Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Apr 1914, p. 8

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April 10 1914 THEFLESHERTON ADVANCE BUSINESSCARDS W1I.WK1UHT, TKI.FOUI) * UoDONALD Hun-.:, r, Hoi Ic I torn, Ac. OUloev. Orv * Union lllock. Owdii Hoiiinl. Standard Hunk |U0ek,PlMhartou,(!<atiiriiftTii). W. II. Wrlybt. W. i*. TttHord J'-..J. 0. MuOonalJ, U i>. J. SOCIETIES AO U tf" meet* on the last Mouilay in ou month, in tbulr lodge rouru (a,U)u' tiall nmnorion. at H p.m. M. W., W. J. Uullamy ; Hoc., C. H. Uunshaw; rin.,R. J, Sproule. Viaitiug biotUrto lovitud PBINC'E AUTHUB LODUR, No. S33.A.PA A M, Aieott In tin Masonic ball. Arm 'tron' nioek.Pleaherton, every Friday on er liHtnrc tbe full morn HtrbSiulUi, W. 11.; Clisj.Munnliaw, Bokretary. f OURTyLEbflRRTON, 995, I. 0. F. iroeU 1% V CUytoa'e Btoek tba last Wedoeadav vniuR each uinnlb. Visitini! Kurmtera heartily loouie'C. i;.. Q. Bellamy ; . 8.. (. Cairr.6; n. Bcc., W. Buskin. Pleue nay ituci to Fin. Sec. before tbe Brut T ot tbe mouth. PHOfiEN FHIENOS-Flesborton Council v CM.,.., n Frieudi meets in Clayton 'hall Brut and tbinl Wednesday of each month 8 p. ni Pay aiuMstuenla to the Hecorder on or bnlpre toe fint day of each uiontb. Chief Councillor T. Blakelev; Recorder W. H. Boot. RUDD MATHK'.VB, Markdale, Licensed auctioneer for the county of Grey. GOCK* nernce at recnable rates. Dates cau be made at Tbe Adrance. o 00 MEDICAL D M O P 4 H Out, Physician. Burgeon etc Offlce and resideuce-Peter St., Pleihertou JP OTTKWELL Veterinary Bnrgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Collie residence - second door south ***t.a avry street. This street ran* outb Vrestrterlan Cbnrch. DENTISTRY Dr E C. MURRAY L. D. B., dental anrgeon houo.-Kradiiato of Toronto University and Koyal Oollego ot Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Uu administered for teeth extraction tffice at residence, Toronto Street. Hestiertoo . LEGAL < CCAB. HANKY 4 hKXRY-narrUter;, L- riolicitors.etc.-1. 11. 1.ucan, K. C.: W. B, H .-.. K. C. : W. D. Henry, H. A. Ollices, Toronto. K9 Ti adorn Hank lllilg., phoiio ii:ain Hl-2; Markdale Lucas hlock. Phone 2 A. Branch oUlce at Dumlalk o|ien every Saturday. BUSINESS CARDS -< OULLOUOH & YOUNG Hankers Markdale neral banking business. Money loane- reasonable rate* Call on us. DMcPHAIL. UcrniMd Auctioneer lor the County of Grey. Terms moderate IM Ut wtK.n fjuarautecd. Tbe arranReruenU .. 1 lU-s of sales can bo made ' Tan ADVANCE ;llcf. Kefldeqce nd P.O., Ceylon, Telephone . C, B,07. W'M. KAITTISti, Licensed Auctioneer loi the counties ot Urey and bimcoe. Fsnii and Stock sales a specialty. Terras aioderata. natisfactiou guarantied. Arriuge menu tor dates may bo made at the AuvaBCu jfllei*. or CentraltelerhoneofT.ee r-evernhaw pr by addressing uie at Fcvershaw, Out. Pure Bred Holstein Bull Changeling Prince Joe lirrd by ChanxeliiiR Butter Boy out of Tidy Abbckurk 1'rincosH Josephine. Tlie greiitest butter making strain known. Term f service- fcl.fiO fot grud>-n, *5 pun: br*d. (JF.o. M)i)KE & SON, Propv, Walkerton Alfied Ht-ich, the" year-old son of Mr lieu. Kcich, trll nil ,i chair at its hoim near tho O. T. K. -station hore on Sutur day morning l,i-i , and bumped ita chin iu a manner that c HIM- i it to Hink its teeti oompl'stely through the right lui^f of it tungue, entirely severing that poition o the injured member, and i,vceBHitatin tho administering uf an anaeblhetio im tho liberal use of thti surgeon's needle I re-unite the divided or".an. "Rinsbiurd Uillie," a character wei know in Walktrton and every curuer o the enmity, was fiiinid ilc.i-1 in his !i i in-. 