Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Jul 1914, p. 1

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"TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR." - PBINCJPLEb MOT MEN. ?OI 34 No. 1 Flestierton, Ont., Thursday July 2, W. H. THCBSTON 1 Tragedy In The Court Room Roger McGill Dies While Delivering Judgment. A terribly tragic deal li occurred in the courtroom here on Fii.lay moming last when tha adjourned lii|ii.<r case a^amst Jame lUdley was beiuit tned l>efore Magiitrateft R.SlcGill and .Jainei UcMuI- len. The latter was fur conviction but hi fellow-niiigistrite d Vigreed with hici and wan in theactof My ing that the case, io hit opinion, ihould u :vet have been brought, when, with a quiver, hia li.-td fell over and he never spoke again. Tho.se near him laid him dwu and a doc- tor was quickly summoned, but in a very fw momenta the spirit bad departed. The deceased gentleman .*.< born in King township 60 years asjo. He took up the business of teltgrnph operator in Toronto and Liter held a situation on the Gnnd Trunk railway. Thirty one years igu he took the position of agent on theC. P. R. here, which he held for something like 21 year-, when lie "re- tired from active service. He had never married and wiuabuurJer at Md.'chUn's hotel. He was a meiuber of Prince Ai- thur Lodge. A. K. and A. M.,i.ml acred as township auditor, also doinn convey- ancing and had held the position of mag- istrate for the past live or six yearn. He was a man of rather minim disposition and highly respected by everybody. Hi reriiWy suJden departure is deplmel by Jaije circle of friends. There are three liruthen and one sister. The brothers, li.-ikvt are all nilwHy men. Ihe remains were taken to Bunt's un- dertaking rooms tnd the fam'rycominuni- cuted with. The brothers wf the decensed cnme up f i-i'in TOP in* o Friday evening and took the remains away un the evening triin for interment at Kin; City. Dundalk Mm Marie Egn, who is home f<>r ihe lui:iiUv>,is to be congratulated un her rri<liiaii'in with first cl;k<s honours from Lorettn Acadamy, Stratford- Mr. \V. C'aulh'eld.wife and family fo m- erly nf Kiverviaw, fr some years at Viuicnuver, B. I'., have moved lack here to reside. Mi. Keml:ill Mitchell, Barrister, of Chicago, and Mr. Thomas Blakeley.of the Prince Aithur Ludxr, FKstier'.or, joined : liu Jlnoiiic brethren iu the march to church herd Sunday evening. At St. .I-uiies Church. Dumlilk, > n M.-.ml*y, -luiie, Miss. S.idie .]. Sjilley, nf Hithertnn, w.-is united in holy in;itrini"ry i i Mr. Ili-rbcTt M. Irwiii, of Mukd.-ile- The Ui.'v X. William* officiated, using t lie lii'imiinil ring service in full. Mr. , Mrs. Irwiii will reside in Mittkdulc when Mr. Irwiti is in business. Tlie I'ride slid uroom have tinny friends who wish tin-ill tjoii \oyaei>n the sea of life. Shelburne A nihii n:in>eil (iihsi'ii of l>'.in'i.-t in >iiy had --1 hnu-e killed by liuht'nrv .-( 'ino time n>fi >. It wits insured iu the IVel ami M'trylioi'ii Insurance (.'.mipuny. T!:i' iMiup;iiiy refusal to \<n\, d;ii:nini; '!>> miiiiHl died fitun other cauars- L)i. it. L. M.>r.aii(if Slielburne w.i-; : witness at the trial at duelpli fur the pliiinlilf vrhich tonk place a few d.iys ;i-_;r. The jury awarded Mi. (jibsun #l">0 -uiJ costs. On Sunday niuriiiii" l.i-t Win. Kilobit', .