Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 Jun 1914, p. 3

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\ -. PERFECT HEALTH DUE TO THE BLOOD No Girl or Woman Need be Con- stantly Ailing and Unhappy. Nature intended every girl and every woman to be happy, attrac- tive, active and 'healthy. Yet too many of them, find their lives ?ad- dened by suffering nearly always because their blood is to blame. All those unhappy girls and women with colorless cheeks, dull skins and sunken, lustreless eyes, are in this condition because they have not enough good red blood in their veins to keep them well and in the charm of health. They suffer from depressing weariness and periodical headaches. Dark lines form under their eyes, their heart palpitates violently after the slightest exer- tion, and they are often attacked with fainting spells. These are only a few of the miseries of bloodless- ness. Nothing can rescue girls and women from the inevitable decline that follows anaemia except a gen- erous supply of new, rich red blood, and nothing has ever proved so successful in creating red, good blood as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. Thousands and thousands of girls and -women o-we their good health and charming complexion to tie use of this medi- cine. Here is one example of its power to cure. Mrs. Rose RalJi, Toronto, Ont.. says: "For * long time I suffered with anaemia, ner- vousness and general debility, in fact I was beginning to feel a posi- tive wreck. I tried several medi- cines and emulsions. For a time I would feel better for taking them and then the effect would wear off, leaving me worse than before. The continued drain on my health al- tered my appearance, my friends telling me I had a haggard and worn appearance. This naturally did not help to improve me, as you know no woman likes to be told she looks "worn out." Finally Dr. ^Villiams' Pink Pills were suggest- ed and my husband got me a sup- ply. I used them and found the result good not only good, but the benefit lasting, and I am now enjoying perfect health, have a good color and have regained my natural buoyancy. I trust my let- ter of gratitude may be the means of helping others who are suffering as I was." New health, new strength, new vitality follow the fair use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. You can get them from, your medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 82.50 f rora. The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Sever Saw a Bun Dance. It was the grammar lesson and the teacher was explaining the dif- ference between a common and ab- stract noun. "An example of a common noun is dog," she said, "for you can see " it, while yooi can not see anything that is an abstract noun. For in- stance, have any of you seen abun- dance I' 1 There was silence for about a minute. Then a little boy got up and said : "Please, ma'am. I have never eeen a bun dance, but I have seen a cake walk." ili> Complaint. "Let me see," said the doctor, as t>he patient walked into his office ; '"what is your complaint now 1 !" "Why, your bill is too large," was the startling reply. FAMOUS ENGLISH LAWYER. F. E. Smith Expects to Cue Duy Be Premier. Mr. F. E. Smith, the brilliant young English lawyer and politi- cian, has very charming ehamb-vs in Elm Court in the Temple, Lon- don. The furniture is mostly old oak, and there is the quaint trian- gular Oxford oak chair to remind Good-Bye, Old Backache Nerviliue Will Fix You ! Stiffness is Rubbed Right Out; Every Sign of Pain Disappears. Gee whiz! think of it! No more stomach dosing necessary to cure your lame back. Every trace of lameness, every bit of stiffness, every sign of weakness in him of his days at Wadham. On tne back's muscles can be rubbed away i7 u .M. i- i^-arl for a11 M me to come by good old "Ner- the wall* hang the different colored ylline .. cartoons in which from time to time he has been depicted. The famous K.C. allows himself No other liniment can do the work so quickly, can penetrate so deeply, can bring ease and comfort to the one luxury: he smokes the finest i back-weary sufferer as Nerviline in- cigars. Every day hi* box is filled , ^uLne'lsn't the only malady with seven large Coronas, and wnen Nervillne ia qulck to cure For , um . he is at the courts it is the duty of ; bago or sc | at i ca you wou id go far to his managing clerk to bring him i find relief so speedly round this box to the luncheon POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Some men are unable