Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 May 1914, p. 1

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"TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRIi\ T CIPLEb NOT MEN.' 701 3:) No. 44 Flesh-erton, Ont., Tliursclay May 2S, 191 4 W. H TECRSTON KDITO " tud Fl.O Kimberley Budget The recent copious showrt r *re mak- ing the famiers wtar a broaJ smile. Mr. John Smith and son, Howard, of RobR'iy. visited atT. L--wis' recently. Mr. Frank Whittenn-re and F. Spar- ling of Toronto, lso G Stuart of Flesh- ertnn were tishing in the old Beaver on Friday last and succetdjd in secuiing q'lile a numbwr of the speckled beauties. Among those who spei l i he 24th wi h f.-iends hero were the following : Mr. J. E. Hammoni and brother William, a'so Misi Maude Plewes all of Mefrd, ; Stanley Wallace, J. H. Johnston, a for- mer principal of our public school: \\. B. Dennis, M. Duncan, Harold Proctor, EUie Plewes and the Miases Let, all of Cjllingwood ; Emest Proctor of Toronto, also Miss Elvie Bishop, who is attending Toronto university, Gordon Leslie of Gnelph. Mr. Albert Latter of I'nion occupied the pulpit in the Methodwt church on Sunday morning last. The garden patty which was held in aid of the Kimberley tidewalkn on Mon- diylattwiHa huge success financially ..nil otherwise. Among the sports was a game of baebull between our local sports aii'l the tei.th line, our boys winning by a score of 10-7. Kiiuberley's new pitcher, Gordon Leslie, has the speed of a westarn cyclone 1 and the w,y he heaved the pl- !et over the pUte wasn't low. The tenth line boys couldn't connect with his speedy sUnU. and man after man battvd the ozone. It was* swatfest rnyal for Kimberley, who pounded the pellet to all corners of the diamond. The basr- b ill match between the young lalies and the fair maids from Flelierton was a ood game, although a trirte one-sided. The Fleshei ton girU are much superior at the bat and got a big lead in '.he first inning, which washird to overcome. At even innings the ?c >re was 27-1:! in favor of the vbitingteam. Kirnbcrlry's catcher, Nellie Burritt, got hit on the face with the ball *nd th it finished the jguio. The Fleshtrton girls got nine runs in this inning, which left the ac.>re '52-13 in their favor. The Flesherton girls are a (jood bunch of jolly clean sports and we would like to se another game between tluse two teams before the end of the season. Fred McTavish of Flesherton ri-fereed both (fames to the satisfaction of all con- cerned. The proceeds of the day were in the neighborhood of ninety dollars. Mr. Wm. Stafford WHS unite seriously injured one day lst week. When meet- ing ill auto he jumped out of the demo- crat to hold his h.'isea, when in doing o Kf< ot cai'ght in some manner and he fell to the ground, breaking a bone in his hip. He will be on the shelf for some time t) come. Fever sham Items Eugenia Paragraphs Dundalk Rain IIHH fallen all over this part of the country and coining warm after it you can fairly see things grow. The 24th passed -jtf quietly in this bur/, a number of our young folks oing to Eugenia. The school picnic in Mr. AHister's grove was not largely attended on slut account. In a tew dajs the fruit trees vrtll be in full bl'iom. Mi< Rita Buskin of Elesherton in vis- iting her friend, Miss Lila Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. K. AHis.m (nee Misj Pheniie McMullen) of M irkd ile. Mr* . Wiu. Thompson of Thornton, and Miss C>ra McCormick of Breton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Colipartte. Mr. and Mrs. (Jeorsje Julian spent a few days with friends in Toronto last