Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 Oct 1914, p. 1

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"TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLED NOT MEN. 1 ?01 34 NO. 17 Fleaiierton, Ont., Thursday, October '2Q 1Q14 W, H THDRSTON EDITOH and PttO i . Eugenia Paragraphs Intenled for last week Mr. Chas. Hoy has moved his family into town. Charlie ia dnini a rushing barlier business here. Mrs. F. T. Carr spent the weekei d with her brother in Vandcleur. Mr. and Sirs, Frank McDonald and daughters, Dorin and Il.iy.elle, motored tver from Sulion to s.'jend the week with friends here. Mr. nd Mrs. Hillock <.f Maxwell VH- ited with their sister, Jklts. David Genie Mrs. Henry Fen wick has returned home from her visit in Paisley and other points, much improved in health, and * Ki'n5 to the city on Wednesday for th- tfinter. Misses Camoa and Hilda Williams pnt their Thanksgiving holidays with friends in Owen Sound. Mr, Klwood Purvis, of Toronto, spent Thanksgiving with his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Largo and family and Mr. Kmerson Smith have returned fii-iii Kinxmton. Miss Gladys Corn Held, of Fleaherton, and Mr. Murray Corulield, of Pui-tlaw, were the guests of Aliie VV'illiaaiH recent- .Jy. Mrs. Jubu Cuaipbell and sou, Victor, ami Miss Lily Ciinpliell, visited friend) in Flesherton the past wek. Mr. Gordon Aldiee spent Sund:iy with his parents at VandeJeur. This Week's Items Died At the residence of his brother, Adam Smith, Mr. Richard Smith, an old and respected resident of Artemesia, after only a short illness Hi!! children were all at In* bedside. Tbe sympttby of the community is extended to the family ou this occas- ion. Burial took place to Yaudeleur cemetery. Revs. \lcVicar and Jones preached two able sermouc; to the people of Kngeoia on Sabbatli. waruing the people of their failure to do their Jtuy. The grat progress on the Construc- tion work here is drawing great attraction to the public for siglit see- ing. Mr. J. B. Jauiieson of Toronto I gpeut his Thanksgiving [with friends fLere-. The stork has been busy lately hav- ing left two beautiful girl babies, one at the home of Mis. Win. Gordon aud oneatthe homeof \Ir"8. Fred Gra- ham. Mr. aud Mrs. Walker of Kiraberley Kimberley Budget In' ended f ir ast week The annual .scrub hunt and fowl sup- pn- of the local nimrods took place on Monday last, the Captains being Win. Hammond and Stanley Reid. Th* form- er's side won by a good margin of points. The following are the members of both sides : W m. Hammond s Jasper Stuart, R-)ht. Stuart, S<ul Fawcett, Ashley Me- Callum, Leiih Lawrence, Stanley Lawr- ence,Alfred Hill, David Weber. Stanley Keid's Ashley Fawcett, Wellington Faw- cetr, Joseph Bradbury, Allan Ferguson, Ian Carruthers, Jas. R. Fawcelt, Robt. Lawrence, John Wickeus. The fowl supper was held at the ''Trav- elers' Home," where Mine Host Fawcett hail a table set chat would tickle the pal- ate of a King. No points were allowed for any of the protected animals or birds- One j>otnl thing resulting from the hunt was the extermination of a large number of the English sparrows. Mr. June.-, of Hanover.visited at John Plwes' a few days recently. Mr. ) i-. R. Fawcett made a business trip to Thornbury one day last week. MLss Elsie Ferris, who is attending the Meford High School, visited at her parental home rtcently. Mr. and Mrs. Edward i ;.!. of Toron- to, are visiting with the laser's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Plewes. Rev. Mr. Jones, of Eugenia, in the absxioc-e of Kev. Mr. Dudgeon, preached to the Sunday School children in the Methodist church on Sunday afternoon IMK. Mr. Ed. Plcasanve, of Collingwood, accompanied by Mi.ss Elsie Plewes, visit- ed friends in our burg recently. Miss Olive Bradlwry, of Thornbury, is visiting at present with her aunt, Mrs. Jn.s. \\alker. At the baby contest at Rocklyu Fir, Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Stuart's little daughter, Ruth, tok tiist prize for the heft looking baby in the contest. Mr. 0. Leslie, our public scbool prin- iL attended the Teachers' Convent! >n at Fleherton on Thursday ami Friday ast, and visited friends in <>uelph over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. AlUn Watkinxarc