July 23 1014 THE F 1, E S H E E J N ADVANCE , w.iter. The .;i i-^ was crampled along < the bank, the pule w.-n fnund on the i water'* edge and footstep* of a child or ! J 1 1 were visible for mine diittnce out in Am iadeixndent newnppr, publinlied every the water. Farmers ill the iirighboihood - * , d anything of a mao Of rig ' "< , .-iwrday * th* office, CollmRwood Stret, tlMlwrton. ulm:ripti<>ii price *i i*r annum, hnp*idiadv<vnc ;$!.! when not o paid about the lake, despite the fact that it la ' rates on applicatio 1,100 wekly. M. Xriurston- Circulation Editor Flcshcrton Methodist Church Rev. James Dudgeon, pistor. ^unday July 5, I'M i Sunday, 10 a. m. (.'lust Meeting. Sunday S.M vu- - 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Pastor will preach .it Itoth service*. Monday evening Epworth League at 8 |i. m. Thursday evening Prayer Meetiog. Fleherton-*v\/7) Baptist Church R. C. Kerf, Pator. Phone : R. 2. Sunday School 10 a . m. Service 1 1 i m. Subject, Why du muiSin; by the Pastor. impossible to approach the water "in tither side without being observed rom some of the adjoining farm houies. Neither could the searchers discover any raciM of a man or rig about . the lake, hese are fitts which strongly discredit he girl's story, and it is now thought hut -!n- iii-.il the journey out to the ke it 'in- and of her own volition. her object could have been can only ie guested at. It i-- almost certain that he could not have been kidnapped in ir.i:nl daylight, even at such an early i nir, without some person getting sight of the kidnapper, banner. Exhibitions and the Fakirs Baby Beef Competition A l.-il.y Beef Competition, to be helc in every county of the Province, has b*en arranged by the Ontario Department o Agriculture for (he purpose of stiuiulittiii the interest of young rneu in more an better live tock. The f!rey County com petition will be conducted by Distric Rep'esentative Duff of Markdnle, under the following rule* 1. This Competition will be open to all farmers' sons under 25 years of age. '2. There must be at least 5 entries t) f it<- the competition can lie conducted. .1. Calves must l>e fed and cared for by contettant, mid . cateful estimate in i'li- of the kind uud amount of feed consumed. 4. Kicli Conteitant In- (lie privilege vi t selecting one or more calves kt th t , lime of entering (lit- competition ituii di * Udivg tbe lest promising onei as thi-y devlup . -">. Calrejuxed for this Competition muit be born on or .ui -i Si-pt. I. I'M I, heifer* wtll not be eligible. U. Thin competition will i:!one in No- vember or December. I'.M.'i, the exct date to be decided later. 7. Each animal entered in tin- com- petition will !' carefully judiffd, and the y "in-.: man producing tlie lieat >toer in i'-li 'Jouuty will lie sent t<> (!uel|>li to cake the t.ouiae in Live Stock and Seed Judging in .Linn n \ . I'M'., all travelling and lu in,' i \|.i-nv to be paid by the Department of Agriculture. H. Af t cr the winner* in each conn i y have been telected, the drat MI/,- ateer in each county, and the second prize if thought n u.-.il.l.-. will be sent to some central point i'.'i tdiuwn i m: similar winner! in '.thri counties. Liberal prize will be awaided. 9. After the piiy. at the Fair U awarded, th steers in the competition will be Hold to the Injli.-i bidder, the cost of Imwportaifon, etc., deducted, nnd the balance n-iun. .1 to the exhibitor. The agricultural exhibitions will soon b* on all over Canada, and will be at- tended hy hundreds of ihuu.iinds of There is no reason to doubt that these exhibitions aerve a very useful purpose, and under wise management their usefuloeii should constantly in- creaae. But it in a matter r perennial wonderment why the nunagerf* of these exhibitions suffer their pttrons to be de- . frauded out of their bird earned money j by men who have made it a matter of ROBBING THE COAL PILE. Smok That Goes Up th Chimney It Fuel Thrown Away. For the beueOt of any one who may not see the analogy between a robbed coal pile uud a smoking chimney it may