week, going in their auto. Mrs. John Buckingham is recovering nicely, having returned home from the hospital in Collingwood. where she had spent several week*. Her friends all hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. Mary Sanders n wont on a busi- ness trip lo the C^ueeu City !vi week. Mr Joseph Henderson uf Kob Roy lost a valuable mare last weeK. Some of th Eugenia" young people The grain on the drained portion is up picnicked at Duncan D.ke Monday. w | lmj tlle othljr part WJls o , )ly fit , gow a Mr. Thomas Morgan of Toronto visit- few days ago. eJ his arm, Stanley, over the holiday. On May 12th there passed away at Ex- Mr. Km. Morgan and Miss Georsjina pause, Su-k., Robert A. L. Irwiu, son of Smith of Toronto (pent the holiday with ' Mr. and Mrs. J S. Irwin, after a brief heir friends here. illness from typhoid fever. About two Messrs. John Williams and Robert months ago Mr. and Mrs. Irwin moved r'urvis spent the week end in Toronto. " ut to lhe w *'<- "f bright hopes which to are now shattered by the hind of death. The deceased, who was boru in Proti n township, was in Ilis Jli'h year. One of the early pioneers i.f Proton townnhip in (he person of Mrs. Hannah Moore, relict of the late Nicholas Moore, Ceylon Mr. Norman McLeod 1,-ft last week for Toronto. Mr. Sam Chisletr, who has been i>it in< his parents her*, returned to this city Saturday. Mr. Pattiuou and Miwes Zi la and \Villii McLeod of Toronto iient the -'4th at D.D. .McLeod's. Mr. Fnd and Mi-it (trace Muir of To- ronto, Stanley and Lilly Muir. and Mrs. Fcmnis'i, of Hanover, spent the 'J4MI ut Mis. I'. Muir's. Mr. J. W. Cushnii-, Torouto, was a visito.' at K. Cook's over the holiday. Mr. Ch:le Ohislett, Duvlmm, spent over Suni'ay at the pirental home hero. Dr. Oidtesd, Chats *ortli, \i<ited st E. Sarsjoat's Saturday. Mr. ;.n'l Vrs. Maynard, ^1,-nt a couple of ilnya ut II . IVimeU's. Mr. Jam McMullon visit <! with his sunsand tUu^hu-r in 'iVnmto - . il>- holiday. Mr. White of Sau^ei! Juncli m spent mcr Suiul.-iy witli his si.v.er he;e. Ml-. :ii.d Mi>. tivM^o Stuart spent 1 -.I'll with lvi:il>. iVv tVcn 's. Muito : n miber tf th' yunn- folks |iertoyh in 'he sput it Km.Wilrv .-n .1 soiiif on.j"yi d the day at Ki'i>viiiii Heathcote MISS Jean Milne of Toronto visited at the pemital home orer the holiday. Alex. Reekie of Toronto has returned to hw home in Heathcote, wheri he is engaged in Ilia father's mill as night- waichuian. Miss Florence Gardner of Toronto h.ia retimed home for her summer, vacation. Mis> Kathleen Reid, who is attending school in Thornbuiy, spent the Utter part of the week with her friend, MISM Elsie Gardner. We :xre pleased to hear thut Mrs. Charlie Hetherington is improving after her illness. Moiice Reid of R icklyn is visiting with hi* winter, Mrs. Harold Yickers. The picnic in Mr. Geo. Vamplew's bush held on May 2:1 by the A l> t'. was )arn-ly attended and all report a inont enjoyable time. Mr. :md Mrs. Freeman of Markdle visited with Mr- and Mr. Fred Hutch- inson over Sunday. A Wormy Proposition You ::iay have your fox farms and other institutions, but J. II. Adams, E. F. Graff, J. S. Knechtel 1 M. S, Arm- stroog. Ross Young, Ch-ulie Coppingtr and a few other* cf the enthusiastic local ani(lers huve started something real new mil Mii^ir.il. The present season pi-orri- ses in lie the greatis-. the rishsrnien have ever known and a A result there- will be a big demand for bait. They ate about to establish a worm farm. Three acres of luid, the site a stcret, have been pur chased for the establishment, and opera lions will commence at oucu. Stall-lei worms, domesticated