Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Jun 1914, p. 4

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,4 lime 11 THE FLESH I N A D V A N C E TM 1C. /lesljcrton 7lt>iwwc ' i mili']vinlnt n>'u-i|i i|n>i. [iiil'li-h.-l every nnday at th e oltiee, Ciillinirwuud Htroet, tlii-iii PH. BnMcription price 1 iH'runmim. ten paid in advance ;$l.f>J whim not so paid IvertUinp rt<- on application. Circulation 1,100 weekly. H. Thornton- Keillor Flesherton Methodist Church Rev. James l)inl<j;<Miii. pistol. .Sunday, Kin. in. Class Mfftinx. Sunday Scruct'H II n. in only. Monday veiling Epworlli I.e-iisui- .it s V- m. Baptist Church K. C. Kerr, Pst..r. Rev. II. S. Muil'iuiu-i iif OMI-II Sound 'vill 1'ir.u Ii Hi- i inn^ mid evening, No service lit Itork Mills mi Suuday. liililo studv Thursday t 8 o'clock t the limn . of Mr*. .1. McFuddeo Ceylon. Sunday Scliool 1" a . in. Artemesia Council Re- Ihe tiit.t si liny of the Court -i vision on the assessment of 11114 was held on Monday, June 1. After each 'in m I "-i I. i.i n;. nil 1 'In required oath as such, the Court opened, when the fol- lowing appeals were heard and disposed his .i : Claude Elfins appealed .tsses.stnexit H.S being i I.IL.-II. The np- iieal was di-siiii'tied. T. K. Thornlury .1 iiiti''! Wni Siiinple iisse.ssed as tenant tor lot 3J>. con. !.". Keenest granti-d. Henry Waltmi ap;>-nled n^iinsi his as- sessment M overcharged. I pon hearing the appellant u.il other evidence tli- roll v. i- mist iineil. S. .1. Grander .'liiui^lit hii atse.vsiiunt i-n liuildii>iM .mil ! Is in 'he village i f 1'ticeville was too high, ba' upon h< amig Mr. Li m ii-i the Couit decided to sustain the assessment. Win. II. Hall's appealed against l.H osses 1 - inent as bung to > iiijjli, but the Court tli .ni;M it win not out of tlic way and tustaiued the mil. Lewis Martin ap- pealed against his .is-csmeiir us too lii^h iinl oil iiivrbltLatii'ii IM! cornpatison with other 1 ni'i (lie C lurt sustained tha mil. .1. '. Wiii<lit WHS umemeU as owner ir property acM'ssi- 1 in Ihe name of W. I. Iiwin. W. .1. Irwin .is iis-f.s.si.J fur .HH!H filtered ' > Hir^li Wni tier. Them. >li.nu.iiii mil (ieorgr Uihi.iui.soii mule it :li-ai to the <'ouri ..Int il.i-y I. ad killed 'heir dog* and thu dons were struck nil' 'he roll. The aBsefsmeiil roll W.IH then declared to lie the assessment roll for all Osprey Council 'Tin- Osprey Council n . at Maxwell i n Stlurdiiy, May :M>, us u Court of Ke- viiion nnd heard the following appeals : .lohn H'liineiinan, oUkin>iog that lot '-. con. I 1, mill Int .'U, Coll. IS}, < : -cNsed (no !,i ;li, Int lol.il to convince the mem- bers of the four', and his assessment wa nuwipcd. Siinuel Uoberts us tenint, \\'. A. Armstrong HS owner, cl limed (lint lot 7 anil H, con. 11, were ni-sessed too hi<jh. in I the court ordered u reduction of $.'tOO ti. be made. Henry (Jiiulthard , ,.u ).' urn ,1 ( if an overcharge on lot 14, con. !l, hut upon mittei.s being explained to him withdrew his nppcnl. A muntuir of change > wc'e made in the ,.ssi..smiieiit roll own!,; to change of own- er*, etc., since the a.xsf*or made tin- also several additions i f names w i- re ordered, which completed tin- work of the Court of Kevisii.il. The Council then pmcecded to genera 1 bnsiiii'sM, and nfu-r reading and adopting the ruinutea of last meeting, heird tin- foil. nvine coqunuuioations, deputation*, uccountK, etc- , .), A \\ . Boyd, account eminent bill's J'_'.40 ; Western Hydro Coiiiinisttoii asking fur foes and co- operation ; Hydro Klceuie I'liion asking fcr fee tn help pay expensed : Tren.su rer, list of arrears of taxes for 1!U.'5 ; County of ltey Department of Agriculture, nslc- iiik; for urairt ; Owen Sound hospital re- Rose D.ivvson, i pntient from Osprt-y; Municipal World, account $1 '.'"). books; school section 5, asking for the of debentures ; W. H. Tliurstoir. priotiug account, ^24.0.'