Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 May 1914, p. 7

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-BANISH PIMPLES '.' AND ERUPTIONS ". In the Spring Most People Need a Tonic Medicine One of >thie surest signs that the ^ l>!':,i.d is oii't of ordr is the pimples, " unsightly eruptio-ns a-ud ecziema tliu-i. come frequently with the ' cJiAnge from winter to spring. These prove that the long indoor Life of winter ha bad its effect upon t)he blood, and thait a tonic medicine is rueeded to put ifc right. Indeed . thxe are few people who do ,riot need a tonic at this season. Had bkc-d does not merely show it- "e^Jf in disfiguring eruptions. To *th.is sanis condition is due attacks "vf rheumatism and lumbago ; the .sharp, stabbing pains of sciatica n* xl neuralgia; poor appetite and a 'deisire to avoid exertion. You can- not cure these troubks by the use of purgative medicines you need a tonic, a.ndl a tonic only, aud among all medicines tihe're is mune ' cam equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for their tonic, Mfe-giving, nerve- restoring powers. Every dose of this medicine makes new, rioh blood . which drives out impurities, ttimu- l.-it < > every organ and brings a feel- ing of new health and emergy to ' wak, tired, ailing- men, women and . children. If you are out of sorts give this nredici/ie a trial and see how quickly it will restore the a>p- p^iti-te, re\"ive drooping spirit*, and fill your veins- with n-erw, health-giv- . ing blood. You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by .mail at 50 !:;!- a box or six boxes for $2.50 ' from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. GRAINS OF GOLD. Only he who can appreciate blame will find praise useful. Rus- .kin. Trust that man in nothing w.ho ha* not a conscience in every- thing. Ste rue. ' It i* hope alone which purifies; to be without hope is to be without (Sod in the world. F. D. Maurice. Feckless people are no use to themselves and no u*e to their neighbors. Lord Strathelyde. To makes the mind very free when we giv.e up wishing, and only think of bearing what is laid upon us and 'doing what is given us to do. '(Joorge Eliot. . Our life is but a span, our jour- .neying not unlike feeling our way i fch-roiigh the dark. Were we Argus- es, able to read fifty books- at once, 'jpt-ill would the great bulk of the 'Unread rise like a mist-covered mountain peak before us. The .Academy. The very gnarliest and hardest of .hearts ha* some musical strings in .it. But they are tuived differently ,in every one of us, so that the self- Kme strain which wake>ns a thrill *o-f sympathetic melody in one may 'leave another quite silent and un- ' touched. James Russell Lowell. WORLD'S RAREST STAMP. l--iii'il in the Colony of British (.ni;iiia in 1858. Pride of place among the many valuable a,nd unique specimens be- longs to a singula.rls unpretentious and sorry-looking stamp issued in the colony of British Guiana in 185fl, fur provisional use pending the arrival of a fre.--h co'nisign<m>?rit of the regular postage stamps from England, writes D. B. Armstrong in the Strand Magazine. It is of the denomination one cent, the de- sign being crudely set up from ordi- nary printer's type at the office of th Official Gazette, with the cen- tral device of a sailing ship taken from the heading to the shipping announcements in the paper. The single known, copy of this rarity was discovered by a young collector in the colony a-ruoiiig- some old family papers stored away in a.n I attic. Knowr-ig nothing of ' its searcety and not being favorably impressed by its appearance, he sold it to another collector for a trifling mini, the buyer al?n> being ignorant of his great bargain. Ul- timately it found its 'vay to Europe, and now reposes in the collection of M. Philippe de la Renoriere of Pa- ris, the distinguished owner of the world's greatest stamp collection, who bought it many years ago for an amount that ha-s never been dis- closed, but it is believed to have been at that period a record one. Ito intrinsic value to-day, in the very unlikely contingency of it ever coming, into the market, is certainly in excess of 2,000 pounds.