Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Apr 1914, p. 7

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SPRING IMPURITIES IN THE BLOOD A Tonic Medicine is a Neces- sity at This Season. 'Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pal* P'fople ars an all year round tonic, I) Vi'.'d- builder end nerve-restorer. iJut they are especially valuable in tlie .-.fii-inK when dh system is load- ?d wJth impurities as a result of the indoor 1'ife- of the winter months'. "Nierc is no o<iher season when the blocd is EO much in need of purify- ing aaid ehrkhing, and every dose erf these p.iL's heJpa U> make mew, rjch, red blood. In th-e spring' one feels weak and tired' Dr. Williams' P*ink Pills give strength. In the ipring the appetite is often poor Dr. William*' Pink Pills develop the jipeitite, tome tihe stomach and 1 aid weak digestion. It is in the spring fcha* porous in tihe blood find an outlet in disfiguring pimples, erup- tions and boils Dr. Williams' Pink PiWs speedily clear the skin because 'they go to the root of the trouble in tJve blood. In tihe spring anaemia, .rheumatism, indigestion, neuralgia, , wrysipela,s and ma.ny otlher troubles we moit persistent because of poor, .weak blKJ4i|l. and it is at this 'time when all nature takes on. n>ew life 'that the blood most seriously needs attention. '"&;! people d*se them- . selves witfc8purga.tives at this sea- man. buJEJBSe* only further weaken ' tfawnseWef. ! A purgative merely gallops thivlugf 1 th syj'tam, erapty- img the b<jfri.ls? but it does not cure . anything, ijpn the other hand Dr. Williams' iPink Pills actually make new blocil* which reaches every nerve ancl-drgwn in the body, bring- ' ing new ftJ-eiigth, new health a:nd \igor to |*eak, easily tired men. . women anjljchildren. Try Dr. Wil- . liiams' Pink Pills this spring 'they vill not disappoint you. Sold b\!j 11 medicine dealers or sent by nii-il at 50 cents a box or ' six boxes fr $2.50 by The Dr. Wil- ' li.-iii>- Mit4ici ne Co., Brockville, Out. BRITAINfi PLACE ON TIIE SEA. '( oui|taratifo Naval Standing of the Ki ro|ir;ui Powers. The animal statement of the nu- merical Strength of the navies of (li i ,u Britain and foreign countries fommonljf known as tihe "Dickilison ^return," j fcas been issued in the .form of i a parliam.enita.ry ''whrte . paper.'. 1 .JPh* return shows .all bWi- . tle,-hips, bit-tie cruisers and cruis- . ere of eacK. ua\i -,v ! uch iaye.Jaeen . Uunch<J since Dec. 31, 1893. In th< case of other classes, all vessels are shown which still reta-in their arma- ments and are not for &ale. ' The "following comparisons show the relative positions of the great . power^ of Europe in respect to . ships built and (ihips buildimg : , Vessels already ..built Ba-ttle- Khips : "Great Britain 58 ; Germany 35; France 21 ; Austria 14; Italy 9; Russia^. t'ruisers: Great Britain 47; France 24; Russia 12; Germany 9; . Italy *; Austria 9. Light cruisers: Great Britain 65; Germany 43 ; Italy 14 ; Austria 9 ; Franc* 8 ;'' 'Russia 2. Torpedo vewiels : Gt<a,t Britain 25; Austria 11; Italy 3; France i; ); Germany 0. 170; Fra.noe 163; It*ly 94; Germany 80 ; Austria 58 ; Russia, 25. Submarines: Great Britain 69; France 50 ; Russia 25 ; Germany 24 ; Italy 18; Austria, 6. Vessels now building . Battle- ships : Great Britain 14; France 10; Russia 7 ; Germany 6; Italy 5; Aus- tria 2. Light Cruisers: Great Britain 20; RUSSIA 8 ; Germany 6 ; Italy 4 ; Aus- tria 3; France 0. Torpedo vessels : Great Britain 1 ; other powers 0. Torpedo boat destroyers : Great Britain 36 ; Russia 45 ; Italy 16 ; Ger- many 12 ; France 7 ; Austria -3. Torpedo boate : Austria 27 ; Italy 1 ; other powers 0. Subntarrow : Great Britain 29; France 26 ; Russia 18 ; Germany 14 ; Austria 5; Italy 2. A comparison with tihe figures of the next strongest naval }>ower shows that of battleships Britain has 58 to 35 buiH and 14 to 6 build- Site Has The Very