-i letired farmer nf Amaranth township, x\h > livuil in Orange vi tie, was found dead t Hi ihi'llooi'iif liis tieilnmin in his board ir>g- }i 'iiMitlm lii'iiieuf Mi>. K. French, on East r.iOiulwny. He was polity-five. yeais of >ii;e. lh. Jimif< IKnry ope'ieil an inquest in the tnwn li;i!l on Suml ly ifteiuoon. T ; i -iiiti'iisy of l>r. '!. H. Henry .shi.wod h -.s is ilui' !( roiiliin 1 >if <lu' l:o i!', i vet cl c- WHS rendered v. !'.!. 1' Eugenia Paragraphs Married In Toronto, by Dr. College street, t 3 o 'clock Wednesday, June &, Miss Annie B. Carson, second daughter of Mr. Jiiues Gtrson of Ru- gerra, to Mr. Win. S*rgect ot Port Do- ver, son of I. Sargent, Ceylon. Mrs Iscac Sargent and children of Kfim. .bee. Out., are vrsitin^ her father, Mr. James Cur.soo. Mrs. William Hislop has been spend- ing the past few weeks with her sinter at Ceyloo, who has been very ill. Mr. nd Mro. Pypher of Toronto are the guests of the tatter's sister, Mrs. P. Slunshaw. Miss Hill of Markdale is visiting her brother, Will. Miss I'.-iil I'.nriia of Ceylon is visiting her brother, John, and assisting in the demand for bread and butter which h.-n increased greatly the past low \veeks. Miss Pearl Walker is visitinsj her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. .James Armstrong. R. Purvu nan purchased the Wood- burn property and intends moving his family here very suoa . Kev. Jones has charge of the Metho- dist circuit for the coming year. Mr. and Mm. El wood Purvis of To- onto are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Purvis. Mr. and Mis. S. Thompson of Fle.sh- erton have moved iulo J. H. Jamieson s residence here. On Monday uf this > k six campers trived here from Hamilton. Mr. Victor Ellis, our former teacher, has brought live boys with him to *ee tin- beauty of this country aud spend a pleasant two weeks camping here Howard Robinson, Mtrkle, Everett Close, Harold , all of Hamilton, and L.-Koy Davis of BurTaTo, make up the party. Durham The remains uf Donald McD'inald, of Uentinck.who ui^uppeHred fr. ,> his home sarly last November were found on Sat- urday I.IM, and iiiteinient tuok place in Durham cemetery on Monday. Mr. Mc- Donald left his liume ahorlly ufter the dinner hour on the day of his disappear- ance, and despite numerous search part- ies, nothing wu> seen or heard <>f him since until lust, S.iturd.iy. li was the fimily do^ that n.-e the clue, the ;uii- uuil coining: lioiiio >vith the de.id shoe, in which wa.- eiu-.-isod what edofhis foot. The famHy leo-.igui/.ed tin' >hoe, and aimtlior seirh pjiityw;is o*gniii/.ed, winch fniiiul the deii'l nun's bnn;s in a swamp iilmut. ~:> yards from the li.irn. The limu-nf the deceased wore found in diffeietit places, indicatini; thai dn^-.-, m- mhci ;inim-ils, must have Ji^turl-ed them. A tin nip fm'.ul near '.lie rein tins, ^t-iiteJ ;i rumor uf but this was dispelled Monjay at thu ini|uet, when evidence, was (alien showing that tbe cap h,-ul always heen there bout;,' used by the workers in the liekU in seeming driiikiiij> iviter rrmn a s|niu.,' m-.