Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Sep 1914, p. 8

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September 17 1914 THE F L E S II E K T N A D V AX C E \ BUSINESSCARDS KIPMNO-S WAR POEM. CD H. WBIGHT, TELKOKD McDOSAI.D llarriaur, Solicitor*. &c. Utttcen. Cli.iy! Times: Kipling has contributed the following poem to Tbe London A Bruce lilock, Owun Hoiiul. Standard Hand! Hlock. Kleoherlon. iSaluniavn) W. H. Wright., W. K i'elford J . . I. C. XlcUouaH, U i . V. SOCIETIES O U W m*tt on the lait Uoii,u\ in acb mootb, ID ii.ru long* room Clayton'* hllPi*artod, t 8 p.m. M W W. J. r...|i.-. . i; .. C. H. aluuhaw; Fin., R. J, Bproule. Viiltine brutbrtoiuvlteo PRINCE ARTHUK LODGE, No. H33.A.F.A, A U, meeti io th afaaonic lull. Arm! ttotis H lilock.KlMhcrton. evury Friday on or i rfor* the lull IUOCD T. lllakvUy W. M.; t'u*j.Vlunabaw. Kecrnlary. COURT FLEbHERTON, 9B5, 1. 0. F. ineeUlo C ayton Hlock thelait \\ednesdav evenlur Forestera lieartil> : K. B., U, rairr.n: b month. Vlaitlng Icome'C. K., (1. UelUmy D.8*e , W. Huakln. Fleaa* pay duea to Kin. Bee. before tlie Brl| a v o( tbe month. CHOSEN FKIF.SOK Fletherton Council ClioMn Fricudi meeU in Clayton 'iball Oral and third Wwlneaday of each mouth 8 p. u) hay MMn>ent> to th He-order on orbofon n r tirt dayof ecb month. Cbiel Conncilloi f. Hlakalev; Recorder \V. H. Hunt. DV3DD UATHE'.VB, Warkdal*. " lu.-'.ion _ Llcenwrt OOMT for the' county of (5rey, Qoof trivice at reaacnable ratei. Uatcn i-.au bt o:ade at Tbe Advance, o I'J MEDICAL DB CARTKH M C P & 8 Ont, Pliyticlaii. Burgeon etc 'Jfflce and reeideuca Peter it.. Fleabertou I f OTTKWELL * Veterinary Burgeon graduate of Ontario Veterinary Collnte ieidauce iwond door noutb weit.oc k.rv itieet. Tbia itreet rani outb t-rettrtcriao Cbureb. DENTISTRY D''' r. E. C MURRAY U 3. S , dental nurseoL bonoi graduate of Toronto Unlveraltyam Ivoyal College of Dental Btiruooniiof Ontario, Sat adniUiniitered for teeth extraction iKidence, Toronto btreet. Kleii-.ertou For all we bave and are. For all our children'* fate. Stand up and meet tbe war Tbe Hun IB at tbe gate. Our world bae passed away In wanton overthrow; There's nothing left to-day But steel and fire and woe. Though all we know depart, Tbe old commandments stand: In courage keep your heart! In strength lift up your band! Once more we hear the word That sickened earth of old: No law except the sword. Unsheathed and uncontrolled. Once more it knits mankind, Once more tbe nations go To meet and break and bind A crazed and driven foe. Comfort, content, deligbt, The age's slow-bought gain. They shriveled in a night Only ourselves remain To face tbe naked days In silent fortitude. Through perils and dismays, Renewed and re-renewed. Though all we made depart, Tbe old commandments stand: In patience keep your heart! In strength lift up your band! Xo easy hopes or lies Shall bring us to our goal But iron sacrifice Of body, will and soul. There's but one task for all. For each one life to give; Who stands if freedom fall? Who dies if England live? Wireless in the Reid Prevents Communication Ever Being Cut Off W L - r\fi. THK INDIAN TKOOI'S. LEGAL HANKY A _hKSi:v-i!rrliori;,: Britain's Hindu Kor< es May Now Ik- system .1H-H-. h. U. : . r..