Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Jun 1914, p. 2

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PARLIAMENT IS PROROGUED H.R.H. the Duke of Cortnaught In Dissolving the Common Announces His Farewell Ottawa, Juno 12. Parliament was prorogued this afternoon, when the following a/oklress was delivered from the throne by H.R.H. the I) uke of Oonoaugbt: Speech from the Throne. Following wn his Royal Hi|fh- tio-vs* prorogation speech; Honorable (rentlemen of the Sen- ate: Gentlowon of the Ho \\ s<- of Commons : I m glad to relieve you from fur- fc'ior ntt<"i<lance in ParUament at ter a session whii-h has been marked b.\ legislation of an important char- acter. The task <>f readjusting the repre- sentation of the people in the House of (.'omiiK-iiK ami the provisions of ih<> Hriti^h Xori.li American Act, on a basis not open to just criticism, has naturally been a difficult one; but it has bee-n accomplished in a manner which 1 trust will prove Mtisf.-i- :..r\ to the electorate. Tills readjustment will greatly incro-usP the rcpre*: 1 illation of the, four Wes- tern I'l-oviiKx-s. My adxi?or have not been un- mindful of the nooe-jnity of com- Eloriiig with the least possible do- y the. pi-cat Transcontinental Railway systems now under con- fit ruetion ; and the provision which has be*' i m.-ul for necessary assis- tance to th"s' great national enter- prises will. 1 trust, not only ensure th'ir early oonipk'iion. but result in distinct and marked benefit tv all 1* Ti ions of the Ikiminion. The difficult question of provid- ing a system of nfefcumuaitoa whereby tln> Matus of British citi- zenship thus acquired shall be .re- rojrni/cd |jy law in all parts of the Empire luis for many years engaged t-be attention of the Governments of the Mother Country and of all the self-governing dominions. The meo/stire which Las been pased for that purpose by the Parliament of Canada and which will find it.a complement in legislation passed by the Imperial Parliament auds by the Parliaments of flie other dominions, contributes to a great result u|x>n which the Km pi re us a whole is to L*" congratulated. It, lias IKXMI found iKve.sflia.ry to make a partial readjustment of the tariff in certain important respexis, and I have every co-nfidiMi-ce that this readjustment, will prove of rnark<'d advantage, not only t/o the industries chiefly concerned, but to a.11 the business aid industrial life uf tin- country. 'I'll' 1 !"ici-lutJ<m which has bepn TltlCI) in I I'll JAIL. Attempt at SHf-Dcslruclioii Cur- ried Out by Alleged Murderer. A despatch from Montreal sa.vs : JoKepli Beam-hump. one of the two a!!ci(!-<l bandits beinx held for trial next September on a charge of mur- ik-rinR (. 'unstable Bourdon at St. Laurent on Tuesday night, tried in dt-Mmv his own life at the Bur deaux jail, where he is inearcerat- -d. lie piled his mattress, table and chairs against the door of bis t- II and set fire to the pile. The smoke attracted attention nnd rtanir-< were sjwedily put out - * -- ARMS NOT VI Hi\\! i< the Minister of Militia \ i'intiin<-~ That !<>,!. - Will He Knrowil. A dcRpa-tch from Ottawa - i.vs : Col. Sum Hughes. Minister of Mili- tia, stute<I definitely that tliw would b'. 1 no re'liaxatioii of the King's regulations in regard tu tho proposed turn-out of the (iJth Regi- ment under urnib in the Kiichansiic procession at Montreal. The re.gu- ttioiis forbidding the carrying <; r a runs by a regiment under such cir- cumstances are not new, and the department does not intend to waive them in the present instance. enacted to implement the. resolu- tions pMsed by tlve International Conference on Safety of tif$ at Se<a, provides Worn effective measures for ensuring in tthe future tive safety of passengers and orev/ on ocean - troing steamships. The measuro which ha boe>n pass- ed for the more effective supervi- sion o{ cold, storage Warehouse* will, 1 trust, have important re- sults by regulation in tho publta interest the condition awl dafeposal of food products As ebored It is confidently anticipated that th<e amend merits to tlio existing lav. , respecting trust an<l loan com- panies will prove of marked advan- tage in securing greater uniformity us well as additional safeguards t the public. The measure providing for a spo- eialljV constituted cammiission to in- v<\tigate dipping casualties of ex- treme graiity will afford, the mea.ns of makinj; a more thorough and ex- b.