800 ENTOMBED IN EMPRESS 'sef FARM MOCTS It May be Possible to Raise the Sunken Vessel and Remove the Bodies 'A despatch from Quebec fcaya : As nearly as can be figured about 800 bodies are entombed in the r'.m- prewt <f Ireland at tlic bottom of the- St. Uiwrenee. three miles off Father Point, in 100 feet of water. Borne of the nii-siiiif may have be<-n with several leading salvage firms of the United States, and he is awaiting advice from them as to what, should bo done with the -link. MI hull. If at all possible the .ship will be mised and towed to nih<> re, where the bodies will be after and will come oaving the vessel, | taken out. This, however, depends up later, but it is belic\>'d that the grent majority of them are still in the Kinpress. No decision luis ln-< n arrived at as vi-t with regard to what will be done with tlif v< si-cl itself. Ca.pt. Walsh, -niariii" FiipvrinU-ndent of the C'.P.K., Is now in communication upon the advice of the experts. "The only thing I can say so far," said Capt. Walsh, "is that if it is found possible to remove the Ireland and get the bodies out of her it will be done -without question as to difficulty or pen so." any ex EEPORTB FBOM THB LEA.DIHO TBADB CENTRES OF AMERICA. Breadctuff*. Toronto. June i). Ontario wliuat flour. 90 pel 1 cent.. $U.Mi to 13. 80, .seaboard Hllil ut JS.85 In $J.!MI. Tiirnntu. Manitoba -First putfiitM, In Jute buf?H. $5.60; do., MCOnd*. IB. II*. HtroiiK b.iKcm', In Jut baRM. $4. .Manitoba wlieut Hay ports No. 1 Northern, SI. and No. 2. 9Slc. Ontario wheat No. 2 quoted at 11.04 to tl.iio, outalile. and $1.116, on truck, Toronto. (Juts No. 2 f>ntarlo oats. 3'Ji to 40c, OUtlld, and ut 42c, on trai'k, Toronto. Western Canada oats at 42a for No. 'i, and at 40c for No. 3. Hay porta. I'eas .Market dull, with prices nor- mal. Hurley Good malting barley. 56 to Gsi'. according to quality. Hye No. 3 at 63 to l>4c. outside. Buckwheat its to ooc. outside. Corn No. 3 American, kiln-dried. SOc, Toronto. Urdu Manitoba bran. $:'4 to $26 :i QUEEN'S BROTHER AND HIS CHARMING FAMILY ' '. ; i . i I! S 11 To Sneeeril Duke of ( (din an (.'III at Itidenii Hall. Prince Alexander of 'IVck. G.C.H., G.C.V.O., D.S.O., \ t > (J,. wriiur (General and ( 'oinniJiiider in ( 'hicf of the Dominion of in aucoe&sion to Field-Marshal H.H.H. the, Duke of t'on iinuhl, wh.-e It-mi ..f ,,llic-- will expire in October. The new CJov rrri-ir Ci-rrT.'il was born at Kensington Palace on April 14, 1H74. He IK l.r.-iiii-r of the link'-. ,,f Teck and of Ul6 Queen. In l04 he married l'ri:i<-..ss .Mire ,,f Albany. Their Serene Higlmewes have two <-hil- dim: I'lmc'ss May. born in .laniiary. l(MI;nd F'rim-e KiipiTt. born in \IIKIIM, 11HJ7. i'rince Alex'i':i|e r i.s a Major in the 2nd Life Guard*. mid lias wen vrviee in Mutal.elel and (ill IH!M>>. when be WJM ine.n ti..ind in deHpuU-.lf.s ; and in the .South Afriran War, when he won the D SO n.nd aiM>t.her mention in despatches. ton. In $:> to biiRs, Toronto freight. Shorts, Country Produce. lUittet Choice dairy, IS to 20c; In- ferior. 1G to 16e: furmers' separator print*, fresh. 23 to 2lc; do., stonigfi prints, 22 to 23c; solids, storage. 20 to 2K'. KKK-S 21 to H3c per dozen, in case lots. llone> Extracted. In tins, li>i to lie per Ib. .'ombs. J2.20 to $2.51) per doz- en for No. 1. and J2 for No. 2. i'heese- - New cht-psp, 14 tu Htid MS t.i 14|i- for twins. for Means- Hand-picked. $2.2!i to $2.30 .T bushel; primes. $2.11) to $2. 20. Poultry fowl. 17 to 1 9c per Ib; chick- en*. 19 to 20c: duckH. 220c; geese. 