Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Apr 1914, p. 8

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April 23 1914 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE BUSINESSCARDS WH. WRIGHT. TKLFOKD * McDO.NALD Hal ri-uur, Holtcitom, ,v. UlUcen, Uruy * Hrurn illook, Owou Bound. SUuiUrd Hank Mlock,Kleborton,(Sn.tur'iavBi. W.H. Wriglit, W. P. -roltord J.'.,J. O. McOonal'J.b. Li. B. SOCIETIES AO U W tueoU on (he Ittt Monday in ch month. In tholr lodge room rUyton'B hall Klaidertou, at 8 p.m. M. W , W. J. Ilellmuy ; Kec., C. H. Munnhaw; ttn.,H. J, tiproule. VuitlDf bretbrw lnHid PRINCB IRTHUB LODKH, No. MH, A.F.& A U. nieeU in tli. Masonic ball. Ann troni! d lUock.Kleoliertoci, evi-ry Kriilay on or before (lie lull worn Herb fimtth, W. U.) Cli<i.Muii6l>w, MI-I I-O-.KI v. pOUBT;FLEMtKKTON, 995, I. 0. V. moots In * Clayton's Block (be lint Wednesday oveulng ach n. ni. Hi VIMtioK Foreatew heartily koiue'C. H., O. Bellamy ; R. 8., t, CairLB; n Sec., W. Huakin. I'leano pay du to Pin. Sec. before the first ay of the month. CHOSEN FhIENOS-Flebertoi) Council ChoRcn Frlendi meett in Clayton 'hall first nd third Wednesday of each mouth 8 p. in Pay kueMiueiits to the Recorder on or before tee flnt .lay of each month. Chief Councillor T. Blakelev; Recorder W. H. Haul. MATHK-.VH, Markdale, Licensed aucMoneer for the county of Orey, Qoof aemce at rwKtiabU rate*. Datel cau be tuade at The Advauce. o 99 DUDD II alic. MEDICAL D U M C P 4 8 Ont, Phytlcian, SorKeon etc Offlce and residence Peter t., Flwharton f p OTTKWKI.I' ., I Veterinary Surgeon I Graduate o! Ontario Veterinary Oollege renidence second door soutb wet.op *nry . street. This street runs outb Bretbyterian Church. DENTISTRY Dr. B. C. MURRAY L. D. S., dental sarjjeon hono. rduate of Toronto University and Koyal College of Dental SurKuoni of Ontario. Oasadniislnisteredfor teeth extraction Ufliro at residence, Toronto Street. Fleaherton . LEGAL , ITA8. HASBY * hEKIlY-Barri.ters. J solicitors. etc.-I. H. Lucas, K. W-J-S; h - . .. . , Kaney K. C. ; W. D. Henry, H. A. Toronto. M6.-J Tiador. Bank Blog.. phone wain 1412; Mark.lale Lucas Block. Phone 2 A. Kraucb oBioe at Dundalk open every 3alllMs>y. BUSINESS CARDS l OULbOUOH A YOUNQ i-' Hanker* Markdale neralbankiuKbuine. Money loaned reasonable rate* Call on us. DUcPHAIL. I,lcpn.l Auctioneer for tbe County of Orey. Term, modorate aud tU 'action guaranteed. Tbo arrnigeuientii ,.i ltei of Bales can be made a*. Tun AIIVANC-K oUlce. Keddeuce an Jf.O., Ceylon, Telepbooe . Doc. 6.07. WOMEN OFPOLAND More Ardent Than the Men In Their Love For Their Country. TOIL AGES PEASANT GIRLS. Walkerton VENOMOUS LEECHES. Mr. Alinim Howuml is thu owner of a . , . A Perilous Exponenco In the Swampy Holstem cow which as a milker his, we Jungle of Sumatra. think, established ft record for this dis" Dr . Andrles Verbagen of Batav!a, trict that will be hurd i . beat. During Java, was directed by tbe government the week from April 4 to 11 this 11 -year- of the Netherlands to go to the east- and Rough Laboring Work Make* Them Appear Old and Hag- gard Before They Reach Thirty. Charms of the Women of the Upper Classes. Woman occupies a position of un- usual prominence In Poland. Some place her ns superior to mnn In nearly every way. In the various conspiracies old bovine produced at'otfil of lti pounds ur in aver*^ <rf 88 pounds of milk We pul'i day. This milk tested 2.8 on- cent, ofj Imtter fat .