to believe Hr. F. E. Smith, M.P. as Nerviline gives. For chronic rheumatism there a word they say. are pain-destroying properties in Ner- 1 A man isn't necessarily honest viline that give it first rank. The way ' because he is poor, it limbers up a stiff joint and takes | Human natu F re soreness out of strained or rheumatic ' room. When in court Mr. Smith, of course, has to change his coat, which is left in the barristers' rob- i iug -oom, and the cigars along with it ; hence the daily task of his clerk. One day Mr. Smith will be Union- ! ist Premier. He is seeking a poli- j tical rather than a legal career. ! though the Attorney-Generalship j may be a stepping-stone to his am- | bition. The marvelous way Mr. Smith has got on is all the more ! remarkable from the fact that all the time he has had to earn has liv- ing, never having had the good for- tuno to be born rich like others in Parliament. When he made his i maiden speech it was discussed as the most brilliant on record, and j one great newspaper alluded to him as "another Premier at the starting post." Formed Pimples and Matter Spread, For Three Months Did Not Go to School, Cuticura Soap and Oint- ment Cured in Ten Days, 69 Ruo Derazllly, Villo Emard, Montreal. <3ue. "Cuticura Soap and Ointment cured my little girl, agetf eleven, of Itch of the head. It formed a plinple aud that pimple broko and the matter - i >[! ul aud wherever the mat- ter went another formed. She bad large scabs oa her head and at night sho scratched until the blood came. I was obliged to cub her hair all around the eruption. For three mouths she did not go to school and I cared for it during that luue without result. " I was told to wash It and to tuako an ointment of , butt after washing 1C she waa worse. Ono evening when reading the paper I saw the advertisement of Cutl- cura Soap and Ointment and I wrote at once. After receiving the sample I Im- mediately washed her head with tho Cutl- ' cura Soap, than I put the Cuticura uinl- input on. I did that twice a day, evening ami morning. From the tluje I commenced using the Outicura Soap and Ointment that night she did not scratch, any more. It topped the Itching from the first evening. After iniving some Cuticura Soap and an- other box of Cuticura Ointment, ID u 1 days he waa completely cured." (Signed) Mm. Arthur Polrier. July 5, 1913. Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment are old by druggists and dealers everywhere. . A single set la often sufficient. For a liberal free laraplo of each, with 3-J-p. book, send post-card to Potter Drug * Chem. Corp,; Dopt. D, Boston. U. 8. A. BABY'S HEALTH DURING HOT WEATHER During the hot spell the health of baby must be carefully guarded. Diarrhoea, cholera infantum a/nd dysentry carry off thousands of pre- cious little "lives every summer. Baby's Own Tablets are especially adapted to keep the little ones well during the summer. They regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach, and an occasional dose will prevent the dreaded summer complaints, or if they do come on suddenly the prompt use of the Tablets will set baby right again. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail a,t 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Broekville, Ont. WHAT ARE DREAMS i Just More Memories and Nothing Else. It is memories and only memories which weave the woof of our dreams. All that we have felt, perceived, thought, willed, from the first awakening of our consciousness sur- vives indestructibly. These memories, perceiving that I have raised the trapdoor which has kept them beneath the floor of consciousness, arise from the depths. Memory images are like the steam in a boiler under more or less ten- si, .n. If we dream about events of the same day it is the most insignificant facts, and not the most important, which have the best chance of re- appearing. Sounds do not play in our dreams so important a roJe as colors. Our 'dreams are, above all, visual, and ' even more visual than we think. In a dream we become no doubt indifferent to logic, but not incap- able of logic. There are dreams when we reason with correctness and even with subtlety. I might al- most say, at the risk of seeming paradoxical, that the mistake of the dreamer is in reasoning too much. To explore the most secret depths of the unconscious, to Labor in the subsoil of consciousness, that will be the principal task of psychology in the century which is opening. I do not doubt that wonderful discov- eries await it there, as