11 Hepwortlt List week. His den body was diNCJVored by a younj? lad wh liad <;one over with a banRet of eat.ible for him. It is thought that he wa<) dua R day and a Inlf or two days before bein found. Hepwroth villagers had bee supplying him with provisions all wintoi and they are worthy of much pra'iKu fo the Christian spiiit they showed in doiri so. Billie'fl one leg and one urm wer i M|.; 1< il so that he was unable lo do an work, and he made a living with hin i-in board at fall fairs and other gathering of people. Judgment wan given in Toronto Monday UM dismissing with costs 1 1. appeil of Brant township from tha dt cision of Mr. Justice Lennox, who, o Dee. Oth, 1H13, awarded Mrs. Danit Connor 9-500 damngcs against the town ship fuv the death of her husband, ; foimer Eden Orove hotel-keeper, wh was instantly killed by being thrown fruit an_ automobile which was upset on him on the El'jra ro-id near Dunkeld on Apri 25th, MM ;. and which accident was alleg ed to be due to the nexlicrence of i li townnhip in all')*in^ thn road to be am remain out of repair. Although Mrf Connor sued for 5000, the jiward ol $2500 by Justice Lennox was thought bj the municipality to lie a most excfssivt one. Liwyer Klein who appeared for tin township t-itfd to establish tliat tin slia]) h-id been paused by eirelesf driving rather thnn the defective stato ol the read. After the award was made. Mr*. Connor, Ihrouyh her .solicitor, Mr. David Kobertsol), offered lo accept ?182t nd ei's-tg, hut the Township Fathen refused to jwy more thn 01750, and 01, ,liis not being accep'ed appealed the CAS. to Toronto, where a verdict agiinst tlu township wa again recorded. As i result of the proceedings it is estim-iteo thai IJr.int will bo mulcted for something in tlr- noighboi-hoDd of $9,1)03 llruct HeraUl anil Times. TChlfiLF.TT, l'otmat<r, Ceylod. Commissioner In II. C. J .Conveyancer, deed*. mortnaces, leasus, wills etc. careJully drawn "" ollfctiuns mad?, cliarues roaonalne. Alfl rocerion, Cour . feed etc, kept ill totk, Prices ifihl. Duncan The roads aru very muddy at presont. Mr. Frank M. 1,1 of Red WIIIK und Mr. I . iili.-i- Kuar nf CUiksburg are on cutting wood for Mr. Jno. M >C- Kcitzie. Our teacher, Mi Lever, is spending the I . i i. . li,,ii-i i\ null, -i- her parontal roof at Flu^herton. Mr. Will iM.nl\, ii/.i,- and son, Tommy, of Rod Wing, visited relative! in this c -.iinnuiiiity. Jennie J'lMOtor of Allistoii in vi j - itint' with hr parent*, Mr. and 51rn. Goo. Proctor. Mr. Jos. K-a'ie and son (iuorije o Clarksburg, visaed with Mr. Wm.LewiH. A numhnr from this vicinity attended dunce at Mr. Theodore (Jlepn's. All re- port it good time. Mr. Merritt Kerr bus purchased handsome, new, up-tn-date piano. Mr. John Smart attended the funera! of his ajbtur, MIS. Ferguson, Mnrkduln Sunday-School Ins commenced. The children attend in </<> ully number*. Miss Nellie Ferguson who is studying music in Toronto, is home for tho holi- lays. (erlrude Ellis, the 7 yenr-'ild daughter f Mr. and Mrs. Win El. is nf Brant, felldowna trap door in the barn Tuesday of last week, .--. diitanue of 8 ''net, and lauded head first on the ceinen* luor. She wa picked up iu an uncon- scious condition, and rainoved lo her nii 1 , where wu under^'and she is suf iiio; from concussion of the brain. MEXICAN POTTERY. Primitive Methods of the Skilled Workmen of Durango. Practically all the pottery ustd In he Durnngo section of Mexico, from he tiniest teacup to the largest flower- pot, Is fashioned by hand from Duran- ;o clay. There are about twenty such 'uctorles In the city, employing from five to flfty men each. The clay used NATURAL ELECTRICITY. Tipping the Air For It a Problem That Baffle* Science. In answering the question, "U the prophecy that 'went the rounds' about twenty years ago that some way of 'tapping nature' and thus securing un- limited supplies of electricity from air or from space coming true?" Edgar Luclen Luri.iu In the New York Ameri- can says: The nearest approach to the great work of topping nature's unlimited store of electricity Is the act allowing Irrigating streams from high moun- tains to turn