Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Apr 1914, p. 4

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April 10 1914 THE FLESH E I N A D V AN C E~ I H I . lesl)crto.ii 3D ounce An in<lei>riidt!iit new*|..n < i, |>iil>lislieil every T*npdy at th e itfliuc, Oi.iliiigwiXHl Street, Fli-lirtn. Subscription price*! pel annum, wb'ii paid in advance ;$!.-''>' when nut so paid A'it'T'.ixiiiK ratei'iii .ipplicati.m. Circulation 1,100 weekly. W H. Thursloii- Editor Methodist Church li.-v. James Dudgeon, pastor. Sunday Services 11 . m. and 7 p. tn. Thursday, 8 \>. m. Prayer Meeting. Subject for SuntUy evoninj; next. M.tie of Simon Pett-r. ' Monday evening Epwnrlh league. fc. rial evening. OmiJy will In 1 served aiid special collection taken. Sunday, 10 . in. (.'last Meeting. 1'i-ttiT will punch at both services next Sablatti. Baptist Church R C. Kerr. Pastor. Sunday School HI a . ui , Service at lit. ... Subject fur Sunday " The Hiscn ChriM. Hon. T. S. Sproule Replies to His Critic House of Commons S,)e;ikei s Chamber i ' .-. i, April !). 1014 E<htr Advance : De.tr Sir, -I untie . by ynut Ferer- sham Correspondent in HshuKet u^nuwii in tin- "Advance" of second instni.t, which co vet* ne.irly H column, that \:e seeais to have hud a stri-naer desire t get H >lap at ihe Mi-mber for KistGrey than to M'pi'ly iii'.-r. siin i'eiii- of news for the revjini: public, bused un fuels. As there are two cls-r< t f rri'.hlet.sin the Kurhi, lun'wlio applies? himself to ill.- l.-tsk uf dishing up news based on he's, and tlie other who prefers writing tielioii, and nil'., therefore*, ii-mllj draws upmi his iniagiimli"ii for his UMtrr il, I would conclude lhat jour Curri'H[.i>!idmt holi.n;>H to tin; l.itu-r. In giiini; an .'iccomit < f hi-, vi-it tn the Cij. ;> il with the de| n'.ition v. hi un he ftCC<i1i>patili d, lie s a:i - "i.l prl'." II wh .m wr r\pi- ti-'l l.i ~.-e t tin- front w:noui iniMiiVi r at Ottawa w!i . wa-* c ..n- ...11 - l>y Ii f 'ill-, n :." This ft;i. - ii. !, r only Kiclis 'hu i.-.S( ri'.iiil eh-uunl <>f t- Ii, 01 tin- in- in' ''i I. 'i His! 'Jriy, ii' t Cnrn (liey, UN he call* it, was present in t In- < lulu! 1 1 iiiul Kiii.tincd there a fin .1 |. -it .MI of tlu- ti.ne during which the lion .1/r. Ik-rk was pii-s<>n!in<( the < , . f..i 1 1. '!<;. nta'i. .11. ai.d only left trlii-Li o.'illid nit liypa.-tit.v wlio were vail;ii_- <ind wanted to Me hi-n in ihe rto'.las a mite, it could sctrely he expect- nl th'ii n HimHar amount would be given per mile i . elec'iie railways which us- Uilly ciMt from twenty to twenly-hve i Ii. .11.- u.ii dollars) mile. I'm I had no doubt whatever, having regard 10 the railway needs of I lie Province, and es- pecially that of tho County of (>roy, there would be Milistmii ,il a.s-i.tuiui- L-H. n Mr. lieck'6 efl'oiU tu help the farmers of Mie country Irid, up to the present, been so successful lliat il would he a Mining argument in favor of giving aexis'ance to the undertaking. As 1 had i ot hem c< inniunicaltd wi h l.y my one on ihe sul jcct, nor ftfked to accoiiipany tho deputation, and thtl I *.n not aware < f whn was c"inii'g or whether there was any one from K,ut Grey or m t, it, could scarcely ha n matter of surprise that I wai not there lo meet tlit-iii when they landed in the Capital. The only information I hud of their mission was what I accidentally MW in th I'u si frum day lo diiy, and u hat appeared there wi.s tc the effict, th^t t!i n u;i-'-; .n wiHtooppoK) the building of the Ottawa HI d Geuigian rJsy Canal, to ui^e the onlar^eineiit ot tht) VVelland Canid .i-l to i. 