Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Jul 1914, p. 1

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. J).. . >. - f QUtoonce. * -TRUTH BEFORE FAVOB." - PRJJSCJPLEb NOT MEN.' YOl 34 No. 3 Fleaherton, Ont., Thursday July \& , 1914 W. H. THDRSTON I Results Of Entrance Exam. Following is the list of successful candidates in the recent Kntrance exam- inations in the Inspectorate of KistGrey. Mr. Holland of the Flesherton public school, out uf fourteen ot his pupil who wrote h ere thireen pissed. Miss Wilson of the Red Sch <! passed three out of four that tricJ. FLESHEKTON Emily E Acheson, May Achcson, Eli- jah Bentham, Reuben Cargo, Alary Col- gan, Ruby Caswell, Mini Heard, Ellen A Hill, Almeda LeGait), Lilly Lever, Wes'ey Latinirr, Rolwrt Morton, Akda Mitchell, Bessie McVicar (honors), Shir- ley Hurray (honors), Delbert Patton, Chrence Orr, R ,y Rutledgc, Amanda Stewart, James Stewart, \Voi. Taylor, Frank Thurst' n, Margaret Whittaker, V. Watson, Albert Wilkinson. FEVERSHAM Lily Arnott, Clement Bellamy, Rod- eric D. Campbell, W Harold Culleton, Pearl Field, Ethel Knuif, Lillian L iwler, Tresfa McCutcheon, Foy McCutcheon, Ruisell Moore, Florrie Norman, O.'ara Short, A'rce Winters. PR1CEV1LLK Alberta Aldcorn, Bobbie Dingwall, Emma B Dingwall, Archie McKechnie, Eftie McMillan, Willis Patterson, Walter Williamson, Ralph W Williamson, Archie Wbyte. THORN BURY Delia Agnew, Mary Agnew, George Boon, Rosetta Croskill,Mary Ellen Dins- more, Aluia Ferguson, Mario Ferguson, Clara Gekill Hon.," Elsie Heelip, "Hon.," Irene Heilip, Roat Hvslip,Fern Hu^chiDxon, Willard Johnson, Graham Johnson, Wesley Jiniee, Florence M Jaliiin, Francis E Julian, Lewis G Ken- ncy, Sarah Ken, Benjamin Lee, Evelyn Luugheed, O.ive Lougheed, Harvey Mc- ',' m lie, Henry Pearen, Ida Rice, Cecil Wallace "Honours, ' Robert White. KIMBERLET Pearl Allen, Tryphen* Bioadner, CM- ord Brocklebank, Juy Conklin, Laura Cornfield, "honours,'' Mable Cornfield, 'Hilliard Erskine, Marie Ferguson, Vera Quodfellow, Sadie Hall, Reaa McNtvan, Gordon Risk, Minnie A Smart, Gertrude TteL MEAFORD MCI Adams, G.ace A.li n-. Wilma Adamx, Clara Almond, Mary Almond, Gordon Armstrong, Cec.l BoyJ, Leslie Boyd, George Boyes, Margaret Britton, Ruby Pearl Hrown Honours, Bessie Bumstuad, Gertrude Ci^len, Georgie Ciark, Shirley Cooler, Biyan Cramp, Kdward Cramp, John Cramp, Florence Croskill, Allice Douglas, Krirest Green- fielJ, ! .ink Harding, John Hudson, Lydia Irwin, Edith Jolley, Jennie Keen- an,Maiy M. Kennedy, Edward Langtree, Aleda Mathews, Doiiella McCleau Coia E. Olmstead, Abna Patton, Herrnoti Pe'.ch David Pitts, Myrtle Scotr, Dorothy slunii'in Honours, Lina Sim-lils. Roy Shields, .M, M ill Sinclair, Alonzo Smith, George Sparling, Maijnrie Spears, Annie Ta'linan, Flossie Theakstcn, (Seoigo Varey William Ward. DUNDALK Sophrjiiia Armstrong, Edna Beamish, Rose Bulger, Allan R C.iinphell, Gordon Duncan, John Graser, Martha G tinlile, Malcolm Gaib.r, Karl Ludlow, Willie McDonald, Jack McDurT, Fl'ira McPhail, Kingsley Moii'goiiiury, Mary M Russell, Robert Stcwait, George Stocks, Cecil Thoinpsnn, Percy Wade, George Wilson, Margaret Woods, Mary Wyvil), Amy Yourex (H). DROMORE- Thelnn Brown, Eliza- beth Diimmie Hugh Findlay, Wilfred Hopkins, Annie Knox.Currie McArthur, Annie McCannel, Mary McCannel, Term McCannel, Annie Marshall, Elda Parlow, Charlotto Porter, Wilfred Renwick, Eldon lUmciman. MARKDALE Ellwood Black.Charle.^ Bridge, Joe Connor, Edna Gibson, Cecil Henry, Harold Holmes, Lome Living stone, Geraldine MaUon, Mary Merce^ Donald Mtirdock, Oscar Waldeu Durham . Principal Allan iias beon offered tie principalship of Madoc Model school Ht a salary of }1,800 a year. We un<lnrslr d ' he has not yet cccopted the positii u. Mr. J. C. I'.iniin has sold his moving 'picture show to S'r. Geo. Willoughby, of XHtawa, formerly from Brant, near Elm- Vood. Willowuhby took charge on Mon 4a lst.