Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Oct 1914, p. 3

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DISEASE IS DUE TO BLOOD BAD To Cure Common Ailments the Blood Must be Made Rich and Red. Nearly all the diseases that afflict humanity are caused by bad blood- weak, watery blood poisoned, by im- purities. Bad blood is the cause <xf headaches and backaches, lumbago and rheumatism ; debility and indi- gestion, neuralgia, and other nerve troubles, and disfiguring skin dis- eases like eczema and salt rheum show how impure the blood actually i. No use trying a different remedy for each disease, spring from the blood'. To cure any of these troubles you must get right down to the root of the trouble in the blood, and that is just what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do. They make new, rich blood and thus cure these diseases when common medicine fails. Mrs. John Jackson, Wocdstock, Ont., Buffered from both nervous troubles and a run-down condition and ex- perienced a complete cure through v Jie use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. because they all one cause bad 'I was a sufferer for a years from neuralgia JAPAN'S PRIME MINISTER. Count Ohuma HUH Made Hi* Coun- try's Int.TotH Hta Life Work. Among the statesmen of the great powers now occupied with the heavy responsibilities connected with war there is none whose personal history is more romantic or whose ability is more remarkable than the Prime Minister of Japan, Count Okuma. Okuma, now 77 years of age, was born of a ruling caste, trained to war for 700 years, to participate in the aristocratic privilege of defend- ing the country. He was brought up to enjoy the immunities of feu- dalism. His family was steeped in the ideas of national secluaion. by war if necessary, in blind hatred of all foreigners, and fanatical con- demnation of their religion. Okuima threw overboard the aristo- cratic principles of his childhood training, his benefits of class, his instinctive distrust of the alien everything but patriotism. As soon as he was old enough to be admit- ted into the Government he accept- ed a minor office. He had 1 a sac red She says : ' number of and a general debility of the nerves and sysitem. I had tried several doctors and many medicines, but to no avail, until I began Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. At the time I be- gan the Pills I had grown so bad that I oould hardily be on my feet and wa forced to wear e^asti-c band- ages about the ankles. The pain I suffered at times from the neural- gia was terrible. I had a'most given up hope when I began the use of J>r. Williams' Pink Pills. In the course of a few weeks I felt an im- provement, and I gladly continued I the use of the Pills until I was once j more quite well and able to attend to all my household' duties.' 1 If you are ailing, begin to cure j yourself to-day with Dr. Williams' \ .Pink Pills.. Sold by U nnedx^e dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. | Williams' Medicine Co., BrockviLle, I Ont. mission to perform, and took his training for it. He was inspired by the homely Japanese proverb : "The Rheumatism Goes Quickly Its Virus Forever Destroyed EVERY CASE 13 CURABLE. Good-bye to Rheumatism! Your aching joints, your stiff, sore muscles, those sleepless nights and suffering days good-bye forever your day Is gone. Sufferer, cheer up, and read the good news below. "A man met me a month ago, and said, 'don't stay crippled, quit com- plaining, limber up.' My answer was, I can't do It.' He over In a pitying sort of way and told me to go to the nearest drug store for Nervlllne and Ferro- zone. The combination had cured him. 1 was convinced of his sincerity and followed his Instructions. I rub- bed on Nervlllne three times every day rubbed It right Into my aching joints. The pain quickly lessened, and I became more ilmber and active. To draw the virus of the disease from my blood I took two Ferrozone Tab- lets with every meal. I am well to- day, not an ache, not a pain and uo sign of stiffness at all." What Nervlllne can do in a case like this it can do for you too. For nearly forty years Nervlllne has been recommended for Rheumatism, Lum- bago and Sciatica and Lame Back. It