Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Jun 1914, p. 3

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.OVERWORK AND WORRY A Fruitful Source of Broken Down Constitutions '^ A little worry des a great deal .of harm. Overwork and worry gives f.-c tx> headaches, nervousness, '.^ ^leeplessness, -weak back, lack of t 'interest in your work, indigestion 'and sometimes a complete break- '. 'down of the nervous system leading 'to paralysis. If these are y.ur symptoms you need a tonic. And the only way to tone up the nerves .is through the blood. Dr. Williams' <P;ink Pills for Pale People are a direct nerve tonic because they 'make new rich red blood, which Teeds the nerves and strengthens every organ in the body. Under J>he tonic influence of these Pills nervousness and all the other e.vils *of worry and overwork quickly dis- appear. They restore the digestion .and enable the body to take full advantage from the food eaten. Mrs. J. C. Chapman, Ome-mee, Ont.. says: "I became completely , run down and my nervous system shattered from overwork and 1 worry. I always felt tired and ex- ' haust/ed and slept badly at night. - ' I *>ried several medicine* but did 4 ' not find the hoped-for relief. Then , I decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink \ Pills. I took them regularly for V several moo-Lh^ and they restored t^nie to perfect health, and I have .'finee been well and strong. I can r^ewmnend these Pills to any af- ftictrtl with nervousness or a broken ' constitution as I feel sure they will effect a cure." Those. Pills are sold by all medi- vlnie dealers or will be sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for ' $2.50 by writing The Dr. Williams' ' Mecldcine Co.. Brockville, Ont. DUKE OF MANCHESTER. For vears he Cure Children's Colds By External Treatment Mothers Will Find Nothing so Speedily and Reliable as Old-time "Her- viline." It's really a shame to upset 4 young child's stomach by internal dosing, when external treatment \rtll so promptly break up a cqld. When your boy cornea In after play with his feet soaking wet, his throat hoarse and sore, his little chest tight and congested, just apply N'erviliae. Give him a vigorous rubbing over his throat, and put lots of Nerviline on his chest and rub it right in. To make Nerviline penetrate more quickly cover his chest and throat with a hot flannel bandage. This treatment WON'T fall. Your boy will be feel- ing better in half an hour, and you will have the satisfaction of knowing you have warded o(T>perhaps a cold, or grippe, or illiiess that might have laid him up. Nerviline is mighty good for pre- venting colds and for breaking up a bad one, too. For general family use it cures all sorts of external aches and pains you simply can't beat it. Try it for earache, toothache, neural- gia, sciatica, lame back, rheumatism, or lumbago. Wherever there is con- gestion, inflammation or pain in the MR GROWTH PROMOTED a half hours a night. only slept four. Mrs. Edison, he explained, doesn't permit him to work all night any mure. His doily ', joints or muscles, Nerviline will cure diet, does- not exceed a pound and a , mighty quick. The large 50c. family helf of food. He smokes cigars and 1 l f . bo Ie , s economical, so use- , ' ful, it should be in every home. There chews tobacco, but bar* cigarette*. ; fa ;, 8O & sma]1 , 5c g , ze Dealen| any . He is sixty-seven auad says he is en- 1 wne re sell Nerviline. joying rewtrds of right living and i 41 moderate eating. He reads regularly 118 scientific and trade periodicals and five daily newspapers and keeps in intimate touch with every form of human activity, including baseball, golf and the stage. YEGETABLES AS