Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 Oct 1914, p. 4

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October '2'2 1014 THE F L E S H E K I N ADVANCE /Icsljerton, S An in l.-|.rii<l'-iit iu'w*|ia|>er, ptiblUhed every 'arady t th** office, Collingwowl Street, ' Subscription price 41 l*'r annum ' paid in advance :$!'>' vvtu-ii not so paid Jvertuinir rate* on application. Circulation 1,100 weekly r H. i ii.M -.I...,. icattor Baptist Church R. C. Krr. Pastor. Phone :tt R. 2 Sunday School 10 a . m. Service t 1 1 i in. I'.ihle study on Thursday itt the home f Mrs. FattiKun, Ceylon. ' miii-n. ; SuiuUy < et. 2H, set \ ice will be held r Hook Mill.* at 1 instead 7.:JO p. m. Flcsherton Methodist Church Rev. James Dudgeon, pastor. Sunday Oct. 11, l14. Ill H. ra. and 7 \>. m. Uev H. K. \V. Kemp, <>f lleathcote, will preach. Sunday, 10 a. in. KcIIowship Service. Monday evening Epworlh League :it 3 p. in. Mark Kverette Wright choir lesder and )rgHnisi. Village of Fleaherton h respective amounts that the aggre- ia < amountjpiyable each year for prin- cipal iu.1 interest in respect of the said dcht shall ba as nearly us possible ecjual to the amount payable in each of the other Twenty-nine yeats of the siiid period. And whereas the total amount required to )>e i u-ii-tl annually by bpecial rate for payuiK the said debt nd interest as here- inafter provided is $t'>~.7H. And whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the said Municipal Corporation of the Village of Flettherton according to the last revised assessment roll thereof, is $l--".'.'.<"7. And whereas the amount of the exist- ing debenture debt of the said Municipa Corporation of the Village of Flesherton, exclusive of local improvement debts, is 9:1139.51, and no part of the principal or interest is in arrears; Therefore the Council of the Corpora tion of the Village of Flesherton enacts is follows: 1. That for the purpose aforesaid il shall Icj 1, * tul for tne Reeve and Tress urer f the said Municipal Corporation o tlie Village of Fleshertoii to borrow tli. sum ot 85,500.1X1 and to issue debentures of the said CoriMiration to the amount > $5,500.00, each of which debentures shal be dated on the date of the issue thereof and shall be payable within thirty yean thereafter at the ottice of the Treasurer of the said Corporation. 2. The said debentures shall l>e pay able in thirty annual instalments limni, the thirty years next after the issu thereof, and the total amounts ot prir. i-t|> il and intete.st payable during e.ich o the said years shall be a fc 1 ows: BY-LAW To Uke the M.teof tl Village of Klesherd Nt. _ e ratepayers of the n entitled to vote n money by-laws mi a .p:. -n.-n to lie submitted whether the nitejayeis are in favor i >f a supply of electric power from the Hydro- Klect lie l'..er Coin- mission of i >nt.iiio. Whereas, the Mumciiutl Couiu-il of the Corporal inn nf tin- VilN^e of Klrxhcrton leem* it iidvisalih- to .submit to the rate|>ayers of the Village nf Kiesheiton ii'itl'-d to vote on niiiuey I'ylnws a (ueittion a^ to whether the > ml ratepay- ers HIV in favnr ..f ,i supply nf ulfetric jxiwer from the Hydro- Klectlic I'ower Oouniiwion of Ontario, ^Therefore the Cmincil of the Cnrjioiu- t inn of the Villa','!- ..f Fle.s|ici(, ni enacts as follows : 1. That tin. following .