-ind pmduceti 20.70 pounds of l>uiter, which in addition to the proceeds from tliu ~ il' of skim milk would briny jlhe money derived from this one cow for one week to it oonMUuuthle amount. Can Hiiy of the fanners in thin vicinity oval this record V Constable Joseph Armstrong of Qreen- end of Sumatra to study a terri- epidemic of beriberi which bad broken out there. Tbe ship in which be sailed was wrecked, and he uod n assistant offered to go into tbe Interior to seek assistance. I'M- about ten minutes tbey strug- gled through a dense and swainpy jun- gle. Suddenly ihe younger man cried out with pnln. Going to Ma aid, Or. Verhageu noticed three leecbes attach- ed to bis arm. Tbey were of a ven- omous variety that cling to tbe lower him to VVnlkerton for his pre- and In the revolutions against Russia i illlinHry hearinc, which was held on Polish women have had an Important Monday.. The" case w* liea.d by Uagia all part Many have given up all their worldly goods In the cause of their country, while others have fought on the ildil of battle and lost their live* in the same cause. Still others have gone into exile without a murmur. They are capable of any sacrifice for patriot- ism, and they prove their sincerity by their actions. The women are still the most zealous patriots, and it is due to Monday next. Salmon, it appear*, was married some years ago in Sunmddle nnd this uxpurience if wedded life was not all bliss, for his wife soon afterward-i luft him and, according to his story, ho has since heard nothing of her- He later came to Culross and after working in the neighborhood of Pinkerton for some timo Thus writes Kevin O. Winter In his I met mid married a Miss Rann of that them more than patriotic feeling the other sex that Is still so Intense. >ck ai-resled Albert Salmon in Culross branches of the bushes awaiting their , his week on a ch>rc of bigamy and' P re - 7 Mnd - not COD tent with gorging .themselves on blood, Inject into the wound a poison that causes acute pain. While Dr. Verhagen was helping his assistant Innumerable leeches attached themselves to his face and neck. To remanded for a week to appear j?nin on i free him from them the young man trale James Tolti-n and the prisoner was Poland of Today and Yesterday." The Polish women, he continues, hare nlways been noted for their beau- ty and, the perfect shape of their bands and feet They take part in nil the so- cial affairs, and no festival Is complete .without their presence. They are ex- tremely good linguists, and nearly all speak two or three languages. In War- saw I met one young woman of nine- teen or twenty summers, Just out of school, who spoke Itusslnu, (Jerman, French and English almost ns fluently as her native Polish. This Is not an uncommon accomplishment. The women do not enjoy the social freedom of the American girls, as the chaperon la still place two years auo. Thecise is appar- ently a clear one against Salmon but evi- to scrape bis skin with a sharp stone. Exhausted by loss of blood, the doctor managed to crawl back to the wreck of the ship, where be faint- ed. He was taken to a hospital the following day, and it was several weeks before be recovered. One of his eyeballs was totally destroyed by the terrible leeches, its socket being left empty.-New York World. EASILY SATISFIED. dcucB will IIHVB lo be produced to prove gh , Didn , t Qo viitlng Jutt For what his lii:- 1 irmrriage in Sunni'lale. " Tommy," the little black feathered friend of many residents of Walkerton, is no un in-, lie, while pay ing n visit to the eiiBt ward one day \>mi week, having beun by an unthinking youth for ouc a necessity to protect u m |i mi mciit. tbe good name of a girl They are , - me|1 , )f , She Got to Eat. "Now, don't put yourself out on my account," said Aunt Serelda BeaD, as she untied her bonnet strings after ar- riving without previous warning at tbe boine of Aunt Jane Joy. "Vim know me well enougb, .lane, to of his wild fellow creature and shot. I know that when I go a-vteltin' It