Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Jul 1914, p. 7

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: ROBBING WOMEN OF THEIR HEALTH Anaemia Unless Checked Passes Into Hopeless Decline Anaemia is like a spectre that steals on you unawares and. drives all happiness out of existence. It is a thief that robs you of your life and energy. Thousands of wo- men in this country are the vic- tims of anaemia (that is, bloodless- ness), which spares neither rich nor poor, young or old. It robs woman of her health, her vitality, her 'beauty of everything that gives a woman her charm. The chief symptoms of this trouble in- clude a distate for food, prostrat- ing headaches, extreme langour, loss of weight, nervousness, pale cheeks, lips and gums, heart palpi- tations, dizziness and a constant feeling of wretchedness. The only way to effect a cure is to increase the blood supply to make it pure, rich and red. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have saved thousands of young girls and wo- men from the early fate that threat- ed them through anaemia's rav- ages, for these pills enrich the blood, stimulate the circulation, nourish the nerves, and restore the energy and perfect health that make women attractive. If you are a victim of bloodlessness in any way, do not let it run into a hopeless decline' bat begin the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to-day. The following bit of evidence proves the worth of this medicine Mrs. Maurice Sims, Liverpool N. 6.. says: "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have been a blessing to me. About two years ago I was so badly run down that I had to give up all work and go to bed. My husband and parents were much "worried about me as they thought I was going into consumption. The doc- tor who was attending me changed his medicine several times ; but it did me no good and I began to feel very much discouraged myself. One day a friend advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I decided to do so. In a few weeks I felt much better and I continued tak- ing the pills for a couple of months until I was again in perfect health. I believe that if I had not taken Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I would not 'have survived, and I shall al- ways be very grateful for what they have done for me." You can get these pills from any dealer in medicine or by mail at 60 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockvil'le. Ont. AGED U.S. SENATOR. Senator Isuae Stephenson Is Cana- dian Born. "I have no specific rule* on long- evity to offer," said United States Senator Isaac Stephenson on the 18th of June, when he was 85 years old. "I believe my long life and good health is due to the fact that so much of my youth was spent in the open. Many is the time I've slept on the snow in the woods. Just think right and live right, and spend as much of your time in the out-of-door world as you can and you'll be as young as I am at 85. Why, I don't feel a day older than I did the day I was 20." By reason of strength this tall slender man has reached more than four-score years, and his boast is that he has worked hard ever since he was a small boy in Fredericton, New Brunswick. According to Senator Stephen- son it is the idler who will be cut off years before the allotted span of three-score years and ten, given an even chance with the man who works. "Work is the greatest blessing on earth," he repeated, "work, and the open air!" Also Richest Man. The oldest man in Congress is also the richest, and he carries the responsibility of one distinction as simply and naturally as the other. It is a far cry from the boy in New Brunswick, who canoed up the St. John's River on a logging trip when he was 11 years old, to the United States Senator from Wisconsin, who, when he was 84, fumbled a check for $7,000,000 in his fingers. "I've just sold a little lumber," he said to the Senator across the aisle. And that was only one of many checks made payable to Uncle Ike Stephenson in the seven- ty-three years since he began work in a lumber camp. Senator Stephenson lives on a farm at Marinette, Wis., where his chief enjoyment is his horses and cows, Percherons and Holsteins. Whereas he takes pride and delight She Hud Tried Electricity. Mrs. Carter had suffered from rheumatism until she declared that he had "no patience with it," but she was always eager to hear of possible remedies, and when her sister wrote that she knew of a cure bhat had been tried with great suc- :ess, and would tell her all about it on her next visit, Mrs. Carter was all excitement. "Now, Ellen," she exclaimed, fagerly, a few minutes after her sister had reached the house, "do !