?une 25 1014 THE FLESHERTON ADVyNCE BUSINESSCABDS I LIVE WIRE CANINES. WH. WKIGHT.'TEI.KOKD & McDONALD Hriili-r, Si.li.-ilur-. A,-. , ill,. ,. ' ... '. A Hruc* Hlock.owou Souurt. Btaodard Hsnk Wock. K.eilj.Tt iSturdSM. W.H. WriRbi. W. P. 1'ellori! J-..J. 0. MoDenaM.U 1* B. SOCIETIES AO W meets ou tlis last Mou.ln in acb month, ID their long* room I'laytou's ball Flnrtop, at 8 p.m. M. W.. W. J. Itollamy; K*c., C. H. Huu.haw; tim., K. J. Kproul*. Vis'tintf bothrio ImiteiJ DKINUB AKTHL'K LODUK. No. MM. A.F.* i Qusr IJttl* Watchdogs on the Canal beats In Holland. For many generations tin- breed of dog now known as the schlpperke was nameless, but as they became familiar features nloug the hauks of the canals The other dixy Mr. Wm. FinUy re. i . v. i! a plenant surprise when he enter ed iho utilise. He wan surprised to tee a couple of NiDulI chicks upon the cemem floor. Not seeing a hen about, he decid- ed to investigate. He noticed there WK i considerable crack in the ceiling, and thought perhaps by hunting in the. "A U, iurtf in tl" Masonic ball. Arm troiiR's Block, Klaat. ..a or b*1or the full icocn M.; irbu.Munslikw, 8strs:ry In their native country, Holland, they !,. wniethilll , w ,, uM come to , ight . won their present nnme, which means . ,. . , . , , "little skipper." TourisU of the pres- : Aftel eon d "" b ' "'-"img about he dm- cot day In Holland will see few canal \ e "*'T** I'lynouth Rock hen and 'i\ boats that have not their two skippers, chickens. The hen hnd at on 24 eggs uian nnd do. His populurlty Is niucb and hatched 21. Thi* is phenomenal more than national in extent Travel- results in hatching, and in view of the , .,.ry Krid.y oa j ers and dog breeders, attracted by tbe flict th!4 , Mr Filll km . w s:uthini , of th "."_H.rbhiniti,. \\. j intellieeuce und nervous energy of this ,..,..... .. , , ., pOl-KT;FLEbHEHTOS. 995. I. a F. icets In V Clayton. Block the l \\*<lu.Uv """* Vtsitiof KoresUri bertlly Ilamy ; K. B.. (i. < i".s; ' Clayton Mtcb uinnlb. Icoinc - K. i . ! ** W. BOSk'O. twelve pound mite. hav. carried hlin I h-f. effort*, wa. lrt, Hnd.-Mford into other countrieg. j Mirror. 'J lie schlpperkc Is an excellent watch- ! Lennox Fachnie as hiking at a 40- dog. For generations be bus been [ m \\ H Hn h,,ur gait to Airlie on We l>lra pay v of 1 1; t- mouth. ira.ned to grd his master's boat Hi, ' aflel ., loun t , , , fc ' nHOBES FKIENOB-FlMberton v choMD Frind n)ts m Clayton snd third Wdnsd.y of <*eh month - ir- - 5rfewK^-cS* T. Hltl*v: Recorder W. H. Haul. c bfor.th first . ^,-1, 18 pet.uih.ri, rapid nod piercing, i" ' '""' """' and bis oval eyes see everything. He j lnal " n > : "'" lur " "' T " ""Mullen baa tbe reputation of never sleeping '""'> the bt>l(e on the motorcyele except In 'Vat naps" of a few minutes' ;to opera" v, aril he ent bang into duration. Tbe activity, alertness und wire fence, tie was lendurcd ur the Auduraoce of the scbipperke nre really \ f for a lime, ui.d when brought to nstonlshing He has been compared to ' the d . ; , Wa8 f d ^ ^ jn a bnudle of "live wires." Markdale, Licensed | In appearance tbe scbipperke la an the arch of hit foot .is brnken and the i i n utTHK'VB Markdale, i. !'