Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Sep 1914, p. 1

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"TRUTH BEFORE FAVOB." _ PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' VOI 34 No. I Flesherton, Ont, Thursday, September 17 1914 W. H THURSTOM E , id PhO Eugenia Paragraphs Kimberley Budget Quite a heavy frost on Friday night last, which did considerable damage in this ]nr:. Mr. Geo. Uutchinson attended the Toronto exhibition last week, h-jtue on Mond-iy. The pastor, Rev. Marshal!, occupied Mrs. Josci'h WiihaiiiH and son, Wil- liam, Miss Ednia Williams, Mr*. R. Pur- jis and C. Graham atterdod the exhibi- tion last week. Mr. and Mr*. Will Giln.our of Fair- mount, al<> Mr. and M; v Reid of Rock- lyo, Misses Kathleen and K : . Marshall of Metfuf:, >pi ut the v. i k end cith the pulpit in the Methodist church Mrs. A. F. Pedlar. j Sunday morniug last. Heavy fin-: i- have dail-viietl the gar- dens, scorched the cni PV. Miss Millie Haney was the guest of Mrs. Robert '(sboriie the j>a.s' wek. Mr. and Mis. Ra\iin>n<! and son, K ,i. r, .ii.il Miss L ivelaml have returned from their visit in New York. returning | Mr. and Mrs. A. W*kin* visited at 1 R. McKee's, Portlaw, one day last week. Mr.- Thos. Xeeley, of B.-avenUle, visited frien Is in our bur.; recently. Vuite a number from our'tburg attend- ed the corn roast at R. Mi-Mullen's on Fridiy night Ust. To say it was * huge . success is putti.ig it mild. It *as simply Miss Meieer of ToMBto is the nuest if i .. v * . .. ... _ . tne event ->f the season. Ii waa a night . or the gods, not a cloud beamircJ the Har gemmed canopied vault. After Mr. and Mrs. Win. Uuckett. Mr. J. K. .Ianiie<on and Mr. Shipley attended the exhibition. Mr. and Mrt. Hurst have taken up Dieir residence iu the old Woodbora home. Miss K.tte .Jiii.iesi.il is visiting lu>r eiste-, Mr. Hillock, who is very ill. \ E. A. Groh.-kiu has moved his t'.imily into his tine new residence. Eugenia iiecple and other friends eor tributed a purse nf yold to our brave volunteer, F:e<l Suatb, who is now train- in" at Val Cartier. We Impj he will a n riiurn. -is he was one .of our highly e < fined y mug me i. Mr. Hciny Tu- dor is now. uiidei order to join his regi- men: ;it Va! C-trtier. Yiiur corrtsjiui !ent overlooked the fact that Mr. Uei.ry Fcnwick had -^iiif to l. e West 0:1 one of the i-u.-eut har/est ex ursio-,-', and expects t remai i there for the winv. \ Ceylon Mr. S. iri r.'ie Hemphill ami M ~ i-t week in Triu;il<i. Myrt!,' Mrs 6jr(ri:h <.f Tnionto, who has been with :n r lU-.i^iiier, M:s. W. \\'hiti>, for the ; ,it uiniith, rc'unii'il hmne on 7hursJ*y. M:<. A. Mi-Lcoi'. spun the past v\i-l, with he: di<iuhto.-!> in Tormiti'. Mr. ''has. a d Mi-s Vera R'cMullen everybody h.l partaken of a hearty feed of corn they repaired to the house, where they tripped the li-ht fantastic till die wee small hours. Miss Mae Hutchinson took the topic in the Euworth League 01. Sunday even- ing last. Miis li'jtcliiiisiiii is a very logical .spi'aker aud baudled her subject iu a very aSie mauner. Our enter t >riaiiig cattle drovers. Stuart and Carruthers, made a bu.-iness tiip t .- Burk's F-ills l.st week, where they succeeded in buying i^uite a number of c-ittle. Mrs. Andrew ShieUs, .if Detroit, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. <!eo. Ltwrenci*. at uifsent. Mr. Eilwo.hl IJ'iick ot Halkaway \hit- eJ at tie-'. Hutchins >n iccen:!y. Mi. Ashley M. i',i!u.ii M-i-e.i friends in this vicinity during the pa.st week. Mr. D. L. Welx>r hits complete^ lr conn-act with the Hy.ho Klectric C.n- travto:s We ate sorry t > report ricM on 'h-' s- c k li^r. Mr. Joe Corn- of vis t its unJer the parental M .r' i tl. in/I ,.!. Toronto, is ou a iii.