Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Apr 1914, p. 5

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April 16 1914 THE f LESHERTON ADVANCE OF CANADA O A VINGS deposited in this bank >J draw the highest current rale of interest Withdrawals of part or the whole amount may be made when- ever desired without delay. TORONTO FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL. EBB Branch*, afao t Durham and Htrruton. Manager. C. P. R. Time Table. Good Friday was quietly observed in - j town. A union service was held in the Coin* North i MethodL>U cburv;h '" the forenoon * ll.4fa.in. ' wllicn Rev. Mr. Kerr of the Bapti>t Trains leave Fleaherton Station as follows : Going South 7.43 a. in. 4.17p.m. The mails are osed at Flesherton iu ; citizen* to a few selections on the square ollows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and : in the afternoon. 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south as) 3.40 o'clock. . For morning train south i Kobcrt Hayde, a grocer of Tomahawk Poiijt, two mi!w north of Honey Uar bor, near Midland, wag murdered on or about the night of Friday, Match 27. His body ;i found on Monday night buried in a manure heap near t Uo scable of his home. Tln.ru w;is a .shot wound in the back of his neck, whether inflicteil by a nun or rifle is not known, but the weapon had been nred close enough to the neck to singe the luir. Three men who were aiding in the search for IJayde, which had been niitiuraiuud since his dis- appearance ou March 27,fuuud the body. A mad dog in Guelph bit Mis* Gaugh- an, Mrs. Reid, and two students at the Ontario Agricultural colleen before it was ah'.t. 9.12p. m. church preached. The band treated the mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g-l Mr. Joo Field met with a bad accident /"VICINITY CHIPS t one day last week while hewing timber in the buh. A loz rolled against bis it against another log. The AUCTION SALE Of Farm Property IN THE Township of Osprey There will bo offered for sale by public auction ou Wednesday, the 29th day April, 1914, atone o'clock noon, at Munshaw's hntt in the aftcr- Fieaherton, by virtue of a power of sale contained in a certain mortgage, which will ^lie pro- duced at the oale, the following! proper- ty- Lots 23 and 24 in the first range north Miss Etta LeGard is visiting friends in Toronto. Miss Iva Mitchell spent Krister in Markdale. Miss Shirley Munay U visiting in Dundalk. Miss B. Shuuk if Toronto spent East- er with M srt Long. Miss Celia Vanduien of Toronto spent a ikle was cut and the calf of hisfleg burst of the Durham Road open. Several stitches were required > ^ <ne following improvements are said to close the wound. ",' bc " n tlle P r "P* rt y : >>out 80 acres , cleared and under cultivation, balance , timber and pasture land, lo dwelling, | frame barn, log burn, loij t:ible, small 1 orchard. Terms: 10 of the purchase money i to be paid down on the day of sale, for balance, terms will be made kiiown at Term Examinations Flesherton Public School. Class IV. Shirlry Murray, Bessie the sale. McVicar, Lilly Lever, Frank Thurston, For further .^.^.: .I.. . . .. <7VKii HILL BROS., - riARKDALE. ry T-r-r-r- ft A r-.; 'S LS i Are You Ready For Your Spring House-Cleaning? We are ready to supply you with the various things you'll need And besides this we are in an excellent position to offer you worth while values in household goods you realize need displacing. Such merchandise as rugs, curtains, Linoleums, etc., will be found in goodly array. Prices are moderate, giving you a notable opportunity to practice "all kinds of economv." UNUSUAL VALUES IN Women's Spring Weight Hose Lot ! 