- in iip|n?<" UIIL me Bcuiiiperae la an > R.uc-ionr lor iu.' county of Grey. Cioo^ , O(W , |ute re||ow As fl n))e h , 9 coat )g ligaments ldly strained. He emc* at renscnabl* rat*.. oixle t Tht Advance, o U Dates can b MEDICAL D K CA i'c'V&BO n t, Physician, Sar;eon etc OBc. ."d ri<Juc*-P.t.r .t.. Pl-h.rtOD f P OTTEWELl. I Veterinary Rnrgoon entirely black, abnndnnt, thick nnd doinir nic>ly, and the Indian was not on (lie bend, erect ears ; badly damaged, but it WH fortunate for Jt Increases to n mane or b iih it was m.t a rail fencr. Creemore of iiut.ii'. Veurlnary Colle west OD outb b&rsb and legs. frill round the neck. Tbe bead is foxy lu type, tbe muzzle fine, hut not weak; tue Deck strong aud rather short oud tbe chest broad. Many of tbe scbip- iiri the new rtdistribuiion bill (he House perkes .ve born without tails. Those ,,f Commons finally divided Grey County Aceoidim; to a despalch fn.in Ottawa Prtstyttrisn Church. that are nut so born nnve their tuMs docked i.' n very young since custom Insists on n tailless schipperke. Lon- don Standard. into two ridings, Kant (licy losiny its tent and sulxlividcd into Xutli and South (Jrey. The north riding will lie composed the rowiiK i Mrufoid and Owen Suund DENTISTRY OLD ENGLISH FORMALITY. Walkerton l: .i.nid Marshall of the 7th c m., Brant met with a painful accidfnt that niiuht sily have rcsul'ed fatally, when a InrRe embankment caved in on him while wnikinu in a umvci jiil on a neighboring farm on Tuesday afternoon. He wss busy loading a wagon at the lime <>f the mishap, when the large embankment whiuli W-IH towering in a threatening m ,m,n above him suddenly cared in and buried liim underiuath its missive weigh'. 'I'lii speed with wliicb hi* col- league)! ciiiue to the renciie and dug him out ii'one |,i.-\ , MI,- 1 the mishap being transformed into a tragedy. AM it right leu was painfully Inuis. <i nni injured, and his knee HO badly aprained that he will be oti'duty for Home time. Fred /.in., ho has been 6ned here liefure for beat ing his wif-, was arrested by Ohief Ferguson for ag,tin j>' mine ing the nil I he (wore to protect. Before |H 1,1- nun-Hi was meted out to the pris >n- er, X'irn was given a severe ie.priiiMi,d by the couit in which an effort wax made to inipreiM upcn him the deapiaiible con- duct of * roan who will beat woman. The iiiai>i<itiate then proceeded to tint* ' hu priHonei |."> I'U and cost or u total Perfect Sight a matter of Foresight. Many cases of eye trouble arc averted by early application of proper lenses. Present neglect means future trouble. W. A. Armstrong:. Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly pai.l in advance subscriptions only. We have no accounts with other papers. FleitheriGii Advance f I 00 Youths Compauion 2 00 Toronto World, daily :{ 00 Toronto Daily News 1 50 Weekly Globe 90 Mail-Empire .... 