important, perhaps, as have been in the pre- ceding centuries, the discoveries of the physical and natural sciences. (From Henri Bergson'a "ExpJna- tion of the Mechanism of Uream- . f ,. muscles is simply a wonder. ; judge of his neighbor If you have an ache or a pain any- 1 Sometimes a girl does a young where, if you have a sore back, a stiff man a great favor by jilting him. neck, a stiff joint, a strained muscle Better a woman with rosy cheeks if you have lumbago, congested chest than a man with a rosy nose. or sore throat, just try Nerviline. Rub it on plentifully It won't blis- ter, it can't do anything but cure you quickly. The large 50c family size bottle is the most economical, of Cupid is wise. He leads the cou- making. After he had repeated this several times, the man laid down his tools, and looking signifi- cantly at Carnegie, said, "Hi, you handsome face no have got how can make," and turning to Pott, he con- tinued, "Here can make handsome face, for too much ee handsome face have got." Carnegie waa offended at both observations, and declared he would n jt pay for or take the model away. He kept his word, and the next time we called at the shop we found the image of Mr. Carnegie tucked up, hanging by a rope round the neck to a beam with several others. Inquiring the meaning of that, the Chinaman, with much anger, an- swered, "All these have too much ee grand ladrones, give me too much trouble, make handsome face. no pay, no take, so must ee hang Will Quickjy Cure Any Sour Stomach Relieves Fullness After Meals. Pork 5 Beam race beans kept wb ,ly by perfect baking taming their full strength vored with delicious sauces When I was working around the 8 ame - *u to the altar and *** qmt9 th * farm last winter. I had an attack of in By Proxy. Maude Carline is a great wxman f fashion. Beatrix Dues she neglect her children ? Maude -- Oh. no! She hires a nurse to do it. flammation," writes Mr. E. P. Dawkius, itiu ID im ^ .,. C v u ^m^. -,.. Never judge a married man by his of Port Richmond. "I was weak for a course, but you can from any dealer : actions when he is away from home, long time, but well enough to work also get the 25c. small size of Nervi- j Unless a man keeps moving the i until spring. But something went line, the king of all pain-relieving re- medies. ST7MMEB TOTTKIST RATES TO PACIFIC COAST. Via Oiitugo and N'irih Western Ry., Spi'i-ini Inw r:i;~ round-triii tick*-!* from iiil jii.ints in C<i:ni>ia to Los Angeles, HOW TO BE COOL. Im- Variety of Your Food Not So portunt as Quality. Keeping well in the summer and avoiding extreme discomfort from the temperature is not so much a matter of the kind of food eaten or world lurch. \ wrong with my bowels for I had to use sun Francisco. Portland, .Seattle Van- iu socn leave mm 111 me ,. vHm.,nu,n i-^iimrv. salts or physic all the time. My stomach kept sour, and always after .-Oliver Victoria. Edmonton. t'algary, I'-untt. Yellowstone 1'ark. >!<.. .luring Junt- July \ iust and September. Ex- i-fll-nt train service. For ratt-g. illuS- tnit>-il fuluers. time tables and full par- ticulars, address. B. H. Hennvit. ';--t'rral Agent. 46 Yone .Str-et. Toronto. On- tario. , .. DWUUM*U IHT|/V BVIUi tn *. " .- ~- And many a hor<e has been badly eating tnere wa;j pa j n an d fulness, and raced because money talked to the a u lne symptoms of intestinal indl- jockey. | gestion. Nothing helped me until If it wasn't for the weather lots of used Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Instead of people would have no excuse for hurting, like other pills, they acted talkinir very milll! >'. and seemed to heal the ' bowels. I did not require large doses From the fruit dealer we get .our t<j ggt rpguUs wilh Dr Hamillon - s Pills , character uf a man oy the jams and from the wet gojds deal- and feel go gla( j lnat j nave found a he receives from his dog. er we get our jamjams. ' m ^ vet certain remedy. To-day 1 am It's an easy matter to fill teeth well no pain, no sour stomach, a You can sometimes judge the Ktnard'i T.lalment Lumberman'* FrlB4 Hi + T un all you have to do is kick a ravage ' good appetite, able to digest anything, avoided according to Dr \\ilham h , { , This is a whole lot of good for one C. \Voodward as it as of the quan- * tity of food consumed and its qual- ity and freshness. ''Much is said about avoidingj It is well to With the exception of chocolate ^/ v t0 D ^',?J caramels there is nothing sweeter to a girl than love's young dream. I Refuse a substitute for say Dr. pills, and it. Hamil- Altruism. "Jim. ' said an honest coal deal- er to one uf his drivers. 