MEDICINES. -Tur- ELKCTRHITY 1 1 RE. i ' Humanity M IIM Learn More About Itsself, Says Edison. The future uses of electricity that "will benefit humanity most will be 'through its medical application. A iiew s-ource of electrical supply will 4>e direct from coal without need for steam boilers. ' These are predictions of Thomas A- Edison, whose inventive genius i? responsible for the wide-spread 'application of electricity. Electricity has been the princi- pal factor in the enortious progress of civilization in the list 35 years*." inure wonderful uses if it are held 'Edison said. "But greater and UK're wonderful uses of it are held by the future. ' "It must be possible to generate electricity direct from coal." he . naitl. "When that is accomplished , we will record a new cpooh. . It UMiv come to-morrow. We are I * J * T-- .- working oil it now. '^ "Considerable is being done to ; reveal the medical functions of i electricity," he continued, "but jf- pQM&t&tiea in this direction are practically unknown. "This research wo'k must be ' tk ne secretly, as the thousands of quacks now applying electricity to humans for all sort>> of ills seize on every advance announcement from , scientists to advertise their claims. . "Till we kiu-w more about <mr btxtoes it will be difficult to tell what ' cu.li be dime with electricity as a mcdjical aid. ' ^ "I once asked Du Bois Reymood, ' psychologist, what makes my finger ' move. It isn't he*t, light, electri- city, niageti.sai. What i it f Rey- , moiid had studied it for 30 years, Snt h> ootild-n't answer me.'' Sleeps Longer Now. Edison now sleeps about five and said. "They should teach that kind of reading in the public schools." Onions Good for In*omni nips Good Tor Colds. Every vegetable garden is a medi- cine chest full of. remedies that are ., , recognized by physicians as of con- I read four .lines at once, ^he sid ^ able va f u< f Ln the treatm eDt of various diseases. Onions, for example, contain sul- phur o'l, and are recommended for W7UrN D ;>v CTTCCCDC Insomnia, and as an aid to gastric WHEN BABY SUFFERS digestion. Thev should have a FROM CONSTIPATION ; prominent place'in the diet of suf- ferers from rheumatism, for they Mothers, if your baby suffers i help to allay the pain*, from constipation, if his 'little sbo- Turnips and parsnips both have m-aeh or bowels are out of order, peculiar oily principles which are give him Baby's Own Tablets. They of value as^an aperunt and diure- n-ever fail tJ give relief and an tic. It is also claimed that they occasional dose will banish consti- j are g< od for coughs and hoarse- patiun and keep the stomach and ness, bowels in perfect order. (_\>nenir ing the tablets. Mrs. J. H. Gag-ion. St. Simon. Que., writ?*: "I ean- U OHIO'S tillEATEST BANK. Lloyd's Now Leading liisliluliou of | it* kind. With the recent acquisition of the Wilts A: Dorset Banking Company. Lloyd's Bii.-ik <_f London becomes probably the greatest financial car- po rat ion of its kind, as its deposit \ and current account now aggregate \ more than oOO million dollars, says i the Wall jjjjreet Journal. Lloyd's Bank has a. history ex- tending over a long period ;>f years, a.