- A report on this famous stamp by a celebrated expert states that "the copy is a poor one, dark magenta in color, and somewhat rubbed. It is initialed 'E.D.W.' and dated April 1st, the year not being distinct enough to read." Nevertheless, it is the rarest stamp in the world. HAPPY NOW Family ( Twelve Drink t'oslum. , "It certainly has been a blessing in our home,'' write* a young lady 'in regard to Post urn. "I am one of a family of twelve, ^Ko, before using Poet urn. would rnA-k-e & he&ltliy persKj-n uncomfor- |ta,ble by tibeir comp?ia<iniiig of he-ad - jOclve, dizziness, sour stcxruiach, etc., from drinkinig ooffe>e." (Tea is juxt ; HJS injurious because it contains the [-.;* mi- driHsr, caffei'ne.t "For years mot-he r suffered from palpitation of the heart, sick iheul- '.ac-hie and bad stomach . a-".d a<t times jW-ould be irtloMi violiitly ill. About a, y-eir ago she quit coffw aixl be- mmi PoKtum. "My broth-er wa* troubled with fae-adaehe and dizz.int> all the time 1*e drank coffee. All those trouble** >f my mother nd brother have dis- a,ppieared since Poftum ha-s taken jti}-^ pJaee of coffee. "A sister wa ill nearly H her ili-fe with headache and heart trou- (bJ<e. aid aboiut all he cared fo-r wa-s jtxjffee and te*. The doctors told -r sihe mu*t leave them alone, as m*-<Mcini' ddd her no pe-rnwmen-t Best Money He [ Has Ever Spent WAS WHAT I. HANSKN PAID FOR DODD-8 KIUNKY PILLS. Hud ' ,-n Ailing for Si\ or Srvru Yearn vthou lie Took u Neighbor':* \il.i. i- iiud ! (-'mil u Complete Cure. Mono,, Man., May -l>th (Special) Mr. Cornelius Ha^S'S.n, well kno*-n and highly resipected here, is telling his fri-eiida of his s'm.ple hut com- plete cure from a. pfoteactod illMaa. The facto in frief are : He had Kid- ney Disease; Ive took D-odd's Kid- ney Pilla; they cured b'm. Bullet Mr. Hansen tell his own fetory. "I was troubled with ray Kidneys For six or sev:i years, " he says. "My back was so ori>, I couldn't get out of bed in. the mornings. I tried medicines, but they did me no good. Then I met a neighbor, and he advised me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. He said ' he had used them ' in his family for a lng time and they wera a, great medicine. "I bought six boxes of them, and i by the time I had taken three of them I was feeling much better. N'ow I am quite well, and I think th be*t money I ever spent in my life was what I paid for Budd's Kidney Pill*'." Dodd's Kidney Pills are no cure- all. They simply cure sick Kid- j neys. But they do all that is claimed for them. OF SCALDED LE8 And Foot. In Bad State. Inflamed and Festered. Could Not Sleep, Completely Cured by Cuticura Ointment in Short Time, MMdle I.a Have. N. S. "My sister scalded her U-g and foot very badly wltU a pan of bulling wawr. She suffered very mui'h and IUT leg was In _ a bad --..,.-. Tbe akin waa ^S rrd and Inflamed and It fram-red. She suffered drriulful pain. .ShescalUad It In the oven! ng and could not deep that night and cimlil nut bear to bavo anything near It. "We tried and then nome [bnt tvery- and - thing eeemcxi to make It worse and sli ]uct arreaaieU for pain. I told my mother about Cuticura Ointment and we got a box Im- mediately and hiuiiiuKud up her foot and leg. Two appliraimni made quite a dif- ference and we keut on using It and In a short time bar U-K and fuut were completely cured." (Signed) :.u L. *ariu. May 17. 