May 7 1914 THE F L E S H E R T ON ADVANCE E THE ESTABLISHED 1873 KEEPING a bank account for "household expenses" and paying all bills by cheque has many advantages. It shows the balance on hand, the amount expended, provides receipts for every payment and does not require a large deposit to begin with. High School Examinations The coming departmental examinations take place as follows : Lower gchoul, June 10,11 and 12. Eighteen candidates will write in the Flesherton school, with 13 recommended as having a fair chance of success. On the combined Entrance to Normal and Matriculation there ate nine candidates. On the Entrance tc Normal alone Ihnre are seven candidates. The latter two examinations take place on June 22, and following diys. One hundred and sixty-one dollars were tak- en in here as examii.ntion fees. FLESHERTON BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL, EBB Manager. Branches also at Durham and Karriston. C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherton Station as follows : Going South 7.43 a. m. 4.17 p.m. The mails are Mr. W. Buskin has thU week received a car of western oats. This is quite a change from the past in this oat-growing ili-'iv. A good many car loads of Going North ! pressed hay has also beeu imported this 11.41 a.m. [spring. The harvest was good lasc year, 9.12p. m. |f 00i an( j these facts would go to show osed at Flesherton ad j t(lat the f drmer8 , re go ( DS mor6 ; nto , ollows : For the north at 10.40 a.m and ) 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south as. ' VICINITY CHIPS 3.40 o'cloclc. For morning train south I A meeting will be held in the town hall mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g- j Flpsherton, on Monday evening. May 23, ^ ~~i lo discuss the question of submitting the Scott Act in Gr?y County. The movers j in the matter desire to uet the feeling of ; the different sections before committing ! the county to a campaign, :uid meetings j are being held ihroughout the county for that purpose. Singhampton is about to lose Dr. Me- who has beeu there nearly eight Miss Adda Wright of Beaverdale spent the week end at her parental home. Miss Bowes of Marltdale spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. J. Heard. Miss Zella Bentham visited last week ytars. He has disposed of his practice to Dr. Kosscll of Maxwell who takea possession this week. Dr. McFudden haa nude many frienda who regret the de- parture of himself and hi* estimable wife. They are going to Toronto where the Dr. on with her grandpaients at Eugenia. The village council will meet on Mon day, June 1, s a Court of Revision. Mr. Roy Thie.lethwaite returned )* continue < P" ctice Tuesday from Business College in Owen j sl j et - Sound. Master Newton Cornfield of Toronto visited with his ancle, Mr. Jos. Corn- field last week. Miss Etta and Tena LeGard of Toron- to are visiting t their parental home in the suburbs. Dr. Fred Murray of Toronto spent a few days of the past week whipping the trout streams in this vicinity. Mr. Jas. McOlocklin. who went to Moosejaw a few weeks ago writes that ha A Case of Whiskey Councillor Thomas Blakeley of Flesh- erton received a letter from the C P.R. the other day stating that a case of booze shippod in hi* name to Melaucthon could not be delivered there as there was no agent ac thai point, but lay at .Shelburue for him. This was an eye-opener for our worthy alderman, who rubbed his optics twice and read the letter again to sen if he had read aright. Then he sent the message to Cons'alle Ciok for his interpretation, and the said interpretation will culminate to-day, when i gentleman named Frank Devaul will be tried at Or- angeville for the crime of keeping liquor for fide in prohibited territory. Mr. Blakeley will go down to Orangeville to- day to assist in bringing a lawbreaker t j justice. The Late Mrs. Stewart TheUte Mrs. George Stewart, whose death waa recently chronicled, was a woman of exemplary character, a kind mother and a friend of all who knew her. She was a native of Tipperary, Ireland, and came to Canada with her parents when trii years of age. For a number of years they lived in Toronto, where she j was married at the age of 27 to the lat* Mr. J. Weber A sons of the Vlley|receiv- i Geonje Stewart. Together they (ettled ed this week five thousand seedling trees | ju Artemesia near this vilhge and were from the government nursery which he | among the most respected of the early is planting on a bush lot in the valley | residents. Her husbnd predeceased her