Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Aug 1914, p. 8

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27 1914 THE F L E S H E It T O N A D V AX C E BUSIN.ESSCARDS JBH. WIUUHT, Ti.1.10111) .V McDONALl) 88 "Vtarrinter. Solicitor*, ito. Ufllccs. <irey $$ A Hr.ic i Hlock. "two;. Hound, (itsinlard Hank 5r ). . Kletberton. (Saturdays). W. H. Wright.,,!, W. l. Tell"rd J-..I. C. UeUouaU, L,. U 1). SOCIETIES A O U Ust i !r .,' u ba W. J. Hull F.u.,1!. J, . --- . . K>.-., C. H. Mnnshan; r. Viiitint;l)retUrDluviti! l ! PRINCE ARTHL'K "* Mvr.ft.vsn M r;-; c h F a !!,u* r s the British. Mr. the' full mom T. Hlaksley U., I'has.Mui.suaw, Kctrc-.nry. GEHMAjnrS GIBRALTAR. || British Fleet Will Find Heligoland H Hard Nut to Crack. The eyes of the naval experts of the 8? world are centered upon the Island of Heligoland, Germany's Gibraltar, oj'ln the North Sea. o t TJ i 88 It la the general opinion among Possibility of British Ad- g them that the Gernian Squadr0 n8 win miral Dividing His Forces SS not attempt an open engagement with Is Scouted as Improbable 1 the British fleet in the North 9ea - but U M I HJI | w '" remain in the safe haven of the by IN aval Men. KieI Canal, secure behind the chain w- SS.?8.8.SS8.S.?.S.S.S88.88?8?.S.S84- 1 4io8?.SS8SSSS.S.?.S88SS.S8?SS.?SS.S.8.!s:of coast defences, of which Heligo- land is the principal link. Only Desperation Will Cause Admiral Von Tri- S OUhTFLEhHKUTON, 09.5, I. 0. F. njetic ayton's Hlook the last \\eilnemlav tvenmi, k'-n month Visitlnp Foresters lieartil) ie'C. U.. O. Bllmy ; B. B.. O. CJilnBt i,,a^- - due." k to n 'i--ii. KC beiore the Brut usouth. A In 1890 Great Britain bartered Ky awMment to tbe MI vice - re. S long as the German fleet is progress was made in the moderniza- "in being" It is a menace tc tlon of tne C i8t defences of Great Heligoland for a portion of German Fnela.nl To rick tin HP ' Brilain and Ireland. Sir George is an' territory in East Africa. To-day I Irishman by birth, of mixed Irish and'oreat Britain finds the island the key struction by a Meet nearly ErtgiJBh descent, was born in County to the impregnable wall of redoubts, twice its size would obvious- ' Cork, and is 61! years of age. He en-' which protects Germany's North Sea ly be foolhardy. There are three con- tered the navy us a midshipman, and coast line, the Kiel Canal and the council celvable situations which may draw 1 attained the rank of captain in 1894.' a p p roaches to Hamburg and Bremen, riavtoirahallftrst commanding in turn the Hermoine, Within a comparatively small com- -' month h ,,. ... the Germans out. Should the fc-ng- , Endyiu , orlt Kdgar, Caesar, and Prince pas!i Germany has there several im- n lish, in an effort to force matters or of Wales, all well known and impor- portant mercantile and na-val harbors, in its desire to co-operate with Rus- tant ships. He was a naval A. U. C. m ost of them fortresses believed to be sia in the Haltic. be willing to divide to , K , ln K Kdward VII was rear ad- invulnerable to attack. kdale, l,iccuH..,i . lf , ,,,. miral in the Channel fleet, and has Had the island not existed and it ... y of rey. T ' their fleet by keeping half in the commatlded thc hfth cruiser s( , U ad- were possible to construct a fortress .is'.uabio rate. r North Sea and sending the other half ron. He was second In command of a t a point which would prove most ' w. u'. Hunt. I - .. oisde at Tb Advauc around the Danish peninsula, the th-> Mediterranean fleet from 1908 un- [ ormida j,i e against attack in the Germans thus offered an equal com- tj| 1910. and commanded the 2nd North Sea, Germany could not have hot mirht ISB P forth from either dlvisloD of the home fleet ln 191 chosen a more advantageous location. bat - "" ht r and 15)11, being appointed command- Itut 4G mlle . dl6tant from lhe D K A 5T: 1*4 sont Physician, Burton etc end of the Kiel canal. If the Uedi- e r-ln-ch!ef of the home fleet the latter raouUls of the Kibe and the Weser. Office at!l wldt^ce-Pter St.. Fle.kierton - J --- * <"- " '- - " --> /--- - Jp OTTEWKLL Veterinary Surgeon terranean is cleared. and the year. Sir George is a Grand Officer Heligoland , on three sides .rises near- French navy, or a major portion of of the Lesion of Honor of France. [ y perpendicularly from the sea to a ,...u.., ___ , , it. is released to the support of the When the history of Germany's height of 150 feet. Its rugged, over- Jr1uate ol onta.ic Veterinary CoHjJJ . nighty naval development comes to hanging, natural walls are fortified Srttonc. - >conrt door .outh '' British in the North Sea, the latter , )C wrllten one name wlll stalld out and protected lo a degree w treet. This Church. street runs oott< DENTISTRY AY L. O S. Cental tirKeO' ? of Torout 'Cmv,r.,t> au Dental BnnsaOM of OatMlO. Salmi.i.t.red for teeth uXt.