- Chronicle. Vandeleur Happenings The Women's Institute picnicked at Eugenia a short time ago. The Vandeleur base ball team played a game with Hollaed Centre team on July 1st, resulting in a score of K-10 in favor of the Vandeleur hoys. Rev. W. L. Cullis of Laurel paid a flying visit to friends here a short time ago. Mrs. Harcourt Ready of St. Mary's is visiting her parents, Mr. and Bin. J. M. Davis. The Misses McKeuzie of Winnipeg are the guests of their uncle, Mr. Geo. Pritchard. l.iiui 1 - Cochrane of Colborne is visit- ing at Mr. and Mis. J. M. Davis. Juhn Term. in! of Owen Sound, C.O.F. organizer, spent a few days last week in this neighborhood, aud secured a uuiuber of new members for Court Vandeleur. Mrs. and Miss McMaster are visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wright. Wai. Hurchinaon visited friends at Markdiils from Satutd.iy till Monday. Mr. and Mis. E. Baker visited fnenda io Collingwood recently. Ceylon Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sargent of Owen Sound, and Mrs. Will Sargenf, Port Dover, (pent Saturday at E. S.u^eiu". Miss Jean Ho!mss, Owen Sound, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mis. T. Chislett. Mr. i' >ilui- >:i spent * K* days with Durham friends. Mr. S. Raud and family are spending a fortnight with friends at Toronto and other points. A. and D. McGill, West Totonto,spent a couple of days last week en business here. J. Kennedy took in the celebration at Shelturne ou Monday. Nt->v t r,,|lmv, ,n and Lilly Mcl'hail, who. epent a week with Owen Sound friendr, returned home t'tidy. Willie Pattison bat returneJ horn* from a two week*' \is;t with Waldemar friends. Mr. Kiuuey and wife are guests at Cap. McLachlan'a. Mr. Kiuuey is re- lieving Mr. Hand. Mrs. Muir returned Saturday front visitiug Hanover frieudt. Mrs. Tucker of Paisley, who has bten visiting her friend, Mrs. Cook, left on Monday tn \rnit Priceville and Dromore friends. Her ton, Robert, accompanied her. A C. P. R. detective was in t iwn on Sunday looking after trespassers on rail- way propeny. Henceforth no one will be allowed to walk on the railway truck . Mr. and Mrs. Archie Stewart gave- a birthday party Monday afternoon in honor af their litt'u daughter, Doris, 01 year old, when about twenty little folks were entertained and a very pleasunt tiiru spent. May be The New Speaker. It is mid tl:at Dr. Jamu'son, of South Grey, may be select', d ;is Speaker of ll Legis ature, tn succeed Mr. lloyle. If so tl e choiC j will, probably, be entirely approved by all the member?, unless per- haps one or t*<> wh<i nmy secretly fancy that the post shou'd hive been theirs. Dr. Janiie.ion, although . comparative- ly young man, is one of the oldest mem- bers ff the Lei;islature, well versed in rules of procedure and by tempjr and natural altitudes seems >\\\ litied to pre- side ovtr tho deliberations nf the House wiih a dignity, fairness, and raet that, if we may ay so, has not iilways been exercised. Although long a member of the Legis- lature, Dr. Jamiesoii has never been cou- spicous in debates, H.S he has always been disposed to hold back where ollmrs de- sired to rush in. But ho speaks well, is an active worker on committees, and is said to stand high in the good opinion of the Premier and the Cabinet. Ho has, in fact been mentioned more than once as prolable Cabinet Uniterm'. Farm For Sale Lot 17 18, first range N. D. U., (>*- I prey UK) acres, 90 cleared, buhnce I anl- I wo' d bush. (iod buildings, brick hous-*, I small orchard. VVill he suld on easy ; terms. A baigjiin. Who will pick it I up .' Kd. Hilluck, Prop , Proton station, R. R. No. '-'. 1 July If. Kimberley Budget There wa a beautiful rain on Monday last, which was very badly needed in this part. Mrs. George McCartney of Meaford and Mrs. Thomas Neely of Beaver dale visited at Mrs. T. J. Reid'* recently. James R. Fawcett is visiting friends in Collrogwood. Juhn Buchanan of Flesherton is re- newing old acquaintance in our burg. Mrs. 1 1. Haskett of Markdale, and aunt, Mrs. Washington of Milwaukee, visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Myles of Springltrook Farm recently. Miss Viola Lewis is visiting a few weeks with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, Rob Roy. Wilfred Scott of Dundalk visited the week wiih friei.ds in this vicinity. a number attended the Orange celebiatiou at Markdale on Saturday ami all report a good time. Our baseball team journeyed over to Eugenia on Saturday, July 4, and played a foui-inning game with that towrr's ti ,1111. resulting in a victory for our boys, the score being ri-4. Miss E. Arlidge of Meaford is visiting ith her friend, Maude Plewe*. Mr. and Mrt. A. Neely of Toronto are visiting with the latter 1 * parents, M. and Mrs. E Gilbert of the Fourth Line north. Mr. and Mrs. Xi'inul Bishop of Bal- aclava visited recently *ilb Mr. and M..