| IHnniror at Scene of A\ ar. IRELESS telegraphy IB tbe new force In modern war- fare which has changed all the >il. problems of communication. Former- ly the aim was to capture and de- stroy tbe enemy's telegraph lines or submarine cables. Nowadays the mat- ter Is not so simple, for the wireless zones cover Europe, and ships at sea may be In touch with the War Offices in tbeir capitals. A wireless expert, writing in Tbe London Chronicle, gives In an illum- inating way the realization of what the new telegraphy means and how it is made use of in war. He says: "Through tbe medium of the Eiffel Tower regular communication should be maintained with the wireless tele- graph station at Moscow or St. Pet- ersburg and France and Russia should therefore be able to keep in continuous communication, despite any interruption of the ordinary tele- graph service. The danger of inter- ference with tbe wireless service by stations of tbe opposing nations is practically non-existent. To com- mence with, each elation would be too busily engaged in dealing with Its own correspondence to attempt to prevent another Elation from work- ling, and at best they could only hope : 0-. .rhear communications. , "TAVPI.VG IMI'HACTICAULE. "In wireless telegraph, the ad- justment of one circuit to another in such a way that the 'time-periods' are the same throughout the system, 'so that electro-magnetic waves pos- jsesslng a different time-period will produce little or no effect on the considerably reduces tbe danger of tupping messages, while ! the provision of .- n-t codes and England is pouring into France cyphers would make such fragments A- VOUNU j Maik.lale r.eral banking i.imneiia. Mouey loaue ; - lain- Call on us. A. nttlcoH. riront'o. "tCC-a Tiadi-r Hank 'Hide.. |>hom ttfcir 14i;; Markdalo I.uca Hlock. I'tiotie 2 A. o _ ._ r ^ ^, F uvi .u branch omc. .t Duudaik ..|..-n . -v 'ay. fronf Jndla 200,000 trained men, of o ( messages us are overheard unin- which 75,000 are British troops, In- telligible to an outside party. BUSINESS LARDS eluding some of the crack regiments - An incident during the recent of the army, and those remaining arc Balkan war illustrates the reiuark- - the fighting native troops of the In- ahle reliability of wireless telegraphy, dlan army, lit comrades on the firing ]j u ring the siege of Adrianople. all line of France's Turcos and Spahls. communication between the city and Some of thtse may have comt^ Constantinople waB E t O p pc< i. ij ut through Canada. 'shut up in the beleaguered city with According to official hgurvs the Indian army's strength in round numbers, is as follows: Infantry, 122,000; c-avalr; , 25,000; artillery, 6,000; total. 163,000 men. Of this number 3,000 are English officers and non-commis- sioned oi!i< . :. . the rest are natives. , * Thirty-nine regiments of cavalry, Auctioneer im (if I'.-tn ol them Lancer regiments, be.- aTodM-a"!.. 'i-atiilactiou 'ijiiarailuwi. * '.\ntiij.- Oovernor-Gen< ral and of the gover- ^Etaf.-r <laie inav be maile at t.n- A.IVJIH-I nol -p, and several independent troops, jffii-.-, or (i-uti nl li-lf-rlioMi.oH.ee t cvi'lulnilii . k .., .1. nmiinleil -inn at >-\-v.-l>liitiii. Ullt. 