Is the one remedy that never dis- appoints. ON FEET COULD NUT SLEEP Skin Much Inflamed, Itched and Smarted, Could Not Wear SMALLEST REPIBLIC SAFE. Europeuu Powers Don't Trouble to Annex It. If there is an advantage in a country being large there is also an advantage in its being small, pro- vided it is small enough, says the Wall Street Journal. The Republic Shoes. Cuticura Soap and Oiot- ^e 'S.rbS? ot . ,-xiependen.t existence to the fact that it is ao small that The Euro- pean powers don't even take the c rouble to annex it. ilaresneit lies on the border of Belgium and Prussia, between Ver- vier and Aix -la- Chape lie. It has iui area of 1 .400 acres, a population of 3,500. At one time the community be- ment Entirely Healed. Vietorl St.. Tbetford Mines 'West, Qua. " One day I wu repairing a valve on top of a boUer when a steam pipe doM to my feet burst scalding both. Blis- ters came on my feet and I could not wear my shoes. The ifin was very much Inflamed and it gave me such pain that I could not sleep at night. I was treated for ten days with Food Supplies In War Time Rumors are in circulation that we are unable to supply order* owing to the war de- mand. This statement Is absolutely Incorrect. We are filling our orders as usual. Insist on getting . B lf'C what you ask for ULftnK a W.Clark, Limited MONTREAL. no Improvement so tried olno- longed to Austria. It was later an- I nexed by France and made the sub- ject of quite a little dispute be- i tween Napoleon I. and the Prus- i sians. But at the Congress of Vienne, 1815, nobody seems to have I "thought of Maresnet. and to this FORETOLD Pill SSI. VN FALL. RESPONSIBLE ONLY TO GOD. KaisiT Looks On Himself a* Instru- ment of the Lord. Mr. J. M. Kennedy, says the ! London Daily Express, has colleet- 1 ed a series of illuminating quota- ! taons from the Kaiser's speeches, jand his littLe book "The War Lord,' 1 give* a complete picture of the ruthlee* egomaniac who has ' plunged Europe into mourning. Here is what Wilhelm of Hohenzol- , lern says about hiinse>lf : "Remember the maxim of an oJd Emperor, who said : 'The Emperor's word must not be twisted or ex- plained away.' ' "Shamo on the man who aban- dons his king ' "You wear the Emperor's uni- A Monk .Said William II. Would HI- I i-i of Hi- Line. "William, the second of the name, will be the last King of Prussia: he will have no other successors than a King of Poland, a King of Sax- ony, and a King of Hanover." More than 600 years ago this pro- phecy was made by an obscure! monk of Mayence. Since then it lias been handed down from father to son. through the centuries, until to-day it possesses a startling signi- ficance. By plunging all Europe in- to bloodshed Wilhelm II.. the Kai- ser, must stand or fall by the issue. The defeat of Germany will mean fount Okuuia. his virtual disappearance as timid rat will find courage to bite the cat before submitting to death. His savred mission was to rescue Japan from the death sentence of the foreigner. Savrd His Country. He saw the effect upon hi* coun- try of the onlorprising and insolent Westerner, locating his legations in the ancient temples if he took the fancy, scoffing at the venerable reli- gion as "heathenism,'' ignoring the ceremonious etiquette which was the symbol of centuries of ideals, aad preparing to appropriate whatever wealth the country possessed to a milk it dry. He saw the fire of na- world's dictator ; it may even mean tive resentment break into flame the disruption of the German Em pire. Well may one ask whether prediction of the clairvoyant k of by-gone years will come ue. Other predictions made by t tiis ancient seer lyive proved Amazingly correct. The prophet mentions William I. by name, de- scribes him marching against Aus- tria from victory between ''the ear- ing and the harvesting of barley," and as having his march of triumph arrested at the very gates of with attacks upon jho foreigner for which the people had to pay exhor- bitantly $3,000,000 tribute to Eng- land, France. America, and Holland in lS6t ; $500,000 in addition for the life of one British trader. That Japan was saved to herself, that the powers her Emperor un- wittingly signed away to the for- eigner were regained through a re- vision of the