Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Oct 1914, p. 5

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October 8 1014 THE F L E S If E R T OX A D V A N C E - . * . . OF CANADA TT u an advantage sometime* to 1 keep a bank account in the name* of two persons, so that either one may make withdrawals. Such an account i* called a "joint account.'* We thall be pleased to furnith i*ar- bculan. * TORONTO FLESHERTON BRANCH Odds and Ends i. dividual Instruction permit! y.u to enter any day at (lie CEO. MITCHELL, BOB Branch*! aba t DorKmra .nd HwrirtM. C. P. R. Time Table. Mr. H. Holnun, 4th line, ArtemeU, will hold an extensive auction sale on Thursday, Oct. 15. Fur complete list see advertisement in this issue and large Going North ' bills w Kaitt;n auct j neer. 11.41 a.m. i 9.12p.m. | East Grey Teacher i : Convention will be held here Thursday and Fritlay of Trains leave Flesherton Station as ollows : Going South 7.43 a. m. 4.17 p.m. The mails are osed at Flaaherton ollows: For the north at 10.40a.m. and ... TUiw.f ( nra ^ _ . ., . : tms week, uo not lorget me t,->uv.cii. iu 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south asi .... . ,. , . . ,_, , 3.40o'clocic For morning train south (beheld in the high school Thursday mail close at p.m. the previous ev'g- , evening. This is expected to b a pretty _ - fine affair. Mr. \ in. Buchanan of Vandeleur had three finger* of his left baud amputated in an ensilage cutter on Friday last the first, second and fourth fingers. Mr.. A. Cter, Toronto, is the guest j Thi8 accident came just as Mr. Buclvm- of Mr. and Mr.. W. Moore. an had recoveied from a naity accident. ... I when he fell on a w*aun rack, cracking Mr. Bert Best arrived home from the , some of hn libs. Much sympathy is West la-t week. . u . ,, felt for Mr. Bucmtnnn m bii misfortune. Mrs. Andrew Shie'ds of Detn.it is visit- j ing with relatives here for a time. Markdale High School Baseball team Mr. Clurhe Jamieson c-f Toronto is defeated the Flesherton youngsters in a VICINITY CHIPS visitinu at his parental home here. Mrs. McKinnon, who hs spent the! good _ .-:!. by a score of 20-16 on Friday list. Markdale used one or two boys n, l who did not attend H'szh School, but as ciople of month-* -... mronto, re- . ,, ,, .. f I this la customary with Markdale we will turned to her home heie the past week., * Met it pas.s. K. Haskett of Markdale umpired the 'ame tu the entire sati.-fact- ion of hi.-; own bunch. A few of the Fles"ierton girls distin>iui.hed thetn-elves by rooting for the Mrkdle beys. reek. Mr. and Ms. Schram of Port Elgin visited the letter's supt, Mrs. \ViIlinm Bjrnetf, la.st week. Artemesia Township Council met o:. Moodoy 'ast. The minutes will appear next week. Mr. i.ni Mrs. K. Bent ha n motored to Si ulumpton one evening l.--t w^ek to visit an aged aunt, Mis. NVeir. whc eriously ill. By a simple fil' Wilbiirt White, son of James ^ hite of Sauaeen .'unction fell and received serious injuries oo Monday. The ln-\ , who is 1G years old, was wotk- injz at \V. J Moore's, Toronto Line. ud was standing OD a load of rood when he gathering The Annual Convention of The Methodist c'loir sang at an anci j stepped ou a round stick and fell to the versary entertainment -t Initioge on [ground. His arm was fructured t the Monday, when, thpy siy, an estraordin- ; elbow and the joint wai dl-located. The ary good time was enjoyed by n large! young man was removed to his home, but Dr. Line of Priceville sent him to the Owen Sound hospital, where ihe complic- ated injury mi^ht u-ceive proper atten- Missionsry Soc'ety of Owen Snund Dis- t ; on _ trict of the Methodist Church ill lej . held in the Mi thoJUt Church. Flesher- ton, on Fridiy, October '^5, 1SU4. See- . sions incrniiig, afternoon and eveniiH', VflllClClCUr H iiDPt) II 1 fl"'S Gip.y Simon Smith w.ll de'iver his famous