-. George MuConnell. Mr. Bishop as very deeply impressed with the beautiful scenery of the tar-famed Beaver valley. Miss Alma Camack of Toronto is visit- ing at her parental home. Mr. Joseph Weber of Flesherton w*s a c ill.-r in town one day la:t week. The next meeting of the Women's In- stitute will be held at the home of Mrs Ben Carruthers on Thursday, July :iO. All the members ate requested to be on hand. Mrs. Riddtll uf Bolivar, Pa., is viait- ing with her brother, M. K. Hammond. Aggie says of all the fruit )iu prefers the clu-rry. The Horse Was Killed A Williamsford young man is now nut the price of one good, serviceable horse, hiuh was killed as the result uf an esca- pade U-t Saturday night or early Sunday morning, mil killed in a manner nioie over which dots not seeru to be very plain. The mau in igueition came into Desboro on Saturday evening anil traiu- acted sume business, after which he wei t and hit up the stuff that gets % collar < n it when it in run out into g'asses. He took in ignite a conciderable number of decorations and when be started ott for home he was not just exactly sure In what precise direction the road ran. He was found some time later in ' farmer's lane, without ihe horse, mid in fact he was not sure when hu had seen the horse Ust, on'y he had a ilim idea that someone had come and taken the horse and rig from him and had driven away with i'. The horse was fouud tl e next morning in Desboro, with a shift hi lo punched in its side. Did someone t iku the Imrsa and iliive it to itstle.<ih and if not th n what did happen to it? These are questions the owner of tho horse has been puzzling over. One thing he is sure of is he is out over ons hun- dred dollars' worth of cnyusc. - Time?. Heath cote Held Over Last Week J. W. Lench of Meaford visited with friends in Heathco'e the early part of the week. We are sorry to report the illness of Mr. John Milne, but hope for his speedy recovery, Miss Kathleen Ueid, formerly of Heathcote, who has been attend!) g school in I'hornbury, has re'urui'd to ht r home in Hamilton. Miss Ijeivvls Orr, luiitor room sclu < 1 teacher, hns returned to her homo in Clinton for her summer v.icntion. Mr. mid Vn. KoVrt Reid of Rocklyn visited with their daugh'er, Mr>. Harold Vickers, mi Sunday. A number from here attended the or- dination services at St. Gage's church, Clarksburg. PricevilleJottings The showers of rain will help the growing crops and pastures, which wer very dry.; The Methodist garden party held on the evening of July 7 was a success, financially and socially. After tea was served a tine program was commenced on the nice lawn between church and parsonage, but a light sprinkle of rain interfered and the audienc; went into the church, which was filled to overflow- ing. The Fleaherton baud was nuite an attraction and rendered a few fine pieces on the lawn at the commencement, but were unable to take part while inside the church. However, when the people came out again on the Uwii the band wa< ipjitH generous with their music, anJ al- though the hour was very late, a large portion of the crowd lingered listening to the music. The proceeds amounted to J9-J.OO. Contractor Jones of O#en Sound hi s completed ihe cement walls of the lii-jie sheds at the Presbyterian church. Contractor \VVbjr of Kiiuberley h s about finished the excavations for tl * Kincardine street bridge and will Mure putting in the cement abutments this wets'* 1 . N. E. McKinnou, who has been for the past season a medic il student at Toronto univerai'y, came home for his vaca'i n and benan working <n the C. P. R. bridge, but ctught cold and has been laid up for several weeks with pneumonia, but we are glad to say he is improving now. Mrs. D. W. McLean nas gone out to visit her sons in the praiiie West. We hope to hear of her having a very plea- ant time. Mrs. (Rev.) J. A. Mutheson ha re- turned from a three month* visit with tneml- in Alberta and on the Pacific coast. Rev. J. A and Mrs. Leece are away on their holidays at present. R. J. Watson of Toronto, general agent of Albert Kinancial Brokers, Ltd., was up in thii vicinity lately. He is now doing quite a bus'ness in London and vicinity. . BURX in J....I., of Ihe Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office.