NERVOUS CHILDREN The Trouble is Often Really St. Vitus Dance Do Not Neglect It Many a child has been called a,wk- ,ward, has been punished in school lor not keeping still or for dropping things, when the trouble waa rea-lly St. Vitus Dance. This disease may appear at any age, but is most com- mon between the ages of six .and fourteen years. It is caused by thin blood which fails to carry suffi- cient nourishmen't to the nerves, and the. child becomes restless and twitching of the muscles and jerk- ing of the limbs and body follow. In severe cases the child is to hold anything or feed itself. St. Vitus Dance is cured by building 1 up the blood. The most successful treatment is to remove the ohdld from all on-entil excitement, srfcop school work and give Dr. Williams' Pink P ; lLsL_, These Pilila renew the blood supply, strengthen, the nerves, and restore the child to perfect health. Here is proof of their power to cure. Mrs. Geo. A. MacDonald, Harrington, N.S., says: "My son was attacked by St. Vitus dance ; at the outset bis &tep was weak and jerky. We called in a doctor who treated him, but notwithstanding he continued to grow worse and at last .grew so bad that be could not hold a cup in his hand, wthile his head constantly twitched, and his epaftch bec-ame rather indistinct. At this juncture I saw in a. paper the cure of a boy from similar trouble through t-foe use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. We at once sent for a supply, and vn a few weeks after he began their use there was considerable improve- ment, and it was not long after this before he was completely cured, nnd has never had a, symptom of the trouble isince. I mm convinced tihat there is no medicine like Dr. William Pink Pills for the cure of St. Vitus Danoe. If your dealer does not keep Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla you can get them by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxas for $2.50 by writing, the Dr. Williams' Medicina Co., Brock- 'ville, Ont. Best Liniment of All Destroys Every Pain But Never Burns cholera epidemic, one of a party of forty nurses sent from Scotland. She went 'to Cincinnati, where she served nine months. On he.r return to Scotland she persuaded her hus- band to come to America, and they lived at Marietta, Ohio, whence she .- How thankful we are to get ho i d volunteered as a union nurse in the O f such a wonderful household rem- civil war and was assigned Sigel'RJedy as Nerviline," writes Mrs. E. P. division. When she was discharged Lamontagne from her home near We- from the a.rmy she wa assigned to taskiwin, Alberta. "In this far-away accompany twelve southeast Mis- ' ^J ^ ^^^ fr m * d Ct r r souri soldiers to their homes, and the families of the men made her so welcome that she sent for her husband to join her. In 1869 her husband was killed by supply of liniment. Nerviline is the best of all.. It destroys every pain, but never burns. We use Nerviline In a scoro of ways. If It's rheuma- tism, aching back, pain, In thn side. frontier robbers. A band of cattle- sciatica or stiff neck, you can laugh men found his body, and buried it and sent word to Mrs. Johnson. Left practically penniless, with a large family of children, she nursed, farmed, worked by the day, sewed and did everything that pro- mised an honest penny. Mrs. Johnson has fifty-eight j years has been a household word at them If you have lots of Nerviline handy. For earache, toothache or cramps I don't think anything could act more quickly. For a general all- round pain remedy I can think of no- thing more valuable and speedy to cure than Nerviline." The above letter is convincing it tells how reliable and trusty this old- grand -child ren, but none her, and she became lonely. E: DODDS '/, rKIDNEYl & PH.LS j& SOME GREAT DISASTERS. Only Four Exceeded the Loss of Life mi Empress of Ireland. The loss of life on the Empress of Ireland lias been equalled or ex- ceeded by only four marine disas- 1910 she foster mother to A REMARKABLE WOMAN- One Hundred Yearn Old Over Six Fei-t Tall. i ml Mrs. Menora Jolinson, weight 307, height 6 foot 2 inches, aye 100 Canada. Scarcely a home in Canada | ters in the last century. These you can find without Nerviline. Every | were the loss of the Rhone, Wye their the wonderful curative properties of Nerviline which will cure pains and says her father two motherless girls, and she cares community has its living examples of an< j for them and makes all of clothes. Mrs. Johnson