Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Jun 1914, p. 1

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"TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." - PRLNCiPLEb NOT MEN.' VOI 33 No. 4fJ Flesherton, Ont., Tliuraclay June H. 1Q1 W, H Kimberley Budget Talk .about hot weaiher ; On Monday all the poultrymen iu the vicinity had to feed their htns on ice to keep them from Uyiog hard boiled eggs. Next. Mr. and Mrs. Roy GooJ.il of Meaford vi.-ired with the former's aunt, Mrs. C. Wiekens recently. Vuite a number <>f mir local sports tuok in the celebration ai Clarksburg on the King'-* birthday ir.d :iil report a good J. R. Fawcett, while plowing on the "Id Purdy property, about, three quarters of a mile north of the village, came upon the relics of an old beaver dam. He turned up dozens of .short s'icks two or three feet long. There ia a lot of mail where he found the dam, showing that the creek known as the Cold Water Spring Ind run there at some remote lriotl, a there is a large quantity of mitl along its banks which comes down with the freuhets every taring. Mrs. Geo. Hut^hinsoii attended th e wedding of her niece, Mits Pearl Ache- son of Proton, on the King's Birthday. We are pleased to see- Hartley Law- rence around again after his illness. T. Sewell and wife of Markdale visited with Mrs. T. J. Ueid mieday last week. Marion Fawcett, who has been visiting friends in Clarksburg, returned home hst week. C'. Patters >n of the public school start' visited his parental home, Blantyre. Vandcleur baseball team drove over to . '.a bury on Saturday afternoon last and played a friendly game with our boys, resulting in a victory for the home team. Walter Uurritt referee d the game to the iv-itisfaction of all concerned. Mrs. Geo. Hutchinson attended the Bianch meeting of the W.M.S. in To- r"iito last week. Mr. A. Mcfiigijart nd wife, a'eo Er- nest Acheson and sister, Eva, of Proton. visited friends here during the past week. Katie Walters visited friends in Clarksburg recently. Don't Forget the D. W. Wideman Stock Clearing Sale It s the store opposite the mill where you gel the bargains, and the high pi ice* for you: butter ind ems. It will pay anyone to drive ten or fifteen miles to take adv*nt-t<;e of this cleaiiii" sale. Pticea cut in t xn - one $ is as good here as two elsewhere. Gun you afford to miss this chance .' All goods must y> at some price, lulf price or less. We will ag*in sell City Daiiy ice cream Snurday evening. The Northern Brokerage. Oo. sellma out the D. W. Wideman stock, Feversham. Terms of sale, cash or produce. Maxwell - Intended For List week Mr. an.l Mrs. Hopper, Oeemore, .spent Sunday with the letter's sislei, Mrs. Fred Spofford. Miss Alice Fenwick and Miso Mary Wiley visited t Mr. Hugh Fenwick's, Sunday. Mr. Hiiny MacC llum of Strassbur, Sask., accompanied Uy his sister. Miss Bertha, visited Quebec last week where he met his little daughter Kiith, ai d her grandmother. Mis. Smith, who sail- ed for England on the ill fated Empress of Ireland. Mr Jack liliick ii.-ul the misfortune of having his le<- broken wlile kicking foot- ball at Fever.sham, Saturday evening. We wish him a speedy leovery. - Mr. Harry Guy of Toronto medical college is visiting at his parental home. Miss Lizzie Hale of Feu-rsham visited with Miss Maud Guy recently. MissHawesof Michigan, is visiting with her uncle, Mr. Angus Mormon of the gravel road. Mrn. Hall is spending a few d-iys wUh fur sister at Whittield. Mrs. (Dr )Pattisou of Toronto will ad- drtts the worn MI'S Institute in the Met ho. dist Hull, Thursday. June 4th, at i.:W p. m. Miss Melntyre <-f Dundalk .'pent Sun- day at M-. W. H. Guy's. Mr. Russel ot Dundalk visile I with his father en Sui-day . Miss Louisa Bluck left last week for Toronto when- she will remain for some time . Mrs. Isaacs of CorbetUn returned to her home on Sunday after .spending K >me time with her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Linlt-y. Miss