-. - vaciition with frien is here. Mr. Fred Cliislett, Shelburu^, speiit cvr r Siriday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. White, West Hack 1. i.e, spent S.iuday at Mr. (Jeo. Snell's. Mr. Frank and M si Ne.ssa C'ollingoii took in tho Ton'iito exhibit-on, returning Mi'iiiLty. Mr. J. \V. Cii>hnie, Toio'ntf". is a visi:or m 15. C-ook's. Mr. Shields, of IKtroil, visited with Mrs. A. Kut ledge last week. Mis. Muir recoirtd the sad intelligence on Monday that her father, who ha>i b iii ill IT B'.II ! time, had pasi*d away. She left on MoiuUy to-itleii'l tlio funeial : Mono Rond. Mr. J. J. r'Htiison is <|nite ill. but we hi'pe for a speedy recovery. Mr. J. Ridley and son, Will, took in tho exhibition t Toronto. Death h.is ugain entered our village. claimiiiic for its victim Miss l.i/./.ie Sai- gent, who has been ill for over a year. All that nifilit il skill and loving hands eould do was done for her, but <>f no avail and she passed away early Sunday morning at t he age of -'."> years. The de- i-i'iifd was of a very <iuict and kind dis- poiition aud lovfd by all who knew her. The funeral took place to Flesherton cemetery Tuesday afternoon. The .-er- vice was conducted by Rev. Mr. Kerr, Singhampton Ui- >li. Mr. John Taylor is ijuite i I. friends hope for a -peedy lecovery. The ochools I. ine reopei ed witli Wilkunjii iiiul Miss Deri- in chtrge. There is ,. ^ood att -luLincc, though ina-iy "f the boys are yet busy on the farm. Hev. Broc'i ha.- rvturned nfter hislmli- dj s at Wyevale. He occupied his pulpit heie on Sunday. Rev. Mori is is holidaying iu Toronto thisjweex. He is expected to return on Sat.Jid.ty. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Tyloi are in Toront'i tlii* week. They are attending the Canadian National Exhibition. The wedding took place on Wednesday at Shelburne of Miss Alberta, daughter of Mrs. M. D. McLean of 'his village, to Mr. Hector Cibson of Maple Valley. The ceremony took plnce in the aftei- uoon aud WHS witne.--.sed only by a few friends. They will reside at Maple Valley and on entering upon married lile.lhey do so with the best -.vis-he i of their wide ci'cle of frieud.s. Vandeleur Happenings A patriotic concert, under the auspices of the Women's Institute, was held in the Meaford Road church, on Tuesday evening of last week. As an evidence of the patriotic spirit the church was com- fortably filled und H number who euuld not be present sent their admission fee. Rev. James Dudgeon occupied the chair. A program consisting of p-ttriotic speech- es, songs, recitations and instrumental music was rendered. Talent from Mark- dale, Flesherton, Eugenia, Kimberley ud other points ably assisted in making the program a success. The proceeds amounted to $l'7.74 In aid of the patiiuic fund. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Xeely of Toronto motored up last week, calling at W. J . Hutchinson's on their way to Mc*furd. Mr. and Mrs. T. Randall of < weu Sound uiotored to ' >rangevil!c on Satur- day by way of Vandeleur, from which place Mrs. S. Gilbert and Mrs. Gco. \\m-liiig accTmipaniei them to Orauge- vJ e, returning Sunday evening. Mr. li'eo. Wright returned from Toron- .lo Us: week after spending a few days at the rxhiliition. lifv^Kobr. PritcharJ, wife and two clu Jreu, of Winnipeg. ra visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pritchanl. It is fourteen year* since Mr. Pruohartl wen: away and his many friends are lad to see- him h.u-k aa:n. Mr. anvl Mi-. 