ain't Tom WIIH captured when H young crow for wbat . l 6 et to eot lf you J 1 "* tlr ,.,,/. , up one o your 'lection cakes, an' tnnke last spring by Crawford Skelton. who one Q . ^ ra , s|n ^ ^ R ^ Q , him home and reared him, and is in not usually the case when kept in your crenm tiirtnr blsklts, an' fry a chicken, an' nave n little crnmberry siirce wltlr It an' mebbe a glass o' your never left unprotected. Marriages are made in much the same manner as in France, nnd the contracting parties frequently know little about each other before tbey nre joined for better or worse. "Tbe will of my honored parents has he bttcamo an excellent the crow family. When fall! ? ra P e or currant Jell an' n little o' your 'watermelon preserve, an' then make ever been a sacred law to me," says tho Polish girl, with resignation. When a messenger came with a proposal of an , p(( o glt along en mo he did not accompany his feathered . , brethren but returned each uilit to hV mltg> ni g i t along n! | r)gut w | tuout hi'inc ioot and during the day all winter another thing, unless you'd like to lonjj his caws were he-mi in nmny parU bake some of your Greening apples. of the town. Ho Imd u i-e.'ii'ar round of; ' ru V 8 rutner 8 od With roast chicken. daily vixits and had become Ko^tame that! "I'm thankful 1 ain't one o' tbe kind . EAITTINO, Licend Aaeuonver fui the conntitu of Urey aart hnncoe. Farm and Stock mien a ipeplaltf, Ti-rui jiuiloraui. Hatlxfaction RuarwiMed. ArranKi- oicut* (or dates uiay bo niaileat the Advauce jflln'. or Central Ulerhooe olfce hoveruhaui or by addrummc um at Furenlitui. Out. Pure Bred Holstein Bull thiiiiKcliii^ Prince Joe Hrfd by Chans'i'liii!! Ilultei Boy <i>it of Tiiiy Abbckt-rk l'i-mci--'i .Imi-pliiiu'. The great cut butur mikiog itrkto known. |,-iiii ,if s,-rvice |1.M) for ^rdi ~ pun' bred. (.1.0. MoitRK A >V anyone who would show him kindrws , bftt v|g , ts on)y for wnnt tbey g|t tQ could feed him out of the hand. Al- cat Older I grow, tbo less I care for marriage If a goose was served with ;tlnms(h at times ho awakened citizens at what's set before ine when I go visit- dark gravy nt dinner or a pumpkin : 4 n unseemly early h <ur, his death will be ln> - Dow did your plckalil come out ,wag put In the can-Inge ns he was leav- Lnerally ivgrotu-d -Telescope. lug this mount tli:it the offer was post- lively refused. "He wa treated to a ! goose fricassee," was nn expression frequently notird In tbe olden days. Tbe Polish women of tbe upper class es (ire undoubtedly charming and pos- sessed of the giii cos of true womanli- ness. Perhaps it is the possession of you told me you was gain' to make? I deno but I'd like a Icetle mite at din- ner to see if the rcseet worked as well r. -m i- . f W" 1 ' you as It did with me." Judge. Prevent The Forest Fires A Scorpion. 'An ounce of prevention is worth u "i took my first typescript get that? i,.und of cure." The protection of a -typescript to amanager who happens 'forest from tire is onn of the best possible! to be a friend 6? miue." said an aspir- quiilltlcs and the ab- masculine elements TCHISLETT, PiwtmaHU-r, I'.i -yVn. Comniliuii'iiirr in H. C. J . Oonvevsiicer, deeds inortr:. leMen, will* elo. carefully drawn up oil. i-ti i:. i- iiml'. ciiarRe* FMMniDM. Alo rocarius, Dour, feed elo, kept iu Block, frioo* ilit. IHI.I. (OR SRVICE Ki-^if-'i 1 ! i' 1 ' 11'iMi'iii Itull, KortiilvUe 'l.ilhil:!,'. N .. MT", Wll">"' dam, 'I ' I .'liildi! I'ii-'iM-iji- '..'iiil.N.'. ..i..-:d over HO I ha. milk pi-r duy. I . . ,vs f 1 mi, | n lired .-.ill be rms Cuall M.. i Y .!.'.'. liniir, AN li'.Hi | ei IIM $1. IIKNKV ll'il.M \.