recently purchased by him. These consist | fifteen years ago last fall. Eiaht chil- of 1000 white pine, 1000 red piue, lOOOjdren survive to cherish the tender uiem- Scotch pine, 1000 black walnut and 1000 ories surrounding a beloved mother, who like* Ibe place and propects . re good. to maple would brin* quicker returns i It takes a generation for evergreens to Mrs W A. Armstrong Ins been: .. r> j , ' become marketable. elected to represent the Mission linrt at the Annuil Branch meeting in Toronto i black locust. Most of us old fellows will reared them to take their places among not see the harvest that will be reaped in o ar Degt c iii zenFi an d i n the knowledge future years, hut if these do well each of the value of industry and thrift. The year will seethe property become moie j children are Willuio, Charles and Al- vtluable instead of depreciating. We are bert, on farms in the suburbs ; Harry, of of the opinion, however, that planting) St. Pauls, Out.; Mrs. D. McTavisb, Flesherton : Mrs. E. White, P. E I.; Mrs. Jacob Williams, Eugenia ; and Mrs. Herbert Smith, Mnrkdale. The itmiair s Mr. George Buchauiu of the Meaford ; were laid to rest beside thoae of her hus- i 'Va ^ ' f I fe3rS^=rafeg=55Mfc^-^^^ I ^ HILL BROS., - riARKDALE. Smart Goods Surprising Values This week we will exhibit a full rauge of Spring and Summer goods which are a pleasure to show to the buying public. Our prices are low taking into consideration the high standard of Merchandise we handle. We cau save you dollars on your purchasts it you deal with ns. New Spring Blouses We are showing an extra large range in lawns and Muslius at a very low price, Special this week at 98c. Lot No. 2 Comprises the hetter lines in Millies and voiles, special value at 81.50 Specials in Cotton Hosiery Lot No. 150 dozen Women's Fine Cotton Hose ; all large sizes. A I value ; 2 fair .. .25c. Lot No. 2 25 dozen Heavy Ribh Hose for boys and girls. Thia stocking will stand lots of hard wear ; clearing this week at, per pair...!9c. Special Values in Men's Fine Medium Weight Shoes 100 pairs of Men's Shoes in Vice Kid, Box Calf and Kip Shoes, sizes 6 11; regular values in this lot up toit.OO ; Special this week per pair ...$2.43 and Special in Men's Waterproof Coati 25 Men's Fine Water Proof Coats, fit up close to neck; just the thing for the weather that is com- ing. Sizes 36 to 44, Special this week, each . ..$6.95. Our New Linoleums Have Arrived We have a large stock of 4 yd. wide Linoleums in b!osk and floral designs, in light and dark grounds. Light, Medium and Heavy V sights, priced at per running yard 2.00 to 2.40 Clearing Lot of Women's Shoes 100 pairs of Women's Fine Shoes in Vice Kid, Guu Metal, Patent and Bos Calf. These shoea are a clean up of all broken lines, and are worth up to 81.00 per pair. Special value per pair $1.98 HARDWARE SPECIAL 25 Galvanized Wash Tubs in size 2 and 3 only, regular value 90 cents and 81.00, clearing this week 78c at ? HILLBROS, MARKDALEi . . . . . t . . k . ,v,'A" A" " A'Al- - " -S* ; ^-_^_- - - *^s^>* -* -*- ^ -^ggL<^^^gt M. v on i Kosd had an exciting and 'perilous time i on Thursday last. He was driving a load Mr. Mark Wilson received a despatch i of hay {o town >nd when Comins5 d on Monday, uiumuncinK the death of his j Hewelt ' s hilli which ; 3 lans< steep and | sister, Mr*. McConnell, at G.-derich. I Cr0llkeiji wi , h a brid||c at lhe bottonl( t h e , The new? was not unexpected. ; tongue ij rokc t i lroug h the neckyoke and The Presbyterians of Priceville pur- 1 lne j oa ,i ran on iha hojse's heels. Of pose erecting a fine cement shed on their ; course they attempted to run away, but church property and aclveitisa 'or ten- George, instead of allowing them free ders in this issue of The Advance. The hoys of the village are talking up band in Flesherton cemetery to await the " Well done, if.'od and faithful servant. 1 ' Tlie Duke of Argyll, who WAS formerly Governor-General of Canada, died in England. OddS flfld ElldS ARTICLES FOR SALE rein, jxrked them into tho ditch aud up i the bunk. This upset the load. The .,,.,. horses ran and passed one on each tide lacrosse lor lh popular sununei spoil For Sale Horse, hoavv driver, spler- A few weeks will make it plain whether^" telephone pole, tt>u.iratin K them. dia for farlll , ot k-Jauie* Pitti.son & it will be all talk. The Wagon wls strew " li! ""g' tlle road Company, Ceylon. for some distance, and tha harness bro< done considering accident. the imture of the < )i\e of the ureat advantages in ....