Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Oct 1914, p. 8

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October ft 1914 T H E F I, E S II E R T O N A D V AN C E BUSINESSCARDS WH. W HI OUT. tiki-rimer. S, ,V MtDUNAUJ . Solicitor*. Ac. (I'tlL-en. Uruv Brneo Hlock, (Jwu.i Houii I. Standard hank MOOSE AND HER YOUNG ' MUTHKIUA DKVOTIOX is ALMOST lir.MAX, S.\YS NATtKAUST. SOCIETIES AO U XV uioeti ou the laet Moiirtas diminc i-v J. ID noi uii-itb. iu tliuir liMi: i room M> too 't lin.il Ploibsrton, at H |i.iu. M. XV.. XV. J. I'. Inui, ; Ki.!., f. H. Muu-ilmw; Km.. K. J, sproule. Vlntiui: b.olhliD luvH.-d PKIM.'K AHTHUIt LODtIK, No. :3.A.KA A M. mtcti m tilt Uasouicliall. Aim trov-s' Ulock.KIberton. every Friday on 'ore tli full IDOCD T. HIaV.-ly W. Man kins Tells of nil Kpisode In the New llrunsxvlck U.-...1- Which I'r.n.'s That ItlK Shauuy Creature Will (Jive I'p Her Life For Her Calf Cares Fur Others' Offspring. A famous observer. Mr. Chauncey FISH TRADE GROWING CANADA'S SE.V-FOOD HKSOl IU KS AUK OKEATKST IX \VOItl,l>.' i . .-. inn- :n Is MnklllK I 'i .:!'" III Its I n..n to Sell the Klsh of the ill. iiiin Coast to tilt* 1'eople of Ilic Inlurul Cities and Towns Si'iiltotml Is u Veritable Klsh 1'uMnri'. On where the the Canadian Atlantic coast wealth of the sea has J. Hawkins, in a fascinating paper on | bt , en oarrt ,ned up and exported the I. o. K. ireeuin*^ cow^moose and her calf, says world over 8ome braw i agsles from the north of Great Britain a few- years ago ga-ve the fisher folk lessons f OCRT FLKhHKIITi N. g*>. I. 0. K. u-e*U in "; "Ci>too- niock thftiuVt \\ r <iiirs(ia\ t -Vfiiins t hat nothing Is more beautiful than frfccb month. VUltiot! Knrnler* lieartilv the motherly devotion of thin old. lcoinV. li . O. Bl!at.iv : II. H.. >-. fairt-i.; awkwa r , a | lae ,.v. brown brute to P!*P>-'rtueiIto n Vin. Sec. before tiie flrai her young. No human mother could V ol tlie niouib. ar.j tainl Wednesday of each month Jv wmeuUtotheRvorJ>r ou o be more devoted, we gather from our __ authority details which follows: One day in early summer I sat hld- rt den in the brush by the side of a of 'ei.ch month 8 i> in lake in New Hrnnswlck, when a little moose calf trotted from Its hiding place to a point of land which ex- tended some distance into the lake. DVDD UATHK'.VS. ** auu'.io ____ Uarkdale, Licen ic'iorTi-er lor the county ot Ory, O trrvice'at ree<.nable rate.. Dalai can ** tt The Advance, ouo The little, long-legged, brown bundle : of Innocence was hungry, and It be- mother. Though in the lake, gather- be pan to call for L- was far out art ol curing herrings, as U in is done elsewhere, says The Family Herald. Ittit it was staled In the House of Commons the other day, that the fish thus put up sold no more readily, nor expensively than those New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Quebec had been putting up in the same way for centuries. A me- chanical nsh drier was established at Souris, I'rlnce Edward Island, with the object of inducing the fishermen to adopt this method of drying their : Ing her morning meal of tender wa- catches so as to be Independent of tor plants she came quickly to the weather conditions. MEDICAL call, grunting her affectionate assur- While the nsh tretted In the drier f\K CAKTF.R ance as she made her way through were equal to the best, the lisher- \J u CP * 8 Ont.Phyilcian, Burton etc ,^ e water. Her voice was flot musi-.men were not induced to adopt that OSc* ai.d rwidence Peter it., Pleth f ^ Her noteg ha(I no suggestion of 'means of curing their catches. This a sweet