for Mine*. Mr. L.aunclot Usher of Johan- nesburg, in Soubh Africa, has intro- duced a new dust^laying prepara- tion for use in mines, the base of which is ifiolasses. The Iron and Coal .Tradet Review *ys that a spray of the- mixture !ays the dust .permanently. In one mine it was found that tlr drive jvl!s sprayed with it remained, in some parts of the mine, stk'ky and dust-catching for nearly a year. The preparation, which contains a small quantity of some disinfectant, forms a thick coating on the underground walls and surfaces, and closely covers all dangerous sputum, microbes, or other noxious mat-tor. The Rand mining authorities, it is said, are planning to use the new prepara- tion in the mines that they control. delight. The picnicker's choice. Everybody's favorite. POTTED MEATS- Full flavored and perfectly cooked make delicious sandwiches. Row a Sick Woman Can Regain Health FABMB FOB H. W. DAW80N, ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY. lived to be 127, and her mother a very active young woman killed in an accident ait fifty-eight. People nowadays, she thinks, are killing' themselves with their food. She believes they eat too much grease. 4. POIMED PARAGRAPH 8. aches anywhere in the joints or mus- I cles. It's penetrating, soothing. ' h*" ' warming and safe for young and old 11 to use. Get the large 50c. family size bottle; It's the most economical. Small trial size 25c. at any dealer's anywhere. vessels at St. Thomas, in the great hurricane of October 29, ! 1867, when 1,000 persons perished ; ! , '' For - v ars ' ' as thln a , nd delicate, the burning of the excursion boat ! '^ S^el SSJSS - ~ General SlbcUm in the East River. , f t , niortifving to I J P YOU WANT TO BUY OK SELL A Fruit. Slock, Uraiti or Dairy Kami. writ; H. \V. Dawson, Bruniptoii. or 'J Ctilti'Tiie St.. Toronto. I H. W. DAWSOXtT, Oolbome St., Toronto. But the best policy is one that is paid up. A good bluff makes mere noise than great riches. Most of us could do a lot of work while trying to dodge it. Tears are often more effective than the most eloquent words. The perfect husband always be- longs to another woman. It's easier to induce a man to ac- cept a, favor than to take a joke. Some men will do more for a cheap cigar than they will for a dol- lar. prac- much Those who win success by tice haven't time to do preaching. Go to the ant. thou sluggard; she doesn't make' a noise in tho world, and yet she isn't hurried at the ex- pense of ihc county. SAVE THE CHILDREN THE "8.0.8." SIGNAL. Wireless Telegraph Has Been Sal- vation of 0.000 Persons. Wireless telegraphy, which has been the means of salvation in the hour of gravest danger to thou- sands of helpless victims in disas- ters at sea, and which flickered out the sturdy "S.O.S." that brought succor to the Empress of Ireland, again has proved itself the Neme- sis of death on the ocean. Statisticians who have been busy chalking up and adding the human credit marks that wireless has earn- ed, say that probably 6,000 persons owe their lives to the fact that a wireless station was near them in some disaster. Wireless telegraphy carat into washes once a a week, cares week, bake* twice for a seve i-roora easonably safe duri.ia; the hot wea- ther. St-oniach troubles, cholera in- house, sews for two little gu Is she I far.'tuTn and diarrhoea carry off "took in" four years ntco bo-eauspj fhi>ns.a.nds of little cues every sum- she was kmeso-me, cooks for t-hcir {at her who boards with her. a<n<l walks each Saturday to the Seventh Day Adventisb Church, at Carth- age, Missouri. Her hair Ls t-liick practical uso in 1909. The steam ship Republic, threatening 1.500 lives on a head-on collision with the Florida, that year gave it Its first real sea tryout. All on board were" saved. The Alaska was the next. In I mid-ocean, w it'll not another smoke- Mothers who keep a box of Baby's | s tack in sight, flames burst out. Own Tablets in the house may fe?l ^ 'f ne wireless operator, unmindful that the lives of their little ones are i O f his danger, kept clicking and WASTED. , .., ._ ,.^.>, not only mortifying to New York, on June 15, 1904, with my feelings, but because 1 thought my an approximated loss of 1,000 lives ; skin would unver that most terrible of all marine I grew desponde'it. disasters of modern times, bhe loss failed. of the Titanic on April 14. 