"TfiUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRLSCIPLEb NOT MEN.' ?OI 3:3 No. 42 Flesiiertoii, Ont., Thursday May " 14, 1914 W. H THDRSTON E .f Kimberley Budget Mr. J. E. Hammond, commercial pecialist of the Meaford high tchool, ac- companied by Mr. Mo-jro, wa a caller in our burg on Friday last. They brought a large number of troi t fry with them which they placed in the river at several points. These were purchased from a private hafchery and cost in the neigh- borhood of thirty dollars . Every out- side disciple of Ike Walton will have to pay to the tune of one dollar before he will be allowed to nsh in the old Beaver. Miss Lilian Armstrong of Flehertoo visited friends in town o..e day/ last week. Mr. Stanley Reid and sister, Maggie, visited with their uncle, Joseph Dobson, Redwing, recently. Rev. Wallace of Markdale occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church on Sun- day morning Is>t and gave an excellent discourse. Mr. and Mis. Charles Graham of Man- itoba, who have been visiting friends here for a few months, left for their home on Monday last. Mrs. Wilraev Turner of Eugenia vis- ited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hill, for a few days the past week. Mr. Wm. Hammond of Meaford tpent the week end at his parental home here Mr. James R. Fawcett and W. S. Bishop attended a meeting of the Meth- odist quarterly board at New England on Monday last. Mr. Edw*rd Sloan is leaving this week for California. On Tbui-iday evening last Kimberley L.O.L. presented him with a handsome locket and the follow- ing address : Bro. E. J. Sloan. Dear Bro., It Is with the deepest re gret that we have learned of your intend- el departure from our midst. During your stay among us. you have been ever ready to lend a helping hand to any work pertaining to the lodge. We there- fore ask you to accept this Iccket, not for its intrinsic value, but as a slight tok- en of the esteem in which you are held among our brethren. We trust that when y. i' reach the land of sunshine it will serve to remind you of the time you have spent with us. Signed on behilf of the lodge. J. T. ABERCROMBIE, W. M. WALTER BURRtTV, Roc. Sec Eugenia Paragraphs Miss Leslie of Vandeleur school bUtf spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hislop. Mr. and Mrs. Boggart and daughter, Odessa, motored over from Thornbury and spent the week end with Mrs. Geo. Graham. The meeting of the O. W. I. at Mrs. E. Graham's appointed the following officers for the ensuing year : Pres., Mrs. McMullen ; Vice Pres., Mrs. L. Latiiner ; 2ud Vice, Mrs. W. Armstrong; 8e.-Treas., Mrs. J. A. Williams ; Dir, Mrs A. Cameron : Programme Com., Mrs. G. Gorley, Mrs. Latnner, Miss Mc- Mullen. Audiiors, Miss McMullen, Miss E. Latiiner. Dr. Margaret Patterson of Toronto, delegate from the department, will speak to the ladies of this community on June 2, afternoon and evening, in the Presby- terian church. All ladies are invited to avail themselves of the privilege of hear- ing her. Gentlemen are invited to the evening session. Contractors are coming in daily to look over the construction of the hydro dam. Coutracti close May 18. Work will soon be iu full swing. Victoria Corners Mr. Will Stinson has been visiting m the neighborhood with Mr. Jis. and Ab. Stinson, and hi* sister, Mrs. Best. Sacrament was held at Inistogue un .Sunday, May 10. Mhs Lizzie Robinson visited her cous- in, Mrs. Milton Banuon. The pupils of S. S. No. 4, celebrated Arbor Day on Friday, May 8- Mr. George Patton of Flesherton, and Mr. Will Patton, UreamlanJ, apent the week end with their grandfather, Mr. Patton. He Tames Wild Geese Jack Miner, maker of red tile and lirat friend of wild geese, is a farmer over iu Essex, with a farm and a biickyivrd just two miles north on Lake Erie on the turnpike that leads to Kingsville. A hale bronzed man of out-of-door*, he New Rural Mail Boxes Vandeleur Happenings Seeding is well advanced. As a result of the establishment of the parcel pest i-yati in in Canada, the Post Oftice Department has decided to adopt Mr. Alt Dunlop had thu misfortune to a new rural mail delivery combined letter ( l"se a valuable horse recently, and parcel post box to meet the new ; Mr. and Mrs. Aruos Smi'h of Meaford, conditions: A supply of these boxes ' visited the hitter's parents, Mr. and .Mrs. will be ready for delivery abouc June 15, Samuel Gilbert a short time ago. 1914. The price pur box will be $4 50. ' In order that the holders of the