June 18 1914 Til L I L E S H E R T ON ADVANCE THE ESTABLISHED 1879 F AM AIDA i ' i TORONTO KEEPING a bank account for "household expenses" and paying all bills by cheque has many advantages. It shows the balance on hand, the amount expended, provides receipts for every payment and does not require a. large deposit to begin with. FLESHERTON BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL, BOB Manager. Branches aUo at Durham and Harris ton. C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherton Station as , ollows : Going South Going North 7. 43 a. iu. 11.41 a.m. ; 4.17 p.m. l'.12p. m. ' The mails are osed at Flesherton a.-i ! ollows : For the north at 10.40a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south as ( & 40 o'clock. For morning train south , mail close at J) p.m. the previous ev'g- , VICINITY CHIPS Mrs. A. S. Vandusen of Fleshertcn and her sister, Mrs. George Webb of Ux- bridge, formerly < f Owen Sound, are visitors of the former's son, Mr. J. F. Vandustn. Mrs. Yandusen's and Mrs. Webb's maiden inn,,- was Gimby, and Dr. Edwin Gimby, who practised here for several years, is a nephew of theirs. -^ Chesley Enterprise Mr. J. W. Greenwood of Novar, ne r Bulk's Falls, advises UK that he will preach in the Methodist church on Sun- day evening nexr. This week he is Mr. Ramage's Meeting Mr. Ramage of Durhmn, the Liberal candidate for South Grey in the coming election, opened his campaign in the town hall here Monday evening, when H very lair number was present. Mr. Uamugc was accompanied by Rev. Prud- h am, Methodist ininis'urof Durham, and while these two were the main speakers of the evening and received a good hear- ing.they were followed by P. McCul- lough of Markdale, J. Boland and Rev. Me Vicar. The candidate's address created a good impression here. The speaker had been a temperance man all his life and was in hearty accord \\ In, the Rowell policy of abolishing the oar. He went over the history of temperance movement in 1 Ontario and showed how, when Mr. ' Whitney refused advanced legislation, 'the churches and temperance bodies had Igone to Mr. Rowell, and that gentleman had accepted their program. Rev. Prudharn had always been and had always voted Conservative, but in this case hia conscience would not allow him to suppoit a party which was being supported by the liquor interests. He made a strong appeal to church members and temperance men -to support the Re- form candidate in this instance. Mr. McOulkiugh math- a capital short handling the question from < < I . Miss Legate of Durham visited her niece, Mrs. R. H Wright, last week. Miss Gladys Kindree of Blenheim i the stuest of her sister, Mrs. H.S. White. Mr. Htrh Thomas of Ccllingwood attending Coiifcrer.ee' in Toronto, and wishes to run up and ttse his parents and i R ddress, friends before again going north. He | an economic standpoint. has passed his examinations on the tield Mr. Boland touched on some of what thi year, aud intends going on probation he called Mr. Whitney's shortcomings, before attending college. "The Aiiiuish such as' hia refusal to give tax reform, his of a Human Heart" will be his subject on Sunday. Durhtn Chronicle The Methodist Ladies Aid campaign Id ________ couple of f or f un dg, i , involving an invitation lo o 1 members and adherents of the church visiied with friends here for a days duiing the part week. Misses Annie Betts aud Jenny Hoy | who have n.oved to foreign parts has attended the Baptist Association in < wen produced some good things of a rispon- Sound lat-t week from Ruck Mill*. j sive nature in the way of letters as well A number of Flesliertonians, attended , donations. We have been pleased to in Durham ' ~ et oul ' clutches on two of these and hope I for more before the campaign closes. | had to say . i The ladies have also supplied us with the The other side will ' ing the past tbe Conservative convention on Friday. Tha Ladies' Aid of Maxwell Presby- terian chuich will hold a garden l" 41 '^' | ^the past week -is follows | week . on Mr. E. McCallumV Uwu on Tuesday. July 7. Further particulars later. M "' V' oult! and Mlss Lulu Br dll> y ! 1 Ottawa ; Mrs. Stephen*. Collingwood ; Dr. Ernest Anns.ro,...'. Cobalt . , ^ _ vy,,.