lullaby. The moose voice Is 'was, no doubt, owing to the expense t OTTEWKLL ~ etei * jraduate of I * v ' "vet'eHoary Burgeon posaibly the least attractive to the involved in operating the drier. "'' Veterinary ^ e g "?J* human ear of all the mother notes of ; For the past few years the De- Fityt*rian Church. itre Kfyai outb animals. But It serves the purpose Ipartment of Marine and Fisheries has of the sweetest child songs of ouribeen endeavoring, and with marked mothers. It keeps the Impatient calf 'success, to develop the trade In ;quiet until she can reach the shore 1/resh fish from Canadian Atlantic DENTISTRY .with her refreshing meal. and Canadian Pacific points 10 the MURRAY L 3 s, dental surgeon After the little fellow's hunger bad interior markets of the country. C IflUK 1C A T lJ. aJ. n-, lintn-ia t I-M ^u hcoc. eraduate ol Toronto University and been satisfied, mother and calf ollece ol Denial Sur!oii of Ontario, "i extraction Street. Floahertou jThis work was first taken up in 1901 ed for the woods. Fortunately forl at which time the larger markets, me. waiting for a picture, they came! BUcb ag ifcose of Montreal and To- . -along the very moose path where l| ronto> were being mainly 'CAB. LECAL UANEY i! h .. - H.A. : >o.: sat. When they were within a dozen f rom f n j t( >d States ports and in some feet 1 rose and snapped the camera. i nglan( . eH w m, fl B h which were first For the devoted pair there was | mDorl(i(i iuto t | lat cou ntry from horrible creature leading to was the there was j mpol . le(1 A strange. Cana(la That condition of affairs has been topped and the markets have been In the woods. The only On fered the only way from danger and mer ^ ^.^ WM exa . nd ; d by , ne JbrsiNESs (,'AKDS that Of a perilous one. It was a lake CUUX>UGH A YOL'SO ' Haokeri Markdale ceral bankn.fi buiue. rtaeoualile rater Call ou u. without a second old cow and her DMcFBAlL. I.ieniie.l ' Oo'inty of Grey. (;u tit actlou Ii) itteiof CfljO*. HMI.III: and difficult. Yet of hesitation the Money loaneo calf plunged in. few feet from the shore both turned to see If the enemy was pur- to suing. The little calf climbed on to ,. a tuft of lily roots and ga/.ed out of In Term. u ort land Its great innocent eyes upon the fishery, and the curing of fish and a .__te*d. The arrangement, strange creature on the shore. One good deal seems to be expected from ale* i-an b marie a>. THK ADVANCE ... i , ]u ( l|v called him buck the new I'ickled Fish legislation Iwce and F.O.. Ceylon. Telepbon.*^" |; >,?,/ ,,.,, ,.,, Hnil week from Mul- to Montreal, for the transportation of fresh fish, and It Is probable that arrangements will shortly be concluded whereby a similar service will run through lo Toronto. No doubt improvement Is possible tbe regulations governing the , hown g , O( . ky n<>( . k antl pa8S ed at the last session. The Hon. D*c. C.07. W M tl Frui made friends. He, loo. looked as Mr. Hazen. Minister of Marine and though he bad half a mind lo try the Fisheries IB evidently determined i experiment. But the old mother was upon lending the deep sea fishery all ' Block iaiei a ipeciaUjr. Ternjn ( O gee If I would force her to swim ly Goxernuietil can bestow. atn-uciion guarauued. Arnuwr^i^ d rea dful lake. Once satisfied | Financially and commercially the e*nf*"'tVlerVdn* oifce' TeverBhaui; that the shore meant danger, she industry merits all the alleullon it Out. plu n ;. td out for tbe hard swim, the can receive. Last year Its lotal value Illttle calf follow mi.