Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Jul 1914, p. 4

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July 16 1014 THE F L E S H E R f N ADVANCE TH K. / Icelterton A* indeiwmlent nWH|MiM?r, imhliahed every mraday t th 1 * <>tfic, Collinawoud Stow*, ,','Mhertan. Siilxtcription price fl pr *^nm, lien pid in .i.K uu ;.*!.". i wlitrn not m V** '. IvrrUKtiiir rali-" on application. CircuUMcn 1,100 weekly. W H. Thurston- Keillor To the Elector* of Centre Grey Fall Fair Dates Flesherton Methodist hur ch Rev. James Dudgeon, prater. h ., July 5, 1014: Sunday. 10 . in. Clasi Meeting. Sunday Services 11 a. in. and 7 \>. m. I'-t..r will preach f IKXII services. Monday evening Epwortli League lit 8 p. in Thursday evening Prayer Meeting. To the Kd.tjr Permit me throuh \ A Iwt of tha d-ui ha* b-en p-pied your paper to thank the electors of I , b y the Provincial Department of Aricu\- Centre Grey, who Hupported die pnnci- j ur ". Rllti include.* those in ihia dibtrict pies for which I Mood l.y working and i whicl i re as follow* : j voting in the recent contest. The >iue- j FLESHKKTON ... . Sept. 25*. :'.0 tioiiH were t jo biit to IH- fully undnstiiod j Allmton Oct. I, 2 in the short notice upon which theelec- Barrio Sept. 21-215 t inn was sprung. j Heetnn O.-t . 5 ft I am not insensible of the fact that Bradford Sept. 23 -25 mnny Liberals feared that abolishing the j ^'Urksburg Sept 22, 2:t I'ar, snd other rcstiictioDs to lessen the Collingwo -d Sept. 23-20 evili i,f interuperanca, might interfere ' Cookstown Sept. 2ft. HO, Oc'. 1 wi K tluir liberties, nnd accordingly vot- Baptist Church a. C. Kerr, Hntor. ed fur the Conservative candidate. Great moral itsues for (he lift snd financial benefit of tlie avrtge man are not popular when first introduced, and hUtory shows trmt the task of proposing j such reforms usually falls to Lilier 1 Dundslk Oct. 8, 9 Elav*le Oct. 5-7 Markdale Oct. lit, 14 Meulord Oct. 1, 2 ! Nenmiket Oct. 8 Orilliii Sept. 17-10 i Oro Sept. 15 Owen Sound Oct. 7-9 Rocklyn Oct ft, 7 Shclburne Sept. 2, :W Sunday School 1C a Service at 11 .t m. Artemesia Council lenders. In conclusion let me especially chank < lie misters and- other splendid men Toron't'o (Caaadian Nation.l).~Au B u* who mtjMMjr and unselfishly explained tem ( )er ji> the questioiiH on the various platforms thr< null. iut the Riling. I also sincerely i hank my faithful friends. bih tenser- ! M ART Cw A Ct P Q A I F vatives and Liberals who supported n,e, WIUI V U A U C 3 A L C n.'i whose kind sympathy and apprectn* tion of my efforts pi tees me under a debt Valuable Freehold Property of gra'ituie to them. Yours truly, Geo. G. Albery. \ Arteraesis Council oiet on Monday, {July i. U members prevent, the Heave MI the chair. The minutes of laol meet- log wsre read and confirmed. Communi- cations, etc., were received from : The Children's Aid Society, asking for grant ; Proton Council, stating that they had made a grant of $75 tu t-.wnline provided Wt. mi-Mi provide * similar amount ; SUndard Bnk. Hi.vement of credits nt June 20 ; report of A. Csineton >e cud- ing, Knowing expenditure of $22 ; acct. Contract Record for advert