Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Apr 1914, p. 7

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.IMPURE BLODD u THE mm x The Passing of Winter Leaves People Weak and Depressed A* wirier passes away it leaves many peo.pl a fueling weak, dspress- ed and easily tired. The body lacks ' that vita! force and energy which pure blood ulnae can give. .Dr. \ViliHams 1 Pink Pills for Pal* People are an all -year- round blood bui!d?r and nerve tonic, but they are especially useful in the spring. Every dose helps to make new. rich, . red blood. Returning strength coai- . meiices with their use and the vigor and cheerfulness of gt*od health ijuickly follows. There is just one cure for lack of bkxxl and that is more blood. Food is the material from, which blood is made, but Dr. Williams' Pink Pills double the value of the fod we " eat. They give strength, tone up the stomach and weak dagestion, . clear the complexion of pimples, eruptions and boils, and drive out rheumatic poisons. If you are pale and sallow, if you . feel continually tired out, breath- less after slight exertion, if you have hiadach.es or backaches, if j your joinis a-ehe, if your appetite fail* and food does not nourish nor sleep refresh you. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will make you well and strong. To build up the blood is the special purpose of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and that is why they are the bejst spring medicin^e. If you , frel the need of a tonic a& this sea- ton give Dr. Williams' Pink Piils a fair trial and you will rejoice in ocw health, new strength and new ' energy. Do not let the trying wea- (her of summer find you weak and . tiling. Build yourself up now with . Dr. Williams" Pink Pills the pills that strengthen. Ask for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ' for Pale People and do not be per- uaded to take something else. If your dealer does not keep these Pills they will be sent by mail, post . paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing The Dr. Wil- AIR vs. EXERCI8E. The Importance of Fresh Air to Healthy Existence. One great difference between out- door air and indoor air is that the first circulates freely, and the sec- ond is stagnant. Another difference is that floods uf sunshine constantly cleanse outdoor air of its impuri- ties, but most rooms get very little of that useful commodity. Many persons who visit the physician with complaints of poor digestion and anaemia, declare that they are ac- tive all day long, and th.it going out for walks is the last thing they need, says Youth's Companion. They may be right about the amount of exercise they get, but people constantly fall sick in spits of plenty of exercise in the Women With Sallow Skin Here is a G'oetl Treatment! You Get Results Quickly. Womanly beauty Is largely the out- ward expression of health. Every woman with pale cheeks and WITH SALT Pained and Burned. Hard and Sore WITIIOl'T Ml( KOBKS, WHAT! poor complexion ueeds medicine LlllTlpSi Couldn't Rest OT Sleep, ueeds a potent tonic to regulate ber system. To tone up the stomach to insure good digestion to give new life and ! vitality to the whole system where is ': there a remedy like Dr. Flamilton's Pills? Dr. Hamilton's Pills enable you to eat what you >llke they correct con- stipation make nourishing blcod instil force and vim into a run-down system. If nervous and can't sleep, your re- medy is Dr. Hamilton's Pills they i search out the cause of your condition I and you rise in the morning refreshed, I Answer to That Question ing Problem for Xcientist*. To determine just what effect complete absence of microhms would have on the life of animals is one of j the fascinating problems, uf the day. j In his experiment* tince May, 1911. Guyenot. a Paris biologist, has rear- Finger Swollen. Cuticura Soap ed about 40 generations of the corn- and Ointment Cured. and get well again with a little out- 1 strong, vigorous, ready for the day's door exercise. A certain amount of active work about a house is good iiams' Chit. Medicine Co., Brockville, I ir-i Modern