-ir ty. Tl:e timliii^ nf the r> ui-iins will le a i-eliof tn (lie surrnwing fiimily, as the ilrc<M*i'i.''s compteto ili-^- appcara nee had causetl them untold an- xieiy mid worry . At the iii'|iu-M the ciinmer. Dr. linn of Duthln, fmnr.l a vnlii-t of death from natural ciuses. Chrunicle. A 1 Mr. V. K l ; ]'iniu > I'mn !s ' \lh mi Tinir-4 .y. Mi. |)i\ id NV.i.Klcl! li.iil tic iiiisfmt usiate tn Iciv-e :v vil- ili i v, n !ii'nitv:ii I'.s 'i i \ vi ' ' ut, .iiid ; k>- urn l!ie '> 1 i r bind. Hydro on the Farm The hydm pnwer is en th<> farm to Say. There are nmi-o than "iO electric firms in tin county of Oxford rtloue. Th^ development nf puwcr fm- tin- firm i-i (.lie of the must inteiesting pluses nf the wh-ilo ijreiit pmj-.-ct in public owner. .hip. The fai'iiUT is milking his ( - n\s. lillimt his si'o, cutiitiL; !IH i;r,in yiiiuliiii- Irs r. i-i'.s. pumping Hater andVoing other thiiii's with power fn mi Nii^M-a Falls, lie is iU.tuii i.i;ir ir^ liai'ns and biii!din<(s ! his fartiiyir.l :nnl bi Ivmse. Ami his ' wife is oil 'pn.i,'. w:*hii!^ and iri'tiiii!" with it. Tl)0 tiin is no 1 , fir dis( i;:t when -.-lectrie jinwer will l-'o niihiii tho lexcli nf evei\ fiimi h mie in "ir a- o. M .:. t' n -i dint, thu li-iu- i oomiB n Indr-i- .I! iiiie.-l- ami rnpid !/,! Kimberley Budget Well, the country is saft- for another four years. Mr. Robert Cooper of Powastan is vis- iting friends to tbi vicinity at present. Born At Kimberley on Thursday, June 23, to Mr. aud Mrs. Burton Wick- ena. asno. Mr. Tho?. Scott of Mclntyre was a culler iu our burg op Saturday last. Mr. .Ino. Cherry of Victoria visited at Mr. Chas. Wicken's recently. A number of the pupils of our seuiour school room met at the home of Mr. S.S. Burritt on Monday eveuing hist and pre- sented their teacher, Win. Leslie, with a hymn book and the following address : Dear Teacher, We, y.iur pupils, de- sire to express our feeliogs of regret that you are leaving us. We have enjoyed your stay among us and although at times we have all been unruly, yet we were not unmindful of the good you were trying to do us. We wish you to accept this hymn bonk as a token of lemem- bnuce and we all join in wishing you every success in the future. Signed on Hehalf of the -chool.- Viola Lewis, Daisy Bishop. Mr. ('has. Stuart of the Embro pub!i<: school start is spending the summer holi- days at his [Mirii. tl home here. Miss Frances Soule of Duncan visi'ed i it- mis in this vicinity last week. R. D. Ciiruthersand brother, Ben, of ;hi place, also Mr. Alex. Cairuthers of Sugeniik, motored over to Listowell us: week to attenl the funeral of their tr.icle Mr. Geo. l?.rruther<!. Mr. K Iw.tnl :5iv lam of Eugenia took them vvr in his new Ford. Miss Belle Cli>iton of Flesherton visit- ed at Th. -. 1.. - last week. John Smith uul son, Howard, of Rob Hoy, visited friends in our horg recc-ntly. Frank Hutchin.Mjn of Swift Current. Sik., is visitini; friends in this vicinity at present. The pistor, liev. Mr. Colley. occupied the pulpit io ill'- Met In-Jist i-lmrcii un Sunday eveninit last and preached his sermon t > a larue c- Eighth Line Osprey Mrs. Teuton is visiting' with friends in Toronto. Mr. .Janus l',nrns;uitl Mis K.itie have : -i nrneil jifter spending some time with. f lion. Is in Toronto. Mr. H.iroM ('ullinli.il wh li.,. itiK sell, n! lien' Ins returned t i liis 111 Mill'. Mrs. Uavy and ihrte ehililren ,if Tnv- eis-tnn :ue \iMliti._' vvillt Mr. ;in..l Mis. Joe. HfQradti. We ex'etul e.iiiiMt'.iliitiniis t i Mr. ;ii'J Mr*. Sherman t'tteel, mul i~h them I ii"_' :in i prni>t*r us life together. The pienie held l>y iho pupils -inj teacher and their friends nf S. S. Nn. .">, iiii'leisiiind Mi< Geiti,- Mnit'it ins (1 liei- piisitinn u* 'i.