^,,^ Alf . \ V ,nlrobe, Mrs. Aikenhead, the Mi-ses Ruby ,nd I.ydia y ^^ u ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ failure to abolish treating, etc. Mr, McVicar apoke as a citizen, not as a minister, and made it i|iiite clear where he stood in a moral question of this kind. During the course of the evening the million d'lllar government house in To- ronto came in for some hard knocks. The chair was very acceptably tilled by Mr. John MoMillian. There was a sprinkling of ladies present and all seem- ed much interested in what the speakers be hoard in tty 8Vellin! , of th A Card Alk.uhead, -mil Mr. AUn Keitb.Turunto ' spent the week end in town, tde guests | of Mr. aud Mrs. Hickling. . 'The annu.il district meeting i-f Centre Grey Women's Institute will be hultl in \ Clayton's hall. Flcshi.'rt"ii, Ihuriiiny, Cily June 18, at 1.30 p. m. C. W. Ramage >! Durham is :uiitesr inc thit- riding against Dr. lamiccun. the government candidate. H. H. Miller of : Hanover was again nominated to contest | the riding in the Dmuiuii n flection in, Reform interests. Cards are out announcing the coniiug ; marriage of Miss Daisy Kernalian, eldest ; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kerna- , Nichcl; M s. Mvlntyre, -u.d Mi>. Pei.-h. Toronto ; Sirs. J. Walker, Mtrkdale; Mrs.; A. Reid, Guelph ; Mrs II. V. GauJin, Henthcote : W. Irwin, Durham : Mrs. Sent*, Hanover; Mr. .1. S. Pedlar.Loop R. N. Henderson, Winnipeg ; Mrs. O. ('turns, Ceylon ; J. \V. Green- ', wood, Ni-var ; Rev. tln-i-n. Clinton ; J. I G. Russell, 1'arkhill ; E. D. LcGard. (lliHiside, Sask. ; Mrs. A. Beecn-ft, j Victoria. B. C. ; Miss Sliore, Caltdon ; Mrs. A. Parker, Buffalo ; Mrs. H. Van- Tassel. Bluomfield ; Mrs. Geo. Kecfer, I B'.oomnold, Mrs. A. E. Cox, Toronto. A plan of a permanent: layir.g house for poultry, with brief description and IMI estimate of material required for the Wo. the undersigned, hereby a^ree to -rll a package of rive standard size 5c hoses df Silver Tip Silent matches for twenty cents. (Jtiuliiy guaranteed, W. I'm kii;, W. L. Wright, Fler-lierton. June 15 &^-TL^-Sagfeggfcg&g^f.^gjgg!^^ " - ". "-^- - - n - ' ' i .* . ^ f - - - - - - - Hi BROS., - nARKDALE. Special Announcement to the people of Eugenia and Surrounding Country Our General Store at Eugenia will be open for business on Friday, May 15th, when we will buy all kinds of farm produce, Butter, eggs, wool, etc., at highest market prices. Special Prices on Seed Corn Comptous Early, 1 bu lots 1.73. 10 bti lots -Sl.iij NortL Dakota, 1 bu lots *L.7.">, 10 bi; lot.- Sl.'.i." White Cap. 1 bn. lots SI. SO, 10 bu. lots --<l.iO Wisconsin, No. 7,1 bu. lots 81 .50,10 bu. lots >I.tO HILLBROS, MARKDALE Odds and Ends Leggatt of Gibraltar, the ceremony take place on Tuesday, Juno. 23. to Do You Ever Sleep? to ban. Fevershani. to Mr. Ja.ne* Douglass | ^^ ^ planned> JH contlil - ni . d , |wlupll . If y ou ,| () } oll W JH | Jt . wise let No. 5 of the Poultry Division of the p;lV Uttontioil. Live Stock Branch of the Dominion De-; , 1 1 am at the present time making a We mentioned a .hort time ago that pnrinwnl of Agriculture. This pkn '"', Specialty of Iron Beds. The original Mi. Nat Caswell had discoveu-d a wild been specially prepared for use in <*> O f the picture given at the head of duck's nest and secured .five eg?s which J P';"vince of P''ce_ Edward Island l>y ^ this advertisement will only cost you be placed under a hen. All five eggs aiu ARTICLES FOR SALE Fur Sale Cheap younn driving nrir i- 1 abnui 'l")0 pounds, or would exchange fur good driving hone about ll<w> ucKls. Apply to U. .1. Spronlc, Flesh- urton. -Ian. -^ Prize Sale At Ceylon Prince Edward W: A. Drown and T. A. Benson. How- it includes a number of feitures i V^.UU 5.00 which, in the opinion of the writers, could Get something nice and ever, $5.00 comfortable hatched, and- Nat U now bringing up his young brood in tho somewhat circum- scribed paths of civilization. So far as this couuty is concerned the ^dn." Copies of this pamphfot may be ' prices, all equally low iu price candidatt-s are now iu the field for the j ()btalnt .,i f ree upon application to tho Sanitary Beds such as everybody wantti. Springs and Mattresses to be advantageously adopted throughout, on which to luy your weury head, the greater part of the Dominion of Can- i Of course we have other beds at other coining election. In North Grey it is Cameron, Con., and