'I'll i that lloti. Mr- Heck's hydro-electric scheme, which aimed .it bringing within the ri'iich of all wKo desire t use it, hyJrn-electric power, nnd -u'l-idu't for electric railways where needed, I took it for granted t hat t !n- (.'emulation had l.i- MI arranged for and WHS being engineered by Hon. Mr. Beck and his tricnd, and the interfer- ence of Federal Members f I'.uli un.'i t was not desired or expected. I am unaware of who yi/ur C'orrespun- dent in, but assume hu i one of t ' / . who were cood enough to cull upon me when in the Capitol. As must of ihem ure iiiembcrK if old and respected families whom I had known frum ch Id- hood and aUc> constituents . t mine, I w is \vry glad lo ir.ctt them and renew their ac'|ii'kiurance, and was only sorry thai the limited time at my disposal did not enable me in give them that atten- tion which I would like to. A for the ceiilleman who is the subj-ct of thin letter, I Imv n-i refuenihriince of him, luit a-Miiiie liettrfftt he a -,tri)Rer or newc'iiu-r m the T << nt-hip of Onprey, or ',;!..: v. , . he svniild know ihe nauu- it the c<instituency nnd by whom it is re- presented in the Federal I'mliHinent. Hu bl/.-ij-H .-peaks uf it as "Centre (irey" insteiid of, as it should be, ''Kiv Ori-y," an. I appiirently is not awure of the f.i.t th-it C.-ntie (Jroy i i p.-esonled by the lion. Mr. LiiO'S in tl.o 1'ioviiici-tl I'.irl'd- ni nt. As for his L'r.ituitoui advice to lh" elect i T< s!i .uy 1 ever appeal a^Hin In llirin for support, I may safc-ly leave to thoso whoso duties it is lo look afitr such matters. maiotenanru or damage in connection with tho name. Cau'ied. Brown- -Aldcorn Tim (he clerk he added to the committee appoints 1 t > ion- fer with the Hydrn-Klucn-ic Commii- ; on ro the properly they propone to ucijuire at Eugenia. Carried. Aldcorn Graham That the nccr.unt of W. H. Thurston for printing auditors' ropnit, hsllots, rolls and stationery, $Mi .'1'.^ hep lid Carriul. Cameron -AUcorn That the tender o' Archibild Ca-son for oporotiiiK crush ) with engine aud ovcrsceii)g the same, includius; niives up to three miles, after working hour*, at fii.oO per day, be ac- cepted. Carried. C mini adjourned. At a spcci.il meeting held on {Saturday last :he conmiit-ee appointed to go lo To- ronto presetted their report. Oral. urn Brown That the report of the con.niittee appoin'ed to arrange with the (.Jeorainn Biy Power Co. he received," and this council will accept tho ( olfer uf the said company, viz. : they to pay all amount equal to tho taxes on their (prop- erty at Eugenia on an assessment of 84&VXIO, based on the, rates of |l!)i:5, amounting to $11411, the same to be p.id at an early datu, and upon payment of said amount the Reeve is hereby author- ized to t-xecute a release lo said company of al! claims which the council may have against the said company en account (if l.e non-fulttilment of their agreement with this corporation. Curried. Graham AUcorn That eaeh me'ii- her of the said CDiirnitiee he paid $11 each for their services -Carried, Dundalk . Mr. ,1. C. Wright, who .-o'd the l\ol"ii Station brick yard to Mr. W. .1. liwm, has repurchased the property ami will conduct the business agiiin. Dundalk lloiticultural Socitty Ins a meinrership of over 50 and it is gmwing duly. It i- the intoirtiLU lo send away for the season's flower supplier within a work. Those wishing to become mem- bers should notify tjje tecre'ary, .Mr. \V. T. Run ill,'. F.,H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. House Furnishing Time is Here Now is the time for House Cleaning, and tneu follows the selection of new House Furnishings. We are prepared to supply all your wants in this respect better prepared than ever oar goods are n ew this season's selections and we can save you money. Velvet -squaicB * i * M ;J to 82S.OO Tapestry squares -" ".."