*11 me about that cure for rheu- Tiaiis.ni ! I am so anxious to hear tbout it that I could hardly wait ,'or you to get here." "Well, Caroline," began her sis- ter, "it's electricity" Before she could continue, Mrs. Tarter interrupted her. "Caroline Smith! The idea of suggesting that to me! Don't you remember that only last summer I *as struck by lightning and it didn't lo me a mite of good ?' ' First Catch Your Victim. The Old 'Un Pluck, my boy, pluck ; first and last ; that is the one essential to success in business. The Young 'Un Oh, of course. I quite understand that. The trouble is finding some one to pluck. 41 , W|agic"Nervilirie" Cures Toothache, Earache IT RELIEVES EVERY EXTERNAL PAIN. Cures Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat Tight Chest and Hoarseness. It's when sickness comes at. night, when you are far from the druggist or the doctor, that's when you need Nervlllne most. Experienced mothers are never without it. One of the chil dren may have toothache. Without Nervlllne a sleepless night for the entire household;. With Nerviline the pain is relieved quickly. It may be earache, perhaps a stiff neck, or one of the kiddies coughing with a bad chest cold. Nothing can give quicker results than vigorous rubbing with this old.-time family remedy. Nerviline Is too useful, too valuable to be without. For lumbago, lame back, sciatica or neuralgia there Is no liniment with half of Nerviline's pow- er to penetrate and ease the pain. As ii family safeguard, as some- thing to ward off sickness and to cure the minor ills that will occur in every family, to cure pain anywhere, you 'can find nothing to compare with old jtlme Nerviline, which for forty years i has been the most widely used family 1 remedy In the Dominion. The most economical size <n the large 50c. fam- ily Bizet bottle, 2mall trial size 25c. All dealers sail Nerviline. Stephenton. young man confessed to knowing nothing about northern Wisconsin at any time of the year except as he saw it on the map. "Well, it's cold," said the Sena- tor with one of his kindly, whimsi- cal smiles, "and to protect my throat, as well as for many other practical reasons, I let my beard grow. And now" he hesitated, "well, now, I'm used to it, and I've never found any sufficient rea- son to take it off. So there it is." How a Sick Woman Can Regain Health READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY. "For years I was thin and delicate. I lost color and was easily tired; a yellow pallor, pimples and blotches on my face were not only mortifying to my feelings, but because I thought my skin would never look nice again I grew despondent. Then my appetite failed. I grew very weak. Various remedies, pills, tonics and tablets I tried without permanent benefit. A visit to my sister put into my hands a box of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. She placed reliance upon them and now that they have made me a well woman I would not be without them whatever they might cost. I found Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills by their mild yet searching action very suitable to the delicate character of a woman's nature. They never once griped me, yet they estab- Itching Scalps Dandruff and Falling Hair Successfully Treated with Cuticura Soap And Cuticura Ointment. Directions: Make a parting and rub gently with Cuticura Ointment. Continue until whole scalp has been gone over. Next morning shampoo with Cuti- j * Shampoos rings under my eyes disappeared and to-day my skin Is as clear and un- wrinkled as when I was a girl. Dr. Hamilton's Pills did it all." The above straightforward letter from Mrs. J. Y. Todd, wife of a well- known miller in Rogersville, is proof sufficient that Dr. Hamilton's Pills are a wonderful woman's medicine. Use no other pill but Dr. Hamilton's. 25c. per box. All dealers or The Catarrh- ozone Co., Kingston, Ontario. CRUELTY IN GERMAN ARMY. Brutality of Officers to Privates Slowly Decreasing. The unceasing criticism of press and parliament is slowly reducing the number of cases of mistreat- ment of soldiers by their officers, but a recent report shows that 490 be used as often as agreeable, but once or twice a month is generally sufficient for women's hair. Cuticura Soo and Ointment ire told throughout the world. A liberal aample of neb. with 32-pan Skin (Book. Bent pan-free. Atidrm Potter I>ruf A Caem. Corp.. ueiit. UK. Boston. U.S.A. THE QUETEST PLACE. It is Found in the City of I irn-lit ill Holland. If you should ask your friends to name the quietest place in the world, you would probably get a variety of answers. Some would say, the summit of a high mountain ; others, a distant place in the middle of the ocean, or an isolated spot in the desert. But on the mountain peaks and in the quiet of the wild- erness there are usually birds to break the silence, and the roar of wind and the dashing of the -waves disturb the peace of the ocean. We need not flee from civilization to find the quietest