turbine generators over and over again In different power plants along down the tildes of the mountains and then after securing all mechanical work of gravitation secure growing work in the growth of food plants. This is the height at present of human skill in the work of "tapping natura" Windmills turning armatures Is an- other way of tapping. And the cap- ture of water in tides, using the force of outflow, Is still another. We still have the dynamos with us. We must turn armatures with their polar fields of magnetic lines. We must use running water or flow- lug winds to tap nature or burn carbon under boilers, which is too expensive und prosaic to be called the high art of tupping, as one would turn a faucet. I suppose my correspondent means Just tapping a free supply. This auspi- cious event has -not arrived unless using solar engines is tapping. Heat reflected by mirrors directly from the noonday sun upon boilers has been made to generate steam and turn ar- matures. Another way of tapping is to allow the sun to shine on tbermo electric piles, unions of ends of bars of unlike metals. What tny friend evidently wants is electricity as cheap as air, water and sunlight This really Is the dream of electricians. Since nothing exists but electrons, and these are electricity, It does seem that we ought to get all we want for nothing by merely taking or tapping the supply. But Edison. Thomson, Rutherford and Tcsla and Stelntuetz have not blazed the way Into this unknown problem of the ages. I have no doubt that man will make this conquest, for the mind phasing in man is illimitable. Reforesting the Prairies The ilictiuiwry dctineK a prairie ta "n level or rolling tract, of trcelo.N land cov ered with cuarsegr.vs." Strictly ing, tlii-n, the prairies no lunger exist in i '.in, id i oxtvut locally, for thi'ro arc IK lunif r any l>irj>e aroah exempt from set- tlement and the Heltlurs throughout the West hiive alt-eld y lieen supplied by the BULL FOR SRVICF. HegiglenHl IIolHteiu Hull, Konidyke FK-tertjis Clolhilde, N". 14780, whoso dni, Tri/.ic's CI<itliildi> I'ieforlja Utid.No. 2!>HH, lim proliict-d over 80 I!JM. milk per day. Tcrnii -Grade cows $I.<H), pure lir.-d | OOWH 9:i. All COWH mil i, -<n n.-.l will he | charged. Trim* dull I Als-i re"it.lertirl Yorlcxliirn IMMII-. -\N ! 14X1 Term- II. HKNKV IIOMIAN I. nt 40, (,'on. 4, Aiti-iiiusia, I'ortla* t'.O if'iiu-ir n this Industry Is obtained from the >ase of Durango's famous Iron Monti aln, cue mile north of tbe city. The vessels are all fashioned by hand ml foot power. The only Instrument ....... ,.,., A aj n ,<j rnM MIMCC used is a large wooden wheel, through j NEW ZEALAND S GUM MINhS. the axis of which passes a pole about i three feet in length, terminating at j Gathering Harvest That Ripened the other extremity in n small wooden wheel set parallel to the big wheel Tbe operator sits so that he may turn That Age* and Ages Ago. Gum digging in New Zealand offers one of the most unusual and interest- tbe large wheel (set horizontally near j lug forms of labor, partly because of the floor so that It will more freely) tho ease with whlcb tbe work may be carried on and partly because It Is said with bis foot, which In turn causes the little wheel above, on a level wUn I N'ew Zeahind is the only ountry where his chest, to revolve very rapidly. A | Bum digging is done. convenient sized lump of tho clay dough Is planed upon this little wheel, and ns the muss revolves by tho im- pulse of the laborer's foot, be hollows out and fashions the vessel. The skill and dexterity of these work- men is little short of remarkable. With only tho eye to guide, he fash- ions with astonishing rapidity vessels whlcb do not differ one from tho other In cither size or shape. A single la- borer Is able to complete about thirty- six dozen j.irs of nearly n quart ca- pacity Iu a day. Argonaut. Dniiiiiiiim FniYKtry Branch with OVRI ;.' 