1912. which sank after a collision with an A GENTS! J\. Our dollar book. BIG I a box of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. placed reliancB upon them and iceberg with 1,490 of her company, and the loss of the Kichemaru off the Japanese coast, September 28, 1912, with a loss of l.UOO lives. Other disasters that approximat- : - ed in loss of life the fatality list of \ ton's Pills by their mild yet searching the Empress of Ireland were t^ ^^ra^r rf a' W^4 n2^ T?S Prince-ss Alice sunk in collision in | nev ' er OIlce 8rlpcill me yet tney estab- the Thames River, September 3, jjgjjad regularity. My appetite grew look nice again I Then my appetite grew very weak. Various remedies, pllln, tonics and tablets I tried without permanent benefit. A visit to my sister put into my hands She now that they have made me a well woman I would not be without them whatever they might cost. I found Dr. Hamil- M 'J N E V - M AK IS R ! 'Destruction Kni- JI.-P.S.S of ed; write - - Terms: f i elglit paid; credit given. Nil-hols Limited, Publishers. Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. CANCKIl, TUMORS, LUMPS. .!<-., internal ;ind external, cured with- out pain by our home treatment. \\ rite us before ton lute. Or. Bellman Medical I'D.. Limited. CoillnKWOod, Ont. 1878, with a loss of TOO ; the Erto- grul, foundered off the Japanese coast. September 19. 1890, loss 540; the Utopia, sunk off Gibraltar, in collision. March 17, 1891, with a keen my blond red and pure heavy rings under my eyes disappeared and to-day my skin is as clear and tin- wrinkled afi when I was a girl. Dr. Hamilton s nils did 5t all. The above straightforward letter well- ,. - MM J li "- O.MUVO ut. a.*i^*ti.ut " loss of 574; ttie Norge. stranded off f] . om Mrs y Y . Todd, wife of a Rockall Heet, June 25, 1894, with a ' known miller In HoBersviilc. SH proot kiss of 600; La Bourgoyne, l./st in ; sufficient that Dr. Hamilton's Pills are collision in the Xorth Atlantic. July i a wonderful woman's medicine. 4, 1398. with a loss of 571; the Ja- 1 no other pill but Dr. Hamilton's, ^of. ,* battleship Mika-sa, blown up ! P box All dealers or . it Catarrh- cuu C Ki st ' jn - on September 12, 1905, with a loss of 599^ ozcuu C " Ki e st ' jn - Onu "- and white, her flesh firm, she. sixteen perfectly sound tenth, ha? she ii*ver has been in a dentist's chair, and she can read largetype without glasses. Her present busy days folio w a life that has had much more of excitement than that of the average woman. Mrs. Johnson was born in Scot- land, May 2, 1814, the daughter of a sea captain. She traveled with her father during her girlhood and was preparing to learn the tailor trade came n Aberdee-n when h ill of Broalipox, After be- re- <>overy she served as a sm.a.11 pox nurse, lu 1826 she was married to a civil engineer and devoted her life to her home and the siek until 1855, when she volunteered to pome to AmiM-ica for service in the Around Mouth and Chin. Spread All Over Face in Big Disfiguring Blotches. Burning and Itchy. Used Cuticura Soap and Oint- ment. Ringworm Disappeared. Burnt Church, N. B. "For about four yi'-i : : 1 WH.X troubled with ringworm on my fan-. It first made Its appearance la little 6<-aly spots vound my mouth and chin which vould lasfc for about a week, then would disappear and In two or throe weeks' time would appear again. A.H the lli.Uo scales or M-aba came off It would get like a crocked lorn which waa always Increasing In size and _^^ eating Into tha flerti. J t> was alvraya getting worao until It had spread all over my face la hl.dlflgui-liig blotches, which did not disappear at all. They would have a burning Itchy orenem. Tha ring- worm disfigured my face very much for the time being and was alwaya very Irritating. " t tried all thu known houwhold reme<lta< I could think of beakiea some recommended ones without any effect. A f rlonil told me of Outlcura Boap and Ointment and I ob- talnwd a cako of Catlcura Soap and a lx>x of CuUcitra Ointment. The Drat application afforded relief. 1 washed with the Outteura Boap and warm water M directed, thon ap- l>llcd the Cuticura Ointment. In a wcok'i time the ringworm had entirely <l<Kap- Iared." (Signed) Mlw Marjorlo E. Moc- ihoji. M;iy 26, 1913. Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment are n.i.l by dcuggUts and dealers everywhere. For a liberal free sample of eacb, with 32-p. book. Bond prat-card to Potter Drug * Chem. Cory., Uept. I ' . U. H. A. clicking and just as the boat \v:is going down, help arrived and the liib passengers aboard were saved. Then came the Kentucky i" 1'JIO. In tho same year nineteen were iner, in nwt ca3s bsoauae thonnj- ther docs not have a safe medicine j gaved on the Koeningen a-t- ha-nd t-n (rive promptly. Baby's j Death was cheated in the instance Own Tablets -cure thesa troubles, or ; O f t.j le burning freighter. Temple- if ijiven occasionally to the wel.1 child will prc-v<e>nrt their coining un. Th-e Ta.bk-ts na-e guaranteed by a ( analyst its bo a.he;ihi'te- more, when all on board, fifty-four, were saved. Following close on this record. UNFIT TO LIVE MUST DIE Tho verdict rendered a thousand times when oonis set sore. Do them li'uth by Pmiiiiin'B Corn Extractor: cures puinlPHMly in nty-fuur 1'se "I'utnBni's," the only veKctubl r- iin-dv kiniwii, prlco 20c. "at all dealers. Kll.l. THAT FLY! Om-ihird Oft. "When Miss Wl! .."-ins marri Moneybags, >he gave her twenty five. I feel sure she er than t-hat." "Oh, I support- third off for cu-ii M as is <>]<!- al! iwi-<{ one- Alk for Mlnara'a nd toie DO otUer. Att Affair l)u I'ltrr-cncy. Cliiims ThoiisantlH of Victims ill j Exe (meeting <iUl fn-i:i;> say. Phil, what w.-is t'.it- .utiroine "f thai , little, affair of v<mrs with M-ss Bummer is now upon us. and with j (j <) | ( jj e summer comes the fly. \Vv-An inc<un of $i.'<.i. '>.>' ;i Most of 'is treat him with a- phil-o- i venr rnv buy sophic tok i i"i>K'<. regarding him as a, iKiruual. annoying incident of tho tOUB OWN DBUOUIST WILL TELL YOU , 'U,,t i ,rn. t.lin.11 I Try Mdi-lne E>-eKeiuly lur Ur.1, WTOK. W.>l.-i-v warm weather But he is more than that; he is really 'lunge rniis, a. very the Lexington was caught in a hur- 1 adive propasatol . ()f disuse, par- ly hann!-?s even to the new-born, r i<; ane unprepared. All were saved ticu! . irlv d ,o atily to you ng children. babe. They are especially good in i jy the help the "S.O.S." summon- W(heover th ummer moaths are the summer bsause they regular ^ The Niobe, wrecked off Cape warm U)( , Clrin , m ,, n hnusctly claims the bowels a.nd keep the sweet ami pure. Th Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williaiin-s' Medicine Co., Brockvilte, Ont. SAVINGS BY KREMU WltlTKRS A lover is loved mos't, a wife best, a mother always. Anon. The worst of all countries is the one in which we have no friends. Love extinguished* can be rekin- dled ; love worn out never. Anon. Love is tihe duwn of marriage, and marriage is the. sunset of love. Th-s>re are more men who have missed opportunities than there are who have lacked opportunities-. La Words really flattering ' are not th'isc which we prepare, but those which escape us unthinkingly. Ni- non de Lenclos. A lover who is no longer loved is still good for something; he serves to hide the one who ha* replaced him. A-iion. Joy is the ray of suushi-ne that brigbtens and opens tho-se two beautiful flowers, Confide'nce and Hope. E. Souvestere. Women are happier in fche love they inspire than in that which they fee! ; men are jii'st the contrary. woman pleases the Sable, filled in the intermission un- til the great sea disaster to the Ti- tanic claimed world attention by literally thousands of victims, the high rate of iiifantilu ninrtality dur- fog t ] ie - period of thu year [ illg uie a [it i :t.i 01 mu j^; the unparalleled summoning of as- , bg - dm , a ' m<) .,, lt entirely to his sistance from many different ravages _ sources. The summer of 191 1, it will be remembered, was xceptiona-lly h-it EYE STRAIN [ n consequence, flics wsre very I plentiful, and the infar.tik> mortal Relieved by Quitting 1>a and Offee it v in London, England, Many cosm of defective vision ars caused by the habitual ue of tea or 636 pw 1,00 During that year in England .na Wales 38,6-17 children under two yearn of ag- died from diarrhoea! a'i<l it is safe to assume iriro majority of the vie- by flies with for in the fol- Bveaaod urnmilntcd Byeiida; No ;uHtve Comfun. JWrite for Bd'jk of il> Kyc 'jy mcH Free. Murmc Eye Remedy Co., CUioafi). In tin- Trade. Retired painter and decorator (to arti.'i. whom he hns commissioned to paint, his daughter's port r.