TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRISCIPLEb NOT MEN.' 33 No. 41 Flesherton, Ont., Thursday Xlay 7, 1O14 W. H. TfiORSTON aud PKO i I : Kimberley Budget Eugenia Paragraphs Man Ho <> do -** Arbor day was duly observed by our pul.lic school. All the pupils were busy with wheelbarrows aid i akes and soon had the ichool grounds looking tiptop- BornAt Kimberley on May 2, to Mr. and Mm. \V. T. Kllis, a son. An- other vote for Borden. Fishing never was better on the old Beaver fur a long time t inn it is this spring. On Monday last Master Stanley Reid catiKut a dozen in an hour, and not a small one in the hunch, the largest being nearly, 18 inches in length. The Hydro-Electric surveyors will be coining down through our burg tometime in the near future, Mr. C. W. Hartroan, President of Clarksburg's Board of Trade, got a communication recently from Hon* Adam Beck to that effect. Miss Fl'Kaie Neely of Beaverdale ia visiting her cousin, Miss Maggie Reid, at present. Mr. James Lawrence of Parry Sound District i tisiting Mrs. Geo. Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cherry of Wode- hcuse visited friends in this vicinity one day last week. Mrs. Jame* Arnott of London, Out., visited friend* in our burg a s'e.v days the pa^t week. Lome Curry of Rocklyn and listers, Lily and Mamie, viiited at Mr. John Plewea' recently. Roy Lawrence and sister of Jlarks- burg visited the past week at Mr. James Mugee's. The pastor. Rev. Mr. Colley, occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church on Sunday morning last. Mr. George Proctor ia on a bii-inoss trip to Toronto. Stanley Lawrence 'visited Flesherton friends on Saturday. Charles Graham of Holland Centre visited friends in town recently. Wm. Best, Sr , of Wodehouse, visited at K J. Stuart's on Monday. Mr. Best is over eighty years of ago and is still i .: and hearty. Meivin Wright of Clarksburg visited friends here recently. Mr. Albert Ellis of Parry Sound Dis- trict is renewing acquaintances here. We welcome Mr. Hill of Markdale to our town. He is placing the stock in he store this week. Mrs. McDowell of Owen Sound i vis- ting at the Eugenia house with her hus- . The Bruce Herald and Times lulls the I following remarkable story: The accident which befell Mr. Win. j Frennsn of Chesley in Walkeilon on ; Thursday afternoon, when after just get- [ ing out of the Hospital here, ur'rT u" ~ j I where he had undergone a double opera' band, Mr. R. McDowell, who is doing I . . , ' . .I j fi .. i tion for appendicitis and rupture, he wss work for the Hydro-Electric. . . , ^ .. . . , , ' i knocked off his feet m front of the Hart- Iruut fishing u m full swing. ' , ey H(JUge hefe by a Jo< runnim , between Mr. and Mr*. John McGee of Vande- his legs, and so badly shaken that he had eur were guesta of Mrs. P. Munshaw. to be carried to Dr. Sinclair's oftke and Mr. and Mrs. \Vickens have moved to later transferred to the Hospital, recalls a Mr. Fred Duckett's residence here. , lorlg series of mishaps that have been Messrs. Georxe, William and D*ve shadowing his life and crossing bis trail Armstrong have gone to the city. like hoodo - Hia chapter of laraenU- T> n <-i i. i> tions opened about four years Mrs. F. T. Carr has gone to Toronto . . K on a visit. Heathcote Fishing is tlie-oruer of the day. Born In Heathcole, to Mr. and Mrs. William Dividson, a daughter, on May > _We are sorry to report that Mr. Clar- euce Cruickshank, while working with the gasoline engine, his hand slipped, re- ceiving a serious on two of his fingers. Ueatbcote Women's Institute met at the* homo of Mr. S. Davidson on Wednesday last. We are pleased to report that Miss Lillian Dales is improving aftir her seri- ous illness. A Mr. Koutner of Markdale is visiting with her parent*, Mr. and Mi's. Richard Dales. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid and family visited with their daughter, Mrs. J. H. Vickers on Sunday. Miss Irene Clark, who has beon visit- ing wiih her frienis here, has- returned t ) her home at Miuniehill. Mr. and- Mrs. James Gardner, also J. H . Gardner, attended the funeral of their niece, Mrs. H. Mx, (nee Mary Louise Dellon), on Tuesday last at Mca fold. , Miies Olive and Eva Reid of Rocklyn visited with their liste*, Mrs. Harold Vicki.i*. "ftst week. Stuart Bros.' beef waggon hits com menccd. Wa wish them the best of sue ceil. Mr. anil Mrs. James Richie auc daughter, M.iry, visited with friends at Cwiiperdown . The Heathcote monthly meeting > the A. Y. P. A., will meet at the home of Mr. Fleming. We aru sorry to report that Mr. am Mrs. Samuel Goodfellow had a very serious accident when returning fron church on Sunday last. His horses frightened at t bicycle, ar.i running into a telephone post close by threw Mr. and Mrs. Goodfellow out One of the horsed died. Shortly after wards Mr and Mrs. Goodfellow wer brought to the nearest neighbours wher medical attendance was summoned. Mias brown and Miss A. Williams of L; > while working on the railway, wnen he had his skull crushed and nine ribs broken by being thrown fr im a hand-car or jigger. Fleshe.tcn spent the week end with M,s. WhUe r ratins , from lhis he weDt to I, Williams. Misj Muriel UcTavUh and Miss Kar- stedt of Flesherton visited friends here take in the London exhibition, and while standing ii. front of the station hotel a drunken career drove up and threw a he past week. Iwrrel of ale out of the brewery wagon The first picnic of the season was held onto the sidewalk where he was standing on tint schoo, ground on Friday by the breaking both his feet, and causing hi>u bildreu ami parents of ihe public school, to go to the hobpital for thirteen montl.s. A graud display of delicacies was laid and It his been said that rhose who leave all enjoyed the beautiful sunshine. Miss Looze alone won't be hurt by it, but here iIcMullen, the teacher, treated the chil- was one instance where a man who didn't dren to maple creams. drink was injured by the traffic. He had Misa Richardson aud Miss Armstrong J U8t be *" l>ut ot the Hospital a short f FUsherton weie in town painting the time after recuperating from this mishap alls to preserve the memory and beauty hen he went up to Preston with the Ceylon hereof, as the hydro is going to spoil it. 't l"id, and a r-jw starting, someone threw a brick aud dutocUcd lu-> shoulder. After several weeks enforced holidays he went back to work with his arm in a sling, MI a his hand being unsteady he got it in the boring machine iH it he was Held Over Last Week Mr. Charles Chislett, Durham, spent rer Sunday with bis parents. His operating and had a hole pletely tnrough it, Mr. Dinnie, Hanover, was a visitor Saturday at Mrs. P. Muir's. dril'ed corn- out the ten- dons and making an ujiy wound. Com- irother, Sau,, accompanied him to Dur- in? w chwley he look sick ^d was sent him on Monday for a few days' visit. i (o th- Owen g^j Hospiu i, where he Mrs. Xixou, Mono Road, is visiting remained until all his money was er sister, Mrs. D. McLeod, and other gone, after which he was returned riends. ! home and later brought to a free ward in the Walkertoo Hospital where it wm l found he was suffering fiom rupture and ' appendicitis, and for which he was sub- Mrx. MuIIveeu and two children, sequemly operated on l>y Dr. U. H. (wen Sound, came Monday to attend Sinclair. The first day after he was out he funeral of her uncle, John H d. of the Hospital here the Ii ml luck Neme- The la. e Albert Purdy was for many i P"ued him again when a dog rushed years a resident ,f this place. He had llrt *- his ^ *" J ** hu " n lh * been a, ling fcr several months. Some "reel, resulting in his return aa,n to the rneks -ago he was removed to the home Ho! *ital *here it was fouod that he was f his brother,, on Stone's Line, I b ' dl y shaken U P' tut " 8tltches rhere he wis given the most careful lursine and all that medical skill could lo, but of no avail. A very impressive ervice was conducted by Kev. Mr. Kerr > { drawl "K on Sdbbth afternoon in the Orange Hall, j onl y ^'"'P 1 The b,Kly-was then laid at rest in Flesb- 1 th:lt hi8 tin)incial troubl<:8 " te m orton cemetery. Deceased was a mem- 1 wlth his 1'^^ ber of the Chosen Friends, which order ' a beautiful wreath on the casket, rle. leaves to mourn his loss one brother a the States and his brother Edward here. Those attending the funeral from a distance were : Mr. W. Xeely, Mr. ; me' Mrs. Ferguson, Pricevill* : Mr. Mc- UcUae, Glenelg