'llu- in. .in Strength of the Indian army is in its infantry. Urahmans, Uajputs. Jats, Sikhs, I'unjabls, Uo- D Md'.IAiU UcftiMjJ Auc.ioiipcr tor tui Co-iuty ol (trey. Terim moderate and tit mi. on cu.rauu.fi. Tli* arrauKnuieuu , 0( .... en( ,i nt . erg etc ..1 late*"! tale* c-an, be ma.le a, 1 UK AmMsci *.""V, e . v ittce. lln-i.lmce and I'.O., Ceylou. Telephone .CLC*'. ' HT M K.MTTISIi. l.icetinud .. _ . Kllll l-or Service I'.ire lireil nli.ii-lln.iii liiill, l-:m|ier"r, gras, Mahratltus anil (JhurkaH, of all P<I'I'.'I~. ' ir S-:IVH-I- i. n I. it li>7. ' Artoin<--ia. Terms *l .'iO f.r f.,r ihoroughlirfeds. All rc.ws K-rvi-il must lie piii-l fur. M.H-. II. '.""'XU. I'r'.jiii.Moi Kull l : or Service For v-1'vic.i.'. I Sin .11 H"il>' Alierde-n AN^II, .111 :<it .'!4. !. inn. An. -in M.I. T.-niK, *I. t.-forr 1-t.lnll. IJM.V- \V. .1. Mny i:. N if paid AK. I4.V<1. I...I 4-1, I OR .-.I V. SliRVICH liKITIMI ..u. 4, tftimar Bull for Service I'. in l.i.-.l slioi'li.ii-h I nil Kyviu M.OtiO fur xvi vr. i It.. V i mi'-i i. Tr.n l..':'l f-r -...l >. cow- f:t IKI. 1'u re lire I TVwniwoT'h li.y f u oil the 11)1 ivu Int. Teims f l.frf) fin :ill ai.iniiils. Ill !' b II 111 I'.T r,s..|,i \v..i. Farm for Sale S.I:., i tistt-s and of siveral reliiiions- - Mo- "i aili's, s:; hiiiiiniedan. Hindu, iTuddliistn are all warriors who will lay down theii lives in eaL-t'i'iieys for the llrltisti Raj, and the (UrU-sklnnc-d rcKlmenla of the Indian army form a lighting force hard to stop. Among the moM interest inn as well as the most formidable lighting out- fits in the Indian army are the Chur- kas. There are ten regiments of Uhurka Hides. These little lighters, who riiini- from the region of Nepal and who trace their descent from the Itajputs, would rather light than eat. In appearance the Uhurkas are de- ceiving. They are short, stocky little the imprisoned garrison was a 1 men, of somewhat the appearance of k.w. Marconi wireless telegraph stu tbe Japanese, although a little heav- lion of the portable type, and this ier. And they wear perpetual grins fortunate circumstance alone enabled on their faces. The grin does not her to keep in touch with Constanti- corne off when they go into a flpht. nople. where Is Installed another Mar- The GhurkaR were conquered by coni station. the Hrltish In 1814 after years of At no time did the station fall, and tightlnK, and huve become loyal sub- during Hie time that the city was in- jects of Kngland. When the Ghurka vested over 4fiO,OOU words were regiments were first made part of the transmitted to headquarters without " Indian army, they did not seem to a hitch. This, too, in spite of the '* take welt to organized methods of dlfflCulUfll tin allies attempted to warfare. It was not until tbe army create by placing one of their sta- '"'' ' authorities allowed them to make (Ions to the westward of Adrianople their national weapon, the kukri, and another to tbe eastward, so that i-i'vici- part of their equipment, that they re- they might come as nearly as pos- ealned their fame as fighters. Their slble In a direct line between the Si-msd instructors never could make them Adrianople and Constantinople sta- use the bayonet. The kukri Is a lions. As soon as the latter com- loug, heavy curved knife. inenced calling up Adrianople, or vice versa, he allies hammered away al ihcir two stations in a vig- orous but vain atte npt to "Jam" the .