lecture, "From gipsy camp to' pulpit," in the Methodist church, Price- Mr - w iHm Buchanan had three of ville, Thursday aftern.ion. Octoler 8, at : hl * filli < 1 -' rs " f his . left lland badly S o'clock. The lecture will itlso be given ! lacerated in the Arrier of an ensilage at Salem the following evening at 7 o'clock. Two sons of Mr. \V. U. Uanley of the P. O. Department, and well knon here Fred and Clarence- aged 23 and 21 years respectively, left, wiih the Canadian contingent for ths scene of vtur. The former is :* member "f the 2nd lUtttry C. F. A , and the Utter la'Um?i to the British Coluuibi.-i Hurw. cutler, which was being operated cntlo farm of his brother, Joseph, on Friday afternoon, that they had to be amputat- ed close to the hand. Mr. Buch.-umn has been extremely unfortunate this tinnier, having InJ three ribs broken a short time ago, ami had only pirtly re- covereil when the accident occurred which will handicap him for life. The village council met on S,,! U n?ay | Mr. and His, ). M. D.IVIF. accoiupun- by Mr. and Mrs. S. Gilbert, visited evening last, when letters from the hydro friends in Meaford over the week end. commission were read regarding the sub- 1 Me ., srs- GeQ Wil , Ung Md g Gllbett mission of by-laws to the ratepayers, ft L^ a trfp uvef ^ Or , nze ville last was decided to go ahead with t'.iis fc| M> | once, and the necessary by-'.-iws appear in this issue. Voting will take place on October 29. Maxwell Priceville fair was held on Friday of -- last week. The day was sin ideal summer Intended fur List Week diy, almost uncomfortably warm, but Mr. and Mrs. Stuart of Walter's Falls the attendance was poor. Tlie inside j visited with the letter's parents Mr. HUC exhibit was fully up to former years. | Mrs. Brown, last week. but horses, cattle nod poultry were ex- tremely light. In these classej we b- * heve every exhibitor got a i>n/e. concert wu well attended. . Rev. Mr. Waughof Duudalk tccupied the pulp.t of the Methodist church here ,. ., . , , . Dr. Cuy loft this week to resume his - ,. _ ... _. studies at Toronto I Diversity. The . Mls Osborne of Fevershum is visiting with friends here this week. ''' t>lhe All.ston left this week to Sunday evening and delivered an in- iipiring and elo\uent sermon from 1> n ih ktend Medical l*"i wsity at Toronto. Boro On Sept. IStl', tu Mr. and Mrs. 45-5: "I gird 'Iiee, thoush thou ha jOhas. Kerton, a daughtet. not known me." Did space permit vej Miss Maude Black has returned from would like to give ayuopfcis of this the city. sonnon. It wai considered o,ui>e a masterpiece. Tbe Piesbyteriaii Young Peot>le' lu- stitutesare welcomed and will.it is fait by the Committee, lie enthusiastic tlly attended at d hupported by tba yun people of the Presbytry of Orangeville. Locil talent is liberally offered anJ, at least, one of the officials of the higher courts of the church will be present at each satherins. The programme will be good, Sess'ons at 2 and 7.30p.m. The following places ind dates are now fixed : Mclntyre Oct. 19, Dundalk Oct. 21, Eugenia Oct. 23. Each group will decide as to the method of enter- tainment. Eugenia owing to its niaoy boarder?, will adopt the picnic tystero of entertainment. Young people of all denominations welcome. Come ! A collection to defray expenses will be taken at each session. Mr. and Mrs. Aroott of Feversham spent Sunday at YV. H. Guy's. The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian church are busily engaged in Uyln f new carpet ou the floor of their church, which will improve it in warmth as well n bcau'ifyinf> the church. Mr. \V. H. Guy had the uvsfortune to lo.e a valuable horse last week from inflammation. ONIONS Both large and small ones for picl>- Iling. Two cent. p. T pound fir 100 llw. A few cariots for oue cjnt i | ouad. i Telephone -JJS. BUCHANAN ARTICLES FOR SALE Jersey cow and heifer clf f,<r sale W. A. Armstrong. Colt for Sale lleavy draught, rising three years old . H Wat.ers, Priceville. A car load of cement just arrived. Heniphill, Ceylon. Mare for Sale Good work mare in good condition. Will sell cheap. Apply to F. Jamieson. Eugenia. Sow For Sle Farrow Oct. 1. W, J. Martin, lot 29, on. 14. Artemetia. Beaver Valley Telephone For sale, very cheap, eay term?, new frame dwelling with two and % half acrea land stable in Flesherton. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. For Sale Cheap younj driving mare about 950 pounds, or would exchange for good driving horse about 1100 pounds. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesh. erton. Jan. 22 OWES SOI SD, OST., L is recognized -ts ilx>> mi>t rhr.r ough, piactxil Business .School in Canada. Instructors, own three s'ory College Every Graduate guaranteed a po- f nit ion. Get our & access took C. A. FLEMING, F. C. A., Principal. G- D. FLEMING Secretary OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO For S?a!e A few egg vacs in prime or- de'. suitable for soft witter tanks, or watering cattle. Also a /':, second hand set of double harness. M. Scully Co., Fleslierton, Ont. For Quick Sale A nine roomed frame and metal clad dweUing, H! cellar and water, frame stable and shed. Also a vacant lot for aale. Possession given at once. Silas Shank, Flesherton. Legal Blanks For Sale R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sale cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and all other legal blanks. Any requiring such will find it to their inrer- est to give him a call. For Sale cheap and on ev-y > r:.-. - Lot 13, con. 11, < >sprey, 110 acres. This is a first cUsi farm and in a :;ru>d state of cultivation. Good Lank turn and aew frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Spnule Flesherton. For Sal* Cheap and on e<sy terms comfortable frame dwellmz in Fleaher- tou ; stood well on preroiwa ; also P.irk lot of 4 .'i:res in g<v>d state of cultivation wirh burn thereon. R J. Sproule. Flesherton, Out Sept. 17 U LOST AND FOUND Found About the middle of Augist, a leather litlter. A. Cameron, Eager. '*. ^ ' .^r^^^^^^aaa Hi-und Lost BUck and tan hound bitcli about Au-.;. 15. Five lol!are re- ward. Juspr Scuart. Kunberley. MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TKSDEIU addressed to the master General, will be received .it Ottawa ontil noon, on Friday, the ti:b. No . 1!>14, for the conveyance of His Majesty s Mails on a proposed Contract for four years six tiipe.s per wee. each way Fief hetton No. 1 and Ruial Route, from the Pootmaattor General s Pleasure nei'. Printed notices containing further information AS to conditions if proposed Contract may he seen and blank forms of Tender may he obtained at the P> st Offices of Fleherto.i, Feversham. Maxwell, Rock Mills and at the Office of the Pest Office Ins t jector at Toronto. Pot Grace Inspector's Oifice, Toronto, September 23rd, 1314. A. SITHKRLAND Pu ( >t8ce Inspector. CBKDR Auction Sale Of F^rm Stock and Implement-. Lost About Sept. 4th. 1-yr. old steer. dark red. wi:h white spots, thick horns. W. J. Boyd, Flesherton. Lost On Tuesday. Sept. 22. at Cey- lon. Flesherton or between, two tive dollar hills. Finder will Lo rewarded by leaving t this office. Lost Lidies'lilack leather handbag, with silver mount ir _;, between th line ind Toronto gravel. Finder please leave at this office. Hound Strayed From Fle>liertor. last March, blaok and white hru-id. Five dollars rewurd will be pul. (Jen. Stuirt. Ceylon P. (>. Lost --Between I nion School Eu- plir .-i i and Aiti-iii.'.