worm*, tempera mental woims, wild and untameiible las cals, in fact worms to buil every mood o the ani(lur. It is a big venture but the men behind the proposition are cnntideti of a tremendous mccfss. This is not i stock sellin scheme, the Tainariiu Island fishing par'y bjiiijj l"iio in the combine. However, the products are for disfiibu- tion nmonn the angling fiateinily. Hanover Post. R. R Kinnell arrived in Dundalk on Queen's Biithduy was largely cele- ! M( 'l'y '*>'< .th a new Perchon stall- irated he:e on Sunday and Monday, lon "&>*** last Jew and shipped now veryoim returning home in mod humor. | f [ '" Bolto "- lt ls "" iro " 8 r ^ j three year? old, weighing 1HOH and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Teeter of Yande- eur were the yuests <>f Mrs. Francis unoe recent'y. Mr. Bolund of Yaiideleur visited with rif nds here the past week. Local horde fanciers thiuk it a beauty. i Mr. H. C. Duff, of the Agricultural Department, Mnrkdale, was in totvn on Tuesday lookini; over the drainage dem- onstration Held on the Carton farm. Mr. Charley Graham has returned Toronto for the lumnier. Mr. and Mrs. Watson of Proton were b.- gcesu of Mrs. McMaster over the iliday. I.-tili <, .I. i not forget the meeting in OR. specialist In dlsiues oi ihe Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office-30 lOthjjS ea, Owen Sound At the Ruvere house, Markdale, 2ml Thursd.-ty each month from 8 to a 12a. m DuncUlk.lht Wednesday of each month . Jewelry Flesherton Planing 'And Chopping Mills I ani now prepared to do chopping ' every day in the week except Sundays and every week in the yettr. Bring along your grists . Our sash and door factory is always at your disposal for anything you \v ,nt in our line planing, matching, etc. Klnor in 1 .', -iisn and doors, and all house fur- nishings supplied promptly and at reas- onable rates, Get he Presbyterian church on June 2. Mrs. Dr.) Pall irson of Toronto will Address . / ,, born in County Kerrv, Ireland, ai.d cum he meeting, and there will al.so be other addresses and music. All are welcome. Markdale The Committee of Management for the . niuu 1'Jth of July Ctflebra'iiiu bus en- ;aged the Salvation Airny Band of Owen ' Souud for the day. Seventy-six trees have been planted n town by the Horticultural Society, in.l ltliuuah they have ordeis f r many ore it has been deemed advisable mvupj to Ihe ex'reinely dry weather mid the <%iiess of the season not to plant any nore this spring. Eight nice Iteef entile wh : ch ue'ted cuiiHiderabltt over $St)0.00 were recently delivered by Mr. John McKnijj'i', of tlocklyn, to Stuart Bros., of Kimberley while Mr. Janus Patterson, of Blanlyre' delivered Kv good ciittle, one calf 13 month* old vi Jim ; 990 Ibr. Mrs. .lames Hill, of the suburb*, met wi-h u piiiit'nl accident while going down cellar ..lie day hi -i week. She missed hi r Exiting near the head of the stair and fell H'avily domi the bteps, breaking ankle H.S well ai being otherwise severely cruised and shaken up. Standard. passed away on Tuesday, Mny 12th, at the age of 80 y ars. The deceased was e to thia 1 K-.il.iy when the country w*s n unbroken .bush, enduring with her hus- band ihe hardships of the cnily settlers. Her husband dieJ about 1.1 u- ago. -Herald. Walkerton Bad Blind Man John Besler is sentenced by .Indue Barrett here .u Fiiday last to two mouths in the \Valkerton jail fr com- mitting the riimc of bigamy by leading Bridgett Ulynn of \Vnlkerton to the altar and accepting h. r for better or worse when he already had a wife living in Michigan whom he h*d matried neurly !>."