! ; Dr. A. H. Me- Faddcn, iv-siynatioii as Health Officer ; Hunry llfitinan, account 8 r i, postage for <'lerk ; Loi'is Moore, cl liming that Me- lancthon refuses to pny their share of Oreen Sua ditch. Orders wen* issued on the Trt:isuivr to pay : Municpal World .*!. ',).*> station- ery ; H. Ilcitnian $.">, siurnpi to Clerk ; Plaaberton Advaruc jlt}4.i^{, printing; members of Cour.cil and Clerk and As- McTaggart - Achest n The home of Mr. and Mi John AchiNon near Ir.istio(je was the scene of n most interesting; event the afcerncon i f Wednesday, June I!, when their y< u g est ihiuxhtur, M u ', i: . Pi arle, be'."imu the wifo of Mr. Aichil><tLI McTngtgait, a vrry higiily respected youn^ farmer, liv- ing iifur Hi'povi'le. The f-iir youim bii.U, who was iittend- ed hy MIMS Dorcas Dever. wan beouninic- ly attired in pnh< blue satin de chine and bouijiiut of choice blossom^. The, groom ws.ipprtrted by Mr. Krnct-t Acheson, cousin of the bride. Hev. William Dinwoody of tin; Eugenia Cir- cuit tied tho nuptial knot, and Mrs Fall- is'.er, sister ti> the groom, played the wedding march. After the ciiN'oiiuiry good wishes and e iiiL'ratulatioiis, the gneita, iiinnbeiiiig lie nly seventy, almost all clo'i-ly related to the contracting parties, repaired to the lawn, wheru, in the Jtlwile of thu trees a sumptui'us repast was partaken of. At the conclusion of the lopast, a very enjoyable music and w 8-.50 for s.-rvici on ussessment cornmiitt-e ; James Pott< !H), as-essor'u .-.tlary ; Jolin '1 homsiin, Irwn Mornt-on, Thomas Scolt, W. H. (!uy and .lames HendiTMin $!"> each, expenses ns delegi- ti'iii from Osprey to Federal government regarding bydro electric railway, also W. S. Inkster, A N Hruwnridge, J I'lninis- ti-r. K.I C .li|iictte, W I, Taylor, Arcby Milmyre, T S Kivethy, Henry .Spro't 4iil .Inlin S Winters 81. r >eachas expcn M-S n.s deputation from Osprey to federal guvrrnnient rrgB'ding hydro electric r'y ; Ji'lili /riioinsan 4-'J .")(), cxtiiiiiriing com- .int re K-si-x dm in ; John Thomson each, expenses evening was spent in The groom s gift to the bride was a china cabinet, to the bridesinaiJ and nrgttiist e-ich, a gold l-nr pin, nnd to Ihe groomsman a pair of gold cut!' links. The bride WHS the recipient of many beautiful presents. Her gpiugaway suit was of brown satin wild hat to match. She will be greatly missed, especially in the home, buing the U?t to le^ve the parental roof. After a shoit honey- moon trip, Mr. ui'l Mrs. McTaggart will reside on the McTaggart hoaie.stead near Hopeville. Their many fricndu wish them H lon<;, Imppy and prosperous jour ney through lift 1 . purpowH fur the year losed. l.'ll. The Coun. Council then met in session, nil the memler* present, tin Ree\i- in the chair. Minutes of last meeting riad and con- mi.'- 1. Correspondence H.S follows . A. Ii. McLe >il, resignations! poundkeeper; it. I'!, ii. n. report as In sheep killed by 'ogs for .lames Mitjfee Kdwin lies:, c':ount for hauling sione crushi-r und .ind, ; W. .1. CasHvll, certilicatu of jMi.l accounts of l'.i|:i in his division ; i-orifian Hay Power Co., n-leasB to t.c \ecutedieclaim mi agreement of Kn . nia power plant ; Minister <>f I'nlilic *'orkf, Ontario, re gravel ronds proj o- ion ; a prtili<ui from Minilicr of rate- iy.