^ iiMt\ii\ .,, .u-tl.i* r.il t LM I'uro Mom!* l.'iO "Aim For Itiiltoii!" A I/ondon cable says: Many strlk- l."c', K.isi llnck Line. Art- Ing stories are told by wounded , ..1,1,1 iiu.-j !.;>, in-- iienrly nil soldiers returning from . K-..I. ,1. :(.', niilrs in. >, I |,-sl,.-ri..Ti. life "The blue gray uniforms France. I, -.in M-.iU.il.- (i.Mid ,.i. Im.i Uermans l.. n. liirn null wuter Apply .n |IICIMIM.M to d n'hei liiiil.lmyH; stuck f.irii. ance," said , X'HKI w -ll, in<linll, rtc fani r.vman, are hard to see a Yorkshire "and for tbe dls- of at a Light concealing A. llnlley I June I'.'U Bull For Service movements are more effective than our kbakl. Hut It Is surprising how quickly you learn to pick out such things HS buttons, badges, armlets ' and even peaks of caps or spikes of Turkish signals The efforts of the Turks were entirely successful. STOi'S i.l l l;il,l \ WAKKAUK. "Thatiks to Mr. Marconi's genius, In- and largely to his company's enter- prise, portable wireless telegraphy Is Parliann nt it U-l y to lie summoned in < 'ctober. Tha \Miite Mir linur Oceanic, was wreckel in the North S i*, and is a total loss. Saskatchewan's otter uf l,. r >(X> horsrs to < the Imperial Government haKbenaccept- Hon. Duncan Marshall, Minister uf Aprictiltmu i r Alberta, speaking at the Kx'nl.ii ion, urged that Canada's greates: War duly was to grow crops Hiul raise foo('. I'..- i.l.-s the U. S. cutter P. ;u , which is again liuntiux for the mirooned IIH-.II birs uf >!rt.in-,uii's i xpidition, another veisel, the (Jorwin, has been sent on the M-.nrli by .Lite: I.inderbei'g, a Nome millionaire fiiend of tlie explorer. A Kubitcriher to Tim Leader rent m an ear of corn which is <|uite a curiosity. Tne ear is nine inches Imu and scaituied amono the teinuls of corn nre i|ii to a numlicr of o.ts growing from the cub. Altogether the col> U null coier.d wi<h corn and nits. How the o>tts cmn to L'u.u ,i'ii 'iiL 1 the kernels of corn is a mystery. Tin- ear may lie Keen at The LtaJer OHic--.- T^ia Leader. Mr. J. A. Ci-u.-ll WHS seriously injured while running H threshing nuttit at Mr. John P.l.iki- n on ' h 4th cun., Rentinck. It appears that the sleuve uf bis smock caught on the set crew on the nlnfr, wliii liiu his right Him around 'he sliafr, and breaking Imth bones of his fortarm. The set screw also tore a deep j;iish in liis arm. As a rcsu't of an outbreak of rabich in llu,'' n, the local n ..m! of health has ordered nil ilnijs to be mu/./.K-d <>r <leftr>y- td. Sanuiel Henry of H .miltoli, who was vir iniif* in Harnsl.'ii a wei-k x"> w..s Ijiit-. n by a dov,aiul IPIS lieen onlured since to ' 'U- three weeks tre.-iMiiunt in T.I) in' ii, the il :-. it has since been fnuml out, Intv.ni; been atl'tcted with labie^. Three brunches if tlie Uutferiii \Vom- en's Instiintu contritiutcd 8132. 1!) to the llrd Cioss Society, nni'lc up a fullows:- Slielliurne *77.<K), Honejwood 850. 00. \Vhilti,-lil >'."i nO. The Slielliunie ISiiutch alM)|ex pressed to the Society a bale con- taining -t> feather ) illnws, H:i ijilluw slips, !' iiienilniij kits, 7"> pint' vnolen ocks, liO dn/.oii Inn lkero!iif r s a i.l 11 flannel khiil-. Fii-e I'res.. Mr. 11 T. 1'oit", one of the duvet. us of tlie Sydcnhgiii Fire Insur.ince Co'y. informs us that the Cimpiny l< t nine barns during thu severe e'ej'.rical norm uf two weeks ngo, -uul while one halt of the meml el's i til ; conipany have lu.M- c.i li'iiliiiiu- i ot one w.ui destroyed. Surely tins w.is stnui.; eviJenoii of tbtf rlrtiM of lightning rods, if tley m-o t the riyhi kind. The vales sli.nil.1 !