Orlolx-r S 1014 THE FLESH K K I N ADVANCE TH O \ J\UUU11CC An ia'lt'i'^n I'-nt new*|.a)>cr, published every 'iiuwday at th e >i!tiu, Collingwood Street, '.nkerton. SuWriptlnu price $1 iMpruniiuni Vn pkitl itiu'h UK-.- ;$1.5d when not m pai'l '. Ivertisiuir rate* on application Circulation 1.100 weekly. ffcT li. Ttiuraton- BUItor Baptist Church II C. K-nr. 1'attnr. Pli me ">:t 15. 2 Sunday School IH a . m. - Service at 11 a in. II. Me study on rtedne d t) at the home <if Mr. II- ni'.l, ll. Ce>loi.. Flesherton Methodist Church R.-i- .limes Dudgeon, [iist'ir. Sun'*)- Oct. 11, UU4. Jl i. in. ani 7 p. in. -The P.!".! >r. S jn J.y. 10 t. m. Fellowship Seivke. (lunclay evening Epworlh League .v Murk Everett i Orgtnist. Wright d.i'ii leader and such respect ixo amounts that the ->ti- atiiouiit.n.iyablc en. Ii year for prin- cipal aud interest in respect of the said deht shall be as nearly as possible equal in the amount payable in each of the ither Twenty-nine yeats of the sixid period. Aod whereas the total amount required to l.e r->i.ieii annually by special rate for p-iym'4 'he siid debt and interest as here- inufter provided is $1557 78. And whereus the Amount of the, whole rateable priipiny of the said Municipal r,.!|.nra! mi of the Village of Flesberton, .ii-. . nl n. .- to the Uat revised assessment roll thereof, is $1:>2.!7; And whrreas the amount of ; b i exist- ing debenture debt of the said Municipal Corporation of the Village of Flesherton, exclusive of local improvement debts, is >.l..'i -I . -ml no p-<rt of the principal or ii termi is m arrears; Tlu-iefore the Council of the Corpora- ti. n nf ihe Villas of |- ,- -.' enacts 4~ fl-l'oWS. 1. Th-it for the purpose aforesaid it bt,ll b- I .wful for tue Reeve and Treas- urer . f the skid Municipal Corporatism of tlit? Village of FieeherVn to borrow the sinii ol >. .1 ii mi and > i*sue debenturrs of th 1 : said Corporation to the am Hint if $5,001). 1)0, each of which debentures shall be dated on the date of the isut tlieteof, and shall bo payable within thirry year* thereafter ut the orlice f the Treasurer of thu laid i '' p'.r .ti -:i Public Notice Closing of certain highways iu the Village of Kuseuia and fowoibip of Artcmesiu, being the load allow- ance between bts !15 aud 3(, ue tweeu the 10th and lltli coiices- sious. and lots :)0 and 91 iu tin- 10th aud llth and pait of tLe litli concessions, all that part of East Street in the Town Plot of Eugenia in Hie said Township and all that part of Kinburn Street in the said Town Plot, and also part of Cod- rinj.-toii Street, and alao Ptllisier and Simpson Streets and part of road allowance between the I2tli and IHth concessions of the said Township, 24 27 Village of Flesherton BY-LAW NO. '. T-i take the vote of the ratepayers of the Village of Flesherton i-n'itletl t. Vote y,.. ir on iiioiu-.x hj-laws, on a question t" IK- ^ submitted whether the i.-itepayeis are ,, in f.-ivoi of a supply "f t-lect tic power ft the Hydrt.-Klectric P.-XM-I Com- j mission of Ontario. 5 Whereas the Miiuiciil Council "f the u Corporation of the Village of FU-slieitmi 7 l.