iking, $<>.40 ; H. Foenter, blacksmith woik. $4 80 ; F. <}. Karctedt, hammer, $1.2O ; S. Hi-nip hill, wire, 17.30 ; A. I>. McLeod, work, lumlttr and nails, $4 WI. Alfred T. Diml ni c'liimed $2>, ami Thomas Atkin- wn $(' 5<>, for hheeji killed \y dogs. Aldcorn Graham That* A. C.imer- oo' retort on gradin/ be reci\od and he be paid'ttie xum of f-2 fortune ..vi-i.ee- ing work Carried. C*oeron Aldcorn- That the Keeve, M-H-H. (irahini and Ilmwii be a com- mittee to proceed i'h work <>n lltt) side- road between ron. 1 mid 2, T. S. It Cwr>*d tirham Brown Tint the by 'aw yra- ting f>c PIT yard for -gravel be re- scinded and thai a new bylaw Iv paused tgranting ten Cents p<?r yard, and where pnth matters are permitted t" use cruslieJ stone they be sllowed U-n cents per l"ad also Carrit'il. Itrown Aldcorn- That the account ol li. Kocbter for repairs to grader and 4)olt-, be paid Ci.rried. Brown Aldcn.iu -- Tint the Kee\oanil <' inui --I.M.I i i iiiii-iiiii be a committee to meet a i-niiuiiiitee appointed by 1 ii- lowntine work, with power to takt .Mich mil in us they may dtfiu expedient -- 'Jarried. Grshsm Brown That the claim ol \. Dunlop for sheep killed by dou, tw< 'hirdH, knoUDtiO| to fl.'! ;!4, vouched for rt>y the inspector, !.< paid (.UrrieJ. Cameron -- Aldcorn That the follow mg'Coniii ulfd statute labor of l''l : be (ml lo the several pslUllDMttll (ieo. Jiexl $4, \V. McMullon $4, Win. Cargo <4. \V. U. IlopkiiiH :."(), Them. Oerioe 47. ">0- Carried Hiown Cameron That the following. '.. paid for gravel : 'Lew Kisher 50 loads $">.IK Albeit Thompson 7'1 loads 7.IM (ii-orge White 6.'! load* ii IH -lohri McMillan I'M! !.,.!, I" 1,1 Archy Conki-y 'M loads IS. fit < . \i \l . loi.li Joseph Watnoii ~>'2 loads ft. 2! H. IVtrrnon 5! loads 5.JK) -I ,11. - iilun |.. loads I '.'i K. Akitl 22 I. .nl- 2.20, .lohn Teeter 108 loads 10.20 .l..-rpli (lliver I ',.. i 1 4D JiuiieM Hill 108 load' 10.WI James Oliver 42 loads 4.20 Graham- A Idcori. - That (he lull of S. Kind for ,.\]u . and freipht be paid, ainnunliiix to $11.1)11. Carried. I'un.'iMii Aldcoi-u-- That the iiccount of Contract Record, $0.40, for adveriis- jnu for U-n-lerH for I'ncevillti Lridge, U- (jiiid Carried. I'nnavron Aldcorn That the uccount of F. ' Karstedt fur !,! ;. liammer, I. SO, be pid- Carried. Brown--'i-almm That the account of S. Heraphill, $7.1*0. for 27-"> pounds of wire for -I. Ad.imrT funce, be paid (Carried. <;rarinm- -Cameron That the bill of 11. (!. Noble. ">.'. f.ir shaiponina gruder hlade, ln> H. tiraham $1.3 for hlf day moving grader, he piid Carried. Aldcorn Brown That A. D. McLeod I... p ; d (4 for work on f"ot bridge ncrnss ln- rivornt PiiceviMe Carried. C n. i il adjourned. Toronto Line North Haying has commenced. A number from here spent the glorious twelfth celebration m Markdn'e un Sat- Toder the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage, which will be pro- duci-d at the time of Hale, there will be sold by public auction at the Dominion Hotel, Collingwooii QJJ Wed, July 29th, 1914 At the houi of 2 p. n'., by G. T. Foulif, An.:' M T, the fitrm Jescrined as the urday, and report a very enj.