Best Or Reasons Why Thin Manitoba Lady Rrrom- Itodd's Kidney Pill*. ing, while of cruisers slve to 9. has 47 CO! RT INFLUENCE. Example of (he Queen Is Reflected on the Whole Community. It is well that society should have its periods of : ntrospection. It is undergoing one jiiet now. When we speak of th moral condition of society at the present day it should be remembered that society is com- posed of all sorts and conditions of people as widely different as tihe Poles, says^ the Gentlewoman. First of all, there is the Court circle, and here the example of the Queen cannot but have a good in- fluence on all in immediate contact with her. Then there are many peopre with immense power in the land for good or evil whose power is closely connected with and depend"- ent upon the Thixwrie, therefore the conditions of life at Court are re- flected ihere to the benefit of tihe whole community. In the widening circles of society we then reach a class of people who are ever anxious to raise themselves up into the at- | Mrs. Bourhonierre had many trou- ble*. nil of Which were Caused by Sick Kidneys, and sh.- Found a simple and Complete Cute. St. Rose du Lac. Man., Apr. 20th (Special). Mrs. 1). J. Bourbtwi- ierre, an estimable lady of this plaoe, if- losing no opportunity to praise Dodd's Kidney Pills -to her friend*. And the has a reason. Here it is in her own words. "I suffered very much from my Kidneys." Mrs. Bour bonier re says. "I was tired and nervous and my memory was. failing. I had heart fluttering^, my back was sore and I was troubled' with headaches. Rheumatism was finally added to my Bufferings and I was in a bad way indeed. "I tried o>ne medicine, but it diid me no good, and 1 then I waa ad- vised to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. I am. very g!>ad that I did. for now after taking four boxes I am a well woman again." Dodd's Kidney Pills cured Mrs. Bourbonierre because all her tTou- bles came from sick Kidneys. Sick Kidneys cannot do their work of strainiing tihe impuritie* out of the blood, and the result is sickne.ss, depression and latitude all over the body. Dodd's Kidoiey Pills cured the Kidneys : the purified hlood did the rest. * RABBITS RAVAGE FORESTS. Thousands of Trees West. Killed in (lie At a recent conference of Fores- trv Branch officials at Ottawa, the inspectors of Dominion Forest lie- Tor*edo boat destroyers: Great Britain 201; Germany 132; Russia 96 ; France' 80 ; 'Italy 30', Anstfcia; IB. f-bowtdi Great. " Smiles lftukfij *fcW UP with Post Toasties. 9&UCM1SfW And why not, when begins toons! in cooking and toast- t hcse thin bit* oi' CW f sts that every one of the the delicious Toasties titf that invi for moi-e. tied packages fresh, iigsp and appetizing , jl(| _ ,-. : i [/Mi'iy,! ,.,. i\ to eat with cream *^' (j good milk, anda < l It 05t Toasties sold by Qrocer?. i Pout n in Windsor. Ontario. mosphere of the highest, and are , s rves "nanimously agreed that careful not to do anything that will , thousands of acres of young trees oM-racise them from the arena h n these reserves have been de- which they wish to enter. So we I stayed by rabbits in the last couple find that the influence of tihe Court of y ears ; The bark of p P, lar - ]ac . k filtered down, and we realize the P lne and f 8 P. ru f s f ems *<> , be f e( ' ual , ly acceptable to these rodents, and in many places so completely have the trees been stripped of bark at the base oL the trunks that they have the appearance of a white- washed forest. Especially do the rabbits like tfhe young tender tree- seedlings in the forest reserve nur- series, and in one instance some thousands of green ash transplants were entirely consumed in one night. It is hard to realize the great numbers of these rabbits in the responsibility which attaches to the Royal circle. We see how widely this influence is felt and acted upon when, a.s in the case of our own Court, their