place in the world, for it is in the heart of a city the city of Utrecht in Hollond. This quiet place is a room for sci- entific research, especially built to avoid all vibration. Prof. H. Zwaardemaker. a well-known Dutch physical and physiologist, had it built. An attempt to construct a ' noise-proof room had been made once before by Professor Wa-ndt in Leipzig, but that was not entire- , ly successful. The means that Pro- j fessor Zwaardemaker used are . worthy to be recorded. In the first place, he built three I rooms, one inside of another: then, i since a vacuum is a poor conductor of sound, he had the air all pump- 1 ed from between the walls. The interior walls of the rooms were covered with six layers of material ; one layer was of stone blocks, treat- Delicately flavoured Highly concen- trated. WHY WORRY Choose your variety and ask your grocer for "Clark's". for a Horse MODEL COTTON ed by a speciaJ process. The cavi- ties between the stones were filled with horsehair; next to the stone were placed layers of wood and cork. The other coverings were lay- ers of lead plate, sea grass, and PLANTATION. ! paper. The walls were further lined with tapestry to absorb the inter- 1 nal counds. Not the slightest sound ; Save a horse and you wo:i't have to buy one. Dou't sell or destroy any horse on account of Spavin, Splint, Ringbone, Curb. Sprain* or Lameness. Spend one dollar for battle. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE lias savol a great many horses lia put them luck tu work, even after they liava Ixrn given up. Over 33 years of success have proved its value. Mr. J. 1L Groudla or Su Lin. Qua. JBMSI "1 lAn betn niing yrur Spavin COT fur many y,r, iuwyi wiu> excellent n-sv. Hi, ' Uvt Keud&Us Spavin I'-irp at anjr <lrurfrtil . Prictk no ur tulttc.elxittlMlorf6.Oli "A Ttc.itlsr on tte Horn 'frtcat uiu.siA up from Or. B. J. KcndtUl Co., Eiusburg Falls,Vcrmon1,U.S.A. FARMS FOK SALE. English Spinners Seek to Be Inde- pendent of America. In the hope of some day securing a raw cotton supply independent y f olln d i n of America, the International Fed- eration of Master Cotton Spinners' and Manufacturers' Association of England has launched a scheme for the establishment of a model cot- can penetrate to the innermost chamber. In that room there rules w D AWSGW, ninety Colburno Street, Toronto. ton plantation in Punjab, India. Considering the advances already made in India, it is estimated that noncommissioned officers and offi- 1 before many years the Indian crop cers were convited of such offence j will be almost as large as the Ameri- last year. This was a reduction of i can crop. The model plantation in ninety cases from the figures of five i India will demonstrate the benefits years" ago, writes a Berlin corres- which arise from intensive farming pondent. These 490 convictions by no means indicate, however, that only that number of private soldiers were thereby encouraging the landed pro- prietors to adopt this system and other place on earth. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OB SELL, A Fruit. Stock. Grain or Dairy Farm. an absolute quiet, a quiet tnat can ; write H. W. Dan-son. Bramptun, or 94 1 Colborne St.. Tor-into? H. W. DAWSOS. Colborna St.. Toronto. NEWSPAPERS FOB SAX.E. GOOD WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN IN York County. Stationery and Hook Business in connection. Price only I4.UOO. Terms liberal. Wilson Publish- ing Company. ' West Adelaide Street, Toronto. MISCZLLAJTBOnS. THE SQUARE DEAL PAYS And square with the enemy <"vi-ry man gets when he separates himself from hie corns bv Putnam's Corn Extractor. For fifty ya.f8 "Putnam*" han cured every man it nu'ted une "Putnam's" only- its- painless and urc. 25c. at ail dealers. -f POIM'ED PARAGRAPHS. Necessity is often mistaken for [ courage. We refuse to judge a man's char- to improve the yields per acre and! octer by his actions in public, the quality of the fibre. brutally handled during the year. The land will be sown with A recent case, and one by no means large percentage of American cot- unusual, was the conviction of a ton seed as possible, and the Agri- noncommissioned officer of the Third cultural Department of Punjab will Bavarian regiment, who was charg- have the right to purchase any of ed with no less than ninety offen- j the surplus seed produced which is ces against the men under him. One j not required for the estate, for dis- soldier was lamed by being struck tribution in other districts. Love may be blind but the girl's as; small brother sees tilings. Many a harmless-looking bottle in his horses and has for more than fifty years, he confesses to an ever- increasing fondness and admiration for the gentle, placid cow. He says that the cow is a philo- sophical animal, practicing pa- tience and calmness in a way that is soothing to behold, and