75 Family Herald & Scar 90 Toronto Star 1 50 Farmer Sun 90 Farmers Advocate 1 60 Weekly Witoew 90 Saturday Night :" 00 Home Journal 90 Poultry 1'oview 40 Hod itnd (iun magazine 00 Bull for Service ahbre-l American bred Uere ifoid bull lors-!-viceon lot J.il, 2nd. W. T. and 8. R., Aitemosia. Terms *1.5<) OUsll. JOHN ADAMS, Prop, of about f 12 00. /..in was i I, "inJ over to keep the pence 10 the Everybody is Coming extent nf Ji'iOO for a yer, a>.d, if within that lime he is ujain convicted for a sinr !.,i offtnce he wi'l be given 'hree months n the county jail. Dr. Hull wag hurriedly citlled to < 'i - rick on MomUy morning laflt owing to n accident which Ittfell Mr. John Wii- ntario. I L'CAP. - ttolici LEGAL UASEY & hl ?" d , lhe IX'i by, Sarawak, fet. \incent, Culling Whtn Wife Never Called Her Hu- ,*'' ot l and Kuphraftii. South <irey con-i on < f the J2th conceti.si.jn there. While band by His First Name. joists -f the towns of Dui-hfm and H*n- seated on two largo timbtrx going up a There Is a curious {ilcture of tbe for- jover, and the viUagea-uf Fleshurton, Dun- hill near Eidt's .<uwm 1', ou i,f the tiro- mality of a former gem-nilUm in Sir daik, ChaUwoith and M*tkdle, an J the Ws slipped tack and threw him <ff the Algernon West's "One Cily mid Many toivr . sn jp s , lf H-llan,), Sullivan. G!e,,e!g, L , w d under the front wheel of the wa*o D , , pllOUC ."in- 2 A. foroirtc. HW-lf Tisdors Itaok (t,n 1412; Msrkilalt Loess H'.ach. !.< .t Dundslk oiwn evy SsturUsv CARDS Men," \v herein he state* that In big youth it was considered highly im- proper for u wife to address her bus ii.iinl by bis Christian name or for a con to address his parenU \vitliotit "sir" or "rua'arn." BenliiKk und Nor- uiunliy. BROODING OVER MISTAKES. which patKtid over him. Mi!) retiininit VOUNH Hankers Msrkdale ,.: bankmn business . Money loaueo j . K.I i.' " rate* Call on us. his bnld on the line*, Wilton drew the horses info the ditch and ciicltd them ontu himself, ,me uf the steppipg on his rack near the 1 never beard my molher rail, rny , t Doe . No G.od .nd la Merely Com- phoul.K-. and badly irjuring him. He ],], I, .ilily h iv,- Li in i r.inij.lr.l to by (he li"--i-v had men not rushed mitting a Second Fault, i are to be )augm*l Hi. were to take seriously cverv little III|H- for 1 ''^.ildi'ncianiKa'.^ci'y'on'.'T.toJboS" i "The formal 'ir' wns current every- III-M At Kton we never rccogni/ed uuy departure from thin practice, nnU letter* between 'My dear sir.' *> uoocuou. Dc. 6XJ7. father by bis Christian name," b writes, "and I recollect distinctly that tbe fame of a very fashionable uud . .,,, , ' -t c i" i.if.i .-i II...I-HI, vicii 1 1 , n- nun- . t>- bn llaut womau was seriously Imper- take , )e m ^ ||fe wo|j|< , ^^ H fro.,, K.dt, mill ,.d pulled linn from his lied because after some great iimn*,^ Jo |(lj|i ,,,,,,, at vo||r OW|1 mu^p-tilou* potion. As it , his luck n letter from her to him was , lll|s , Hkes llm i',| (l ,',, fw | ^eved if '** i-jur.d in a manner thst made his others burgh nl tlx-m Lii'mliing will c.,nditi.,n extremely alarm ng f,.