-rio- it advisable to submit t" I lie H ratepayers of the Village of Kleslieiton ., entitled to vole "ii i ley I >y lawn a ni |in>tii>n as to wlictli:-i the saul ratep.i\- || .is .in- in favor of a supply of electric pj I..II.T fi.iin the Hydro-Klcctric l'ei j;t I'.'lllllll-SIOII .if < hi' .! .- , [4 ^Therefore the Council f the Corpoia- 15 tl'ill of the VilUiii- ..f Fh-hheltoll cll.ultt H> M follows: 1. That the following quest on be admitted to the mtepilXt-l-s of the Mil iliil' '' Colp"Kili..|i of the Village of 20 Fl'-sli<v'"ii i-iititlt-.l to \oif on m y bylaws : Hydi.. Kl.-rtih "owi-r ('..mini-Mi f ilnUu-i" .x supply "f lie-trie |>oxver ' _*. That tin- x..t.- !' the ""' ral>-|".x- -;s shall U- t.ikt-o ..n tin- .|'.--sli..ii "t the foil-.* mi,' time and place by i',-e fol- lowing tb-piity i. -111111111-4 "tin-, -i .mil poll cl.-i-k hereinafter mentioned, that is to s.iv : At tin- town hall. Flfhertoii. mi October iWth, I'.MI. the l>ll t" "I"" ' !..',-!...-k .1 in. ami closi- it ."i i.'rl.K-k p.m. W. H. Tliuiston. U.-timiini; Orlicei. Hint T. Buhner shall IK- Poll Clerk. :;. A tine copy of thi- I'.xlaxx shall IK.' piil.li-lii-.l III tin- f.-llowinu ncxvs|iaper "li the 'l-ix- helt-inaft.-l melitiolifil, th-il is t -;i\ " III the Fl.-sbfit Hi A'h.ui" Thin s.liv. i>i (..tier K, Thurxliy. OctoU-i T.. nd ThumUy, o,-t..l-r 22, ami i-..jiy "f tin- Bvl-> -hall '' punted .-it tin- r\Mt Office, F. H. W. Ili.-klinn's .ton-, All. I \\ . I. VVnght's -ton-, .'ill m the Villa^i- "I r'lesliert'rti. 4. On th, 22n.l il..x '.f 0,t..l.,-l at Hie < l.-i-k's "'tin- 111 'In- Village of Fh-sh'-rloii at 1O i. 'clock am. tin- Itt-cxe ttill ill writi.".! signed liy Inni Hp|ntilll t |ier- s -MS t..att<-iii! .'it tin- tin 'I sun. i'4 up of til.- votes b\ tin- Cl.-rk '.f tins Coi-p,,- |-all'ill anil i llf |.i-ls..|| t.. attl-llil cull ]Hjllin^ pla ' n Ifbalf of the |flsoii.s int.-ii-ste.l in ainl ib-sii-oiis of tin- aiisxtt-r- ini{ ot the said .|U.-stion in the iitlirmatixp nl h like mmilK-r mi In-half of the pci - inttn-tc.l in and de-noils of the ,-i-nny i.f tin- --"'I quest ion in the jie-^.itixf n-s|M-ctixely. .'i. The :Mlth .lay "f Octol.er at the xui'l Clerk's ..Mice, Fh-sherloii, .-,t HI <i'cl'H;k forenoon Is bflvby appolliteil f.'i Ihf .-.nioinins; up by the Cl.-rk of this Cl|M.r.ill"ll of tin- votes -jiven III Ihe artiliiiat.i.- iii'l m 'hi- nexMtive |-fs|ii-.- tively. M<l", pM-si-.l and eiiat-teil I bis Iti.l day f 0,.tol,ei. I'.MI. I). M.-TAVISH, K'.M W. II. TlirixSTo.N, cu-ik. Take notice that the nliove is a line <-.,|,y of a Bylaw p.-iis.-il by the Municipal Council ..f the Village "f" Fh-bi-ltoii on in- third day of October, A.D. I!U4. And further lake nnlii-e that at the li'iiii. day and place therein tixeil forlak- iii^ the votes of the electors thi- polls will IK- held. Firnt puh!iilieil theHlb.lay/.fOctoU-r, A.I). P.M4. W. Il.THUtSTOX, Villa<e Clerk. Klel:e '.n, <M. .!*! "., IUI4 '2. The Mid debentures hliull I e pay- able in thiity viiual iujtalmeiits luring the thirty years next after the issue theivof, and the total .: , -nr o! prir- cipal and in .-. p*y;th!e during etch of thf said y>nr* shall be f. 1 ows: Inter. K7 17 25-^ i:; 24 tWi L'41 M 2:d 4H 'M :;:, 222 '.i:s -'17 -ii lll-.t I'.' JiJl (17 1 <.'.'. NH 18.% IW 177 OH Itirf 04 I:,H 4:. us r.-.i l:w i:; 127 Principal $ 82 ?K '.