conduct tends to raise the morals, and to make for all that is purest and best in lif. CHILDHOOD CONSTIPATION >n is one of the most common a-ilments of childhood, and no child suffering t'rvm it thrives well. To banish it rx> other medi- cine acts so promptly a-nd sure-ly as Baby's Own" Tablets. fail to bring n-lief. Uhem Mrs. Dominique Ferknd, St. Michel, Qtie., writes: "I consider Baby's Own Tablets a nmrvelloue remedy* for little ones. I gave them to my baby for cons'lipatkm and they soon made hkn well again." The Table'l.s arc sold by medicins dealers, or by mail a.t 25 cents a box from. The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. JOHN BILL'S HILLS. West in some seasons, yet the rapid- itv with which they increase seems, They never j strangely, to be one of the reasons Concern wig i for their periodic decline in num- Uhai (.r<-a( Britain Will Spend In I !H :!-!. Britain's national expenditure for the year 1913-14 involves a sum amounting in aid to more than 195,600,000 ($978,000,000). One hundred and ninety-five mdl- lojons ! Such a figure is almost in- anoj. one may well it ift!.jXNJs.ible not only jrto find but to spenil so much money pMiT-at- single year. After all, con- i siderably less than one-quarter of it . i^arrtmntixl tot by the cost of the j Navy about which one hears so i much. In addition to this. the. 'Array is lUnv-u ax livei) til-eight ; %nd a quarter million pounds. Perhaps It nas'uie- bers, fur the western Indians stat? that the disease which almost ex- terminates them carry seven years or so is due primarily to starva- tion through lack of sufficient food. The Australians were put to the necessity of building a wire fence almost across their continent to protect their crops from the rabbit plague there. The Forestry Branch has a similar problem in protecting the forest crops in the West from devastation. It was once proposed to put a little wire fence around each tree planted, but a forest is not an orchard, and some more practicable preventive will have to be found for the annual destruction caused by rabbits on the thirty-six thousand square miles contained in Dominion Forest Reserves. f?*? e^w>ttsive. to: ittainV an, or, that the enormous Germa.n niiy<op|ts on,lo,-,hiLlf asJmich, aguin Brftih.iin's small..- Then the Civil Services, a.s they 60,000,000, o!d- jiage pensio.n.8, .twelv^-and a hall mil- ' I i. -us ;' a'iid j sB-iti^ twenty ' are <T)>*<nt,; an and museums. further^ John Bull, of iavwy$iv ; d'e'b i t. 1 Interest on loans, in fact, costs hin> no less than twenty-four a-nd a half mil- f charges wiwch 'he na.'i>t>o' f face may I be lyon^ioned the following : 4.- .600,000 t ' : intain aimba.ssadors and ! 47^000 : fur th? and bis household, Not At AIL and renchmani ationality, of a friend of theirs. "I say," said C f tin' Frenchman, "that he was born! Liquid Cough Mixtures Can't Cure Bronchitis But th'. Healing Fumes of Catarrh- ozone, Which are Breathed to the Furthest Recesses of the Bronchial Tubes, Being Quick Relief and Sure Cure. Ever^ sufferer from coughs, colds. broncHWs 1 -and all tli -oat and chest aiJnirnlH ncHils a soothing, healing which goes direct to the athlng organs In the .. chest and Igs, attacks the trouble at the rep, disperses the germs of dls- e. and cures the ailment thorough- Ai'idtWs medicine Is "Catarrh- no." - 'he -\-gernv-killing balsamic vapor s- 1 - wlth : the' breath, descends the tlipoat, down the bron- '.fubBS, . a^d, finally reaches the |M-;-|. llir cells ill the llltlgR. All -t raffi 80t.h^(j, with rich, pure, dlc.Ulfl.1 CSSBttije.3, whereas with &m ougli iWrntntfeTrig ; tTie stomach with ftiVe b'ften 'a ! Chhonic sufferer i Catarrh In the nose and throat over eight years, t think I have it four hundred 'dollars trying to t relief. Mtnve spant but six dol- s on Cat^i'iihQzonc, and have en somplute.iy p,|jr.ed, ,'j^nd, in fact, ive been well for some time, Ca- ftrrhozone is the only medicine I jive been able to find that would not give tSW|or*y cellafi but will Always cure permanentljt: Yours sln- iferely iSignedJ. WILLIAM RAG AN, ji-ockvllle, Ont.".,..;^ ,,. : .