-rs of the village of I'ricevillo and cinity in reference to width i proposed ridge at Priceville ; a !ii delegation v tiled on the Council in connect on with ' 11 i petition. (iialinm Brown That J. II. Wa'son ! paid f!t..VI for ni\el supplied in I'M.: Carried. Aldcorn Canipron That Frank Kiley -.' appointed pourulket'pcr in lieu of A. i '. Mcl.eod, n -141,1. I Carried. Brown Aldcorn -That Kdwin Bent be .id - tur li.niln,'; rock crusher with ugine to FU-sliritc'ii, and wond used Curried. Brown Aldcorn -Tint the request <f \. Ctrrulhen and R. McMullen and hers foi a f^rant of $100 to be uteil on i i' .i.!, be granted and trie Council : i..l ?70 and Mr. Cameron expend at nit * '! out of his appropriation to sup- . in. ni 1 1 .iti work by i' n 1 1 - living in >lio vicinity -Cait ied. Cameron (iritham That the claim of .i.nes Magic of 910 for wheep killed by 'i >KS, duly certified by Inttpector R. .nil, bu paid Carried. Cameron Aldcorn- Tht James G. , collector division No. .'J, be re- t7, being aninunt overpaid by ni on In roll of I'.tr; Jarried. Itrown (Jumeron That J. I. (jnilum j paid thiou dollars for HerviceH exam- mi'.' i i. nl: as directed hy tliia Council 'itrried. i 'iiiui-inn Aldci.ru - That the Reeve 'i' paid f'i for commiitca work Carried. Council adjournel. Two Shelljiime ii.d one Orangeville man contributed *-!' and cost for I., ,n Irunk on I he streets. U comes high fur he privilege of tukin? too much tliirat re- ucer in the dry belt, but a few rxper- ncei like Ihoat miy have anlu'ary :lect. nnd Iiwin Moiii- attending hydro elec'ric meetina in T iniitii. The resignatiiin of Dr A H McF.idden as Medical lleiilili Ollieer was acceplfd and byhw No. ."isi wits panned Appointing Dr. A K Rosx.,-11 as Health Otlicer. The rtppHca'inrj fimn S. S \o. 5 (or a loan of 2KIMI f.ir !."> years at ,">!, per cent. ill'erest, w is grant -.'d and bylaw N'n. 5HII >v:is p'iNsed pr -vidmg fur the l>sue (' de- bmittires for the amount. The Clerk was imi tin t i-ii to notify tin; land owners to elesr out all ohsiinctiims from the Ksiex drain llirii'^h their sev- ern.1 furms. The C'liincil lixed tin- price of W.IKCS to lie paid l-y the ro-id uoinmissionera as fol- lows : Man and team mi grader. &I.,"!!) ; man an 1 loim ilnwin^ i;>a>cl, $!! ; oper- ating grader, S2 . .shu\elh>rs, .^l.'iO per day aiul not inure t'nn Idc p^'r y ird for gravel. The Cleik was instructed to notify all nathmasiers that i>l.. r ii would be eh trued for each day's unperformed s'atute lili"i Council adjourned to meet at hninpton jn Saturday. June '.'2 next. Tilos. SCOTT. Clerk. Killed by Falling Barn Tim barn of Mr. ( J. Tneey, mar lieeton Junction, was blown down recent- ly, killin,' (Jeorge Deadrn.in, son of Mr .loho Deiuliiian, lleeton Junction . and injiirinii W. J. Iteynoliti, Walter Kirby. Albert Sheppird and A. K. Hooper. The barn, w Inch was a frain building ninety-six fn-t loiii;, was being raised Huver.il feet for the purpose of putting a cn:ietu foundation under it Nearly fifty men were working at it all day arid had got the weal side up to the rr<)uiu>d height. At four o'clock, when thn east side hail to ln> lifted only a few inches, a sodden gtVt of irind striking the broad .surface of the west side carried tho build- ing from the supports that were under it ; tho frame gave way and all fell with a crash, the roof being precipitated about thirty feet beyond the east .side Most of the men were '.'inking under the liuild- ing on the east sidu at. the time, but 11 number succeeded in getting out and far enough away toescape the falling timbers; lint many were unable to do HO. (ieorgo I >i- niiii.in had gut but n few feet away when he was struck by the plate fulling from the west idu and pinned to the giound. A number run at once to re. liove him, but life