- -.Jrlr Hemp squares Vi" 14 '! 6 ' $4 ' 9 ? Tapestry straw carpets i 50c. to 65c. a yard Doormats and Bugs.-.. ., ..... ......75c._ to 2.<JSc. Jap matting!. 15c. to2oc. a yard Floor oil cloths - ' ; 30c. to 65c a yard Linoleums, 2 yds and 4 yds. wide ,. $1.08 to 2.25 a yd. Lnce Curtains from , ........ 50c.apair up Bungalow Nets from . .' to50c. a yard Scrim Art Muslins .'. '..." 10 <5- to 25c. a yd. Orottones and sateens 10 c. to 25c. a yd. New wall paper r.lOc. to 50c. double roll Alabastine and Jellslone in trackages Pnre prepared paints in all colors Floor paints and varnish stains Raw oil. Boiled oil, Turpentine Paint and Kalsomino brushes ^ Every few days tecs ihe arrival of sorno New Shapes,. Flowars and Mounts in this department. EVERYTHING REASONABLY PRICED HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS BULL TOR SERVICE The thoroughbred shorthorn hull Fit-Id Mai-hill - <*Wl '.H he for service on lot 170, T. R- Aitemesia. Termi 9li Au JAS. ST1XSON, Prop. FOR A 30 DAYS' FREE TRIAL His secoii'l stiitmi. hi lint ''whin p- ]|>roiic-liL-d in his ( ttiu> \>y MMIIC uf our Jr'i ','iti -. hocniel as indill'ereiil as though lie nevri- knew Ihci'u - Riich n place OK re (Jrey, nr that ll.eie w.-is .1 ilrpnt.i- ti'in present In nsk llit- (ioverninciit lo MI'ISI -lixi- an electik- liiilivay across I i- own Hiding," As no man c-in he respou- ible fort lu impreHsions Hindi! u punt lie IIM- iin i intf llrrliif n.i"t Sin l.y Huy occurrence or incident of lifo which caui-es tluit im- pieKsi jn, I prcKuniu it in parduiialilo in the Muni her for E.it <iry if he failed to r. cognise tint his C'HiducI ii ilio timu w.i> HIII h us to Irfivu on that hiijlily edu- cated and cul ivntbd intellect (he unfor- tunate inipi-.wsion th.it il did. With Nfttd lo tbt albgttloti which follow*, namely," i lul lit <';ilinly fi.lded his- iirin-i'' (a position ttlicli ti*uilly dciulvN indiffer- ence or ruposo) t . uii| I) in MI , HH tuuh position ii never indulged in I y mi-, either from Imhit or choice. The further Htatem 'i t tluit ho ' thouvht the Ooiernna-nl Niiould lie very oanfnl ahout ^mnting suhridie-s fur eluclric rail- vayo," wan dimply not uttered hy me. I did suy. however that n* I (dratied fri.oi the pipert that one of the rci|ucsin to ha made t<> tha Gorernment waa, that Hubaidy of itiz thr.UNand four hundred dollars . mil* ahuuld be Riven for nlectiic railway* needed in the province. I fear- ed they would be likely to approach luch a tuliject with caution, knowing that 'wha'evor auistanca wa* gi?en in antwer lo i Inn requrnt, coining a it did from On- tario, if it WHS aranted would undouhted- ly ho demanded h/ every other Province in tha Dominion, and HI them are eight other PrurinovH, if all wore given tiniilar iroaiJii'-iii on the same scale, it would uiiiloulii i-clly involve a terious considera- tion for thoie who had to provide the tinance*, enpecially so at the present turn- considering the large undertakings i.. i which (ho i !..