-n and Eugenia, a man s nverco:it black cloth with fur collar. Fimlrr please leive at this office or at Euaeni* |iostortice. Sow Strayed -- From my premises .il'i'iit the 2<> h of September, white *", weiithinii between 2(H and :WJ ooutids. Finder olense coninjuui.M'e with Chas. Best. F'enlietton. MISCELLANEOUS To Ren' -A brick house ind d< ub'e lot, upposite the high school. Apply ;o J. J. Paiker. The L'ndersiiined has been instructed <> sell by pub':o auction 't Lot 40, Con. 4, Artemesia (T. Thursday, Oct 15th, 1914 When the fylluwing viluMe article- *..'. be ottered f r &.!?. namely Bay JIare > j-i'ti-s oU. Mare j y i: o'.J. Hor^tf 8 years uM, Mre Colt -' >:- old, 2 Mare Cult.-, 1 year old. C .* due to farrow October llMi, Cow^due to d November '27th. Cuw due ta :m .* February is :!,. c->w :i ' n .41. Horse .' ! -' ve.ir* olJ. :'. Yearling S-eer. Pure Bred Yearling Sh >i thorn Bull, Veit!.::^ Bone Colt. 9 ToMiiriR Heifen, Do.-. :: C-ilve. 10 Ewe-. .": E*e Lnmbs. Pure Brid Yoik?hire B .ir, '2 Berkshire S w* in i !' V u- . Ti^ . S Ti.s 4 mouth* ulJ. 24 Hens, J4 Chicken*, Incubat r and Btucder, Wheelbarrow. M.i-sey H.rti- Disc Harrow. Su^tr Kettle. I'J cord- : sj-ove Wi.nd. 2 L 'iT'4'iu C'a UMS. L' L . Sleiifhs I!.iKsleis{!i. T-p Bu^i;y, n Mriy new, L' -.., J Cutteis. ^ Set .^in^le H.r ue-s, '2 S--t Double Harr.i.--.-. W i^ i:. ^ Wi^.-n B-xe>, M.C.TmiL-k Binder. n.-tr- ly n^w, M wvr. H>.r-;e Uike. Lacd R-ll- er. Scutrler. '! li >i--e pi, w, t-!v>rst- Plow. .". Plows,. Mower -in,l IVa Hrve,rer. -' Set H-irrows. Fantr.n.' Mill .'it..; L-II.U-'.. Cultiv,it,. i. A few buuches Lttl.s,2 Cr >--- cut Si*s. About :i ton of hay. i icie tur- nip-:, :l se's doublet ree>. Set of -calos, 2000 1U*. L)iesser ;nd W ,ih>':iad.Chnrn. Lounge. (i.Hnl Kitchen Conk ^tM-.L : 4 Ladder. Se.-d Drill. H-iy Rack. >: ,-< Rack. '2 Buck Saws, S.ckle Grinder. Grii.d Stnp, mounted, HuSt! robe, Pulpor. R.ibber Tire Ba^y, 4 1; >r*r Bl-uiket*. l Chairs', Cui-iionrd. 4 Beu- >tenl-. Bureau, and otl.er articles too numeit us to :rei'.:i< n. Wanted lanje second hand bus heat- inu stove, must be cheap and in reason- ably Ri>i>d condition. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. Jsu.22 The Durham Furniture Co. has 1000 cords of wood ft.r sale at Rock Mills. Price 75c. per cord. Can be bought in Urue or small quantities. J. O. D'srgsv- el in charge. 1 Jan. 15. Mark Everette Wri-jht, org;inist and choir master of the Methodist chutch, Flesherti'ii. totcher of pini>, organ and voice. Mr. Wriabt liold credentials from conservatoi ies of music wfce*e ho h;i* tau^lit, also from eminent doctors and teachers in New England cnseiva- t >ry, lloston Metropolitan Cunservntorv of Musie and Steinw^y H.tll, New York city . Both Mr. ;ind Mrs. Wright are open for concert engagements. j coinnien.-e at 1'J ;'H o'clock sbarp. Terms- All su-us of S">.C" -u.d ur.der. c:ish ; over that xnioui.t 1? moi.ths credu will be -jiven mi pproved j'-.iiit note. l> per ceut otf for c:<h in lieu of notes WM.KA1TTING. H. H>LMAN. Auctiont-er. P Farm to Rent Lots 41 at-d 42, otd rane E. T. S. R.. Artemesia, UH) acres, 75 cleared, good ! orchard, brick ln>u*e, <f_>od outbuilding*, | well watered. Would rent for term of years. Apply to I Oct 14 I. S1NCI.A1U. School Children's Eyes. Many lives have been ruineo through neglected eyestrain in childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and'guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. A. Armstrong;, STEVENS Repeating Shotguns The Stevens Itaomtcftets TtVEM KKCOIL UNLOCK MAMMKMLISS OLIO BMCKCH Tk-Down 12 or 20Gauqe EVEBT6UB 18le. \rnuiToolC*. P. I. In Si THIS World - Wide War has created demand for newspapers unprecedented in history. The fact that Canada is in a state of war along with the mother country anJ their Allies against the" combined forces of Germany and Austria and the further fact that Canadian troops are now on the firing line, will have the effect of increasing our interest in the struggle. The ADVANCE clubbed with The Toronto Morning World will be mailed to .subscribers from now to the 1st of January. 