rights and privileges enumerated above the signature on those first scraps of paper, that the form ; you have thereby received a preference over other men." "I am the possessor of an inflexi- ble determination to proceed fear- lessly in the path that has once been recognized as the right one, and this in spite of all opposition.'' "As I look upon myself as an in- strument of the Lord, I am inddffer- ent to the point of view of the pre- sent day." "The soldier must not have a will of his own they must all have only one will, and that will is mine. ' "A ruler may be very disagree- able, and I will be disagreeable if I think it necessary." "There is only one law my law; the law which I myself lay down." "The King holds bis power by the grace of God, to whom alone he is responsible. He chooses his own path, and onJy decides his actions from this point of view." "There is only one master in this country. I m be>, and I will not tolerate another." Vienna "by the word of a great Em- ! people of Japan have learned to de- fend the sovereignty they so nearly poror. A more accurate forecast of the Austro-Prussian "seven days' war' 1 in the summer of 1866 is inconceivable. In that campaign, it will be remembered, Bismarck checked his victorious advance to Vienna because he believed that the Emperor Napoleon III. was prepar- ing to march liis forces across the Khine in the Prussian rear. Then the seer foretells how within four years (1870) a great army would be mustered with deadly engines of war and "Woe," he marched says, ' 'to eastward's, the nation that has forsaken all laws, human ( and divine, and will be abandoned by the Lord of Hosts." He pre- t-i.-eds to picture the flight of Napo- '.eon III. before his enemies to a spot near Sedan, and his disap- pearance, never to return. Finally, after tailing of the complete re- ftu ((citation of France, he concludes with the declaration quoted above the only prophecy which has yet to be fulfilled. PLEASED TO RECOMMEND BABY'S QW TABLETS Mrs. Henri Bernier. Anceline, Quo.,, writes: "It is with pleasure -""That I recommend Baby's Own Tab- lets, which I have given my little ones for stomach and bowel trou- bles, constipation, loss of sleep and iruple fevers. No mother of young children should be without them.'' The Tablets are guaranteed to be free from injurious drugs and may be given to the* youngest child with perfert safety and good results. They are sold by medicine dealers 'or by mail at 25 cents a box from The ' Dr. Williams' Medicine ('.>.. RrockviMe, Ont. The man who manages to ki-t-p out of debt, out of jfcil and out o? 'politics i little above the aver ** lost., and change thedr position among the nations from one of con- descending toleration to one of ad- miration and commanding respect, is due to a small band of high-mind- ed patriots of whom Okuma takes a pre-eminent place. A Big Man. He helped to eliminate feudalism ; he used his rare gifts of eloquence to persuade the aristocracy to give- up its privilege of alone defending their land, to admit the commoner and the peasant into the army. Of] AU this time I was siibject to fre- LIGHT BOOZE Do You Drink It! A minister's wife had quite a tus- sle with coffee and her experience is interesting. She says : "During the two years of my training as a nurse, while on night duty, I became addicted' to coffee drinking. Between midnight and four in ohc- morning, when the pa- tients were asleep, there was little to do except make the rounds, and it was quite natural that I should want a hut cup of coffee about that time. I could keep awake better. "After three or four years of cof- fee drinking I became a nervous wreck and thought that I simply could not live without my coffee physique and strong, athletic build, quite unlike the 1 typical Japa- nese, his stc-rn faco little resembling the mobile countenance characteris- tic of his countrymen. Okuma is out wardly typical of the things differ- ent from the past for stands in modern Japan quent bilious attacks, sometimes so severe as to keep me in bed. for several days. (Tea is just as injuri- ous as coffee because both contain the drug caffeine.) "After being married, Husband which he j begged m>e to leave off coffee, for His char- he f