- t.ie private bank uiu, of which it was formed was established in 1765. and the present banking corpora- tion was formed in l!J65. Including it.s latest acquisition, the bank has ' absorb-'l no less thaji forty eight other banking houses since 1865. \ and of these thirty-five were pri- vate bank^. one of these dating , back to 1H77. The bank is repre- > sented in forty -five out of the fifty- \ ] two counties in England and Wales. ' | and a subsidiary company wa^ , ; formed in 1911 to open a branch in Pans, an old French private bank- ing house being taken over. It is unusaal for an English joint ! ftock bank to organize a subsidiary ' company for doing business in a foreign country, but this plan had to be adopted. Under the French I law. to conduct a baaiking business in France would have rendered the em ire capital of the bank, no mot- ' ter where located, subject to taxa- tion. In all Lloyd's Bank now has ] 680 separate offices. While an in- j corporatcd bank, the traditions of the private banking days yet re- ; main, and practically all officials of the bank and its branch managers were educated in private banking ' houses, and preference is always 200 and Ontario fifth with only one given to m'n so educated in taking v i' Delicately flavoured Highly concen- trated. WHY WORRY ! Choose your variety and ask your grocer for ""Clark's". (MM SOAP ANDOINTOT DIRECTIONS: Make a parting and rub gently with. Cuticura Ointment. Continue until whole scalp has been gone over. The next morning sham- poo with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Shampoos alone may be used as often as agreeable, but once or twice a month is generally suffi- cient for this special treatment. CuUeun Soap and Otntmnt an sold throiuhout Thinr!<i. A liberal maple at ecn. with 32-ptn booklet on the care and treatment of ih skin aod aeaip. wot po-rm. Addrao Potter Dru <_bn. Cora.. Dept. 1 jK. Boston. V. 3. A. to every 376. On the other hand Quebec and Ontario show tire greatest, percen- new employes. tage. of children attending between the ages of seven and four- teen for more than six months, it- being 76.47 in the former cose and 7-1.43 in the latter. In the Man time Provinces the percentages vary froini 62 to 67, and in the west fr. 111 43 to 61. The problem of giving the multi- A .\ova Scotia Case of Interest to AH Women KendailsSpavinCiire TheOld Reliable , Horse Remedy ^THOUSANDS ^ of farmers and horsemen have saved money by usiug Kendall's Spa- vin Cure for Spavins, Curb, Rin;rbone. Splint, Bony Growths and I.a-jicsiess from many other causes. It keeps horses working. A $1 bof.le may save a horse for you. Get a bottle the next time you are in town. Sold by druggists everywhere, 1 a boltlt. 6 for j>5, also ask for a copy of our book "ATreatiseon the Horse ' orwriteto Dr. B. J. KENDALL COMPANY Enosburg Falls, Vermont - FA.B.MS POB SALE. I. W. DAWSOXT. Jliaety Colborne Street. Toronto. IF YiT WANT TO 1U' V >>K SEI.l- AJ Fruit. Hfo-n. Grain "r l';ii:-> Ki:'". write H- \V I 'iiwson. Uruni|>in. or 3O (illini'lle St.. T'H-'into. ( Halifax Sends Out a Message of Help to Many People. Halifax. VS.. Dec. 15. When inter- viewed at her home at 794 Argy'.f Sr . Haverstock wan quite . W. DAWSOIT, Colborne St.. Toronto. A3EKTS WASTED. A iIKNTS' BIG _^^_ our i ' ' Potatoes contain solanin. which has certain diuretic properties, . The sulphur compound which it not reooiniwnd Baby's Own Tab- ' contains makes cabbage excellent lets too liisihiv us a cure for coMti- 1 in cases of scurvy and scrofula, pation. as 1 'have f.ur.d them the. Spinach has iron in organic form. verv best medicine in the world ' and is useful as a laxative on a- tudes that flock over t l ie plains and Mrs. Haverstock wan quite willing to congregate in the cities of the west talk of her peculiarly iiufortunat- ma!l oiw. "' was always 'blue' aud depre*-<-ii. and utterly unfit y stomach was so had uo appetite. .M. 'M-'.V M. \XKKJ "I 'r-'rin-'ii'i. K:n- . .>;st ho. , -,1 write BI once for Kr.-f ' '.nh'. !