Annie Suy spent Sunday with Miss Lclia M-iffat of the 8th line. Cookst'iwn w. s threatened with d>-s- truttim by an incendiary ti o early Stm- d,y morning. Tha loss amounting to f25,0<H>, finer! v to the Method's 4 churc'i Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office and Residence- MO, 10th St. West Owen Sound, Out. Hi-urs O to 12a.m., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. to K p.m. Other hours by appointment. Heathcote Mrs. Armstrong of Markdale is visit- ing with friends here. Rev. and Mrs. Young visited with their F'airuiount parishioneis last week. Born Sear Heathcote on June '5, to Mr. and Mr*. Ernest Charters, a daughter. Mrs. J. R. Hewson entertained a number of her lady friends on Saturday afternoon, June !, and all report a very enjoyable afternoon. Rev. Mr. Appleyard of London at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs. Fisher of Meaforl on Saturday, June 7, driving to Heaihcote church in the evening, where his many friends were pleased to Sfc him. Don't forget the garden party a>r. Heathcote oil Thursday, June 11, heM by the F.nglUh church. Vandeleur K. Baker and wife spent the beginning of the week with friends in Collmgwood. S. Buchanan was in Owen Sound for a lew days last week. M'sses Olive Gtlry and Carlyle i.f Toronto were visitors at George. Wiieht's last week. Mesd'imes S. Gilbert and R. (ienoe visited friends nt Meaford recently. Messrs. P. K. and R. A. Holley, con- tractors of Meaford. are putt in-; up a cement silo for J. J. Ma^ee. W. HuU-hinsnn and wife, accompan- ied by Miss M. Leslie, visited friends at Kimlterley recently. Win. Hutchinso'i, Sr., visited friends it Markdale fo a few days last week. Portlaw Mr. H. Holnian is vintin-.' friend* in Toront >. Mrs. Robert McKee, wh-.se health has not been in a sttisfvtory state for some months, wont to Collingwood lately t<> receive hospit.il tivHtmcut. Mer.s. J. liaison and George Wilson are in Owen Sound this week attending C'Hirt ts jurors. Harold Moutipniery of Toronto has retained hune after a lengthy visit with rela'ives here. James McLeiin.in .pen! some d.-iys list week with his sister in Toronto. Mount /ion Sunday .school was re- organized last Wednesday with W. A. Morion as supciinteiuUut and a wood s'aff of officer* and teachers. Feversham Items Have Made Good Victoria Corners Mr. Hazzard of Toronto took the ser vices at Inistioje on May '.M, speaking for the Bible Society. We were glad to see Mr. and Mrs. Lonsway. They Wure visiting Mr. ami Mrs. Acheson. Mr. and Mr;. John Hoard. Floslerton, visited at W. H. Heaid's. Tonsorial Parlors j We Aim to Give Entire Satisfuctiot LArSDRY-Bisket closer Mond J night, delivery Friday evoiii-ig. CLKASING nd DYEIXG We :u | agents for Purktr's Dye Woiks-^Clotbw clowned nd dyed, fotthors rejuvenated Mrs. 11. J. (;,,l,| Ue tte is visiting wiili her daughter. Mrs. Harry Hort'ii in Tor- onto at present. Mr. J.nned Shyers is no better at the tin.e of writing and many fear she may nut get better. The continuation school and s mic nf their f-iends went to Bank for a picnic on Wednesday Us', and spent the day anvng the rocks and ctvea of the Blue Mountain. At that place a beautiful view is had of Colliugwood the Bay and the country around for miles. All report a pleasant day's outing. Feversham football team pUyed a match with Dundalk at that place on Friday l.<sr, the score being; 2-1 in favor of Feversham. The boy's expect a re- turn mutch in Feersham iu the near future. Dr. Mitchel, V. S., is meeting with go id success in his profession. Messrs. Heron and Perigo spen'. Sun- day in Flesherton. Miss Itruokard, our continuation teach- er, has left for her home in Fergus for t'ia holidays but will retutn after -ind take charge o,f the school for another year. The cinuii.isaioner* of the Osprey Tele- phone system are proposing to have a night service in the Centril here. Mr. ind Mrs. J. J. Knitting and little yr.iiiN.iM, Gilliard Kaittinz, spent Sun- day with the former s daughter, Mrs. 1. McKeon, at Duncan. Mr. White, principal of Flesheiton huh schonl, is presiding at the continua- tion schocd examinations here this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Himiuill spent last rek with friends in Toror.t i. In North Country S...ne we'.'ks ayo Th-> Advance made , reference to a tind made by the Jamie- son Bros., Ed. nd George sons of Mrs. J. Jaini-.'sin i f Flesher on, in the north country. These young men have beeu up there for the past six or seven years .