1913. Tho Truiutformntion of I he Inn. r ^ The Saxon word "inn," taken in its present ncnse, was probably in use before* the Conquest, whereas the purely French word ' hotel,' 1 as genenilly applied to ''an inn of, style and pretenwon," dates only '. from about the time when officers of the British army of Occupation returned from Paris with enthusi- i astic accounts of Meurice's awl a d<;zr<ri other hostelriea of the Rue ; de Rjvoli and the Rue St. Honore which quite threw the humbler ac- commodation offered by tJie aver- age British inm c>f tliat period into the shade. At the oomsnejiceiiient of the nineteenth century Fre-nch- men taught the London innkeeper the science of hotel keeping: before the beginning jf the twentieth the Englis-hniaji had begun to return the compliment, and now the most lux- urious and well appointed Parisian hotels owe the-ir origin to Britiaii enterprise. Parks Bean Highest grade bsoas kept MUM and mealy by perfect baking, retaining their full strength. Flavored with delicious aiic;s. They have no equal. BABY'S OWN TABLETS GUARANTEED S APE Bali\ '.s Owu Tablets a.re the only medicine fur little ones that are absolutely guaranteed to be strictly fr?e from opia.te-s, narcotics and other baneful drugs. They <jarry the guarantee of a goveruinen't ! analyst to tlrs effect, so the moth- 1 ers who.-:* libt!-' ones are ailing need h.a\f no fcir in using the Tablets. They cannot possibly do harm, and j n-e\er fa.il to d> gocil. Th Tablets! cure all childhood ailments such as ccnstipatiun and indigestion, j worms, ulds, colk-, simple fevers. ! etc. ThonwuuU ul mothers through- 1 out C'ana;!a >:iy they would use I nothing ele for their babies. They j are fold by med/ioiue dealers or by ; m-ail a.t -.'5 ce-irtis a box from The Dr. WiHiams' Medicine Co., Brook- ville, Ont, Why Soup is First. It was a very youthful class in physiology. 4 Why,'' asked the teacher, "is it, best to eat soup first when one is hungry ?" The pupils stared at her blankly. Then Jamie enlightened them from the depths of his experience. ''You can get it down faster," he announced. NKW II BKR( I I.OSIS (TRK. Intru-Miiscular liij<>eiiiw< of \nti-j Snl i in MI n<l Ferment*. "Bhe thought nothing would t*lc ftoir plaoe of coffee unibil- w-e induced hier to try Postuni. Xo*w he-r trou- !>.!< are- all gone aiM ^ wn * 1 ** a bappy little woman <Mijiyi>i>g life ;i* people houM." > N7iie givi\ by tthe (.'anutiian I'.m- tuin Co., Windsor, Ont. I Poattun, mow cein-ea in twu fofHtt! Rt-uuUr I'osliim mint be we 1.1 I 1 ii>tunt I*<v4(iu in a *<III-|MI. pow- jVf r. A teasjpou-iifu.1 disfcolvtM quick - jjy in a cup i>J hot w/U>r and. with .- IH-U in and augar, makes * <l*>lioious inatanlly. 30c. and 50o. cost p-ar cup oJ both kinds is Mtti by A new treatment for tuberculosis I whioh, in the opinion of some of the | principal experts in the; disease, gives greater hope for a cure of the } scourge than anything yet discover- i I ed. wa-s described to th-e* Academy of Medicine, I'ari*, at a recent sit- ting. The n*)*- method for combat- ' ing the dnse-ase is the discovery of a young Swiss biologist, Henry Spahlinger. The treatment, a* ascribed to bhe academy, consists of combined in- tramuscular injections of antigenic solutions and of ferments, w-hicji are modified according to the condition j of e*ch patient. The treatment, it ! j i claimed, causes tlie drying up of | lung cavities a.nd t'he disappearance ! of baoili and stops the fever- --three ; -results which neve-r have been ob- ! j tainrd by any previous method for j the cure of tuberculosis. The ac- tion of i -I ic- infections i said to be j extrenie.lv rapid on inoipi-eut case*, j In several cuses described to the | acad-emy the patients were said to ] have been able to .follow bh>ir usiin! | (HX'upatioars. Of 54 persons trete<l i neve-nbceu were- said to have virtua-1- 1 ly been cured. Most of the other' cawa were still being tre-ated. The report on the new treatment. ' was read by Professor Maurioe Le- j ! tulle. It wa prepared hy Profes- I sor Eilino-nd hardy <>( Goneva and 1 Drs. Kdiiumd H. ColWk and Leo- 1 iwrd L. B. Williams of London, nil of them exports in luiifl Jnsea.