Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Jun 1914, p. 4

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June if* 1014 THE FLESHEKION ADVANCE A iiylepi'ii'l''"* iiewrtiiaixT, i i.l.lUli.-il every "mixUy at th H office, ColtinRwood SirMt, .M -n' 1 1 in Suli-ci i |it inn price 91 per annum, 'n paid in advance ;fl..Mwhru not so paid '. KtrtiMiiirnitM on aiiulii-atiun. Circulation 1,100 weekly. W H. Trmraton- Editor JFleshertcm Methodist Church Rev. James Durlgi-nn. p.sto . s i,,Jy, 10 i". '"'-' Meeting. S.inday Scfvicps II . in. only. j Monday evening K[i '-.itli !.> "-ine t.X i>. in. 'V I I I '^-yc A Reminiscent Letter 'I li l.uli.-- Aid o! the Mulludist chinch, through Mi*. W. Moore, hns received ihe f>dlowiig interusiing letter from an nhl Klesherton boy, which is Worth pUUOH on to our n.vii-i.. : Chicago, May -5, I'.'M. Dear Mrs. Moore, -It' is indeed a ple.iMire to i;et siftli a reminder of dear idJ b'lcsliprlim, and I gladly send a small donation to the fundti of (he Ladies Aid sueiety. Will it be nut c f place li^bt Lore if I extent! a few ro:ii-ti ks / If so ' let "M time memories my plt-ad." Von ami 1 are probably not I't'isonally i.ci|uaiiite.(l, for, if I recollect right, you came to Kleshertoii shortly after I left, which was in February 1HH!. I he j'lesherion i.f my memory was ihe days uf Mi rcliants Wright, Trimble, FleshertOn-^VX/T) liic-lwdson and Sproule, and the (lays of Arui.s(roiif>,|lie-ird, Clavton. iSiniin,!) .1 Baptist Chu rch R. C. Kcrr. l'.t,,r. I ; e,t,l,, li,,dU.y. .Bnmmie, Clnik, () ..,.,, Manly, Dmude, Orittitha anil m.-my Subject m- Sunday, June 21, ma ' i>t hers, all or nearly nil -gone, hut tho lessons, exaiiip'e.suml_piee. [.'.-. 'if iho.-e Bible stii'ly Thursday evenina at H noble pioneers yet lin^ei and lime "borne, .'clock Kt the h. .me. "f Mrs. Kutledge anj are s ,jH 17^,1,,^ l!a . fnut ,, f u,,,;^ Ceyl'.n. I ive8 . 1 li'iu- m ist pleasant recollections of the Method st Sunday school. I first attended it when Iield just south-east of Tiimhlu's store anJ opposite Wrghi's store. In the spring (lie basement was half full of water and then we all ha 1 to King Edward'* Memory of Face*. On one occasion Louis Sterne, an eu- glnccr nnd Inventor nnd n friend of Charles Dickens, showed King Kdward when Prlnco of Wales Ills oxhiblts nt South Kensington nnd the Crystal pal- ace. "The nest time 1 met the prince," snld Mr. Sterne, "1 was crossing Ticca , dilly, at the top of St .lames' tret, before the days of refuges. In trying to escape beJns run down 1 ran direct- ly Into tbo arms of Uls royal highness. He nt once recognl/.ed rue and said, 'Mr. Sterne, you should give this traf- fic time and never cross the bows.* 1 expressed surprise that he should rec- ognize me, to which he replied that bo never forgot either face or name it as- sociated with any matter of Interest" -London Telegraph. :iJ,iv Sih'.ol White Pine Profitable In view of tin- planting "f larv'c num- ber of wliitn pine Meillin- by MI-MS. J.jhn Weber and sor.sofihe v-lley.nliich event ru chronicled in these pane* a fe* wci'klai."', the following article will be interesting tud will i(ive the general public an idea of what Mr. Weber'* chin- <..,iire for l craping a ham-si The (ipiwiun <>f white pine, accoidini: t,, I". S. i>iivei-i.iiient biilleiin recei.tly is- sued on the su v -.ject, i.