Woman. . A correspondent claims that the .first "modern Englishwoman" was tvirn in 1589. She was Mary Frith, ;v pioneer in many ways, and the 'first woman in England to smoke a ,'pip c - She was also the first to torn? out "daringly dressed," for which offence she was sentenced by the Court of Arches to do penance at St. Paul's Cross. Her home was near the Fleet, and as ftfrther eti- dencc of her advanced tendencies, it is sa : d that she was a"- 1 participa- tor in most of the crimes, and wild As a. barber in frolics of her tim: Drurylane she made fortune. which she left to her nephew, with the strict injunction that he should not lay it out foolishly, but should get drunk with it while it lasted. Wireless ;-t the Polo. For seme little time the Mawson expedition in the southern Polar regions has been in communication \\ith the outside world by means of the wireless station which was es for every one, but there ought to be some daily outdoor life as well. It does not follow that the out- door life ought to include violent exercise, or even any exercise at all. Why should the housemother be told that she cannot keep well unless she dresses up in walking clothes and takes a long walk after a fatiguing morning of physical la- bor in the house ? Tired people should do their resting in the open air. There are very few days in the year when a. person who is warmly wrapped up cannot sit with comfort in a sheltered sunny oornre. Every one knows how babies thrive when they take their, naptf outdoors ; the work. Dr. Hamilton asks every weak and debilitated person to use his Mandrake and Butternut Pills. They make old folks feel young, and weak folks feel strong. Their effects upon insomnia and langour is marvellous. Hundreds ; declare they soothe and quiet the nerves so that a good night's rest al- ways follow their use. To look well, to feel well, to keep well, use Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They j are mild, cleansing, strengthening ' good for the young or old. Sold by all dealers in 25c. boxes. WAR COST Bulgaria \!i Lost Between 55.000 ' and Men. Prof. Tsankoff has figured out the ! principle applies to the adult also-itp.^ It is a matter of scientific record that people whose daily occupation obliges them to sit in the open air such as market women, attendants at fruit stands and newspaper sell- ers are robust people, who do not take cold easily. Yet it is probable that few people take less exercise. Let it be understood that this is not at all an argument against phy- sical exercise. That is not only ex- cellent, but in most cases necessary. But you need not forego both aar and exercise because you cannot conveniently have both; open-air life without exercise is much more healthful than indoor life with it. rc>- 1 of the Balkan war to Bulgaria. ! credits voted amounted Legere Corner, N. B. " I bad salt rheum on my band for a good many y<. r. Every winter my hand would crack and part of tuo time I bad to wear a g!ovo to do my work, fur v. Lit-n I washed In hot water with It un- wrapped It used to irritate so much that ( didn't know what to do. 1 had to take a. rough towel and rub It until the blood \vuuld come sometimes. Many a nigijt I had to sit. up in bed and rut) them and sometime thac ildn't satisfy. I had to scratch with my Ingera and the next morning I would Hud a r>ig piece of skin which I had taken off. This winter I had sores on one of my hands. I 'bought they were ulcers. They pained nd burned. They started just like a litUa lump and would bo hard and soro and after that there would be a big bunch of pus and when that would be out It would leave an oneoing almost as big as half a five-cent piece. I couldn't rest or sleep wlih the pain and the burning sensation. The ulcer I bad on my finger thia winter was still worse. There was more Inflammation for my Snger was swollen almost twlce'lu natural site and was just as rod as a piece of flannel. " I took the Cuticura Soap and made a suns with It and washed the band with a piece of col ton and aft^r It was washed I iued to take the Cuticura Ointment and spread It on a pleco of cotton and wrap the hand with it. I was cured In a little over a week." (Signed) Mrs. Charle Surette. June 5. 