-ut > And none *>' your slapdash painl for me; three euntr-. in:n<l ver- Mlnard'n X-lnlaient r.nmbcrmn p , from a'normal 173 per 1,000 per week to coffee. It is said that in Arabia, where coffee is used i;i lar^e quaaitit-ics, many lose- their eyesight u.t about fifty. Tea. contains the same drupr, caffeijie, as coffee. He's a fool man who thinks that he can please al! his wife's rela- tions. FOB SALE. that An Eastern -vritc, to tims were imxv l)ri. GilOU WliRKl.Y IN l.IVK TOWN IN York County. Stationery ;m>i iioi>k MuhlnttsM In cioiiiuM-tioii. rrn-u only f4.ini". T.Ttn lilit-i-Ml. WllBun Publish- IIIK I'lmii'nny. "S WfSt AJi'hikln Street, Tnrruil c,. Your Home Trade Dealer Has It A>K your Home Trade Dealer tin ropy of this catalogue. It luts thousands of articles at a f?tcat saving to you. It gives you the bc't and latest in every line an-J a high quality at surpris- ingly low prices, because the goods are shipped Direct from Factory to You and lima you save middleman s profit*. Your Home Trade Dealer gives you PERSONAL SERVICE and absolutely Ruaranlees <;very article, the'c.'oic t purchase through him m C1 n : < COMPLETE SATISFAC- TION ot youi money back without ques'iim. Oi\, this catalogue a place in your home. Let the Home Trade Dealer make good these claims. Remember everv dollar spent at home through this catalogue means economy, absolute satisfaction to you, and a decided benefit to your district. Therein a Home Trade ^^t Store \ear You coffee. She sa-ys : . My son was for years t/roubied with his eyes. He tried several kinds of glasses without- relief. The optician said there wa a defect in his eyes which was hard to reach. "He used to drink coffee, as we all did, and finally quit it and be- gan to use Postum. That was throe years n,t had to ,, tru- and he has is and ble with his eyes since. "I was always fond of tea and '" c<jffee a.nd finally became so ner- ' deaths numbered only 7, -14,"). Mln.ira'H Itlnimont used br Physicloa*. The Only \Viiy to do It. "Willie, you've !>een fighting a-gain after I warned you not bo." "Yes, ma'am. If you really want to keep me from fighting I guess go out and it to make I oould hardJy sit sitdJJ king enough to eat a meal. My heart such a condition I thought Beau-chene. A beautiful eye, a good woman pleases the I might die at any time, heart; on* a. jewel, the othw a- j Medicine did not give me relief treasure. Napoleon I. . a.nd 1 wasa.ltno^t -d'perate > , wa-s ununmit wMwr^ror^ If women are naturally more su- ; a.bout t'his tintii3 we <le-c-idd to qui ^ n the pe( , p i,, use perstilious than men it ia becausrS j eoffee and use Post urn, arid have , ^^^ they are more sensitive and lo-?s en-! use d it, ever since. I a*m in perte lightfived.-Beauchene. j healtli. No t-rouble now with my A lover is a herald who proalaMns , l, a ,rt and never fe.R. better in my the "merit, the wit. or tho beauty of life, a woman: what does proclaim- \ Balza*. LINIMKNT IK the nly .,,,.., M-I.P. No'thing make* old people whol a . n d myself." Pot.u,m has been a. great ble.s.s- l-ng to us all, particularly to my wn 1SSIK 'U. have been attractive more ridicu- lcu than to forget that they are so no longer. La Rochefou-cauld. The art of conversation consists less in showing one's own wit than in giving opportunity for bhe dis- play of the wit of others. La Bruy- ere. Equality is not a hw of nature. N'ature ha-s made no Lvvo t-hiiigs equal ; its sovereign law is siiboi-di- natio-n and dependence. Vanven- argu-es. + Matrimonial boudn are not nego- luible. Namie, given by L'a.nadin.n Postum Co . Windsor. Olki. Bead The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. Potum now conies in two forms: Regular Pont inn must be well boiled. 15c and lT>c paolMfW. Instant Ptwtum is a soluble pt^w- der. A tea.spoonfu.l d'is<ilves quick- l.y in a cup of hot water and with r'rca-m and sugar, tiuik-es a delicious beverage insianlry. '** ww 50c Willie's CiirioH.y. "Miss Butt, how do people in yoxw house ever know what, time it iaf W'h>'. Willie, dear, what a ques- tion ! Bv t)h clocks, of course." But I heard ma tell pa the other evening that your face would stop a clock. " The cost per cup of both kinds is about the i*am. "There'* a Hea-Ro-n" for Pouturn. -Hld by Grocers. Keep Minard'i lilBlment In tb boas*. When t'he donkey saw the /.ebra He began to switch his tail ; "Well I never, 1 ' was his comment; "There's a mule that's been in A COOL KITCHEN A cool kitchen on ironing day is possible with a Oil Cook-Stove The heat is all in the burner none in the room. The New Perfection is cheaper than coal and cooks better. Broils, bakes, roasts, toasts. In I. 2, 3 and 4 burner sizes. Ask to see the 1914 model 4 burner, cabinet range with fireless ' cooking oven. At all hardware and general stores Royalite Oil Give* Best Result* THE IMPERIAL OIL CO., Limited Toronto Quebec Halifax Montroal Si. John *Vinnips Vancouver '"?