-: st erniK. '!i-iitlu pai'l. ' iL-tn :> l Imlled, I' 1 .! i'stu-i s. T''!''iiit'> schools is by no means a _. ] but the western provinces are doing ' t-heir beat to cope with it. Sas- katchewan has put int" comnuMton ITEWSFAPEBS 3AI.E. disorder^J that I What 1 did eat disagreed. I suffered . an average of five Bchoofa per week, greatly from dizziness and sick head for this trouble." The tablets a,re s.ild by medicine dealers or by mail a.t io c~'nt a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville Ont. Sl'NUAY LAW HITS KAISKK. . M..*t Buy sausage 0:1 Week-days or | Mnted which coun/t of ita fine indigestible fibre. Carrots are useful for correcting derangements of the liver. They are also excellent as a dressing for painful wounds and swellings. The tomato exercises medicinal effects which are not completely j explained by the presence of alka- ! line salts. There is a principle pre- Alberta, three everv week. and Manitoba two Go \Vithout Suiulay. If the Emperor of Germa,ny wen in a ,. .,. Not AM at That. Grannie And wit's the matter wi' me richt leg. doctor/ Doctor- Oh. just old age, Mrs. BiacDougall. Grannie Hoots, man; ve're ha verin'. The left, leg's hale ami sound and they're luiith the same ! ccntrated state produces salivation J e . I and a free stimulation of the liver. sires sausages for his Sunday eveu- them the ing meal, he can buy night before, just like any common citizen, or else go without. The laws regulating sale and delivery of goods in Germany 011 Sunday apply to the ruler in the same de- gree as to his meanest subject. This is the decision of a Prussian court in the case of a sausage deal- er who appealed from a fine of $1 25 for violating the Sunday ob- servance laws. One Sunday morn ing, shortly before 10 o'clock, the hour at which all shops in Berlin must be closed, the Emperor's pri- vate cook tel'?iphoued from the new palace at Potsdam an order for sausages for the Imperial table. The dealer loaded the desired wares on his delivery wagon and HANGED BY THE NECK No dvuth Is more i.-ertiiln than the end that comes to every offender trisit- eil by rutnum's Curn Kxtrm-ti'i-. out comes the roiti or warts, rout and branch. Insist on "Putnam's" only, it's the best, free from acids and imlnlefH. Price ioc.. at all dealers. l.|-J4>IM ATTKND St HOOI,. Cunatla's r ili:c.-iiion,i! Ceusii.* The West Builds Many Schools. In the year J910 the totaJ popu- lation in Canada of those between the ages of six and twenty waa 12.141.909. and of thw number 1,124,800 were attending school, making a percentage of 52.51 of ;it At a l)is;'.(lautas'. "I always \vn\e m\ business the < mice when I start for liome^it night." "I wish I could." \Vhat is y.nir business!' "The prim-:! a! | .1 1 t of it is t'.\ | plaining it to my wife. She inherit- | ed our money." ache and ffared a nervous breakdown. Upou my druggist's reooaimeniiu':. .1 1 used Dr Hamilton's Pills. "1 felt belter at once. E*ci> Jay I Improved. In six weeks I was a well woman, cured completely after differ- ent pli\si-!a:is had faiied to help me. It Is for this reason that I strongly urge "inTerer* with stomach or diges- tive troubles to use Dr. Hamilton's Fills.' Dr. Hamilton's Pills strengthen -h.> stomach, improv i'gt-si inn. streng' li- en the nerves aad restore de'a;l!'a> ii i. Hy i-lt-ausing the b'lood of long -j'.uMliiig impuri'i- -. bringing the sys -1:1 to a high pois:' ct viyr-r. they etfi.'Ctually eila^e away weariness, depression aiul tlisi as< Good for young or u!d. for ni^n. for women, for children. All deal--:- sell Dr. llaiiiihoii's l-'ills of Mandrake ami Butternut. G.-..L' \\KKICLV IN !.l\li TOWN 'X YI rk i'imt> Stalii'lleiy a:nl l (l '>K I-UIKII..-SS in c< nn 't!c i. I'l ie.- "niy, - 1 Ci \M-EH. TI'MOKS. I.I-.MI-S KTV. tutrriinl arjil i.