Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Jun 1914, p. 5

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June 11 1914 THE F L E S H E It T OX ADVANCE ' I . . i i i , . THE ESTABLISHED 1873 SECURITY for both principal and interest U the first essential of an investment; the ability to realize quickly the tecood. Judged by these standards, a deposit in the savings department of this Bank is an ideal _ fsim of investment. TORONTO KLESHERTON BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL, EBB Manager. Branches also at Durham and Harriston. C. P. R. Time Table. leave Fleshertun Station The ii.h'ril meeting of Contra Grey * Fanner's Institute will be held in Flech- as ' erton on June (8, I p.m. C. W. Shearer will address the meeting at :'. p.m. Coin;; North The Methodists purpose erecting a new a-U1- parsonage on their parsonage grounds here during the present summer. This Train ollows : Going South 7.43 a. lu. 4.17 p.m. 9.12p. m. The mails are osed at Flesherton aj ollows: For the north at 10.40 a.m. and ". U w expected, take the form of an .tedt, Harold 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south as, up-to-date eight roomed buck. The old 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south, parsonage will be demolished as it has mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g- ' .served its diiy. Work will begin very VICINITY CHIPS Mr.Charlie Crossley of Toronto is holi- daying in town. The temperature marked iM in the shade here ou Monday . Mr. Kend.il Mitchell of Chico is holidaying at his parental borne here. Miss M. Galbraith spent a few daysj last week with her mother at Proton. Miss Florence Thurston left to-day: (Thursday) to attend the McGregor'Dur- ' rant nuptial at Mitchell. Dr. Murray and C. Kichardsou have purchase J a Ford auto, which they drove j shortly and will be rushed. The new building is expected to cost from 82500 ' to 13(300. Preparations are going ahead here for ; a big holiday on July 1. Strong cotn- ; mittees were formed last week to look 1 after the various branches of sport, and ' these are pushing matters. We under- | stand that the lis's of sports will be ! practically the same as list year, with aquatics s[>i rs in the forenoon. Last year these were considered the feature ! of the day. Everybody should see the iu forenoon. ^atch for Honor Rolls Report of Fleaherton Public School. ROOM 1 Class 4 Shirley Murray, Beabiti Mc- Vicar, Lilly Lever.Dclbert Patton, Frank Thurston, Mary Colgan, Mandy Stewart, Itobt. Morton, Jim Stewart, Aleda Mit- chell, Wilfrid Watson, Reuben Cfirgo, Mina Heard, Bobs Trimble, Almeda Le- Gard. 3 Frank Bunt, Clarence Fisher, R.N. Cornfield, Rene Cargo, Violet Watson, Wes. Armstrong, Mabel Field, Mabel Richardson. ROHM .' Jr. 3 Katherme McVicar, Ernest Davis and Kendall Boyd (equal) Geo. Mitchell, I'rquhart Shunk, Stewart Mc- Tavish, Jean Reid, Gladys Dudgeon, Roy Patton, Jim Wilson. Sr. 2 Vera Lever, Harry LeGard, Bert McLeod, Gladys Lever, Ruby Lever, Flossii Richurdaoo. Jr. 2 -Edna Ferris and Hilda Gold- hawk (equal) Lillian Buskin.Jim Stafford Ed. Ottewell and Wilfrid Lever (equal) Gordon Blakeley. Jamie XV riant unit Cecil McTavish (equal), Mamie McTavish, Harry Carrington. P.OI.M :'> Class 1 Sr.