be briefly and simply explained. The visible part in smoke Is nearly all carbon, either as soot or cinder, and carbon is the principal combustible part of coal I. e., tbe useful part, the part capable of yielding beat. Carbon completely burned forms an Invisible gas, carbon dioxide; therefore when- ever the gases from a stack show black they contain carbon, which indi- cates that complete combustion has not taken place In the boiler furnace. In other words, all of tbe available beat in tbe coal has not been realized It is the same as though the corre- sponding part of tbe coal fed into tbe furnace had been thrown away, for. although it has passed througb tbe furnace, it has been thrown away up tbe stack beyond recovery- ! this, ben, so very different from robbing the coal pile? Tbe owner who through Ignorance allows conditions to exist which are not favorable to tbe most economical operation of his boiler furnaces, al- though he is unwittingly robbing him- self, is nevertheless stealing from his own coal pile. Power. CURIOUS PIPEFISH. Have Pock.U In Whkh They Carry Their Young. Tbe kangaroo baa always seemed to have tbe monopoly of tbat conrenlent close study how they can best " do " the ' way of carrying Its babies In a pouch, average farmer. Some of the aames me ' but It has been dlscorered that a flsh u i ii u bas tbe same useful receptacle, wmcn simple enough and can b? played w.thout JJJJJJ tbe Mme p urpo9e . Tbe pipe- confedermtes, but whenever confederates - . 08 u , g ca)led from tne length of are required they aro promptly securtd. But it ho* always been a pu/zle to us to its jaws, has a pocket on tbe under side of Its body nearly half Its length. understand why these fakirs ara allowed It Is found in the male species ooly and to prey upon the visitors to an bibi- ' "" on 'y * ot U " **' ^ ,/ , L unprotected by urge flat plates, which tion. The fact that the f,k,r has care- 1 ".^e p tace of scalee in Its protective fully studied the law, and that his pecu!- armor device for swindling the public has jf pipefish Is taken from the water been brought within the limit of the law ' and 1U little ones shaken out of the is no excuse whatever for his being found pouch back Into tbe water they always , , ... , , ,. . sot-in either unable or disinclined to on the exh liition around. Kach exhibi- ' Beem ellue ' , ..h. i r.io^<wl run away. lion management should maks it a mai- JQ , ..h. But if the father wgter flgaln a ,j tbe gmaU n3U permission. -- Heatheote ter of pride and personal attention that immediately swim back into the pouch. no fakirs m>r swindlers are allowed to do These curious little creatures havepre- bu.ines upon tlu-ir ground* or wiih their hensile tails, which they use to hold on to the seaweed to protect themselves from being carried away by the tide. Tbe pipefish Is similar to the small eel being about a foot In length and an inch In thickness. But, unlike tbe eel. ~ It has a very long Jaw and tbe peculiar Mrs. Edward Fiezrfn and family hnve defensive armor already mentioned. returnel it m. after visiting with friends Hew York Sun. in Thornliury and Clarksburg for the' past week.' 1 ni thoughts of his henrt. these nre J. W. 1. -. : of Mta : "rd t^ visit rg with friends here. Mr?. 'tVickhnin, who hu been visiting here. Kits returned to h#r horn* in Oi n Sound. Mrs. J. R. Hew.-on aiiil f.nnily F. H. W. HICKL1NG LESHERTON ONTARIO. CLEARING PRICES Women's and Childrcns Summer Footwear. SEE [OUR WINDOW DIS- PLAY THIS WEEK. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS H. ALEXANDERIFOR A 30 DAYS' FREE TRIAL MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. (he wealth of a inn n -Burmese Say- ing. spent Saturday find Sunday with friends at Walter* F.ills, M.istei Verdun lemaining ! i la- vacation, Bora In Heatheote, on |July 17, to Mr. ami 51r.s. J. H. [rin, a sim- Vicher KUie A Girl Romancer If the atory H|IB tells it true, KUie 'Hunter, a 15-year-old i Iranuovill* giil, >lud a tni-illing expcneiii-e and a narrow escape from death on Monday morning. '1 In- nn I, who in a daughter of MrR. \V. I- Hunter, bus liec'ii living with Mr. \V. J. Walker, William tttrect, for five years or longer. Mix. Walker called lier be- tween 4 and 5 o'clock in the n...i nini; When .she iteppfil outside I i ^et some wood to h.;ln tin- ki'chon lire -h- says he wax startled by sound.s behintl the woodpilf. An ii. . ' ii. 1 later it man, whom the ({ill 'litl nut lec'iuni/e, hti'pped out Md appro idling hr threw cloth over 'her head atut f ice, picked In i up, |ilced hur in a vehicle, which ai m.i c nuar- liy, and drove off at t rapid pace. She wj too frightened to .-.mi or cry out, diid has no reciillvction of wlut occurred ijntil slit- found ln-i:..-lt at Kl inn' Lake, it small Imdy of water about two milts north-east of Orngev ille. Here the i{irl nayn, the man atteni(itetl to drown her, in'! a ii .1- for the |>ur|io.se . I punliinq her out into 'In- witter. Whun .In found )i"i -.-I] in the watur sho begin to M-ream and (truggle. Her captor evidently be- CMH it ,-!,' "iii'.l. for ha drojiped the polo and ran away. She managed to get out of the lake and made her way hack 13 town, reaching the Walker domicile late in (he forenoon, in an exhausted and ijedr.ipged condition. As soon HM they leniueil the girl's story tbe local itnthotiiios cumiuencrd a careful investigation. l'p to ilu? present, how. ever, they have not discovered anyone who i*w miytliing (.f the man anil tig. Chiof Marshall, Dr. T. H. Homy mid other |Mrties visited the lake nnd found evidence of a stiNuglp at Ihe point where the girl s lys sh- >- n'minl into Hie visited with (Jai-Jiner, her Mi.ss Alice friend. Miss .Sunday. Mi.ss Jean Mullini of Tormito, is vis- iting her paiental home here. Mis Mabel Bojd of Kppuij visited with friemls here on Sunday. We i.re sorry t<> repoit that Mr. John Milne is seriously ill Inn we hope for his speedy recovery. Mis i'.iyue, who has Leen visiting with her parents, Mr. -ni'l Mrs. James Reekie, fni the past month, has re'urnt-d to her home in Toronto. Maxwell Htying is now the order of the day in our burg. Mrs. McKee of Toronto is .spemlimj a few day with her (l.iughter, Mrs. Bon McC'aulIuii', Mr. Harry McC.iullum an I ilaiiuhter, Kdith, are visiting friends in Desboro. Tim Liidiis Aid of the Methodist Church purpose holding a garden paity on Aug. 5. For further p.-irticulars >o.e bills. Mrs. XV. H. (iuy spent 'i few days with her kisler, Miss Jessie Cameron. Mrs. (Dr.) Rox/.fll has returned after ipend a couule of weeks at her parental h line. The Irfiili. . Aid of the I'rebyterian cl.urcn have improved the look) of thuir church by erecting a new wire fence. Mr. Bee McLean and Oeor^a Mclntyre citlluil on friends Sunday. Mite Chin of Tornnlo is visiting with rilttives, here. Mr. SVm. Marshall, who has j>t re- luinel to the stoult fro:n a motor tout on Mauitoulin IsUnd. hud a rather ex cilin,' exp.Tien.v with w..lve in the course of his trip. He was oiiii{ from Gore R iy to Little Cm rent, when four wnlvco suddenly appeir.'d on the roid. Th" s-r.-n-x liendlight ap|i-rently (baled them, and ih* car ran over one woll, killing if. while the "then took to the bush. Wolves are not cimunnii on iln- island, and these apparently cmn,- ..\n on the Nl.itul fn-m tin- noith shore last winter. Fall Fair Dates A li>t cf the dates has been prepnted by the IV'vineiil Department nf Agricul- ture, mid include* tlume in tliis district which areas follows : - FLKSIIKUTOS Sept. '-".. :v Ffvershum t)ct . >>. V Alliston i >et. 1. '-' lUnie Sept. LM-'JI! Ho^t.in <M. .'-. < Bradford Sept. W-25 Clarksburg S'T* - C.illingwo ,d Hcpt. L>:!--'li Cookstown Sept. 2H, . <>et. 1 Dandulk (>ot.W. Klnv.lt! M. " 7 Mm kd lie tX*. IS. 14 Meal-rd t^t. 1. 2 Ne'inaiket "ct. (i 8 O.