1913. Cuiicura Soap and Cuticura Ointment an old by druggists and dealers everywhere. For a liberal free sample of each, with 32-p. book, send post-card to Pottrr Drug & Chi ui. Corp., Oept. D. Boston. V. S. A. nion fly. producing about 400.000 in dividtials in a single line, and has kept specimens under continuous exclusion from microbes, feeding them with specially sterilized food. < At "5 deg. Fahr.. the develop- ' ment from the egg has been com- i !>!etrd in twelve days, laying being; begun by the female in a day or two ] after emerging in the adult state. The Hie? have continued quite nor- j mal, and the successive generations have shown no lessening of fecund- ity. In development under the condi- tions of protection there has been a ; TP YOU great gain, the usual large morul- ' ready baked to a nicety; whole, mealy and full flavored. Heating ran S*L. H. w. OAWSON Ninety Colborne Strstfc Toronto. WANT TO BUT OB SELL itork. Grain, or Dairy Faro Jf. Daweon. Brampton. or 1 ity of the larvae and pupae having Ccibomi- Ft.. Toronto. been reduced into practically noth- M. w. OAWSON, Coibomi St.. Toronto ing. WANTED. INSUR- low rates, liberal commission; Apply. Thi" Car-ada Weather Insurance Ooinpanv. Torn.ito. AGENTS FOR WEATHER ance. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. Benefactions for I'niversities. Universities are now receiving some of the large private benefac- tions for which they have long en- j vied American institutions. Cam- . bridge University has recently re- ; business* ~in""connection"" Price' omit, ceived $450.000 for general purposes gUM^M liberal^ and 8500.000 for a chair of astro- Toront o. physics ; Bristol University has had , I a gift of 8100.000 from one donor. ; j $90.000 from another, and $75,000 , i from two <jlhers. MISCELLANEOUS. A MOTHER'S PRAISE OF BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mrs. Fred Tinkha.tn, South Ca- naan, N.S., writes: "Pleass send IK? another box of Baby's Own Tablets a-s I do not care to be with- out them. I have used t'lem re- peatedly and consider them the bes't medicine in the world for little oii'?s." Thousands of other m th ers s-ay the same, thing 1 . Tlie tab- lets cure all the minor ills of child- hood such as constipation, sour stomach, colic, coldis, simple fevers, etc.. and are guaranteed to be abso- lutely safe. Sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at '25 cents a box from Tho Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. FIRST l.AUY ( Hl.OUOFORMKD. M.rs*Agiies Thomson Was a Patient of the UiM-ovorer. How clearly is the march of sur- gical science brought home to us by THE SOOTHING VAPORS OF CA- TARRHOZONE BRING INSTAN- TANEOUS RELIEF. Thousands of Testimonials Prove That 1 Catarrhozone Cures Permanently. \V'hen germs attack the lining of the nose, make you sneeze and gag. when later ou they infest the bronchial tubes, how can you follow tbem with i cough syrup? You can't do it that's all. Cough syrup go to the stomach that's why they fall. But Catarrhozone goes everywhere gets right after the germs kiKs them heal* the soreness cures the inflammation makes Catarrh disap- pear. "NothiiiK I have ever used gives the warm!' soothing sensation- of Catarrh- jozone." writes Isabel Fry. of Seguin Falls, Oht. "I was in a frightful way with catarrh of the nose and throat- had droppings, hard breathing, bad bre;uh and indigestion. C'atarrhozone relieved at once and cured me thor- oughly. U Is invaluable in colds, sore throat nnd bronchial trouble." Not difficult for Catarrhozone to cure, be- cause it contains the essences of pine balsams and other antiseptics that simply mean death to catarrh. Large ptTO costs $1.00, and contains two months' treatment; smaller sizes 25C. and 50c.. all druggists and storekeep- ers of The Cntarrhor.one Co., Uoffste, N.Y.. nud Kingston, Canada. lis name to those of the greatest benefactors the human race ha.s had. tablished at Adelie land, which is the death recently of Mrs. Agnes *he base of the expedition. This i Thomson, the first woman in the wireless station had been in place | world to be .chloroformed. She was nearly a year before it was put in j the niece of Sir James Simpson, the working order, owing to the diffi- celebrated Edinburgh physician. culti.