-v, .^T he at all,' is a, saidl Pat, 5 i.have kittenK ISSl'K IT-'t-l. I call ihem biscuit* J'' iiji es^.qil^es. whereas with a a^f,pc1ed.,T).nris could not be ftid ; ' >: ti8Tm" would result In Several Places. Blister Raised Up, Swollen and Scaly, Hair Fell Out. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured in Four Weeks. Lome. Qua " My little ion. aged nlna JMra. WM Afflicted -with rincworm In wren! places about hl.s bead. The ringworm hogan with a feir plmplea and a* it grew worse It wai one dark colored blliter raised up and welled. H wu kind ofiraly. The wurat place was behind bis rlglit oar. It wan about the size of a sliver dollar, dark and swelled, toe worst kind I ever saw. It used to pain so be ould not rest. It looked very badly. ill* hair fell out gradually. "Finally I sent for a sample of Cutlcura Soap and Ointment. I used to take real hot iratrr and the Cuttcura Soap and that used to clean It oT. Then I would put to* Cutlcura Ointment on the affected part. There was pus In the sores and the Cutlcura Ointment drew that out and healed at tho mme time. Wo saw the Cutlcura Soap and Ointment were very good so I got some more and It was four weeks from the time I started using the Cuttcura Soap and Oint- ment till he was completely cured." (Signed, Mrs. Thus. Baglejr. May 28, 1013. FOR RED, ROUGH HANDS Chapped and bleeding hands, with Itch- Ing, burning p&lms, shapeless nails and pain- ful flnger-ends, a one-night Cuticura treat- ment works wonders. Soak hands, on retiring, In hot water and Cutlcura Soap. Dry. anoint with Cuttcura Ointment and wear old, loose gloves during the nlghfc' Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold every- where. For liberal free sample of each, with 82-p. book, send post-card to Potter Drug * Chem. Corp. . Dept. D . Boston. V . 3. A. ' A WORKMAN HKRO. Hi* Presence of Mind Saved Hit* Male From Being killed. While a building was in course of demolition t Newton Row, Bir- mingham. England, par: of the up- per floor gave way. One man. luck- ily, got clear, but two failed to es- cape, and one of them Kkwxi ove>r the kneeling form of the other and 'Supported as mucih of tih huge maasj of masonry as he could from falling, on to him. If he had not had the presence of mind to do this his mate would have been killed at once. Thus. with this $tiipe<ndous : weight o-n his shoulders, with blood | trickling into his eyes from a severe , wound on the forehead, the brave j man grasped the window-aill witih j Ins hands and waited assistance. This was some time coming, for the work of rescue waa difficult amd j dangerous, and there was also the j danger of the hro giving way under . tho terrible strain. But eventually he was released, , and directly the rescuers freed him j lie fainted from sheer exhaustion, j and an examination revealed. IK>I only his head wound, but a dislo- cated collar-bone. STORY OF KILKENNY CATS. BnrbarouM Act of Oin-Mj nf H<*s- MIHU Soldiers. During tihe rebellion which o:uir- red in Ireland HI 1797 Kilkenny was garrisoned by a regiment of Hes- sian BoldierH, whose custom it wa* to tie together wi on* of their b.r- ra<-k rooms two cats by their re- spective ta-ils, and then throw them face to face across a line generally used for drying clothes. The ca>ts naturally became infuriated, and scratched each in the abdomen un- til death etieued to one or both of tliem. The officers were made ac- quainted with the barbarous acts of cruelty, and resolved to peedily put a-n end to them. For this pur- pose an officer was ordered to in- spect each barra/ck room daily and to report its state. TOie soldiers, determined net to lose tihe daily tor- ture of t-he cats, generally employ- ed one of