-iu stive enquiry into euch cases and of securing recoiiunoudationa from ^unpetent ex)>erts a-a to requi- scifco jirtvautions to j>revwit suclt disasters in the future. My advisers are constantly im- pressed with tho necessity for greater and improved facilities in all the national ports of Canada, and they believe tliat the necfasary pruviaion of large dry docks which are essejitial for that purpoo w 'i'l be more readily consummated by tho amendment passed a>t the pre- so-nt session. Gentlemen of the House of Com- mon a: I tiinnk you for the. liberal pro- vision yon have wade for the"puh- lio service. Honorable Gentleman of the S<-n Gontlomen of tlve House of Com- mons: My term of office is drawing to a close, and thia is tihe lasA occasion on which 1 ahaJl ha,ve th<^ honor of addrcsising you aa Governor-Gon- oral . I consider it a fitting opportunity of expressing to you my fervent be- lief in tho high destiny of Canada and in the manner in which (Cana- dians will fulfil that destiny. I desire, to assure you tiliat, after ni\ p official connection] with you is Hi-vored I sltall etill continue to feel tin- greatest affection for the people of Canada and an unaltered inter- est in all that pnrtjians to the pro- gress and prosperity of the Domin- ion. PRICES 6F FARM PRODUCIS TBADIJ TEOM CENTKEa OF THB I.EADISO Toronto. June tvhent flour*, VU 16. Flour Ontario per c*nt.. {3.86 to , .. $3. 0, seaboard, and at 13. DO, Toronto. Manitoba Flrxt patent* In jute bags, 19. SO! do., leconds. 16.10; strong bak- ' ers', In JIMP bags, 14. Manitoba wheat Hay ports No. 1 Northern, $1, and No. 1, tile. Ontario wheat No. J at fl.OS to $1.05, outside, and tl.OU. on track. To- No. 8 Ontario oats, 39| to 40c, ronto. Oats- , outside, and at 42c, on track, Toronto. Western Cunada oats, < _'Jr for No. 3, and at 4ijo for No 9, Hay ports. Peas^-l'ticen nominal. Barley Oood malting barley. 66 to 68c, according; to quality. Jlye No. 3 at 63 to 04f, outside. Uuckwheat '.i" to 93o, outside. Corn No. a American, 76Jc. c.l.f., Midland. Uran Manitoba bran. $24 to ton, In URKB, Toronto freight. 2U lo $27. $28 a Shorts, Country Frodnoe. Nutter Choice dairy, 17 to 19ci In- ferior, IB to 16c; fanners' separator prints. IB to 2o; creamery prints, fresh, 22 to Mo; do., solids. 80 to 21e. KBITS 21 tit 220 per doleu In caae lots. Honey Existed, In tins, 101 to Ho per 11). Combs. $2.2S tu $2.60 per dozen for No. 1. and $2 for No. 2. Cheese New cheene, 14 to 14Jo for lai-pe. and 14J to 14Sc for twins. Ik-ans Hand-picked, 12.28 to $2.30 pur bushi'l: primes, 11.10 to 11,10. I'oultry Fowl, 17 to 19e per Ib.; ch!ckenn, 10 to 20c; ducks, 20o; RPPSO, lo to 18c; turkeys, 20 to 2Jr. Potatoes Delaware*, $1.10 to 11.15, on trado here; and Ontario* r-.t $1 PIT bar. on track. Baled Hay and Straw. Paled -hay No. 1 nt $15 lo $15.26 a ton, on track, here; No. 2 at $;3.00 to $14.60, and olover at $11. Haled straw Car lots. $8.25 to $S.EO, on .track, Toronto. MAN RESCUED FROM SNAKE Three Hundred Pound Python Wrapped Its Coils Around An Attendant A despatch from Guelph say : | enveloped in the great serpent's An act of conspicuous heroism was ~' :i - ^ " K1 f " perforvnaed oa Tuesday at the Ex.- hihitioii Park by on of -the lady performers of a traveling show, and an exciting occurrence was shorn of fatal termination by the cool-hadednes and bravery of the young woman in question. A man named Harry Thomas, employed as an assistant in the snake exhibit, entered the "pit" or enclosure oc- cupied by "Fxlward th Great," a gigantic South American python which -recently arrived, and which has not> yet beooone accustomed to his ' eurroundings. 