|iie i -tion l>e submitted to the r;ite|>,-i\eis of the Mu- nicipal Coi pni at i..ii ..f the Village nf Flesherton entitled to \,.te ,,n mnncv livl t : An- you in favor of obtaining from the Hydro 'Electric !',. r I '..mini ion of Ontario a supply of electric power '. 2. That the \.iietnf tlies.-iid ratepay- ers sli.-ill In- t.iki'ii .ill this i|iicstion at u following time und yliice by tin- fid- lowing deputy retnriiini; ntlieer anil poll ;lcrk hereinafter nn-nt imied, tli.it is t.. s.iy At the t.iwn hall. Kli'sliertmi, on Uet.ibel ^.fh. I'.IH. the pnll to npcll at k a.m. and il..~e .it ~> mlnck p.m. ttic,-i. it .iVl.i \\. II. Thurston. K.-timiin aii.lT. ISiilmet slullU- I 'oil Cl .'!. A true copy ..f tins Ihlaw shall IK- puKlislieil in the fi'llowillg III-US|I,I|M-I- mi the dayH hereinuftei mentionod, that is '., .(V . In 'lie Kli'shci ton Advance on TlinisiUv. Mi-tolii-i M. Tli u INI lay, ((et((ln-|- I/. Hid TIllllsiLu. l),-t..lM-| *>. .ili.l ;i Year 1 in 11 12 13 It 16 Iti 17 1 IB 20 L'l >> 23 24 2:. '.'fi 27 2 29 lit I Inten st JJ75 OX) ^70 8C 265 W 201 !Hi 257 17 252 i:t J i- 8<i 241 :0 .'3T. 4-s 229 :t5 222 :'. -'17 2H 20i 12 201 67 I'M K 18.". 68 177 Ort 168 04 158 45 14 50 138 i:; 127 15 115 i;:; net 52 ;HJ 7'.i 77 45 ( 4:i 48 72 : 26 17 04 Principal 9 82 78 86 !2 100 61 105 65 110 !>2 116 4H 122 .'10 128 4;t IW 85 14H 5S 148 6ti irxi u 161! !K> 172 10 180 70 18 24 L'l'.l li") 230 6.'t 242 15 254 26 IMJ6 !! 2*1 :t:! 2!4 115 :!24 I540 52 74 \I1IO! .1 I'/tymeii $;!57 7(* :?57 :?.-.7 ;c>7 7 :!57 7 :f.i7 78 357 7H :(57 7H :!07 7H :tr7 7 ili7 7i :!07 78 .".;>7 7 :tr.7 7 :t57 7* TH 78 7S 78 :ir7 78 :t:>7 78 :!.-i7 78 :157 78 :!57 78 :to7 78 :!57 78 X>~ 78 :ir.7 78 Public Notice :157 -hall lie posti-d :it tlo- - sltllV. ill till! i-opv ..i i in- r.\i l',M (III,. . , K." II. \V. Illekllllg And W. I,. Wiiglit's .store, all Village i if Kli'sherloii. 4. DM tin- -'L'lxl <l i\ .-t < li-tobiM- .-it tlie < 'lelV.- "Itll-i- 111 'III- Vlll:ii>i' ..(' Kleslli-rtoll . ]il.,i-l,,ik a.m. tin- |{ee\e uill in writing Hiyned l>y linn a|ip.iint tun |H-I- hinx to attend at tin- tinal >uii.iniii^ up .if (lie \..N-^ liy the ( '|i-rk ..f tlll> < 'in-po- i.iti.iii ill' I i lie |i.-r>..ll t.i illeinl i-arb pulling place on beh.ilf "f the pi'i-ini> int. n-ti-il in .ind desinius i.f the answer- ing ..I tin- -:inl .|ll. -!|..n III the iitlirtiiativit ind fc like number on behalf of tin- per- <on,s int.-i .-!.-.! in .in.l ili--iiiiii- nf the ii-wn in^ ..! the said i|iiestioii in the ii -_Mtm i. -,|H-I -lively. ,'i. The .'tilth day of < Mnber al the Slid Clerks ..Ilii'e. Kl.-sherti.il, Itt 1(1 o'clock forenoon i> hepOiy Appointed fm- i lie -iiiiiiniim up by the Clerk uf this <.'ol|ioiati.in .it the Mill's yiveii ill t he illnniat.M- and in tin- iiegiitivu respi-i - lively. Mail", IBISN.-I! and . nai-ttd this .'tnl day *.f i-ctoitvi-. r.ni. I). McTAVISII, Ke,M \V. II. TIIIKSToN, ci.-ik. Take notice that the ul>ove is .. tine copy uf a Itylaw pa^.-eil liy the Mnniei|ial Council of tno Viltngo "f Kleshertuii mi the third day ..f DeloU-r, A.D. I!tl4. And further take notice that at the I. '.ni day ni'1 place therein lived fm til.. jug the viiti-s of the i-lcel ors the pulls Hill beheld. First published tin- Mth day'of < < -tidier, A l>. l!Ml \V. Il.THI K>T. iN, Villa-'- 1 lerk. Kleshert..|i, (MoU-i ."