-^ Reggie Boyd, Jack Kar- Bellamy, Vada XX ilson, Lillian McMullen, Olive Mathewson, [John Carrinuton, Krcd;i Mathewson, Ethel Watson. Clsss 1 Jr. Mamie NU'.J, Elsie Foiris, Allic Norris, Marjorie Dudgeon, Ida Lever, David Colitan, Nelson Sbunk, Louie Cargo, Errol Trueiuaii. Hazel Wyville, Willie Carringtoti, Altie Fields, Orrell Fisher. Report of o.S. No. , Arteraesia for the mo 11 ih of May. Sr. 41. B. Whittaker,Stanley Bullisr, Alfred Butler. Jr. 4 Lottie Whittaker, Muriel Spicer, Magdalene Butlei. Card Jr. 3 Millie WhittiiKer.Mary Hazard. Jr. 2 Harriet Hazard. Ida Hincks, ^Charlie Hazard, George Hazard. Jr. 2. A. Bobbie Whittaker, Joseph Hazard. ... J Primer Bradey li win, Alfred Hiucks. X\e, the undersigned, hereby ax'ree to n . u (11 a package of five standard aize 5 ' PnmerA-Guy llazard.U.ttord Hincks ;~oxes of Sihcr Tip Silent matches for j Thon >" s Hazard. up from the city last week. twenty cents. (Duality uuuranteed. W. Present every day: L B. Whitta-ker, \tthePiesbyterianchurch on Sun- [ Buskin, XV. L. XX'right, Fleshertou. I S. Butler, J. WhitUker. R. Wliittaker, day, eight new members were publicly i June 15 jB.Jrwin, L. Whittaker, taken intu membership. Miss M. Keefer of XValkertoti and Mr. Jack McAult-y of Port Elgin spent week end at the latter' s parental HILL BROS., - HARKDALE. r -r -r ^ -y-y-^- y qr ^ ^ y y T - T * " ^ * y T - * T T - * * -~ ^ ~" T ^ T T"T" Special Announcement to the people of Eugenia and Surrounding Country Whittaker, I. Hiucks. M Butler, M. Big Grain Competition the home New Feature of Prize List of Canadian National Exhibition A Grain and Sheiif Competition >>. I sprey, for Vernon H.-l- open in tuwti. ftlias Edna P^tton, who has been in j to the world is an added feature of thw i Toronto fi T some lime, has agaiu taken ; yeai s Prize List of the Canadian N'atii >n- a situation with Mr. Hickling,ud enter- rl l Exhibition, which is now being dis- ed upon her duties this week. tributed. Tho prizes in this competition Invitations are out for the marriage of e WO^-nd ^edal^ each for Spring Miss Alberta Dunant of Mitchell to Mr. wheat, Fall wheat, barley, corn. Dent corn, beins aud exhibits must be the product oats, Flint pcu. All of the Albert McGregor on Tuesday. Juno !>, Miss Durrant was surged as milliner for F. G. K;irstedt a few years ago. the Minister of Agriculture, Commission- Rev. Mr. Kerr, Miss Josie Richaidsor, er ((r SecrcUry of the p rov i llce or st te . and Mrs. Walter Man- are delegates to or office in charge of an Agricultural De- the Biptiat Association, which meets in Report of S. S. No. May. Sr. 4- Mam ice DOUIJ'HS, royd, Clara Shoit. Sr. :i Bertha Short, George HolroyJ. Jr. 3- Stewart McMullen, Frank Holiingshead, Leslie Fields. Sr. '_' -Sadie Izaid, Eddie Huward. Sam Short. Jr. 2 Lois Short, Stel'a Sawell, Ivy Iz-urJ, Rex Holroyd. Sr. 1 Sadie White, Vcrna Huberts. Irene Haiubly, Ruby Hockley, Frank Hollingslieiid, Cecil White, Dick How- ard. Prirtcr A Winifred McMul'en, Mary Our General Store at Eugenia will be open for business on Friday, May 15th, when we will buy all kinds of farm produce, Butter, eggs, wool, etc., at highest market prices. Special Prices on Seed Corn i 4 tCL-s tarly, 1 bu lots 51.75. lOuu lots 3 1. OS North Dakota. 1 bu lots $1 ~'>. 10 bu lots *l.6. White Cap. 1 bu. lets *1.50. 10 bu. lots Sl.t.j Wiscousiu. No. 7.1 bu. lots SI. 50. 