- 13010th *t. West, Owen Sound At the Revere house, Markdule, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a.m Dundilk.lst Wednesday of each month.. . Jewelry I Flesherton Planing 'And Chopping Mills I am now prepared to do chopping every day in the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Bring along your grists. Our sash and door factory is always at your disposal for any thing you want in nurline planing, matching, etc. Floor ini!, saah and doors, and ul! house fur- nishings supplied promptly and at leas- omib!e rales, (Jet eHiiinitlei. T. Blakele -, Prop. Fcuir> l.'l ly A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT Victoria Corners Mi-s.McCIure and two children of Tor- ni'o are visiting lu-r biother, Mr. Geo. LudloW, and > s!cr, Mr?. A. Stinson. Miss Re?>yl Renme of Drmnore is visit- ing a'; Mr. Ja?. Best's. Goo.Bjnnoii of Owen Sound is visiting his brother, Thus. Bann<;n. Foil iwmu their big celebration at Markdale on Siturd'iy, the Orangemen if Proton and Nichnlls' l<idgei held their annual servio at. luistogue on Sur.day which was nbly addressed r>y Rev. Jon- I. Last Monday, July li, bein nn ideal night fur a puden party, Inistogue re- ports a gnat mcccfs. The hall game bf- twoen Dundalk mid Proton boys wna IK to 4 in fvor of Dundnlk. The jirc- c:eds for tha uiuht woro SI 12. Mr. Win. Heard received lust Sat unlay morning the sad news of the death of his uncle, Win., in Kvppiil, and left immed- iately for i hero. Thirsty Shelburne Several in town havn bml the pleasun 1\ of paying 8-0 and costs durir.g the past' week for being drunk in a local optii n municipality. They didn't wait for their | cases to sjo to Uil. Otheis, u under- stand, propose to tiiht the n alter out in I ciiurt Kiidiy afternoon, when License) Inspector Robinson, Crown Attorney I<lnrl, and a large number of interested spectators will likely be present. Mrs. Jas. Finliy.-oi', of Ayr, who has! been visiting n f Mr. Ja*. Catsie's, Main street wust, met with an accident Friday, morning l;t. In descending the cellur | stairs at Mr. Cassie's she made a mis-step | and fell to the cement floor, break ii g both bones of he. 1 light arm above tho wrist itnd -severely Bulling her head. - Mrs" Salina Beula'i South, a griind- at'Xhter of Lamu Secortl, the Niagara I Frontier heroine, died lit Oratigeville last week, a*ed eighty-live y ars. Mrs. S 'Uth had a uniipie character, and bore ,i sti iking resemblance to her celebrated grandmother. She 1. a 1 a most retentive memory and a rich store of reminiscences of the early days of Ontario. 1000 Bushels of Oats, 200 Bushels of Seed Fall WHEAT At the Flesherton Grocery, W. BUSKIN 1 HOT WEATHER SHOES As I have some lines of summer shoes to clear out at reduced prices. Women's Patent pumps and Patent and dm metal -Colonial w.th buckle on- Women's U.mgula Oxfo:ds with .! and t eyelets, sizes:!, 4 .V 4\. > Clearing at *!.'). '- A lot of children's low ' o.-s and pump, clearing at 80 cts. a pair. If in need of a good trunk or suit case, we have a i.ice issortinent on band. Thos Clayton. You'll Want to Look Right SOME ot these evenings you'll w?mt to look "just n^ht," and you know as well ,-us we do, that there's nothing like a well-tailored blue or black serge suit. They're right at night. The proper caper always ! Let ns take your measure for a Hol>berlin-nia<le. all wool serge. The kind that wont fade, or get rusty. To-<lay is the flay to order. $20.00. S.J. BOWLER Sole Agent for the Hobberlin Tailoring.

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