-yable tin e. j wes , ni |f o f r j0t Number Eight. Conces- Tlie cio*d*wa very 1 ir^e and the weatb- ' sinn Thirteen. Township of <>j|,rey, in er proved rine. the County of Grey . u .. , .... t)n the s:iid lai.d i erected ;i comfort- MU.S Martin , f Red Win* ,, vis.tirg ^ dw ,,, 1|llt |lf , UM Hnd . fr(|||le ,. irll . at Mr. Thos. Lever's. Termg of ^^ . ^ ^ C(j|i , , >f , he Miss Annie Richardson has gone to j purchiwe money on the day i.f sale and visit friends at Dyer's Hay, after an ex- the remainder within thirty dayi there- tended visit at I.er brother Hob's here. " f p[ )r further particulllrs Mr. nd Mrs Herb Cunningham and vendor's solicitor, a j dreS8 VV. T. ALLAN', OulllBgwood, Dat-d July 2nd, 1I4. I tile sou .lack .-ind daunlr.i-r Dorothy, of i I'almersion, spent a few days with Mrs. Cunningham's sifters, M J. A. Ldvir id Mrs. Fred Mxthewaon. T.ie Presbyterian Suud.-iy Schnnl held a very successful picnic on \VeJn,sday cf , it t week in Mr. J. A. Lever's Im-li. C,>ngratuUtions to M .- Clara Lever, who ws successful in puss ng her ex- s into Form 2, li. S., als<> to Lillian Lever who met v> uh -n, ,- s -Between in her recent Kntmnce ExMiiii.ati.m*. M( , XTRKAL . TOK OST - DKTROIT- Councillor Brown i- very buy tluse CHICAGO, Vi.-t Canmlmn Pacific and days lonkin<> aftrtr r,,ad-j,>b.s li NEW ANADIAN PACIFIC LIMITED THE CANADIAN" TRAINS Mis, Carrie M,Uow. kl , of Ki,,,si-,,.e vi.iled her fiiend here rt'c-ently. Mn hi', in Central HailroaOs. i ANTIC L, ,, 81KKLTI llh>* between Windit-ir ami !>" tl ,,j t . I, ett vinK Mmitrenl S.4.". u. m.: Toront- li lop. in., nrrhiiiK DetP'it l-.^i a.m., ann Chifaifo 7.4r> u. in. daily Iv|i'ally g<*l -vt- vii:t leturniiiK. TlirmiKh KK-etric K<|iiipitu-nt Caught Big Fish TORONTO WINNIPEG VANCOUVER The work cf draining the river at Port _ T ,, riint ,,.v. IlniUv .. r Severn for the COfMttUOtiaO of locks in Ti>n>iit "'..Vi p. in.dailv pn- N.I. 3 N'ftiu-.niver T connection with the Trent Valley C-ii'i', ji^Viriii KXIM"'* N,. tint has been going on f. r some weeks ,-, >.t Sunday in.'m |>. bac'i, has rexealed nmny .'i.cui- things JVK 1 " , a V, - " Mid'snirai at Torontn nnd discoveries have lu'en m.'ulc at ditl'er- ."i.l.'i p. ni. daily rvfrptTiifiwluy. ent points along tliu livti- bed. Some I'jrtu-uUn from Canadian 1'acirlo Aucnt or werks ago a coffer dm ws built IKTOSS wr " M. (i. Mt'HPHV, . , . D.I'. A, C.P.Ky., Toronto, the mouth of the river to hold hack the .,'. i of the bay, and up the river about ' n mile s similar .structure was placed to' m f 'hrnw the water into another channel. (JUT C I U DD1 fl 2T LlSt I 'p ,11 completion of this work the wnlei in that section of die riier between in , .ini.in_- \\ iniii|-(.' T!\H following prices nro for strictly pai.l in iidvance subscriptions only. We two dams w.i puinped out and the bed | mve no accounts with other papers. ..* I Otl of the liver laid bare. Aiming the many t: -li ihut were thus rntrappe.1 Ilia wr!<- ' men found in oire of the imls a slui- Kuon wei^hinu upwards of two hundred pounds, which furnished a nit-al for the workmen in mmp. That portion of the river th it In* been already drained presents a -Mm. nppi'arance at present, | but wiihin a few aintithH a modern canal , lock with well ttriided appi'nclie> will chauve till Unit . Klenherton Advance Youth* Companion 'J 'X 1 Toronto World, daily H 01 Toronto Daily News 1 .