10 bu. lots *1.40 HILLBROS, MARKDALE Ivirlment . T ,,e exhibit shall connwt ,.f B Ben Short, _,,.! Clurenci! Holroyd. Owen Sound. Wednesday, Thur 3 two bushels of grain in *ick, accompanied C---Alma Hocklev, Delia Roberts, Fr. day nf this week. ; by one sheaf of the same grain. Sheaves Ivy Izird. Willu> Briggs. Melbourne ns in Tor- \ are not f1 ui 'ed for entries of beans and Philips, Fred Howard, Cyrus Short. Ei'i-1 The other depart men's of the p,i ze <>. DAVI*, Teacher. List have been carefully revised, aud the total amount to Lo awarded for Live Report of S.S. No ::. Vrtemesia fur Stock and other products of the farm and May. The Baptist church, which has been home is 355,000. The List has beent Class 4 -Clarence HIT Ruby Caswtii undergoing the renovating process for a j specially framed to protect the interest of E1 j JS |, u e ulham, Wm. Irwin. ' few weeks, will be reopened on Sabbath . h ^ SU! Si. :; -Willie Orr, liohda Best, next, whtn Rev. H. S. Mullowney of Owen Sound will preach at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The Toronto conference onto this week. Rev. Mr. Dudgeon in attendance. The evening service the Methodist church next Sunday i be withdrawn. The Grenadier Guards' Band from 1 England will feature the music, while t\vo | concerts daily will also be given by Crea- i lore's Band, the most famous concert band ou the American Continent. The Jr. 3 M'ldreJ Sharp. Susie Chard, Albert Moore. Sr. 2 Mildred Caswell, Fred Iiwin Jr. 2 Ida Breen, George Akins, Gor- c. 5 ^U uiu k'u fciic Dmitri 11:011 VVUUUVIUi INC. "*" H. G. Tucker, Owen Sound, threatens Rpec tcle, "Babylon," is on a more .nag- don Irwin, Mildred Moore. Adele Breen. T r- ..,,!... f tf^/tnuuru>Lliv'Pi'Att 1 .- * V. I * . lit. ' wt_. niricent scule thn ever before, and the \ other special attractions pixxnise to show marked improvement. to be an Independent Conservative can didate in I he election unless his nualili- ratious for a government job are recog- nized. Mr. Carl Walker of Cayugs, visited with friends in town for a couple of days during the past week. Carl is enr.ployed by H. Davey, who learned his this office twenty years ago. successful newspaper man in Erie town now. the COUDci| ^ over to the wi(low . of Grain crop* are showing a splendid the late Dan Connors, the sum of $2500. growth and give prospect for a bumper iThe costs which were paid by the town- harvest. The same may be said of all ! ship io connection with this law suit kinds of fruits, including all varieties of '"amounted to $1719, or iu all $4219 was small fruits. Wenever remember seeing j extracted from the township coffers. This smtll fruit bushes more First Class Alex. Hogarth, Margaret Moore. Primary Wesley White, Lizzie Mc- Mullen, Harry Akiu.s, Minnie McMullen. Melville Hogarth. M. 1>. WiUon, Teacher. Owen Sound has thirty-five factories, employing about 2000 hands, with an an. nual payroll of one million dollars. I Report for May, S. S. No. 4. Ai- At the special meeting of the Brant teruesia. Harry is'a Council beld rt)COUtl y the lftst business Sr. 4 M. Nicholls, L. Nieholls, E. , | connected with the previous trial of Stevens. "onnors vs Brant was transacted when Jr. 4 1. Stinson.L. Love, R. Stevens, A Irwin, L. Lockhart aiid W. Heard and E. Scott equal, R. Acheson. Sr. 3-T. Irwin. Jr. .'5 E. Stinson, G. Stiuson. S. Lud- low, R. Stevens, O. Lockhart, P. Scott. Sr. 2-F. Nieholls. Hot two On Friday !--t 'he li'tls Mr. and Mis John Wata-'il. liitd :i luirow fLtMpi- from death. little nirl who if j.-.t ! yi.-ir .-u'd months old, in Mim-i w-iy .T other hold f some pftris green md t >i>k teapooiifnlls (I it. The d. .-. -s .- urt-at th.it it irmde her violently ill, thus savins hei life. We . -ire glad t'> repi'il that the little one is out ,,f Stnyner Suu. Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received up ti> June ^0, for the eiec'ion of :i fn:ne biind^iiig at the school house. Sec. N". .'