> sj K'O (il 110 '.f-' lit) 4-< 122 :KI I2S 4:: 144 M [M 11 UK! !HJ 17J 10 1*) 711 !*. 24 li>'. :5:t .119 r.i Annual P . I Illellt $:'o7 78 :::>7 78 357 i H .'!."7 78 -I".? wo .S.>7 i n .(-^ WL. .!.! (8 X>7 .!.-.7 78 7H 7s 7s Mr. .. K . la In:'. ."'2 '.HI 7't 77 4f, (C, 4.". 4* 72 17 (14 h of tilt- 24-.' 2.">4 L'lUi i:. :i24 :.2 .'.in 74 ii,- ; .i-niiii.' .nii. <Mti)- Village of Fieiherton Bylaw No. : To authnri/.' the borrowina of|S,600.0( ty ihe IIIRUII and sale of dut.entuieH, ti Ijroxide for th coit ..f a plant lo d n ili.iif elec'ric power to be Hiipplinl h) thu Hydro Elrcttio POWBI Commissinn ol Ontario. Passed WH WhereM it in necescary to ruim. liy way of loan on the credit of th Mini .!(,.! Corporation nf the Village o Klehhertnii the sum of ->.,,' n mi ... pu, vide for the c>*t < f workft, plant, ma i^hilKry and niipli'ii'oes necessary for ih listriimii'iii "I electric power in the Hai [MunicipU C.irpormion of the Villae . ).'|,.. h, ii"ii t.i be siipplud by Ilia Ilydri 'Bloctric Power Commii'Mon ot Ontario. And whereas the sum of 9>'>,uOO.OO i the debt in-ended to be created by tin be MKIII-I| by the Heexe (if "lie Miiil Muni- cipal Coipor-ilion of the Villai:.- "f Fli"-b- eiti.n, nr l.y tome ..I her p-i>ou autl.ori/.- .-.I by l.)h tn t-ii(H Kiine tiiiil by the Ti.-v.ui' i thereof, .i..i the Clerk .shall ->--tl tin' r.iliu' v. rli the " H, i il i.f the saui Coipoiutimi. 4. The s.id ilelien'iiri'N slrill hear in- lerest tit ill rati- nf fixe pi-r rent, per iiiiiiin. |tty.l. i- y.-iirly 4t the cilice < if the slid Tiensiircr and si nil I., 1 . .- attached llipie'o C"ii- OIIH fni tin 1 payment of wmne, which c"ii( ' n sb i!l I... iiianed by tin- Reeve ni-il Trpitaurer of the >.ml Muni cipal I'., p. tall 'II "f thi- Village of Flesh- <it.nl. ."i. During the cunency ..f the siid .l.-bi-nlnii's. I lii-re sli-,11 I c ! .i.i-il iniiual- ly by special r*lo on .-ill thf la'cahh* (roperly in lln- s.nd \ill-.-- i.f Flt-slier- t-'ii tho HUH of $:'>.~>7."8 f.-r tin- pnrpi'Sf .4 puin; the allli'tlllt 'li;-' ill i-.i li i>f tile sf.il y. -ait Inl |ni .rijul ami in i-nst in respt-it I" the >.-iiil ilt-l.t. li This Hyiaw shall l-ik* etlert ami (..mi- tii'.i i |.i-i.i! i.'ii fi.Hii nii'l after tlie mil ptiSNii.i> III- rei.f . 7. The vnt.-s . f the I vei. -ly.-rs f tin- aid Vil'iiif* 1 I't Flenheil.in shall In- taken n lliis i|in'i.iiii]i on tlu- L".':b <b.y of Mnlii-r A I'. 1!M4, c-oinmeiii.-inu it the ..... r nt II a. in . and r- i,t m.n _; mini .*> i. m. at the following places, and by the >epii'y Ki-uiiniiiu 'Mlici-i- .n,d Pull C'lcrk lercinafter im-ntioni-d, that i> i-- say: Al the Town Hall in the Village >if .'lesln-rtnii mid W. il. Tlnirst"U >bnll b.- teliiriiini! OHiccr and T liulmer shall I 'oil Clerk. H. On the 82nd day of October. A 1. I'MI. tlie Itt-eve will ..:. n I to ppoin' n wntinu, ij.'ni'd by him. two nersons n att.-od i.t the ii" ii Mimmiiiij u[> of the vod-s by tlie ( 'lei k .f this Cni| i.ra'iiiii mil one person In attend each pollini' ce <ui l-'-l. >lt of ' Ii.- p-is in interested in anil desii.'Ut "t pmtiinl inn the passing i this l.\ I .