visit- njt friends at Portlaw. Mr. Ashley McCalluui, -i Duncan, vis- ted with his aunt, Mi- Jan. M. Faw- cett, recently. and WI-H. I'nailhiiiy of Thorubury were the guests of XJiss IVecroft. Mr. Krunk LeGard of Glcuside, Bask., is a welcome visitor among his many Engeuia friends. Uev. Kerr ot Fleslwrtoii visited here the past week . There is some Ananias busy at Eugenia circulating false reports* of sickness ami ot,hr trouble. We hope they don't meet the fate of Sapphira. Miss Sayeis of Kevorslmin is the guest of M rs. Fred W ickeus. Mrs. J. J. Thompson aiul Mrs. Ikowu were the guests of Mrs. Wood burn recently. We are uroud that one of our Eugeuia babies gained tlie 1st priv.e at the Markdale baby contest, little John K. Jamiosou, son of .Mr. aud Mrs. Fred Jamiesou . lie was nine months ulcl. Eugeuia is famed for good looks where e'er they go. Notice to Farmers Kindly take notice thn. it has been arranged fur the delivery i<f oats and potatoes tlonuluil by llu- tanner* of the County of <>tcy In ,rtic British (i'vcrn- ment, to be Hindi; mi the ' t \\\ and iilst (hyi of October. ''mi will In- placed at all stations ill or ftjJHcent to lh County of (iiey so tha unch diuiAtor eiin deliver his donation rii;ht into the car at his nearest station. Uii^rin be delivered into the cars loose but potaloos must b_> deliveied in ^ood otroiij; bagsnr sacks securely sewed. Kvry person that wishei to di< so can make his |>ati'iotic orl'oring on either on of the above dates whether lie has be-;n canvassed or nut. Li-t the doivitinn from the County o> Oi-eybc K< tud one. William Bruiwe, Chairman, iieor^e S-cu-l:iry, .loint Committee. 0,OD SAVE THK KIXQ This Week's Items Mr. Uadgerow, witli u braud uew sepatator, is busy fiuisliing tbe tluesli- iug in this vicinity . Mr. aud Mrs. F. Gott of Epping visited friends here recently. Ilev. Mat-shall occupied tlie palpi t the Methodist chinch ou Suuday eveuing last aud preached an excell- ent sermon. Mr. B. Lawrt-uce and Leith Law- reuce visited at Mr. G. HutcLiusoii's one day last week. Mrs. Andrew Shields of Detroit, Mich., accompanied by Mrs. S. Thompson, of Eugeuia, visited with their sister, Mrs. Geo. Lawrence of Silver l>rook farm. Miss Violet McLean speut a pleas - aut visit with Flesherton t'rieud* last week. Miss Peati Fawcett of Duncan is visiting with her parents, Mr. aud Mrs. J . M. JH'awcetc. Mr. Ashley "McCalluui of Duucan was a caller iu out burg recently. Mr. Jus. Armstrong of Hugeuia visited at Wm. Clark's ou Monday, Master Haddeu llutchinson visited Markdale aud Harkaway friends the past week. \Ve are pleased to see the gcuia! face of Squire Stuart in our bin g onca more, he having spent a pleasant visit with Fleshertou friends. Quite a number from this vicinity attended the Markdale fair on \Vei- uesday last. Mr. iladdeu Hutchiu - son, who showed a tine string of poultry at the above show, got two line pair of fowl swiped- Iladdeu is vowing vengeance wretch. ou the miserablu Great sorrow came to the home uf \V. T. Mills, Lisle, on Tuesday. Mrs. Mills ii nl In 1-11 washing mil went^ cut to th line to hang the clothes, leaving her little girl of a year old enjoying her bottle on the floor. While the mother w-w out thi child made its way to the tub nud fell in hivul rirst, in which position the nvithei wa shockel to find it (ltfd when she CHine in. Feversham Items Miss Mae \\hiteoak is visiting htr larents here at present. Mr. John Coulthard has gone to M.mi- uulin Island to spend the winter with is daughter, Mrs. J. Wismer. Mr. Will Knitting is moving to his arm ou the 12th line this week. Mrs. John Buckingham is moving nto the house vacated by Mr. Kaittiiif,'. Mrs. Mulhiii and dau^h'er, Mrs. Van- Winkle have returnsd to Toronto after pending u month with friends on (he 2th line. Mr. aud Mrs. Facknie of Maple Valley pent -Sunday at Mr. Geo. Whituuak s. Mrs. Jas. Conn and daughter, Beatrice ire visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Adaii, on the 10th line. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kernahan spent iunday with their daughter, Mrs. Jas. leggart, Collingwood township. Born On Friday, (Jet. 17, to Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Hammel, a daughter. Mrs. Win. McKenzie and daughter, Mrs. J.is. Moore, spent Sunday with r rienda in i Mr. Richard Heron >peut a couple of weeks recently with friends in Feverslum. Mr. Chris. Thomp8ou of the 10th line il the misfortune to slip and fall on" a stick of Timber he was chopping in the woods a short time t^o, breaking the Dimes of his leg in three places near the ankle, be is in the hospital in r 11m wood and is doing as wtll as could be expected. Ceylon Miss Lena Legate of Hanover visited with her mother here la>l week. Mr. Andy Kennedy motored to Paisley ast week. Policeman Bone of * )wen Sound was n town on Thui-il iy evening last on Mi. S. Hemphill and son, 1'ercy, t- k t trip to Kimberley on Monday. Mr. J. W. Cushnie returned to the city Saturday alter spending the put week here. Threshing is the order of the d;iy here, ind I he farmers are certainly having rine vhiT fni their work. We an- pleased to see Mrs. L). I). Me- Laiichlau and J . J. 1'actison able to be ut (gain if or their recent illness. Mr. Thomas Gilchrist is erecting a new lilacksmith shop which will add an iiiprovement to the village. Kev. Dinwoodie, Flesherton, took the set-vice here on Sabbath afternoon aud nave a very instructive .uldrcss. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Piper, on their arrival hme uu Krul.iy evening, weie en a lecepli-in t the residence of Mr. tud Mrs. H. Piper. Duiing the evening the > 'mi couple was presented with a parlor and dining room table and a rug. After spending a pleasant evening all re- paired to their respective homes. Mis. .McKnighi Ins returned to her lionu- at Allistou after spending n month with her brothers here, Messrs. A. and D. \Vhittaker. H. Cook was in Durham- the lirst of the week. Mrs. John Chislett passed a-*y on Suml.iy even iig at her home here, after several months' illness, at the age of 5!( years. About two months am incoming down stairs she missed her footing tailing to bottom and severely cutting her face, and was otherwise badly shaken up, from which time she has been o,n lined to her bed. Tlie funvriil took place to Kl.-r.licr- ton cemetery, service being conducted by Uev. Mr. Kerr. She le.ives besides her husband, one daughter. Kttie at homo, and three sons, Sam and Alfred in imiip-i; and Chailes t Durham, to mourn her loss. Much sympathy U ex- tended to the bereaved ones. East Mountain We are pleased to report that wo have the Rural Mail here now. \l-.lli..-l Allen an I Miss Jennie Moon attended tha teacher's convention at Kleshorton last woek. Mrs. Oeo. H:;ibo'tle held a bee Ust week. Mr. Stuart of Kimbcrloy was a caller in this jurt lately. Miss Annie Allen of Fioslicrton spout the week end at her home here. Mrs. .1 urn-it Harboltle and Mr. Thos. Harbottle ate visiting fiieuds in Keady at prei'!it. Toronto Line North Intended for last week Thru.sliir.g, apple-picking .iiid poUto- ligging are the order of the day in this icini'y. The children, i- well as the ipiirrelp, are stm-iua awy tht-ir winter's mpply of beech-nuts, which are an abun- lintcrop this yeir. Mr. Roderick Be!l of Toronto viaited iver the holiday at his uncle'.--, Mr. Rod. ilcKenzie. Rody is a volunteer and ex- >3cti to be called to war soon. A number from this part attended the [Weber s Convention Concert, in A.R. i. S in town on Thursday evening last, and report an excellent concert. Miss Klva LUM.T of Duncan spent the >a*t week at her parental home here. Mr. Geo. Cnnnel of Toronto is visiting <it Mr. U .b'. Swauton's. Mr. Fred JKthewsou has returned Mine after a few days' vmt with friends .n Toronto. While away he attended NewtnarkiH fair. We are s->rry to report tint Mr J. I. ever lad the inibfortune to lose throe year- colt. The annual inrt its fate by falling on a pole wh.ch penetrated its shoulder, causing instant deirh. A number from this line attended the funeral of Mr. Richard Smith on Sunday. \Ve extend our deepest sympathy to the friends in their sad bereavement. Mr. Herb. Smith of Markdnle spent the holiday with friends in this commun- ity- Reeve McKenzie of Portl*w made a businei trip to this part on Saturday. Heathcote The English church held their annual fowl supper in the town hall on Thursday evening, and the same was a decided success. Miss Gertie F*wcett, who has been visiting with lu-r sister in Alliston, re- turned