'Jim. make . that t<.n of coal -JOO pounds short. meat in summer." said Dr. Wood- L n<1 it ^ also we!1 u> renl ember that ward, but as far as lean meat is i j t j s ^ concerned, provided it is ^resh and jjanv in as good condition as in winter. I e ff or t; " a good start tou ' s p]n s ( Mandrake and Butternut, It is k>r a pour, delicate widow, and finish that really a man makes a strenuous recognize his duty so that | to dodge it. ] there is not much to support thisj he will be m a theory. The trouble with meat in j the summer is that it is likely to spoil unless care is taken, and then. ThinkS SweaHOg All Right of course, it becomes unwholesome. Providing the provocation equals the sold in yellow boxes, 25c. All dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont. ll's No Wonder. A mini?t"r. spending :i h iday :n the North of Ireland, was '.it walk- ing an-,1 feeling very t-hirsty .-aHed -he wili have to carry all of it up two flights i-f stairs. I don't want her i.j overtax her strength." offence of Jones corns. Far better to use "Again, one should not get the idea that it is safe to eat all of the vegetables, cereals and other foods that he can Overeating is really I .. Putnam . s/ . free from aclds . ,, ,,!. the source of much of the trouble lesSj prlce o 5l , at with persons who feel oppressed by ' the heat, rather than the eating 1 or avoidance of particular foods. "Of course the body does not re- quire so much heait producing food at .. use ' r * drllk " f I1: k stepulns or^Smlth^ ^ f ^ ^ ^ ; , ,. .arm :i;id bow! 'f miik. and while ne waa window, ticketed "To be in summer as in winter. The appe- ! thrown away '." In walked Pat and tite takes care of that to a large ex- 1 demanded a pair. He received tent. Moderation is really the ^ them and wa ] k(H i ollt again. The important thing. The man who e* ts i shopkeeper ran after him and stop- moderately and within the bounds ^ Jlim --Here, you haven't paid pain. Try quenching his thirst a ir -m>er >f pigs got round aboai h:m. The minister noticed that the r i* were v ., verv strange in their rn.un, Of tourse Not! , a :d-"My V-.d lady, why are the A witty Irishman, newly arrived ' pjg s so excited i" The fai in London, noticed some blankets rep ;i et l '-Sure, it's M.. ..ude uder of reason as to selection of foods, for t]loge b } ankets vou and who lives temperately other- 1 now ,,, ..Qf course not, wise, can follow his usual regimeu ., weren - t they ; a belled to be thrown in they are excited, sir; it's their ..wn \:t H bowl you are drink'nic it of:'' Couldn't Find It. 'Mary, why didn't y-.u s* uiul the FA3MS FOB SALE K. W. DAWSON. Ninety Colborn* Street. Toronto. _^__ IK Y"U WANT T' . Hl'Y . 'K tfKLL A Fruit. Stock. Grain or Dairy Farm, with but little change." Some of his pertinent hot-weather suggestions are : "Don't overeat. A furnace is not stoked in summer the way it is in winter. "Avoid alcoholic drinks. Alcohol never yet made anyone cooler. "Be sparing in the use of ice water. Water cooled in bottles placed next the ice is preferable to water containing ice. "Wear loose clothes of a light color. "Take just enough exercise to keep physically fit. "Keep in the open air and in the shade. "If possible, sleep in the open. "Take cool baths rather than cold ones. "If you can avoid it don't fret." away, and shure didn't I come and ask you for a pak to save you the trouble of throwing them away !" got just H,VK Pa-t dinner gong . "Please, 'm. I couldn't find it.' "Why. there it/ is on the ball H. w. DAWSOS, Coiborne St.. Toronto.. table : STOCK SALESMAN. "Please m, you said this mon ing that was the breakfast gon." ; \\ -\ ^ rK [,' r ,, ,!;",',". : ''\ S . T A|'i'l> '"'' pariicularM to V^ Conditional. write H. \V. Dawson. Brampton. or 9' I'ulborne SI . Toronto. Ogden Going to get a new suit this spring ! Owens If I can find a uew tailor. YOIR OWN DRUGGIST WILL TELL YOU Try Hurlne Eye Kauiedy tor Red, Weak, Watery and Oranulateil Eyelids; No Smarting W. B. Building. X AI.r.KUTA orgunlzvd. l.-it.-h. Klnard'i uea by of lust lye Comfort. J Wrlt for Book of the Eye i>v mall Fre. Hurine Kjr Bemedjr Cu.. CMcaeu. MISCELLANEOUS. "What's the matter, girlie?' 