-,. . and a like numbi-i on be- lialf of the person.s inleri-sled in ami de- iri IIIK of opposing the pasj-n^ of this Bylaw. The Clerk's Oltieeiit the wid Vill.i^ ol Klesherti-ii. nt 10 o'clock, forenoon, on 1 1' :tt)th day of October A.D. I'H I. is hereby appoints! for 1 1. HUinniini! up by the Cletk of thtR Corporiitimi of ib iiuin- her "f i-otea ien for .-xt il against this I'.ylnw. Kaeve. OUrk, Arid whetean it is desirable tninfltie th jjaul debentures al one tune and to mnk the principal .f the I-HL! debt re payaM in yen.-ly sums dnrii u the period n thirty years , l-iiu ill ' ' "" " C Y "' M ' ( slid yen'-'y MI ni* being o ^ Notice is heieby aiven that the Council of the 'Joi porution af the T.,wn- ship of Aru-meaia iu the County of >:rey proposes, on the V'h dy of November, 1!U4. or us soon thereafter as it may deem advisable, to pass a by- law to close certain public highways. Parcel 1- All that |iart of Hie road allowance letween the 10th anil llth Concessions of I h-s Township of Arte- mesia from 'he easterly limit of ' 1)ti ' !r j mn St. to the westerly limit "f the road allowance between 1,'ts :i."> and .'!) in the s-itue concessions. coutainiiiK by ad- measurement 17 acres >e the s^me more or less. Parcel 2 -All that ptrt of the roid all .ance bit veen loth .TO and III in the lOlh, Ilih nd part ..f the l?th conces- aioai of the Township "f Artemesia from the southerly limit ot lots :W and :tl in he l(!tli Con.-ession to a point II cluiii 8 north of the si utherly limit of tottSOttd :!1 in the 12'h Conc-ssion, con'aining t.y aHmea-urement II 2 acres be the mime more or le-s. P.ircel :i -All that pirl of Ea'.t Street in the Townplot of Kuveiiia in the 'township of ArtenicHU eitendini! from the lu-lth- erly limit of the 10th concession to 2 chains southerly ..f the somberly limit of ihe .-aid 10th concession, containinu by admeasu-ement ."'.2 acree be the same more or less. Parrel 4 -All that pxrt of Kinburn St. '-i ij i iu thu Townplot of Eugenia m the Town- "-!i i" 1 ship of Artemesia extending from the southerly limit of CodrinatonS St. to the southerly limit of Simpson ?t.. contain- inu by admeasurement 1.1 aerfs be the mine mole or les. Parcel 5 All that purl f Codrinaton .St. exteiilni|< from the easterly limit of CaiuJKiin St. to the westerly limit of Kast St., |iont:iiiiiii2 by admeasurement 21 acres be the same moie or les. reel (j All that prt of Pellisier St. ''-,- -w | mtvnrliiitf fiom Ihe ess'erlv limit of I. t '.;.'! i'J s i.. tin- westerly limit of East St., con- taininj; by lidnu-amireinent 1.7 acre* be the s-inif more in less. Pun-el 7 AH tha f part "f Simpson St. extending from the easterly limit of lot S to the xvfvteily I init of Kant St., cori- titinirjg by admiMurernent 1.7 acres be thf snme more or less. Parcel S All thai part of the road allowance between 'he 12th and IHth C.uici-ssions of the Township of Ail" mesia from the westerly limit of Lot CU t" a pnii-t 7 chains Kast of the \\flcrlx' limit of Lot 2(i, and coii'ainin,.' by ad mfHsiireiiient 7 acre', be the same more or less. Tin- pr.ipoM-d Hylaw and ^>iau showiiw th.