25 dozen plain hone fine rib, cashmere. special value at 25c. Lot 2-50 dozen pairs of Fine Cotton Hose. TWO pairs fur 25c Lot3 Women's Heavy Silk stocking(only 10 doz of them) "." value at 58c. Window Shades OFFER -2 BIG SPECIALS 2 Rubber blind, heavy roller, lace or insertion trim, special at 5 Odd lot of Shades, 48c to "Oc, values, priced '""at. particulars apply to, the holiday with her mother Miss Cole of Toronto visited over Eas- ter with her parents. Miffl Maud Boyd is speeding the holi- days in Toronto. Miss Switzer is spending this week in Peterborough. Miss Ethel Field of Toronto spent Eater with her parents. Mr. and Mrs Storfy of Toronto w visiting tlie latter's mother, Mrs. Flynn. Mary Colgan, Aleda Mitchell, Mina Jones A Leonard, Solicitors, Heard, Reuben Cargo, Auwnda Stewart, 18 1' or Bto Street, Toronto, or to R. J. Aimed* LeGard, Delbert Pa.ton, Jim *P roule E "I ' Fle*herton, Ontario. Stewart, Wflfred Watson, Bobs Trirabie, Mr.Roy Tl.itlethwai:e of Owen Sound spent the holiday with his parents. Continuation School Miximum rec^uired 720 K. Sayers 712. H. Fenwick 710, A. Wright 090, M. Murphy 653, T. Spofford 580. E. DRUNKARD, Teacher. Report of Flesherty.i hi^h school for term, January April. Ai form 1 tinal ex iininatiuns tike s and Ends place tlie latter part uf May, and the re- ARTICLES FOR SALE For Sale Cheap youue driving uilre aboui 'JoO pound:), or would cxchang fur gcKxl driving horae about 1JOO pounds. -Apply to R. J. Sproule.Fltsn. efton. .)-. :>_> Estgs for Hatcliiiii! From pri/pwinn- : Barred Hocks. 2 uens-ftOc and^l.TO holid'ivs wi'li friends near Cbtitsworth. , Miss Wild.-* and Mr. Charlie Crrssley of Tunmt., tfittad thou- r,i,tives in tow, ulu of the examinations aheady held '. 1 KT l " f es-J. W. H.tnna. Dundalk. For Sale- G"< <l black turkey atrd hen W. Wright. Maxwell. Mr and Mrs Holland spent Easter ! are tikou " lto consideration on those ex- , F ,,r Sale- G,, d black turkey obbler irth arjiinvions.no report i-j given f,.r this' Here are Some Special Rug Values High grade tapestry rugs,one seam 2i x 3 yards & . 2t x :5 yards <' ! x 3 yards (t' . J x 3i yards c> . 1x4 varda (' ..89.701 . sro.so Spring Shoe Tidings, Sir! Here arc men's 12 in. top boots shown in tan grain solid leather, $4.75 or in white elk, 12 inch top at Just the thing for the spring. A special lot of tapestry Tapestry rug] '.'<. x 3i yds. and 3x4 yds , val ues S10.7J to 12.~50, all at, each .?'.i '.'."> Here's News Frcm Our Ready-to-wear Section A big showing of uinah and percale house dresses is being made, miny lov- ely designs ou display The prices range from *1.23 tu 84.00 Mew Spring Curtains Dainty hangings in some new and novel di-.-mu* hat will be found mosi ittractivt!, v-ilue 82.20 t 81. Men! here are suite you'll like to wear Natty garments in blue d black serge, the lar- gest mil best collection iu town. Prices am S 10, 912.50,915 and S18.50. SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS Choice mammoth clover $12.(X Choice common red $12.01 Choice Alsike clover.... $P2.0< Choice timothy clover $3.50 HILL BROS, MARKDALE H M! l < . . ^. I of IJl-nheun H it e \ form. L. Mr. Jas. Kindree f of h s dau^h'er, Mrs. B ue. 1 will have a car of New Brunswick clear, white sliingles for a!e next week, sama as first ctr secured last year. W. A. Armstrong. F. Bunt 81 ,vis li", K. Whit. M. Legate 05, fi. Wrisrht ti.S. C, I vwiKi-vii 1)0, M. MacArthur '*, M. Kno* Dr. E. K. Richardson of Toronto was, 57i A Gaudin 57> - \ V . Scilley 5.J. O. Wai- . K -! ,[" r U^I""- - s - <.' white I**- mt the parent:.! homo or Goud Friday. ter ;,;,, K . Spet)CL , r C5 , X. Eenlh.u. 54, flS^,,*" Mi.s Christina McLtod of Whitby ; S. Snurt 47, M. Winters 4:!. M. Wright , Ladies College is the ue.->t of Miss Vora 41. Eggs f ,r Hitching S. C. and R. C. The Lower school depirtmental Ex. m- UI ".' Je I ? 1 ' 4 " 1 . 1 Ki; ' ls - "^"'X "".* >" M1 '/ , encll, prizewinner*. d one price ' Loucks. JVIr. A. S. Thurstim of the Toronto Weekly Sun staff spent Good Friday at ...... . . f ... I vinvl, f^ II , .