> made, more faV'iralile to ilium who have i"'l'i. .1 buildings or otherwise liuvu ii Cumpmiy w'lich will inHiiri- i.n'il-d liitiklinys only- Tan Leader. \\'iu ll.n-il nn's li lid s.ni of Lins lle;ni had n very n irro v iscipe nc^ntlv. Lii in tl.e ii f lei noon lie went Imck in tbo lii-ld.s In bring t-lie rows limne. II were patturin.. in tlie same tie'd n I one of i In- n kic' eil h in i n the siJi. 1 of i Im lieail. Afier about li i'.f un liour Ins in. .!lu I lii .- line HnxiolH :ilnl ;:- li'^ I i lie held sl.e foini'l him cryini; in a tence coriier and lilood ruthing from hi< nioiiilt niul nostnlK. Dr. Ilackiii); .ittend- ed him but no ext rcmrly serious injiny w.n Bjjp ren?. Hud tlie horse been shml t n l oy winil I doubtlesK have l-cn killeil. Tbi! Miillan 1 Aigm fays : -'-Several I' "|.l. tti-n- -Ijlllril l|| Oll^'lOllt ills section 0:1 Kriilay Ins*, by i In rep irt of a tvriiti.: cxploH on whic'i broke mine yla in Victoria HMI-II.M- mid Port McN'.coll, .mi Moiiic tlionglit the ti.-i urn.-, bad sent an airship over these p n i-. and tried to ili .'p a bomb on the elevators. The t - | |ilo.si. in, although n.it due to any such cnust!, was n rual mip, for eleven oases of dynamite stored mi Methodist I-lnntl across from 1'ort. McNii-'ill wi'ie set oil in order to yt-l, nil "fit by tbe I". I*. It Tilt! e|iln-<i>e was used rtUllnj the Coll- Ntrnction of tlin elrvmnr, anil llirse cases were left over after the woik lad lieen coinplirte.']. The shock of tbe ci|>!nMi>n nv foil for several miles. - T T T T T r - Ceylon's Busy . Store A Limited quantity of sugar will be fold at it! )bs for $1 00, or 100 IDS. for M.OO. ' 8 cases of corn to be sold at 81. IX) each. Large amount of oatmeal just arrived. (> 50 pairs boots and shoes at less than cost. THIS IS A GOOD SNAP- BUY NOW We have a good stock of boots and shoes to choose from. . Prices are low. A large assortment cl men's and ladies' rain- coats. Lesrf 10 per cent. Good supplies of peaches, plume, pears and tomatoes, arriving daily. Now is the time to buy. Now is tne time to get your winter goods before they take an advance. Highest Prices paid for butter and Eggs JAMES PATTISON&CO. available for Held use. It IB more than likely that the u*e of tula ap- pa.auis will h'eln 10 curtail that par- ticularly ironbleRome form of war- fare guerilla lighting. 'helmets In the nun and tell by themj "I'orlable intlitary atations are de- li ANADIAN PA.CIFIC Hill- Tli'-roiiolilireil Slinriliom I'.ull. ciekl (ioii'i'ii'ii-,' Ni. rti"i4li8, for .n In' .7. "O 14. \r. -ii. i -1:1 "'AI.KX C'ARu'i'THERS. mile off, and of the moving men. otherwise. Kemce " Alm ' a bllt(on TerniK '' 011 '' l a f" erman ' n ' ItOBUJOB to the truth. Yoii cannot M|)g||||fd to be carried In crU. auto- (111 iiack-Radtllen, and by 'Thf i.i in. .in: are stich sticklers 60 VAMS> EXPERIENCE for i uii f that I have Keen their arlll- hand, and they are adapted for UK.