- hind t > be allecled may lie seen at my o Mice in I ho Villaec of Klenlierton, in th- sai.l County of l.ivy. The Ctuine 1 will hear in person, or by hit cuui sel, solicitor or agent, any person \\li.iclaiiiisthathis land will be pre judicially nlleeM b> Dtp naid Bylaw, and H b-> applies t be heard. W. .1. l-.KI.LAMY. Clerk of the Township of Artemetia. Clerk's Otllce in Ihe Village of Fleahei- ton, October 5ih, 1!H4. :t:,7 :t07 78 7S 78 :!J7 7* j :i57 78 I . ;x shall F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Fresh Arrivals of New Fall Goods Indies' Fall Coats Dress and Suit Lengths Silks and Velvets New Fall Shoes Fancy Ribbons Men's and Boys' Suits Coat sweaters Felt ats Fall Neck weai- Fa 11 footwear Our Millinery Department is complete with the season's latest novelties glad to have you come in at any time you're sure of satisfaction. Fancy China and Glasswear Some beautiful patterns just unpacked.just right for presents HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS Dr, J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH OHice and Residence- 4<W Oth St. East Owen Sound, Out. Hours-!! to 12 a.m., 1.30 to 4.:W p.m. to 8 p. in. Other hours 1>JT appointment. A Business School FOR A 30 DAYS' FREE TRIAL Of the 1900 That MI'.IOIIS I njecrshful *chool whose nccupy |ir.nniner.t po- from thu Ailant.c to the I'ncih.', re-opens for the FALL TF.RM September 1<", 1'-'14 Send for free catalog at once to COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. - Principal woofi, Ontario. Apply to Gravity Washer S. Hemphill, Agent Tamworths lor Sale llotli ox nearly roaily for |.rc<\iiiR. Price* r W ,t lor quick * w K)>SSM ., well ,. Honor Rolls ((.port of S S. N<>. 7, F.uphrasia. Sr- 4 (i. Ron-l'J. .Ir. 4 -1. Beckett, (!. Ki.ott, H. l).ile. Sr. I!--- II. Whyte. Jr II--K. (lilray, A Knolt. H. MiCon- in-11. Sr. 2 M. Burns, H. Uisk, K. tVtch. ,lr. 2 I. (iilray, S. Cluj<<tiin. 1 N. Knott, II. Risk (equal) VV.tMui-- ston. ' ' Kill.. S. It mi.--. S. Beckett. K. Pctch, H. McConnell. Primer 11. Pet oh, K. Burns. Present eery day I. Beckett, F.. Cilr*y, Herman McCoiinell, S, Clunslon. I. (iilray, H. Ui '. M. II. Hi M:.I ^ i..x. Teacher. CHKAP I AK.M K)R SAl.t $2400 twenty-four hundred dollan will buy the xve*t half of l.a No. 2 and part of the Soilh west .inaiter of No. 1, all ou the 4n con. of Hupbrasia, contaiii- iimab<.ut I2."> acres. There is nupp-'Hed ireJ, th Imlalice 11. . . u and i lo lie niiie'y acres MrM ij(M.d liarilwiiod Ixisli -maple, elm. 'I here JH on the property a frauie- li'iuse and kitchen, a fiBUie barn, straw luuse with ntcilie foundation under it, ills.* wood shed, driving hod, piu pt'ii and hen house. Theieme lo two or- chirds on the farm trowing differewt kinds of fntit -aisles, |iearn, plums, cbenifs and arape.s. This farm w well fencid with wire Biid patent fencing. Is free from ftot. It is also well watered with water in nearly evi-iy lield. There is , uever-fiuliuii prin within 4<t yauls of the h'-UMe Thw furin in within >ne nile '>f the thrivin villujie >f Kiinherley. For fiirthi-r paititulirs upply to I AMKiS *TrART, Kimberley I'. O. For :- Washing machines, folding bath tubs,windmills,pumps, pipings water tanks, Beatty water bowls, steel stalks and stanchons, litter Car- riers, hay carriers, slings, forks and tracking, McCormick Binders, mow- ers, rake loaders, tedders, drills, cul- tivators, harrows, Chatham wagons, Mount Forest buggies, and Frost wire. Satisfaction Guaranteed. NoTICK Take notice that the above in n tiui- co[iy (if a proposed Itylaw which has been taken into considerttinn and which will be i i: illy |.i, .