1>. Kosu-r, acompanied by Mrs. lieo. Wright, motored over to Thocnbury last week. Mr. H. 1 '.ii .-hill-in i-L-iurne-.l t(i T- rout.. l.i~- week after spending somo time ,i; h^ home here. \\e are i;ld to see Mr. W.n. Buchanan r i I if .jut gin, iificr being Ia:J up 'Miif t.in..- MI li I inlicii nl.s. > K.4 Kupit-ll <.f Markdalo visited -I. I. <ii.ih.im - Us; w.-ek. DR. ptcUlit in Mr. Walkerton and Portlaw Miss McK.iy of Owen Sound is our new school teacher. We extend to her hearty welcome to this sectivn. Tjie marrUge look place on Wednesday the '-'ill inst., at Uoltou, of Miss Wauchob of tin; place and Mr. Lewis H. Shear- down, of this pi. ice. No particulars of the event re, t' hand. They will take up their residence on the third line. Wei extend congratulations to the popular young groom au 1 wel;mue his young bride to this neigh borhood. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Thompson and tt*herton,as3isted by Rev. Mr. Hossiel, j daughter attended Ihe exhibition and Rector of Markdale church. On tie casket were placed many beautiful wrcatl s of sympathy fiom friends. She leaves to mourn her loss her puems *ivl fotr brothers: Isaac of Niw <>nuii<>. \Vjll if Port Dover, Edward >f Owen Sound and James at home, who have tho deep Kyinpai by of the community. Victoria Comers Victoria ci<riepou.'ent IIH* been ulf | duty so long he JIJ hV to be pardoned I for repeating past items. School re -opened for this term with a new UMi-her, iss >'e!rsut of Hanover, for tb omin^ yrnr, Miss Hint Hoard i.l atteWitig high school iu Fls'ierion. The wind * c mple of wks down Mr. Win. \rh--- o/s H'O, blew risited friends iu Toronto. Mrs. Win. Taylor vir.it 1 with brothers iu Toronto and attended the exhibition last week. Miss Burk, who has been visiting with her friend, Miss May L'orniieKl, returned to her home at Shelbuine. Mr. W. h, Hemphill took in the sights at the big show in Toronto last week. Born- On Monday, the 7th lust., to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J, Chapman, a daughter. No Use For It (0. 8, Alvtiitiaer) No guiu-d has yet been posted over the Graml Trunk Ut ; oD, t'ie feeling beii t thfct the German) can have the old thing if they think they can stake any use of it. The jnuilg-'f-t d.iugh;cr ..f Mr. Mrs. liiJeon Schneider "f Mildm.iy * i* Ik-aided t i <leth "H FriJ.iy );is-, liy t .1 - in.! inli- a pil of In iliuy water >! the tl !. The i!ccei-il WHS ! , i.t two yo.i;s .'f ate, ttttd sujcuni 'Mtd i r'_-\v hours after t lie accident. 'D-uiald M.-Liiuhliii. : in- thief wli > was riv -ntly m nteiieed to lt> moiitlis in the Central priKun fur bur^m-i/ing R. .1. Manns Mmein Te.-waU-r, escipeJ fn-in 'lie Walkertiin jiil aSout S.M o'cl-K;k t-n Friday morning last uud alter a hot chose over thi? countiy wjs recaptured by Chief Ferguson, and Uti-r seiitoncfl l>y Judi;e Klein to two years for j^il liruaking. The t wo -year-old dauglrirof Mr. John S:dic, jr.. met with a sciious mishap at lier ho. i e touth nf the ti.T.R. station on Friday Ust. when she fell f;io; downward out of a wgiiii, with (he result tint the hind wheel of the wagon passed ov^r tl.e MM ill of her back. '('lie lower rib* on her r ght side tre broken nft from the spine mid she ws oth<*iuise serioufly Inn- inttiiially. Dr. Hill. H|JU wat> sumniiiucd, set tlie fracture, and Hlihnugh still in a ciitical cmidition h<i|ies ate cn- terta neil for hoi recovery. The liiggi's*. pike that