\ i, PoiiUw i'.O 1'i.n.r I _____ . I Dull For Service I'ure bin! slii'i- I. mil l''i!l, 1'' "| 167, W.T. S.I! , . k-.i ' i All i. must I ; -i'l lot . II. ',' i; . I'r i DIVISION COURT 1914 ' i 'I i - M.KTON AND 1)1 MM I, K .1 Apn I i ilk Itini- I" tlon <><!. II ! illustrations of the old saying, for often a fo* minutes spent in thoiou^ily extin- guishing a ciimp-Iiio or a quarter of un hour pa^ed in putting oui. in incipieni WH/.U may mean, and often lias meant these womanly ponce of the wherein lies their real charm. A pen- cil or brush is curtpluly n better me- dium than a pen to portrny such at- tractive types of womanhood. The lot of the peasant womnn, how- ever, is especially hard, ns It la with all Slav races, and this la noticeable throughout all the 1'ollsh provinces. They do inoro than their full share of the family work. Sometimes one will sec; more women In tho fields than men, liu i's ">r)y Htafjes and put it out then, and a kaleidoscopic effect of color Is beforq it has >i clmncu to rench largo pro- then visible. Blue, green, yellow, gold ,,,,iti,,iis. nnd silver are mingled In various com- binations. They plu up tbo oversklrt. Ing dramatist "I discovered that man- agers have an Irreverent Incredulity combined with a scorpion's snrcasm. " Tou wrote a play?' be marveled. Who told you to?' " 'I wrote it on my own initiative,' I the saving of many thousands of dollnt9'>nswered stiffly. '.Nobody would ever worih of timber. This is tho main idea if thu patrol system curried on in tho I )ntni io and Quebec fun-els to' years past; wfiat is aimed at is to discover iho lire Small forest thus do a Which leaves a bright petticoat exposed ."""'"it of diuna^ which is uot realized. nil lirec, burning in the dead l<-t\rs I other litter of tho forest ("iurfuc"j to view. Woman Is valued chiefly for tbo work she etui do, and she is expected to boar n largo family of children ns well. I'm- a man to *ny that his wlfo does more, work than a horse or two horaefl 'is considered tho nemo of pralso. It Is no wonder that u girl ! | n naturally nl tractive soon grows old ( (| and luiKiiaj'rt. Hard work, with little irt\ thu <'!tru of n uiiincroiis fniu- Cl>I18 umiig the .oil itielf li , ( . s) wound , ne roots and lii.'. ("gruuDc luis-i t- uf the trees and thene an enliiiiictt to lun-ji and insects. pi i -I-- in tin Kidins Mountain n-sri'Vi', in Manitoba, it is found thiil lunniit; th<" poplar ireiM, three out .f .-n-ry fnur nre iiH'ectod with tut in tin! "butt" log i. e., tho lo|> iienrett the before many years; liru<-e It is that !*uiinp-a condition which U duo to tho write n piny If people waited to be told.' " 'I would not do anything no diffi- cult ns write a piny uuleas I waa forced,' declared the manager. " 'It Is easy, not dllDcult, to write a play,' I nrgued. 'It isns easy ua fall- lug off a log.' "He rend the piny nnd sent It back with n scrawl on tba title page ns fol- lows: " 'Compnred with writing such a play as this U would be totally impossible to full off n log.' "New York Times. ily and no n-giinl for personal attrac- tion must Inevitably lonvo tliulr mark mentioaed, as I ho ovt-r in years 'inirje, arc ilk 1 |n|'i St, till ANADIAN P/VCIFIO HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday until October .7, inclusive Winnipeg and Return $35 00 Edmonton and Return $43.00 From Toronto, and stations west and north of Toronto proportionate fares from stations east of Toronto. Return Limit two month*. PwticuUre regnrdiiiK KAIL or OCEAN tukeU from (.'aimdUn Fcilic Ticket Agent*, or write, M.O. MURPHY, U. P. A., C. P. Hy., Toronto. rhwi-il black li'.inl; luft of wlmt v.iis oncti a furest. Cccanioniilly rven iici'iir, IIH ii> tin- Bull Por Service For nervice. Baron Holly NY,. Aberdeen Angiu, on !ot .'