1,000,000 ttee, all of which have bo planted mi most uf whu-li nro up in the form of wuudlnts ,ind fdiflter- bells. Su successful li'ive Icon thefc plantations and so treat Ims tho demand! Glaring or Dazxling Effect* May Re LIGHT AND THE EYES. fur trees grown, tlmt tho Ind : an lluail Nurtiory Hta'ion, which Ims an annua eaptoUy of approximately iln-oj millinn ult In Permanent Injury. In a paper read before the Interna- tional Imposition of Safety and Sanltn- r . .. . Uon In New York city O. H. Stlckney trees, can ,, longer supply tins demand cn , lwl llUelltlon to g, fact tlmt tue nn I t- Ins bMO nec-i-siiry to BttftUbB most colmilou defect u, lighting Is ex- bnneb nursery Ht Saskatoon. cesslvo glare and absence of diffusion. Tho opinion was once \vi lei-prca-1 tlmt Olllr ni y emanate directly from the ' Bull For Service I'ure Invd hlior-hiini Ini'l, K npor'-r, 8U.~>:7, f ir^si-im-e i. n lot ll>7, VV.T. 8.11. Aili'iiu-Miu. Terms %\.M fur uradmt, S' lir tliiiniughbredH. All cowa Kfl-Vful IIIUM! be pmd for. Mar. II- tmturally tt,el,..s.s .-iiul' "'" 8olllX ' e r bo "fleeted to the eye , by a glossy surface; it can also be , were adv,,nc,d DIVISION COURT 1914 KI.KSIIKHTUN AM) Fl-tln-rUm DOM. I ill, ........... N|".\1.K Apri IT> Inne Out. 4 1 CANADIAN PACIFIC HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN EachTuexlay Marrh 3 tu October a7,lncluivt. Wlnnipeft and Return - $35.00 Edmonton and Return - 43.00 Prom Toronto, anil Station! Waal and North of Toronto. Proportionate (area from Slutlons Kuat of Toronto. Kcium Limit two mimthi. UOUCftO 8ETTLHW FARES (ONK-WAV '.MUM! CLASS) EACH TUKSDAV, MARCH AND APRIL S-ttlrn truvrlliiiB with live Block and (ffft-tn .liould t.-.ki SKTTI.KRS 1 .SPECIAL TRAIN which li-.ivr. Ur.t Toronto Mich Turxlay 'lurlni MARCH unil APRIL after arrival regular 111.70p.m. train from Toronto I'nlon Station. Rrltlrrn um! famlllM wlllmul live HIM k nhoulcl UM- RF.Clll.AR TRAIN5). Iravlnn Toronto iu '" pm. DAILY. Thruuiili i ,,i.inl-i anil Tiinilit Slrrprr>. Through tnilni Toronto to Wlnnlufl ami Wnt. i:ol IIMS I CARS UN ALL TRAINS. No , ll.lrgc lur Itrltln. J'.irti.-nlnri front fainillan Paclnr AgenH or write M. (I. Murplu, D.P.A., Toronto. till! pl-ltil-.CH iniiny in-.'i-niiiiis to a> count for II it W'ts i hill tin* noil :u loo liiu 1 llnil I lur soil was nil i -ighl. In' (hut bo C.-UIM.' i,f tin: III i-k so, I tho ln-u <n-f.il could not tuai:li il : anotliitr ll.t-iry wn tht tliere WO| insutlit-ien' rainfall, nnti still Hiiolhcr that ll.o dry win! >r \viinl i. ,'i, il i he l,n i and i i :;-, Hut if any ol llii'-i- furtora. li'iv,! b.ion il. him, MI 1 1 Id frit,! j.'1'nw h o-i tin 1 |iia'iii>-. in I ho pas' llni r'onwtry brsticb IMS in;n MK-coi-doi in iiMnluoiii^ I rum whit-h am H" iidlpti-i lo dim .tic i-niiilitin n.s th.il ijro* Ih is a mod if tho Inv; .-it-.) i^ivi'ii a priipr: HtatC. Till- III ist |il-,ihuli'ti i-a-180 nf thy tft-e le SIIPNK nf ih ' |ii-a ; ii'!H ii limn, tint Nu- ttirt 1 . The fact I hit thti Iniliui.s I ,oi aj-n were in i In- liiim nf Hotting In.-s to the fun-Ms and KI-ISH lands in nrdm- to atl'm-d lii-tl, -r t,"ii/.inn, '""I l-hiil in thi; i.ill, . v. Ii n tlu-si- lin-H wt-iv usually MI-I, the pr< vail- ini{ ituls wuro weNtitiiy, seems to pn.v that from tin- arid pUiiiN of HOiilhm-n Al- f , vborcver cxccssivc CODtrnst o f <)nu ! Intensity appears In adjacent fields of nd vision. Tho dazzling effect is unpleas- ant itnd Interferes with seeing. Under continued exposure eye strain and even permanent injury to the eye may result An unshielded light bung over a ma- chluo Is a common source of eye fa- tigue. The glare may not bo so evi- dent on llrst glance, but when tho workman's eyes have been subjected to such light for a long time dlscom fort nud inability to see result Glare from glazed paper, desk tops or polished mctnl oflen induces