-art on >fflTat rwWeuce. Toronto Strett. HesScrton D . u r '.Pcoo. LEGAL . . KANEY A' a-< bolicitort.i'V.-I. I'- '-" h - \ ,,,,.. Ranv K ' ' W. I). 11-liiv, H. A. '" ' &V WC: : T,.<lcr; li.nk W"",;; };".; \' u-aln 1415: Markdale I.uc-as lilock. I lioiie - A " raicL o\ce at D .in.lalk op. '. . v.-r* saturda) LI-SISESS CARDS CULLOCGH i YOUNU i ::k.-.r Mark<talo oera! bankluK basine. Money loane' rtasonalile rates Call on us. DUcrHAlL. McensJ Auc'.ioueer for th. Ouuuty ul (imy. Tersiis mo'lcrate auc -.;. action i!iaraiiue.l. The arrangemant. ^ J IK ol >alei cau he ma<lc a', THF ADVANCI /-Jfic* Itendwcc- aud P.O.. Ceylon. Telephon. Monectlou. Ill' .C.07. \i'M. . *\ tb>*oanUi .! r.-T.v ,: 1 I Stock alet a k|.ocialty. Turiu^ erat.- tifactl'-ii nuaianue.l. Arrau DK \<'l dates u. av be nm .! at tli A-tiiii e*, or Central ti'lHihou.' olt.ce rev-rhan .UK HID at Feversliaui. Out. I>u!l For Service 1'nre l.ivd .-limt t-.,'.. 7 . . >. TVII.T ' n liull, lvn|M-r..r. .t 1''T. \V.T. S.K M f >r ur-tJ-.'s, *:! All C<IH-S \I ii must be II- '.''i'x'4 DIVISION COURT 1914 ri.KsllKKTON AND DINDAl.K Fl->)i-rt..i) .................. Apri lOi-i'..ii ............. ...Au. -Jf, 14 1."' Hull Tor Service . protected to a degree which has would then have a fleet which, in t, idest relief von Trijiltz. To no parallel save possibly Britain's roughly speaking, could be divided tlj | s giaut, fork-bearded sailor-states- Gibraltar or Russia's Cronstadt. in two and either half be about the man a magnificent specimen of Teu-| A large section of the rocky pla- ton physique of the old school, must teau has been made to conceal guns fall the lion's share of the credit for in armored turrets, great coast wea- the persistent aggressiveness with pons on disappearing mountings and which the Fatherland has rushed to a formidable array of rapid fire guns, front rank as a sea power. He is the Hewn out of the solid rock are ana- real creator of the Kaiser's fleet, munition magazines and bombproof "Tlrpitz the Eternal," they call shelters, and the entire scheme of for- hlm in Berlin. Kor nearly 15 years he tlflcation is BO ingeniously engineered has been unbrokenly at the helm. No as to be, from without, completely other German Minister but Ulsmarrk Irvlsible as well as invincible. The ever survived the vicissitudes of poli- Island is also a mighty naval station tics so long. Imperial Chancellors and is also provided with dlsappear- , have come and gone. War Ministers, Ing hangars for aeroplanes and ac- 1 Foreign Secretaries, Chancellors of commodation for dirigible balloons. Ithe Exchequer, Home Secretaries, In the events of a concerted attack, jand Postmasters-General have ap- the British squadrons would be sbell- | peared and disappeared by the half <<! by invisible guns protected by the j dozen. stoutogt armor and conci-rte, the ar- Von Tirpitz is Cavity and frank- Ullerymen being practically Immune I ness incarnate. In a recent interview from danger. The elevation of the he confessed unreservedly that hie batteries makes possible the direction idea of German sea power was that O f a plunging flre which would prove the Fatherland must prepare Itself as destructive to war vessels protected soon as possible to throw decisive by the most approved types of armor, weight into the political scales wht-r- it is held by the German army aulh- ever Its vital interests were con- orlties that the guns could annihilate ! rerned. the strongest flee', of battle craft at Specillcally, he favored the two-to- long range. three standard as the only goal com- VWhin the fortress is a supply of 'patlble with German necessities, as reserve provisions sufficient for three far as Great Britain was concerned, months, and a full complement of sea- He believed