innid.flfciTen on the tongue, ;i<'t- on thy Blood and Olandi. expels th pni^onoux germn from the body. Cure* Di^tomiicr lit Dogs and Sheep, and Cholrrn in Poultry. Largest telling live tooV remedy, fures La Orlppe amone human )-ini{K aud is B line kidney rcmrdy. fut thin out. IKoop it. Sti-n: it t" your druggist. ho will get it Ir you Fri'e B<"k''-"t, 'Dit"rappr, Oum-n 'ii-d ( II"OR." niSTRIBUTORS *Ll WHOLESALE DR'^COISTS Sphn Mtdteil Ca.,Ckltt**>dlae'Ol3glj & 3 a i* .,! .d .S.A

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