-s encountered in operating j who discovered, the use of auaesthe- the gasoline engine which drives; tics the dynamo due to the unusual con- ditions existing at this point, and accidents happening to the pole. The troubles were at last overcome and frequent messages are ex- changed with the outside world. Stop Sneezing Quit Sniffeiing Cure Your Cold If anyone will turn to the most casual history of surgery and find there description* of the tortures through which in the old days pa- tients went who suffered operations, he will wonder how sufficient human mettle was found to stand them. It is little wonder that hopeless death was often preferred to a hopeless struggle. Simpson's discovery coupled with Lister's laid the foundation of that miracle known as modern surgery. Not only were operations after- wards performed painlessly, but the subsequent dangers of septic poi- soning were eliminated. Both Simpson and Lister had to face an unbelieving world, but both by their thorough methods conquered it in" a short time. -. It is not yet siity years since the first painless operation was per- formed, and many things have been aTdtled to Simpson's work. Kut ho remains sccitr* on his pinnacle. We take as lightly as & pin-scratch nowadays capital operations that before his day meant certain death. We hear no longer the sa.me burden of terrible anxiety for those who go under the surgeon's knife. The in- strument of certain torture and un- certain cure has become the speedy herald of hope and health whore hope and health were dead. Hivx Speooh. "There are some parts of yom- speech that I find hard to under- stand." "Point 'em out," replied the gr-at stati-sman, "and I'll rewrite the other portio'is. I intended the --!>, .-oil to be- tltat way." to 861!, 000,000. The requisitions for horses, sup- plies and other necessaries are eati- mated to have cost $30,000,000. The deficit in the revenues of the country owing to the hostilities amounted to $10.000.000. Munitions and transport cost $30.000,000. Tho expenses of taking strategic railways and other miscellaneous expenses are placed at $36,000,000. Pensions for soldiers incapaci- tated will require the capital sum of 830,000.000. The value of the ter- ritory ceded to Ho urn an ia is placed at $300.000.000. The grand total is thus $548,000.- 000. The number of lives lost was be- tween 55.000 and 58.000, or between 6 and 7 per cent, of the adult male population of the country. Serenaded Murderer. A young man, named Rieder. who was lately sentenced at Thun, Swit- zerland, to penal servitude for life for the murder of a girl named Fmily Dauzer. complained the other day that he was disturbed at nuht by a woman singing hymns under his prison window. Inquiries were made, and the singer proved to be the murdered girl's sister. She ex- plained to the police that she con- sidered it her Christian duty to save the- soul of the prisoner. The girl has been handed over to the care of her people, who have prom- ised not to allow her to approach, the prison again and disturb ^.the START After Changing to Postum. Many a talented person is kept bat'k because of the interference of tea or coffee with the nourishment of the body. This is especially -so with those whose nerves are very sensitive, as is often the case.- with talented per- sons. There is a simple. -a.sy wny to get rid of tea. and coffee troubles, and lady's experience along these lines is worth considering. She The Vigilant Guests. 