WIIH extinct, his neck I.i'. in- I een fractured. W. J. Heynoldd was picked u(. by some ntliera and found to have sustained a bad cut about tho light eye and the eyeball was nut of its R H. W. HICKL1NG FLESHERTON ONTARIO. MID SUMMER NOVELTIES MIDDY WAISTS & NORFOLKS Some stii!MiiiH( styles just in white (luck--wl)ite pique tan linen trimmed and piped in colors new belt and new sleeve effects - $1 00 to 2.25. FANCY CREPE WAISTS A shipment of stylish little waists --.14 to 42 bust-no two alike-just fresh from the makers. All jjood designs. $1.00 to 2.25. FANCY DRESS & BLOUSE SILKS A fresh assortment of silk crepes an 4 fancy silks, some in waist lengths, some in dress lengths, no two patterns alike, all the latest season's patterns and colors, width. li'i to 40 indies $1.00 to 2.25 a yard. WHITE FOOTWEAR White canvas pumps, white canvas colonial shoes.vvhite canvas button hoots, white Buck shoes. All sixes $1.25 to 4.00. LISLE & SILK HOSIERY Mack, white, tan und other shades, plain and fancy, fine sheer quality, reinforced toes and heels 15c. to $1.00 a pair. STYLISH UNDERWEAR Our special satin IMessaline skirt comes in all the leading colours,paddy.apple,saxe, tan^o, rose, grey, pink, navy, tan, brown, brick Special value $2.50- Novelties in fancy wash goods in this week, very pretty goods, reasonably priced. Mid-seiisou novelties in our Millinery Department. Kew flowers, new shapes, new braids. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS Severely burned Whi'st engaged last Saturd.iy in burn ing on*, tent caterpillars in his father's orchard with alighted torch, Fred Fisher the son of Mr. John Fisher, (f Colling- wooil.ncciileiifally set tire to hi* clothing. He inell'ectively tried to put out the l! uiiri by rolling on the uiojnd, and failing this ran ti the btrn and plunged himself 1'itn a tub of water. His injur- ies wen 1 however, m >^riou<, that he had to be cdtneyi'il to tin- hospital where Dr. McK-iy attended him. On Suiulay his life was de[ aired "f. but mi Mm - day the doctor reported his condition lu be somewhat better ami he may recover. The l,id e.xerc'sed a rent presence iif mii.J in putting out the, H riu-s, else he Could not have sun ivilei! the -!.> k at all. Coll- ingAood Knteipi isi' Mr. John Kerr while working t Hubert DUIICHU'S in Sullivan townsti ;i met with an i.ccident Ia>' week. II- . .is on the land roller tin* imi^Ut* nf wl i:h fell down. Tile hortjs b.-e im ! unmanago- able and ran over a stoii-.- fence drugging Mr. Kerr with then), lie was irijiue;! i|uite seriously. A Duller in depu'aliun c ni. ? i.stiiiu of John Itest, M.I'., t K. McKeown, M. IM'., H. I,. Mortiiner.of the Free 1'iess, and K. ltetwicl>. general merchant of Shell, urii", mot ore 1 tn Slayner a f.iw dny.s to try and persimda ex-May T Sullivan that he M make more money practising law in Shelliunic than hu can in Stayner. It appears the office vacat- ed by Jiuliie Vance has not yet been taken, anil they want a good man for it. Fniir of the man's requirements are aaitl to bu a conservative, an oiangeinan, mi Knglish ohurchmtn, und an I; i-lin. .n In all of these Mr. Sullivan tills the b II, but we understand, he has not yet decid- ed to leave Stayner. Cieomore Star. 60 YEARS* EXPERIENCE MARKS DESIGNS CoPVniGMTS ir . Anrnno Mndlng ktrh and dpacrlptlon n>* IM|. Kif lucertaln our opinion froe whother n- lUTantVin Is pnibalilr pateutnhle, Commnnlni- K m lt<inlrlctlrrniiniliitlnl. HANDBD01. - _ lent f rue. Oliteit airencjr for iwrurtiii: ttmAmttt. I'atonte taken through Muun & Co. rcci /o ri'r i<ii n->n< r, without chartftt, la the Scientific Jhnericatt A iiniuiniiMiriy Uluntrateil