! I. Oth r ion, Artemetia. Ternii, $1.00 if paid bftfore 1st Jan. IfH.V- \V. J. May K> rnauy of (liosc I'ollsli womrn look ling gjird mill old i>\i'ii bufuro they bavit pnsMod Ilio thlnl (li-cailo of lid-. Tbro nro. indeed, fow bright spots in n 1'oll.sh |ii-a.s.iiit girl's lifu niter mnrrlugi'. Ju their youth some of tho (jlrls nro very attractive, nnd they look quite rliurnilng in their plctur- PBIJIIO national co^tiiiuus (hat nre still coininoii In (.inllcla. They generally go hnrefootcd In biiinmur, for boots cost money. t-'oinotimi-s they will carry their boots \vhvn going to churcb nnd only put them on Just before en- tering the snnctunry. "Do women work on the railroads as Bccttnu handy?" I nsked a fellow pas- nenger on tho railway In Uallctn. I had BiM-ii groups of women along tbe track with pick and shovel In band, bat could scarcely believe that they did the hnrd work of thnt occupation. w . N T- and they do the work better j JSMSrt of Carolina than the men.' he roplletL tbefe to * a strong feeUng of W8entmeilt toward anything that savors of charity. In illustration of their Independence Miss Margaret W. Morley tells tali They were ipadlng the flow- ! Btor7 ta ^^ ^^i^ M onntalna:" A itranger fed a mountain M'isl lit In 1 fr.ilril, ill lid * ttllK'l) colli-llini 1 till 1 "I'Miwn fireH. Kviili-noe of iiiunv i-f thusocan bo Hcen 'in mile nfti-r mill! of tho wooded districts |of I ill ill, are all that 'Ihick, (jreen 'mure serious well kiKiun Mirauiichi, October IH'Jo, wliero 1(10 ii.l a . in.ii-ii'i of n million N.B., tire of pounds li-rl- cruiBiiiii' il Along tho ronda they mny be seen cnrrylrm lionry bundles or pushing londi-il wheelbnrrow. Kvory where (hey mn.v be obierved doing work that Involve* conildornble pbyaloal itrength. Hollt iido run ho delightful only to tbe lni)ooent,-r.woynikt "Sar you did?" "Tes." ;J ' "Say you gave me the dinner?" "lea." "Well, if yon can give me a dinner, Why can't I give you a chicken?" IHE mm. Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat 100 to 100 Oats 40 to 10 peas 1 12 to 1 52 Barley .. 55 to 05 Hay I"> 00 K 15 Butter... .. 21 "c Kegs, fresh 18 'i Potatoes er baR. 1 00 la I'OO Geese.... 12 to 13 Ducks 15 .o 15 Fowl , 1J to (13 Chickens 13 to 13 Turneys 18 to 20 FlesHeirton Tonsorfal Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRY Hasket closes Monday night, delivery -Friday eveni-jg. CLEANING and DYEING We are agent H for Parker's Dye Works Clothes cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. T FISHER, - - PROPRIETOR OVER two million practical farmers and stockmen say International Stock Food is the greatest animal tonic and health preserver ever formulated. Added to the regular grain feed, it helps digestion and assimilation enahles the stock to get all the good out of their feed builds up strength and keeps them in prime condition all winter. And coats only 3 feeds for on* cent. If you will write and tell us how many head of stock you own, we will forward to you free our $3,000. Stock Book. 1 06 INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD CO. LIMITED. TORONTO. FOR SALE LY JOHN FISHEB, FLESHERTON. IT HARDWARE! Ammunition and^guns Bolts, Rivets s.nd wood screws Cuttlery and elassware Decotint and wallcolours Egg crates and baskets __ Fence wire ant) staples i i!.