'Edward" weighs over 800 pounds and meas- ures 3-4 inches in circumference at his t'hiokeet point, and this added to the na.t/ur*lly intractable disposi- tion of a serpent fresh from his native -wilds, makes the big snake a dangerous opponent if not care- fully a,pr>roached . Thomas, who is an oc-toroon, waa engaged in sweep- ing out tho den, -when, without the slightest warning, he found himself clammy coils. Thomas was able to give one about for assistance before tihe constricting body tightened about his throat, and he lapsed into unconsciousness, wrapped from neck to anklea in the scaly mon- ster's ever- tightening folds. Mar- guerite Still, cashier of the show, was in the ticket berth outside, and was the only one who heard the choking scream of the .unfortunate Thomas. With rare presence of mind ahe dashed into the snake en- closure where Thomas lav inert in the coils of the great srpent, and, seizing a small iron bar, partially pried the tropical destroyer from his victim. Then, hurriedly taking from her recticule a vial of smelling salts she poured the entire contents into the open, hissing mouth of the snake. Ohoking under the power- ful fumes, the huge snake relaxed his pressure, and several employees rallying to Miss StiU's call for help, succeeded in freeing Thomas from the coils which, in a moment more, would have crushed out his life. Provision*. Jiacon. lonn clear, 14 to Hie per Ib. In cafe lota. Hams Medium. IS to Iflc, do., heavy, 17 to lt>V. rolls, 14} to JCc; reukfast bacon. 18 to 19c; bac-kH. 2Z to 23o. Lard Tierce* 121<-; tubs, 123c; pails. 13c. Montreal Montreal. June 16. Corn. American No. u yellow, " to 7:io. uatu Canadian Western. No. 2, 44lo; do.. No. 3, 43Jc; No. :'. feed. 42|o. Ilarley Manitoba feed, 62 to 63c Flour Manitoba Spring wheat patents, firsts, J6.60; dp., sec- onds, $5.11); stroii* bakers'. $4.90; Win- ter patents choice. $:,.:;i to 15.60; straight rollers, $4.70 to $4. DO: do.. In bags, $2.20 to $2. 3D. Hollcd oats Bar- rels. !t bag of !>0 lb., $2.15. Mill- feed Hran. |33: shorts. 125: middling*. $28; moulllle. $28 to '.- Hay No. . per ton car lots. $14 to $15.00. Cheese Finest westerns, IS to 13c; do., east- erns. 12J to lilc. Hutter Choicest creamery. 24 to 2Br; seconds. Z3i to 234o. Kgs* Fresh. 23 to 24o: Belectod. Z6 to 27c; No. 2 mock. 20 to 21o. Pota- toes Per buB. car lot.i, 5 to $1.16. I NEWS IN A PARAGRAPH HIPP _MNGS FROM ALL OVEB 11!!, <. I III-; IN A KUTSHELL. Cannda, (he Empire nnd th lo Ucaeral Before Tour Canada. The "Winnipeg- Free Press says Manitoba jirovincial elections will r\imor that Uws bo hold July 9. Quelxx: hears a, I)uko <jf Conn&tight may remain in Canada, until April, 1916. The Oommons i>asse<l a loya.l me- jyige of farewell to the Duke of C'onna.tijfht, the Duoliem and Prin- Winnipeg drain. Winnipeg. June 16. Cash Spring wheat No. 1 Northern. 94|c; No. 2 do.. 3|c; No. 3 0.. 2c; No. 4. 87Jc; No 6. SOJc; No. 6. 75Jc; feed. 70Jc. OatB No. 2 C.W.. 39|c; No. 3 do.. 3c; extra No. 1 feed. 39i-; N>. 1 feed. SHJr; No. 1! do.., JBlc. liarley Nu. 2, 62Jc; No. -4. Bl|c. i firct two mull til S of tho current fts- rejeoted, 4Stc; feed. 4Sr. Flax N. 1 : .] .-_ _ f-il ,.ff -^ ,.,.,,-, ,] i\., N-WC $1.40, No. Z CW. $1.37; No.l cw POtBHUilA ami I 3 ili).. $1 .25. United States The revenue of Canada for the MlnncapodlH. Juno_ Market!. 10. Wheat Jill/, IHSII I 1III1S A LA It MING. I A , Hiinilrcd Men Fight Flames at Nrw I N,'-.!i 'I. A <Jfpat<-h from Uailo.vhiiry. Oint-.. says: An exoeptdonallv warm spell couplccl with a hiK' 1 wind lui faiiiKxl sc()i->H <if lmli firpfl into llame again in the north, and while no serious <larnag(' has been done to date, the fires are alarming. In Now Likea.rd ihc firo department fought f<jr eight li<iiirs to cave Kfii ne<Jy's lumber yard and tho T. A: N. ( i -taliuji. I i. ,in all points ill tho district nnoko and flamea niay easily ho seen. In tho majority of cast- H the flrcs spriiif? u-p in fvoctions previously burned. custom ii!5,!.'^0.674, as compared with the same months. Van<JalH entered t-he homo of Hun. I*. >S. G. Mackenzie, provin- III yi)|r, .