Centre. his uunds as waa loared. The Uct that he Illd bee " iMuwd for sl - ck be " eBt8 In * P~i-eot fraternal society, and instead weuk ms '""^ g"t frulu ' he ' Me shows Walkerton Alex. Johnson, a Cape Croker Indian, who ws brought to Walkeit m to serve thirty days in the jail here f' r being On Saturday morning, at the home of | drunk and refusing to reveal where he his brother, Mr. John Hazzard pissed '[ got the li.iuor, is'repoi ted to have dis- away. He had been ailing several weeks closed the name of northern h.'tel iom dropsy and heart trouble. De- [keeper as the source of his booze supply, ceased was of a very quiet nature and] Albert Salmon of Culross town.-.hip much respected by ll who knew him. , was found guilty by Juilve Barret in Ho leaves thice sisters and one brother Walkeiton on Wednesday afternoon to mourn his loss : Albert on the home- on a cbartze of bigamy, he having a plur- stead, with whom he lived ; Mrs. Carri- alily of wives. The first mariiage.which gan of this village, Mrs. Bowers and was solemnized in Cieemore village in Mrs. Se well of the West, the latter ar- 1<)11, when he was linked in matrimony rivine Tuesday to attend the funetal, to MISS Louis* Seymour, did not turn which took place Wednesday afternoon out a very blissful one, .ix (he woman left to Flasherton cemetery. j him some four n onthx after the honey- Thin Week's Items moon. He came to Culrws and won the Miss Kate McLeod returned to To- affections of a 10-year-old girl named ronto Saturday after spending a fortnight Myrtle Rawn, to whom he was married with her mother. in Walkerton on Febiuary 4, 1914. The Mr John and Him* Maud and Judge after he*i in- ihe history of his Myrtle Hemphill spent Sunday with matrimonial adventures let him , Feversham friends. Mra. Geo Snell and two children vis- ited Markdale friends the hist of the week. Mrs. H. Piper has returned from vis- iting her daughter. Mi's. Torrey. of Lau- riston, who has been ill. Constable Cook ti;ok a business trip to Dundalk on Saturday. Miss O'Mvlia, who has been visiting her mother here.has returned to Toronto. H. H. Sinclair for WHR souirwhit de- Bad Fire at Tara Cliealey, Ont., May 2. Tara. ,i village of about 1'JOO inhabitants, was almost completely wiped out by tire early to-day, and one womac die') as the result of a blaze that started in a livery stable and ate i's way down one side of the main street, almost to where it could burn IK> farther. Mrs. A. Miller, who had been ill for some time, and who was lemoved at dawn when approaching flames nude her position daugerous, died later in the wiruing, and tl.ere was no doubt, it was said, that the tire and consequent excile- lueiir caused the shock that brought death. The losses had not been totalled up ar. noon, nor was there definite word of in- surance. Tweuty thousand dollars', it was said early to-day, would not cover the losses. It was said insurance was fairly ho ivy. Tlioae who were victims of the fire were : The Tura Hotel ; Moncman liv- ery barns and rivj horses b.irn-J : Alex. Wayne.implemeut dealer ; Charles Start, law office ; E. J. M i:ll. drugs; The Bell Telephone cantial : C. R. l\*>y. general merchant ; The Public Library : A. McDonald, tailor. A hastily formed bucket brigaJe d'd its utmost,- but with admittedly ;. or tire-tuutUig apparatus, the men could do liitle to che.-k the Mames. Help from Chesley w-is asked, but not until the tire had burned almost everything in its path. It was pronounced under control at 7 o cl.ick. Ruins of the hotel aud business blocks were still (mouldering ut noon. A Scaly Protest \\ lurton, April L':5 Reports re com- ing in thai the game laws of the province ara beinj; continually broken by parties goini; to Bcrford lake and shearing and shuotinu ri-ii. The 1 cil vfiine waiden i) now out gunning for them. The Cape C'ruker Indian.-* have bjeu very much dis- satisfied line year with the scaling of cheir Ions, and they thought they had beei> dune out jf a lot of money. One Indian claimvd he had 00,000 feet aiid was allowed only -t">,00>, and iries of false measurement were current. Accord- ingly they sent in a protest to Ottawa, and a Government scalec witsaent up and the result was that he did not allow them as much as had Mr. Crawford, the local sealer for Keenan Bros. suspended sentence, with instructions that he iitust i><> longer cohbit and live with the R.