eye trouble, headache and other indisposi- tion, though tho sufferers mny not be invnre of tho cause. Tho remedy Is to change the relative positions so that tho reflected light Is kept out of the eyes as much as possible and to en- ,arge the dimensions of the light source. Record, Originally the gum which Is now- brought to light came from the kauri true, which is now scarce, but ages ago great forests of It probably covered most of the northern port of tbe North Island. These forests were swept away by tire, and today the landscape is mostly low brown hills with occa- sional swoinps. Gum burns very ens- My, but such ns -was covered by tho Jauk forest debris escaped the fire. Hardened and preserved through un- countable ages, this Is tbe gum the gum digger seeks today. By paying 5 shillings a year he may wander and dig -where be likes over enormous areas of government lauds. All that Is re- quired Is a kind of spear to locate the -'inn, n spade to dig It and a bag to put It In. At night it Is scraped and sorted, according to size and quality. "In digging," says a writer In Pear- sou's Magazine, "you enjoy all tho ex- citement of gambling without Incur- ring the MM And then to work for yourself when you like, where you like und how you like Is delightful beyond belief. Also you ore free to live ns your fancy turns nnd to have ns many friends as you wish or as few." . Tho climate Is pleasant, aud the re- turns from the work, though not tlnanclally great, ranging from $1.75 a day upward, are perhaps all that the enterprise warrants. Wheels In Watch. The main wheel lo an ordinary American wutcb makes four revolu- tions n day of twenty-four hours, or 1.4GO iu a year; next, the center wheel, .1 revolutions in a day, or 8.7CO In a year; the third wheel, 102 In n day, or 59,080 In a year; tho fourth wheel, 2,440 In a day. or 545,000 in n year; the fifth, or scape wheel. 12.0GO In a day, or 4,728,200 in a year. The ticks or heats are 383,800 in a day, or 141.882,- 000 in a year. Milwaukee Free Press. nnil tint I Mil,- I Suttis, 1 1,,- .11,1 li-i'i'loM-i Und w grndintlly cxUtndnd liro hiindfi tit of mill's i.r-i-i-ly Hut Mmniolik, HIIII-II ilu- ., in, h 11 (he WfNtorn frit'}<i' of forint h-m ln*gtiii to in ,,v ! loHl "i. .mi I, and, aided liy arti- lii-ial i i-f iit-stnl ion midri tin) Hliir.ulus ,,' ih, I "I- h\ lirntK-h, lrt<e i/ri.wt.h will Noun In- UN cniniiinn on i In- prairit-H UN in I in I U 111 ,,f |-.,r,l,lil I ' in.i 1 i Clatie* In Ruaila, A Daring ! Shortly after the light at Jcnn ID SIH; Nnpolt'on dispatched an officer to Mui MIT roqitlrlng him to Impoftant towns without <le- my. VVht'ii the olllcer arrived at the month of the r'.ii'i-. vvhoro the river is teven ami one-linlf miles wide, he wa iiin-Miriii'ii with Ht'i'lous loss of time. The river wns just cov owl with Ice; therefore to row over was out of tut question, lie could not cross by the nearest bridge without going twenty mllos out of his way on rouds heavy with snow. So ho resolved to skate across tbe thin, freshly formed Ice. Had ho tried walking he would have There Is no upper middle class In mink at once, but by skimming along Uusslii. A family Is oltliur of tho peas-; O n Ills skates at the top of his speed he nniry-although this term has now a got over tho river both dry nnd n very wide Incluslon-or of the arlstoc- 1 harmed. Hy this dnrlng deed ho saved racy. And at court no one hns prece- B J T nonrs . did what Nnpoleon bade biro deuco according to Inherited rank, only do <, won prpnt cre(1 | t for according to olllclal position In the gov , 1)d C | ever Mp iolt. eruuicnC ' , Music and Medicine. A reporter asked u opera managec one day if be believed In the new tber- ;i PI-U tlr Idea that music was a medl- clue. "Believe In It? Of course I do." the Impresario replied. "I know at three operas that are a drug on a for there Isn't one of them that doesn't make me ill." IKE IIIIJ11 Carefnlly Corrected Each Week Whent 00 to 10 Oats 38 to MX Peas ' 1 12 to 1. 