-Mil. i ;tui nici n, "' .ti^-,; . . . _ ^^. , , , No. 2 do., wot to n(c. Com No. 3 cial treasurer of Quebec, and dflt- yfl 1 "??'.!** "-"'"nd^SrM^UmfhanireS tro y*^ fnrni?hings to tihe value of -Wheat Nu. 1 hard! | about $400. :!'^, . !M i!in'"'i cHh!l Morf than $3O.OOO was subscribed in a few hours to the Empress Sur- vivors' Fund of the Montreal Hoard . of Traxie. Tho Bank of Montreal subscription list Inilutli. June 1U. $l'.oj. July, '$1."61|. Iilve Stock M 11 K.-'u. Torniito. Jurn- 10. Cattle Clmlre cln-i-N. $s.2K to $8.50; Rood. $H to $S.16;|| la . s l, r -dl the I'liiiinion eow. $6 to $5.r.O; (-aiiiier.s and . . A i-ulti-rii $2.r.o to $4; rholri- I'ut IM.WB, ! with V 1(5,000. $ii.5ll to $7.26; i-holre bull.-:. $7 to $7.5(1. I'alvpH <!ood vi-iil. $s.2u tu $10.50; . MMIIIUIM. $4.75 In $7. SKH-II.TH mid feeder* Sta*r*, son to !IOO ItiK.. $7.25 to $7.75; Rood quality,. , . . 700 to MX) ins., $7 to $7.50; light, $6.25 \\aKhiriKtoii that winter in Winrii tu $7.25. _. . ; peg laiits from October to June, down Winnipeg's Industrial wants the scalp of U.S. Bureivu C'onsul- ,,'? Generitl DillingtMun for reporting to i V. .?.' ii' _ . i_ ? . it. _ ___ i _ IIT: : Hhenp "I'd lainhH Light ewes. $ to ' I 1 t $7 hi-iivy. $4.60 to $. r >; bui-kH. $4.75 to wit $5.311; Spring lamtm. i-ai-h. $11 to $7. BO; I h the tliornuimelor AH KOI1KKKS SDNTKNCIlh. Si* veil I in MI '-i Kinploycs of ('.I'. It. Convicted. A despatch from Vancouver, B.C., says; Seven men formerly con- victed of robhery a,t Kamloops assi/.e.s and aeutoooed to three years (arli in the penitentiary. For .soino time the Canadian Pacific divisional yards nt Kaan loops have been rob- !.'<! and in all more than $10,000 worth of goods taken. yi-iirlitiK litnibH. $G.&0 to $8.16. Hog* ST.Bf to $x. fed and watered: $.x in to $S.25 off -ur. and $7.BU to $7 65 f.o.h. Miiiitrriil. Jinn' K>.- IMIini- beeves, Sic. nifilliini. to Sir. ((.niniun. 4J to 5Ji:: inllkiiifn'H (ilpiiui-n, 5Jr to 7c; inllrh i-iiWM. $3" t IU eueli. t'iilvcti. Sc to 7r; Hhet-p. 4> to <: spring liunliH. Brurri-. at from $5 tu $7 i-uc-li; hoR.s, 8 to lie. STItlliKHS IN VH'lors MOOD. i:\jiic- \ii;irl,i- ( | .-mil Many I'.: Are Injured. A despatch fn*ni Milan says; The Berlin express was attacked near C't>m<>. All the windpwi wore lirriki'ii and a score of injured pas- us far as 16 below zero, and that the climate in responsible for pneu- monia a,nd (tt'her diseases. (in ;n Itrhain. The Txmdon building trades strike is nut yet settled . The International Congress of Chambers of Commerce favored an astronomical 24-lK>ur day. The I nit.-ii States, bill to repo.l the exemption of coastwiw shipping from Panama Cana.l tolls wa-a passed by tho l T nitf<J Btatcp Senate. That French fashions are not fit aim a DIM^JIO IPI i"- . i i t i had to descend for medical I ( "' K"'d (.me,, was declaml he- CROPS AREJ>ATISFACTORY Harvest Promises to be Fully up to Average of Past Four Years treatment. An attempt was made to l.low tip the railway bridge at Placen/a with dynamite hoinlis. Vast crowds of rioters devastated Imola station, damaged the locomo- I lives, overturned rolling stock, and set everything on fire. Between Aneona and F&loon&ra many miles of track were turn up. A Btate of siege has been proclaimed at An- cona, where barricades have ben erected. At Naples many people were killed and wounded when the strikers stormed the Carabinieri barracks, and the artillery opened fire o-n tho rioters with quick-firers. There were many fatalities in fighting- at Kloreiwe and Turin. \ despatch from Ottawa says: In a bulletin issued by the Census and St.alit.tirs (ifl'K'e pri-liminary esti- mates are gi\-n .f the areas of lh<: principal grain crops in Caniulu, as well as rej>orts on their condition, acconling to returns made h\ l!i' cm r. [iDiHlcnts < 11 June 1, The. re- ports show that throughout the Maritime Province; M-cding was de- 'layed through the lateness of tihe Pjn'ing. In Ontario and Quebec- th.