'Do you think the bride and groom will be able to give us the slip?" "Hardly. We've manned an au- tomobile at the front door, a floek of motorcycles at the rear, and an airship on the roof." _*- Helples; From faumafai (.in Pills Give Prompt Relief By ( uriiig The kidney*. Mr. Sumuel I.oiiRinorf. nf Momri'itl. says: "Just Do Corns Lead to Cancer? ETC, wtttv out pln by cur home treatment. Writ* CT before tno lat. Dr. Bellman tlediosJ Co. Limits, rvillinsrwwx!. Out. As yet this has not been proved, but Interested parties will 'And nutbinK bet- ter fur corns than Putnam's Corn Kx- tractor. :Sf. at all <lea:rrs. Changed. First Chorus Lady : "\Vhat do you think, dear ! George is back from Alaska, stone broke, and so altered that you would hardly know him." Second Chorus Lady : "I'm sure I sha'n't, dear." Mlnard's Ltnimint Cures Burns, Els. word uf iiraise !"i About fifteen months HK<> ' rutilil not walk nrromi my ruoin. xuffrr- lug severely with Rheumatics. 1 look t;IX I'lLLS anil I).-. am- <|iiit.- wt-11. Tw.i month....*.... 1. lw.i. RheumaM^^n. .^^ ,., pa __.. A man ^ hafl a bo PILLS analn for one week and became quite well." SOc. a Box. 6 for $2.5*. Sample free If you write- National I>ruc Ai Chemical Co. of Canada. Limited. Toronto. Willie "Pa. what is a slave on.'" Pa "A man who hi and some grown daughters, my Used by success- ful planters for over half a century Our large and beautifully illustrated CATALOGUE FREE J. A. SIMMERS. Limited TORONTO, ONT. That <><*. Bix : "Does your wife ever go to the club f,or you when you are out late!" Dix : "Xo. but she goes for me when I get home." - i 1 Mlnard'i Unlmint Raliavts Neuralgia. (iooil i.r.-i >ni. "Mv word, Jacob," said Stejn- berg. "that is a beautiful diam "nd you have in your pin. How much olid it cost I". "I l>aid one thousand" dollars," repked Jacob. One thousand dollars: Good gracious!" exclaimed Steinberg. "Vy. I did not know you ver M.rtU -> much money." "Veil, y >u see." ex- ctaimad Jacob, "ven <Jer old man died he left me one thousand dol- lars for a stone to be erected to 1 rot" my fot budly Jimnm-cl hu.-iy. ),j s memory, and di* is der stone. I buthe.l It' .well with M1NAKI>'S I.IN1- MKNT. and it was ;i well as ever next MINAKD'S LIMMKNT . tin' MKST Liniment In use. day. Yours verv truly. T. U. Mc.MfUI.EN. He (irciiui'ious Man. had been calling . for for a Horse Save a horse and you won't have to buy one. Don't sell or destroy any horse 0:1 account of Spavin. Splint, Ringbone, Curb. s- t r vizis or Lameness. Spend oue dollar for a bottle. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE has saveil .1 cnst many horse* 1ms put them IKI* k to worU. even after they have Ix-cii given i|i>. Over 35 years of success have pr've*l iu value. Mr. J. a. UroiiJlD at St. L'.n. Qu*. says : "Almost from the beginning of the use of coffee it hurt my sto- mach. By the time I was fifteen 1 was almost a nervous wreck, nerves all unstrung, no strength to endure the most trivial thing, either work or fun. "There was scarccJy anything I ould ea.t that would agree with ,ne. The little- I d'.d et seined to ijive me more trouble tha-n it was worth. I was literally starving; was so weak 1 could not sit up long at a time. "It was then a friend brought me _ hot cup of Postum. 1 drank part of it and after an hour I felt as though I had hat! something to cat _ "" ''"' time, and she thought she would give him a gentle hint. "It is not good for man to live alone." she said. "That's wjiy we have clubs." he responded calmly. Try M uHne Eye Remedy If you have Rod, Weak, Watery Eve* or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart Sootne* Eve Pain. Druggists Sell Marine Bye kemedy. Liquid, 25c, SOc. Marine Bye Salve In Aseptic Tubes, 25c, SOc. Eye Books Free by Mall. A. Q~ TtaO* ** tor *M r < i t MM* CM* Murla* Ky Km.4r Ce.. Chlce Think Again. "Now. Toney, if there were nine- teen sheep in a field and seven jumped over a wall how many would be left!" Noire. Miss Stowe." i^'i, Toney, think again. There were nineteen sheep and seven jumped over' the wall.' "Well. M-:-s Stowe, I think I know what YOU mean ; but. really. Miss Stowe. you may know arithmetic, but you don't know sheep." .. I)K| y ^ pver he;li . lhe s . ( ,,. v of ! the dim window !' "N". 1 il.m t An Expensive Affair. ( think j J K , ..j gucss j won - t u .;i Youth "What do I have to pay , ; t ^ you." "Why not:' You f<ir a marriage license I 1 j wouldiil be able to see through it." Facetious Clerk "Well, you get it <>n the instalment plan." Youth "How's that J Facetious Clerk "Twr. - M T S;uvin ' ' :tr for !!.