12 Barley 55 to 55 Hay 15 00 tc 15 00 Butter ." 22 \( 22 EagH, fresh 18 i 18 Potatoes er b ..100 to 100 Oecsc ^. 12 to 13 Ducks 15 .o 15 Fowl 11 to 13 Chickens 13 lo 13 TurRpys 18 to M FleaHeirtoii Tonsorial Parlors \Ve Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRY Bisket closes Monday n'ght, delivery Friday eveni-ig. CLEANING nd DYEING We are agents for Parker's Dye Works Clothes cleaned and dye I, feathers rejuvenated. T FISHER, - - PROPRIETOR VF.R two million practical farmers and stockmrn say International i Food U the greatest animal touic and health preserver ever formulated. Added to the regular grain feed, it helps digestion and assimilation enables the stock to get all the good out of their feed builds up strength and keeps them iu ' prime condition all winter. And coU only 3 feeds for on* cet. If you will write and tell us how many head of stock you own, .. t will forward to you free our $3,000. Stock Book. 106 INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD CO. LIMITED, FOR SALE LY JOHN FISHER, FLESHERTON. IT II HARDWARE! Ammunition nnd nuns Bolts, Rivets i.nd wood s-crewa Cuttlery and olassware Decotint and walli-olours Egg crates and baskets Fence wire and stapleR Glms and galvanized iron Hingee, butts, latches Iron pipe and pipe fittings Jewellery (wagon) clevici,enJ nd centre clips Kerosene, Liibuca'iug oil Lanterns (truliu) lamps and burners, chimneys Moffats i-dnges, mirrors Notions, novelities, souveneirs Oils, raw and lulled, wli'to lead Paints Sherwin Williams Rioe (Plymouth Goods) plough Hues Silt rock, dairy, table Tools shovels forks picks Varnishoi a-id furniture polish Window screen, poultry netting I INVITE YOU TO CALL Frank W. Duncan FLKS3 HELTON, ONX. II r RAINCOATS This is the time of year y.m net- 1 a waterproof coat, and you might as well buy a conl that is a wnterijrcof raincoat. gurantt>ed. Prices fiom five di, Hats and up. STYLE: Krtht-r uuitor or rgln for both ladies' and gents' close tilting college colar, slash or ordinary pockets, tab on*aleeves DURABILITY:- double stitched seams, tailored made pockets, facings sown through and and tp--d. Unoiuy shouldert. CCLOR:--dai-k blue, uUriinniiH 1 , medittin brown, ronon green and slate, with plain and fitnoy wuavei. Wall Paper pxpers selling for '' Rennies' Seeds \Vc hive addi-d 50 more new lines to our stock which is the inns' comp!to in Grey. Reg 8c. They speak for themselves. They have won <\ reputation tint makes Iheir iwUe.1 now. \Ve h:\rn not yet ever ."heard of a l-Mil crop from Rcnnitis' \\\ seed, but we have of it her brands of seed. r- JAMES PATTISON and COMPANY'S general merchandise warehouse - - ONTARIO Hi* Luck. "Don't yon know that your husband [ walking the floor beranso of his debts?" "Isn't It fortunate?" replied young Jlrs. Torklns sweetly. "Von know tbe doctor said that Charlie simply must take more exercise." Washington Star. JCEYLON, >*T"- ^--i^-*i RE SSS 1 III Flesherton Tin Shop il i' Ml 1 have just placed on the shelves a full Hue of !*?> -j Tinware, t Nickelw;iro and A;atwaie for domestic |||; ^ use. Call on me and get your supplies. -^ ! v: Euvetrougliing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ;j ing*. ^ I Repairing ofall kinds promptly attended to. ]!; II V- ripefittiug, ineludiii"; pump work. & j^j Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros, ^j Furnaces. Perhaps It Would. fJIbbs I bo.Mcve In early rising, don't you? Dlbbs Well, there's no nbstrnc* j excellence In early rising. It all de- j ponds on what you do nftrr you rise. ! It would be much bettor for the worlrt hold if ,,. people never C oj up.-Bostoo Traniicrlpt. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK I FLESHERTON j ONTARIO, 1

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