- on aeroplaneR and alr8hl|ig, the ('.in: i- of communication beliiK 12 and 350 uilleH or more, according to the type employed. The Marconi atations are iut;enloiiHly designed to Inmire ab- DctiaN* -Ac. I a ukalrb and drucrlritlon im- dant&L I .. nit 'int. <Hdaat aicner tor nifiwipttwii*. 1'M.nu UtoD (hruuih Sliii'ii A I ". rmtlT* MMMM, WMkoM eliarn a, lu t h. *kMfflc Hwrtca lery keep tiring away at a position ofj gohltt) avl . refy the method belnj to ours after It has been occupied by,,. nRIlg ,, ,,^ w ' ave .| enK , h of the trans- thelr own men and at the hospital!,,,,,,,.,. Ht frequent intervals from one they find quite a number of Clermaus! llJ[ed WHVe . lcn g,h to nnother In a hit by their own nre." r, an ion of a ecoiiQ. "The operator CHII therefore change Hhoiild Send I'l-lnoiirrx Here. ),ls wu>e-length or 'tune' after I^ord Aylmer, former Inspector- fv.ery tb.ee or four words to any of i ;. -i. 1-1:1 1 ff fiini.il mi. force*, suggests 'the - aves to which hi* switch has that the Uf>rumnf> taken prinonerii by {been adjntd by sending a code U-t the Brltiah army during the warmer Indlciting to which 'tune' he was should he lent to ('anarla anil given about to change. The operator at tbe tracts of land in . i innis whrre large station with which he Is communlcftt- areus await development, and he Ing, ai d whose receiver is similarly encouraged to Kettle a* peaceful and fitted, would In- able to follow him productive citizens of the country. without dlffli-tilly. The wireless er- : <-iii \I[II..I|IH In i l.ai .1- of the vlre of an army, properly organised mobilization of the Kootenay coin- with such stations as these, makes It of the MM Canadian contln- impossible for any ttntlon not in- formed to read nH8BagB transmitted. HOME SEEKERS' IEXCURSIONS -TO- MANITOBA, ALBERTA i SASKATCHEWAN K cli Tne day tint 1 >ctii!>er '.'7, im-'usive Winnipeg and Return-$35.00 Edmonton and Return- 43.00 Ki'i'Hi Tun ntn Htnl Station* \Vet nnd N nth of Ti.roiii.'. I'roportionulo fi" from St iti.i i K.ist uf Tomntu. Hi turn Limit Two MontliH I'.Ll tlolllftl I* TIUUI * ..i MMi.il- f'HCiflC v- -n;- 01 w.-lii- *. li. Wt'KPHY. !>.!.. C.I'.Uv.. T.irnnlr. Bull for Service Tli -\ ..ii..-lili-.l \uiel iiMM 1. 1 nl I lo. fu il 'i ill lor seivin*. mi Int till, -Jn.l \V T. u'.ul S. It., -\ iii 111. -.1.1. 'Iniii.s VI. K ' csli. -JOHN ADAMS, Proji, Not Better Than the Best, But Better Than the Rest. MASSEY HARRIS -and - COCKSHUTT FARM IMPLEMENTS We're Here to Serve You- Please Give us the Chance. D. McTavish - - Agent FLESHERTON, ONT HARDWARE! Ladies' Hardware Cuine in and see The 1'incy High speed wash- -r. It s.-tvcs the hard work f if wash day. Men's Hardware luy a hall safety hoist. They niakt- lilting asy .Tu>t the tiling around the farm. Ask for circular. We get you anything in hardware if not in stock. Frank W. Duncan PL, E ONT Flesherton Tin Shoi 1 hiiv> just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nirkelware and Ajjutewaie for domestic use. ( toll on me ami get your supplies. Ettvetropghiog, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- Impairing of all kinds promptly attendetl to. ripelitting, including pnitip work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Olaro Bros. Furnace's. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON ^ ONTARIO.

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