>!! l/llt: IJi 1V.C '-^- L . v \f luat.on for this form take place June 10, per SBtting \ v . H. lliurston, Flesher- ii 11.1 )*t._ t :_ *if*ii .. .. l . i ., 11 and 12, and tho fee is 3.CO, payable ton. the parental h>:z>.e. j before May 1. Miss Gladys Cornfield f Harbord i Form S-G. \Vbite84, H. tiold 80, Collegiate, Toronto, is Jiome for the! Hazel Shunk 78, H. Speucer O'J, llarvey holidays. Mr Fred Mathewson and daughter, Mi?s Hlive, spent Eistor with rolativi-s at Newmarket. Rev. and Mrs Stewtrt and their three children of Whitcchurch visited over Easter at the Mansu. Misses Lilian and Florence Bunt vis- ited over Easter with friends in Wood- bridge and Toronto. Mrs. Fred Wright and Mrs. Alfred Carter and daughter Nellie of Toronto spent Easter with the formers' mother, Mrs. Murphy of the suburbs. Mrs. John Breen, Mrs. Wes. Breen Shunk 68, W. Whittaker 07, M. Stafford 07. E. Wright CO, S. Orr 65, K. MacMil- Un 04, V. SciHey GU J , L. Beatty GO, V. Stafford 58, D. Thurston .~>7, M. B-yd 53. T. Orraudl'. Beat tie not chia.sitied. Two Jack Screws to ri>nt. Apply to R J. Spi-.'ule, Flesherton. Sow and y.'unij pins for sile, lot 35, con. 10. Artenusit. Phone in connect- un. K. (>. Tumor. Legal Blanks Fur Sale U. J. Sproule keeps constantly . u hand and for sale The entrance to Normal examinations P [ ull .. !t '! c , k - of , De . ds ; l Mor *f s - Wi.U MM all other le^al blanks. Any requiring such will rind it to their imer- I est to give him a call. open June. 22. Tho fee la $5.00. Vandeleur ' ' ... -.._ . , - 1 . . ,. ., . , and Mrs. John Wright are spending the H b rd colleg.ate. is speeding the holt- _ and box. mo horse plow nearly new, one good sod plow, one road cnrt, one democrat, one Mr. John Boland returned home on fanir.na mill, one mower ntid pen harvest- Saturday after a trip to Toronto, New- ' er, one Incubator and Brooder. H. rna.ket and other points east. ' Holman, Maxwell R. K. 1. Miss Jean Wright, who is attending holiday with Mrs. O. England. Cold- water. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Thompson of Coll- ingwood visited otrer Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Phillips. Rev. Mr. Dudgeon christened Williim Norval. their baby boy, Appropriate Etster servicea were held For sale cheap and on easy terms. Lot 13, cou. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is diys with her parents here. | a first class farm and in a gond slate of Mr?. Sid Gilbert and two children ,,f , cult.vation. Good Lank barn *nd new ,, , _ . . , ... . ... i frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Colpoys Bay visited the past week with pi e8nertoni her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Warling. Mr. W. J. AIcox and son, Rosa, who have each been laid up with an attack of j quinsy, ire, we are glad to say, n load to recovery. M1SCELLANEOUS FUh . ^ ^ Dg ^ the pruhibited on lot i 47> E.T.S.R.. Arte- I mesia Wm. Stewart. Miss Irene Gaudin of Whitby in spend- 1 Miss Tillie ou Sunday, with special vocal aud instru mental music io all the churches. There j ing a couple of weeks with were alto ' special Easter Moral deco- 1 Buchanan. rationi, Married In Winnipeg, on Friday evening, Apiil 3, by Rer. Dr. G. B. \Vilson, in Augustine church, Ur. D. A. Mathewson of Naepawa, formerly of this place, to Miss Plajtvr of Newmarket. At the regular meeting of the village council last week it was decided to pur- chase a chemical engine for tire fighting, the small gasoline outfit not proving sat- isfactory. The gasoline eogiuu has been We are >try to rport Mr. Sam Ku- chanac < n the sick list. Mrs. W. N. Hutchioson of Markddla spent the wek end with her brother, Mr. Wm. Cullis. I have placed ray accounts in the hinds of Mr. R. McGill, Magistrate, for collec- tion. Please setr.le with him at once and save cost* J. McClooklin. orid 7-rooroed brick house for rent food out buildings, seven lott in connect- ion John Stewart, Flesberton. Hound Strayed black and while In- formation as to his whereabouts thank- tally receivtd Ge. Stuart, Fleaherton. Mr. W. J. Lever hM sold hi* Belgian ' lier brother, Mr- H. Qnigg, and other ilium, Marnit, to Edward Hoy of Or- ', friends over Easter. Saugeen Junction Mrs. W. Badge row of Toronto Easter with her mother, Mrs. Joseph Badgerow. Mrs. Swift of Toronto ia TIM ting ' ""'"8 3 v **"- A Camenn. Eugenia P.O. D>>gs Lnit Two Uek and