| ftlime help you remember to amid lliem HO tjll . j t U now thought that n serious oilier time. mile as well as V |,-|.. c ., ,.,; ,,,, in , U)d , hi|t hi8 R . * '"' CbH * Auctioiiwr foi U/M. KAITTIN", Ucenswl "rr ,k- routines of drey nn o. . 7,7"": ud Kl.,,-k ..! kpilty. T.rms aao.Ur.ti rsiilscliou guaranteed. Arrant*- ur." ' ' -"- uiav be i .'. IM MIVI .. or Ontrsl tlrbone nlt'.ce Fttursliaui t.i l.jim.iii.^.ii. me at Kersliau. Out. boy frU-nds begau. to serious regrelH. Some |ieufil are forever Inking lln-ni ' cov * 1 '"' '* 1 " t 'u |t " J - to task for gome uliorteumlim "Ms** wl11 Yv H AH a ir n't . I the h ,| i \ for inaiiy They lire (he overcoiisrienttou!) OIH-H, . i . -, A friend of mine dining wltb l-ndy : |f wc flt . t (oo w Kull For Service Pure bred shorthorn bull, "vii(H-r.,r, I W^:17, f jr service on lot K',7, W.T. S.K., ArU-meaia. Terms f I.. "iO fur !<i'4de, ?:'. for thoroUKhlnedt. All cnws heiv.-il must be paid for. Mar. H. O.IIU,'-, I' DIVISION COURT 1914 In t rii her fill her, though .[,-. mil.? altncbed to her sis- ter, Ijuly !..'HMt:.v. calling her any- ilm ; but l.:iily l.onsdale. Ami Menrv lireville, who WHS present nt Ibn same dinner, ealil that be remembered bix ii'i'ii.T i..., iv el,. ni, .it,-, nml her broth- er, tbe Duke of Portland, meeting In the morning at Welbcck abliey, when the Kaliit.illons HI-II-: "'Mow IH your ladyship thin moiii t i ii i . I am obliged to weeks.- Bruce Hci-.il and Tin KLKSIIKKTt-N ANH IM'NKALK rt. n .................. Apri I) i ,.l.lk I . t -ri"-i I" 14 " 'I n in qullu well, your Railroad Fatalitie*.. ourselve* Ibun to punish a child for little mistake. It In right to look for the error nnd Hi-knowledge it If one Imx wronged another i.e ought to con fcss it nnd be more careful, Ibeu put It out of mind. To grow morose nnd solemn I* to commit a second fault No one I* do- ing any ;"."! (n himself or others In- constantly eating the bread of peril lence. Tbe only time to remember a mistake Is when one Is tempted again ... -I ,, r. i t i i i I einj*,'!' luce .V k s<'fiut i"ii, .'ippninteu to keeping up M-lf reproach', otic is worn l' 1 ""'''' 1 '" '"candidate.* ii..iiiinNtl for out TbN does not menu never In Us- !<ho Le-jiNl.rivu Assi>mt.|y and receive ten to tbe warnings of conscience, bnt^hcir replies UN to tin ir attitndo nn the nd keep .pi-CM.'nt ten, perm c Usut'n before ilio An Endorsation. At ihe annual Convenli'in of Smith '! \ Tfinppi-Aiice ARS, ciation on Fridny \K>, the i.'ll.mnij rcHnliitinD nii.vtd by TlnmipHm Bnyd and seconded by 1). Km-, bti-l. was p-inwi iinanimiiuKly : "That liaving licuid the i.-p'-ii of the Coiiiintitee repiTNeii 'int! the Smiih i!i-. \ nti'il Hull Inr Service K r ... . Kimn Holly N >. til-'-' A'er.leeil AiiH'i'. "U "' "'. !l 'h C'lOcBi) ii M. Artini'-ii. Torin*. 1*1.00 if |>'ii'l "for I- lit.f'lll. I'l'.").