-illia ., Sept. 17- !! Orn Sept. 15 Ow.nSimnd M. T-'.t R,cklyn *vt ti, 7 Shell.tirne Svpt. 2W. Il Tnriiiito (Caiuidiitiv Nationnl), August 'M September 1-. A HnS Which ALSO of Ready-Made Clothing! we put alterations in free of chaise, if required. Of the 1900 MORTGAGE SALE Apply to OF Valuable Freehold Property Gravity Washer S. Hemphill, I !.!.; the (tower of sale contained in a certain mortgage, which will be pro- duced at the time of sale, there will lie sold by public auction at the Dominion Hotel, Collingwood ON Wed., July 29th, 1914 At the how of 2 p.m., byG. T. Fouli-, Auctioneer, the firm JtwcrtDed us the west half of Lot Number Kight, Conces- sion Thirteen, Township of ().prey, in the County of Grey . On the said land is erected a comfort- .-ilile dwelling house and a frame l>irn. Terms of Sale : Ten percent, of the purchase money on the day of sale and the ifinainder within ihiity days there- lifter. For further particulars address the vendor's solicitor, W. T. ALLAN, Collingwood. D.it^d July 2nd, 1!14. Agent For :- Washing machines, folding bath tubs, windmills, pumps, pipings water tanks, Beatty water bowls, steel stalks and stanchions, litter Car- riers, hay carriers, slings, forks and tracking, McCormick Binders, mow- ers, rake loaders, tedders, drills, cul- tivators, harrows, Chatham wagons, Mount Forest buggies, and Frost wire. Satisfaction Guaranteed. FALL TKUM opentt Si'i't. 1st at Robert Caultield, wlio left Kremont recently to work hia brother -in -law's farm nenr Arkell, was mowiiig in me of his tields Tuesday, when imniolhing went wrong wi:h the mowing machine and the llur*e.H ran away . Caiilfield wai thrown off the Heat and his arm caught in n bar under the leat. II.- wax tin, , ,1 the full length of the field until his arm ft' slipped out of the pined and he was re- ^ff leased. A man who iv*.* driving along M[0' I) the i".J otnwnd the injured man lyina \ff in the field. A doctor w^ sumnton,.,). ^ OWEN SOUND bul Cutilfield's injiirirs are NO great that hi.s ri'f'vory I.H Joubtftil. OWKN SOUND, ONT., "4 SuoceHsfu! yean 'ottitiuiii* tiiinrantetMl to (lr;uluntc^. Large Stall' of Spocialisti. "I C. A. FLKM1NG. F. C. A., ^3 Pr'noipal.. <!jt FI.KMISG Secretary. C ONTARIO NEW ANADIAN PACIFIC LIMITED TRAINS "THE CANADIAN" MONTRKAL - TORONTO- DKTRO1T- ! CHICAGO, Vm Canadian Pacific and' .Mi ]H'_. in Central Railroads. %in MICHIGAN ("KTXKAL CIliANTK S'lKKLTt'UKS lH-tween Winclwir and De tiuit. IienviiiK Montreal .4r> . in. ; Toronto I "- in c n... n in in. Detp'it iL'.lfi n. in,, niul | Cliicnifii 7.4."> H. in. daily Ki|i'nlly ftm\ Her- ice ! II.IIIHI Tliningli Kleetrie Ki|iii)iinent TORONTO WINNIPEG VANCOUVER Tor>nt<>-Vuiii'ouver Kxprt-Hs No. 'A leaves Torontn i>.fV> p. m.dnilv. v'rtliruuvei- Tontntti Kxpress Nn. 4 arrives Toronto ll.-t.'i n.in.d.iilv. \l .mill IM Kxpiei-H Xo. 7 len'/en Toronto daily except Sunday 111.5(1 p. in., ni-ri\inp Wimii|ie)f Heccnil ilay. Ontari'i Kxpren* No. W lenvea \Vin i|ieg '.' 'J.'i p. in. and arrives ut Toronto j .".!." p. in. daily except Tuesday. I'urticillfll* from t tn i linn "Hr i lir \-, ut or wrlto M. (I. Mt'llPHY, P.I'. A. C.P.By., Toronto. Our Clubbing List Th following prices are for strictly pai.l in advance, subscriptions only. We have no accounts with other papers. Flesherton Advance S I 00 [ Youths Companion 2 00 1 Toronto World, daily .'< 00 ; Toronto Daily News 1 50 Weekly Globe 1M) Mail-Empire 75 Family Herald A Star 90 Toronto Star 1 50 Farmer Sun . . 90 Farmers Ad vooata 150 Weekly Witoew 9U Saturday Nit?ht 3 00 Home Journal 90 IVuiltry Review 40 lti<d and Gun magazine !K) Have You Ever Worn A Semi-Ready Suit? If yon haven't, free/i- on to one AT ONCE and be with tlu- \\Y!1 Dressed people. Purchase Now These Beautiful Well Tailuied Suits which range in price t'r:>m $18 to $40 C. BLAKELEY Sole Agent for the Semi-Ready Clothing Standard Bank Block, Flcsbtrton Steer Estray Farm For Sale C*nie to the premises i-f the undersign- Lot 17 - ift, firht range N. D. R., Oa- od nbout the middle of June ono 2-year-J prey 100 acres, 90 cleared, balance hard- old steer. The owner is re<)uesced to| wood bush. Good buildmgs.brick house, prove property, pay expenses find take, snmll ovchmxl. Will lie sold on easy the sume away. I terms. A bargain. Who will pkk it I up ? Ed. Hillock, Prop., Proton station, 1 R. R. No. 2. , . D. KOHKRTS, Lady R.Tik. 1 July tf