-;e. Spahlitig(er not a doctor. Ori- j ginally he was a lawyer, but aba-u- ! Ooned law for soienoe. Ho pent I four years in work and $100,000 of \ hi private triune in the roseardi : which U-d Ki hid diHt.v>very. NK;KRIAN TRIBES. Quaint SuperHtitinn Rulen Tribe of African Natives. P. Arruiury Talbot of tire Nigrias political service, who lias travelled much through Africa studying the various tribes, says the Ibibio*. na- tives of southeru Nigeria, wh.i are of such a low type that they are called mudfish, rank among the m<vst ancient of southern Nigerian tribe-s, and speak different dialect* of a ve ry old and primiit ive tongue . Witch doctors dominate the life of the race. As a protection against farm thefts, certain spells ar* re- ceived over the lung hoe usi for breaking- up the ground, and a modi- cine poured over it, after which it - given back to its owner to be hung up i<n some conspicuous place on the plantation. No sooner doe* the thief creep over the bouuda.ry th*n the- magic hoe springs to his hand. Unconsciously his fingers clasp themselves around the haft. H is bent down by a power there is no resiting. and finds himself forced stgainst his will to IK* and hoe. Not for a moment can ho pause, even to straighten his back, so long as a single weed remains on the farm, a single yam needs baking or a single clod wtould be the better for breaking. So long must the evil- doer continue to work for the man he had intended to rob. Only when the owner arrive* on the scene, should he so wish, can tilie magic hoe be released from the hand of the thief. It is not said whether the magic has ever worked. Quaint burial customs prevail. Slaves are frequently sacrificed at the d-eath of a chief and buried with him. Until prohibited by the gov- ernment, chiefs were buried int-heir li. mies with strange ritual and sacri- fice. A burial chamber was pre- pared underneath one of the rown*, and in this the chief's body was placed. His be-st loved wife and two of the most beautiful of hi slaves entered the room, and seated th>uwM?lve8 at a table opposite the-i r lo-rd. After some ceremonial all but the women withdrew, the chamber was se-a.led up, and the unfortunate women were left to a lingering death. TO REMOVE DANDRUFF Prevent dry, tiun and falling hair allay li.-:i- I;.K jiu! Irrl i a-t MM. and promote the growth ami beauty of the hair, frequent sbampoos with Cuticura fts>, aobtod by occadonal drwBlugs wltli CutJcara Ointment, are iuu- aily effective when other method! full. Cuticura R<>ap and CuUcur Unt-nient ar* sold by druKKinu and dealers everywhere. A single Mt ! often lufflciciu . For n liberal free sample of each, with as-p. book, mind post-card to Potter Drug & Chem. Corp.. l>ept D, Boston, U. 8. A. Suicide Epidemic In Tli number of suicides, especially mnung young women, ii* been in- creasing; to --twh an extent recently in Naples. ItaJy, that the doctors describe it as an epidemic of sui- cide. Five aittenipted suicides by poisoning, all of young women, tne youngest being a girl of 10, were reported in one day. The police as- certained t'i*rt in the case of two women the motive was disappoint- ment in love, in two others the re- proa>di*s of parents, and