- ooodltion of grain is generally sat- isfactory, notwithstanding a long spell of dry weather. In mnny places, however, the meadows were beginning to suffer from the effect H nf drought. Condition* throughout the West were reported as gen T ally favoraljle, though rains woiikl be welcome, especially in Mn,nilh<v 8<juthern Albert*. On June 1 the coii<lit.ioii of field <-r)])8, as measure<l by a standard in wliich 10O represents I he promise of a full <'rop, was v<-ry favorable. Tho points a.ro as follows: Va,\\ wheat,, 79; spring wheat, 9,'l ; all wheat., !(l ; oa,ts and barley, 82 ;r.\f, 80; peas, 02; mixed grains, 93; liii.v i and clover, 90; alfalfa. SH ; and pas- ttires, 00. tli at the i'ondititina bo- I twen now and harvest, will be U'qual to tln> au-rago of tJio past f.mr years, 1910-loiu, the above percentage* represent, the promise jf .yields equal to the fotir-ye^ir .i\ cmRe in the case of spring w-heat-, rye and barley, and inferior in the oasc of oabs by ono per cent., and in tilie case of fall wheat by two pe-r cent , MA( HIM) Tl HNUI) Tl Seven Oi'riipantH Ifeld I' I ader H Motor Car. Midwnsville, Ont., June 11. Se- ven persons, all of Aylroer, Out., had a narrow escape from death just outside thin village last night, when the- automobile of O. H-. Christie turned turtle- and dropped into a ditch while turning out, to avoid ft wagon standing in the road. Fortunately the spot where the ear capni/.ed the ditch was very deep, and as a result, the occupants were not crushed as they otherwise would have been. The weight of the machine., however, kept, t,hem prisoners for a- long time until one of the men of the party crawled out and obtained aid. .f Australian elections will be held September 6. fr- the Genera hederatum of mi ' n - ( hllllillt General. st rike has been Tlie H neweil in Italy, mid the. striker* are displacing a vioAOUfl mood. German scientists are coming to (.'^uiada. to etti]>loy a now wirelesa wave> apparatus for investigating tho internal strtieture of the eartih and <lotccting the presence of both water -awl ore deposits. Irt BLOW l T r STEAMSHIP. Black mailer Caught in w York by Cldver RHW. A do-spakh from New York says: Out fit tho grea-t throng of persons in Oi'ty HaJl Pa,rk on Friday a man 8'tepp<l towartl the Nathan Hale Btatuo and j)lacd his hands on it. He re-mained that way for three minutes, finally removing his hat with His left, hand, anil then disap- peared in the throng. The acts of the man were a signal tha* the Cu- nard Steamship Company would pay $10,000 rat-lie r tilian have one of thoir ships Mown up by dyna- START FOR ESKIMO LAND. Police Will Try to Find the Bodies of Iladiord and Street. A despatch from Regina says : To search for the bodies of Radford and Street, explorers and engi- neers, who went into the polar re- gions some three years ago and were reported murdered by Eski- mos, a party of mounted policemen under Inspector Beyte leave Regina about Juno oth. It is not yet known how many men will form the party, but supplies and equipment must be taken for three years. The task they are to undertake will be one of the most perilous ever embarked upon by members of the veteran force of tho North- West. The party will commence their in- vestigations in the territory adja- cent to Chesterfield Inlet, and the country which they will have to cover is the bleakest in all Canada. The party will maintain order at Hudson's Bay posts, and patrol on thousand miles inland. HF1.IKF FOl'ND INADEQUATE. Lew Than Half the Sum Required Has So Fur Been Subscribed. London, June 10. It is estimated in Liverpool that 180,000 will be required for the relief of depen- dents of the Empress of Ireland, passengers and crew. Towards this the following has alreadv been re- ceived : Liverpool fund, 16,000; London fund, 31,000; Canadian fund, 40,000. Monetary assis- tance will also come through legal compensation, payable to the crew, and possible damages, payable to passengers. There is also the assis- tance from orphanges>. With all these sources reckoned, however, the amount so far received is quite inadequate for the needs of tho sit.na.tiun. FINDS SKINS WORTH #3,500. Constable Kdutirds