caret! that it had already hurt actcr, however, could not be more I me altntist beyond repair, so I re- deepl.v Japanese because it is abso- ' solved to make an effort to release lutely and thoroughly Japanese at the cortv-so much so that there is no room for anything else. Okuma became Prime Minister only la-st May. It is but a short time past, but the war clouds were not then visible to the eye* of ordi- nary folk. Has first act. however, was to demand an increase in the army and navy. His acceptance of office at this time would be in itself an indication of circumstances ne>- cessitating his leadership in other word*, war. From Black Forest. The B<l<ack Forest is the tradition- al home of nearly all 1hp toys that delight children. The- most skilful wood carvers in the world live l'uro myself from the hurtful habit. ''I began taking Postum. and for a few days felt the languid, tired feeling from the lack of the coffee drug, but 1 liked, the taste of Pos- tum, aud, that answered for the breakfast beverage all right. "Finally I began to feel clear- headed and had steadier nerves. After a year's use of Postum I now feel like a new womanhave not had any bilious attacks since I left off coffee . ' ' incuts but none did any good. "One day I came across the Cuticura advertisement and decided to try a sample. The Cuticura Soap and Ointment gave ma uch relief and stopped the itching and smarting so quickly that I bought a box of Cuticura Ointment and some more Cuticura Soap. Now the wounds are entirely healed and the soars have quits disappeared." (Signed) William Neck; Jan. 31. 1914. Samples Free by Mail In selecting a toilet soap why not procura one possessing delicate emollient properties sufficient to allay minor irritations, remova redness and roughness, prevent pore-clog- ging, soften and soothe sensitive conditions, and promote akin and scalp health generally T BucU a soap combined with the purest of capouaceous Ingredients and moat fragrant and refreshing of flower odors, is Cuticurtt Soap. Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Oint- ment are sold by druggists and dealers every- whure. Liberal sample of each mailed free, .with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post-cart C.CuUcura, Dept. D. Boston, U. 3. A." TO* SALE. X. W. D4.WSO*. iaeiy Colborae 3T. Toronto. _^^^_^^^^__ IF YOU WANT TO BUT OR SELL. A Fruit. Stock. Grain or Dairy V-ifia, write H. W. Dawson. Brampton. or li Colborns St.. Toronto. X. W. DAW9OB. Colbom* St.. Toronto. MW3PAPE&3 JOB SALE GOOD WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN INT York County. Stationery and Boo* 1 day the country is an independent, republic. For a, time there was some dispute between Belgium and Prussia about the territory on ac- count of the rich cadmium mine lo- cated there, but even this is now ex- tinct. The republic has an admin Lstrat<jr of its own. composed of a burgomas- ; ter and 10 members of a council. The burgomaster is both a. Prussian and a Belgian subject. The inhabi- tants speak both German and 1 French, and decide individually whether they will perform military service for Prussia or for Belgium. Maresnet lias not yet been heard I from in the present conflict. liua'neea in connection. Price 14.000. Terma liberal. Wilson PubU%- log Company. ''" West Atielald Toronto. .- . COt. SEED POTATOES. V'EW BHUS*WRK SEED /Ol'ATOES.- J3I On rxscount of ihe war. thie fall will be probably the belt time to buy youi seed potatoe* for next year. Write : for price list of Varieties. Fawcetu Cpper Sackv^lle. SB. MIS CELL A!E OC3. SAVING HIS FACE. Dow I'liilininc Chief Couci-aled His Ignorance. The Moro lords of the Island of Mindanao in the Philippines. they are called datos, although neaj-er savages than barbarians, do not wa.nt native wit and shrewd- ness. Will Quickly Cure Sour CANCER, TUMORS. LUMl^S internal and external, cured *>"*' out pain by our home treatment, wri ue before too late. IT. Bellman MesllcU Co.. Limited. CVillrifwood. Ont. PIK.HT OF Hvarl-Stirriug Scenes in London When K\ili-s Arrive. It just tugs at the heart-st-ringa to see refugees on their arrival in London, writes a correspondent. Dead beat mentally, they want to lie down and rest and forget that tiiere are Germans and tl.at their country lies devastated an scarred. Thev are too tired and heartsick Relieve* Fullness After Meals. ' even to weep. "When I was working around the j Even the children farm last winter, t had an attack of in- ,- MUV w ,,iild line up A .young Ueutenant who ha. j ^Sn^T ^we^tTa ' leSerT^nul. ^r 7 ,1 T , iV or Port Kicnmonu. i was wean ior a. T) seen service there tells the following , long time but well enough to work 'utter hopelessness. ai '.