< years beford. When marryinn Biid- geit- Bei-ter reprtnenifcd himself aa a bichelor. Sonic Hanover youths, who aio siid to have been imbibing rather loo freely at the local har, hile passing down the front street here on Monday niglr he- t -.v en 11 and 1- o'clock had the chugiin of seeing one of their number lose his f. 01 ing and full through Miss Purteotis' j, er j large millinery wii d iw. HenriiiK the crush Miss Purtcou.s inn out and followed the tleein*; youths to the Royal hotel -li.'ds. where she cornered them up while her mother phoned for the police Se- ing that his bacon was cooked, the guilty youth c une out and confeasid hi 8 T. Blakeley, Prop. Feblo 13 ly A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler p FLESHERTON, ONT The Chinch Bug Albert VVunamiiker.the blind man, who has on different occasions seated himself f>. " d agreed I,, settle for 'he .n the street corner with his gramophone *^ h lle h d done -Herald and and received donations from the sym- p;iihelii: wl.o passed by, has proved hi'n- self to In; a very tad mm. and for the next six months, at least, will not ha- e ; t" depend on public sympathy for his ; support. ( >n Sat.unbiy last he was in | Colliiigwi'ud mid a livery to bring him t there commenced to abusi everybody he cume in contact with. At the station he in. ill- himself obnoxious mid bi'uke a min. dow in the station. Const ille Youns btina sent for wi-ut up ;ind brought him Times. A Car of Western Oats Just Arrived Make good seed. A good supply ot Kennies iiml Steef Brigg's Rape seed, carrot,turnip, mangle, sugar mangle, sugar beet seed, potato onions. dutch setts, beans, garden coin, In field corn we have Compton's early, angel of midnight. North Dakota. Imp. Leaning, white cap, giant ensilage, on or ott' the cob. Milletl and Hungarian Tomatoes, cabbage.CanliHowercelery and house plant*. We buy your wool, butter, eggs, potatoes and groin. Our Ice Cream is in full swing At the Flesherton Grocery, W. BUSKIN, Flesherton. The Experimental Funus Branch if , , the Department of Aunciilture has issue I a it drunk. Ha hired i . . v . . , _, , Eiitoiiiolouical Cu-cular No. .5, enlitled Glen Huron, an.l . , ' . . . "Tht Chinch Bu in Onmrn. fins heis been prepared ry Mr. H. F. Hudion, Kield Ottu-or of the Bn'omolngical Ser- vice. In the I'nited States the losses due to lhe ravages of the Chinch Bug, during the list sixty yearr, considenibly an-lplace. h ,mn,the .,,-k.pov,r ^BO.con.000. Fortunately no Suiuhy. Monday U.l.R , rhc.al ^.^ ^^^ ^ ^ from Bar, ie came here and h,l urn ^ .^ ^ ^ ^ ^ |usect h ,. arraigned befo.e Police M.gi.tra^ M*c- ^^^ it , c , f , Mld aie,ex County u, tay, who, af or heirtiii; the evidence him, committed him to serve six mo iths in ihe Centril Prison, for which plnco he left with the G.T.R. de- tective on ihe afternoon train. Cree- n ue St ir. Trimmed Whiskers 60 Years Plot". Cuneo, WSlkeftdVd veteran ton- sorial art st. on Saturday last completed histiOthyen- nt his^tri.de. Mr. Cunio learned the barberiim when !') years of a^e andalthoiiL;h "n his next lirthday he will have reached his fmir-score y't'iirs, he b.is been continu.ill on the job and jun still handle tl:e KU.U- with aUcnly >nd Hive his customers an excellent shave. There are but few mortals wh i ciin boast of be ng in this liuiness for sixty years, but the Pi'oft'tsoi 1 . as Mr. Cuni i is iiptly ternioJ, is appmcnt./ nmio 'be woise for his long seiv'co nn I i< good f r still a few 1110:0 ye.rs. Milbnrt Hinn, a y.-tiiii; man ol -'I ye.-n-i il ori.'o Nib'ook ''f I'm ibis iiu-l .-i h.i:- , ,ii c j ,it the n-suleiic.: .1 !in pienls. Mi. '.nth y .1 dyini-iiiio txplr.si >'i n nn.l Mr-i. -l.i-. Kiiin, H.