May 28 1914 THEFLESHERTON ADVANCE BUSINESSCARDS Wll. WKIOHT, TKLKOKI) * McUONAM) KtrrUter, Sulicit... ., Ac. OOleei. Orey & Bruce Blook, O<roo Bouud. Standard Hank BJoek,Fl*hertun.(Sturiia>i. W.II. Wright. W. I'. Tolford J'., I. O. MoUonaH. L,. u. .B. INVENTED FOUNTAIN PEN. SOCIETIES O O W uieeu ou he last Monday u in cb uionth, in tbeir lodgo room Claytou'a hall Fle.nerton at H P-- -L*^ W J Bellamy : Uec.. C. H. Muo.liaw, lYu., H. J. BprouV Vi.ltiuy brthrnlnviti A LODliK, No. SS3.A.K4 A tlu M..oulchaH Arm .trous-, BlocH.KIo.berton. every Jriday ou or botore the lull inocn H.rh Suiltli, \\. M.; Cuu.Uunibaw, Secretary. avoltbe inoutb. T le at Tb Advance, o 08 MEDICAL D H CA T- 1 'p K *80nt.Pbyilclan.Bnri!on elf "me. a"d .*enc^-P.U,r at. fl-berton Canadian I>riiKKist Was IMonecr In Now Huge Industry. Hooks ol reference, eTen diction- aries, name and deser'be the fountain pen, but In such a way as if it had been the product of spontaneous cre- ation. None of the writers seem to "W5TODY FISH/ IV.. f. A. Ii. Mncalluiu r-inMi^liin- Iteseuirh n I'ltclfic Const. Dr. A. U. Mucallum. professor of biochemistry at th , University of To- | Tne !; are blue and tbe lights CANADIAN SLEIGH SONG. (By James Lewis Milllgan.) Tbe setting sun, like an a.-tist bold, Paints tie snow on the billowy are red, ronto, has boen In Vancouver recently k* In connection with the work of tin- ue * ney Board of Biological Research, under head; grow aa be sinks his know the name of Its Inventor. Watt, the Department of Marine anil Fish- Afar - where the pine-clad hills arise, Morse, Howe, Bell and other naiues' er ii. 8 of which be is aecretary-treas- >Tls Purple against the saffron skies; of Inventors and discoverers are i urer 'without salary. While I step in my nlelgh household words, hut no one appar- Two biological stations are main- And drlve awa y ently Is familiar with the name of tbe tallied by this board in Panama, one;*" 16611 miles at the end of day. Inventor of the fountain pen. ThiB| at Nanaimo and the other at St. An-',, can scarcely be said of the Inventor I <jrew's NH while It Is planned to ; Tls cold! Tne y 8a y Jt is len below, of any other Instrument of equal utll-j egtabll g n 'another at Hu". on Bay. i 'Twill be twenty-five in an hour or so; ity. Yet the personal element Is most Tne i r Bu bject matter Is halibut, sal-' 1 cover W ears and muffle mv cnln . Interesting in ull spheres of human ' mon> herring lobsters and oysters, on ' And tuck m v fee t a11 cosily In; action. The fountain pen ia now the economic' side and their object Is I 1 speak to my horse, as drivers do, mad- by scores of competing manu- lo ;idd uce the facts regarding these | And sne seems to understand me, too. facturprs the world over, and the gea denizens In accepted scientific 'We're off, I tell her. to fourth-line, business has risen Into millions. Alljr oriu BO { ba t governments may gov- She coks her ears as a knowing sign. III Itlttti Carefully .Corrected Each Week Whet 100 to l.OM UHtH 40 U> 4<J Peas 1 12 lo 112 Barley 55 tr r,.~> Hay 15 00 to 15.00 Butter 19 *o 19 EgH, fresh 21 t > '.'I Potatoes per bag 1 00 to 1 Co Geese li to l:j Ducks ... .*. 15 .o 15 Fowl 11 to 13 Chickens 13 >o 1: TarKpya 18 10 'JO FlesHer-ton Tonsoriaf Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAl'XDRY Bjket clone* Monday ni^ht, delivery Friday creui-jg. CLKASISG mid DYEING- We re igents for Porkri's Dye Work* Clothe* ane'l and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. T FISHER, - - PROPRIETOR since 1876, when patents were issued j ern (hemselves accordingly. at Ottawa and Washington to the in-; Take the matter o ( halibut, for In- ventor. While her hoofs beat time To the sleigh bells' chime. 