that the possession of a men gunners and artillerymen for the fleet two-tliirils as powerful in offen- garrison. jive units as the British navy would The island at one time belonged to effectually prt-vent combined Anglo- Denmark, being taken from the Danes French military operations against by the British in 1807. Heligoland lermany, besides making naval war- remained a British possession until fare, In the spirit of (he Fleet Law's IsitO, when it was ceded to Germany, preamble, a grave rink for Britain. He believed religiously in the in-, The Horror of AVar. -inclble superiority of the German Mll( ,i, Sutherland, director of tho suns that they would decide the is-; Cana(ilan Northern Kailroad. has sue to Germany's Im; .Tishable glory roa ,.| u .d home from Bohemia with his an the day when ihe Kaiser's Trafal- n ,, rveg somewhat shattered by the ar- ?ar was to be fought and won. (luolls journey and tho lirst sight of The French navy is under the su- 'the horrors of war. preme cummund of Admiral de la "At a small station near Prague I 1'eyivre, and on him rests the fate of noticed confusion among the soldiers the Triple Entente In the Mediterran- entraining." he said. "I then saw four ean. Acknowledged both at homo Serbs struggling violently against be- und abroad as the most distinguished ing forced to proceed with their- Aus- ofllcer of tin 1 French navy, he has trian regiment to fight their fellow both In his capacity as chief of the Slavs on the Russian frontier. The Admiralty staff and as Minister of officer commanding Issued a few crisp equal of the CermaJi Meet as a whole. Marine, completely reorganized that commands and immediately the But such a move on the part of service, eliminating the dead wood, wretched four were led away a short the BntUll only needs lo be describ- abolishing hundreds of almost incred-' distance, lined up. and shot to death ADMIRAL ' vu, M.II \ \ May IT BOAR I : OR SHRVICK Als i ri-<ist<M-eil V'l.ksliiiv I...-H, 14.VI Tcniw $1. HKN Li/l 40, C<m. 4. Ai tfiJmur Bull for Service ihan a chancu of slipping past the 8ubmarin( , niivlgailou. wa 5 ordered 19 proceed. which could Urrorlw Brittoh^BhlS! * mJSStfRBk all grades of' : 'I was oblige(f to chan R .- from one until thdr coal ran short No tlu ' st ' IN 1( ' ( ' ' 8 very Si'eat, nn<l when trt.in day _ . through (U-rmany, owing to the sud- den embarkation of troops, nect-ssitat- fcx 1 ir ud shorthorn liull, Al.'d v s adva_ntag(; In the liable ^ouhl be 'worth su'ch a risk. On the olhef hand, with the present possibilities of patrol und blockade, i he Itrilish Ilect can probubly kt op the Ciernmns effectively bottled up, thu liritish drcadnoiichts being summoned by their scoiiiH win-never tb (!ennans iliieatcn to cotno out. This apparent- ly means a protracteil stall-mate wilh the i !'! mans IK casioi ally makiiiK Fyvie H.. s SI :n fur i 0(). I'm.. I. re sortU-8 in iln 1 hope ol inrllclinu In- f.,,- sem.e on !, L.., 8.8. JM ,. y Qn a ,. ' of ,,,,, ,.; ,.,.,_ but w Ithdrawiug before superior force and not risking u general en- gagement. This wau tho Kiliiation at Port Arthur between liussian and Japanese until I he fortress was Servo i threatened by land. In short, it Is likely .to be a long campaign of ileiiils harassnieiils, tin- (liTinans hoping that by mines and torpedoes they can pick off a Hritisli dreadnought now und then. If the war on land should be lunn Al ' drawn out, and Germany should find herself slowly worn down through lack of oversea communication und nn the alrive 1"! . Terim $!.">() for ill ni>ini:il-<. limit be 1 1 ml for. Farm for Sale ., L,,tl.,0t.. l.W, h.isi Back Line. | emeMu,:.,iil.-iiii.i.u 1. hj ; nri-e> : nrarly H ttMMd, 3} mile* from FlMliarton, hv Murk'Ule. (jiniil ore-haul, i. u , Link Kirn and ii'liei buildings; stock furir well tt.iirie.l. good well, windmill, etc Apply 'il |il ir.i i to J3 >b A. I lulley 1 June r>! i 6O YEARS' EXPERIENCE i RARE MARKS DESIGN* COFVRIOHTS Ac. lUustntod wkir . Untut otr- the means of ohtainlnK supplios, the Kaiser's fleet might be driven at the British in the desperate hope, (hat superior gunnery and handling might overcome the Ilrillsli superiority of weight and numbers. The third silu- stion which might force the Germans out is the possibility of the Kiel canal lii'inK captured by a land attack. We ing the turning out of all regular passengers. 