w.is p:obably ever lkuu from a stream in this section was brought into tuwn on Friday Usi by Messrs. Jas. Skelton and John Luckhart. ho corroluirated a bi^ Hh stoiy by pro- ducing the Kuods, ;>nd causing the Doubling Tho'tiaies tn rist nc their faith by sight. The lish, which meiisured :y feet and weighed -1 puiinds, w.s cauht iutlicMud River, Greenoch, by Mi. Jol.n Oissidy of Chepstow. and required the combined efforts of the Chepstow and Walkertoti talent t . land it. Soi vt-d on a side-dish, it Inter played n bi* part in reducing the high cost of living in cer- tain <|uarters here. As a result of the extra tx put on liquors and tohicciws by the Dominion Government to help meet the expense i<f equipping the Citnadmi soldiers for the front, the wholesalers and d st Hers have advanced tho price of boo/.o u> miL-h an extent that the Walkeitim hutel-koepurs met last week and decided to raise the price of the beverage in town. The in creased rate went into efl'act over the local bars here on Monday, with the re- sult that all imported and sei'ed goods that formerly cost the customer lOc. :i glass now reUil over the moisture counters at Iftc. a horn. Rye whieke.v, Heathcote Specialist in dUcani O l tke Intended for Last Week ! - r y Mesn-M. Eluj Oardner, Alex Reekie, ty6, k<*T,llOS6 Hunter Kerr, Robert Camplin and W m Office- 1 30 10th at. West, Owen Sound Milne left foe ihe West oa Tuesday Yst At the Revere house. Mark-dale "nd 'e join iu wishing for their best ot Thursday each month from t- to a 12a.ni success. Dundilt,lst Wednesday of each month.. Miss Hazel Bovair is visiting with- friends in Duncan this week. The Heathcute Ladiea Guild aud Au- gelicin Sunday Sch.l held their M uual picnic in Mr. Vamphries bush on Tues- J day List. ti||!e All report a most eniovatle ' I am now prepared to du chopping every day iu the week except Sundays V\ ;ire sorry tn rt- port that 'Mrs. Rob- * n< ^ ever y "eek '" '-he year. Bring aloua ' ewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. ert Murray i* ill. \ Ve wish EbraM speedy your recovery. Mi*-t Wable ai.d E>- Reid of Uocklyu *rj visiting with their sister, Mrs. Harold V.ckers. Rv. J. H. Uasfocd of Maik.Ulec*;led on friends in our bur.; ibis week. Horn In Heat he >U-, on August -JO h, I1H4, to Dr. ai.,1 Mr. MeKee, ii s-m. A terriH electric M.ntn, accompanied by * heavy full ,,f hail and rain, over ihiv pare on Thursday evening Its!. We have u..t heard of any serious d im.<i>e bring done. Mi* .Ii in Milne of Tliornbury is < wit- inz nh hcrci.-muii. Miss .Jn Miine t Healhcole. ^ e ai e pleased to see the inipiiit- .-nents ,.| the town lull .t< bei..L: repiin:- ed. The Heatlici.te XV. .men s InHitule re certainly Coiii-^ .i.id w..rk f r i r Our sash and door factory i- always at your disposal for anything you want in mr line planing, matching, etc. Floor ins, sash and uo>rs, and all house fur- nishings supplied promptly and at leas- onable raies. (let estimates. T. Blakeey, Prop. i:; iv W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler LESHERTON, ONT air is \i.si:im with Arer severl m. ntlis v i illness > ne of our respected residents of Kuphnisia in the person i f Mr*. Redge L.m.liy pa-.s tl i ;4.-iy a' her !:..;iu- near Hr.ithi.-i I.-. Tlie I'jiieia'. hch was 1 ttgely .iiteniicr. . place t.. Thoriibuiy ceine'i ry on bun Jay fternoua. U, v M:-. .Itmiiismi, her 1 iistor. condiicle.-. tin- sei vice. Sheletves to mourn her :.-s ii !;n.