> su>. id ; and follow a now in bo v s and Thcv are here with us. we must *> 2 be to nurse *n back incident, which shows how clever j u "n" t U "spring."" But something went airis will recover, but many of the one of them was in concealing his ; wrong with my bowels for I had to use <-ther poor spent creatures have ignorance: salts or physic all the time. My ]: ve d their lives and have had their Some of the retainers of old Dau> ! stomach kept sour and always alter d Mundi who lorded it over a few : eatln , 6 there was paln a , nd lu! , no f . al hundred fuzzyWd, bTwhop- I ,*. ,ffi~ SffSiffl ping natives in the Mindanao hills U8e d Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Instead of j the joy of back of one of the army stations, hurting, like other pills, they acted reinstate them; atf-i we must exact sneaked down one dark" night and i very mildly, and seemed to heal the :t terrible vengeance on their op- stole half a dozen cavalrv horses bowels. I did not require large doses from the corral. The commanding to **. , coJonel, much incensed at the thefu j "J,^ 1 presftjo rq Dr - Hain ' One family winch infedy T^day"? am in 8 Crr>ss <"" nsist<><1 of ^ M man had some native trackers trail the j well no "pain!" no soiir stomach, a and woman, a younger ouple, horses to the very village whera the I good appetite, able to digest anything. ! probably their son aJid daughter-m- old dato held his primitive court. This Is a whole lot of good for one l aw . four tiny chikben of ages b*- mediclne Forthwith lie sent the young lieu tenant, with a formidable eacort of khaki-cljid troopers, to bear a let- ter to the dato that demanded in- stant restitution of the horses under penalty of immediate war. A half- breed interpreter went along with the party. The lieutenant found the dato, who had word of hi* coming, seated in solemn state. He wore a gown of angry Turkey-red calico, while scores of cockatoo feathers bristled in his wool. Heavy rings gleamed on his fingers and toes. Around him were ranked a score of his war- riors. The interpreter traji slated the let- ter. The dato, who could not read or write a word in any language, took tho sheet from his hand and gazed long and frowningly upon it. "Well," said the lieutenant, growing restless, for he was fully aware of the Moro's complete lack of education, ''ask him what his answer is." The interpreter translated this : whereupon tho dato seized a piece of charcoaJ from the open fire and, making a number of marks upon tho back of the le-tter. returned it to the lieutenant in solemn silence, while his warriors looked on, struck with admiration at their loader's learning. The lieutenant gazed at the mean j ingless "hen tracks' that the dato had scrawled across the page, and frowned in disgust. "Tell him," he cried, impatiently, to the interpre- ter, "that I want to know just what this means ; whether we get the horses, or whether it's war!" As the hot words were translafc<xl to him, the old dato snatched the letter fn-ni the lieutenant's hand to do, and I can say Dr. my letter, I am sure, proves it. Refuse a substitute for Dr. Hamil-| ton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut, sold in yellow boxes, 25c. All di-alers, | or The Catarrhozone Co.. King-iron. Ont. \VUat Uo I'rayt-d For. Bobby I suppose you say your prayers every night." "Yes'm.'' "And what are the things you pray for ?" Mostly that pop won't find out what I've been doin' through the day." tween thnv and eight years, in a perambulator. Baltimore, M<1.. Nov 11. 1903. Minixds Liniment, t'o.. Limited Sirs,- 1 came arrow a. bottl? of your MIN ABO'S LINIMENT in the hands of one of the students Uie University of Maryland, and lie being BO kind a< to lot me uee it for a very bad sprain, which I obtained iu training for foot be putting it very mildly, and 1 therefore nek if you would let me know of one of your agents that is clone*!, to BalHni.u-i' so that I may obtain some of it. Thank- ing you i advance I remain. Yours truJy. W. C. M,-iTKAN. 