1916, for $3.50. Think of it: A morning daily paper and a weekly paper 15 months for only $0.50. Take advantage of this special offer at once as we are ob- liged to reserve the right to withdraw it without notice aa the ramifications of the war may cause a very rapid increase in the cost oj white paper, which will mean a much higher price tor your newspaper. SUBSCRIBE NOW R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implement*. Wagons, Buggies. Cutters. Sleight, and Gasoline Er.>t:ie-. Melutte Cream Separators, Baker Wind Mills. Pumps. Piping and Pipe Fittings alwayt on hand. Beatty Bros, of Fergus. Barn Tracks. Litter Ctrriera and stable liuiaas. Cockshutt and Frost A Wo.-d Repairs ilwiy-s > n hand. Warer9>m Wellingon Stree. Feversbam, Ontario. We Want Now A GOOD SALESMAN F.T every town and district where we --, ; cot represented. Fruits are bringing hi^h p: Srry slock is in ce-nind. MAKE Bt'i M<>SEY N"W ; y *'< i:-in;ueucy. BEST TIME f ; visaing i.> dui'ii.j the Summer 1:1 :/'.-. EXPERIENCE N"T NECESSARY Free eiui;i:nerr Exclusive tei'rr : % H.she.-: C- i. ::.- - What About -THAT- Baby Carriage Regular Price $5.00 to $14.00 Greatly Reduced NOW Verandah Chairs! V>w i.> the t me to purclui.-e vur Verandah Chair*. .>n sale ft.r $6.50 a Pair N-'thiu-j; like them f T t'-'infort. W. H. BUNT F J t<l;rjl2 D! LER PHONE 23 R2 Flesherton - Ontario. Write : >r fa!! prv..---' .:- Stone & Wellington hi'.l Nurseries TORONTO - ONTARIO FlesHertom Tonsorial Parlors We Aim t Give Entire Satisfaction LAl'NDRY Basket cl...-es U n:^iit. delivery Friday evening CLEANING nd DYEING W e arc agents for Parker's Dye Works Clothes cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. T FISHER,' - - PROPRIETOR Fall Fair Dates A lk-t u" the dates has been prepared by the Provincial Department .if Agricul- ture. nd includes those in this district which are as follows : FI.E.SHEUToN ......... WitUr.-iwn Fevershim ............. ..... Oct. > 7 Alliston ................... (>tt. 1. -' Brrie ................. Sept. "Jl-^ Beetun ..................... Br.df.'rd ................... -^ "'- " Cul!ingr<> -d .' Sept. 2S-28 Cwkstown *<Tt- '*> :>J) - "- l Dunialk <H:f. * '' Eln.v.ile "<( "'" Markdale I'ct. !:!. U Mealord 'M- 1. : Newmarket ' 'ct. ' s Orilia **(>' 17-1'-', Owi-n S -und ' >ct. 7-'- Rock'yu "ft- ' 7 BILL FOR SERVICE The thoroughbred shorthorn f>u 1 Field Marshull - '.tfi-.n _ will he fo .service on lot I7'i. T. S. R. Arteraesia Terms: si . Aua .IAS. STINSON, Pnp. HEREFORD BILL FOR SERVICE The undersigned h.-ive a pure bred Hereford bull fcr service ti lot 171, 3rd W.T.S.U.. Artemesi.i. Terms $S for puie breds. f 1.50 for tli-ide*. All cows served must lie twid t-r. -T. A J. WATSON. I n>;u 14 Toronto September U. Nicn>:)l), Pure Bred Holstein Bull Changeliag Prince Joe Bi'eJ by '.'1; uuelniii Butter Boy on of Tidy Abbekerk Princesis Josephine Th-J greatest butter making strain kuo Term of vrvice $1.50 for grade*, puiv bred. GEO. MOORE & SON. Props.. Bull for Service Thoroughbred American brvd Oert ford bull lor service on lot 151, '2nd. W. . IT. andS. R.. Artemisia Terras fl.50 cash. ANADIAN PACIFiC Colonist Fares (One-Way Second Class -JOHN ADAMS. Prop. A V r i stations ill certain points in Alberta, British Columbia, California, Montana, Oregon, Washington. Arizona Idaho, etc. Sept. 24 until Oct. 8 iilii* from Canadian PacUo Astots or M. G.ML-RPHY. P.l'.A, C.P.By., Toronto. S. RANDS. Agent, Ceylon. I write Farm For Sale I'W acres, I] miles from Flesherton. Good buildings, easy tcfina. 10HN WRIGHT, Flesliocton. in! Hunt Carefully Corrected Bach Week When 91 15 to 1 13 Ots 40 to 40 rVw $1 12 to I 12 fUrley 55 to 55 Hay 91500 to 15 W Butter -.'2 to 22 KU-.;N, fresh 2?t -i 5 Potatoes per Lag 40 tu 1 40 Geese 12 to W Ducks l-> to !."> K,*l 11 to W Chickfiis l:< to 13 Turueys IS to

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