-),i,J aiui small children. Mr. .Hid Mis. \\illUin Gi!m-e un! r.ii-.ji y \isitod :!li the .'alter 's -i--,-r. Mr .J. H. liirJn.i. .. i S inday. ThU Week - I ems Mi-s lluyucn of I'.iit AHh'it. *'i.. !i.i beeo"v:uuig with Rev .m-i Mis. >.,_; for the past few nie,-, his .etumed to h--r Imme. MlSS H.l.!.'l |!o fi ien Is at Utiiic.ui. We iire.sony t i lepoit .Mrs. \\ iHNm '< ecu ill, and In. pe fur l.er >|>eedy re- "very. Mrs. E. Fie.'ln-ii \Uitid wit!i friends I near DUUCHII the Kilter | art of the week. Mi s I'earl Srig'ey, ho IIH.S been vis i i ing with her graniipareu's. Mr. ind Mrs. D. Srijjley. has relumed 10 lier home in the city. Dr. McKce .ittende-.l the T.ir.uito ex hibition List week . The Healhcote v.uing p-up'e heM a ball in the town lull ,.n Friday uveiiill:-. All ie ( i 'rt a 'noxt enj ijable time. The A. Y. l\ A. he'd their annual! district p''ciiic in Mrs. Skippeus' grove ; near Heathcote on Moinluy afternoon nf J [si week. Several uumes were pKved , l>-tween t' Hi-ksburs;. Uedn-ing, Fni - mount md Heathcote. It i.s not known as yet who is t be owner of ihe ?iKtr' c i >. YoujCatvjGct Ar\y quantity of Sugar, Tea, Flour and Feed, V Mi" Fi sh< ' W. BUSKIN HOT WEATHER SHOES As 1 have some lines of summer shoes to clear out at reduced prices. W. 1:1.1 .. > I with buckle . pmti|i5 and I'ateiit Women's I), ug- It ' i\f- uls with .' i. leirins! lit *M.". ii'iin nii-lal t i eyelet*. si.^. s :t, 4 A 4 '.. A lot of chiliire'i's ] !.ne :uiJ pump^cle'iriiiK it M' c's. a pair. It in need .f 4 ^'od 'nink "r -u>( i-n-f,we IIHM- i r i.-e us,snrtjiient mi hand. Thos Clayton. Fast Mountain A eo- n tcjtsi took pUi-e at the homo of I Mr. It. McMullei., :iu 1 he certainly gave ' the people -if l';ist Mo int.vn n good time. Tlio btrvest is wound up f< r anutlur yetir. Miss Sidic Smart and Lcr sister. Mir..! nip, and Miss Annie Allen, left after hoi'- j days to take another trim a! the Flesher- ' ton high school. Mirs II ii-l Allen went Iwck to lie \ school at Egypt, where she is well liked. j which used formerly be sold for 5c., now * jogts lUc. iX!''H t es have a}>o bevjj in- created liool J.!. ti> ]5c. [Jel- (liifk^M. Lager I'oi i hus not bcn Mited In pr cc. , although r, is said, the ttlaAs has diminish- i M ' 1 ' . J iu vize, the old fashioned German schooner having given way ti> a tumbler of less capacity aud pretension'. With the ost of jag so high now, ii is prob- able that <r will be able to finance a spree here. -Bruce M.-I i! i [.m 1 .mes. Owen Sound Girl Suicides Kathrine Long, a l-Vyear-old girl fii>m (>wen Sound, committed suicide at her sister's home, 3'JO Georga Street. Toroi:- to, on Sftlurday night by drinking i <|u-in- tity of cnrbolic acid. She was remnved to St. Michael's Hospu il. where she died a Tew iii-nut.i' nfter 1-einn admitted. N in>|uest will be held. The cause of the girl's Act is nit known, sF " * ^ i She cube lo TiiCohtt! erly last e<k to Exhibition. n Friday she re- ceived a letter from >wen Sound aud the remainder t Ihe day she ftp|*>*red depressed. Saturday niht she suddenly rushed into Ine room where her tistor. Mrs. MclW, was sitting, and tWU hev that she hal drunk ciubol ; c acid. You'll Want to Look Right . l!nl,beriin-ma<le. SOME ot these evenings you'll waut to look " just right." and you know as well as we do, that there's nothing like a well-tailored blue or black serge suit They're right at night. The proper enp< r alwsiys! Let us take your measure tor all wool serge. The kind th-it won't lade, or gt trusty. To-day is the clay to order. $20.00. S.J. BOWLER Sole Ag"t for the Hobberiin Tailoring.

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