15 to 16r: turkfys, 20 to 23c. J'otatoen Datawares. $1.10 to $1.15, on track, here, and Outarios at $1 per bag. on track. Pro viilon*. ng ell {lain clear. 14 to 14Jc per Ib.. s Medium. IS to 19c; In case lots. do., heavy. 17 to !<: rolls. 14J to 15c; breakfast bacon, 18 to ll*c; backs. 22 to 23c. Baled Hay and Straw. Haled hay No. 1 at $15 to $li.50 a ton. on track, here; No. 2 at $13.50 to 114.60, and clover at $11. Baled utraw Car lots, $8.25 to $8.60, on track. Toronto. Montreal Markets. Montreal. June 9. Corn. American, No. 2 yellow. 7 to 80c. Oats, Canadian Western, No. 2, 43| to 44c; Canadian WcHtern, No. S. 423 to 43c. Barley, Man. feed. 51 to &2c. Flour. Man. SprlnK wheat patents, firsts. $5.61); seconds. THE (OS III A PARA6HAPH FROM ALL OYEB 1111. t.l.OHK IN A KLTSHELL. Cannrta, (ho r.ni]i!rr> nnrt th Iu Urocral Itcforo Your Eye*. Canada. British Columbia's fruit crop will exceed last year's by about 25 per cent. Degrees were conferred on over over 700 graduates of the Univer- sity of Toronto. An immense gas gusher has been struck at Oil Springs just boluw the 2,000-foot level. Five-year-old George Hallett of Lamb ton Mills was killed while stealing a ride on a farmer's wa- gon. Kingston -was selected as the place of meeting of next year's Gen- eral Assembly of the Presbyterian READ THE LABEL >R THE PROTECTION OF THE CON SUMER THE INGREDIENTS ARE PLAINLY PRINTED ON THE LABEL IT IS THE ONLY WELL-KNOWN MEDIUM- PRICED BAKING POWDER MADE IN CANADA THAT DOES NOT CONTAIN ALUd AND WHICH HAS ALL THE INGREDIENTS PLAINLY STATED ON THE LABEL. MAGIC BAKING POWDER CONTAINS NO ALUM ALUM IS SOMETIMES REFERRED TO AS SUL- PHATE OF ALUMINA OR SODIC A L U M I N I C SULPHATE. THE PUBLIC SHOULD NOT feE MISLED BY THESE T-ECHNICAL NAMES. E. W. GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED WINNIPEG TORONTO. ONT. MONTREAL H. Jupp, County Engi- $6.10. bakerw'. $4. SO; Winter patents, cholie $6.^5 to $6.50; straight rollers $4.70 to $4.'.io; stralcht rollers. . $2.20 to $2.:tn. $4.ST.; bugH, SO Kolled oats, bar- lli.s.. $2.15. Shorts $25. Middlings |2H. Moull- C'hnrch. Robert neer for Simcoe, was instantly kill- ed at Nieolston by falling through a hole in a nsw bridge. The Hydro-Electric Power Com- mission has been asked for a sur- vey of a hydro radial from Tillson- burg to Brantford. Guelph City will, for three years, pay "$10 a week each to the widows of the two civic laborers recently killed by a cave-in of a trench. The St. John, N.B., Street Rail- way Company faces the possibility of a strike of its motormen and conductors as the result of the com- pany discharging the president of the local union. Prinoeaa Patricia, on behalf of the Daughters of the Empire, pre- sented tho boy scouts of Brockville with a flag while the Royal party were there. The Connaughts wound up their Ontario tour at Cornwall. Robt. Anderson, aged 38, at work repairing the e&^t end incline rail- way at Hamilton, had the top of his price*: I. its. $11 to $15. cms. 121 to 121'-: finest easterns. Ill In 12o. Huttttr. choKest creamery. 231 to 2ijr; seconds. 22j to 2JV. KKgx. frash. 23 to 24o. nelcclud. 2t> to -7; No. 1 stock, 23Jr; No. 2 stock. 21 to Zljc. Potatoes, per bag. car lota. 85 to $1.06. Wlnclpeir Grain. Winnipeg. Juno U. <'ash Wheat -No. 1 Northern. 6|c; No. 2 do.. 4c; No. 3 do.. 'J'Hc: No. 4. SSJe; No. B. UJc. No. 6 7&4c; 1>I. TOJr. OatB So. 2 r W . Nile; No. 3 do.. 37Je; extra No. 1 feed, 37Jc; No. 1 feed, 37i-; No. 2 do.. 36,-c. Harley No. 3. 5Wc; No. 4. 49c: r,,J..,-l..il 4'ir, fi-eil. 4"'. Klux No. 1 N.-W.c.. $1.4oJ. No. 2 CSV, I1.37J; No. 3. Uo.. $1 .iliijc. UnlUd Stat Markets. Mlnn-u|if.lls. Juno . Wheat July. Sljc; S*|>ti*inl.r. SSgc; No. 1 linrd. 