- close at her waH }:;:(.:; vi,-t>. i The year before U 'heels, whining In the most distressed | was 34.667>72. But It must not be voice. jforgotlen thai ihese figures Include The mud wa too heavy; the little 1 , i, e i u< - ra tive salmon and halibut . erbya<)ii-iMi)K m at Bull For Service shm-tliorn imll, Kniperor, on lot ItiT, W.T. S.R., Pure bred Hd.'JT, ' ir w AitcmeMii. Terms ?l .">0 fur grades, I A 11 cows net ve-il must be paid for. t) H. t;, Proprtetor. Bull For Service creature could make no headway, i fisheries of the aPclftc. Would the mother leave him behind?; i t i, aH to be pointed out, however. For her own safety would she di-serl j tnat tlle , 0(a i for 1911-12 was $4.- lier child? Nay! She converted her | 7(>2 _ 439 ,, rt .ater than any other pre- long body Into a veritable ferry | vloua tota | 80 that tbe result for last greater than To the total rlbuted 29,- . For Mil-vice. - Bar"li Holly NO. li-l'-':.'. Aberdeen AIUJIM. "" :ot .'U. '.If before Ut .Inn. I'.H.V- \V . J. May !.- KIUK rOK SRRVIC1- boat. For a minute she slopped swimming, Just long enough for the tiuun iiiiai, &i* iui 11 year Is substantially that for unv other year. calf to over take hf-r. lhe little fisheries cont panting. breathless body cliiii bed on X j f i and the inl her back , clasped Its front legs llgllt- 1 4 07 3,6 !j <> ly In front of her big hip bones, and s were ,. f alf T 'i-i.. It wus a hard swim. Tbe produced by who manned 1,669 vessels und tugs, and 34,501 boat*; together with 23,327 workers who were employed on shore In the var- . She bn-au',: "< canneries. H.h bouses, etc., pre- feared her heart Paring tli' tlsh lor market. tfi'ninr Bull for Service I'm. Kyvie It. ._Trrnis lueil sliorthiii-H Lull, .0iil) for s-iviiu- '-n iC'i'i. il ."M fur i>r:nl ", ). r'li Imi! AK-i re.Msti'ied Yorkshire Imni, AN would break. She could be heard 14."AJ. T.rnnll. HKXHV llol, MAN. across tbe lake as she panted. Tbe Lot 40, <:-m. 4, Arteine.i.-i, I'ortlnw i'.n wa ter flew before her nostrils and llie mud was churned us by :i river to 5.911 by the addition of |1, paddle boat. It was tun that was The total --.pltul nvP '^. iu too costly Many moose had been Canadian fisheries was $.'4,J8S,4i,9. lust in Tliat lake, drlxen lou hard To suy that Canada possesses the li> pleasure-seekers. JUKI In front of most extensive llHherU-s in the world nie lay a calf which bail been drown- la no exaggeration; moreover, it is \l,e.-il.-ciied in" a frantic effort lo leach Hie atu to add that the wat.-rs In and shore. I stcppeil back Into I he brush around Canada contain the prln- nt tin-re Kbonld be another tranerty. cipal coiumeiclal food IlKht-H in When the cow turned ln-r head again Mi- could not fee mi-. She walled :t minnli-. und then tin eniiie slint-' behind her. of the danger remained. For :in hour or more sin- wailed, irylnp to catch some pci-nl on the wind, limiing her i-ai-.s to gather the l--ast sound. Finally, sallslled thai Hie eiifiuy had .lied, sin- turned xvilh the calf mill on her back, lo the nearest point of Und, where they climbed on the I. i i:;ui.. i:;.', KIM Ituuk Line, .MI R | 1()re and scampered awny Into the uini'M.t c-iiil.i ini IMi) icrc-; m-iirly nil \yoodH. eluar.-il. ''< , iiiil'-i* fiinii l-'li sin-nun, livi There Is, iinqiii-Hlloniibly, some fniiii Mnk I, (iiHid '.ml. In unc ,|,,jF|-i'e of co-opci atlon hetxxi-eii HIR Link IIMM nml o'luM- Iniililin^; slock fitrn ICQWI In the care of Ihclr calves. One ilny I saw three large COWH coni-i lo tin- lake to feed. In vain tlu-y tried to jmsh tin- little calves into tlie brush. Again und iit;:iin they wnlk- f-d back with them to Inn Ihk-ket, but.' 1 Pure lire'l Tniut on the uli'ive lot. Tel nit H.