tJieir comrades to watch the approach of the officer. On one occasion he neglected his duty, and the officer was heard aKceindinfl the stairs while the cats were under- going their customary torture. One of the troopers seized a sword from the arm rack, and with a single blow divided the tail* of the cate. The cats escaped througtti the o-pen i windows of the room, which was en- tered instantly afterward by the 1 officer, who inquired what was the cause of the two bleeding cats' tatUs being suspended on the line, and was told in reply that "two cate had been fighting in the room, that it was found impossible to separate them, and they fought so desperate- ly that they had devoured each | other up with the exception of their j two tailV '' rClarK's - Porks Beans Highest grade Leans kept whole and mealy by perfect baking, retaining their full' strength. Flavored witk delicious sauces. They hare DO equal. i HM1 POM 1*1.1. H- w OAWSON, Minify Celbarn* Toront*. IP TOD WANT TO BUT OR HKLL A Fruit. Stock. Grain, or Dairr Farm. writ* H. W. Damon. Bramuton. or Colborne Ht.. Toronto. N. W. OAWSON. Colbarni St., Tonr.i.. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. GOOD WEEKLY IN LIVE TOVt N IN York County. Stationery and Book BuKlnesa In connection. Price only, 14,000. Terms liberal. Wilson Publish- ing Company. "3 West Adelaide Street. Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. ONION CHUWKRS. UKT I.ITERA- ture re union weeders. R. G. limner, Ollnda. out. _^_^__ CaNCBB. TUI1OU8. LUIIP.-). Kro. Internal and external, cured wlta> tot pain by our bomt treatment. Writ* la before too 'i Dr. Bellmao Uedleal &>.. Limited. RnlllPcwnnA. Ont. Death My Claimed New Brunswick Lady Was Restored to Her Anxious Family When Hope Had Gone. St. John, N.B., Dec. 15th. At one time It was feared that Mrs. J. Grant, of 3 White St., would succumb to the deadly ravages of advanced kidney trouble. "My first attacks of back- ache and kidney trouble began year.* ago. For six years that dull gnawing pain has been present. When I ex- erted myself It was terribly Intensified. If I caught cold the pain was unen- durable. I used most everything, but nothing gave that certain grateful re- lief that came from Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. In- stead of being bowed down with pain, to-day I am strong, enjoy splendid appetite, sleep soundly. Lost proper- ties have been instilled Into my blood e.heeks are rosy with color, and I thank that day that I heard of so grand a medicine an Dr. Hamilton's Pills." Every woman should use these pills regularly because good health pays, and It's good, vigorous health that comes to all who use Dr. Hamilton's Mandrake and Butternut Pills. Used by success- ful planters for over half a century Our large and beautifully illustrated CATALOGUE FREE J. A. SIMMERS. Limited TORONTO. ONT. I n. ; . '~'"- ' '^i i''ni' lib.solui*). periuaoeut. curt- use atarrt)p#pn$., f\y.o. months' putflt ostij |1.UO; Kiualler oUe, 5Qc., a't all iflealors, or the Catarrhozone Cora- pany, Buffalo, N'.Y.i aad Kingston, C&uada. . DON'T USE THE KNIFE That's the bnrbaroun way of trputlng corns dungernuH tun any corn ran be removed painlessly by Putnam'B Puln- loss Corn Kxtnu'tor In twenty-four hour*. t'se only Putnam's Extractor, 25v. at nil dealers. A . The Oyster Defined. The teacher was instructing the youngsters in natural history. "Can any little boy or girl," said she, "tell me what an oyster is?" The small hand of Jimmy Jones shot into the air. "I know. Miss Mary! I know! An oyster," triumphantly announc- ed Jimmy, "is a fish built like a nut.'' Mrs. Peck Mr. Highflier never takes his wife out in his automo- bile. Peck I guess he doesn't care to have two unmanagable idlings on his hands at one time. Mlnard'a Liniment for sals everywhere Parts His Name. Tm- Hoax That fellow Brown-Smith is a man of many parts. Joax Yes, he even parts his name in