9t<': No. 1 Northern, i>31 to 'J5tc; No. Northern. U to 5)31'-. Torn No. 3 )M]|IIW, liT to (17c. tlutH, .No. 3. White, 3ni to 3xic I'Mciur unit bran iiwhiiiiKed. Huluth. Juiin !. -Wheat No. 1 bard, 96|c. N'. 1 Northern. a|c. No. 2 Nor- thern, U3| to U4t<-; July. 9Elc. I, ivi- Stock M.ilX.-tH Toronto. Junu . Cuttli- -i'li.>l.-e hut- rhei-H, $7.au to $)s.2f>. KU.I.I medium, $7.!IU to $S.2fi, cointnon n>w. $5 to IK. 26. cumins and cuttriH. $3.80 to $4; choice tat .-CHS. $6.5M to $7. choice bulls, " -tinml venl. $S.7u to $10.50; ccininion. |4. 7D to $7. St.M-kcru and fei-drrs Steers. SOO to joo iiiiuniU, $7.2f. to $7.76. KO..I! quality, 7nij to noil luiiindti. $7 to $7.6o; Hsht. $ti.60 In $7.26. HOK- $s>.Hl. fed and watered j $8.3a off cars; mill $7 7& f.o b. Sli.v|> unil liinibH -l.lKht ewes. $C,.50 to |7; heavy. $5 75 to $11.25; buckl, $5.75 to |*.2f>, prinK lamba, each, $ to $'.i yenrliiiK latnbM, }H to $i.50. Montreal, June '..---Prime l.ce\es, 8 to Me; mUkniiin'a BII-IIIIHTH. 6 to 7ic; com- mon. 41 to 64c. i-.iwH. $30 to IMP each, Iheep. 6 to 7c. hoic. 9 to !6Jc. PROSPECTS NEVER BETTER Crops in the Western Wheat Fields Visited by Welcome Rain A despatch from Winnipeg says : Heavy rains throughout the West where most needed have 'put the Western Canasta; crop prospect in a position that is best expressed in the worda, "Never better." Tbe whole vast country from Pearson, Manitoba, to Medicine Ha*, Alber- ta, was treated during the past twenty-four hours to a downpour of fr^-m one to three inches of rain.' It was beginning to be need;d. "Ib means millions," was the remark; of more than o-ne man in the Grain Exchange. This thought has found 1 an echo iji all hearts in the !>::-., ness world. June is, indeed, main- taining her reputation as the grow- ing month. lie.' $2s to $32. 'iiay. No. 2. P^} 01 ^ /_",'' j head taken off when he put his head up between the ties and was struck by a loose tie which was sliding down. Rev. E. E. Braithwaite, M.A., Ph.D., Dean of the University of Calgary, and former pastor of Northern Congregational Church, Toronto, was appointed President of Western University, London, Out. Detectives of Pinkerton Agency are looking for a man suspected of defrauding the Bank of Montreal, lloyal Bank and Union Bank in Montreal out of about $7,000 by means <>f fls letters of credit and cheques. l.lr.ll KllMlll. Sir Douglas Straight, editor of the I'all Mall Gazette, 1900!), and at one. time a nuted criminal law- yer, is dead in London. Sylvia Pnnkhurst .says she will starve on the steps of Parliament until Premier Asquith receives a deputation of suffragettes. I mini StiltCM. Miss Mary Blomfleld was the wo- man who supplied a dramatic inter- lude at the reception in Bucking- ham Palace. WILL EXACT SATISFACTION. Killing of Beaton Has Nut B>vn Forgotten by Britain. A despatch f rum London says : The Daily Express displays promi- nently a statement that Sir Edward Grey, the Foreign Secretary, has notified President \Vilson in friend- ly bunt unequivocal terms that if. as a consequence of Mr. Wilson's persistent backing, Villa eventually becomes President of Mexico, Great Britain will demand and exact sat- isfaction for the killing of Wm. S. Bcnton. The Express contends that the communication, which is decorated with all the embroidery of diploma- tic usage and is framed in such lan- as to emphasize Great Bri- I'KRSONNKL OF KOAKI). I ii'inii -. I n(o Disaster mi Inn. I A. Will "I,, n A th'aputch from Ottawa says : In the House today Il<n. J. I). Ha/.i-n aiinuiii-<-d the complete list of nifiiihers