-.ielier ITI S. S N ,. :.. Mi-- \l.uy MaoMe'i uf r : ;icR)!u is vnit- iii^; \-i:li li-'V - - cr ,iml other friends in tin-- \ ii'inily. We extend our < : neere sympathy to Mi*. K. W..i|,-i- aii'l finiily in thvir if- iss K:i'ie I'.iun-i, who trud her ST.- ; . S, i -.Hid Fiauofciie exam in Toront' , has ncieved word that sh,> pisu'd with ti -I el;iss honors. Wode house Doings Rev. Mr. ','.iwl.-y pre-ioliej his fare- 1 well sermon in New Kngland church <tm I SuuAiy. taking for hi text, " Who is j uiy neighbor ' " Hu giive a powgrfu) discourse. Mr. Cawljy Itavea th s Tues- day fur .Siuikittoou, where he will vi-ic liia inotlier and two sisters, ufter which, at :he beiiinuiag of next term, lie will enter on hio studies again Our text wishes for lu>i future success so with him. Rev Geo. Honey is expected to be on the circuit next Sabbath. Our Sunday school picnic was held on the church gruuud.s on Thursday aftor- noon and evening wat a decided success, both financially and snuially. In the afternoon a friendly gmie of lrn.seu.ill was played between Vandeleur and the rTo'ne team, iv-ultms; in :i victoiy fur the visitors, who thus won the Hvu dollnr prize itiven by the school. Vandeleur lias i strong, ex pei ienced team, but our boy, who are only beginner*, a-id know they dmi't nearly cooie up to the mark, enjoy these games for the sucinl practice. Tea was served, after which a. lengthy pr ^ram waa <{iv, n by the children . The proceeds amounted tn alxiut 9>>~>. Mr. and Jlrs. John Wiley of Maxwell renewed old ac (iiuiutances here the pa>t week, attending the picnic on Tnursdy. We aie always I-UJ to welcome our old friends back among us. Mr. Wiley, be- fore moving i > M..\w.-ll. was for many years our worthy "suiuUy school sec. Mrs. Charles Murwood of Meaford i- viniting old friends here, the i:ue-t of her sou, Krnest. and his wife. Miss Ida Thompson of RMHKMial wa.s a visitor among ut for a few days the past week. Mis*r* Kllie Wiley and Nettie Mo- Arthur visited with friend* in Toronto. The latter'* sister, Klla, who has bee^i attending Normul School thuiv. returned home with them for the holidays. \\eaie torry to rirptu't Mrs. .1 icol, Louuheed in rather poor health. Masters Ail ert mid Fiank Bwes of Strathnairn are viiitnm their gnuHUather, Mr. I'.irch. Will Liiwsim left fur the West lst week, ' wlicri- ho will ririnain for some time. Mr Markle. whn w:is te:ichins; si.li ( 1 heru, was suddenly t.iki-n serioi'.sly ill about lour weeks agi>. and was taken to Toronto hospital, where lie undo went i critical uperatioii. Ho was ;i cnlli>r here lat week, much improved in licalllt, >'. in : ititlier \v,'.-.k condition. Mi- l!ur- rt-1 of Slisj.. w i sm-iir. J to lake clmrii: ' o: tile n-ho i', which closed mi KiiJay to.' suiiniK'r vwitimi. Mr. iiiul Mr--. \Vm. Wiley, Si., 'iid Mesirs. S.imuol :iud Uii'-orr \YiVy are nt Mi\well Ht'i-ndin-j; tiie funeril nf their cousin, Mr. \\VlK-r. who pas<fil iwy mi Finl. y, :ifii'r .1 lit'v; iin^ j^iess. Much sMiip.uhy U cxtrii K- i to the S-HIOIUMU fiioiJ'-. c-in'i'iilly t i lii" l'iv:iv,-.l v\if" and son, whn are \'i to innuin the 1 nf i kind hmli.itiil ,111 1 f.i:!i.