-IH M. -iniji". . M . Cm .da Cai>l o,l St...!.' l''-'''V last , M't.-v no.uU' iw- years' ill- Ontario, ii'iJ has bee i reported also from Nova Scotia, Th CircuUr, therefore s thinly aii'l dis.u^ses the uieihvics lo be adopted in order to control the insect. Li 1012, ail investigation of the infesicd arei in Middlesex uoiuity was :iiiidb by the abovt Fu-1 1 < 'tH.-er, a-id the life-Ins loty of ihe insi'ct, etc., waa studied. In the Circuluv the iuformalion i{:iihei-cd Thelitt'o 22-months old son of Mr. tlui . iul , t |, investiKat:on is pven Pre- ventive ni'.-iisuros, such as clian farming, roliv" 0:1 of clops, etc.. lire discussed, us well as aitilicial n meiti-jt--. C .pie.s of l.he circular umy I e obtained ftee of charge m ilio eliair lino KOI; :* i.iiuuiu: 01 (r> ^ ( , iC i> u i,Ho,-i-i'.ns llriinch, Dop.it- Poisoned by Eating Match< s FAIR EXCHANGE IS NO ROBBERY Bring your Eggs and trade them for a pair of boots. In men's boots we have them, in light and heavy, suitable for the spring trade Ladies wear patent.gun met- taland tan,either lace or but- ton,also a nice assortment in pump, colonials and strap shoes. Custom work and repairing as usual Thos Clayton. and Mis. U. Bel 1 , Mlh .street west, <lied on WoJuoj-'day of List wick from eating uvitclus. Tl-.e child h:i'l | r.s'.u-d chair up to ilio cabinet ;r d then climl'in^ up chair ha-1 not :i l.-.i:dln! of in.idlies. When ilio u o lu-r fui.nd him bo b.-'"l oiti n : ho ends i H' come of the in-il.-1'.i's, but f-he did IKII think tint it h:n' oat tn eii'iimh of them to irsu'.t -^.TI- I'lisly. ll 'as ;i!our iniilniulil, or twelve hniiri Liter, iluvt the 1 tl!o ' tic :i\v;iliencd .'tr:u "liiii,'- l>r. H il.l erfoul v. is r.il'ei', but the poison In.d li;ii' tiiu.' 10 .lo its d*mlly win k and tho little one dio.l. (). S'. Tin. - the<i'i:ir-y ': i Corporatto'i. John 'Ihl-'tiV. a f.-iniH 1 :, w'..i killod by friiin his w:i:x"l> ^'l' 1 - 1 " '''" , 1 l.y :\ fi-'."!;ht tiain. on " '- 9C ' 11 " I li hind ners iif in ro "i 1 loss s.-Vi-ri y. Hit 1 ;im- l i ho Irado of birh.-riniz h-io witll T. >>. li.;iiu^i.-r. aii'l 111. .! v>.'i,t wvM, wli-.-i-..' ho coll i-.ictnl luMvy colJ w'lic'i srtilt-d ..n his .n :;s. mi.) l ioli li ! >v.i- n t .\ , r ,,l, ,- .. -> rid of. II ' i i- .'i I" m ' i "' I 1 .. . 1 <> I. mi l.-r wl.ii-io ;ms|' -<.- ho WIIK Inii-u-il iin Sit;vl-iy in 'ho II n -y . 1 ,- -in 'fiy. i ..-'-I'l -i' 1 -- M->r. Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office nii<l Residence- li'.O.iltith St. \V,s- I 'ivi'ii Sc-iinl, <.)'lt. Hoiiri '' (< 1 2!i.in., I-'' 1 t 4 .-.O I- m. : BB.OV. Oihcr hmii- by Hj'i'u i.tM.viit. nient A 4 T|ie iJerni:! i III.MI.KV <:u:i- v iv ;ioi;- ; t i u (!u.'!,i!i ini'i ''ii S.ttnr.l.iy. lW btt'j .vis nn iinriii'.oi- -in. I ! -served i.H t!i:it : Okliltf In him. 1: .il iLppencd on ihe in.-irUet in ill-.- i.'ioiniiiLj wlu'n n ( rn: in \\-irn in f'tinil ilu si al she I'.ad regu'arly i-otiipiod for yc:r-s usiivped by a tiueljih- ! ito. Sli..- rctiionsliatvd, I'll' :o in> puv- .s!u> pieUod up '.'oi- -uuple sKivU and fiee- | ly ai'i'lied llie woik cf f uii l)i'iie-t in lh.it p 'itii ll of llic n'-ii I'd''- -oiuH'rtlly seK'clt><l for :ni|-r.s :1 ;i[Ki'--. U w:i-. n !ii:un;'li t' l i . lu my. New Suitings FOR SPRING We arc showing'ncarly SCO different lines of suitings for spring wear. Many cf them are exclusive designs and cannot be obtained elsewhere Come in and have a good look, even if you do no: buy just now. It is great to see all these new lines. Prices start as low as $16.00 2t S. J. BOWLER THE RELIABLE

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