-.I by tlie Cnuncil of the Municipality (in the ev-^nt of the assent .if the ratepayers beinu obtained thereto), slid lifter one month from the tirct pub- lication in "The Klehiton Advance," tliRdnte "f which ti-st publication was October Hill, A. D. 1!U. and that th- votes of the ratepayers of the sjiid Muni- cipality will be taken theieon on the day and nt the hours and place therein lixcil, and further that thu names of lease-buld- ers nftfloctinK to file it declaration pur- uant to Section 1154, Sub-iection 1, of the Consolidated Municipal Act, I'.H):!, ns ntiiend.'d by !> Kilwitnl Seventh, Chapter 7;{, Section 10, shall not hn pi iced <>n tho voters' list for such xotiinj. W. II. TIM I'.STCN, dim. Dnlod nt Flmth^rtnn, this 7:li day of October, A 1). l'.U4. i:. |. .1 1 of S. S. No. U. SKl'IKMiiKU Sr. 4- hiil'v I'.-ill u. iM.-ni-ii . r ,..,,-i on. !Sr I. - Peinl Sni'iilierur, Sophia Kind lav, l\-i' li'-i mi 1 ('aineroo, Alitv Mi-Inlyip, Willis IVdUr. Sr. '2 Willie (,'anieion, Unrvey Mc- Sr. 1 Oi'itrnde I'edlar, I'mi.,.- M, Intyie,.) l>. MiVuauie, Itilly Neill. 1'iiiner Kaliu FindUy, tin strr Cam- n "ii, Nelon I'odlar, Jetoie 'I bonip.son. Ii A S. MITCIIKI.I., Teacher. A neat lnok'el I at been i--n.il by ib Drpartineiit of Naval Service .tt dttnwa on "Fi>h and how to uook it." It con tiiiiiH, in :ulnin ilily 1 1 -in in- forni, much I'lliiabl.Mnforinalion about t!ie value 'if ii !i i food, from Ilit (standpi.iiils i.f econ- i. inics mill healih, i. turn-roils ro -eipls f, -r look.nx lish mid de>i'iiptii.ns . f the did' en-lit kindK nf h l> Copi . lie ha.l free by "pplyinj; lo the IX'p.i Meiit. H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. ALSO- A line ot Ready-MaJe Clothing Which we put alterations in free of , if required. Isep FRESH STOCK! Wo are placing a largn Hhipiiient of Hour and t'.-.-.l thii week, aim old imd new oats in stock. Fresh ernLViics, fresh barrel of viiiei^i' t oMpiice. We are atceuts for I he fnmoua (ierrird II. -mi -.111.111 |i .inn. fill and ru our sample. We wtnt a good horte p^rt pnyuicnt on piano. Oood second hand in ."lock. S. R. Henderson FLOUR and FEED Sheep Estray Strayed from my premises, lot '28, con. ll,c middle of August, one i-\vt' nd lamb, ewe has t:ir cross on riKht !hi>u!il.*r. Infurmatiun lliankfully received. Uouik-y, Eiijcnin P.O. The Right Suit .... .... For the Right Season Your next suit will be a fall or winter suit, and if you want anything in A Tailored or Semi-Ready Suit, it will be to your advantage to leave your order with. 'V C. BLAKELEY Sole Agent for the Semi-Ready Clothing Standard Bank Block, Fkshtrton Steer Estray i 1 in to the I.I.-HH-.M 1-1 the undetsin- Farm For Sale Lot 17 - IH, first range N. D. K., ed about the middle of June one 2-yeir-] prey 100 acres, DO cleared, balance hanl old steer. The prove propel ty, the same away. owner is requested toj wood bush. pay expenses and tke tnU orchnnt. D. ItotiKHT*, l<ady Bui.k . buildma, brick house, Will be sold on easy terms. A biiiaain. Who wi.l pick it up .' Ed. .Hillock, Piop , Proton station, K R. No. 2. 1 Julytf