in the fifth inability to write a love letter. HOW THE WORLD SLEEPS. Most people sleep on their aides. with their knees drawn up. Elephants always and horse* com- monly (deep standing up. Birds, with the exception of owls Bipuj jo sj.M.i-Bd SutSiriJi) *i('i pun ; sleep with their heads turned tail- i ward, over their back, and the beak ' thrust among the feathers between the wing and body. Storks, gulls, and other long legged binds, sleep btand'ing on oiiv leg. Duck? sleep on open water. To avoid drifting shoreward t'hey keep paddling with one foot, thus mak- ing Dhem move in a circle. Sloths sleep hanging by thfir four feet, the head tucked in be- tween their fore legs. Foxes a.nJ wolves sleep curled up. their nosea ad the soles of their feet close together and blanketed by j their liu-h v tails. Hares, snakes and fish s'.ee-p with their eyes wide opert. Owls, in addition to their eye- lids, have H screen that they drew sideways a<cros their eyes to shut out. the li(jrht, for they sleep in thf daytime. People oan enjoy living close to nature if they don't have to. JVhtor- "1 want to pay that lit- Jl bill of v our. " Crwiitor "Vry well, Jr." Debtor "But Icftii't." A i\ova Scotia Ca.sc of Interest to ill Women Haliritv SI-HI!- Out n Mi>sngi> of Help to Many I't'uplr. Halifax, N.S., Dec. 15. When in- terviewed at her home at 194 Arjyle St., Mrs. Haverstock was quite wilt- ing to talk of her peculiarly unfortun- ate case. "I was always 'blue' and depressed, felt weak, languid mid ut- terly unflt for any work. My stom- ach was so disordered that I had no appetite. What I did eal disagreed. I suirered greatly from dizxines.) and sick headache and feared a nwvous breakdown. Upon my druggist's re- commendation I used Dr. Hamilton's Pills. "I Wit better at once. Every day I improved. In six weeks 1 was a well woman, cured completely after differ- ent physicians had failed to help me. It is for this reason that I strongly urge sufferers with stomach or diges- tive troubles to use Dr. Hamilton's Fills." f)r. Hamilton's Pills strengthen the .stomach, improve digcution, strength- en the nerves and restore debilitated systems to health. By cleansing the blood of long-standing impurities, by bringing the sysJtem to a high point of vigor, they effectually chaso away weariness, depression and disease. Good for young or old,, for men, for women, for children. All dealers sell Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut , Warts Disfigure the Hands But can b palnlmMy removed In 1 twenty-four hourn by the uue of I'ut- i nam's Wart and Com Extractor. Fifty j yciirs in ue and ntlll the best, lnsi.it on setting "PutimmV KxtruL-tor, 25c. { Ht ul! dealers. Hi'- Beauty of I n-c-it|--lui,--o.. The story is told of & famous lady. ' who once reigned in Paris society. I that she was so very homely that tier mother Mid one d*y. "My i poor child, you are too ugly for any i one ever to fall in love with you.'' From that time Madame de I'in- court began to be very kind to the 1 pauper children uf the village, the 1 servants of the household, even the ' birds that hopped about the gard-e<n walkj. She- 'AH- always distressed : if she hajppe-ned to be unAb'-> to | render a service. Thi good-wi]! toward everybody made her the idol ! of the city. Though her complexion ! was sallow, her grey eyes small and siiiiiken. \ e-t she held in drot'ion to her the greatest men of her tini. Her unselfish interest in others nuule her, it i* said, perfectly irre- sastible. Her Idfe surely furnisiies a valuable 1-esson. Twrttii SoaMhic taUinl CAM-BUK QAVB QUICK RKLIKF. if'or ink: ng the pain out of a burn or <e*M ther* la aothinf equal to Zam-Buk. Mm. Uusna Demen, of Ptmbroke. Ont, who was th victim of a palufu i