-Mt?rn;tI. . nr>->! with- out I'ill" t'V "HI' llu'll" tr-M'.!M'.'lll. .,- |.,.i'. ,-.. too lif.f Dr i'i-l!ni:in Medlvull tV. Limttt-il. Collingwood. Ont PATENTS 01 INVENTIONS piasoir. PIG? on ft DAVI 71a at. Jaaiea St.. MoatrMkl Write lor Information. Ready-Cooked -from Your Grocer. Post Toast ies come from the ovens to your table in tightly sealed packages ready to eat when opened with cream, good milk or fruits. Every crisp flake of this attractive food represents the best part of choice white Indian corn Perfectly cooked, deli- cately flavoured and toast- ed to an appetizing golden "brown." Post Toasties are made for your pleasure and nour- ishment. Sold by Grocers Cantd'.an Postum Cereal Co.. Ltd. Wlndwr, Ontario. on is eivery wa^on an **'' <* ; u>tal0 f this number there were lt for the railroad station. On the Canadians. 58.115 British way thither the dol.ve-ry man was f ,. , , )irth province* Prince Ed- stopped by a pohceumn who en- quired why he was violating the law. The representation that the Emperor was waiting for the saus- ages had no effect on the policeman, and the result was the fine for the merchant. On appeal the merchant set forth that his action came under the sav- ing clause cf the Sunday ordi- nances, which provides that Sun- day orders may be filled where "their immediate carrying out is demanded .by the public interest." The order of the Emperor's wok, Island attained the highest percentage of attendance between the age* of seven and fourteen years with S-i.60. while Ontario come* only second with H-1.27. NVva Scotia is third with S2.86 U> its cre- dit, and the fourth, Quebec, with 80.90. New Brunswick coming a.t the tail end of the list with only 80.05. Of the westV" provinces British Columbia takes the lead with 75.33. Manitoba second with 70.64 and Saskatchewan and Al- berta third and fourth with 66.71 private trad.?. It is the business of his private cook to send in his Sun- day orders in time, just as any housewife must do.'' Where You Are Wrong. 'Of couarse, you (have, your libtle theory about tie cause of the high cost of living"" "I have,'' replied Mr. Growcher, "too many people are trying to make political economy take the place of doine&bic economy." Fixing 'Em for Father. "There's going to be fun in our house when pa starts to put up the window screens." "That sof' "Yep. One day last winter I sneaked up into the attic and switched all the little numbers on 'em.'' Politeness, taken in its best sense, is the graceful expression ol re- spect, kind feeling and goodwill. he sa.d was such a case. Th<> court ^ respectively. rejected the. appeal. say,n,g : jSootong at. it from a different "It IB of no consequence that the ^Jf'*^ t ., w Mtler ]s ^v^ed Emperor was the customer The. ( P^*"^ < ^ p r i nc9 Edwanl' IsJa-nd. Emperor has no special standing in ^.^ ^ nmaber vf ^hools com- pared to every 196 of the popula- uon, Nova Scotia come* second with one. to evwry 186. New Bnuis- wick third with, one for every 186. Quebec fourth with one to every DODD'S ' KIDNEY ,. PILLS ED. 7. ISSUE 24- *U. Helpless From Rheumatism Gin Pills Give Prompt K<-4iel By Curing; the kieln?ys. Mr Samuel l.ongmore. of Montreal. says: "Jut a word of priiise for P1L.LS, About fifteen months nK" could not walk across my room. milter- Ing severely with Rhcumnttsm. I took GIN PILLS ami hefiinn; !"'"? well. Two months URO I luid Rheumatic 1'nlnc with NeunilKi-i. 1 :vsn-tf<l to GIN 1MI.1.S ;!Bm for one week and becume quite wvll." 50c a Box. for JC.50. Sample free If you write National Drug & Otiemlcal Co. of Ciinada. Limited. Toronto. + Not Giving Time. Customer I want Uiis sir.;, by the thirtieth, (.'an I have it uii time i Tuiik/r- -No, sir; we do a strictly casJi business. tlaard'i t-lnlmtnt L-uiibenii.in'* rrlcnj Optimistic. Mrs. Jones Here is an old pair of shoes you may be able to use. Haggled Haggles - Yes. the tongues are gone; the soles art- through and the uppers are rotten. but the laces are s>lill good. V Ki-> Ha Marcd'a Mr Beanbr-'Ugh i.s the niist awkward person I KH A Whene\er he kisses ami- sounds like a- p.Mo! xh-'t. \Va\erly Seeni? t< me it's UH>I- like a blunderbuss. A.t for M!nar4' aad take no otbar. Ha>ins Him a Cmnpliiui-ut. ' 1 iiear*.! a woman flattering you yesterday, clear. ! that -.' ! What d:il she '-ay She wa-s te'.'