tan hounds strayed from RocU Mills Saturday, Jo D^vei, Rock Milb. Colt for Sl Heavy draught maw, hard. Maroix has ben a money- m.ker for Mr. Lever, who delivered the anioml to its new proprietor on Saturday list. Maruix weighs over 2000 pounds. The Maple Gieu Creamery of Markdale wishes to thank all patrons for past Mr. T.A. Watson TtsitiKl at Br*mp- SU pport, and solicits continuance for ton and Toronto last week. A number from here attended the service ia Fleshettou Methodist i church ou Good Friday, where Rev. The residence of Mr. Joseph Watson, \ r> K err delivered a very interesting back lino east, near Mouut Xion, wax ! sermon . next leaion, also any new patrons who would favor it with a trial. Pay and s'aternent every two Wfek<. A personal call will be maile. if possible in the near Wanted large second hand box huat- Mr. J. Sloau had the misfortune to log stove, must >.e c-h-apand on reason lose one of his cows last week. The best reason for using paint outside is because of the fact that it protects your prop- erty against the wear and tear of the weather. Of course it improves the appearance too, and adds much to market value if you wish to sell, but the chief reason is that the building that is kept painted keeps in good condition. \Ve are Agents for Shenvin-Williams Paints and Varnishes. The makers of these paints have studied the principals of paint protection for years and so every Sherwin-Williams product wears well, and looks well. There is economy in using good paint, so come and talk to us about Shenvin-Williams Paint (Prepared) S\VP for your buildings =S-W Porch Floor Paint for verandahs and porch floors S-W Wagon Paint for wagons and implements S-W Buggy Paint for buggies, automobiles, porch furniture, boats, canoes, etc. We haven't space here to tell you about all the different Sherwin- Williams products. Just remember that there is a. special S-W finish for every kind of surface. Come and see us about your painting needs. FRANK W. DUNCAN Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass and Crockery FLESHERTON 1011 60 YEARS' EXPEKIENCE burned to the ground on Friday forenoon . Im. The fire started upstairs and had :qu red such headway when ntticcd that ^ 1S- McFaddeu anil family of it could r.o 1 . be stayed. Most of th con- 1 Mono are spending Easier holidays) tfiit* in the lower storey wore saved. ' with her parents, Mr. and Airs. K. The residence was of fi-snu 1 . i \Vallef. Bond condition. Apply Flesherton. to K. J. Jsn.'22 $2000 privtte fniuli to loan on f.vm (n t^;ig-t security at U'woH^. r*te f in t e rest. Apply U. J. Sproule. Fleshettcn 7MAOK MARKS DtaiGNS www* - COPYFllGHTS AC. Anrnn* lending a tkotrh mid doncrlptlnn itiof ^uimilf iwrrtaln our opinion free whether a." lUTemlnn I* probRhly PteiitbUl. l ommnnlo*. tlo!iBulo(l7>nOi]enHnl. HANDBOOK on Patent* tent free, ol.lert anncr tar oiwurmij pitenia. Vntonu t*ken tnrouflh Munn & Co. rwculro metal oirfltf , without clmrga, iu t tio SdtnflfiC Krican. A handsomely tuuotrateil weekQi. Luireet elr- culMion ot Mir vclcniltlR Joaroia. Terms (or 'BimdK. |K>& K yoar, poua prepaJU. Sold bj C0wi*^.NewYork <Oce. W r SU Wiutiiuniuo. U. C. Bull for Service Pure bred shorthorn bull, Aberdeen Fy vie 8,000 for service on lot 29,S.S. U.. Artemettia. Twms fl.60 for grade*. Pure bred cow ?3.00. Pure Iwed Tanwwor'.h hog for ervicc n the above lot. Terms $1.50 fot all animiils. Served iKt be pi id fo*. W. .1. Mea<.ln Tue Advance to now subscribers or the balance of this year for only 50 cents. Now Lurry up. Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly paid in advance subacriptionsonly. We flare no accounts with other papers. Flenherton Advance S I 00 \ ii-it hs Compauion 2 00 Toronto World, daily 3 00 Toronto Daily News 1 50 Weekly Globe 90 Mail-Bmpire 75 Family Herald & boar 90 Toronto Star 1 50 Farmer Sun 90 Farmers Advocata 1 50 Weekly Wit.iiese 00 Saturday Niht 300 Home Jourp?J 90 fi.ultry lieview 40 lU>d and Gun raai(.izine 'JO-

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