!, TJ feet square l\v T feet high Specifications ;u'i he hail from the umlorMgiu''!. or any nl' the trustees. The lowest 01 ^inyt^n- dfr not necessarily accepted. Alt. Hartisou, Sec. Flesherton. May 1*. H'U. Bridge Contract r> will t ! ii-Li-i 1 . ' : by l! -:_: . I MU tn live ,. j'... t -k i.P >1 i I'H'... r.M t. fui tic erection ; ^t.-i'l-n-i:-.l'ci::i".i bruise . erihe >:i;._.-.ii river at Pliceville, -iL-Lri'i-i;^ to ; Im unl :i."i-ions l>y U M Do , K.- . , i'.K I'hins, fie., ii. iy In- si'ci, .; :!io utlli'.. ..f thi- Enntlli'iT. ii-,. t | Si niiil. i' ,! ni V\':ll. A.ii' r: t . KM- , I'jii'i" Vllli.. ill :it till' i.ltl.Jl- :iT-:, rp i 'i. The l".vf( i'i- my teiidrr t:i>; necetsui !y accepted, A marked check f^r MX pur .-.nr. ,,i triiiier ti> accoiiipany ficli tcinler -W. .1 BKLI.ASlV. CUrk. Flesherloii, Miy IS, l'.14. Jr. 2 E. Stinsou, S. Acheson, M. bountifully will make a IM* hole in the township Sicho , lif L . Nicho ii 8) A . Little. loaded. It looks as though this was , treasury which will be hard to fill up ; !_ V . Moore.P. Badjerow.D. Stevens, going to be a year bountiful. j before next election li-ne and it seems! E. Nieholls, B. Heard,.!. Badgerow. Ladi8 \id of ihe Methodist ri0iculous that the " ti htin K" Reeve B-M. Scott, E. Nixon, M. Achesou, have got iu touch with a large I couU not havo been P rBvail * d u P on to , ' settle at an eaily hearing of the case when he had the opportunity to do so for * $1500 without costs. The church number of old Fleshetton residents who were invited lo give a sin ill donation towards parsonage funds. Those who thus far responded are: H. Kutledge. Shelburne; Mrs. W. Hill, Eugenia: F. R. Sproule, Winnipeg ; W. H. Wright, Owen Sound; S. Colquette, The Misses Campbell, Toronto; Mrs. Holmes and daughter, Owen Sound; Dr. T. Hender- son, Toronto; Mrs. Muller, Mrs. Rutle- dge Mt. Clair, N. J . ; Mrs. Farm for Sale A I. Lockhart. E. Moore. E. Gallcg- L. B. Wallier, Teacher. Lot 130 to 132, East Back Line, Art- ernesia containing IS6 acres; nearly all cleared, .'U miles from Flesherton, n've from Markdale. Good orchard, house, bank barn and other building^*; stock farm Aikenhead | well watered, good well, windmill, etc. Toronto; Rev. Dinwoodie, Eugenia; Miss j Apply on premises to M. Wilson, Bothville; Mrs. G.Alton, Jacob A. Holley M.rkdale; Mrs. C. Baker, Mrs. J. ^_ une lgl4 . Broughton, T. Wardrobe, Toronto; Jos. Clinton, FlcKherton; G. W. LcGard and' Cattle Strayed J. H. CmnpnigD. Chicago; Miss A. B. j From , ot 3l> 12 T h ~ con.. Artomwm. Richardson, Toront..; .J. Cairns, bugenu; about June 3> fl , ur hesd of V(Jllng cattle U. A. VauDusen, editor of Tars, will l:o Conservative candidate for the Legis- lature in North Bruce. Fred LeGard, Mrs. Jos. Legard, Mrs. J. Whitten, TorontoiMiss Lulu Mitchell, Paris: Miss Mabel Binuie, Weyburn; Ch-is. Hales, Seattle; Mrs. P. N" orris, Piince Albert, Sak . oils red steer, une white, one grey d one red heifer, pig ring under left ear of each. 1 !('! 10. i! !!! will be thnnkfully| received. 1OSEPU SHERWOOD IHl iltlEU Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat $1 00 lo 1 00 Oats 40 to 40 Pe,v. $1 12 to 1 12 Barley 55 to 55 Hay 115 CH) t.. 1500 Butter 19 to 19 Eggs, fresh 19 to 19 Potatoes per bag 1 00 to I 00 Geese 12 to 13 Ducks 15 to 15 F,.ftl U to 13 Odds and Ends > ARTICLES FOR SALE For Sate Cheap young di-ivum mare about ''50 pounds, or would exchaii^o for good driving horse about U 1 *" pounds.- Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesli- erton. Jan. 