present ' box 'nay nut suffer any hardship by rea- son of their having already paid f3 for the " King Edward " box. they will he allowed (on their returning the automatic self locking signal device and their pay- inn an additional f 1.60 to the Depart- ment) to get the new box, the Depart- ment having undertaken to make good the balance of the purchase price, thus ; enabling the present box holders to pro- cure a new box at the same price, requir- ed of new subscriber?. The automatic self-locking signal device is the circular > piece of mechanism attached to the end of the arm un which the box rests and turns. Boxholders desiring to exchange their present box for the new one should forward the self-locking signal device and the additional $1.50 10 the post office in- , spector of their division, who will then : forward a box of the new pattern. We are orry to report Mr. Will Alcox on the tick list. Miss Belle Gilbert of Kimberley is the guest of her auu', Mrs. Will Hutclim.son this week. Mr. Ben Buchanan of Toronto I'ni- vtrsity is visiting his father and sister here. 5pecilit in dlicuet ot lite Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office-30 10th t. eat, Owen Sound At the Rvere house. Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a m Dundilk.lst Wednesday of each month . Jewelry Fleshcrton Planing And Chopping Mills I am now prepared to do chopping every day iu the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Bring along your grists. Our sash and door factory is always at Mr. Oeo Warlmgand Uaughter.Sadie, j you r disposal for anything you want in our line planing, matching, etc. Floor ine, sash and doom, and all house fur- nishings supplied promptly and at teas- onable rales, Get estimate*. T. Blakele; , Prop. KeblS 13 ly spent the week end with friends at Markdale. Mrs. Clayton of FlesFierton is a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. \Wi Car- son. Mus Vera Winterburn of Holland is the guest of her lister, Mis.Chas.Holley. Walkerton The death of WalkertouV oldest resi- dent occurred here on Sunday last, when Mrs. Francis Kerncy passed aw;>y iu her :>5f|i year. The linking of the clock at ten on Thursday niulit tolled the knell of the I'pon airiving at his home in the west Dunke m hotel and lhe pi ( , necr bar of the end of the town on Monday evening, : town8 | )ip of Brant [mHW a. fiom the stage after attending the mee:iu of the Water | a ,,a the place tb*t has dispensed Wze & Liifht Ci.mruisaioo, Mayor Barr was ' f or over half a century will cater to the Caught in Mayor's Hencoop surprised to hear a stirring Barr among the denizens of his hfiicoop. I'pon investig- ting he <*,!> surprised to Had a mau with !li fowl. Catching hold uf lhe ni ;ii visitor he found it to be one of the Italian colony who gave his name a Pasi|uall llevelle and in a bug which he took to belong to the stranger ho jound three of hia finest birds. As a sequel to the mid- ! cul up [ n t ' he niuht visit Revelle fouud himself in '* harge of the police and ou Tuesday morning p|>eared in the police 'court, but to be remanded until yesterday morning, when he WHS fined $25 and costs with the ciption of six'y days iu jail. Bulletin. thirsts and serve the tanglefoot no more forever. It is estimated that neatly two hundred dollars' worth of saws have been stripped of their tenth and utterly rumwd at the Kuechtel furniture factory here during the past few weeka through encountering steel sap spiles in the logs that are ln-m_ New Governor General It has been oflicijlly announced in They Fall and Live To fall a distance of two stories fioiu a perilous perch on the roof of a new building and yet to bu able to pretty nearly tell his mother of his adventure was the experience of Eddie Wood, the five year old son of Mr. John Wood, a Brampcon blacksmith. Kddio is wht mi^th be called a venturesome child and it was his ambition to climb to the roof of the new house, which is teinn erected by Mr. Jos. Foster in the vicinity of the Wood home. He got to the top alright, but becoming giddy fell from the roof to the cellar, distance of two stories. For- tunately he landed on a pile of earth and escapod with very slight injury. The tendons of his neck were sprained, but otherwise hu did uot appear any the vono for hia adventure. Mr. E. Schnurr, local Plant Chief of the Bell Tolephons Co , had a narrow escape from a serious accident on TIUH >!