of the Kniprec* Court of ]'jn|iiiry, coupled with the ta/te- \\OM\\ AM) ( Mil I) Ml I I H. Kun\vay Cnr Struck Auto iu YYhicb They Were Scntrd. A di'spatch from Montreal i*a.y : Mrs. Knule Ivohillard and her young daughter wore killed on Wednesday night when a oar des c^nding a steep hill collided will l thi'il the' court would probably I an auto, in which were Beatcd Mr. at Quehec on Tuesday, June) and Mrs. H-tbillard and their tw< The )THonnel of th <x)iirt chiUli^n. Mr. limile, flohillard am 10. ii* : l/ord Mersey (chairman), Sir Adolplie Hotithier, and Chief Jus tiee UcLeod, of New Brunswick. Assessors- ('apt. Dcmers, former harbormaster at Montreal, chief wrerk oommiuioncr for Canada; ICnginaer-Commander Howe, ('ana diitn Naval Service ; Prof. John Welch, naval architect, Newt-ant le- II|H>II Tync ; !'. W. Caborne, lloynl Naval The Kritiwh niemhers will, it is e\pi'ct-<l, reach Canada on the 13th. Ins son, Roseon, aged eight, were butlly injure<l. Tlie car, No. 1,015, was descending At water Hill, when it struck the auto. This can set! the cnr to derail and run into the side- walk. Passenger* say thai), tin- car brakes were out of order, and that the car was on it* way to the hnrns for repairs when the collision oc- curred. tain's good-will toward the t'nit-ed Lcally opposit States, places President Wilson in S ea is not res an awkward position, and mean, "in circumstances at present regarded as impossible," the even- tual encroachment of Great Hrit.ii-i on the Monroe doctrine. The Kx- press editorially hails Sir Edward's action "with satisfaction that causes the United States almost to forgot our astonishment." WILL NOT RAISE F.MPRKSS. Vessel Abandoned to Interests of I'lidcrwritt-rs. A despatch from London says : Over a quarter of a million po" n<ls sterling was paid out by London underwriters in satisfaction of Eng- lish insurance interests involved in the loss of the Empress of Inland. Now that the vewel has been aban doned to the underwriting inter ests, the Financial Times says there MIST I M I Ml RDKIt < H \IM.I . Virtim of Brutal \-i:ml( Hospital. Ill White Wolf," the (lliinese hri- has looted and burned t.h I town of Ning Chow. MILITANT INVADED PALACE Drops on One Knee at Court Inunction and 5houted, "For God's Sake Your flajesty, Do Not Use Force" A doup atoh from London says : Notwithstanding the iinpreoodcn t<dl.y elubora>l prtv-nutionit of the count om<?iaU and polioa t<i prevMit the HurTra^C'ttes from <'arryiiiK out their intonUoTi of invadJUR lluck- iugliiun I'.ilu. e oti tho ooc*ion o.f i ). i> u i , one militant inanagetl to enter ud crna/ted a wv.no at the foot of the thrrrtie. The King and QU>II wwe rrtceiv- iiiK tile guents wlio w<-.r piaAi"!? Un tliroue wibli the cimtoniftry oerw- nioii>. Suddrf'iiJiy a wnan in the liue, who wore a court dreiw, drup ped on on kiwe in front of King Ueoi'Re and shoubtxl : "Your Majoa ty, for (od'n hake do not us force." The roHt. of iho Mijitunco. wn* lost A despatch from Toronto says: .losejuh He-union, the elderly man who watt assaulted hy Krnest Scott utul Fred Tucker, died in the Gen- eral Hospital on Friday. In place of the assault charges they -will now have to stand trial for murder. Very little could be learned hy the police about Scan Ion, as he died without regaining consciousness. Tho assault took place on Spadina Avenue ftuith of King Street, the motive apparently being robbery. Scanlon wn struck down in broad daylight. Tucker and Scott are Kng-litbhineii, and have only be<\n in the city a few days. HOSY AMI I'M' Ml 1 (.IM..I llr.iiili from ItlKht Food. "It's not a new