-'^l foi til aiiininU, miKl be |P lid f--r. fiSjjt W. .1. Mcu U lut Sf!, S..S. Pure brer f'U nervic* Servi-ii Farm for Sale -li farn well wiitcroil, -,'n,,d well, xvinilmiM, i-to ' V|.|p|y i.n IIIIMIIIM'< In - .Iu3..b A. llolley ] June I'M! In the course of the year the num- ber of boats using gasoline engines, as a means of propulsion, was raised Victoria Corners Mr. Win. Wil!iHiii>n, an old boy of the Corners, is renewing i<ld ac'i|iiaiiit.-iu- '-. in the iK'iulilmi linod. Thitshing, coi n cutting and silu Tilling * v keeping all busy novkdajFi, Inis'i 'Ke Annivet-tary xvas 4 great Kujci'ssnn SUII<IK)-. Wu hope for as siid to-ui)tlit. Ktv. JuiH'K (.reuchiil in the m-iri.ini;, Hev. \N':niijh in the iifterii(-on mid H.-v. Dufl'/roii itt niiiht. M f. Tucker and son, K'>y, <if Dn>- nioi-i', are vUitin^ at, Mr. J.IH Ucsl.'s. C!ms. &looie, with his hrotht-i- Holi, uf Kli'-lii-rr D, drove to Hawke^tnnu last week to attend tlio marriis;e of then- cousin, Mr. Will Moore. Mr. andMi'8. Will Monre of Huwko stuno are vU'tin<! th-ir uncle, Mr. (Jf". Moore and other frit-nils for n few tiny.--. New Premier, New Cabinet On Widnetday : last week the Lieut. Governor called upon the Hon. W. H. HeHist, minister of Lands, Foiests and Mines, to assume the Premiership of Ontaiio. To this Mr. Hearst aureed and I. as t!rini|wd around him the follo*- iu^ new cabinet First minister and president of execut- ive council, and minister ot lands, forests Hiid mines, Hon. W. H. Hearst.. At'oi-iH-y-ijener*!, Hon. J. J. Foy. Minister - f education, Hon. U. A. 1'yne. I'roi inciil vi'crc'taiyjHiiu. W.J.Hanna. Mim.strr "f a^i-icultiuv,H< n.J. -S Durl'. I'rviuci-l treisurer, Hon. I. B. Lucas. Minister of jiu'lic iroik*, Kinlay G. Mrtocli.iniihl. .MinUter withi-ii' p nfulio, II- n. It. F Prcs on. Our Clubbing List Tlin fiillowing prices *re for strictly (mid in <.lv;tiice Kubscription.s unly. \Ve huvu no arcouuts with other pper. ton AUvnnce f I 00 Companion '2 00 Toi.mto World, daily :! 00 Tnionto Daily News - OO rtVelly Globe !HJ M. ill- hi: jui i- .... "lit Family Herald & Str Toronto Slur _' 00 Fainitr Sun !M) Kiirmvrs Advocate 1 .~>0 Weekly U n .-. !) Sut unlay Niulit :i 00 Home Joiirr:-! !Hl Poultry Keview -JO I ; . and (inn ii, i-j ., . n , '. The Great Levclcr. A well known New York millionaire :MHI his wife \vpnt tn :i trottery one uft- ernoon with the idcii of doing a little Incognito dancing. One of the profes- sii.n.-il |i:irtners .i|i|>rn:iclii > d. "May I h:ivt> tlio pleasure?" he s:iid Tlio Indy wiis irtiii ioiin. nnd they whirled off into u lively int*sie|i. When the niiinuer was over the rich nmn'a wife coiiipllinentwl tlio professional ou Ills dunclng. 'J'linnk yon, Mrs. ni:tnk," he mur- mured. < i :illii:(j her by her real nnrne. Tlie liii.-!i;n il pricked P llis ears. "How the deuce did you know who we were':" he :isl<ed. "Why, tlon't you rememlK>r me':" salil llu> prnfessionnl cnviilier. stnilghtenlug his beiiiillfull.v tullured H^ure. "1 wna your chnuffi'iir two years ago." New York Post. greater abundance than the waters of any other part of Hie world. The scanned extraordinary fertility of what may No MKII i, e called our own waters is abun- dantly proved by the fact thai apart from salmon, all the lobsters, her- ring, mackerel und sardines, nearly- all the haddock, ami many of the cod, hake, and pollock landed In Canada uro taken Irom xxitliin our territorial waters. The coast line of the Atlantic pro- vinces, from the Hay of Kundy to the Straits of llelle Isle, without taking into account lhe lesser bays und Indentations, measures over (,,000 miles, and along this great dtrctch are to be found Innumerable natural harliors and coves, In many of which valuable llsh are taken in onslderable quantities with little Bull For Service Xhiirouglibreil Hhorihorn Hull. (Hesl ({ini-iimi," N" .