~>0 Weekly Globe !K> Mull-Empire . ... 7"> Fmnily Herald & Star Toronto Star 1 '">0 Farmer Sun '-H> Farmers Advocta 1 - r >0 Weekly Wit.ies* !X> SHtin-day Nitfbt. .'t '") Hume Jouri'-l '"' t'ouliry Heview 40 Hod and (!un magazine ''0 Have You Ever Worn A Semi-Ready Suit? If you haven't, freeze on to one AT ONCE and Iw with the Well Dressed people. Purchase Now These Beautiful Well Tailored Suits which range in price from $18 to $40 C. BLAKELEY Sole Agent for the Semi-Ready Clothing Standard Bank Block, FKsbtrfcn R H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. GLEARIfIG PRICES >CON^C Women's and Child rcns' Summer Footwear. SEE OUR WINDOW DIS- PLAY THIS WEEK. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS " SPECIAL Announcement To the Ladies of Flesherton And Surrounding Country. Summer is arriving in all the splendor and glory .of her new robes. "With her comes the usual round of summer pleasures picnics, garden parties, mot- oring, driving, fishing, camping, etc. All the ladies must be attired in suitable garb to d:> her honor, and so we have anticipated your wants and put in a new stock of Summer .Millinery, Dress Goods, etc. WehaveHatsforalloccasions beautiful Lace Dress Hats, pretty Dres- den and plain white Outing Hats, also hats and scarfs for motoring and driv- ing The prices will suit all pockets $1 and upwards. We hftva not forgotten the little ones, either, but have pretty hats and bon- nets of all kinds for them. Before purchasing elsewhere come and see our collection. Whether you buy or not you will be cheerfully waited upon. The Men alse have been remembered and we are prepared to show them all the latest styles in shape ami color of the season's hats. What we have not is not worth getting. We will be ready by the end of the week to fill all your fresh Fruit and Garden orders, all at the lowest prices. Orders taken for Hanging Baskets, etc. Ripe Tomatoes, Green Onions, Lertuce, Celery, Pines, Tomato Plants, Asters, Foliage, Geraniums. FLOUR AND FEED Five Roses, Purity, Body Builder ; Bran, Shorts and Chop. Highest Prices Paid for Produce W. L WRIGHT. GENERAL MERCHANT Flesherton H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. ALSO A line of Ready-Made Clothing Which we put alterations in free of jharife, if required. Isep FOR A 3 DAYS' FREE TRIA L Of the 1900 Apply to Gravity Washer S. Hemphill, X KALL TKRM opens Sept. 1st at V; &r OWKN SOUND, OST., :U Successful yeaii Ouaraiiceitd to Agent ' AKI ' MIS ' if For :- Washing machines, folding bath tubs,windmills,pumps,pipings water tanks, Beat ty water bowls, steel stalks and stanchons, litter Car- riers, hay carriers, slings, forks and I tracking, McCormick Binders, mow- g ers, rake loaders, tedders, drills, cul- 3g ti vators, harrows, Chatham - D. FLKM1NO Secretary OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO |f Mount Forest buggies, and Frost Satisfaction Guaranteed. 4 ' , IMP

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