food to me," re- ina.rked a man, in speaking of Grape-Nuts, "About twelve mouth H ago my wife was in very bad health, could not keep anything on her stomach. The Doctor recommended milk, half water, but it was not sufficiently nourishing. "A friend of mine told me one day to try Orajx-. NuU and creajn. The result wa really marvelous. My wife n>ion regained her usual strength n nd !" <lik\ is us rosy iind plump H> when a girl of nixtuen. These ar pliiin facts and noth- hy the noine of tlio hand in the gal- j ing I could nay in praise of (Jrapc lery, for the couduoUjr, Hotringl Nuta would exaggeraie in the least what waa hapixtning, gave a signal | the. valuti of this great, food." ' ' ' " for the orchestra, to trikc up the order was oompHed with. Tho n ( iiLiin'ri voioo was dr<iwno<l by the playing of tlwi band. and. sh was iinincd Lately removed fixnn 'he throuu-r<Myni and haiMltxl *vor tho i>in- a,\\d\ Naiine given hy Canadian Postt.um VViiulBor, Out. Head to Wnllville," in re's a Heasoli." Th pkgs. rtkA the bnv uttrT A new . ,. pp*t from tlmi to tliuo. TUoy .1. g'..uiiiiin. tiu. anil full of ' UtMNfc ....... rt , CBI ^, I.IW7 1 in 1 ** in. *cvi **!.- u- t T ~ \\ilham ^Sul/.er announced that ; . g }i ^ doiibt tbat ^ huU will be dynamited as soon as tihe silver and copper have been recovered. The total of these metals is estimated at (150,000. Under no circumstances, say the underwriters, can th boat be' recovered at a cost which would pay for the operation, wnd the only object rn once more raising her to the surface would be to place on record the fact that she was recov- ered. Their opinion is that the sooner ehe is blown up the better it will be for safe navigation of the St. Lawrence. he would become an independent candidate for the Governorship of New York state with the "Liberty liell" as his emblem. A note in a bottle picked up near the Michigan Soo tolls tho fate of the freighter Henry B. Smith, which disappeared in the November Kale. It say : "Sunday morning To the Hawgood Company, Cleve- land, finder please forward. The Henry B. Smith broke in two oppo- site No. five batch about twelve miies east of Marquett*. \Ve are having an awful time. (Signed) Oliver.' ' Onernl. Rene Vivian has consented to ac- cept the Premiership of France, ami will announce his Cabinet to- day . i'resident^Huerta of Mexico sent a message""?*) King George congrat- ulating him in the name of the Mex- ican nation on the anniversary of his birth. The Conservatives succeeded in blocking the passage in the upper House of the Danish electoral re- form law, which provides for the abolition of all electoral property qualifications and for the enfran- chisement of women. The French Colonial) Office an- nounces the annexation of the \Val- Hs Islands in the Southern 1'aciftc, The group consisting of about forty square miles of territory, with 4,500 inhabitants, has been a French Pro- tectorate since 18H7. RIVKR NOT RESPONSIBLE. Siu-h a Collision Might Have Hap-' pcnt'd Any I'lat-o ou the Sea. A despatch from London, Eng- land, says : The Times, on Wed- nesday, treating of the St. Law rcnce as a navigable waterway, de dares that it is no more dangerous than frequented parts of the Eng.