-, a profitable uii- pound in(fii-t if '.li>' treiM an- t ir lifii i. : iiiuro iliiin flow "''> i" 7" yi'iits old. Tlie oriijunl wlnit |.inu fori'.sln r- ji !inu .f.in.-n y whito pine luuivi LtlJ H r,:id\ ln:ilk' I urjitr- j(ittde ! i;r.nl<- ""* .ll'iitl II, tilt' inuct on the tirst Hour. Mr. H charJson, I think, was s perintendelit, and Mr. Si ram was my (eael.er. Then, when (ho ne* church was built, I was s-l.ll in the infnnl i-'ii-s untler the leadership of Mib. H. .1. 'Sprouli*. As I ad\anced from classi to chiHH <ith>r (eac'iers suei-eedeti i-ich nt her, and I can look back, and see Mr. A|-in>tioii'_- willi Irs Hible cl iss for ttdoltf.Mr. Le\eiis with the older t si's under Ml. Chirk and . Mis. Kror^hti.n HI. (I Miss, fli'l-uaiiU Mi>. Harry and o\>r nil the kindly Miperintemiency 1/f Mr. Kichiirdson. A f,-w yeais ii-.i I iiu-l Mr. Win. Siriiin in (.'hie 1140. an 1 in t liking about Ui old home he ri'inaiked with deep com ictii'ti that l^'leslu-r on was a '_. ii jiinre to l/rini; up a fatuity. And A Useful Dunce. During the war between the stntes General Sedgwick had on his staff a very dull lieutenant, who seemed nev- er to be nble to do anything without making mistakes. One day a friend asked the general: "Why ' do you keep Jones on your staff? He seems a perfect dunce." "Do you ' know," replied General Sedgwk'k, "Jones is one of tlio most useful members of my staCf? Before I Issue an older I always have Joues read It. If he can tell what It means.I am sure there can be no cliance tliat any oue will misunderstand It." Her Club. Mrs. SublMibs had joined a clul> for Hie first time. Mrs. Towuley asked her what ine club was for, Its alms and so ou. "I really don't know," said Mrs. Sub- hubs. -You don't know? Wby did you (oia a club when ymi dou't see its ob- ject'.'" "Uccuusc it meets on Mondays, and (hat's (he only d:iy in the week I had nowhere to gu." Cincinnati Enquirer. To the Electors OF SOUTH GREY F. H. W. HICKLING \ FLESHERTON ONTARIO. MID SUMMER NOVELTIES MIDDY WAISTS & NORPOLKS Some stunniiifj styles just in white cluck white pique tan linen trimmed and piped in colors new belt and new sleeve effects $100 to 2.25. FAN CY C R EFE WAISTS A shipment of stylish little waists- -34 to 4'2 bust-no two alike-just fresh from the makers. All gocxl designs. $1.00 to 2.25. FANCY DRESS & BLOUSE SILKS A f'resli assoitment ot'silk crepes and fancy silks, some in Waist lengths, some in dress lengths., no two patterns alike, all tho latest, season's patterns and colors, width. :;<> to 40 incues $1.00 to 2.25 a yard. WHITE FOOTWEAR. White canvas pumps, white canvas colonial shoes, white canvas button Boots, white Buck shoes. All si/cs $1.25 to 4.00. LISLE&SILK HOSIERY Hack, white, tan and other shades, plain and fancy, fine .sheer quality, reinforced toes and heels 15c. to $1.00 a pair. STYLISH UNDERWEAR Our special satin Messaline skirt comes in all the leading colours, paddy.apple.saxe, tan^o, rose, grey, pink, na-.'y, tan, brown, brick Special value $2.50. Novel t ies in fancy wash goods in this week, very pretty goods, reasonably priced. Mid-stNison novelties in our Millinery Department. JNew flowers, new shapes, new braids. H IGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS Uruc ijrows rapidly, liim a heuvj \n-! i.;in'l win n e ; hink .f tin- niany who h-j\e ;- i-isj In inaii.i'.''-. Suciiiid-uruwth ^^hlt'' pin-'. '" )'i-ai'. i 1, ,,:i -I....1 Soil. uii\ \l.'hl as inucll as V'," 1 )) lioiul ti-.