14 St. Paul street. Care Oliver Typewriter Co. P.S. Kindly answer at oiu-e. A I'rolVssioual Hardship. My brother is a cook in the navy. Bridget Shure it must be tur- hible to be a cook where ye caa't quit when ye feel like ; t. For Married Men Only Wlit'ti voiir raior .= dull a= .1 h.xv usk your wife if he W.IHII t paring her o nt.-. Get her Pninam'e I'orM Kxtractor; it s the on)y pamlow and .ife cure. AJ1 dca-ler* i-i-U Pu:u:un'e" at 25o. per b A not her (.'ri:*is. "We'll, madam . is your hu^baud out of danger "It isn t quite >uif . the dot-tor is coming again.' Minardi Liniment Cures Dandruff. Supplied the Iiu-cntivo. "Badger says his wife is la.'; ' : responsible for his business uc- I cess. "Weil, she certainly made it ne- ressary for him to buckle down and earn more money." Sore Granulated Eyelids. Eyes inflamed by expo- sure to Son. Dust and Wind quickly relieved by Murino E)e Remedy. No Smarting. ., - just Eve Comfort. At and. seizing a twig that was burned Your DrugpstVi 50c per Bo'' 1 '- Murlne f.\t at one end to a live coal, he swift!" N ' e 'niu c*.c. Vi.-iin. Why. Willie.' --aid the teacher, in a pained voice, "have you been fighting agaui Didn't you learn when \<'ii are struck on one cheek you ought to turn the other one to the striker i' Ves'ui." agreed Willie, "but he hit me on the nose, and I've only got one.'' Minaret's Liniment Believes Neuralgia. Name given by Canadian Postum Co.. Windsor, Ont. Bead "The Road to WolJville." in pkge. Postum come* in two forms : Regular Postum must be well boiled. 15c and 25c packages. Instant Postum- -is a soluble pow- der. A teaapooniul dissolves quick- in humble surrounding*. WlKilelv iu a cup of hot water and, witih families arc engaged in toy m:vk- cream ami sugjar, makes a dekclous ing. Even the children help. No other nations cn compete, with the Germans and the Austrian' in the manufacture of ji'inted and bisqiw doll*. beverage instantly. 30c and 50c tin* The cost per cup of both kin* 1 * i about the same. "There's a Reason" for Foetum. by Grocers. punched three holes through the sheet. Then he handed it back to the- officer, drew himself up to his full height, and haughtily declaim- ed something in has native tongue, whilo his warriors bowed to the ground in awe. "He says. " translated the inter- preter with a. smile, "that he thought every warrior knew that when one ruler answers another ruler's letter by writing on the back of it, it means war: and when he burns throe holes through it. it means war twice.' Druggists or A wbe man declines drink between drinks. take A Llnlmtnl lor sale everywhere. Demanded Her Rights. Lawyer You say you told cook to get out of the house minute you found it was on and she refused to go I Mrs. Burns Yes, she said the the fire. she must have a she'd leave. month's notice before Mlnards L'nim.nt CurM Burn Eta. Wouldn't Ix- Ignored. Elsie is a si-'f \\ 'cd child. One evening while her brother was studying his lessons, she asked him something, liming no re<ply. sh repeated h-r .|ue*tin. and again repeated it with increasing petu- lance. Her nioiher said rebiikmgiy : "Don't anutry yonr brother. 151816. I'an't you see that he's bus.\ ' "I know." replied the child; "but he might at least have said: Shut up ! ' And iiianv a timid man give" an- other credit for his own ideas be- cause he isn't sure of their merits. Did A Lot For Mini. "You can't convince me. ' said the little man with the ragged trou- sers. "that vou can bring up child- j ren right by talkin' bo 'em and j lettin' it go at that. You've got to j use the rod, or you'll spoil the child. I used to git about three lickin's a day on the average." "Itj doesn't seem to have done very much for you," replied the lady with the protruding jaw. "It has done a lot for me. If they'd let me go uiy own way 1 might almost have been a failure in life." The public trusts many a man with an office whom the grocer wouldn't trust with a cake ..f soap. KIDNEY 1 41

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