Kcaldlng Accident, proted thli. Ske> avn "I wan carrying boiler of eteamlni water from tho jtoTt to the wash-tub, when sudjonly ri.v itrncth failed. Aa the bollr wu Ulllntt In p!;e of my effort*, I tenrj my bablw cry, and to avoid ei'aiiMnu them I av th TeKl quick turn. T)ie effect of tbla waa that rry drop of Uin bollipg wa4* poured ovr yj (eet uil limb*, oftldlni me from <n,v wajst oowp. " Ai ooa M I saw ; ho dilldrea bad 'noav^J' I told my o}deit !jo> ^a orlpf tEn Zam-Buk (which we always ,t)li In ('40 hnun'-v I ayp^ied Zam- uli freely, *o4 ttt Pin %at aptJQ. I ffitinu4 using Zuw-Wiik, I won ji'riully short tlpx ht "ort ware comple ty healed,'' ik U i'-(iuiiliy good for cut*. brulMs, ecx^jB) uj^efi, piles, plmplf s^. tc. Prke NC. pj txj^, at, al} Jruji' <[ ZpifT'By^ j?'i Toroatd, on recelyt iii Uc. Refiwj mibstituteit and 1ml- <,fi9fl. Ttlr to L-othlnj "juit M ooJn . -- - - .__ - Rheumatism Cioes Quickly Its Virus Forever Destroyed KVKRY (ASK IS ( I RAHI.K. Good-bye to Rheumatism ! Your aching joints, your stiff, sore muscles, those sleepless nights and suffering days good-bye forever your day is gone. Sufferer, cheer up, and read the good news below. "A man met me a month ago, and said, 'don't stay crippled, quit com- plaining, limber up.' My answer was, 'I'm rheumatic, I can't do it. 1 He looked me over in a pitying sort of way and told me to go to the nearest drug store for Nerviline and Fcrro- zone. The combination had cured him. I was convinced of his sincerity and followed his instructions. I rub- bed on Nerviline three times every day rubbed it right into my achinK joints. The pain quickly lessened, and I became more limber and active. To draw the virus of the disease from my blood I took two Kerrozone Tab- lets with every meal. I am well to- day, not an ache, not a pain and no sign of stiffness at all." What Nerviiine can do in a case like this it can do for you too. For nearly forty years Nerviline has l>een recommended for Rheumatism, Lum- bago and Sciatica and Lame Back. It is the one remedy that never dis- appoints. Our Pic-turcsqiio I.iiiigiiHgc. Extract from Japanese letter: "Our mark-ets do nob improve yet, but as I working hard as twice than last year our business do not much decay than other person, which I am glad." \Ve share thus gentleman'e joy. PU*a Cur<t la to 14 Days Drunlsts rfund money tf PAZO OINTMENT fall* to cure Itching. Blind. or Protruding Piles. First uvpilcaUoa lives relief. iOa. One Answer. Teacher (drawing two parallel Hne: on the blackboard) What re- lation are these lines U) each other ? Head of t'he Claw Twins! Try Murtee Eye Remedy U vou h*e Rod, Weak, Watsry By** or Givaolttsd Byslidl. Doesn't Smart -Sootne. Kye Pain. Druggists S*8 Marino Eve Remedy, Liquid. 25c, 50o. Murin* Bye Salvo la Aseptic Tubes*. ISo. SOc. Bye Books Fre by Mail. *- STll Sln< W as HUM elMt MM4te* .>* c... rom M. w OAWS'JN. Ninety Colborni Slritb Toronto. IF TOO WANT TO BUT OB SELL A Frnit, Stock. Grain, or Dirr Fir: write H. W. Damon. BrarnDton. or Colborne St.. Toronto. M. W. OAWSON. Colborni 81., Torar.ta NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. GOOD WEEKLY IN LIVE TuW.N IN ! York County. Stationery and U" liUBlness In connection. Price only, $4.000. Terms liberal. Wilson Publisn* Ing Company. 