'it House to Rent- Good brick house, garden and stable for rent -recently occupied by Mr. Alex. Stewart. Apply to R. G. Holland, or Win. VVilcock. Wiii'.er Term J inu.irv "iih COLL1NGWOOD BISINESS COLLEGE Attend this bis;. SiH-cessful School of business trainii MJ and let us help you into >nneihing woi'th while. Free catalogue ii request. Enter anv tune. T. E. Hawkins- Collingwood, Principal 1 'utario. Two Jack Screws to rent. Apply R J. Sproule, Flesherton. Legnl Blanks For Sale R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sale cheap H full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills ;<ml all other legal blanks. Any requiriuj! such will rind it to their inter- est lo give him a call. For sale cheap and on easy tt=rms, Lot 13, cnu. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is a n'rst class farm and in a good state of ' cultivation. Good Lank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule ( Flesherloii, Perfect Sight a matter of Foresight. Many cases of eye trouble are averted by early application of proper lenses. Present neglect means future trouble. Do You Ever Sleep? It you do ytjti will be wise to pay attention. 1 am a; the present time making a Specialty of Iron Deds. The original of the picture given at the head of this advertisement will ouly c?st you $5.00 5.00 $5.00 Get somciliiug nice and cimfortable on which to lay your weary head. Of course we have other beds at other prices, all equally low in price Sanitary Beds such a? everybody wants. Springs and Mattresses to fit all be .is. Examine our stock any- way, before purchasing your sleep iuducers. W. H. BU.NT FLESHERTON, ONT. HEREFORD pure l>red ot 171. 3rd BILL FOR SERVICE The underpinned have Hereford bull f^r service W.T.S.R.. Ai-leineM:. Terms $." t"f puie lirciU. 81.">0 for grade>. All cows served :nut be uaid tor. -T. ><: .1 WATSON. I in:tr 14 MISCELLANEOUS Lost Sunburnt brooch set with pearls at or between Eugenia or Flesherton, on Wednesday. June 3. Reward. This office. U. Ii ;n has opened an ice cream par- lor in Wright's old staod, where he will.be W. A. Armstrong:. pleased to nitet cusloincrs. keep fruits for s-ile. ,; m)tl He will a!s,i i i, n cfx. -i-hoi.l. FARM FOR SALE %>** with excellent water conven half mile| from store, church anil Apply mi premises or to LE^LIK WATSON. Dundalk. Bull for Service Thoroughbred American breil Llere ford bull lor service on lot 151, 2nd W. , T. andS. R., ArtemesU. Terms SI. 50 ! cash. -JOHN ADAMS. Prop. Bull For Service Thoroughbred Shorthorn Bull, " Hill- crest Oovernor," No. 8f>4tW, for service on lot 27, con 14, Arteir.esia. Terms- Si. .">0 lor grades, $,'! for thornuzhbrrds. -ALEX. CARIU'THERS. BILL FOR SERVICE Wanted large second hand box heat- ins stove, must he cheap and on reason- ably good condition. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Fletherton. Jsn.^ Strayed Rock Mills P. O. l-Chickens. ..-. , ' Tuineys .... 13 to 13 to Moplo Gbn Creamery, Markdnle. com- mences operation* on M:iy 25 private fuuda to loan on farm e security lowest rU-s of in (crest. Apply R. J. Spiwle. Flesheiton. About May In, one he'ivy buy tilly. some urey hnirs, whi'e face and feet, two years old. Any p.son giving iuformtt- ' tion to lead to her recovery will be suit- ably rewarded. HrOb KNOTT, Markdnls. The thoroughbred shorthorn bull Field Mai-hMl '.HHi:H _ will be for service on lot 170, T. S. R. Artemeaia. Terms SI. Aug JA. STINSON, Prop. Tamworths for Sale Roth sex noarly ready for brooding. Hricot i right i.ir quick i'ii. OEO. W. ROSS Maxwell P. O

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