the middle. To euro a Cold IB One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets. Druggists refund money It It falls to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signa- ture is on each box. ;:.. Minimi's Liniment Co. Gentlemen: 1 hail my leg badly hurt, tho pain was very severe ami H large swelling en me above the knee. I expected It would be serious I run- i bod It with .M1NARD-S LINIMENT.! wlili-h stopped tho pain nml reduced the MwellliiB very (Ullckly. I cannot speak too highly of M1N- AHU'S LINIMENT. AMOS T. SMITH. Port Hood Island. Ail I'ncunscious Linguist. Many a man has travelled safely, if not always placidly, through Ku- rope with no other language than linglish at his command ; but few- have been so lucky as a correspon- dent of the New York Evening Tost, whose English was actually taken for French by the Frenchmen them- selves ! He writes : Although I speak no language e.x cept English. I have never <ha<l any trouble in travelling in Europe . In the only instance when I greatly longed to be able to six>a.k another tongue, I was helped out of a pre- dicament in a. most unexpected way. At a railway station in Paris I could not make the porters under- stand that I waited my ba.gga.ge. Finally, in despair, I exclaimed, ()h, b'goah !" One of the porters replded, "Oui, bah-gazh, oui, oui, bah-gazh." and he soon produced my trunk. That was the first time that I knew that bhe French have the word "bag- age," and learned how they pro- nounce it. Except for his big ears, a donkey could not appreciate his own music. Truthful. Mark Twain once missed the train which should have taken him to his work. He did not wire any excuse. His telegram to his employer took this form : "My train left at 7.20. I arrived at the station at 7.35 and could not catch it.'' Mlnard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Does man ever foot his wife's bills without kicking. Dubbleigh Miss Sharp called me a fool. Do I look like a fool ? Daw- son Xo. you do not. She couldn't have judged you by your looks. Anything But Water. Mrs. Goodsole "You have ail awfully dirty face." Soiled Sylvester "I know it, lady. Can't youse recommend s competent dry cleaner?" Ie* Cnrefl In 6 to 14 Says DruKg's'a refund money If PAZO OINTMKNT falls to cure Itclilnc. Kllnd, or Protruding Piles, li'lrsl niiplleuuoa gives relief. OOc. Cured Her. "Does Alice bring her troubles to you now as site used to (" "No: not sinc I began pointing out to her that she was to blame for having them." Mlnard's Llnlmtnt R*ll*vis Nturalgla. Her IteuKon. "Mummy, can I have that pear that was on the dining room side- board this morning! 'Cos "Because what?" " 'Cos I've eaten it!" Try Murine Eye Remedy If v>ti have Red, Weak, Watery Eyw or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't 5 mint Sootnea Eve Pain. Druggist* Sell Murine Bye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, SOe. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tube*. tSc, SOc. Eye Books Free by Mull. *. cr> TMta o~d fr Ail DIM MM H*M| CM* HuriM By* H.m.dj Co.. ChlcM* Solitary (ilory. First Critic: "I understand vm saw Scribler's new comedy last night. Who played the hero ' Second Critic: ''I did. I sat through the whole thing.'' Mlnard's Liniment Cures Burnt. Eto. These Honest, Time-Tried Ingredients - y PAINt are the bulwark of RAMSAY QUALITY In RAMSAY PAINT you get the most accurate and thorough combination of approved raw material*. Master pxlntera will tell -you : no mtfn '' ....... -i liils exist. Your own good indunicnt will tell you that Bcienti6c machine i it tuperior to gu. M-woik and "hand luddling.'! Specify Ramsay for your next big-job ami for the odd iobs you dv yourwlf gv\ the right Kainray finish. Splendid aervlce from tin local Kaiaeay dealer orl lt (tot mMUCat tun)ts. !: j A. RAMSAY & SON CO. <Et.bii.hed 1842) MONTREAL, Que.

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