1 stance. It is said that halibut are And my heart indites this swinging Duncan Mackinnon was born in the becora i ng B( , arce ln p ac inc waters. Is township of York, county of York, Ontario, In 1838, ind died in 1882. He received a liberal education '. i bis It true? That it what the biological board wants to know. Very little Is known of the habits of halibut. Its rhyme. The flres of day burn low and red. The stars are brignt'nlng overhead; native county. After teaching school gg havc been obtained on'y in llm-j 1 r' de alone on lne l P of tbe world, for a short ti >e he took up phar- j (,,.,[ B t a g e8 its time of spawning is ''''"' woods and streams in sleep are macy, and the year 1874 found him the proprietor of a drug store in the city of Stratford. About this time unknown, its food Is not definitely re- cognized. Tbe ;;reatest living expe t on hall- re; 1 a para-. but , g Dr Hjort nea( i of tne Ncr . graph In The Scientific American weg , an fl8nerleB only forty-sir years DENTISTRY LECAL J1ANEY & ***&& W V'* l 'w ''I ! K" S&0, ^'u T.ador. Hank' .. Mli; Markdal* I.UCM Hlock Krtucli ofl.ce at lUiudalk o|n every Hatui ]ii SINESS CARDS Itaukera Mark.lale ,-.*ral banking liuiue. . Money loaned rroul.le ratri. Call on u. D Mel' HUU UeriiMJ Auctioneer for the Co'inty ol Grey. Ternin mo<li-rte Md til action Kuaranteo-l. Tbo arrange" .. I late* o( ale can be made a*. Tar ADVANC e oOice. HMiilooceaud P.O.. Ceylon. Telephone tounecttoD. Dec. 6.07. WM KAlTTINIt, Licensed Auctioneer loi the countiea ol lirey ami biiiicoo. Farm and Htock lee a pclaUjr. Term, xodnrate tall'-factiou KuaranUed. ArrauRe- owiti.for .laiiuay be made at tbe Adv.nco jinn- or Central telerhoue ortlce pv^rnliaiu or I. y a' 1 ., i..-"i nk' uj at Fetertliam, Ont. Pure Bred Holstein Bull Changeling Prince Joe .ISrnl l>y ChanXflinK Butter Boy o'lt of Tidy Abbekerk I'lincosH Josephine. The grcateit butter making train known. Term <if..rvic %l.nt) for grHdvs, ?."> OE<I. MooKK \- SON. Prop*., TChlBUETT. PcMtmaiter, Ceylon. ( -.11, n,,--,.. luH.t;. J . Couveyancer, rteeiln, uiorta<'i, leaww. wllla etc. carefully drawn up ollrclioiia mad?, cliargea roaHonabie. Aluo rocerloe. Hour, feed etc. kept lu tock. Price* lbt. BULL FOR SRV1CE lUfgiM.i'ri'd Ho! stein Hull, Korndyke 1'itlertje Clothilde. N-. 1478<r, wln*o, 1 rix.i.- s I'l'.tliilde 1'iofurt je 2nd, No. 2HK, I,., produced over 80 llw. milk per day. Term* Crude cows |l. IK), pine lircrl i ., $.'!. All COWH .."i returned will I... charge" I. Term* ('ttsli AlM'i riteri!l Yi>rkhir> liour, .\X I4W1. Term. Jl. HENKY HOI.MAX Iml 40, Con. 4, AiU'inu.ia, I'onltnv i'.() j iftiiu ir asking some In-veniive ;enlus of the world to produce a "fluid pencil," that Is. a writing instrument much like a lead pencil, substituting ink for the lead. Mr. Mackinnon was at once seized with the importance of the suggestion and was soon at work. of age, but Internationally famous. It furl'd; O'er bill and dale, through rocky glade, I glide like a ghost a wand'rinc shade What more am I? as I came I go, Is the' intention of tbe board to en-! I slide through life as over the snow; gage Dr. Hjort to devote big time to the investigation ot tt> life and hab- its of halibut on tbe Pacinc coast. He Is expected herj about ths 3nd of| turned. Tbe shapes ily past ere they're half- discern'd, Tbe years slip by and to dreams are September. using the metal penholders of the| Another question that the blolagl- time for his experiments. The chief difficulty lay in securing control of tbe inkflow. Th,s was fin- ally accomplished by putting an air tube In the centre of the fountain. This was, and Is to-day, the most es- sential part of the mechanism. With- out It there would have been no fountain pen. liefore final results were reached Mr. Macklnnou made trips to various cltii>H In search of skilled artists, including Providence. New York, Philadelphia, and Cincin- nati. The pen wan first made in soft metal. This experiment failed, for the Ink