> of this week. He and Mr. Rich. Robinsuu were replacing a broken polo on West Broadway just west of the town. Mr. JSchnurr climbed to the lop of the new pcle i:: order to assist getting it pro- perly placed. The pole took a sudden twist and thiuking that it WM falling Mr Schnurr jumped across to the old pole, which hud no support. Both pole and man came to the ground, the umn under neath. Fortunately the cross-arms 01 the pole broke the weight of the fall am prevented serious injury. Although h fell a distance of 25 feet. Mr. Svhnur escaped without any injuries, except few bruises and scratches.- -Banner. Alexander of familiar than Victor Inuli", eldest son of W. A lnglis, ptopiittor of lu^lis' mills, O Sound, hud a narrow escape from deal when he was hu-lrd from his motorcycle over bridye a distance <>f 20 feel to the very 1'Vink "t thtf 1">0 teet of cataract and f .ills'- which form picturesque lns?'is' Falls, (huii.- to the water being low lie wtw ablet ijet ashore before being swept over the fY.l*. lie sustained tliree broken r,U and a seme shaking up. eiuik'ss hours {watching his pet Loudon that the Duke of Conuaugh' will quirrels, his fancy pheasants and the ild bird life that makes hi thickets mg iu summer, says a Detroit paper. In 1008 Jack Miner bought nine wild eese that had been trapped alive. He laced them and corn out in the fields nd ele\en other wild geese cauie. The lext spring ho again spread lunch in the ields for the game birds and :?2 cume. Sow every spring the wild geese tairy on heir north journey sptuding six or seven weeks with J:ick Miner. He feeds them five or six bushels of corn a day, bring- ug the feast nearer his house each day. This weok his yards are thick with wild geese. They spend the mghls talking of nany things as they sail majestically (i the dark on the bosom of Lake Erie, iich morning they couie back to tho" Miner land*, for they have grown to know that there they will Hud food and proteo'ion and understanding. Thousands uf them there are, and each year more. The country folk and the city people come from afar to seo the fowl and look upon the strange mini who attracts and holds tlu-m. And Miner- he superintends tho spreading of the daily banquet. Once in a while he p:cks up a wounded bird and takes it to his hospital. Miner is a clean man a man who finds much to admire and love in the sleek, proud aristocrats of the air who come to visit him. The farmers thotc- abouts ar inclined to -scoff aud compute on avaricious fingers the number of hog five bushels of corn a d-iy will fucd Miner, far from the hot masonry of the city, with one leg thrown over a gate and his feathered guests hissing contentedly in the artificial ponds built for them with much labor, is very close to the hill tops. His is tho great achievement, beside which most of our puny business affairs dwarf into pitiful insignificance. li'a a fine thing to cause so much wild enthusiasm a nong the gees'. 1 in tho south in winter -the excited whisperings f the Hocks as Ihey fly uoith. It must be wonderful news that is passed from one flying wedge to another lhat leagues and leagues ahovo tho gulf, sot in the ;mu of tho grel lakes, is a bit of hal- lowed gvonn 1 when- -i gietit silonl mill with a great heart is waiting to feed and protect the travelers. The Good Fridjy storm of l'.ti:i would seem to have blown down a fen sugar bushes in this section, jading iiv the number of logs with sap spiles imbedded in them which have found their way to the Knechtel factory here. As only a start h<is been made sawing up the two and a half million feet of timber in tin- Company's yards here and alr-ady nearly if'.'iH 1 worth of damage hua been done to the saws, the ultimate outloo't teems a big bill of costs if the present keeps up. Having secured * C"tivictiou in erton nn WednesJay of las^t week against Albeit Samvn of Cjlruas for Uvint* too many wives living, Constable Joseph )e succeeded in the uov hip uf Canada by Prince feck, whose name Is more s lineage to Canadians. He if de- .-ended frjm the sixth sou of George 3., Vdulphus Frederick. Duke of Cambridge: j Armstrong set out the same day to bring Jueeu Victoria's father, Edward Augus- I to justice another sent named John lies- us, Duke of Kent, was the foutth son. , ter, who is, also alleged to hive been too The Queen au-1 the Duke of Cambridge! ; much married. Although hu is s'au-.i to therefore first cousins. Pnncesa have hnd a wife living in Michigan, Bes- Mary, his daughter, married the Dukd ter wooed, won and wedded a Wnlkerton ofTeck. a nobleman of Wuerterobera.j girl naiiietl Bridget Glynn, lhe nup:i.