1 passed through a thou- sand mil* s of lands rich with harvest, but no body was working in the fields except here and tlu-re a few women and children. The crops are In beau- tiful condition, but HH impossible to save them now. This loss Is tori'tflc." Shii> Taken Total 1:110. The l^ondon Daily Express esti- mates that the large number of Ger- man vessels captured at sea by the British, French and Uussian warships tola! 200, with a tonnage of one million tons and a value of $300, 000,000. The paper says that there , are still remaining at sea about 500 German ships liable to capture nt any moment. These have ,u total tonnage of 2,000,000 tons and a 'value of $700,000.000. These latter include 155 Hamburg-American ves- sels, 120 North German Lloyd, 65 lliinsa, 45 German-Australian. 45 Hamburg-South American, 45 Ger- man-Levant, 30 German-American ! petroleum anil 35 Woermann. \IIMII; \i. VOX 1 1 It I'll/,. .May Itcmh $150,000. While committees of the Hospital Ship funds are asked to close their funds at their own discretion, for the may~w : ait long for the "big" naval Minister of Marine he still further en- 1 benefit of distant places where collec- ' battle lhat in reality must be a gen- hancod it on one occasion by an ex- tlons are still actively being made for ] eral enRugement between the flei;l8 blbition of personal pluck thoroughly! this purpose, the general fund will laud not a mere skirmish. in keeping with his character and ! n ot he closed till early In September. Admiral Sir George Calliigban, who antecedents. Learning that in conse-i Contributions to date show with was in command of tho Hritisli fleet, quence of the number of disastrous "Klag Day" a total of $137,680.70, so and who Is now second in command (o ( explosions In connection with the Sir John H. Jellicoe, is one of the best { handling of the charges of the bi known flag offleers, j^^he. jjavy. ljl uTtR the ?noi' "M.Jjffivy" iart be- name came before the world wuen he c6me fSmTncp^f tliatli . ..ITaliiioJt'as commanded the Naval Brigade lie- dangerous to stand behind the gun or spatche'd from the China coast to the anywhere near Its breech as at I'.E relief of the foreign legations at I'e- muzzle, he hastened lo "Foulon, went (kin at the time of the Boxer troubles, on board one of the battleships there, He has always been considered an au- and made a point of standing In the thorlty on gunnery, and on that ac- Immediate proximity of the breech of count chiefly was appointed naval ad- the gun so that If there had been any vlser to the Inspector-General of For- explosion he would have been the tlQcationu. During the interval great very first to be blowji Into eternity. it may reach the splendid sum of half over what was the original amount aimed" aT "*- fWSlhMfc.-Wv-Aj*. "" K> "Buccj" Pov thi Troops. A despatch to Reuter's Tlegram Company from Paris says; "The state tobacco factories are working day and night In order to supply the needs of the army. Large quantities of Virginia tobacco wlll be Imported, especially ifor the use of British troops on the Continent,'* OUT for Next Week's ADD JAMES PATTISON&CO. Ceylon's Busy Store < Harvest time Is a busy time Thou why take chances with unreliable im- plements ? Ust the Massey-Harris or Cockslmtt lines, stop worrying. The use of these lines en- alile you to handle your work economically and quickly, and may be had on short notice by leav- y<mr order with, O O O O D. McTavish - - Agent FLESHERTON, ONT HARDWARE ! Ladies' Hardware Come in and sco The Pincy High speed wash- (.!'. It saves the hard work of wash day. Men's Hardware l>uy a hall safety hoist. They make lifting a.-y .lust the tiling around the farm. Ask for circular. We get you any thing in hardware if not in stock. Frank W. Duncan FI.KiSHKI^TON, ONT II I Flesherton Tin Shop, ii ii i i ; i i I 8 IM INI I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelwarc and Apitewaie for domestic use. Call on me antl et your supplies. Kiivet roughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of'all kinds promptly attended to. I'ipetitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON & ONTARIO,

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