- \V. J. MII-IM-. M-v I.', BOAR A' > r-'.'ist'.'r H~,-l. Tumi. Ij >t 4' 1 , I ' m. TOR SI: I V,,rks!iirH I, mi, AN II. HKNKV llDl.MAN Aituii)iii, I'urlla*- i'.<) mileM. nnd u piissci^kr tiiiiv lake .'.-7r>. I.'- such j'liiin.'is \vitli only one. chance of being Killnl. It wmikl (alii 1 him. at txvu trips :i d:iy, .". T'U y<>:n-s lu run the full g:imnt << ri--l, Tlint is In s:iy, if ill- one 1 lnl;il nccld'Mit InippciiiMl to him In tbu |in-><cnt year It would have iici-n niTrssi Ills rallriNi'l linvi day. In the yr:n LINCOLN TOLD A STORY. It Was So Good It Inflicted and Then j(iiey Tt u.|)fi'Hi.co \- ,' ,' lien-hy ilcl itc tht the position of Dr. Jamie- son 'n .niitcly uusitisfuctory to u, liis fin IM| (upi.ii which hi 1 Remitted a Fine. wh'cli he uppi ills) h.iuni.' U-Kir Abrnbam Lincoln, iltirlng bis early ,rt'p<>uti'i.'ly vi.tii.g in-thu H.I-.- -y fur him '(o start c ' : " wr " liiwyer. traveled a ( Irctiit ;,(, liniv sio ,, s lifl)l , pl . ,.,,, rig. nt two U'lps u "' HllimN. Jml,;e Lavl-l Davis ^'l ,,f lhe ,;; Alli;ulCtf wlien , S7!i I! (J. It must Lincoln were close friends, soys the 1 anil i" that of lie borne In mlml. Innvevcr, that bu "1'lbor of "Lincoln's Own Slorles," atul inlt;lit be killed nn bis ilr.-i irlp. t. Bull for Service These Schoolboy Dl'indsra. inl.-,laUu.s hy i'.i.ii : scbool- C fFporli'd liy tliu l.niiil'iii "\Vben fire last French itttnck nt \Vii- I', i-bied s!...nl."|-rr bull, Ab... ,1,-. n ' "' rl " <) l"'">"'' ' lalluro .Vapulrnn turn t'j vie S,(j'i ( ) f'li "MM.-<- I,, i -.'.I, S..s. I;.. Ai t. T, r-n- II. .".'I fur (iid-. I'nro biv 1 .- . ,:n i>red T.UIHOI'|I I 11 !i .til iVl! I'll . TMIIII- II.. V) fni :i!l ar. i. mils. Snivol liiJ-'. be |i .i'l ("' f,Sej t \V .1. Mciid-i Farm for Sale * I t l.'iU to i:i-J, KI-I i:, . Line. Art- 'iii' hi i o'liiu nii'if I'M ui'i-i's: in-aily nit I.- .' .'. ;'', IIII|<-H h" n ! ! si,, run. live li'i.n Maikdile. liood on-lianl. Ii ni>e. btlik I in M ;i 'i'l "' lii-r liuil'li'i^-; slot k t.u i- well w.iti-ied, u'i"il well, windmill, Apply '-'I pM!lll.se< t" - .Jaj.b A. Holley 1 lime f'll 60 YARS~ EXPEHIEUCF. cil very pale ntul i,"l.- at l>ill . :,n..i. |.> St. Helena." "A prtiblein Is a ll^ure \>'blch yon fin ii .'.- wltb \\ hlcb are Hlwunl, nnd tin N yon prive II." "\\'licn Cbaticor dearrlbes Ihe prior- ess us '.inn.ilili. of port' bo liit'aiii) that In 1 -I 1 , fond nf wine." "Tho mint-nil wen Kb of a country Is ginger beer and lemonade." A Giant ReHwood. The largest tree In (be Dulled Sluton In v.i.i to be the mother of tbe forest, a clant retlwiiiul In the Calareni* big tree grove In California. It U suppos- ed to coutiiln iii'iil'i board feet of. lumber. Thcro are. however, many ' :..iin.-i nis for Hie honor of being the ' "largest tree" nnd tbe "oldest tree," 1 nnd these clnliiH, according to forcxt- ers, cannot nhviiya lie vcrilied.- India n- iipolla Newn. the H.'iwi- by Mr. X. \V. Un.tll, the Judge always showed a keen np-'"hlr Mr. C. pUmmi'mts givm Hci.ii'-. prcclalion of Lincoln's Blorlcs. f\;i)ioit and pusilix -ly atlinuaiivt- niuwrr "I was never lined but once for cou- !