73 West Adlald Str.sfc Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. ONluN GR>\VKRS. GKT I.I rb..tA- ture re onion weedere. R. G. Bruner. Ollnda. Ont. C45CBE. TUMOlta. LUMPS. KTO. Internal and Mternal. cars* J 1 cot pain by cnr hom. treatment. Wr'JJ o, before too lt. Dr B*llmn Co.. t.lmlt*(. ronifurwn"* On* He Do you think that money i necessary to happiness) She Not if one has unlimited credit. mnurd's X>iolmnt usd bv PlivilclaaB. Apiicaliup. Mrs. Muggina DOM your hut- band appeai to you as a vocalist? Mrs. Buggins Not exactly. Ill fact. it'* the other way. When h begins t sing I appeal to him. Minard's Liniment Co.. Limited. Umr Sir*. V..ur MIXAKUS LJNI- MK.NT l our remedy fur gore throat. fold* and all ordinary ailment*. It novel- fails to relieve ainl euro) CHARLM Tort I In- l-'aitiily Ca>hirr. Mudge Here's a man figured out that if nil the money in the world were divided equally, each adult would get about thirty dollars. Meek He's wrong. My \vifa would get sixty dollars. To Our* a Cold in Oa* Bay Take LAXATIVE BROMO QCININB Tablets. Druggists refund money If :t /alls to cure. K W. GROVE'S signa- ture Is OQ each box. 2&c. IdcnliH.-tl. Howard A fool and his money are soon part-ed. Mrs. Howard (clapping her hands) Oh. John ! How much are you going to give me I XMP MI u. :--i' Unimont In ih. boos*. Poisoning n l.iint Art. Poi Honing may be regarded a3 a lost art. The inobt successful prac- titioner on record startled the se- venteenth cejvMiry with the magmi tu<le of her labors. This wa To- f-s.ii 1 *, an ltAlda.n lud.v who gave h r name to a deadly ix>ison- aqua -U>- fano, a few dirop* of which wer sufficient, g-he sold her po'tu.n im Rind.ll pliiais to daioUueiioned woniai who were tired of their husband*. In tiriM* way, h cxj-nf^&sed, 800 per*ao-ii were accounted for. After her cx'nfe*ioga the- public execu- tioner wntu exeremely busy witli her customers. What the dirugs was no- body hoo ever been able to say. The Pope described it as aquafortis distilled into arse-nic an u,isat.. ^ factory dftni*ion.- London Uaaly C'hronacle. Lord Slralhconn Mnxiiiiw. Be coDteut wi-th your lot, but al- ways be filling yourself for suuw>- tiling hifJier. Only cho^j-ful pre- \eraxjc* wiM bring you to a poiiion ; grumbUng woip't h4p on inch. Do the work pon't depend upon the influence of friends on your bohalf. ppportun Itv OQin quently I .i-v Kur Him. An Irishman who was one day en- gaged at stone-breaking on the j roadside, and not being u?ed to th I work, could not get on very fast. A ! friend of his who chanced to paa | by as Pat was belaboring a huge stone with renewed vigor tried to ! show him tho right way, and, taking | the hammer from ham, broke tHe I etone with ease. Said Pat, "Sure now, and it be easv for you to, break the sUine afther I have been soften- ing it for the 'at half hour." ti-thr. but tlicre are very tow w doe not visit a.t some time or a/notilier. tx> w fgx Miur.J aad no oth*r. It costs some, people a lot bo because their neighbors are af flicted with t'he borrowing habit. "NA-DRU-CO DYSPEPSIA TABLETS Prrod of Srnt Valve to W There is only one explanation for tli* nrnbcra of euthusiMtic letters that w reeiv praising Na-Drn-Co Dyspepsia Tttbltto. and that is that these tablets certainly do curr any kind of itomach trouble. Here <> a typical letter from MiM lUa Annsworthy, Canto. N.8. : "It i* with pleasure I write to inform yon that your Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia TableU have proved of great vnftie to we. I tritd remedy after remedy but without any laatiug good. Having heard f jour tablets curing such osse as ipin'e I Je..iit J to give ihuii a fair trial. They pro\-ed at'Uiactofy in my case." The remarkable tuccces of Na-Drn-Co PrspcMia Tablet* Is Mich a tuocess a* can only come to an honeat remedy. mpounded acco.i<Jii.K to an exception* ly oou fortnula,, from pure ingre- at>, by expert cbewisU. If you oubled wjvj: your vimtU juat B*k out Prugglit Vont NS-DTM-CO rppaifl Ta\>ll8, eenij>owaJ?l by U< Nttionsl Qrag uA Ciiwic* I Co. of *Dda, 1 .inffted , MUl lOlU tllrouglior t ie Outpi'iion at SOC. a bo, uJ S i KU. 7. ISSl'E

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