- n gill. After serving four mouths in the Walk- erton jail for vagrancy, Philrp Smith of taken to the hospital here where he was operated on by Dr. goitre. As Smith ranged in mind, it was thought by the i ill physicixu that the surleriog he un ( derwent from the goitre wss in a meas- ure responsible for his mental condition, and the operation was couse<|usully un- Dr. Bruce Smith, (Intpector of Pi isons, | dertaken as much with the view to re- repotted to the Govenmert that the lieviug his mind a of curing his physical Toronto Jail was the worst on the contiu- j ailment. The Bruce county council, at ent, anj advised drastic measures. I its last session, decided that the county Senator Willmm Gibson died at Beams- I should bear the expense of the operation. 5peciilist In disuUct of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office--30 10th at. eatt, Owen Sound At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12n tn DunJilk.lst Wednesday uf each month.. J ewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. Flesherton Planing And Chopping Mills I am now prepared to do chopping every day in the week except Sundays and every week in '.he year. Bring aloi>'_' your grists. Our sash and dour factory is always at your disposal for anything you want in our line planing, matching, ere. Floor \]17 A A fm fffiH O iaa, saoh and doors, and all house fur- . <w f\* /"VI lllol* Wllg ^ nisliings supplied promptly and at leas- unabie rates. Get estimates. T. Blakeley, Prop. Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT I tille at the ge of, sixty-five. '--Herald and Times. 1 Duncan Held <>tei LaM \V ek Miss .leuiiie Proctor has returned to Ailisron ai'ter an extended visit with her parents heie. The friends and neighbors extend h^ar- tiet congratulations to Mr. Thomrs Fwcett, who has taken ;is life partner Miss Fawcutt of Eppiin;. We are sorry to report Mrs. A>a Weller on the *ick Int. Mr. Fred Holloway is Lusily engaged working for Mr. Marshall Beard. Mr. Fred McTavisli of Flesherton w;is a caller hero uu Sunday. Miss Elsie Martin of East Mountain spent a few Jays with her friend. Miss Elv.i Lever, teacher. Mr. Guy Karttini; of Keversham has beeu visiting with his sister. Mrs. J. L McKeown, for a few days. A i. umber from this community at- tended a dance at Mr. Henry 'Feed's last week . All repoit a good t-.nie. Miss Minnie Smart of East Mountain is attending our school owing to the ill ujss of her teacher, Miss M.'on, who has scarlet fever. Miss N. Ferguson has 'juite a number of pupils in music. Rod and Gun Rod and Guu for May is out with, M mual, an attractive bill of fare for the sportsman. D"gs of the North, A Hau- ling Trip to Poeologao, N. B., TUo His- toiy of the Canoe, Buil-iing Sectional Boat. The Swamp Maiden, The Rough- neck Fishing Club, Cbnoxious Fishinv in Lake* and Ponds, Ideal Trout Fishing in Oniwio Waters are some of the articles worth special mention while the regular departments are well maintained and the whole of interest to both Canadian and American sportsmen. W". J Taylor, Limited. Publisher, Woodstock, Oat., issues this Canadian outdoor magazine. !Secd Grain! Buck wheat Spring wheat Barley-Peas A full line of timmothy and clover seeds, mangle, sugar beet, carrot, turnip, potato onions, dutch setts. All kinds of flour and feed W. BUSKIN, Flesherton. FAIR EXCHANGE IS NO ROBBERY Bring your Eggs and trade them for a pair of boots. In men's boots we have them in light and heavy, suitable for the spring trade Ladies wear patentgun met- tal and tan,either laoe or but- ton, also a nice assortment in pump, colonials and strap shoes. Custom work and repairing as usual, Thos Clayton. New Suitings FOR SPRING We are showing nearly 500 different lines of suitings for spring wear, Many of them are exclusive designs and cannot be obtained ~ elsewhere Come in and have a good look, even if you do not buy just now. It is great to see all these new lines. Prices start as low as $16.00 8. J. BOWLER THE RELIABLE TAILOR