Rogers, Temperance and Reform; Centre Grey is Hon. I. B. Lucas, Con., and G. Albery.Reform. At a largely attended convention on Friday lait in Durham, Dr. Jamiesun was again nominated as Conservat've stan- dard bearer, and lie will be opposed by C W. Ramage of the Durham Review. After undergoing! some extensive re- pairs, including a new roof and inside painting aud graining, the Baptist chapel was reopened on Sunday with two ser- vices. Rev. Mullowney of Owen Sound was to have conducted these optfuing services, but owing to Uluess in his fam- ily was u i i.il ili- to In- piesent, and the regular pastor hid to take chartfe. Publications Branch, Agriculture, < >ttawa. Department of Convention Call .A temperance convention fur South Grey it to be called in Durham on Fri- day, June 1!(, at 1.30 p. m. Rev. John Muir of Toronto and others, will speak. The business of the meeting is to : 1. Reorganize the election ot officers. 2. Survey of the 6eld. 3. Consideration of political action. fit all be is. Examine our stock any- way, before purchasing your sleep iuducers. W. H. BUN'T FLESHERTON, ONT. First Draft of Stations Tho first draft of the Stationing Com- Bridge Contract Tenders will be received by (he under- signed up to five o'clock 01; Monday,.Iune 10th, l'J14, for the erection of a concrete stuel-reir.forced bridge over the Siiujjeen river at Pricevilhj, according to plans and pecifications by H. McDowell, KM)., C.E. Plans, etc., may be seen at the ottice of the Engineer, Owen Sound, at the ottice of Win. Alduorn, Ksq , Price- ville, or at the ottice of the undersigned. Tho Hyland Construction Co., who have ! mitted ' Presented to lotonto ; The ]owt>st 01 . any tendel . nofc llece8Sur , ly the contract of building tha smaller dam, conferee of the Methodist church, i.s as accepted, A marked check for six per the pipe way and foundation of the pow- follow for - n Sda n d Collingwood j cent, of tender to accompany extender er house for the Hydro Electric Com- mission at Eugenii, are getting in large numbers of workmen, teams, machinery and supplies, and pur[K>se pushing their end of the work in the oiont speedy man. ner possible. Only men and teams tha.c i stay with them to the end will be en- gaged. A laree number of foreigners are now on the work and are camped at Campbell's road, a mile north of Eugenia. Mr. Wideman, driver of tho Fever- sham stage, left his team standing in front of the pustofflce one day last week while he delivered the mail. The ani- mals took a notion to ruu away, and after going only a few feet attempted to pass one on each side of a telephone poll: 'Both animals were jhi'.wn heavily to the ground and one of them was quite badly injured. A lively Animal had to bu requisitioned to complete the trip. Thin runaway was probably the shortest ' on record that in the stme time did so much damage. districts Owen Sound District First church, Rev. G. Daniel. M.A., Ph. D ; Westside, F. W. Holinrake, B.A., B D , 4th Ave, West. P N Jones ; Markdale, W W Wallace, B D ; Flesherton, James Dud- geon ; Dundalk, G Waugh ; Chatsworth, A E Owen ; Holland Centre, J A Leece B A ; Rocklyn, George fy Honey ; Eu- genia, E W T Jones ; Walters Falls, A A Jenner ; Priccville, W A Sinclair. Collingwood Collingwood First, H W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk. Flesherlon. Miy 18, 1914. Strayed About May 15, one heavy bay filly, some Ki-ey hairs, white face and feel, two years old. Any pe.son giving informa- tion to lead to her recovery will be suit- ably rewarded. -HUGH KNOTT, Markdale. Pure Bred Holstein Bull Changeling Prince Joe Bred by Changeling Butter Boy out Harper, M A, Ph.D; Second, J A Pea- 1 of Tid y Abbekerk Princess Josephine. cock ; Thorubury, E W McBrien ; Mea- ford, J S Cook, Ph.D ; St Vincent. G Lawrence . Woodford, W M Gaudin ; lint lii-..li-, HEW Kemp ; Ravenna, E R Brown ; Maxwell, Jameo Phimister : Singhampton, J F G Morris : Staynei-, PMcKee. The greatest butter making strain known. Term of service $1.50 for grades, pure bred. GEO. MOORE & SON, Props., The Toronto Methodist Oonfrence want on lecord as opposing Sunday golf, motoring and teas. HEREFORD BULL FOR SERVICE The undersigned have a pure bred Hereford bull for service on lot 171, 3rd W.T.S.R., Artemesia. Terms $3 for pure breds, $1.50 for grades. All cows served must be imrd tor. T. & J. WATSON. 