-t.f lum'tier [n i ni-re ; in iiiviliuui s il .".lUH'll f.'i-t ; nnd even -HI . Hit Bdil, L'l.l'IIH Int. hfuul luinl (!. .>ni' "t .,I,.U, srll- f rij,,UMii(l I - u .1 fuel. WI,H W - pun- l'-\ li" ''' ' I ' '''" '~ ..... Sl'J ' ' fl^ a Mat.-i inl f 'l link i Hi. *\~ (11 Sl> H l!ioii*m: I. Ku- _'i-r ii.iili-ii.il. s.|i'.-iti!c f"i Mi.-h.'s l/lllll-. li'lIU' ! "Ill' 'l !!''> 1 f "'"I i m s;::, iii-s fi . s, , i lived llu'ii- HI,<| <ine mil iulc I lie wur'd r;m lie proud uf her n oad, f^r atnm y t hem iii' t Ixise In' Iniv i* _.! iM-'l i i in.- in I he |'"l tii'al u'nii.l. in the jonnmlihtic mul: i- 1. -i ill nmlil. in l>u-iiit"<s of all kinds, nnd i in- fai:ur-s MI f . a^ in be licit Hnith f tint in; H u-.'i'ui tliat will :ank ivilh iiny \ ill.-i^c i f i's ,>/.<- in all brnail L';in-i(l i. Mul 1 i i . i^ i i-i,!.li-i| on . 1 1, i|'i liuyoixl youi [wtiencf, hut I n.-mt to send small lukvii nf my love fur my nl.l limi,r and l(s luculiuctinnSj Imt I uni ^iiiim t" take : a lil'i'iiy wild \ mi: mil n:ct icm.i mid keep f"i .1 iiiiiiiit'iitd of dear liii. (''Hi"' :ircs Ml tin- :i>-t'-rii |i:irl ;lif 1'iiitul St.^t.-s, :iml i;i in niuny pl.u-ri -.vliitu pine fm-fots luii < 'miiiJn nnd which hat .-pnui',' 'i'r tlic nrinii.nl hi-i'ii cut ui, Im.^ . well i.rth \ vulue tii-diiy I lint uiiikv-. i( tho itlcnli'in i if tin 1 nwni'i Tlic lii-.-f s-i- .ii(l.(;ri,*th white piiu', 4.") ),.Mi>..M. will yii'l.l aLnu'. 4-.', 0(HI Wt.l l.'i'( |ii'i urn-, but (lie Mine stunil ulun :.:. yi-tiMilil. will yit-iil r>r>, 000 fci", an Micretsc of lli.OUO feet |)fi ai-iv in lo jear-. In uddiiinn, with the i ni-rense in t|U'iutily c lines mi increase in (|Uality. N'it "illy inoi-f, Imt belter liniher i ti lie liml. Includini! tliin factur uf i|imlity, the lumber from an a'-'re f lie^i whin- jiine, i"i.'i years old, is worth uliout 6i!,'M)O agaioit ft viilue of 1750 when (In- .simul :> 4."i yciira olJ. Ex. In a very intciesliu^ ni I irle on grnw- the litll..- s old KKvlieitoii. ('.. \V. N'nte We b-ive Hiiotlier pall icnlal ly rich h-l-er fm- |iublifatii>u next week, which the ladies have allowed us to glance, nt. ll is wiitti-n by one of the best na- turid, shiewdest and most Mircessfu] up n inn n .- the many th-it Ini-le Sal has absorbed ficni thi.s small coniniunily. .luat who it is, we will not sny you'l tind mit next week. Ktl. Advunee. Special Prizes at Guelph Vl'i''ini:s will lie !:<! 1 in tin- intt-r. M o! Dr. Jainieson, at 'lie fullmviii 4 points. ORANGE HALL, EUGENIA Thursday, June 18 Town Hall, FLESHERTON Friday, June 19 Watson's hall, PRICEViLLE Saturday, June 20. Ih. .liiniii'son ;uul Mr.H.ill nf 1 i w II be pre.eiif. Mi'c-tiliL;s ai W p. in. ( ippuMtion repfesi'tit it t v vited. ANADIAN PACIFI NEW LIMITED TRAIN SERVICE - I'tetwrell MdNTUKAI, TOUONTO DKTlinlT ClIlCAliO, Via Canadian 1'atifie and Michigan Centfiil Kailroail .-,. vin MICHICAN CKTMiAI. HI< ; ANTIC 31 EEL Tt'llKM between Windsor uml Iv tuiit. IjViivinK .Monti-fill S. 4"i a. in.: 'I'uniiitii T* f+ r\ r 1 Mi.ln p. in., arrivinij iK'tp'it rj.lti a. in., mill For Grey County rarmera j chira^. 7. ."