that should be a perpetual lesson to all mankind. Perhaps it is because as. he in- sists, the cow has a really beautiful personality that he gives each one of the kine he loves best a friendly, .familiar name, the most disting- uished of which is Pauline. She was presented to President Taft, and his family, and figured con- spicuously in the domestic history of the last administration. His Whiskers Not White. The olde-st and richest man in Congress is also one of the five men in the United States Senate who wear whiskers, and be it recorded to his youth they are not white. ! They are no grayer than Senator Lodge's trim, proper. New Eng- land cut of beard, although he is twenty-one years younger ; Senator O'Gorman of New York was not : born until Senator Stepbenson wa 1 31 years old, and yet his beard is as iron-gray as that uf the man who was 85 years old the 18th of June ; both Senator Lewis of Illinois, the the youngest man in the Senate to wear a beard, and Senator Suther- land of Utah, only a few years old- er, are still untouched with the streaks of white. A smooth shaven, handsome chap approached Senator Stephenson not long ago on the subject of beards. "Why do you wear whiskers, anyway. Mr. Senator, in this hot weather?" "Well, now, my boy," said Un- cle Ike, "when I was a lumber jack up there in Wisconsin were ,you ever up there in that part of the country in the winter?" The smooth shaven, handsome on the kneecap with a gunbutt. and there were a dozen of cases in which recruits were choked and struck in tho face. It is not long since a captain was forced to leave the service after his third convic- The Federation has secured a twenty years' lease of 7,500 acres ply. A modern ginning mill is to be erected, and as there is scarcely contains a lot of fish stories. And one good action is worth more than a hundred good inten- tions. It's a lonely day in a yellow dog's life if nobody hands him a kick. ANCEU. TUMORS. LUMPS. internal and external, cured with. out pain by our home treatment. \Vrit us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co. Limited. Colllngwood. Ont. _ No Fiction. "I want to get a book for my wife.'' said the man entering the b- k store. "Something in the way of fic- tion !" asked the clerk. "No ; I've given her a lot of that, but sh' d<>t'.-if t seem to care for it." any population in the vicinity, mo- tion for mistreating recruits. The j del villages are to be established charges against him covered bru- i for the workmen, who are to be brought in and instructed by ex- tal treatment in HO cases. Complaints of these conditions made in the reichstag, have from perts. Leading members of the Federa- IllUVl^ All u*x* !.**.. i - - time to time moved the minister of tion believe that within a few years war to declare that the government ! it will be possible to increase the was equally concerned and was do- i Indian cotton crop to ten million ing its best to put a stop to them, j bales without encroaching on the Figures have been quoted to show | area required for food. Manufa*- that cases of mistreatment are grad-iturer in all countries using Indian ually growing less common, and it j cotton are subscribing to the pro- has been declared that the govern- ject. ment desired that punishment of the offenders be exemplary. With all credit to the minister of war, it must nevertheless be said that sentences in the majority of these cases are extremely mild and by means calculated to dis- courage brutal officers from a repe- tition of their offences. The non (i01) CHANGE. Tea and Coffee to Post u in. Gold may be the key to society, but poverty is the strongest bar. bles a man to use the good judg- Iflnard's Liannont Cures Colds, Etc. Two Objections. Dad What's your objection to . . . that young fellow, Jaysport t close to the railway and water sup- j Good judgment frequently ena- j Daughter His clothes are so aw- fully pronounced and his English ia pronounced so awfully. ment of others. Faith, hope, and charity belong to the man who lends his new um- brella to a friend. A maid of twenty tries to at like a widow of forty, a widow of forty tries to act like a maid of twenty and there you are. Take No Chances. Alice How many time would you make a man projiose to you before you said yes I Marie If you have to make him propose better say yes the first time. Mlnard's Liniment Cores Distemper. and fifteen days' imprisonment and degraded. This is a really severe sentence, but it is at the same time a most unusual one. The following case is typical of the nearly ten cases occurring on an average each week. A noncom- missioned officer of the Third Guard Field Artillery regiment command- ed a recruit to clean harnesses. He was not satisfied with the recruit's work and started expressing his dissatisfaction by striking the man over the head with a