wvoklr. Lamoat ulr- culatum of HUT actenMno jnuriml. TeroiB for ( inn. I.i. i.';, X Tim., i," ,i.. ;.! imipalll. Mold t>T .11 R. J. COLQUETTE SPECIAL Announcement To the Ladies of Flcshcrton And Surrounding Country. Summer is arriving in all the splendor aud glory of her new robes. With her comes the usual round of summer pleasures picnics, garden parties, inot- oriiii;, driving, fishing, eanipinj;, etc. All the ladio muse he attired in suitable garb to d:> her honor, and so we have anticipated your wants and put in a new .stock of Summer Millinery. Dress Goods, etc. We have liars for all occasions beautiful Lace Dress Hats, pretty Dres- den and plain white Outing Hats, also hats und scarfs for motoring and driv- ing The prices will suit all pockets $1 and upwards. We hav:- not forgotten the little ones, citner, but have pretty hats and bon- nets of all kinds for them. Before purchasing elsewhere come and see our collection. Whether you liny or not you will be cheerfully waited upon. The Men alse have been remembered and we are prepared to show them all the latest styles in shape and c:>lor of the season's hats. What we have not is not worth getting. We will be ready by the end of the week to till all your fresh Fruit and Garden orders, all at the lowest prices. Orders taken for Hanging Baskets, etc. Ripe Tomatoes, Green Onions, Lertuce, Celery, Pines, Tomato Plants, Asters, Foliage, Geraniums. FLOUR AND FEED Five Roses, Purity, Body Builder ; Bran, Shorts and Chop. Highest Prices Paid for Produce W. L WRIGHT, GENERAL MERCHANT H. ALEXANDER FOR A 3 DAYS' MERCHANT TAILOR Fleshertoa Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. ALSO A tine of Ready-Made Clothing Which we put alterations in free of jluttge, if required. Isep FREE TRIAL ket. Walter Kirby had -. nail driven I FeVerShaiTl, Ont. through his nrin, A. K. Hopper Imd his h ail Imdiy cut, nnd Albert .Slieppitrd sustained injuries to back and legs. Fire destroyed twenly-Bve tine Iwsi- n ss buildings nnd rei JenceN itt I'owassnn early iSurnlay morning., the daniii^es l,,-io; eitimnted at $:;I)II,IMIII Mr. Alex. McCjur.i of Wtllinmsfo.rl has a citt that is raising H ground 1'ng an well as throe kittens. About two weeks ago he captured the litile ground ho;' und the cut took up with it at once and has been nuiMiiL' it like one of its own silica. Tl.i- '! ;l|. is M.niriliiii ; unusual ml u null I In 1 well WHI 111 one's time to HOC. Clm'HWorth News. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos I i 1 I. of Farm Implemeti. Wngons, Buxgies, Cut tern, Sl,-l';ll-., .Hi, I I i l-'i-lllii- KlI.Jllli'H, Melotto Cream Separtois, llaknr Wind Mills, Pumps, l'i|nn and 1'ipo Fittings always oil hand. Iteatly HroH'. of Kei'KUM, Hum Trtuks, Litter Curriers and stable littinvH. Cockshutt and Frost & Wood Repairs always on him! Wareroom - Wellingon Stree. Feversbam, Ontario* Personal lnntrurtie.il at Stu Iv nk makes it [xxisible to tutor it an. I euHitres rajtHl advancement Of the 1900 Apply to . , . Gravity Washer S. Hemphill, Agent For :- Washing machines,folding bath tubs,windmins,pumps,pipings water tanks, Beatty water bowls, steel stalks and stanchons, litter Car- riers, hay carriers, slings, forks and tracking, McCormick Binders, mow- vrmcip.1. gi^rs, rake loaders, tedders, drills, oil- O-'D. H.KMINO socre.,y^ ti vators, harrows, C h atham wagons, OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO H Mount Forest buggies, and Frost jWire. Satisfaction Guaranteed. OWKN SOUND, ONT., Large Staff of Specialists. 'I'lwi'.ions Ciiarantecd to (iriiduatcM. I C. A. FLEMING, F. C. A.,

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