-ns and galvanized iron Hinges, butts, latches Iron ]>ipe and pipe fittings Jewellery (wagon) clevices.end and centre clips Kerosene, Lubucaring oil Lanterns (trulite) lamps and burners, chimneys Moffitts ranges, mirrors Notions, novelitics, souveneir* Oils, rav and boiled, white lead Paints Sherwin Williams Rope (Plymouth Goods) plough lineis Slt rock, dairy, table Tools shovels forks picks Varnishes and furniture polish Window screen, poultry netting I INVITE YOU TO CALL Frank W. Duncan FLBSHEI^TON, ONT. = : II RAINCOATS Thi-i is the time of year you neod a waterproof coat, and you might as well buy a coat that is 11 waterproof raincoat, guaranteed. Prices from 6ve dolliiir, and up. STYLE: Either motor or raglau for both ladies' and gents' close fitting college folar, slash or ordinary pockets, tab on sleeves DrKAlJlLlTY: double stitched seams, tailored made pockets, facings sewn through aud and Ujitd. Homiiy shoulders. ('( l,OH:--iUrk blue, ultranuine, medium browt:, vonen green and slate, with plain and fancy weaves. Wall Paper - added o more now lines to our stock which is thu moat complete in Orey. Reg. 8c. selling for 3Jo. Diagnosis by Electricity, For the benefit of the nervous cases that come to tbe doctor it tins been asserted that it is just as uecesstiry to know bow emotional they nre as It la to know how high the temperature Is In a case of fever. Moreover, In nmny cases, it is necessary to Ilnd out what | L experiences iu tbe past or present life of tbo patient produce emotions. For this purpose tbe pn'Jent sits at case with bauds on tbe electrodes, which may be so concealed In tbo arms of his i luilr that he is unit ware that the most Intimate processes of: his soul are be- ing registered us various words are spoken or various topics of conversa- tion nre discussed, tbe galvanometer showing when n sensitive subject has been touched. Harper's Magazine. Fame of Tenedos. Tenedos, which certain powers have taken nway from Greece, hns become well known by wunu from having the Rennies' Seeds They speak for themselves. They have wou a reputation tht makes their sales now. \Ve have not yt ever heard of a bad crop from Kennies' xxx seed, hut we have of other brands of seed. JAMES PATTISON and COMPANY'S merchandise warehouse * *. *. - *> *. -> ^~-- ^ ONTARIOJ .^.^-^-^-.f.-..^ i good luck to get mentioned in the first lives worn lust Dook of jjomer's "Illnd" Instead of the Inst, ns well ns in the beginning of Ver- sll'a "Aeneld." Ever since Homer'a duy tills fertile Islet, lying at tbe en- trance to tbe Dardanelles, hna been considered of great strategic impor- tance. During clnsslcal times tbe laws and civil Institutions of Tenedos were celebrated for their wisdom and were discussed with approval In a lost trea- tise of Aristotle. erected, They were ipadlng the flow- 1 Bto to ,j he ^ ftro ,-, na Mountains:" It Dldnt Bite. er bed* In the parkg and were doing i A itranger fed a mountain woman. | " Is tnls Picture show one that It will tbe work at well ai the masculine Wn0| having come to town to "trade," he all right for my daughter to see?" overseer could have done it. They {stopped at the door, tired and hungry, ' asked the man who was next at tb hung pnper or pnlnt a house. It did to sell her' butter. The next flay the ' ticket window. not make nny difference whether there | woman came back with a chicken. "Sure," replied tbe girl In the booth. wtrt three or a doen women working [ "Why, no," said the lady, "I cannot ! "I've saw It, and It ain't hurt me." together, there was always one inn n take, your chicken. I gave you the din- Chicago Record-Herald. who did. nothing bt net ni overseer, ner." The Oth.r Kind. Sunday Behoof Teacher Benny, can you tell me whnt a prophet Is? Benay Buying something for a dime and selling It for a quarter Judge. Flesherton Tin Shop. I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelvvare and Agatware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Itepairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. D. McKlLLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK l! FLESHERTON * A man wtlb a long head, seldom bai long face. Wpplncotf*, ONTARIO.

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