|uietlydi.'<t'ns; along, working and p.-ospectiug. During the past couple of yeirs they hive located several claims in the Porcupine district, and on-* of these claims has recently been sold for a b'g figure, according to the Porcupine Her aid of May 28. The younu men retain a live per cent, interest in the company to be formed. The sale price w a $].~>0,iXH), monthly payments, and all to be paid within nine m.iii'hs. Added to tl>U the younsr men own two other claims which they believe to be richer than il.nse dis- p >sed of. The A Ivance warmly congrat- ulates the young men on their ;'"] for- tune. Thf- Herald item, referred to above, reads a.s follows : "A deal was completed on Saturday last between the Mond Nickel Company of Suubury <md the owners of the Jamie- son c'aims in Robb Township for the sale of the claims. The price involved i* 1 130,000 and a rive per cent n.'ii-.issi -> ible interest in the company that will be formed to operate this property. The reputation of the Mond people is prac- tically a guarantee that a very short time will see active developments being pushed on ihfse claims. The owner* decline to state the actual cash payment just now. hue it is understood tlm a substantial amount- will I.,- paid in a few mi>> d iys and the balance will come in n-r incon- siderable moirh'_v uj.sc.i! vents. " Eugenia Paragraphs Died in Well Stewart M^'ul'och, a maTi ~A years "f age, who had been inis^ing from his home in Waldemar for a few days, was found Friday evening at the holtom of a 4<>-foot well, down which he lifid apparen ly falen accidentally. James Courteny, who lives George Deadman of Toronto and Geo. VlacKenxie of Ceylon were the guests of Irs. William Hys'.op the past week. Mr. Watt. "Resident Engineer' of he Hydro, and Ins wife, have taken up ' |)ext dlM)r) " mKsina the old L-entlenmn heir residence here. j fl . |(m ;iround tn(i houst'.and bein-j- attract- Miss H-ilse and Miss Long of Fleshei- ed by a piece of binder twine blowing on were the guests of Mrs. Win. Hill around the top of the well, went over iver Sunday. to investigate, and finally found the old A couple of our young ladies* got s'alled j man t the foot >( the well. The old n an auto four miles from home, and gentleman had fastened a lantern to the ;d to send for men to help them. What \ string and lowered it into the we!!: and bout women's rights ' then geltinutwo >hort ladder? ami strapp- M,s. W,,,,dburn spent I he past two '" the"' together he loweied^ Oi-se. 1' weeks with friends in Shelturne. is surmised he missed his fixitin^ at the botl'ini ruiu "d fe'.l to the bottom into four feet of water, death uoinintr from eidd and exposure or possibly heart fail- ure, as his hrnd was not below waler The well i*. a narrow itft'iir and the body was found in a hilf staudina p. sition. U. Purvis hai purchased a tine new luggy from D. McTavish. Bert and Card Giahain have started a esUurmir business in town. June .".ill was celebrated here, by a lumber of picmckeis frrm difforcut paits. ||, tf head and lower prt of the body ret- Uni-.nS School pL-mo a held on ing on t ither side nf the well cising. The \Vedmsday afternoon on A. Carruther's lantern had burned itself out, >.. the uc- MomiUin View Farm and the cues. cident likely occurred Wednesday. Quite a number from lu-io ittei.ded the ' Coroiur Berwick was notified and de- if.in raising at Mr. Humberstoiie's on ' cided theie was no need of an inquest Friday last. Mrs. Hillock of Maxwell visited her tBr, Mis Jainiesoii, here, the |> st week. Mrs. K. T. Carr has returned home mm the city. Valley Star. Ceylon II. P. Legate visit -J Owen Sound friends la.st wee'< . Srry to report Mr--. Fr.ink Thompson Albert McConnel an 1 two children of in poor health. Colbeck s .