bridle. He then forced him to march up and down in the stables and to do set- ting up exiM-ciscs. including the fa- tiguing knee bend," until the re- cruit fell from exhaustion. He kicked him in the thigh and on the knees and otherwise maltreated him. The recruit was removed to the field hospital suffering among other things, with concussion of the The large army of persons who have found relief from many chron- ic ailments by changing from tea and coffee to Postum as a daily beverage, is growing each day. It is only a simple question of trying it 'for oneself in order to know the joy of returning health as realized by this young lady. She writes: "I had been a coffee drinker nearly all my life and it affected niy .stomach -caused insomnia and I was seldom without a headache." (Tea is just as injurious because it contains the same drug, caffeine). ''I had heard about Postum and how beneficial it was, so conclud- ed to quit coffee and try it. "I was delighted with the change. ! Extinct. Teacher Now, Jhmes, do you un- ' derstand the meaning of the word "extinct?" James Yes' in. Teacher Then name one bird that is now extinct. James Chipper. Teacher Chipper ! What kind of a bird is that ,' James My pet pigeon. The eat caught him this morning. YOUR OWN DRUGGIST WILL TELL YOU 'Pry Murlne Eye Kommlj far Re4, Week, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelid*: No Stunning Just Eye Comfon. J Write for Book of the Bye by moil Free. Murlne Kye Bemody Co., Chicago. Improving. Husband There you are my dear ; you see I'm improving. I've brought umbrella back. . I can now sleep well and seldom j \Vife-Thatisveryextraordinnry, ever have headache. My stomach , considering your umbrella is still in has gotten strong and I can eat the stand, and that you went out , The court martial condemn- fficer to five weeks' light brain. ed thf arrest. Fond Father Tommy writes us a real feeling letter from boarding school. Doting Mother And what does the poor darling say? Fond Father He cays lie's been whipped so often he -an tell what kind of wood the teacher's switch is made of by the feel. Spoiled children and foolish par- ents are often found in the same house. wit/hout suffering afterwards. I think my whole system greatly benefited by Postum. "My brother also suffered from stomach troit'ble while he drank coffee, but now, since using Post- he for urn, he feels so much better would not go back to coffee anything." Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Read "The Road to Wellville." in pkgs. Postum comes in two forms : Regular Postum must be well boiled, loo and 25c packages. Instant Postum is a soluble powder. A teaspoonful dissolves quickly in a cap of hot water and. with cream and sugar, makes a de- licious beverage instantly. 30e and 50c. tins. The cost per cup of both kiiuls is about the same. "There's a reason for Postum." sold by Grocers. with your walking stick ! Hoard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Considered Others. "How can you smoke those vile cigarettes'!" "Many great men have done the same thing. Robert Louis Steven- son smoked cigarettes." "I know that, but Stevenson had the decency to go to the middle of the Pacific Ocean to do it." Recent stories about the curious way in which some women endorse cheques are supplemented by this from a correspondent :- A young wife bad got a cheque from her husband as a birthday present, and when asked by the banker to en- doi-se it wrote on the back : "Many thanks, dear. I've got money. Your affectionate wife. IsobeL" Wire Wounds My in.iiv. .1 wry valuable one-. :. b:iJ- ly braised and ! by l)i-:ne MUK'II in a win- f<-ii'i-. So mi- <>f Mi? ffoUBca would not heal, although 1 tried 'ti i ly .1 IK-rent, nudjoinss. I'r lifll ulv..,il u> i<> ua MINAH1>> L1N1MKNT. .lilmvd -i: lir t. ilii-ti utronaxr ?H the -> l.ui :o look better, until alt IT three week.!, thi- tores have healed, and best ot ill. the huir 'j growing well, and is NOT \VHITK a* ia most ulwa.VH :ii" < i>u in horx' wound*. F. M. DOi I'KT. Weymoutn. Ladylike Iliishanil. Mrs. Goodwin 1 wish to select a present for my husband and I can't find anything suitable. He do,>n't smoke or drink or go out nights or play cards. Salesperson Is he fond i fancy work t" Uaard's Liniment Cares Otarget ia Cows. llihcrniiui Wit. An In-ii fanner was asked if he used any of the commercial fertiliz- ers on his land. "No, sorr." he replied. "To my notion there's nothing like the old barnyard kind." "Nonsense, man." s^iid the other, "the time is coming when a m;ui can carry the fertilizer fur an avre of land in one of his waistcoat pock- BtS. "Maybe he will. ^>rr." returned Pat. "An' he'll be able to carry the crop in the other pocket. I'm thinkin'." Most men are industrial from ne- cessitv. DODDS KIDNEY ti>. 7.

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