- lish Channel or the Irish Sea, and eertainly less dangerous than the Thiwnes. It has been said that re- sponsibility for the disaster to tho Km press of Ireland hits been laid to the charge of the St. Lawreae, but it must be obviows when two large steamers are approaching each other at night, and their tja- vigotion ia such that b(th com- manders are able to give dJametri- e accounts of it, the responsible for their col- liding. It would happen in any sea. It would be nx>st unfortunate, adds the pa.pcr, if the impression gets abroad that this great gate to Canada is peculiarly unsafe, and we are certain that the result *f the investigation of the court of enquiry will not attach blame ty* tho seaway. PECIMAU ACCIDENT. Key of Automobile Him Hit n M:\ii Across the Street. . _ ( _ A despatch from Cornwall F,a.\\: On Wednesday morning an accidcyt which might have terminated with fatal results occurred on 1'itt Street in front of the Town Hall, when V tire on the automobile- belonging tb Mr. McN'umara of Martintown <*- ploded. The key of the steel rim blew across the street and struck H W l>u-k.-m. local manager ol the Bell Telephone Co., on the fore,- head, inflicting a terrible cut. Mr.' Uickson fvll to the street, stunned by tho blow. Several stitches were required to close the wound. TWO BHOTHUU8 DUOWNKD. IHuiblc Tragedy on the Fniscr KiviT, B.C. A desj>ailch fix>m Vuni-otiver, B. C., says i - A telegram to the Cana- dian Northern offices tells of the (h-owningon Sunday of K. S. Morri- son and liis brother, llobert, in the Fraser Iliver at a point 140 miles north of Kamloops. H. S. Morrison was resident engineer and llobert Morriaon was a time -keeper. TO HKCLA1M 8WAMl\S. er ot Irrigation Iii- Htructcd to Formulate Scheme. A despatch from Ottawa says : Hon. J. A. Calder and Hon. Ohas. Stewart, representing Saskatche- wan and Albe-rta, held a conference on Wednesday with Hon. Dr. Roche regarding the recla-nia-tion of swamp in the Prairie Provinces. lands are no n -assessable, and the Provincial Governments find it impossible to carry out reclama- FLOUKNCF, UAKBKR ADOPTED'.' Mr. ( i rll in, Who Saved Her, (iivo Her I'p to Quebec Family. A deapatoh from Quebec says r Florence Barber, the eight -year-old survivor of the Empress, who has been the pet of Quebec since the, disaster, has beem .adopted, bv a, Wealthylanuly here by tfle liaiue of McQuillan. The girl's mother was* 1 on her way to England to be ried to R. \V. Crellin, another pas-| seng^r who was saved. Mr. Orel-), lin, although wishing to keep the, girl, consented to give her up as he believed it waa the best thing for* her future. tion. work_ E. F. Drake _. Af ke, C fter Jht^ conference, . onmiissioner ot Irri- gation, was instructed to formulate a scheme to meet the situation, which will be submitted to the Pro- vincial Governments for criticism, and afterwards, if possible, some arrangement will be made to per- mit of necessary reclamation work. ' <<" Governor Davidson of Newfound- land, has be* created K.C.M.G. Bad Blood is the direct and inevitable result of . irregular or constipated bowels and cloKged-up kixlpeya aad skin. The . unalfccstea fo) and other waste mat- ter which i allowed to accumulate . poisons the blood and the whole system. Dr. Morse'a Indian Root Piils * act directly on the bowels, regulating them on the kidneys, giving them ' ease and strength to properly filter the blood and on the akin, opening up 'j the pores. For pure blood and good , health take Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills THIS INVESTMENT HAS PAID 7% PKR ANNUM half yearly since tlie Securities of thla Corporation jver placed on the market iu yem'H ago. Bulneg.i established 28 yearn. Investment may be withdrawn In part or whole any time after One year. Safe an a mortgage. I'ull l>ar- tU-ultiiH and booklet gladly rurjijshe.4 on r<iue|t. NATIONAL SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED, {'U NFEDEBA TIO N r.tFE BUI I.D1NU - TOXOMTO, OMT.