to her home this week. Miss Hazel Bnvair is visiting with her friend, M'n K. Dle, of Redwing. A number of the people of this locality spent a very enjoyable evening at Mr. N. C. Hewson'son Friday evening, ere their departure to their home in Thorn- jury, presenting Mr. and Mrs. Hewson with two easy chairs and Miss Gertie Hewsnii with a purse of gold. We are pleased to see Mis. William ireen out again. Miss Dell Abeicrombie of Kimberley visited the latter part of the week with ler friends, Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Hewson. DR. BURT 5pecUlit In diiiMt* of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office-ISO 10th st. West, Owen Sound At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a m ; Duiuhlk.lst \Vednesdayof each month . Fleshcrton Planing 'And Chopping Mills 1 am no prepared to do chopping every day in the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Bring alonu your grists. Our (Ma and door factory is always at your disposal for anything you want in { our line planing, matching, etc. Floor iii'j. sash and doors, and all house fur- nishings supplied promptly and at leas- onable rates. < let rsnnmteo. Blakely and Henry Proprietors. Febl.' U ly Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. Ak * Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT Artemesia Council Arteaiesia c'-mncil met October ."> with ill the members [jrefeiit. the Reeve in he cliitir. Minutes DI Ins! meeting were ead and api>roved. Uuinmumcatious were read as fullows : Messrs. AUciirn and Blown, repi'il nf work on base liiu- lols LSI and I8L', :i S. \V. : S. .J . Hmnder, re lot 13, I'm ii.nn st. S., 1'rioe- ville. Bylitw* "!*", in i^talili^h n ileviji- 'ii on tuwuluu- A. :nul i >.. in the 10th con., and 7Sli, ijui.i'ui ut ; A. V. I'edlur ;i* siinitiiry inspector. wer introduced mil passed. (irnhaiii Ounenm That bylaw tn levy tales fur 1!I14, be noiv renil a third time, signed, sealed ami enlcred in the bylaw Hook Carried. Aldcorii--Grlum That the ui'iinly treasurer is hereby insliucteii t > with- draw from tax snlo lot 13, south side of Duibitu street in the villago of Prict- Tille--Carrieil. Ciimeriui Aldcorn That '.he follow- ing claims for sheep killed by dog.s I.e p.iid : Is>c Smith S4.riii, Ceo. Hutclnn- 8on?7.3'.', Tlu*. Atkin.v.n ?-:!.:'.'_' Cav'd. Bii>wn Aldoorn- Thut the account of George I'ritchard fur repiirin grader :iud crusher, S-', be i>.id Carried. Griihiim Canii-roii - That gittvel accts. be paid is follows : S Pedlar S7.20. J. J. Carson S4.30. mid .1. J. Carson S7.W Carried. Graham Cameron That the report of Messrs. Aldcorn mid Brown on special work on btuse lino be received mid the Kccount of expendiiuie be puid, J28.75, vi/..: V. Mathesoii ^14. .'iC. K. McKen/.;e $7, Joseph Trelford 45c, nnd comiiiis- sioneis' services *10 Carried. Council adjuuined. l!y tbe explosion of a nuiintitj of ^uii powder Thomas Shicrs and Hoy two boys ab.mi sevcnteeo years of of (.Iwen Sound. weic injured, the former slightly, and"the latter so bdly that lie hivd to Vie taki-n to the Genernl Hospital. I! the War Continues, Flour Will go up. I have ;i larye .supply of Five Kose Hour. Mc-(5<t\v- iins Eclipse flour, McGowans Paltry Hour at reasonable prices, also lots of Brai>, Shorts ani Feed flour. Lots of sugar ami fresh groceries At the Flesherton Grocery, W. BUSKIN HOT WEATHER SHOES M As I have some lines of summer shoes to clear out at reduced prices. Women 'a Patent purapl and I'.iti'iit and dun metl -I'l.luni.-il with buckle mi. VVomen's DougoU Oxfords with .1 and t .-yi-leK. -i/.i-s :!. 4 A i. Clearing at $1.00. A lot of children 'a l'w shoes and puiii|i,!-c!(.Mi-iiig at s<i cts. a pair. If in need i t i u'-^'d trunk .u suit i-ase.we h.n- i,ioe -ttsm-t i'ii hand . Thos Clayton, You'll Want to Look Right SOMK of these evenings you'll want to look ' just right," and you know as well as \vc do. that there's nothing like a well-tailored blue or black serge suit. They're right at night. The proper caper always ! Let us take your measure for a Hol,lx-rlin-nia<le. all wool serge. The kind that won't fade, or gi't nistv. To-day is the rlay ro order. $20.00. . S.J. BOWLER Sole AgenVfor the Hohberlin Tailoring.

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