- , -, . . . ! ken, hut surprisingly Iiltle ilamago was Jc in a small country t.wn hie Markdale , , .....;,,.;..., . ,, J lr, ' or Flcshertou is the fact that we are ex- empt from the moving picture nuisince. Mr. Arnold Thurston, Toronto univer Jersey calf, for sale W.Ped- lerton. For Sale Cheap youuis driving m-ire , about 'JO p mil-la, or would exoh.iug The services in the Methods church . fof gno<l l drivin< horse about 1100 sitysiu'dent is home for a few days this on Sunday were of much more than us- 1 pouuds.-Apply to R. J. Sproule.;Flesb- e^ Arnold toes to British Columbia ! Uil te.t. The murniu K servlc* was ( erton. Jan. 22 communion and thirty new members were added to the roll. Dr. Fred Mur- r*y of Toron'o sang "Jesus Lover of 6 'my Soul, 1 ' and assisted the choir, last!. week. Arnold goes next week to sp-'nd tho summer in government forestry work. The chemical fire engine which "' i my So ul," and as-Red the choir. At village is tukinu on trail, arrived I**' i th e night service he also assisted aid week and will be given a trial on Satur- j re , |dered Uo beautiful 8lllo8i which were day evening next at 8 o'clock on the , istened to ttith r;lpt attentinn and en . common near the drill shed. | joyed by a Urge audiencs. The choral The buyer for the Hydro-Electric was singini? was also especially good. Miss up last week and purchased .t number of the farms affected by the Eugenia devel- opment. He will return in a weak or two and complete the work. Prof. Joseph Stafford of McGill college Plewes has brought this choir to a pitch of excellence that it has never attained . before, and her efforts are appreciated, j The choir as it is to-dav would be a , Bugs for Hitchiii!i From pri insi Barred Rocks. 2 pens uUo and 81. TO per 15 egus J- VV". II uina, Dundalk. I will have a car of New Brunswiik clear, white shingles f >r sale next week, same as tirst cvr socuivd last year. W. A. Armstrong. Egg* for Hatching Prize winning, S. C. white Leghorn, f 1.0.) per. setting. Kddie Ottewell, Fteshertou. CfcsOi , ^ i rv AOMMUUO 1 YtSflSMIS i 5*T >l 1 j >.., ., .-0. i- "" '' ^ S. C. nl R. C. spent Sunday here with his daughters. Misses Minerva and Valeria, while on his way to the Pacific coast to enter upon his biological investigations, where ha has woiked the past two seasons. credit to a city church. Tho pastor is ' ^88"*"* ". t > ch j n * , ' , ' i Rhode Island Heds. < >nly oue pen of also to be congratulated on the success eaehi prize winners, and one price-*!. 50 that has waited upon him during the per sotting. W. H. Thurston, Fleshcr- past year of his pastorate, the various de- , ton. ^^ pai'tmonts all showing progress of an en- couraging nature. An interesting exercise was held in ( Mr. John Wright lost a young dog by the Primary Class of the Methodist S. S. , P'm t.he other day. e had thought last Sabbath when eight members of the I 'he d.-n poisoner was a thing of the past Two Jack Screws to rent. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. Legal Blanks For Sale R. J. Sproule constantly on hard aud for sale Cradle Roll were promoted to the begin- ners class. The exercise* consisted of recitations and music, and were listened to by several vuitors. Mr. Henry M. Douglas ia in town on in Fle.berton but it appears that tb< ', cheap a full stock of Deeds > breed still exists ProUbly this class of ! w ''l 8 slld oth ,f r . '^K* 1 bll " lk8 - . . . ... ., . . I requiring such will hnd it to their inter- human vermin is like other vermin it ipiings up spontaneously in ihe most un- likely places and at unexpected times. est to give him a call. For sale cheap and on easy torms. Lot Any person who has wttched the death 13, C on. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is business, he having retur . < 7 ot an anil6a , b y poison would have a a first class farm and in a xood state of Seatte and I u ^ . ^ A _ _ J _._._ 1 _ j , . ..,,]t,vui,,n Good Lank barn &nd new toR. J. S from Edmonton, Vancouver, San Francisco, where he has been for the past two years. During his stay in the West, Mr. Douglas was singularly unfor a dose to cultivation. even a dog. But then some people who call themselves human have hearts of stone and some have no hearts at all tunate. having gone under six operation, j chunk Q{ ^^ meftt |n _ , * *..