.-.ng an:.her A una i that I" married you for your money." _ At Uio Ynrmouth Y.M.C.A. B"vs' ("amp held at Tucket KallB In August, 1 ri.unU MINAKP'S LINIMENT moBt heiietk'lal for sun burn, an Immediate reliei lor colic anil tooihav;ho. Abt'KKD STOKKS. Uenernl Secretary HOME ' STUDY ink ' lo (j i i ' : u - , ' ' IK '.I - t .. ' I Oil M QUEEN'S ^ UNIVERSITY KINGSTON, ONTARIO ARTS APPLIED SCIENCE EDUCATION Including MEDICINE ENGINEERING SI MMHR SCHOOL ji I.Y .iii.i .\rr.rsT 22 G. Y. CHOWS. Rcjiftrar. Kingston. Ont. YOUB OWN DKiiOOIST WILL TELL YOU Try Murlue E.ve Kernejj lor Bed, Wek. Watery K>e and Granulated EyelUln; No Smttrthig- lust Kye Comfon .Write for Book of fte-Cyt I mnil Tree. Murlne Kje Reined; Co., Cbica'go. Only One Mr. Rooks---So y<ui want to mar- ry my dauKhter. Well, young man, what are votir prospects ,' YiMin.g Man Excellent; if you don't spoil them. INFORMATION FOR INVKMORS Messrs. Pigot'-n. Pige<n & Pavis, patent solicitors. Montreal. re|rt that 137 Canadian pa.ten.t-s we-n.' issued for tjie wee-k ending May 19th. 1914, 92 i>f which wore granted to AmericaiKs, :M to I'an.ulians, 13 to residents of foreign cii'itri8 and 6 to r-e*idomtis f Cireat Britain and (.Vknie*. The Lawyer's pillions. 1 O yxui g"t tile opinions of two I aw ye M ><n the case. \Ve-re their opinion* the same ,' "Yes. twenty live dollars eiu-h." Kep Klnard-* Z.inlin*nt In tb housa. Uonf aiid Huinb Professor. A wonderful story of pluck and determination is revealed by the aiiiiouiictMiient Uiat Mr. Anoaad Mackenzie is one cf tho new Ma.-i- t-ers of Arts a;t t'-amli ridge. Mr. M.u'k'in/.ie is deaf antl dumb, and is the tir^t individual .*.> afflicted to take the decree of M.A. at, an Eng- ii>h n ni verwt-y. His record is still inorp remarkable, owin^; t>u the fact that he pa.id the feee out of his own NEW YORK'S LATEST KOO'.L \ ,.u cannot . . .. a-:. -- Ul llrifM - nn ii ^uutrht ir. raa .- drei^sniahlng] vin- youi- d "."s [> ;all^r- ol n:id tttt'il ..v.-r .-. cleatittcnlly proportion- ed Dress Form. Kai-h i>art is made >>y a UKltiHt! *-:i;>t>r( r"iu tlio \t-rv best material. Bunt 11 lid sskirt cove red '*'lh fast 1 blaclt .l'.'-*-^ Cloth, t" wliii-li Or:j>inK may h i'inne.1 Sle* ^2 to 4'>. liil^t measure. Two stvlop. slender ' a rut) or Inrx^r h'p. Ali* girls flPin 14. 1. 18 > ears. Sri pusy Sriul ExprwB or Mmit-v <V'l'>r A full form Hust. Skirt n<l Stand romps pnt paid. ^A. S. RICHABSSON ft CO.. St. 1892 "TOUB DB.BSS FOSM" DEFT. 101 Ontario St., Toronto COMCLETl POST PAID Everything Explained. "My dear, wha-t is the matter wi'h von. you don't seem to t-a-ke i an in-tere*t in anything/" "Well, I'll tell you. Once I took I *n interest in a man. And I mar- i rifd him. ' ' A man may marry for money and woman for alimony. Unard'v Liniment nod by Pbvicio. It I.ookc-d That Way. Small Tommy The teacher want- ed U> box my ears tJiis morniug. Grandma How do you know he did I Small Tommy - Cause he would- n't have hxjxed 'e*n if ,he hadn't wanted to. You will find relief in Zam-Buk ! It eases the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeoing and brings ease. Perseverance, with Zam- Buk, means cure. Why not prove this 7 "*" -Oru0ffw' ""<* Stont.

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