>eht over Sunday at Mrs. A. Klizibt-th Keiithain of Fleshorton Rutlcdges. visi'fd hor sjrandparent- 1 , Mr. and Mis. Miss Bessie Legate of Umham is a E. Paul. visitor at Mrs. K. P. Legates. M;ss Lily Campbell is visiting frieuds Mr. Cha.i. Chislett, Durham, and Miss in Ceylon. Erne, Toronto, are visiting their parents. Miss Li ly Muir, who has been visiting A funny tpUnde happened in Sh L .'- Hanover Mends, returned home Satm- butue lasr. week. One of our popular day. youiii? mon hail purchased anew buggy Miss Myrtle lleniphill 'eft Monday and of course his uiil had ( > have the to spend a few days with I'rolon triends. first ride iu it. That is where the tunny Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kamhra and Mr. part Mines into the btory. He drove to punditim motored from Creeniore Sun- the young lady's home. She WHS already ^ to visjt ,),,,. friend, .\: r . J. C-iiins, waiting for him and was dressed in the w(lo , s v<ry f^uble at time of writing. Utost stylo with tlu- no.v fashionable NV Nvhite went to o *en Sound Mou- tiuht shirt. \\ hen she a'tcmpted to net day night, into the l>uggy they found that more, expansion in the dross was necessary or: eluir !lor I'" 1B UttOBgh illness. DR. -Specialist in iiit' as: s ot ihe Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat Office-130 10th jt. West, Owen Sound At the U.-vere house, Markdale, 2ml Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a m Dundilk.Ut Wednesday of each month Jewelry Flesherton Planing 'And Chopping Mills I am now prepared to do chopping every day in the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Brinij aloni; your grists. i tur sash an-1 door factory is always at your dinpo-wl fur anything you want in our line planing, matching, et-c. Floor iu2, sah and doors, and all house fur- nishings supplied promptly and at leas- onable rates, d'ei esuumtes. T. Blakele; , Prop. Febl.'i I!) ly A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Amstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT Wool wanted Wool wanted Wool wanted At the Fresh ert on Grocery. W. BUSKIN, Flesherton. FAIR EXCHANGE IS NO ROBBERY Bring your Eggs and trade them for a pair of boots. In men's boots we have them in light and heavy, suitable for the spring trade Ladies wear patent, gun met- tal and tan, either iace or but- ton, also a nice assortment in pump, colonials and strap shoes. Custom work and repairing as usual- Thos Clayton, * she could not make the grade. A was then secured but still the step to the chair was too high. After procuring a small box to step up on tlio chair she managed to get into the- bugny. The atfa'i 1 caused considerable uimisemcnt to S'me onlookois across the streit. Free Mrs C-iitigau. is this week confined t- Dr. Line is in uttend.uKv. H >pe to see her around asfiin. Births T FISHER, PROPRIETOR Oairns -At Gleiiolla. Man., .m Sa'ur- I day. May .'i'', t i Mr. and Mrs. George Creditors of Def.i/ <t Wm.dinan. l.im- , '' lir " s - ' daughter. itcd, Alliston, who went into lii|itid.-itii>ui Sinclair- At the Uojnl Victoria hospit- aliout a yoar ago, ic^eivcd one and one al, B.vrrio. i n June 2, to Mr. -ind Mrs. ImU c-nts OD the dollar. K. A. S;t,cl*ir, a son. I New Suitings FOR SPRING We arc sho\ving nearly 500 different lines of suitings for spring wear. Many of them are exclusive designs and cannot be obtained elsewhere Come in and have a good look, even if you do not buy just now. It is great to see all these new lines. Prices start as low as $16.00 S. J. BOWLER THE RELIABLE TAILOR

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