> > daily i';.,naiiv n i mt- I vice letnrniiiK. Tliroii^'b Kh-ctrii K< iiiipiiii'iil The Executive of the (!rey County l?n;ird (.f Agriculture ha* deeided to di- vide the money donated to t hum by ihe ('"iiniy Council in the following inanncr: ing fume troeH ill- F.rnu-1-'- A,lv,.f.te I K'T tin- UM nllliu, raised i,' Gn-y C.jBnty, shown by an amateur exhibitor, [TORONTO WINNIPEG VANCOUVER "- \ iiiiri'iu i-r K i p. 111. daily. '' Nu.4 : and in tin couihc of the ai'i<:!c h.'is this to my EtafoMStatiuu it> hound to bo a iiiveiliuent for thu.sii who nndeitaku it pro[K!rly on rou^i laud which is pfacti- cally worthlesH ior (ultivatioii, and he- sides thin, nioKt farnit'r.i would beiU'lit by biting ind keeping a wo<xib>i on tlu-ir firiiir. Mr. Lane, who hai been in chil^e at the station since the work be- ^.111. helicvoe that miny of thoK< now planting apple orchards would be lictler )tl if they planted instead Whil.i I'ine torcJits. This applies, ol courso, to poor land, mid particularly where a ppluo have 4>cen planted by careless men who will not look after them, .The strong point in the forest work is that forests rnjuire very little cure after being planted. In thirty or forty years trees KIW In ui" set, if they grow anything like i t i'.t at those nre il"in. on the very puor land which comiirises the Forest Station at St. WilliaiUH, cannot but be M \ rry mlnut I. , .1 1 to the country, HIM! will -lin-lv yield large returns to the owner of (lie land upon, which they grow. Cue well-known lumberman took 35,IK.'Otreo This year from trre Station, and hu now thinks no much of the work that we un- iri -land he is contcinplatinG; starting a lorett nursery of hit own and planting out .soiiii- half million in- aiinully. II- ha* felled many aline furet, and now in iilleiup. in; to undo the havoc which he his wrought . This (jiven some idea of how the work i 'aVinS hold of the people ho understand the need which the future will have of more forest trees. resident of the County of (!rey. 1'rizen, IHI T). tind ^15. For the bent (jeldinj; or mare, liny draught breed, raised in Grey County, shown ly an amateur exhibitor, reaidi nt of Ihe County of Grey. l'rine, 1st J'.'o, !Ji.d !.'. For llio best steer or heifer, any beef breed, 2 yeais of n^e or under, prize*, Ist ftiii, 2nd 9l< r >- These prizes are open only to exhibits rained in the County of Cirey and shown by amateur exhibitoiH resident of the County of (!rey. For the best sheep of n long wooled breed rsiacil in tho County of Clrey and .shown by an amateur exhibitor re.si'Jent of the County of (Jrey- Prizes, 1st ?10, 2nd $f>. For Iho bent sheep of a medium wooled breed, raised in the County of (irey, nnd shown by an Hinateur exhibitor resident of the County of Grey. Prizes, 1st f 10, 2nd r>- Aa many as possible should make an i-i|. MI to secure one or more of these prizes and thus advertise the stock of the ouuty and for themselves as well. For further Particulari write T. II. i .mm, , Pliceville, tir H. C. Duff, Markdale. prc!is No. ^ leiut'.' Vancouver Tort'iiti" ntu U.-ir> a. in.d.iily. MuniU-lia l'\|)rt'fs No. 7 l'a"t'.-* Tonito daily i'\cv|it Sunihiy 111. ."ill p. in., .nii.in. \V"iniii|v N(-UI ml day. Ontario Bxpress No. s lenvn Uin Ipeft n 3d p, m. and arrlvei >it '1'oiuiito i"i.l."i p. in. dully exi'i-pt'l'in-niliiy. P&rtloulut from C'ioadlM] J'acifto Autntiar write M. (i. Mlltl'H V. D.P. \, C.r.lty.. rovonU. Township of Osprey By-Law No. 58O Notice is hereby uiven that a Hy-I/iw was passed by tho Municipal Council -i the Tiiwbshi|i ol O.sjuey on Miiy iliiili. I'M I providing for the issue lures to the ninount of (no SPECIAL Announcement To the Ladies of Flesherton And Surrounding Country. Siumner is arriving in all the splendor and glory of IILM' new