1 "1 have lost my ideal. He has married another.'' "I lost mine in a plighUy differ- ent way." 8id th* older woman, reflectively. "How was that!" "He married me." Consuming. "She says her love for vou is a consuming passion! ' "Lt is. It takes five pounds of candy a, week to keep it a-live.' 1 Xeev M!n.ird' Ualment in til* nous*. Grandmother Didn't Know A good cook? Certainly, but she couldn't have cooked the Indian Corn, rolled and toasted it to a crisp brown, wafer-thin flakes, as we do in preparing Post Toast ies They are delicious with cream or milk, or sprinkled over fresh fruit or berries. From the first cooking of the corn until the sealed, air-tight packages of deli- cately toasted flakes are de- livered to you, Post Toast- ies are never touched by human hand. Grandmother would have liked Post Toasties sold by Grocers. Canadian Postum Cereal Co.. Ltd.. Wiudor. Ont. I was cured of r-rom-hitU and Asthma by MIXAKirS I.1X1.MKXT. MRS. A. LIVINGSTONE. Lot 5. I'.K.I. 1 was cured of a severe nltack Kheunmtlsm bv MlNAKlvs i I.IXIMKNT. Muhone Bay. JOHN .MAUKH. I was cured of a severely sprained leg bv JIIXARU'S L1X1MKNT. JOSHUA A. WYNACHT. Brldg-ewater. Wont Wrong. "We thought this year we'd ra- ther move than clean house." "Great schme !' "Unforiuna.te!y. the same idea had occurred to the people who va- cated the house we moved into." Ask for acinard'* nd take no other. HANGED BY THE NECK. How Even a Chinese Artist Got With Mr. Carnegie. The man who orders goods and then refuses to accept them i? a trial to shopkpers and manufac- turers in all lands; a novel way of serving such delinquents is describ- ed in a curious little ft.n*cdote told in "The Memoirs of William Hick- ey " ,f There was a CMiinaman who took excellent likenesses in clay, which he afterwards colored, and they were altogether well executed. To this man's shop Pott and I went to see his performances. We found Mr. Carnegie, surgeon of the ship Nottingham, sitting for bis portrait, and complaining violently of the extremely ugly phiz the artist was Lesson in Etiquette. She was a little girl and very po lite. It was the first time she had been on a visit alone, and she had been carefully instructed how t > behave. "If they a.sk you to dine with them," papa had said, "you mu>! say, 'No. thank you : 1 have alread\ dined.' r It turned out just as papa haii anticipated. fume along. Mftrjorie." -ai-i her little friend's father, "you must havi- a bite with us." "Xo. thank you." said the Jitt'e girl with dignity. "I have alreaol. bitten." New Fields. "I told him there was a dozen of people risrht here in town who had never heard of him." "I guess that took him down a peg or two." "I guess it didn't. He started right out to find them and borrow money." , "What time did your master re- turn last night. Jane '?' "I don't know, mum, but at ~ o'clock this morning his boots were still warm." ClA.NX'Klt. Tr.MOKS. LOU'S. fcTO., Internal and vxturtucl. cured with- out pain l.y our hcme tri'atment. Write us befnre !"! lute I'r. I'.. 'lima!! M-'dical Co.. I.lniitfil. <~< ll'.-iitwiioU. .'n' ITEWSPAPEBo FOB SALE. GOO I' \\ KKKLY IX T.IVE T'.nVN IN Y.'iis County Stationery anj Book { Huslness in connection. Price, only. 4.U"... Terms libernl. \Vii.--.m rublish- IIIK CinniJiinx. ~'S \\\->t A'ji-.aidc Streat. '!' ! ' Ml.'. A TREATISE on the Horsc- FREE! r von fre t'- it u-ll \Ve pflVr von free this N-.. you all .t i!iM_'ii - ami how lo cure !:* m. Call : T it at kval U: ;:i;".ist or write xis, KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE In tnnlnnl.lc. It <-." Sprln. Till-. Kttiub-.iKt'r .iuyo; l i.-r l.im.-lu'". tnwllwqmiM. BMdwhal Uacadlsn.ofwa morr. .MI... ^v^s: "I vmi ymtr S|ur1n vim on lior^ilu. li.,iRiniilHjn.-. i.n'.t curedblm lunar wm-lcfi Umo." otl ah..-.' '" ' >' Dr. B. J. KENDALL COMPANY Enosburg Falls. Vcrmcnt SI Dr. Morse's Incllan Root Pills exactly meet the need which so often rites m every familv for a medicine to open up and regulate the bowel*. Not only are they effective in all cAses of Constipation, but they Iielp greatly In breaking up a Cold or La Grippe by cleaning out the system and purifying the blood. In the same way they relieve or cure Biliousnes*. Indigestion, Sick Headaches, Rheum- atism and other common ailment*. In the fullest sense of the words Dr. Morse'* Indian Root Pill* aro 47 A Household Komedar HOME STUDY The Arts Cour^- m.iy :>f t:ikcn!>vi:orrcs])0il- >kuc*. but students desiring to graduate in u * t 3 1 te ud one QUEEN'S ^^ UNIVERSITY KINGSTON. ONTARIO ARTS APPLIED SCIENCE EDUCATION Including MEDICINE ENGINEERING SUMMER SCHOOL JULY and AUGUST 28 G. Y. CHOWN, Hsglrtrir, Kingston, Ont El). 2- t U. ATENTS OK IN V KM IONS PIGEON. P1OBOM * DAVIS 71 St. Jamai St.. Montrl Write for Ini orriktloa.

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