-i.'ijiis. fn on l.ii '.'7, run 14, \il.-ir., -sin. if} .">0 lor i;rilrs. %'.', for ilni|ini^lilir>>i AI.KX". CAIUH TIIKi:-. ,,,,, ,,,,ii. ^attASi/o?!**^" <"-"<"" ';? i rs iKi11 emd to be no by s.-i.-ntilic ol,,-rM,Uon that there follow are Immense pastures In the ocean, where llsh thrixe nnd multiply, und other parts which are deserted by lowing ihi-lr tin- lake. Then- choice except lo li-l Ibei.i " ll'll- Finally, one of the larger cows start- Kerxicr ed away, all tbe rulves following her, el-ill-* while the two other cows plunged Europe In Africa. The Africa of today is partitioned off (nnoiiK the following nations: Great Hrltalu. France. Cerniiiiiy. Italy, Por- tugal. Ili-luliiin niiJ Spain. Creat I'.rlt- nln bns the fairer iinrlioiiM, her South African possessions Icivliix a line cli- mate :iu<l helnt; in every \vn.v perfectly adapted to the white nice. Tlie French nnd lullim possession* Mlonj; tin- Medl- lernincaii nre also well enough ns re j:ards dim. ite. Imt nro hi.-l.in^ nlonc iigrlcnltiiral and other lines. It Is ex ceedingly doubtful If iiiucli of Ci>rin:in, Itelglnin n ml Portuguese- Afrlcn will ever become tlie seats of white civiliza- tion. BumarcU'ijAppetite. Itlsmnrck. the Iran Chancellor, bail nu enormous capuclty for eating nml ilrinKiii: He once tokl a friend Hull the largest number of oysters lie evei nto wns 175. lie first ordered twenty five; then, ns they were very good fifty more, ami, consuming these. Oe in iiimi-ii to out notlilug else niul or tiered nnotber hundred, to I lie great amusement of those present, lilsnmrrk wns then twenty-six null Imd just re turned from Knglnutl. 6O YEARS' EXPERIENCC live thlngB. as are the Sahara and Into the w-iier to feed. Whether thin other desertH of the land, was a genuine spirit of co opi-ratlon Some of the largest, and probably or whether tlio calvns simply follow- oest provided of tlawo pastures ex- pd ln-r. I am not clear. Hut I have tend from Home iiilh-H north of New- B i llie same thing occur so often, fouudland, down lo about opposite Some degroe of care is certainly the middle of New England. Thai evnlHi-d by cows oxer calxes which Is to say Ihere are fine supplies of do not txdong to them. I have seen plankton waters furnished xvllh this scores of limes. I nncn Kiiu|)p>-d ml.'i oscoplc fish food along tlio wholfi a picture of a cow and a calf swim- Atlantic front of t'anuda. Hif calf becuniH "i RAUL MARKS OctlQNS COPYRIGHTS Ac. Anrono n*ndln nkolrh n<t daftrlpllon mr aolcklr in'iTimn intr ti|>uil<>ii fre*utlirr lnvtif'i>fl ! MrobMI'lf I'liTiMilnhiii, < .-innninlr*. llonixrlrilrconniioiitiiil. HANDBOOK <>n I'mrnu r. OlrtMt K<III< T t'.ir i-iurliiK pWnli. nu t*k*o torouvli Mu n n * lo. rocclre nollrr, without ebmrta, lutba nfiJic American. ' ' '. Lariceit cu u. 'J'eruwi ' l'hi. Hold b frwjfQrk DtlUO. 0. C. __Bdwmelr mumniti-l w.-i-kly. I^iu, x cir- ilmlHin "' "T 1-1 li-.iitllli- Journal. 'ICruM (or nm<l, r:.?.'. a r" puttiira |>r|lil. Hold bj in in K a Ink.