corroded the metal, and the points soon wore off. Hard rubber was next chosen and proved so suc- cessful that U Is still the material used. There wan still one difficulty (o overcome, and that was to se<.'Uie a Hard metal point, finally accomplished This, too, was by the use of li'idium, the hardest of all metals, and with which the gold pens cal station at Nanaimo is grappling And nought remains but these stara that rise Like a wall of gems b?fore my eyes VF.R two million practical farmer, and ktockmtn say International Stock Food u the greatest animal tonic and health praervtr ever formulated. Added to the regular (rain fd, it lielpa digestion and iimlU:i.>n enabl stock to |fe|all the jpxxl out of their feed-builds up strength i:d kcrt them in prime condition all winter. Awl CMU o.l, 3 tWde for oae cea*. If you will write and tell us how many head of stock you own, we will forward t you free our |},ooo. Stock Book. INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD CO. LIMITED with is why the herring are disap- 1 A bright enigma, a dream too high. pearlng from Pacific waters. Has it anything to do with the movement of the planxtone life of the sea, that is the microscopic animal life on the surface of the water? T) is pla-ixtone life may give indications of the mi- gration of the halibut constantly fur- ther north. Tbe sea salmon has ne-ve been de- finitely described as to nativity, ma- turity and death. Many have guessed at these problems, and Prof. Gilbert has made Important discoveries. Which lures me upward, I know not why. As I sit In my sleigh And drive away, Ever on till tbe dawn cf day! From The London Graphic. SAM HUGHES, MINER. The Minister of Militia Recounts Mi Adventures In Diamond I i.-l.K. One of the most popular speaker! FOR SAI.K M JOHN FISHER. FLESHERTON T . TT B B ^~~" ~"~ attached to the fountain are tipped. the | r grO wth seems to be arrested It will be noticed that what the w he<her they shed their shells or not Inventor kept steadily In view was these are some other problems to the production of a "fluid pencil. " ; be worked out. He had not thought of attach'nK an j p ro f Willy of McGill University ordinary pen to the fountain.. This another member of the biological fluid pencil, although still in the mar- board, is going out there on a tour of ket. is not suited to fine penmanship. | nveB tigation in April, and Mr. Mac- Others soon discovered this. Cross allum plani) to return in June for was the Inventor' i manufacturer. longer 8tay , Joth wll , go <)Ut lo , t)P This gentleman conceived the Idea of halibut banks with the halibut fish- substituting an ordinary pen for the er men and get first-hand information, nolnt. and proceeded to manufacture D r. Macallum has been interview- and sell, regardless of business eth- ing officials of the Provincial Govern- ICK or possible infrinRement. calling ment and ln<J Dominion Fisheries De- Ms pen the stylographic. Other mak- ,, ar t men t and co-operating with them ern. the world over, followed in quick in thelr work He gees nlucn good lo succession. The rest Is present-day be do ne for the conservation of the history. j. a( .| ne I.IVt many other inventors, Mr. ) 1!U1 d Mackinnon plowed Iho field and sow- ed Ihfc seed, but others reaped the harvest. These are being verified if possible. | *\_ the f| innuaJ Banquet o^ the Cajia- and when scientifically demonstrate! the fatcts will be used to conserve the salmon. The reason why o-sters do not seem to thrive when transplanted from the Atlantic to the Pacific, whe- ther It is due to t')e scarcity or the plentifulness of brine In the sea or to tbe temperature of the water; why lobsters reproduce their species, bul fisheries In the work to his A ( 'liiiininanN 1 1. 