., 1!H4. '. Each of the said debentures slmll he .signed by the I: i.f I he said Muni- cipal Corporation (if the Village of Flesh- erton, or by some other (terson Authoriz- ed liy lijiUw to sign same and by tho Trensurer thereof, ind the Clerk nhall -' J the Kanie with the commrtn r il of | the said Corporation. 4. The said debentures shall hem- in- terest nt jlu- rule of five iwr cent, per annum, | ny*bli' yearly at the ottice of the snid Treasurer and shall have attnched thereto coiiiniis for the payment of sunn', i which coupons shall be signed by the Keevu and Trensurer of lb" said Muni- cijinl Corpoiation of the Village of Flesh- urton. tin- eurteney of the said debentures, there slmll be i n .-.I mini. il- ly by spucnil rale nil nil the rateable |-io|iei-ty in the said Vill,ige of Klesher- tnii the sum of 8:!.">T.7M for the purpose of | n in-' the amount due in each of the M:I| yeiiii for |.i i .i i|> i! and interest in respect to the anid debt. It. This Itylnw lull take effect and come into optralion from nnd after the final passing thereof. 7. Th" voles of the ratepayers of tho ".lid Village of Flesherton shall be taken mi Ibis <|ueitiiui on the 'J'.lth day of Ordiber A. 1). I'.ll-l, coinmeiiciiiii it the hour ol Ml a. in , and conliiiuing until ~> p.m. at the following places, and by the Deputy Returning Dflicer and Poll Clerk hereinafter iiienlioned, that is to say: At the Town Hull in the Village of Flesheitoii.iind W. II. Thins!.. n shall lie. Returning (Ulioer and T Iliiluior shall be Poll Clurk. H. On Ihe2ilnil day of October, A 1). 1!H4. the Iteeve will Htit-ud to uppoin' in uiiiin-j, iian*d by him, two persons to attend at the tinnl summing tip of the votes by the Clerk of this Corporation and one person t attend each polliOB plice mi behalf of the pcrs.iii* intere>lecl in and desiioiH of promoting the piissing of thiN hylHH, and a like number on he- luilf of i he persons inlcrrstcd in and de 'irons i.f opposing the passing of this Itylaw. The Clerk's Oltice at lh said Village nl I' I. -li.-i i i-ii, it 10 o'clock, forenoon, on I lie :i(>tli day of October A.U. I'M I. is herel>y np|ioint<>d for the suiiuniug up by the Clerk of thin Coiporntion of ihe nuni- Jlosing of certain highways in the Village of Kugenia and Township of Artetuesia, being the road allow- ance between bts 5 and 80, be- twceii the 10th and 11 tli conces- sions, and lots 30 and 81 iu the 10th and llth and part of the 12th concessions, all that part of East Street in tlie Town Plot of Eugenia in the said Township and all that part of Kiuburu Street in the said Town Plot, and also part of Cod- rin|<ton Street, and also Pellisier and Simpson Streets and part of road allowance between the 12th and 18th concessions of the said Township,' Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Corporation uf the Town- ship of Arlemeaia in the County of Hrey proposes, on the !>ih dy of November, 1!>14. or as soon rhertafter as it my deem advisable, to pass it hy- htw to close certain public highways. Parcel 1 AH that |>.irt of the r ad allowance between the 10th ;ind llth Concessions of tho Township of Arte- inesia from ^he easterly limit of Inker- man St. to the westerly limit of the road allowance between lots 35 and ;$<i in the smile concessions, containing by ad- measurement 17 acres be the s*ine more or less. Parcel 2 All that part of the road allowance between lots SO and 31 in the 10th, llth and part of the l?th conces- sions of the Township "f Artemesia from the southerly limit of l.U W and 111 in the 10th Concession to a point 11 chains north of the southerly limit of lots:*) and 31 iu the 12> h Concession, con'nining by aduiea<urenient II - acres b the same more or le*s. Parcel It -All that put of Rv?t Street in the Townplol of Kugeniti in the 'township of ArtemesU extending from the n"ith- erly limit of the 10th concession to 2 chains southerly of the southerly limit of the said Kith concession, containing by admeasurement ">.'J scree lie the same more or less. Parcel 4 All that purt of Kinburn St. in the Townplot of Eugenia in the Town- ship of Artemesia extending from the Moiitherly limit of CodrinntonS St. to the southerly limit of Simpson St., contain- ing i>y admeasurement 1.1 acres be the lame more or I.---. Parcel r> All that part of Codrington St. extending from the easterly limit of i ' ir.ii-/ o. St. lo the westerly limit of Kast St., (containing by admeasurement 2.1 acres he the same more or less. Parcel ti All that part of Pellisier Sr. extending from the exs'erly limit of lot S In tho westerly limit of Kant St., con- taining by admeasurement 1.7 acres be the -mi- more or less. Parcel 7 All that part of Simpson St. extending from the easterly limit of U>t 8 to the westerly limit of K-it St., con- taining by admeasurement 1.7 acres be the same more or les^. Parcel S All that part of the road allowance between 'he IJth and !:' ' Concessions of the Township of Art - me-.i.i from the westerly limir of Lot 'Jti to a point 7 chains lvst of the Wester !y limit of Lot 'Ji>, and Containing by ad- iiii'.isiireinent 7 arre, be the same more or less. The proposed Hylaw and plan showing the land I > he alt'eeted may lie seen at my olliee in tho Villaae of Flesheiton, in th<? said County of (irey. The Council will hear in person, or l.y bin coui sel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his land will be pre- judicially affected by the said Hylaw, and who applies in lie heard. \V. .1. IIF.U.AMY. Clerk of the Township of Arteinotia. Clerk's Oltice in the Village i>f Flesher- ton, (Moliei Tub. 1!HI. Village of Flesherton Bylaw No. .'Ml To authorize the bin n>wini< of $r> t fK)0.<lO (jy die issue and nnle of doU'lituies, to jn-ovide for the oust of H .plant to ills tribute electric power to bo supplied by the Hydro- Klrctiio Powei Commissimi of < Intario. Pwsed I" 14 >Vherea it is necessary to mine liy way of loan nn the credit of the Mur.i- .inal Corporation of the Village of VlMhertou the sum of 5,W)0.00, to pro- Tide for tlie coi 'f works, plant, ina- clnnery and appliances iieceHRary for 'he <liktribution of uhiclric power in the siid Municipal C..rporaiinii of the Villaye of |.'l,-liirton, I.' h supplied by the Hydro- Hh'ctric I'ower Coiniiiifsion ol Ontario. And whereat! the sum nf $0,500.00 ii the debt intended to In- created l>y this Bylaw. And whereas it is desirable lo issue the s,u'il dehiiiitnrcsiii one tinie.iind to make the principal of the f>id debt .p-iynMo ,,, venrly SUIIIH dnrii'K the period of bi'ini; tho currency of said hw of v.-li-s i[iven for Ityluw. and this Reeve. C'leik. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Overcoats For Chilly Days These cold raw days emplwsixe the need of a good, cosy, comfortable Overcoat. You'll find garments to suit every individual need in our New Fall Stock at very reasonable prices. Chinchilla Coats with Shawl Collar and Belt. Frieze Coats with Deep Collar and Belt. Coats with Convertable Collars. Single and Double Breasted Coats. Black and Grey Melton Coats with Velvet Collars. Prices from $7.50 to $!;">. 