- > V .11*. *lw.iva with c v-elieul rouilK. ' '.. t K. t. ... SfMYlh < 1 r . <1 - - r i Trr ,!io on t ' Only One BROMO To get lhe genuine, call for full name, dollars LAXATIVE HKOMO QIMNINB. Look "You wring my heart," wailed 'the youth whom the girl had jmt refused. "I'd rather wring your heart than wring your clothes." she said. , for slkim.iire of E. W. GROVE. Cure, .... and your entire salary eaen a Colu ln Olle Duy . 2 5c. eek for the rest of your life." Rival lathers. 'Y.'ii vay your baby doesn't walk ... _. yet.'" said Jones. Mine does, and Flrt application . it ]s , ., s oW as voure . Your ; babv cut his teeUi vet ?" or Protruding Piles, gives relief. (Oc. crlchln. Mrs. V Smart Slap. Snapperson How dare you Mlnartl's Liniment for sale evtrywhtrt. AII ViTident, Employe: "Sir. 1 would respect- felt strengthened. That was about! f u ]| v as )i you fur a-i increase in sal , . . *_ *i.i*' talk back to me J I never saw such impudence. And you call yourself j a lady's maid, do you ? Marie I was a lady's maid be- fore I worked for you. madam. Minard's Liniment Cure* Oandruf* five years ago. and after continuing Postum in place of coffee a.nd gra- dually getting stronger, to-day 1 can eat a.nd digest anything I want, walk as much as 1 want. My nerves are ste'ady. I believe the first thing that d.d me any good ami gave me an up- ward start wa Postum. and T u*? it altogether now instead of cofftv Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, On*. PoAtum now comes in two forms : Ke^ular Postiim must be well boiled. 15c a^nd 25c packages. liiHtant Post urn te n soluble p<>w- d?r. A toaspoonful dissolve? quick- ly in a cup of hot water and. with cream and sugar, makes a delicious bevorage instantly. 30c and 50c tins. The coat per cup of both kinds is about the sain*. "There's a ReasoJv" for Postum. sold by Grocers. ary; 1 have got marriexl lately. Manager of the Works: "Verry sorry.- Horneyhand. I can be of no| assistance to you. - The company is not responsible for any accidents that happen to its employes when off duty." "Not yet." said Bones. "Oh. mine has all of them." said Jones. "Does your baby talk ;'' "Not yet," replied Bones. "Can yours '" **Great Scot*, ye*." answered Jones. Then Bone* got desperate. "Does he use a safety raEor or one of the other sorts'" he asked. Constipation- it an enemy within the camp. It will undermine the strongest constitution and ruin the most vigorous health. It leads to' indigestion, biliousness, Impure blood, bad complexion, sick tipuiljches, and i one of the mcwt frequent causes of a^ppcndicitia. lo neglect it is slow suicide. Dr. Morse s Indian Root Pills positively cure Constipation. They are cnfrcly vegetable in composition and do not ieken. weaken or gripe. Preserve) your health by taking Dr. Morse's ** Indian Root Pills i i>. 1SSIL WJ-M4. by the Oth>r Side. My lad." asked a clergyman of a small l-y. "win. is that gentle- man you attend church witih !' "Grandpa," was the reply. "Well." said the clergyman, "if you will <Mily keep him. awake dur- | ing my sermon I'll give you a penny , ;, week." The boy fell in with the arrangement, and for the next two weeks the old gentknian lis- tened attentively to the sermon. The third week, however, found him sound asleep. The clergyman call- ed the boy to him and said, "Your grandpa wa5 asleep 'again T^-day. Didn't I promise you a penny to keep him awake I" "Yes," replied the boy. "but grandpa now gives me five cents not to disturb him." A man entirely wran^il up in himself carries a^ma'l paekage. " Siamese women now have the right to vote the same as mon. REMEMBER! The ointment you put on your child's skin gets into the system just as surely as food the child cats. Don't let impure fats and mineral coloring matter (such as many of the cheap ointments contain) get into your child's blood ! Zam- Buk is purely herbal. No pois- onous coloring. Vsc it always. SOc. Box at All DruggMs and S/orei. USE." ONU.1Y. 'AM-BUK

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