of White River Makes Another Haul. A despatch from Toronto says; Provincial Constable James Kd- ward-s of White, River has added an- other feather to his cap. Two weeks ago he had the Hudson's Bay Com- pany fined $10,000 for buying furs out of season and on Wedne-sd'ay he effected another haul. At a north- ern place called Missanabie, he found in the bush 1HI beaver skins and 14 otter skins, worth in all about $3,500. Tho furs were ship- ped towards Toronto. THE CLEANLINESS SINKS.CLOSETS DRAINS BATHS ETC. IS OF VITAL IMPORTANCE TO HEALTH. DETAILS OF BIG STORM. One Hundred People at Least Lost Their Lives. A despatch from St. John, N.B., says : Stories of appalling loss of life on the northern coast of New Brunswick still continue to drift in here, and the latest reporte place the human toll at 100 souls at least, 1 and the damage to shipping and property on the coast amounts to hundreds of thousands of dollars. On account of the poor telephone and telegraph service in that db- trict details of the horrible disas- ter have been hard to obtain, but it has been practically ascertained ' that nearly every fishing village <wv the- coast from Caraquet to 8hip-> pegan has paid heavily in lives and- property. TRIBUTE TO MOTHER. Perryor Drops Wreath Where Shu Wont Down. A despatch from London, Eng- land, saya ; When the Cunarder Alunia, which reached Plymouth otl Wednesday from Canada, nass- <?d the scene of the sinking of the Entpres-s of Ireland, a service waa conducted by the Salvation Array delegates on board. The passen- gers sang "Nearer My Qod to Thee," and Bandmaster Perryer, who lost his mother in the disaster, dropped a wreath over the spot. BOYS' CIU'EL PRANKS. Presque Isle, Maine, June 12. Attacked by other boys while fish- ing, Victor Porter and Hartley Webb, eleven years old, were strip- ped of their clothes and left bound with shoestrings tied tightly about their necks, according to tlve police- Webb -had rolled into the stream and was drowned. nd Porter'* face and neck were so badly swollen that he was nearly strangled. He will recover. Two boys named Cole were arrested, the police alleging that they were wearing the clothing and shoes of young Webb. Porter and MILITANTS DARING ATTEMPT Most Dramatic Scene Yet Enacted in Campaign of Destruction mite. Tht-\ the c-a.pt u re were the prelude t if Henry Wesitoott, a Spanish nfgro. in Bogota, N.J. \Vestoott liutl written several threat ening letters and the com- pany finally agreed to thruw the money from an express tniin, and to signify their intention in tho mann-er described. A thrown from the train later and when t lie negro picked it up he waa Arrested, A despatch from London says : The militant suffragettes staged one of the most dramatic acts of their campaign Friday afternoon when they exploded a bomb in Westminster Abbey at the very moment that the Right Hon. Regi- nald McKenna, Secretary of State for Home Affairs, was delivering an optimistic speech in the House of Commons nearby regarding the Government's method of dealing with the "wild women." Tho bomb was placed beside the famous Coronation Chair in Ed- ward the Confessor's Chapel. Al- though it did little dafn-age, like previous attempts at destruction ol the same kind, its report penetrat- ed to tho chamber of the House, in- terrupting Mr. McKenna's oration and bringing some of the mcmbe.ra into the street to learn what had happened. The detonation was heard for many blocks around, and a crowd quickly filled tlu- square in front of the Abbey, but tho police were in immediate possession and closed all the doors. THIS INVESTMENT HAS PAID 7% PER ANNUM half yearly sine* the Securities of this Corporation wcr flared on the market 10 years ago. BualntM established "S years. Investment may be withdrawn In part or whol* any time after ono year. Safe as a mortgage. full par- ticulars and booklet gladly furnUhed on request. NATIONAL SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED, CONFEDERATION XiIFB UUlt.DlNO - TOBOHTO. ONT

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