1 ill. Mn-i lie lionded. A curious feature of the Quebec marriage laws and one which, it is maintained, should not be struck Mining Institute, held recently at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Mont- real, was Hon. Sam Hughes. Can- ada's doughty Minister of Mili'.la. Col. Hughes was in a jocular vein, and his comments and anecdotes were hugely enjoyed by the members of tbe Institute. "While not a professional miner." said tbe gallant Minister, "I have had some slight connection with the Industry. Kor one thing, 1, on sev- eral occasions borrowed money from confiding friends to Invest in gilt- edged propositions. I know there ii money in mining, for the money 1 put In Is still there, but ao long as my friends are willing to lend. 1 um willing to risk more of their money. "One of my rural constituents came Into my otlice in Lindsay one day and dumped on my desk a small sackful of specimens showing ' right yellow specks. " 'There, what do you think ol that?' lie asked. 'Ain't they line?' " 'Very fine.' I answered. 'As tine Iron pyrites as I ever eaw.' " 'Iron?' he shrieked. 'Do you mean to tell me it Isn't gold?' " 'Just plain iroii pyrites, more popularly known as fool's gold,' I told him. " 'Well, I'll be Jiggered. 1 he ex- claimed. 'Just to think that I've married a widow with nine children because I discovered she had HARDWARE! Get A New Perfection Oil stove And have a cool kitchen this summer Tl.ey :u-e A p!eaur,- to mc.ik will' o,, . L,J y cmtouier toll u* I wi.iiU net I* with, ut mil .- for u food deal. I can cook ny- thing 01 it, and y..u d .n'c need n. hwt ih- hduse nil up and you would say the same thir u if j- U8l .,l onc a teMOIK Frank W. Duncan FLE5S HELTON, ONX II A Chinese oalh was recently admin- from the code, is the fact that the ] mountain of that on her farm! 1 ' istered In British Columbia with all happy couple must be bonded. The I No speech by the brave Colonel the ceremonial accompaniments that bridegroom going to the Issuer of ! would be complete without a refer are observed In China when un oath licenses is astounded If he has not Is taken In court. Seven Chinamen lpurne d the law. to find that he mil t were charged with rioting, and one, br|ng , wo householders who will go Mob. QuonK. a witness, was to testify. hnnii ,._ ,.,, fnr . Kftfl Ba , h ,. ,... The oath was taken on the luwn at the rear of the courthouse, In the presence of the full court and many interested spectators. tin In the Chinese bond for him for $800 each, to show that there Is no reason why the mar naj.-,'- should not take place. U Is iV 1,7 to prove Lhat neither of the partlee it was writ- . . . ij_j *%._i language, to has previously Bull For Service 1'iir.- IH-.-I! shor horn ImU, K n|wr <r. w;:,:!T. f ,i v\-ii-ei,n lot \t>7, W.'I". H U., Artfinemit. T-i ms 81 .')() (W jjr*d. n, $:'< for thorooghbtwl*. All cnwi neiveil must, hi) p,i I for. MHI- II. ijniK';, I'p'piietor. DIVISION COURT 1914 KI.KSIIKUTOX AM* IM'ND.U.K Kl<-lii-'toli Apri l.'i '"in- IT K .<- ,.-rt..n Oct. 14 CANADIAN ~~ CIFIC Great Lakes Navigation si.-.'ii .-..;] i"ii.- |i u- M XL .'ll M.I n- Hiiil tjdUird*y*. 11' i>. in , co i.inr lu-iiiy Miy ;ili, f.r Sault "!-. Ma ir, Port Arthur n t>l F.iit SV.l' Til <><*, -i M i..i.,,i,ii, ,, lin; f,,iiii |'.,il \I--N I, \V -.liiril.y. !l , ill .1 I * n -' .:. i. '. i. ii tint |i mil l-i ,;.| l>. III. fil'll STEAMSHIP EXPRESS 11 ll' l . T". .. -i " I ' 1 ' li. Ill on -iii ii ' ijiftMIIK'l < I' I" "' % i' ^!' P 'II. 'I'D U I >l'Kl;.N C \.N \D\ IN ( '"\|. HUM' \ I \ CAN \IH.\N I'M'll M' I'ui-iioul i , r.- 'iirdinx It \ II. nr O .'K \N lic!i.--< f.iini C/tii-i ! 111 I" i -i.i ' T .-'; .V(<eiifN or iv. iui M. (i. .Mnrpliv, I'.l'A , I,' IM.'y.. l..|,,n'... Hu.'l Tor Service F'-r M -.- -ice. Birn ^ :!.!!-, N . <i|.'.. A''CMI A l^'l , "U II', .'li, !> ll C lllvD'.s- iori, Ait. .MO -'tii'i. '|'H.-IIM. ?<l.(l n ,u ! heforo lit J.tu. liH.").