robes. \Vith lit-i- coiiics the usual round of summer pleasures picnics, ^anlen parties, niot- oriiiij. driving, fishiti";, cauipin^: ''tc. All tlu- ladies muse be attired in suitable <_rarl^ to d) hor honor, and so we have anticipated your wants and put in a new >tick ol'SuiMimT .Millinery, Dress Goods, etc. "NVi- have IJais tor all occasions beautiful Lace Dress Hats, pretty Dres- den and.plain while Outing Hats, also hats and scarfs for motoring and driv- ing- The prices will suit all pockets -$l and upwards. AVe lia\;> not forgotten the little ones, either, but have pretty hats and bon- net s of nil kinds for them. Before purchasing elsewhere come and see our eol lection. Whether you buy or not you will be cheerfully waited upon. The Men alsc have been remembered aud we are prepared to show them all the latest styles in shape and. color of the season's hats. What we have not is not worth getting. "We will be ready by the end of the week to fill all your fresh Fruit and Garden orders, nlfat the lowest prices. Orders taken for Hauing Baskets, etc. Ripe Tomatoes, Green Onions, Lertuce, Celery, Pines, Tomato Plants, Asters, Foliage, Geraniums. FLOUR AND FEED Five Roses, Purity, Body Builder ; Bran, Shorts and Chop. Highest Prices Paid for Produce W.L WRIGHT GENERAL MERCHANT Flesherton * < - -. . . if til 'UMIIIll eight hundred dollaiN, fur '.he purpose of i niMni" a new school ii..n .. in Hchonl During the olectiical storm Hunday afternoon lightning .stunk Iho north end of O'Flynn A Sons smaller granaries t the C. P. R., knookin boaul off near the pek and ploughitig long sever- al boards on the end of the building like high power rifle bullets. - Economist. Sec'ion No. Five, in the mtul I .uJn|i of (laprey. And that ouch l;\ I i ws registered in tho tegistty otlice of th' 1 South Rid iny of the Coinilv i'f < Jrey HI Unrhxiu on June 8th, I'M l. Any no'iou to ipiash or set a>ide the same or any |mrt thereof nmbt 1 .. nuide within three months after the tit.-.t pub- licntion of this i (itice and cannot liu made thereafter. UatLd the eleventh day of ,1 mi . l!i| I. -THOMAS SCOTT, Jlerk. Winter Term from January 5ih Hi COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE Attnnd this big. Successful Suliool of business tntinii (4 and K-t ua help you into s.uiie'hing woi'th wh.le. Free catalogue on !< quest. KiUtT any time. T. E. Hawkins. - Principal Colhnf<\vOi>d, On' ri.>. H, ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. -Abso- lute of Ready-Made Clothing \Vhioli we put alterations in free of ', if required. laep Personal Instruction at Stul'.'nt's* ir i. makes it |.u, ,ii,i, to enter any! ay and ensure rapid advancement ai j FOR A 3 DAYS' FREE TRIAL Of the 1900 / Apply to Gravity Washer S. Hemphill, Agent OWKN SOUND, ONT., l.;ii-;;n si , tt of Specialists. iPdlldoiW t uarmitecd to CJradimtcs. | ,,'J[ C. A. FLEMING, F. C. A., 3 Principal. Mf G'D. FLEMING Secretary. $& OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO S For :- Washing machines,folding bath tubs,windmills,pumps,pipings water tanks, Beatty water bowls, steel stalks and stanchons, litter Car- riers, hay carriers, slings, forks and tracking, McCormick Binders, mow- ers, rake loaders, tedders, drills, cul- tivators, harrows, Chatham wagons, Mount Forest buggies, and Frost wire. Satisfaction Guaranteed, . V t ' I . * - < - " ' ' .

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