00. Men's sixes from J{*$ to 44. FURS ! FURS ! ! FURS ! ! ! Men's Fur coats, Ladies' Fur-Lined Coats, Ladies' Caperines, Ladies' Stoles and Mufts. Men's Fur Caps, Children's fur Setts. All Reasonably Priced. Our Underwear Stock for Ladies', Misses', Boys', Youths', and Men is complete in all sizes, prices, and qualities. New English Linoleums, 4 yds wide, some New Patterns received this week. Prices from ;">0c . to 60c. per square yard. Anything you need in Stylish Millinery, our Millinery Department can supply you. Agency for Butterick's Publications Butteiick Patterns Butterick Fashions, 25c. per copy on sale The Delineator, lac. per copy on sale. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office and Residence- 468 Htli St. East Owen Sound, Out. Hours 9 to 12a.m., 1.30 tu 4.30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Other hour-* by appointment. Business School That ucc>;9>.ful school whose occupy prominent po- fruiu tho AtUut.c to the I'.-tcitic, re-upen* for tin? FALL TKUM September 1st, 1!14 Senil for free catalog nt once to COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE p. T. E. Hawkins. - Principal Collui.'wo (1. ' >ntrii>. SLn FOR A 3 DAYS' FREE TRIAL Of the 1900 Apply to Gravity Washer S. Hemphill, Agent thirty years debentures, bimlH NOTIUK T.-ikf unties that the above ic it trui- copy : - proponed HylikW which hiis I..-, n liikrn into bonSldvnUOfl nnd which will In' linnlly pHsscd by (ho Council of the Mtiniripiility (in the cviitit of tlu> nsscnt of the rnti'piiyur.4 l>eiii!< obtained thereto), mid afier one month from tho lirct pu\>- liuittioii in "Thr Klcsheiton Adviinct'," the ditto 'f which first puhllriitimi was October 8th. A. I). I'.U4, and Mini tho voles of 'hit i ii.-|i i\. i ol the n.l Muni- cipnlity will he tnki'ii thon'on on Ihf dny and nt the II..IM . and plnce therein tixnl, inn! further tlmt the imrr.t's uf li'u.sc-hol.l- ITS nt'^lectinn t" tili> a deolCTAtinn pnr- luttnl to .Sitclion :t,")4, Suli-oetion I, uf the Consolidiitod Municip:il Act, I'.Ki::, ns amended by !' K.lwm.l Si'M-nth, Cli.ipti-i- 7I{, Si'oiion 10, shall not 1m (iluced on I ho vntiW list for mirh voting. \V. H.TliritsTi'N, Clerk, Dated nt Floalieilon, this 7'h dny uf October, AD. 1!14, The Companion in Canada ( >ne of our Canuilian Kiibn-fibeis writi^ us: "No other pupur or nm^nxine cominy to our linu.it' is so hii'hly prixod TI.e Youth'* Companion. Ii is urouMinod l>y very tniMiibr of the family nnU <mr t;i-s run from seven to i-ii-ht y-seven." Soini' of I'un.-idii's l>t>>t-kni>wii wriiors of lictii'ti are contributors to The Cum- punioii, I., !.!.- in u.\ of tho i: ..-.! prnni- n, Hi ii,'in .- in puli'ii-s mi I literauiro iu the old country. The whole world U sc-ouicd for the btst tint is U> lie soiii on iiny subject of iienernl interest. Tlie Boy*' Own Ptge, the (!irU' Own l'.i<;i. the Kiimily P.iBe tn'.viiu of faim IIIL;, H^rdcniiiii, dornMtio economy, took- t-ry, llif e of li ol, etc, tie th-ctor'a weekly health tiilk-tlie.se nud a score t f i.lhei feuturett n..