\ .iniiieiii was ahondy <onitnitted in the conNtruclion of ihn rrnnscontincnul Hnilways, the enlarge fnent <>f '.Ii" \\Vll-iinl Canal and other public work* which inuit he gone on with. I nln i ad'led thnt an the ln-l.' >- Hiih-i<ly usually ginntrd to the most ex- pnntive Ntoam railways, Home of which cost over n hundred ihmmind dollars a mile, w ' nix tluMiHiiul four hunurcd A Good Opportunity Tir ! le-.heilon Advance' lias just Con- cluded an ariiin^i'incnt uilh (lie T :ilo Nutvs under nhiih it is iihltt lo olfi'r t" il i sii! . i i '., . :ni i \collent photogravure recently produced, of the Dominion Cah- imt at Ottawa. This photn^ravuro in I7,'xi' inches, and curries not only, of course, the piclmes ot the M'veral meiii- ber, hill also ll.pir names nnd fip de- paitiiieiils over which they preside, We have one of tln>8e picluns in our i tticn ami shall le L'l.nl to slioir it to any of nur sul'Sciihi'M who nro inlereBted. I 'pon subscribing to The Advance ai.d Toronto News fur tnelvu monlh.s at ^'J.TiO, a copy of this line pic'ure will bn mailed to you tubed and poatngo prepaid This is a ureat opportunity to procure a picture absolutely free, and we wouh! a'lvico our subscrihers to taku of tho offur immediately. Of the 1900 The property i.f the Uto Mis Lucy Smith ut VValters Falls, has been pur- chaseJ by S'r <I<:nhoine Falcon bridge and party, wf Toronto, to bo used as a summer cotUge in connexion with their li-hiiii: re.tcivi'. The new tariff changes \vhi.-h were I inii;hf down in I'.irliunent gi'-es a hl'iek eye to tho Wire ai:d Nail industry in Owen Sound by placing a il'i'y on wire roils imported for the imuiuf.icture of nails. I'n'il the |r,>*ent, thiM? roil* hive C"l!)*' i'l ffi.' byt tliu iii'W taiii prictio/illy i.iits ihe Kinnller miiiufac'in'- ' ... . , IM> iii tin-' hands of Uo large Co.por,. If fOU (lo }'011 \VllM>0 WISfi tO lions, which will Inve n mun-'po'v of tl.e pa)' attention. industry in Cunitd.i. Sun. i 1 am at the present tinw mnking a Specialty of Iron Beds. The original NEW BARBER SHOP I of the picture given ut the head of tliis advertisement will ouly cosj you $5.00 5.00 $5.00 Apply to 'Gravity Washer S. Hemphill, Arlemesia Council Tli ui.di'i-siizin'.l has opened n, harhrr -l.nji in 'In- brick block over (he pnst- .itli"C. where I will hi' prepai'i d lo mc.-t as many '' my friends as can maUe ii onvetiie.it to call. Give me a call when y>u want a hair ut IT shave. :...:, honed. jaundry bucket goei Tuesday noon, re- turns Friday. CHAS. HOY, - Prop. FARM FOR SALE (!i IP<! 2-..0 acre faun i-"imitii)(f of In !l ami in the 17th ron. of the tnwiinliip of frohin. iiiofl i LI'MJII-. with t'xeellent water cnim.n- iini'i H, half niila from (tore, churtft and I., i. -I A|M'ly on premiiiea or to LK8I.1 K.WATSON. Duwttilk. Arteme-it council mot on Momhty, April C, with I ho members all pree/>t, the iteeve in >!H chair. Minuten-of fiat sessioii were rnml and continued!. The followiiiK coiiiiiitinicAtions were ia-a.l : VV. Si m m.. i IH, Thos. Sherwood, T. 6il- christ nnd Thoa. Pollock, resimiinct ike olh'cu of overaoer ; J. Laiimer, ro over- seer at Eugenia ; Dr. Lane, medical ner- viuo to heth Cole. $37.50 ; VV. H. Tburi- ton, printing auditor'* report, blloti and .slim .ni-i y, $.ii;. ;;D. Bylaiv No. 781, to borrow money for ciirrent expenaei, was introduced and p8Hud through its several siagea. Cameron Graham-- That Ilylavr No 780, to appoint certain municipal oBcers for ll>14, ni hlloi up in conunitiott, be now read a third tun.-, signed, seaVed and entered in bylaw hook Carried. Hrowii -Canioron That iii regard t. tho appliuation of T. .1. Stinson r har his lands removed from 8clioi4 Hection No. 4, ai.d placed in Hohool section No. :i, tin? clerk notify the trustees of aaic Hchool M-i-tiors lhat this couneil will run nider the samo at its next regular meet inn on the second day of May, I'.H t Curried. Aldcorn Brown That Mr. NV. J Mends bu granted jn-imi-.s ; on to buil unJorRrouml piivSHj-o where he proposes provided he asMinn-.s all responsibility il oonneclion therewith, and he be i ijiiin ( to tiller into an ii;'ii<i-nn-iit relieving thi iniiiiic'pilily from any liibilily >i il Agent rnachines,folding Do You Lver bleep.' bath tubfs,windmills,pumps,pipings water tanks, Beatty water bowls, steel stalks and stanchons, litter Car= riers, hay carriers, slings, forks and tracking, McCormick Binders, mow= ers, rake loaders, tedders, drills, cul- tivators, harrows, Chatham wagons, Mount Forest buggies, and Frost wire. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Get gometliing nice and comfortable on which to lay your weary head. Of course we have other beds at other prices, all equally low in price Sanitary Beds such as everybody wants. Springs and Mattresses to fit all berla. Examine our stock any way, before purchasing your sleep iuducers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. { BB8IM ATONOK , Personal Inntruetinn nt Stu li-i *l >. ..K lual.. . i 1 p.'-.ililc- to (liter nan 9iPil.iv -in 1 ennuren rapid advaiice.iient D| T ' ' 5 OWEN SOUND, ONT., IjiiXa St.dl of Specialist*. Poai'.inns Ouaranteecl tu (irnduat*. C. A. FLKMINfl, F. C. A_ Priiioipal. O- D. FLEMING Secretary. OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO * X ^ X H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. ALSO-- A line of Ready-Made Which wo pu! HltenttiotH if rvijiiircd. Clothing ti free (if I i |- " Looking backI see I never saw before." This is the exclamation of satisfied customers. We have fitted successfully stubborn cases that others have failed in. Satisfaction guaranteed. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong:. Winter Term from at January 5th BUSINESS COLLINGWOOD COLLEGE Attend this big, Successful School of business training and let us help you into samethinR worth while. Free catalogue on refloat. Kilter any time. L T. E. Hawkins. Coll ngwoi'd, Principal Ontario R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cocks kutt Plow Cos Full Lin* of Farm Implements. Wagons, Buggies, Cutlets, Sleighs, and Gasoline Engines, Melotto Croam Separators, -Baker Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittings always oh hand. Beatty Bros', of . Fergus, Barn Tracks, Litter farrier* and stable fittings. Cockshutt and Frost & Wood Repairs always on hand. Woreroom Wellington Street. Ftwrsbam, - Ontario. Good Salesman Wanted ! For every town and district where we are not represented. Fruits are bringing high prices, and Nursery Stock is in demand. Make big money this Full and Winter by taking an agency. Experience not necessary. Kree equip- ment. Exclusive territory. il mhest Commissions paid. Write for full particular*. Stone & Wellington F on thill Nurseries Tamworths for Sale OEO. W. KOS8 Maxwell P. O Or, J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office and Residence- 468, 9th St. East, Owen Sound, Ont. Hours 9 to 12a.m., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. to 8p.m. Other hours by appointment. Bull for Service Tlmrowxhbred American bred llere ford bull lor service on lot 161. 2nd. W. T. andS. R., Artemesia. Terms $1.00 cash . -JCHN ADAMS, Prop. a pure bred on lot 171, 3rd HEREFORD BILL FOR SERVICE The undersigned have Sr 7? bul1 for "wv W.T.8.K., Artemeaia. Trni 93 for pure brdi, |1.30 for grades. All cow< served must be uairi or. -T. A J. WATV09. 1 mar 14 PROTON STATION Implement Agency Deering Implements -:- -:- All Kinds Barber Buggies Louden Litter Carriers Hay Tracks and Slings Pedlar Siding Floury Plows TORONTO, IMarch 14 - ONT ED. RUTHERFORD A ent -" Proton Station

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