|,! ci l^i, g him-elf if .-In-'ed t,. npi-.,it in tempt of court," mild n man who was , , , flll| u , fiir f (h , u clerk of court In Lincoln I day. \.. .... .. . "Davis Hmtl me $5. Mr. Lincoln bud ""J 11 "" Allmm- , \r,.., tho n .1. <ttnin "! lust corne In. niul, leaning over my ""' '"" n '" aln IWdiJ 'f (lrll*lug in desk, bad told tue n story so Irreslsli- li'l >; , tli^ I -vat ing \\s'i'in ami ,f tlie bly funny that I broke out lu a lou'l .",-."i bs nmjorily ieipiirt>n.ent in local JULY 1st 1914 FORENOON LIST I.F SPORTS Walking the greasy pole, pui-se $3.00. Swimming race, 100 yrds and back, purse to, 1-t $.'5.0:1, 2nd f'2.W. Tub race. 100 yards, 1st ptize 81.00. Snd 50c. Catching _" > e, prize thfe and gixise. ing rope over pond, prize 13.00 )N CITIXKSS 1 BAND IN ATTKN'DAXCK. AFTERNOON FI.KSHKHTON 1 LISTOFSP(KTS. Op3n trt or pace, pur*e tloO.OO. 2.40 Hot or pace, purse fcW.OO. Nmcd iac", purse $50.00. Four h-irnes to enter in each race, and three to sUit. Kiitrunce fee ~> per cent of j>urHe : and 5 per ten', additional to winrur*. Prizes to be distributed on baa:s uf M prr cerr., 2.i put caul., 13 per cent and M per cent, of purse. HASKBAU, MATCH -Dundalk v. Mrkdle, mi/.' 1st $1C >_>iid f ID FOOTBALL MATCH -Fevmlram v. Fl.sherto-i. 1st $10, 2nd $5. Tl G-OF-WAR - F^iKt and west uf Turin-. and Sydcnhatn Road, purse $'-'0. GRAND CONCERT To beheld in rhe A>.iHiiMy Hall of the hijh school. Joseph L. Yule, Uritmie Gonte U. Fleming, ten, i ; U. R. D Lie, IMSKO ; David Pattei.s..n, Immoroim ; Mis. I\ K.,l*it.on, riiezzn soprano ; Mm M. Hnhe-, lyric soprniio ; Miss O H. I atte s,.n. Tickets I'.'i and :t:j. PUu at Richardson s drugstore. :i .11 p;inii laugh. Tbe Judge called me to order, saying: "'This must be stopped. Mr. Lin- coln, you are constantly disturbing this 'I''" liiTi-'.y rnclui-M's M r. .'. U un i.' us court with your stories.' the only utndiiUtu' wlmse Httitii'le on Ihe ig. theii {..re. llwt tlii-i S nth (!'cy ('mivi-n- present, Tuinpeianuo i>Mii's bifurv the electu 'ii is s:vil>fncl,.rv t" tilt- TiMiipcr- 11 ) 1 """I vai.ce of S uiu'e hook."- - Ailvt. . . ___ M th: now on the A GOOD SALESMAN '. RADC MARKS CopvnicHT'j Ac. >nyfinfsndtnf a sketch snd disrrtntlnn msy Quit itly oji'ortftln imr ,.|.n.|..n frs vhsttirr s>* ll,r*.,i't"U 11 pn.hiil ir i' in-lit ;il>l. ('oniiniini. tlnnssirtMlroondiisiitfaL HANDBOOK "" l'tiu i ><i f'.',.. <'l'ii*iii .-". fur nrruriutr II^ICIKA. I-,.'. ..n t ,k. n ill ninth Mini'i 4 (.0. i. . .'Ivc SI^. ll "'!... -ltli,iiH.l.liri-,,. 1,1 1 1, if ^entific Hmcrican. ' --- ' 'ti- Ji'urtiul. : MIL- for t-if 1 1 '-('111.:, ."-.'Ul by 1 "o.aeiB*,.||| ew YQrj( ",>. at r- 1 HI.. wijiuiuu. i>. a 8i'in| Up Tip. I'm nfrnld I gave that waiter too a lip." Huid the friignl diner. "lie -i-rli'- ,|i'iir : I Irl'iatlVP." " I ti.-ii s It. I niercly uaiitod him to <n.v '!.,!! you ' I didn't espt-ct him In in. \- atul say i.....,i h -LI. gir.' "-, \~ ;i- h,i'--t"ii Klar. :Kor by Uk- ili .in u.