-r. Mis- Wliiliir \\ llii i'f 'I'.'l"liti' 's .-j i> n'- iii a uiiiir.li *illi Mr. and Mi*. Will . BURT -peti.li.i in J... ... , of ik i Eye, Ear, Nose and Thj oat !Offic-I30l(Hfc rt.W,t, Owen Sound At the Revere house. Markdale, 2nd i Thursday each monrh from 8 to a 12a.m i Duml-ilk.lst VVetiatMdiiy of each mouth . Jewelry Fleshcrton Planing " And Chopping Mills I ani now prepared to do chopping every day hi the week except Sundays and every week m the year. Bring along your grists. Our sash and door factory is alwitys at your disposal for anything you want in our line pinning, matching, etc. Floor in, sash and doors, and all house fur- nishings supplied promptly ind at reas- onable ra'es, (Jet estimates. T. Blakele -, Prop. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler Febl.i iy FLESHERTON, ONT PLACE YOUft ORDER FOR STRAWBERRIES . AND CHERRIES AT ONCE Witli the Flesherton Grocery. W. BUSKIN, Flesherton. L ***** ig a ll-irold Hiitehinscii ^pe:K the |':.-t 'wo weeks ;i moinber "f 'I'lie Soldier Hoy* at N^ i-^iira c.inip. A n inn her t'roin he:e at ten ie>l ill u >"'- ilen p.i'ty it l',-ni| If Hill en M.m i.iv FAIR EXCHANGE IS NO ROBBERY. K Bring your Eggs and trade them for a pair of boots. In men's boots we have them in ligrht and heavy, suitable for the spring trade Ladies wear patent,gun met- tal and tan,eifcher lace or but- ton. also a nice assortment in pump, colonials and strap shoes. Custom work and repairing as usual. Thos Clayton. - . ' : ni ili ^'y . .llllS 'if \ 11 - . Married Mu-iieil -\Vninl-SiiiiK Hi -Al Klesher- luli, on Tiies'liy. June '2'.'. Hurry \Vm d In Mi - Annie S ; 'insmi. li ! -MI M i '"iilfiy -Iiy Rev, .1 A. M.t! lii'wsi -ii.n.D., t the resilience of tho li:-i 1. '.s nidtlier, I'lieevilU', .luu. 1 lit, Jos- e;i!i *-'. II ui'isi'ii. tciKuniii \V. M. . llii.i.l- !' -c h U \ !i-.- K'-i.-Jemx' . i' Mi. \\ i ii:un \Vil' : . - -. nh Line. \ -:ni-.ii. !'\ K.M.J. A. JFnthev,-^ in, on ; June.' IV, t'!i itU-.j H'.i. ; iiy : i,. I,. -null in i.if ll-istin^s ' O!- 1 i '['. . \Vi,: cluii. u \. I.IM . ;;. i ' '-,-'. - ... .-i-Ki M ' . . nie.m. 1 -:!. Markdale It.i-ty Nnli'e, \\lin niulerweu: an i't_ei- i!-.. u : i ippeMiioin.'.is m.kkinu favn-.'iUt pro^rc---: ti>*.inl-i u- en very mul i-< expect-, ed homo t'i.i;n the ' >wvn Sound hv-i soon. In il o 'eruli'e miae nisastor .1' llill- crest, Allitrl.-i. last week, when nearly Ijlll mill 'is wen- entn nl'i il, .Mr. ^ ill C ili.ininre, I r.. i her i if .Mr. Thn-i. Cal a- mure, nf M'irkd lie. wii.uie nf tile vic- ti:i,s lie \v;i-- .-iliniit )" \'e irs ,i| ' :i^e. While nut uiAiui; .-IK- eM'nirt^ '.-is week V:-s. .1. V!. Marsh ami Mrs. .1. A. Mi 1 \i-llmr h.nl a iMirmv ,MM;-C' t'rntn sorioils injury. Tl...'ye:e turning ! cm-nei \\ ' tnoliiU' o.nno in s '_Jll .-in i !.il) the linr-e turne i , the road, u| ;! ]ii: L -!.- i..-;inr, M; mi ;i p- in UK tlio l.tdio- wore injii-i d and i/ . You'll Want to . Look Right , . SOME ot these evening^ you'll want to louk " jn-t ri^lit . " ;t:i'l \ :i ki! -\v as well as \VIM!O, tlwt tliyi'o's nuihi'.iL: liki 1 a well .;;.i!u;vd or lil ick <or^( 1 sui' . ri^hr . always!* T!i" |n^]i!M- c-npt'i- always! 1 :;-. rjko jcurin'.'.i-uiv I', r i fill XVnt'i ki^l ih-u \vn;i! tj^i'\ b* L I 1 , -i . fc S.J.,BOWLER Sou o KobbcHin Tailoring.

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