-ike The Oo;i:pnion si- most iiulispiM>Hitl)le when it Imsonee found its w.iy into a home. If you do not ki'nw Tlu- Companion, let us send you one cr two current, issues wi.h the F;>reriit for 11M5. Kvery i t<w ('.unu'iiin dulisciilier for I'.U.'i who send J'2 '.'."> for the fifty-two weekly is-iiies ol l!ll."> will receive free nil the issues of (he paper fur the renmiiiiiiK woeks of l'.14 also The 'i.iii|iinion Home C for I'.tlf. TIIK YOl TI1S COM PAN' ION, 144 Heikeley Street, H'lstun, M.-iss. New Sub(.eri|i!ii.Ms Heeeived at thi.t Otlice Tamworths for Sale Hotli t>x neatly roiily lor bnaAliiR. right lor quick j,^ _ w U()f . SM . Iwoll I'rtcei P U CHHAP FARM FOR SALE -_'4d)i twenty-four hundred diillm.s - will buy thf west half of l"t No. - :ind l)*rt of the North west ijuaiter of No. 1, ill on the 4'h COM. of Kuphrusia, to lie ninety acres cleared, the balance 4001! hardwood bush maple, beech and elm. 'Ihere is on the property a frame h-'iise and kiti-hen, a frame barn, straw oj^e with utone fuuiidution under it, als .' wood shed, driving -h" 1, pii; pen ind hen house. There ie ulso twoor- cli-n-ds on the f;irm i- rowing dirt'ercrt kinds i.f fruit apples, pears, plums, cheriiea and urapes. This farm is well fenced with wire and patent fencing. Is fren from frost. It is also well watered with water in nearly every tield. There is a never-failing Rpriiii; within 4I yard" f the lii-use This farm is within one mile of the thriving village of Kimlieilcy. Kor further particulus apply to- .1 AMKS STVAK1. Kimberley P. < '. ISept For :- Washing machines,folding bath tubs,windmills,pumps, pipings water tank s,Beatty water bowls, steel stalks and stanchons Jitter Car= riers, hay carriers, slings, forks and tracking, McCormick Binders, mow- ers, rake loaders, tedders, drills, cul* tivators, harrows, Chatham wagons, Mount Forest buggies, and Frost wire. Satisfaction Guaranteed. H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasotvable Goods, first class Workmanship. ALSO A line of Ready-Made Clothing Which we put alterations in free of if required. Isep FRESH STOCK! We art- placing a large shipment of tliuir and feed thin week, aUo old and new oats in stock. Fre.th utoceiies, fresh barrel of vinegar at old pi ice. \\'e are auents for the famous (Jerrurd ll.-iiit -in ni piano. Call and see our sample. We waiit a nod horse part payment on piano. Good second hand in stock. S. R. Henderson FLOUR and FEED Sheep listra) The Right Suit .... .... For the Right Season Your next suit will boa fall or winter suit, and if you want anything in A Tailored or Semi-Ready Suit, it will be to yonr advantage to leave your order with. C. BLAKELEY Sole Agent for the Semi-Ready Clothing Standard Bank Block, Fksbcrton : * ^ . - '< Steer Estray to the premises <f the undersign- Strayed from my premises, lot 28, con. od about the middle of June one _' ye u U.Artomesia.ahi-ut the middle of August, i old 8teer - Tlie owlllir >' requested to one ewe and Inmh, ewe has tar cross on P roVl> propeily, pay expenses and take right shoulder. Information thankfully the stuueftway. received. George Gourley, Eugenm P.O. _D. UOV.KUTS, Ludy i$,tnk , Farm For Sale Lot 17 IH. fust range N. D. U., Os prey 100 acres, !M cleared, halhiiuu hard wood bush. (JoivA buildinus,brick housft, small orchard. Will terms. A bargain. up? Ed. Hillock, Prop., Proton station, be sold on easy Who will pick it R. R. No. 2. 1 Julyt;

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