| ind a Major-Genei-al in tho British Art.iy. i knot bemg tied m Harrislon a few years The eldest sou of this m image Is the ago. Last September a charge of big present Duke of Teck ; the second i* amy was laid against him and Chief Fer- Prince Francis : the third is Prince ' guson served Btster wi;h a summons t.- Alexander. All three have been British appear at court, but when the day of officers', and have served with distinction trial came Hester turned up missing, he as such. h;iu "- "pp.iient'y Princo Alexander is very intimately re- lated to British Royalty . A put his own blood relationship, he U the brother of t^ueeii Mary, who was, aa "Princess May," very popular with the British people : and his wife is Prince.!* Alice Mary Victoria, daughter of the late Prince Leopold, yueeu Victoria's younu- est son. The previous record of the . Prince and the close a.rilialion of the * "".tcd out after Besters sc:ilp. Prince* will, the present King and Dnving u,, to food s house about ten , . , f ., .h.,,,,, at night, Armstrong rluun open the Uoor Queen will do much In secure tor them >i favorable reception by tho people of CiimJa. Globe. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT A Car of Western Oats Just Arrived Make nood seed. A good supply of llennie s and SteefBriggs Rape seed, carrot.turnip, mangle, sugar mangle, sugar beet seed, potato onions, dutch setts, beans, garden coin. In field corn we have Compton's early, angel of midnight. North Dakota. Imp. Leaning, white cap. giant ensilage, on or off the cob. Millett and Hungarian Get your pine apples before the season is over Our Ice Cream is in full swing At the Flesherton Grocery, W. BUSKIN, Fleshertop, in the meantime, changed his abode, iis the most ininut e from en |uiry failtdio establish his whereabouts A warrant was issued for his ariest and Chief Ferguson WHS carrying the paper around in his clothes, whan Constable Armstrong, hearing, it seems, that l>ea- ter had leturnedand w<j ensconced at Levi Good's in Grtenock, secured tho wiin-ant mi Wednesday from the Chief FAIR EXCHANGE IS NO ROBBERY Bring your Eggs and trade them for a pair of boots. In men's boots we have them in light and heavy, suitable for the spring trade Ladies wear patentgun met- taland tan,either lace or but- ton.also a nice assortment in pump, colonials and strap shoes. Custom work and repairing as usual Thos Clayton. Dundalk Mr. (Jeo Johnston left Wednesday the kitcliun. At the ^ighi of the officer Better made a bolt, it seems, for a door leuling upstair-i, but Arimtrung pulled a pistol and followed shouting after him. Bester was eventually captured and brought to Walkerton, where he was Tolton lhe tnornii.g for Oklahoma to bring back his arraigned bcf.ae Magistrate sor Ephrairo, who is ill in lhat far awy following morning and seut up to .1 lugli- :i _;.. er court) for trial. He was released on the furnishing b.iil for *. r >l)l) The -iccused ij le will be tried Vef'-re Judgo Barrett this Thursday, when the matter will be tin- ally disposed of. -Herald und Times. Mr. Fred. Brownlee. who has reee illy territory. I'nder ordinary circumstances .sheep is a fairly profitable animal on faun. Robt. Bail.'y, of Shrigley, has an extra profitable ewe which gave Ust week to four frisky Itimba, all thrtv-' ing. In the licpior case agninst F. Grey, of Melanthun, mentioned in Inst week's Hevalu, decision was given !>y Magistrates Sme'air and Traynor. Ik-cause of its returned from the \Vc8*-,but who former- ly lived in Osprey, h;n bought a house and lot. fiom Mr. John ^toiuenburg "n Seventh stroel Collin^wood. The house ii brick and is nearly new. Mr. Brown- bsim; shipped in a concealed package the, ] eo wl n i,. lve col! fortablo hi'ine iu his lii|iioi was e.inliscjueil ai.d will be di.-pos- : new |,l ac c. e.l of . Grey lo.es iho l,..o Z .-.-lleiaM. ( , A Kil|t>lillli cdilol . o[ tho Campbell- Juet unU'h Sarnia w.is ptoclAimad a city by his f.nd Herald, si'ltl ft eow for Sl.DoO. imagine an ediior ie:t'iin tint Uoyal Highness the Buko of Couiiaui-ht. in..i ey -ill t one time. New Suitings FOR SPRING Wc arc showing nearly 500 different lines of suitings for spring wear. Many of them arc exclusive designs and cannot be obtained elsewhere Come in and have a good look, even if you do not buy just now. It is great to see all these new lines. Prices start as low as $16.00 S. J. BOWLER THE RELIABLE