^.l V.n*.ACa "* * rhile there. Meaford Express. Mr. T. Blakeley discovered the other day another way in which mysterious fires occur. While working in the chop- ping mill he stnelled cotton burning and on uivking examination discovered a bag MISCELLANEOUS motion where the heart ought to be to Wanted large second hand box heat- keep their blood in circulation Another ing stove, must he cheap and on reason- _i_i_ i . ...j;.:., t .,.,i u . D more but .ordid aspect of the affair is V, ~-"-"~ Sproule, Flesherton. that the village loses a couple of dollars good condition. Apply to R. J. Jsn.5J2 of chop on tire. A nail h*d cone through | o f tn j 9 kind. the chopper and become so hot 'that it net the chop on fire. When discovered a hole was burned in the tag. Had it oc- curred at night about shutting down ic dog tax. A standing reward should | 200Q privat( , fuu( i, to t o4n on f arm : be offered for the discovery of criminals mortgage security at lowest rates of in teret. Apply R. J. Sproule. Flesheiton. Bull For Service A Card We, th undersigned, hereby agree t Thoroughbred Shorthorn Bull. "Hill ! ell a package of five standard size 5c crest Governor," No. !*.VU>8, for service time without discovery there would have j, oxes ( Silver Tip Silent matches for on lot 2, con 14, \rte been soother mysterious Hre the origin twenty cents. Quality guaranteed. W. $1.50 lor grades. $:? tut of which could not have been tweed. I Buskin, Flesherton. June 15 -ALEX. C AR1 \rtemcsia. Terms- The economical decoration of your home is largely a matter of knowing the right finishes to use. For the exterior of your home there is no better paint than Sherwin-XVilliams Paint (Prepared) SWP. It is made of the purest of materials, combined in correct scientific proportions with the aid of special machinery. The result is a far spreading, long wearing paint in liquid form, all ready to apply. For floors, the easiest finish to apply is S-W Inside Floor Paint, and this gives particularly good results even on ol J worn or discolored floors. On a good hard'.vood floor the best finish is S-W Mar-not, a hard-drying waterproof floor varnish. For the walls of your home, while water paints, such as S-W Decotint, give pleasing effects, they have not the durability which means true economy, Sherwin- Williams Flat-tone is unquestionably the best paint for walls. It is an oil paint that dries with a soft, flat, velvety finish. It ia very durable anJ can be washed with soap and water. S-W Flat-tone comes in twenty-four beautiful colors, the selection of expert decorators. For the varnishing of interior work such as wainscotting, doors, furniture, etc., we recommend S-W Excello Varnish, or S-W Kopal, an old fashioned, general purpose varnish, which can be used inside and outside and is just the thing for varnished woodwork in kitchens, bathrooms, or for front doors, porch ceilings, etc. For floors use S-W Mar-not, a special waterproof floor varnish, will not turn white when water is spilled on it, nor does it show scratches and heel marks readily. We can take care cf your every paint and varnish nce,d, Prop jjj and discuss your paint and varnish problems with us. FRANK W. DUNCAN Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass and Crockery FLESHERTON ion 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS Ac. Anrone *ndl<i( nketch and dctcrtpttrm m7 Illicitly ascertain our opinion free whether n inrentlnn m probMr pitMntahlik, Communion t'oinntrlctlyconfldentliil. HANDBOOK on Patent* n'lit froe. Oldest uencr for Mcurtnopatenta. Vatonta taken throuRh Munn * Co. raotlT* notice, without cWao, lu tb Scientific flmcr ican, A hnuilsomelT Ulustnted weekly. Laroct ctr- CTiUtlon of luiy odentifle journal. Termn for '. '.iM.' 13.76 t ;ar, postaice propalii. Sou by 1] newsdealer*. . MUHN o . New York BHIJCQ OOo*. Ot r 8U Wastlu^ton. D. C. Bull for Service Pure bred shorthorn bull, Aberdeen Fyvie 8,000 for seivice on l..t 29, S.S. i;.. .\it. i in 'si, Terms fl.0 for gratl-j*. Pure bred COWH $3 00. Pure l>reJ Tnmor!h hoc for servic< t>n the nhove lot. Terms- $1.50 for all animals. Servoo mu<t be pid for. 15Sept W. ,\. Mead* Tiie Advance to new subscribers for the balance of this year for onlj 50 cents. NJW hnrry up. Our Clubbing Lis The following prices are for strictly 1 in advance aubscriptionsonly. We lave nn accounts with other papers. (Timber-ton Advance ....... f I 00 Youths Companion ......... 2 00 Toronto World, daily ....... 3 00 1 i>0 ?0 Toronto Daily News Weekly Globe Mail-Empire ..... .... <5 Family Herald & SStur ...... 90 Toronto Star .............. 1 50 Farmer Sun ........... 90 Farmers Advocate .......... 1 30 Weekly Wit.iew ............ 90 Saturday Niht ............ 30 Home Jouro-U ........... 90 Poultry Review ........... ; and Gun magazine ...... 90