- when terribly frightened. Instead ofttwlm- miiiK towards lhe tu-un-r shore and runninK into the woods xvlth lhe niollier, It turned and started a( TOSS tin- nioMi perilous part of llie lake wh'-re tin- 00/.I- was thick ittMPH xvns iiliii. ui! for tin- bulls. We were plaunlng to siixe lis life when a cow appeared on lhe shore IU-HI-PHI to It Shu be- gun to HIISWI r llie calls so eagerly thai xx e thought she mils), bo i In- mother. Hut careful eXHtnlnallon of in'i murks, color and sixu made un that Bbe WUB not. , In these vtmt watery pastures nwlm nd brows'- the great cod which llrst won renown for North America (\nherles, when Ka(ill(> fish- ernn-n netted them before Jacques Carller sailed into the PH!P des und pro- i' na iours, or Cabot visited the island strongest ^ rK , nam ,.,| Cud-lurid. Huwi New- Wliy foundlHiid. There ulso disported tliemselxeg those shoals of herrings which lit ,ri i n in breeding limes, cause thous- and* of tun- of roe to In- thrown up by the tided, and discolor the water for many inlleR with milky milt. Slow Death. Iu a certnlii literary club yenrs MO one of the members, In proposing the nnine of n cnndlilatc for inenibei-slilp. meiitioiietl IIIIIOIIR his rnwlillratlon* that he could spenk Severn I dead Inn gunges. To tills nil opponent replied that lie never heard tlie Kentleiuaii in question speak but one language nml lie murdered tlint ns he went niung. Kan Antonio Kipress. Unrcnonabl*. Mrs. Henrypei k ilookinu up from ! her rendlngi This \\-rller suy* tlint (lie widows mnke the best \\lves. Mr. llenr.vpi-ck-ltiit renlly, niy denr. % vnii ciin linrdly eT|iei I me to <lie just HI order to mala* n t>ud xvlfe uf you. Stray Stories. Knew Him. Hownrd-.\ fool nnd his money lire ooon parted. Mrs. Ilowiird (clapping her hand*) Oh. John! Hoxv much ar* 1 JOU Klt>2 to j,-n e mi- V- Life. ' Ceylon's Busy Store For tlio next, two weeks we will offer big rdlnctions in men's and women's nn/lerwear, also in hosiery. Men's Balbrigam underwear, veg. 50c. for :!">:. Ladies' vests, regular I5o. for lie. Ladies' liose, regular loc. for lie. Alen'a fancy sox for only 1!)c. Bifj reduction in men's hats. We have onr f.Jl and winter supply ol men's caps in. Something new and nifty. We also have a good supply of winter naferweai*, n: nding Stanlleld's famous brands, rod, blue and black. Table in boots and shoes. We are prepared for the wet weather knee boots, and from that down, in as near waterproof as you can get. Just anived.a large assortment of meu's fnlcloth tweed and worsted pants. Girl Wanted for general house work. Right away. This week if possible. JAMES PATTISON & CO. 1 Farm Implements ASK US When you want information regarding any article of farm machinery that you are thinking of ;uiding'lier-' your equipment. Remember we are agent for the Massey- Harris and Cockshutt lines, and they, as you know, include nearly everything the farmer needs. WE'RE HERE TO SERVE YOU- PLEASE GIVE us THE CHANCE D. McTavish - - Agent FLESHERTON, ONT II HARDWARE! Which Costs the most? The Stove or the fuel ! NVlii'n lniyinir a range, buy the one that will siivt- the fuel, that will last the longest, und tha^ will please the cook, and that is the Mott'at, the satisfactory stove. Sold and guaranteen by- Frank W. Duncan Hardware Merchant * Phon e 30 r 2 OXT I "i^li | 'Hi I i8i S B R i i ! I ' 1 I Flesherton Tin Shop i^^i I have just placed on tlio shelves a full lino of l|jl Tinwaro, Nickohvaro and Ajjatrwaio lor domestic use. ('all t)ii 1110 and get your s u EftVetroagbing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- :'; ings. l{opairin,' ol'all kinds promptly attended to. ^ Iki I ipentting, inolndinu puiiip work, ! i. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare l>rt)s. \ Furnaces. j D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON j^ ONTARIO. 1 m

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