1 mar 14 House to Hunt Good brick house, garden ;ind stable for rent recently occupied by Mr. Alex. Stewart. Apply , to I!. 0. Holland, or Win. VVilcork. A fresh Kiln of lime jut burned at Eugenia. Anyone wanting inn apply to J. H. Duckett. Two Jack Screws to rent. Apply to R J. Sproule, Flesherton. We arc i^ ;ni^ pix-.-s ID t lie l.irgcsl purcruser >il" : during the list 10 d.-iys, .lunc, iiml the month of June L'!Hli. Fur full p'lii iculars H_' poster in stun 'd- 'it our .-,1 'iv. Inly, commencing \\V u-ii; ils - ni.ike i' worlh your while :i few priu'fs below. buy here without pri/.ri, i> \ -ilile. II Legal Blanks Fur Sale R. J. Sproule keens constantly on hand and for sale cheap a full stock (if Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and all other loyal blanks. Any requiring such will liud it to their inter- est to give him A call. Black^'al shi>L> polish, Uj. per b- .'! tins mustard for -J.V. Evaporated n.ilk. So. pi r enn. Furniture polish, Sc. per bottle. Jumbo stove polish. l;ir;;e iind good, .'! fur ;!.V. K'tipruss chncolates, rug. 4Hj. and oOc. per II) Spearmint s/um, - reg. Tie. p'<gs. foi ."io. See our big iiiio. broom For sale cheap and on easy terms. Lot III, con. 11, Ospruy, 110 acres. This is a first class farm mid in a good state of j cultivation. Good 1/ank barn ;>nd new i fniine dwelling. Apply to K. J. Sproule Flesherton. ;iuj .\ HI We have a good supply of Paris (treen in 1 Hinder twine, best nmkus at close prices. Aprons, (Jingham and Duck, reg. loc. for 13c. per yd. Dress noud* at s-ini bi^ reduction during this prize sK- . JAMES PATTISON&CO. MISCELLANEOUS LngtSunburst brooch s^t with pearls at or between Eugenia or Flesherton. in Wednesday, Juno :!. Reward. This office. ': 4 Flesheirton H. Irwin has opened an ice cream par- lor in Wright's old stand, where he will be pleased to meet customers. HB will also keep fruits for S'lle. Wanted large second hand box heat- inn stove, must be cheap and on reason- ably good condition. Apply to R..J. Sproule, Flesherton. Jsn.22 D I Tonsorial n '._ J - Parlors Mople Gbii Creamery, Markdale, com- mences operations on May 2i> $2000 private fuuds to loan on farm mortgage security at lowest, rates of in terest. Apply R. J. Sproule. Flesherton. Bull For Service ^Thoroughbred Shonhorn Bull. " Hill- crest fJovernor," No, 854(58, for service on lot 27, con 14, Arteir.csia. Terms- $1.50 lor grades, 83 for thoroughbreds. -ALEX. CARRUTHERS. We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRY B.isket closes Monday night, delivery Friday eveni-ig. CLEANING and DYEING- We i gents for Parker's Dye Works Clothe* cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated T FISHER, - - PROPRIETOR Tenders Wanted BULL FOR SERVICE I Tenders will be received up to June 20, for the eiec* ion of a frame building at the school house. Sec. No. S, 12 feet nquare by 7 feet high. Specifications can be had from the undersigned, or any of the trustees. The lowest or any ten der not necessarily accepted. Alf. Harrison, Sec. Flesherton, May IS, 114. COLQUETTE beversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Lane of Farm Implements. Wagons, Buggies. Cutters, Sleighs, and Gasoline Engrnes, Melotto Cream Separators, Baker Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittings always oti hand. Bealty Bros', of Fergus, Barn Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable fittings. <!ocksliutt and Frost it Wood Repairs nlways on hand. Wareroom W ellingon Stree. Feversbam, Ontario. The thoroughbred shorthorn bull | Field Marshall 90691 will be frr; service on lot 170, T. 8. R. Artemesii.; Terms 81 . Aug JAS. STINSON, Prop. Tamworths for Sale lioth sex nnnrly ro&dy for brooding. I'rloei lor quick i\e. GKO. IV. HOSS Maxwell l>. O Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Oflice and Residence 130, 10th St. Wes Owen Sound, Out. Hours 9 to 12 a.m., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m to 8 p.m. other hours by appointment I[ MARKETS. Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat $1 00 to 1 00 Oats 40 to 40 Peas 91 12 to 1 12 Barley 55 to 55 Hay 11500 to 1500 Butter 19 to 19 KggH, fresh 19 to 19 Potatoes per bag 1 CO to 1 00 Geese . Ducks. .. Ful Chickens. 12 to 13 t5 to 15 U to 13 18 to 20