- \V, J. Mi My 10 been wedded, that which the wltni-M am*ed bin Blgna- ', tlle > r are , of , a B e - ar lf not - l that th K e lure. The charge against the seven con8e " t "' tlle I> arc n ts h 8 > en b- men was rea.l to the wltnesn by tho tlned. It Is merely a matter of form. Interpreter, whereupon the witness lnere ls no records known of any took the following oath: bondsmen being sued for the amount "Helng a true witness, I shall en- of tilp bon '' "V tllp province or by an joy happiness, and my sons and , lratl ' parent. Nevertheless, the bond grandsons will prosper forever. If 1 must be given. falsely accuse, I shall die on thej Rtreet, heuven will punish me. eirth | Hits Hcullli liiNpecllon Act. will dnetroy me. I Hlmll suffer ad- verslly. and all my offspring will lie exterminated. In burning this oalh. I humbly submit to the will of heav- en, which has brilliant eyes to see." After the witness had signed his name to the oath, a youi.g white cock wit'i red comb and yellow lens was brought forth. Three i.unk sticks and a pair of fhinese candles WT- slin-k in the ground and lighted! Drills!) i 'MI n in in i is the only pro- vince In the l.oml'ilon having pro- vincial legislation governing and con- trolling medical Inspection of schools. The "School Health Inspec- tion Act" provides that the Heard ol School Trustees of every city, town, and distil' > municipality shall ap- point one or more School Health In- npecturs. Many of the other provinces near a block of wood. Next the out li '"' ve modlcal inspection, although was rend by the Interpreter to thel n t P''rhaps so well organized. On- witness, after which (he latter wrap oath \MIS written |i;i]i. r. The round then the joss is making notable strides In this. , pod the piece of paper on Whlrtl the direction. The rural schools are not to he neglected. It Is felt that in laid the Hie past they haw loo often boon rk on the block and chopped ils head nt a single blow. After that ho set fire to the natti with a can- ill'', arid held It until ll. was \vholly consumed. AllifMn .Inin.s Movement. Tin- days of roii(,'li trails and road? built merely for pioneer purposes In Alberta are now numbered. Tbe pub- lic worksi depart ni -^ of the 1'rovln- clul Oovernmen' .< co-operating will tho various municipalities throimlioui (ho pro\ luce for tlin purpoKtt of can StructirtK miiln tnu k road.-i between ll:.' piiiu-ipiil ni;ir!>el centroa. Hal a million dollar v.-hich II:IM Iven 16 1 iialde out ol curreir revenues for rorui dny, nnd the kindly Ii 'construction by tt.i' Millie \\orlis do thniiKh (|itiie awarfl tha, imminent Ibiii yisir will be liln 'bus was full, hn.1 permitted :i M iiing and sickly woman to squ, .-'. Ami Out He Went. Corporation Counsel Ht-glnald (!. ITV, of Toronto, tfll. of a funny experience on Ills last trip to I.oiuii.n. I'M,-. Tim.;.' who haw \isileil Lon- don ki ow Hi" number of pas- : eti.;.-rf carrl"d on c"rtain I' 1 .! 101 i l. ilniliei 1 . l>y regulation. Mr. deary \V:IM tidin; in oil" i,l' BUppOSOd to te entirely hraltl y Insti- tutions. largely in Improving the moat Ini- ' I rulllc roads ,'ul wllh a view In. The 'IniH li.ul in. I pi-i. ( 'i...ili,,! lar to completing, In the course of the tiefore tho usual crank spoke up next fo\v yearn, .". s\ -iiei. of main "ComliH'tHti! " he exciaime.l, "you'vi- 'tninli road.>. i owr your nuniber. y'know!" ence South to his African participation In campaign, and the the expected allusion was forthcoming. "One day," said Col. Hughes, "1 was out near the German colonial border with a patrol, when I saw something glistening In a clay bank. I sent a Dutch scout after It, and he brought back two or three peb- bles, one of which turned out to be a diamond of good size and quality. I afterwards showed It to the De- Beers people, and they half-jestlnply and half-serlously threatened to in- voke the Illicit Diamond liuyers' Act to make me give it up and divulge where I found it, but by pointing out that the operation of martial law suspended all civil legislation, I was able to get away with both th diamond and tbe secret of the place where 1 fount' it. I marked the spol carefully, however, and some day when I get the time I mean to go buck and locate that diamond mine." Spring :: Opening :: Sale RARE VALUES IN EVERY LINE -err PRICKS- Ueitl fruit jvn made in IVfast, Iri-lnnl, ITRE I'.LACK PKITKKS in 11 II, ,>*, reg 10c. iff c. in -tone \,n, re K o ( >c_ <? 