-eiuy. I'ESP TIMK for cm- i,* durini; "ho Sumnn-r ..... nths. EXI'KIIIKNCE NOT Principles. We must IMS careful to have our prin- ciples ami tie ready to ilit> f ( ,r tlmm. Hut we must be careful not to i.,i,<-i :iiir prejudices "principles" and nriicei<d to die for I hem. Kh.iM n of mny polmilfl .i.inits i '.;.> n jear t - - Friendship Is the only thing In tho world ooitcernlng the uscfiiliiexM of rblch all* iniinklnd tire agreed. -O'lceru. "Then ho said to me: " 'You may fine yonrself $5.' "I apologized to the court, but told the Judge that the story was worth i" 1 "' 1 ' I 1 '"'' 1 '' >""'<''" tho money. Shortly afterward tho judge called ine to him. " 'What was that story that Lincoln told you?' ho nskcd. "I told him, and be laughed aloud < | bert 11 dx. of Sm-1-.uino met with K In spite of himself. 'nln'nMiig accMent Irch will viiiilinu him "'Hemlt your nnel' he ordered." i the houm- fur mine tiuu. and rimy |it- 1 m uii'litl) 1 nun him. II \ ; - tit Mr. IVI^. llfiny Murlatt'H, Mtilittmthon S'jilimi, in J >IU W ,. , ni j )U ,,y , v j,|, yemgo Mailili ,,f T'^ rontn. '1 hey w. re r\ unininj :\\\ did Nliutgiin wliich \v.is nut s'lpp.mtd t.. be VHiylownan I clisl.rict wh-iv we u,e j lu ' lj "'' Tll '''"""' r *"'> ""I "!<, n. .I r,n-eNeiili'.l. jund MHfla't was trying t'i sa,ip it while llrilx WHS i-.'iui I'is liHiuls it few feet HHiiy. Smldi'iily Iho gnn wont oil and iho cltuigf ii ..I, lini nl lh Hidu i f tliu font, milking a very iniKly lu.lt' in the nrcli nf ilr i. , t, bi hind the l.i : toe, and the b lies liioV of tho HtxMiii.l toe. --Sholbiirne Froo I'.o s. Hi-iiry l>illrrin;i i, mi oM'ily rusido-it . f Sullivun UwiiHhi|>, ha'l % pvcliuiiniry lll'HIUl-J ln'tilll' M^Htllll 1 ' ' Hist Illlll,' M'l \li n<ly mi u s- li.'iiH ihaige. 'llu n.ag istralo hid no ether illti i mil ire thin in ..n, nut him f .11- tu.il it OAI-II .-' :v, I, -.n I die CHM> will I.e tiicd 'h-iM HI la'er dte. In (lie nu'.iriii'o In: m u Yu.s il 1.1. ONTARIO. *'' (HI " ll " 1 ' SUl l! ' llj ' HARDWARE! Get A New Perfection Oil stove And have a cool kitchen this summer They :uv a pluiiMiiv to wink with, dim Iwidy customer toU us, I woiil'l in t l>n u.th.-iit miie for .1 mmd dn 1 . 1 fun cook any- tliin!; on is "tvl y- u >1 'ii't need r<> h^iit the lu>u>e il m> .u.il you would s.y the sume th'ii^ if you uscil cue . ..< n. Frank W. Duncan !' I . P: S H K I^TO X, C) NT II F ui H HIP I riiiniiit' big!i ji-icis mul nur- s i \ i ' I, is in . i ' r,i.,' MAKK HI<" MONEV NOW lUfiv' tevritoiy ('ii.iiini-sions |i.iu| i! foi full pni-t.icu'rs. Stone & Wellington Flesherton Tin Shop- 1 havo just placed on the shclvi-sa full line of Tinware, Nickclwan- and A #U tvsiie for domestic use. ('all on mo and get your supplies. E-ivetrouj-hin-;, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- Illi^S. N i TORONTO Repairing ol'all kinds promptly atteixled to. Pipffittiiig, including pump work. Kurna'-cs installed. Agent for Clare I'.ro Furnaces. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON ONTARIO. I