16c. ' 20c. alb. KI.ANNKi. KIT. 700 \aids to h sold HATS * lr-{'' i-- .:i-,i. ni <>f fliHpen aii.l slnide*. fi'itbt . : i.,lily, fell. A ^ e a!nn li:n e n . u -. wido briimn- i-d Iw s f.,r -JOj., 70c , 1.00 f 1 "5 ami $2.00. KSfKS poll Ladies -old children, six -B fro:n 4 yi-ms ai.d up Hililiy'w fioiin f<|iiivHlei.t calf meiil. llnynl purple clf meul. * yrd BOOTS and SHOES \Ve have flOOO.IKl , v ,, r th of Voo-.s t<i lie sold t H lariic discount a we rr ever stocked in men'ii ..nienV, hoys', j,'ir!' nd children's heavy und line shots, liigli p ,l l,, w> SEEDS Ueunini>ed(i, Steel Biig^'s seeu>, Ferry's seeds. Mei.'g S ry gloves, ilii* JAS PATTISON and COMPANY'S general merchandise warehouse The month AH (ioiiiK To Kuril)*? immigration figures for the of Mnrch show that 3,819 Qrltllhen came to Ontario during CEYLON .-,^_-.t * ^ ^ ONTARIO that month, making a total of 5,408 ryy*K~i*MK ! Sr^*^Ji~JSrj^j~M.^zf^..^'^z^^ for the first three months of the year, r? v' * T '^'^ T "'' "J^.'''.^.''^.' 'jS-T^r^^T^^-^SS'SySKS JavOri for tho first three months of the year, or about 1.21K) lens than for the same period lust year. S-upt. Hlrinini-!i..iii states that April records when they are compiled should show as jany as In April last >>'iir, when 50.000 arrived. Ho be- lieved that the end of the year would show as high a total aa lillo. which would mean that more than 10,000 newcomoi-H from the llrltlsh Isles will make their appearance In Ontario this year. of t!io r>,-IOO llritish IniinlKrnnts who have como to tbe province this year, Mr. Ilirminpham says tliat nl- DOOBl \\itliout exc.'inion they h;ul ".eell placed u'ith the farmers of .lie pro- vince. None bad remained in To- ronto. To tills lie could add ''.nil as far n:i \va known not one if i' new arrlvnlH was out of employment. I Flesherton Tin _!! Navigation Aids on Hudson lt:ty. The Canadian Minister el' Marine has iinnounci'd Ilia. ' Department la ninkiiiK active preparations to Im- , prove tho aids to navigation on the \it "H&re I, ilr?" askod ho conductor Caiuida'x shipping ileconl. v.|(!l infected concern. Th.;ii be K ln-; Capital oslltnal.d nt $2t;.!M)S,!r,0. Hudson l!:i rcn(t> this K ason. Twelvn nini.' to co-mi from the opposite ,,,d, :| nv ,, st) , (1 ln Si r )4r , c lini ,,iian vesst-ln, now llghlhoiisos IH l.e established leaving ttui compla until i -, , w) il( . 43,988 m ,, n an a hoys are em- from tlu^ South Strait to Port \.-l- |.l..y.'d in the marine service, accord- son. and a wireless station will bo i ;. he repealed: '\\'an. two, four, folvc, six, slvln, ,i i;;ht, nolne, tin. 'hi. MI. twelve, tlilr so I have, r, un' h(> the Lord Harry, yo're the won. Out ye go!" And out he did go. -Star Weekly. IM In" to the annual report Just ipfnir-d established som 'where on tlie strait. hj{| and tin- ionnage I.* R!tf.,tl(if., an tn- and place the necessary buoys In the [)( cr''\flo last year of 314 vessels. and at Port N. Ison harbor. 1 have just pl.-uTil ,,ii thf slp.ivosa dill line of jf tinware, rUckehvare and Agatvvaie ftti- domestic use. ('all un me ami gut yc.nv supplii-s ErtvetrougUing, Stovp^ip^a and Stove Furnish ' ings, JiVirairinj: ofall kinds promptly attended u>. ripelitiin^, in<-)iiditm |mnp work. Fui'ii.'ices. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON ONTARIO. I ux _ ____